CTYS - Annual Report

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annual report 2007 | 2008



Joint Message from the Executive Director and the Chair


In the fall of 2007 our agency proudly unveiled a new strategic plan designed to achieve and sustain our commitment to excellent, innovative and sustainable services to at risk youth throughout the city of Toronto. We forged new strategies and priorities for success: meaningfully engaging young people, bringing more rigour to the theoretical framework surrounding our work, revitalizing collaboration within our community, working transparently and encouragingly with our talented team of staff and volunteers. Over this past year, we are proud of our accomplishments: • Reaccreditation by Children’s Mental Health Ontario. • An award of excellence from the City of Toronto recognizing our programs for LGBT youth. • New sources of funding from Pen Equity and the Toronto Community Foundation. • Innovative research into the experience of transgender youth within our service systems. • New dynamic school based programming. • An organizational restructuring to strengthen support and mentoring for front line staff. • The creation of a new youth lead New Mentality group in Partnership with CMHO. In forging the new foundation for our future, we are mindful of our responsibility to respect and honour our past. As we celebrate our 35th anniversary of service to youth in Toronto we realize that the vision created by our founding Executive Director, Grant Lowery, our first Board of Directors and the Ministry of Community and Social Services is as full of life and relevance now as it was then. Above all, we commit to caring deeply about our young people and giving them our very best.

Margaret Leitenberger Chair of the Board Central Toronto Youth Services


Heather Sproule Executive Director Central Toronto Youth Services

| Our YoutH | A Message From

Stigma and discrimination attached to mental health creates many barriers in our lives and our community every day. The New Mentality started as a dream not just to break down these barriers but break through them. We started as a small group with hopes to make big changes through gaining acceptance and raising awareness about mental health in our community. CTYS has given us a safe and welcoming environment to grow our dreams, and the encouragement and support

CTYS | ANNUAL REPORT | 2007-2008 |

to gain confidence and realize our potential. We are able to see the changes in ourselves that we want to see in our society. With the continued support from every member of the CTYS community we can go forward in making our dreams a reality and truly “disable the label�. This is what happens when youth and adults work together side by side to make a change.


| OUR PROGRAMS | Community Counselling Programs provide support to youth and their families with complex needs; breaking down the barriers of traditional counselling settings. We help by bringing support to youth where it is needed most. Community Outreach Program, Group Programs, Pride & Prejudice and School Outreach.

New Outlook offers services to youth 16-24 with serious mental health issues. Clients are assisted every step of the way on their journey to recovery. The agency provides a safe and nurturing place where youth can seek help without fear of being stigmatized. The Community Support Program, Early Intervention,


Day Program, Youth Hostel Outreach Program, Community Support Intervention.

Youth Justice Programs offer a continuum of services for youth involved in various stages of the legal system. Relationship Skills for Violence Prevention, Early Release Support Program, Transitions Program, Probation Outreach Program.

Research and Development is well known within the social service sector for being at the cutting edge of conducting research on youth trends and controversial and challenging youth issues. Our goal has been to increase knowledge transfer in the youth service sector as a whole by sharing information with other stakeholders.

| CTYS BoaRD OF DIRECTORS | Ms.Margaret Leitenberger Chair Dr. Ned McKeown Secretary-Treasurer Mr. James LeNoury Past-Chair Mr. Peter Chaban


Ms. Mary Murphy Ms. Magda Zecevic Mr. David Fung Mr. Brian O’Connor Ms. Jocelyn Brodie

| Honourary MEMBERS | Ms. Barbara Hall Mr. Keith Norton


| CTYS FOUNDATION BoaRD OF DIRECTORS | Mr. Doug Kerr Chair Ms. Donna Inch Treasurer Mr. Jason Arbuckle Mr. Ian McNeill Ms. Mayvis Rebeira Ms. Monica Schnurpel Ms. Rae Deeton


Ms. Jennifer Grant CTYS | ANNUAL REPORT | 2007-2008 |


| Client Service in Fiscal 07/08 | CTYS is proud to have provided its unique service to the at-risk youth in our community through its core funded programs and additional special projects. In the core programs funded by Ministry of Children and Youth Services we served over 60 clients in Community Outreach, 105 clients in our Group Programs, over 175 in School-based programs and 30 clients under the age of 19 in the Pride & Prejudice Program. In total over 370 at-risk youth received counseling and support to provide them with the skills and conďŹ dence to recreate their lives.


clients, the Community Support & Intervention Program, 35 clients, the Community Support Program, 75 clients, Early Intervention, 30 clients and over 115 clients in the Youth Hostel Outreach Program. Overall over 275 clients beneďŹ ted from the services provided to this very special needs population. The Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care has also provided funding for service to the over 19s in the Gay, Lesbian and Trans community who are struggling with their sexuality. CTYS has been able to serve over 100 clients in this section of our Pride & Prejudice Program.

The Youth Justice Division of MCYS provided funding for service to 150 clients in the Probation Outreach Program, over 100 clients in Transitions Out of Custody, over 110 clients in the Early Release Support Program, 50 clients in Relationship Violence Protection groups and over 20 clients in the Enhanced Extrajudicial Sanctions program for a total of over 430 young people who received help at the early stages of their involvement in the criminal system when there was opportunity to change their direction.

CTYS is also pleased to have been able to enhance its core-funded programs with additional special projects such as New Mentality, a group of about 10 young people who were advocating for the elimination of the stigma attached to mental illness; Gender Play, over 15 youth in the Pride & Prejudice Program who developed their own live theatre production; Boy o Boy, a ZINE written by and for gay young men and a special event for Black History month celebrating the culture of our Afro-Canadian youth.

Our New Outlook Program, funded by the Ministry of Health and LongTerm Care provided service to young people suffering from serious mental illness. The Day Program served 23

In summary, the Fiscal year 2007/08 allowed CTYS the opportunity to touch the lives of over 1150 at-risk youth and offer them the opportunity for a brighter future.

| Program Outcomes for Youth Justice | • 89% of clients in the Youth Justice Outreach Program have learned how to manage their anger more responsibly. • 83% of clients in the Relationship Skills for Violence Prevention Program have begun to establish more positive and successful relationships. • All Youth Justice programs helped clients significantly reduce their risk factor and build on personal strengths. • Clients in the Early Release Support Program report functioning more successfully at school and reducing antisocial behaviours.

“If we are to achieve a richer culture, rich in contrasting values, we must recognize the whole gamut of human potentialities and so weave a less arbitrary social fabric, one in which each diverse human gift finds a place.” -- Margaret Mead

CTYS | ANNUAL REPORT | 2007-2008 |


| A Message From One of Our Staff | Once again this year, the group of young people we brought camping were simply amazing. They were a very diverse group, aged 17 to 24, including individuals from Ethiopia, Korea, Ukraine, St. Vincent and China. None of them knew each other very much prior to the trip but they connected deeply through communicating, helping each other and simply playing


together. On every trip I’ve done with New Outlook there is always a moment when I sit back and appreciate the generosity and humility of our group and the ability of nature to bring about wellness and peace in the often chaotic lives of these young people. Antonio Jardim Community Support Worker Early Intervention Program

| Financials |

SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS Year Ended March 31, 2008

REVENUE Government Grants


Other Revenue


Total Revenue


EXPENSES Salaries & BeneďŹ ts Training




Client & Program Related Promotion & Publicity

$294,749 $6,888

Building Occupancy


Capital Assets Purchased




Purchased Services Gross Expenses Central Administration Total Expenses Non-Core Funding TOTAL Surplus at Year End Fund Balance (Start of Year) Fund Balance (End of Year)

CTYS | ANNUAL REPORT | 2007-2008 |


$59,587 $4,991,045 $195,734 $5,186,779 $(1,011) $5,185,768 $0 $(14,521) $0


| 35 YEARS | 1. Grant Lowery 1973 to 1989 2. Mike Faye 1989-2006


3. Ned McKeown 1977 to present 4. Karen BrookďŹ eld 1985 to present


5. Lori Brklacich November 1991 to present 4.

6. Susan Miner 1979 to 1991


7. Michael Shaughnessy 1989- 2007 8. Karen Morgan 1990 to present 9. Sue Lavergne 1988 to present




7. 9. 09


Contributions to CTYS and CTYS Foundation


FISCAL YEAR APRIL 1, 2007 - MARCH 31, 2008



• Ministry of Children and Youth Services • Ministry of Children and Youth Services - Youth Justice Division • Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

($1,000 - $4,999) • • • • •

CHUM Foundation CMHO - New Mentality Dr. Henry Yeh Venture Computers Celestica Inc.




(UP TO $999)

($10,000 - $50,000)

• • • • • •

SUPPORTERS ($5,000 - $9,999) • Urbacon Ltd

CTYS | ANNUAL REPORT | 2007-2008 |

• • • • • • •

#1578800 Ontario Cymax Stores Dr. Fred Mathews Dr. Peter Sheridan IBM Employees Charitable Foundation In Memory of Elaine Westwater In Memory of Deborah Yeh Jason Arbuckle Jennifer Grant Jeremy Sills Matthew Cutler Ontario Power Employees United Way of Hamilton


Central Toronto Youth Services 65 Wellesley Street East, Suite 300 Toronto, Ontario M4Y 1G7 p: 416-924-2100 f: 416-924-2930 e: mail@ctys.org

CTYS New Outlook Location 425 Adelaide Street West, Suite 301 Toronto, Ontario M5V 3C1 p: 416-504-6100 f: 416-504-7279 e: newoutlook@ctys.org


design | pamsloandesigns@gmail.com

CTYS is a registered Canadian Charity #892095688 RR0001

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