February 2009

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Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


eDitor anD Publisher Everett Johnson

februa ry 2009 Volume 18 No. 10

Everett@tsfmag.com general manager



Pam Johnson Pam@tsfmag.com

10 Dinks or Donks?

Mike McBride

14 Success in the Shallows

Kevin Cochran

18 Things Remembered

Martin Strarup

22 “The Tithe”

Billy Sandifer

26 Electronics, bad weather, and…

Chuck Uzzle

44 Tall tales from the past

G.B. Robertson

business / accounting manager Shirley Elliott Shirley@tsfmag.com aDVertising manager Pam Johnson Office: 361-785-3420 Cell: 361-550-9918 Ads@tsfmag.com

DePartments 23 Coastal Birding

Billy Sandifer

24 Science and the Sea


national sales rePresentatiVe

UT-Marine Science Institute

28 Let’s Ask The Pro

Jay Watkins

30 Fly Fishing

Casey Smartt

32 Offshore

Bart Manganiello Bartalm@optonline.net circulation Debbie Dugan Cir@tsfmag.com

Bobby Byrd/John Cochrane

34 Conservation

CCA Texas

36 TPWD Field Notes

Tom Wagner

38 Kayak Fishing

Scott Null

40 According to Scott

Scott Sommerlatte

42 Youth Fishing

Aaron Cisneros

Design, layout & web maintenance gRaPHIcs BY DEsIgN Jasmine and Jackson Gordon Office: 361-785-4282 Jasmine@graphicsbydesign.biz Jackson@graphicsbydesign.biz subscriPtion – ProDuct sales



what our guiDes haVe to say… 48 Dickie Colburn’s Sabine Scene

Dickie Colburn

50 Mickey on Galveston

Mickey Eastman

52 Capt. Bill’s Fish Talk

Bill Pustejovsky

54 Mid-Coast Bays with the Grays

Gary Gray

56 Hooked up with Rowsey

David Rowsey

58 Capt. Tricia’s Port Mansfield Report

Capt. Tricia

60 South Padre Fishing Scene

Ernest Cisneros

regulars 6



Letters to the Editor

$25.00, Two Year $45.00

Order on-line: WWW.TSFMAG.COM maKe checKs Payable to: Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine Attn: Subscriptions P.O. Box 429, Seadrift, Texas 77983 * Subscribers are responsible for submitting all address changes and renewals by the 10th of the prior month’s issue. Email store@tsfmag.com for all address changes or please call 361-785-3420 from 8am - 4:30pm. The U.S. Postal Service does not guarantee magazines will be forwarded.

mailing aDDress: P.O. Box 429, Seadrift, Texas 77983 Physical aDDress: 58 Fisherman’s Lane,

62 Fishing Reports and Forecasts 64 Photo Gallery–Catch of the Month

Seadrift, TX 77983 web: www.TSFMAG.COM Photo gallery: photos@tsfmag.com PrinteD in the usa.

66 Gulf Coast Kitchen 71 Index of Advertisers

about the coVer Our cover angler is TSFMag reader Dan Furstenfeld. His prize flounder stretched the tape to 28” and measured 13.5” wide. It tipped the scale to 9lb-10oz and was caught on a Texas Trout Killer. Dan’s fishing buddy, Jack Somers, captured the image. Just Keep Five

Free. Offer valid until 03.31.09)

E-MAG (electronic version) is available for $12.00 per year.

how to contact tsfmag:

61 Tips and Tricks


Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine is published monthly. Subscription Rates: One Year (15 months for 12 months; Get Three

Phone: 361-785-3420 fax: 361-785-2844

46 New Tackle & Gear


Debbie Dugan aDDREss cHaNgED? Email Store@tsfmag.com

Texas Saltwater Fishing

Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine (ISSN 1935-9586) is published monthly by Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine, Inc., 58 Fisherman’s Lane, Seadrift, Texas 77983  P. O. Box 429, Seadrift, TX 77983 © Copyright 1990 All rights reserved. Positively nothing in this publication may be reprinted or reproduced. *Views expressed by Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine contributors do not necessarily express the views of Texas Saltwater Fishing Magazine. Periodical class permit (USPS# 024353) paid at Victoria, TX 77901 and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send Fishing Magazine, TX 77983.

address changes to Inc., P. O. Box

Texas 429,

Saltwater Seadrift,

February 2009


i was busily serVing customers in the TSFMag booth at the Houston Boat Show. The group I was waiting on purchased fishing caps and cookbooks. Bagging their goods I looked up and shook hands, thanking them for becoming new subscribers. That’s when I noticed a distinguished-looking gentleman waiting his turn in line. He was slender and tall, dressed for a chilly winter afternoon in Carhart jacket and black Stetson. He stepped up and reached for the clipboard to complete a subscription form. “I really enjoy this magazine,” he said. “…you the editor?” “Yes sir; Everett Johnson is my name,” I replied, accepting a firm handshake as he introduced himself. “I thought I recognized you from your photograph in the book; I’d like to speak with you for a few minutes if you have time,” he drawled back. I ran his credit card and he signed the receipt as I offered him a seat inside the booth. Pam took over at the counter and we introduced ourselves again as he settled into the chair removing his hat. His eyes were quick and his facial expressions, though subtle, conveyed lots of meaning. I was quickly pegging him as a sharp old gent. “You know your magazine has done a lot of good,” he began as he proceeded to tell of his life in saltwater. “I grew up here on Trinity Bay, my family were all cattlemen, commercial fishermen and shrimpers. As kids we sold all we could catch with rod and reel and trot lines, working out of a wooden skiff with oars, no motor. I was the first to finish high school and go to college. I served in the Marines in Korea and went into the plants as an engineer. First of the clan to make my living that way.” “Apart from my wife and kids and my work, fishing has been my life,” he continued. “I have seen a lot of changes. Most folks in this sport today never knew or saw the old ways, the way things were sixty years ago. They have no idea what fishing for a living was about. They have no idea how good we all have it, how good life is and how easy it is make a good living nowadays.” He was an exceptional storyteller and I reveled at the accounts of great trips and his love of the bays. Night wading until time to head for the plant, lost in the fog, he and his brother nearly freezing when their boat capsized in a norther and then shivering all night on a reef. Rising to say goodbye he picked up our magazine, “I enjoy the fishing stories from all your writers and your views on conservation. There’s just so much more to it than catching limits every time you go. When I was younger we got away with it because there were fewer fishermen. Nowadays, with so many fishermen out there they’re going to have to learn. There’s a whole world of fun and adventure, there’s sunrises and sunsets and time with friends, shoreline picnics, things you just can’t put a price or limit on.” His final thought was this, “Folks who can’t be satisfied without a limit of fish are beat before they even put the boat in the water. Keep up the good work son.” He stood stock straight and shook my hand before covering his white crew cut with the Stetson. I saw him as one of the Greatest Generation, a walking fishing legend, and a hero in my eyes. He made my day.


February 2009


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


letters to the eDitor

Congratulations to the son of Joe Molina from Brownsville, Texas (Marcus Molina, age 5 yrs) on the catch of his 32” jack crevalle, what a trophy for a young pescador. Marcus is truly a privileged individual being taught such a great sport at a young age. I cannot help but imagine the excitement Dear Editor,

that went through the young pescador’s mind. I can remember my

This picture of my wife, Beth, and our two year old Lab, Baylee,

own childhood experiences fishing the shorelines of Laguna Madre

was taken New Year’s Eve 2008 at Redfish Point on Copano Bay. It

and Arroyo City starting in the late 70’s, at the age of four! Those

was Baylee’s first ride in a yak and she did great! Didn’t find any fish,

memories remain vivid to this day and bring me great joy.

but the scenery was great. Lots of ducks, egrets, herons, cranes, and pelicans.

I can remember beautiful sunsets, the sun had not slipped below the horizon and already we’d be planning the strategy for our next

We love your magazine. We’ve been reading 4+ yrs and we

morning’s early wade fishing. Looking over all the tackle making

fight over it when it arrives each month. As “newbies” to the Texas

sure we had everything in place was a ritual. I can remember

coast, we are learning a lot of good stuff from your publication and

waiting for sunrise, the speckled trout thrashing around and

appreciate the standard of excellence you produce each and every

chasing bait fish to the shoreline. I would be so anxious for my

month. The best thing about your magazine is that it is just plain fun to

father to say, “Ready son?”

read. Keep up the great work!

I was very lucky having grandfather and grandmother involved


and taking our family to the Tarpon Hole fishing pier at Port Isabel

Tad May

and I will never forget the old Queen Isabela Pier in Padre Island, it

Houston, TX

was something we would always look forward to. Watching for the speckled trout feeding frenzies under the lights was a real blast for

Dear Tad,

a youngster.

What a way to close out the year! Coastal Texas is filled with many

I want to thank you for honoring the families that take their kids

natural wonders; enjoying the sights and sounds are often the best

fishing and passing down the tradition that becomes such an

part. Baylee looks like she was born in that yak, good luck leaving

important part of our lives. The heading “Memory Makers” says it

her home. I have a big yellow male that pitches a fit if I even pretend

all. Pescadors never forget!

he’s not going. Thanks for the kind words on the magazine. We are

John L. Villarreal - Weslaco, TX

blessed to have so many talented and generous contributors. Everett Johnson-Editor

Dear John, Glad to hear you enjoy our magazine. Getting youngsters hooked on fishing and the outdoors is one of the greatest gifts we can give.

Dear Mr. Johnson

It is truly remarkable that so many little details of early trips with

October issue was great just as all are. I love walking into my Shell

parents and grandparents stick in our minds and shape our lives.

convenience store here in Weslaco, Texas. Your magazine is placed

Pescadors never forget!

in a perfect area for retail. Boy, I will say that front cover gets me

Everett Johnson-Editor

every month.

Send your leTTerS To: TSFMag, P.o. Box 429, Seadrift, TX 77983 10

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


nah, Probably Just another six, haVen’t turneD her yet though, and she’s still pulling some serious drag. Doesn’t really matter, coolest part was how she slammed the plug... came right on the pause just like all the rest.” That was me talking over my shoulder to Brandon Saenz. Jeff and Nathan were both leaning back against good fish; Capt. Tricia’s people were staying busy; John Gill’s group hadn’t moved fifty yards all morning and by the look of things they’d been cutting loose

some real hosses. Awesome, just

and our fantasy will go live. This

absolutely awesome.

session might as well have been

Brandon and I were knee deep just yards apart, immersed in a

and under the magical influence of

scene that could have easily been

a full moon; large trout moved up

torn from a dime novel. Sticking

to bask in the comfort of warming

trout all morning, longer than the

potholes on a skinny flat. We knew

water is deep, is nothing short

they were there and vulnerable, so

of fantasy for many; especially

we would fan cast with full-sized

with topwaters, and even more

topwaters, then step up ten feet and

especially when that is the very fuel

repeat. It took fully two hours for

required for stoking personal fires.

us to move seventy-five yards and

Our rear guard position made


February 2009

I think the total count was twelve

great seats for the show playing

over six with a couple of sevens

out front. Everyone in sight

and one eight. Yes, awesome by

was seasoned, respected, and

most standards, but that is only the

respectful, making the sharing of all

spark of what this story is intended

of it not only easy but an inspiring

to relay.

pleasure as well. That is as it

Here’s the deeper deal. No, they

should be, but there is also much

are not jumping in the boat, but

more we all need to share. Whether

if you know what you are doing,

it will be inspiration or pleasure will

sessions like this have been

probably vary depending on our

uncommonly consistent since early

rank in the primate tree, but first

September, many were even better.

let’s turn back to that fantasy scene

The bottom line is that trout fishing

for just a moment.

has literally exploded here in the

Brandon and his crew of up-and-

Brandon Saenz with one of many quality fish landed shallow with topwaters.

scripted. Two days after a norther

lower Laguna. And I’m not talking

coming anglers experienced what

about your average trout either; we

drives many of us to keep leaving

are chock full of fat, high-quality fish

chores behind and launching, even

between five and seven pounds.

in ridiculous weather conditions. We

That class of “over twenty inch”

all hope that during one of those

trout that went mysteriously missing

trips everything will come together

a while back apparently now thrive.

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

Where did all of these come from?

It’s better than I’ve seen in any bay

not for any other fishermen who

spending all of our time trying

for many years and excitement runs

love this area either. The absolute

to catch them instead of just

high. I pretend to know nothing, but

last thing a rebound needs is a

trying to find them. Not only will

I do know what my camera sees.

flood of people determined to knock

the weight of five fish here now

The most consuming question in all

it right back down. Please don’t

rival most ten fish strings in

this is… WHY?

go there. This is not intended to

other areas, they will darn

“market spin” this area. It’s simply

sure blow bigger holes in

cycle? That could certainly be

intended to share an observation

the water.

possible, but only to an extent.

and encourage thought towards

We’ve seen rebounds following

determining a cause… with the

imply? No question we

freezes and currently several

hopeful goal of duplicating it

are all going to see some

theories are running rampant,

elsewhere. Some of y’all a little

major shifts as time goes on, as

including storm-driven rejuvenation

farther north might genuinely want

surely as the coming wrath

and such. However, one

to wade a bit deeper between some

of God. That is normal, as

dramatically visible change is that

of these lines.

historically, in every civilized

Could it be a natural rebound

So what does all of this

society, its mere existence

I read Jay Watkins article last

been all year. Overall participation

month and if you didn’t you should.

depended on changing things

has dropped significantly. Some

When professionals of his caliber

that weren’t productive into

estimate forty percent while at

take the time, even at potential

things that were. We need to

least one local warden placed it

financial risk, to voice concerns in

decide for ourselves what is,

closer to sixty earlier in the year.

print about alarming trends they

or what is not, productive.

For whatever reason, and reason

have been seeing, we just might

What do we want, what

would suggest a combination of

want to listen. “We” includes those

will it take? But more

factors, be it earlier fuel prices, an

charged with the helm who often

importantly, what are we

uncertain economy, travel distance,

discount our observations as

willing to do to make

or perhaps in part the newness of

fishermen to be merely anecdotal

what happened here

being the only area where the limit

and therefore of little value. If Jay

happen elsewhere?

was halved, the traditional “baskets

and his people are struggling for

Dinks or donks?

upon baskets” of fish ceased to

the numbers of quality trout that

stink up the docks. Regardless,

has earned him coastwide renown,

sitting here on a stupid

it would be hard for anyone to

chances are great that they are

computer writing this is

discount that such an extreme drop

simply not there for others at the

not letting me do that…

in pressure cannot help but play a

previously enjoyed levels.

or is it? See you there.

role in what we are now enjoying.

All I can truthfully observe is that

Honestly, most of us thought we

our similar struggle for minimum

would never see this again.

inches has measurably and rapidly

I realize that writing this is not in my best interest; and it’s probably


Just Keep Five

I know what I want, and


there is simply nobody here, hasn’t

miKe mcbriDe

Mike McBride is a full time fishing guide based in Port Mansfield, Tx., specializing in wadefishing with artificial lures.

changed. Some of you may be where we were, but now we are

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009





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February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


Understanding that fact is only a

basis. Even in areas where substantial

first step in becoming proficient at

numbers of quality trout are to be found in

catching those trophies, though.

shin to crotch deep confines, the catching

Consistently pulling long fish

often does not come easy. Several factors can

from water that’s mere inches

influence the chances for success in actually

deep requires an angler to

locating, hooking and bringing trophy fish to

practice the arts of stealth and patience, and to show skills in using a limited number of lures that work well within the

hand in the shallows. A stealthy approach to and through the area is one of those factors. Many locales that regularly hold magnum trout are exceedingly

catch most of my biggest trout in water less than

foremost, catching trophy specks regularly

through soft mud and grass while pushing

waist deep. Mainly, that’s due to the fact that

in areas scarcely deep enough to cover their

a wake is sure to spook trout far away from

I almost always fish by wading. Often, I find

backs requires that an angler develop a proper

clumsy hunters. Kicking and crunching on

the best trout in areas that are shallower

mindset prior to entering into the attempt.

oyster shells will certainly do the same.

extreme environment. First and

difficult for humans to traverse quietly. Sloshing

than many people are willing to fish. In

Searching for lunkers on a super skinny

different seasons and situations, this means

flat will normally involve making lots of casts

attempt to minimize their disturbance of the

different things.

for relatively few bites when compared with

environment; mud stirred up and carried down

Certainly, the most consistent trophy trout

Wary trophy hunters move slowly in

working the edges or deeper areas adjacent

current to fish-holding spots can make the

producers I know fish shallower than most

to the flat. For those who have only marginal

catching more difficult, as can the influence

other people most of the time. I’m referring

desire to catch a trophy, the slow action can

of shadows. Fish instinctively fear things

here, of course, to those who fish exclusively

be their Achilles Heel. Some who make casts

moving on two legs and casting a shadow

with artificial lures. The ease of catching large

into deeper portions of the area will get bites

over the water. Once aware of the presence

trout on live bait in deeper waters throughout

relatively quickly and find that to their liking,

of such a being in their midst, old trout are

the warm period has been well documented.

then spend all or most of the day wading in

nearly impossible to catch. Anglers who ease

Fooling those fish on deep structures with lures

water up to their bellies or chests, catching

carefully along and approach likely structures

is not quite so easy.

smaller fish. A propensity to inhabit shallow

thoughtfully while making long casts increase

areas can make big trout more susceptible

their odds of hooking fish before those fish are

deep enough to cover my boots when that

to the efforts of committed and dedicated

aware of them.

water was fifty-something degrees, when it was

anglers; it also potentially keeps them safe from

in the upper eighties, and at all temperatures in

impatient ones.

I’ve seen and caught trout in water barely

between. Except in the most extreme situations,

People who enter into shallow spots with real resolve and who learn to move unobtrusively

An acceptance of fewer bites per cast is

through those areas will catch more fish if they

some of the biggest trout will likely be found in

essential for those who really want to improve

master the use of the lures best suited to such

some of the skinniest confines of an estuary.

their odds of catching big trout on a regular

places. Isolated big fish are not particularly


February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

search of a few big bites. These

produce big bites on boot deep flats. Some

lures will walk the dog like other

crafty soft plastic specialists efficiently wield

topwaters, but they do so barely

worms and paddletails rigged on plain sixteenth

under the water’s surface. Made

ounce jigheads in these environments.

without rattles, they slip silently

Spoons can surely be worked in the

along in an inviting, subtle

shallows without snagging grass or other

manner that trophy fish often find

junk. Some shallow running, floating-diving

hard to resist. When compared

crankbaits similarly stay off bottom snags, but

with sinking, rattling Corkys,

only when they are worked at an excruciatingly

the floaters can be worked

slow pace; those who aren’t adequately versed

more slowly without becoming

in the arts of Zen Buddhism will likely struggle

snagged on bottom grass, shell

to stick with them. For me, the floating Corkys are normally

or rocks. I turn the reel handle at a

the best tools for the super shallow drill. Using

snail’s pace when working the

them productively requires skills and patience.

floaters, using short, sharp and deliberately rhythmic strokes of the rodtip to

Skills can be learned, of course. Patience really can’t; it’s a by-product of desire. Stalking around on shallow flats for hours on end, waiting, watching and experimenting with every

walk the dog,

aspect of the presentation of finesse lures is


not for everyone. But for lure chunkers firmly


committed to repeatedly catching trophy trout,

the rodtip

it’s business as usual.

movements to simply reel

easy to trick, at least most of the time.

in. With all

trout can be found in water less than

types of Corkys,

knee deep, a small number of specialty

less is more when it

lures take on paramount importance. Most of these lures float or sink very slowly. The simplest and easiest lure to throw at

comes to presentation style; this mantra certainly rings true with the floaters.

shallow specks is a conventional topwater plug.

Experimentation with the angle of cast, along

By conventional, I mean one that rides high on

with the speed, rhythm and consistency of the

the surface and does not dive when retrieved.

retrieve is often necessary to entice fish to bite

These types of lures come in many shapes and

on a given day. Though floating Corkys aren’t

sizes; some are better suited to the shallows

the easiest lures to learn to use effectively, I

than others. Bulky, loud plugs will work at times

believe they are the best available tools for the

to take shallow trophies, but smaller offerings

task of coaxing “picture fish” from skinny water

and silent dog-walkers are better choices most

much of the time.

KeVin cochran

Other lure companies are now making plugs

of the time. Generally, it seems that trophy trout holding

with qualities similar to the red-gilled Corkys.

in the tight confines of shallow waters are

MirrOlure’s MirrOdine XL is one such lure. The

not easily motivated to strike big plugs which

shad lookalike does have a rattle in it, but it’s

create lots of water displacement, noise and

not particularly noisy, and it comes in just under

commotion when they are moved. My favorite

the surface, like a floater Corky. I see great

lure for duty in knee deep and shallower waters

potential for this offering, especially in off-

is a floating Corky.

colored waters on bright, windy days.

Floating versions of the original Corky,

A few other lures come to mind as having

the Fat Boy and the Jr. Corky outperform

a place in the quiver of waders working thin

conventional topwaters impressively for me

waters. Soft plastics rigged weedless on worm

when I’m covering hyper-skinny areas in

hooks or on the H&H Flutter Jig can certainly



them straight

In prime time, when many memorable

Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


ometimes when you’re fishing the lonely shorelines and there is

I opened the box slowly as if that would

Humphreys himself.

make what I hoped was in the box magically

I mentioned that collection to an

be there. Inside was an almost mint Ambassadeur

no one to talk with or to take your

acquaintance of mine and he asked if I

mind off of what you’re doing, you

wanted to sell it. I told him no, and then he

5000C Deluxe reel with all of the accessories

have time to think of just about

said well what do you think it’s worth? I told

intact. I asked the lady whose table it was

anything. Not long ago I found

him what I thought it was worth; he produced

on how much she wanted for it and she said

that amount of money and then some. A few

that she’d take $15.00 for it and not a penny

about all the things I’d had in my life that I no

days later and the ruthless trader left with my

less. I giggled like a schoolboy who’d just

longer have.

coveted collection.

been kissed for the first time all the way to my

myself in that situation and got to thinking

There was a Hump Lure collection,

I remembered an over-under shotgun that

pickup and then drove as fast as I could to a

something that I worked very hard on for

I had fallen in love with and just had to have.

Dairy Queen where I could admire the reel

years and finally completed. I had one of

I remember that it cost me a small fortune,

and examine it more closely. It was perfect

each of every lure that was listed in Hump’s

more than I could really afford at the time

and had never been used. I sold that reel on

last catalogue and some extras that I tossed

and that I was almost scared to shoot it due

Ebay for a tidy sum of money back when the

in simply because they were unique and not

to the fantastic piece of wood the stocks had

Ambassadeur reels were bringing so much

even catalogued. I hunted long and hard for

been carved from. It had the most magnificent

from overseas buyers.

those lures, and in places you can’t imagine.

burled wood and the checkering was just top

I even managed to retrieve one of them that

of the line.

was hanging from an old bridge over a river and believe me that was a feat. I had a large picture frame with a glass front

The gun fit me perfectly and was the first one that I had owned which had the then new screw-in chokes. I shot a lot of dove and

made for those lures. I took the hooks off of

quail with that shotgun and managed to win a

each one and placed them on a backboard,

couple of sporting clay shoots with it. I traded

using a little bit of silicone to make them

that shotgun for some other guns somewhere

stick and then some pins with colored heads

back in time.

to keep them in place. What resulted was


Cypress wood that was handcarved by Earl

I was at a flea market one day just

a beautiful complete collection of HUMP

wandering through all of the antiques and

Lures, including all 6 of the Tiger series and

junk and a walnut box caught my eye. I knew

one lure made of

what the box had held when it was new and

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

I had an old Wright & McGill 8-piece spinning rod that fit into an aluminum tube that I paired with an old Alcedo Micron spinning reel. The tube and the reel all fit into a particular tackle box that also held my favorite lures for that rod and reel combination. I don’t recall the brand or strength of on that little reel but it was sure fun catching bass in the lakes and rivers and speckled trout at the wells. more than I did and when it was stolen it they got the rod, reel and a lot of old lures as well. There are many things that I’ve had over the years that I let slip away for whatever reason. The ones that I have mentioned here are some things I would like to have back but they’re gone. They served their purpose; I got enjoyment from them and then someone else was able to enjoy them after me. And


Someone decided that they needed that tackle box

martin straruP

besides, I still have the memories of each and every one of them. One thing that I can’t sell or give away are the photographs and memories that I’ve acquired over the years. The sunrises and the sunsets, the people and the fish, all that were captured by a camera or with my mind’s eye are not for sale or trade. Good fishing to all; go make some memories.


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


rom the bottom of my heart I want to thank Jay Watkins for his article in the January issue of TSFM. From my

I looked down at this unbelievably massive 746-pound tiger shark I had just landed from the surf and was totally overwhelmed by its size. Then on the way

perspective we live in an age when good ol’

to town I got to wishing it had been just a

common sense and logic are very rare and

bit bigger and that’s when I realized they

Jay’s article is packed with both based on 30

aren’t ever going to be big enough. From

years of in-the-field experience. His viewpoint

my perspective you

is shared by not only yours truly but many other

see, there was

longtime anglers.

no “big enough.”

To quote Jay, “For the life of me I can not

I realized right

understand the status quo in trout regulations

then I needed

when we have seen dramatic increases in

to change my

fishing pressure and reductions in limits of most

perspective and

other game fish species.”

I realized that my

Me neither, Jay. With no charters the entire

love is the hunt for

month of December I took a couple of days

the fish, the being

to drive down to Port Mansfield and fish with

there; not how big

Brother McBride and Capt. Tricia. Lots of fish.

they are or how

Lots of good fish.

many we put in

Limit was changed to five fish per day in the Lower Laguna and those using live

will increase the amount of trash we

the box. The upcoming

croaker to insure large catches didn’t make the

Fourteenth Annual

expensive and long trip to Port Mansfield for

Big Shell Beach

five trout. Uncrowded bays and less pressure

Cleanup on

on the resource have resulted in steady, quality

Saturday March

catching. No Ph. D required to figure that one out.

14th is going to

This month marks fifty years since I started

Brent and Kyle Mitchell with Kyle's first jack crevalle from the PINS surf.

Wintertime speck from PINS surf 6.75 pounds.

be the largest and most complex event ever

can move dramatically. FoP will also be contracting at least one large 980 front end loader and NPS will have two in the work area. Capt. Everett Johnson and Mr. Jim Mayo will be bringing smaller 4 wheel drive front-end loader tractors. The all-volunteer effort on the morning of

fishing on Padre Island and fifty-two years

attempted to rid the coastal zone of debris and

March 14 will begin at the 16 mile and head

in local bays. This entire length of time there

trash in the Coastal Bend. Unless you have

south as always. Volunteers with 4-wheel drive

has been constant change in all aspects of

been on the PINS beachfront from the 18-mile to

vehicles are encouraged to bring any tools they

the coastal zone. Saltwater Texas is faced

the Port Mansfield jetty since Hurricane Ike you

feel may be helpful in lifting and dismantling

with numerous very real problems and issues

cannot imagine what it’s like down there. It looks

bulky items.

but the one that stands out above all the

like 42 miles of continuous landfill. National Park

others is the tremendous increase in fishing

Service (NPS) personnel and equipment are

bringing ropes or straps for securing loads

pressure. Unless all of us work together and act

going to be working partners in this year’s event

in rough terrain. Nails are going to be a huge

responsibly, the wonders we’ve been able to

supplying both manpower and heavy equipment

problem this year and it is strongly suggested all

enjoy will not be there for future generations to

and working side by side with volunteers.

participants wear protective footwear.

enjoy. Just Keep Five!

Friends of Padre, Inc. (FoP) has received

Volunteers bringing trailers might consider

Vehicle operators will want to insure they

$27,000 in donations to support the effort as of

have tire plugs, Fix-a-Flat and a plug-in air

goals in a wide range of saltwater fishing

this writing. FoP will be contracting end-dump

compressor available. Volunteers are welcome

endeavors. The big sharks, tarpon, snook and

18-wheeler trailers which will be staged as far

to leave at 2:00 pm and will be afforded rides

many other species that lots of folks only dream

south as conditions allow; hopefully in the area

out but the event itself will continue as long as

of catching I’ve been allowed to catch. But way

of the 16 mile. Small trailers can dump there

daylight permits.

back in 1977 I learned something that changed

rather than continue all the way to Malaquite and

my life.

this will allow them to make multiple trips which

I have been blessed to have reached many


February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing

Under the direction of PINS Facility Manager, Larry Turk, PINS personnel have been working www.TSFMAG.com

Just Keep Five

long and hard hours to remove hazardous materials since Ike. They will concentrate their continuing efforts on removing debris far to the south between now and the cleanup date. As it stands now, I will join this effort two or three days before the official cleanup date. Volunteers are welcome and we will be supported by trucks, trailers, equipment and men hired by FoP. We will stockpile debris on the south end of the Big Shell in an attempt to keep from tearing the Big Shell to pieces before the event. Driving conditions in the Big Shell are currently bad and if it becomes necessary during the volunteer event we will use front end loaders to pull stuck vehicles and trailers out of the Big Shell area. Very probably the trash stockpiled south of Big Shell will be moved north after the event. We need any and all help we can muster this year. Donations are tax deductible and can be sent to “Friends of Padre, Inc.” P.O. Box 1420 Round Rock, TX. 78680. Any companies with trucks or large trailers to assist would be invaluable. Photo by Jimmy Jackson.

Refreshments will be available at Malaquite; as always. I am writing this on 29 December and already this event has become quite time consuming. It will become more so as time goes on. Numerous people have asked me how I can possibly do all this without pay during a time of serious personal financial problems. The reply is simple. The white man goes to church and puts money in the collection plate to support the efforts of the church. It’s called a tithe; giving 10% of what you make back to support your beliefs. Coastal Texas is my church and I’m simply paying my dues to help my church. So was Jay Watkins when he wrote that article. All of us who love Coastal Texas and try to keep it healthy and beautiful for future generations are simply paying our tithes. Updates on cleanup plans will be posted on my web site at www.billysandifer.com The two days I spent in Port Mansfield with Capt. Mike McBride and Capt. Tricia have got me all pumped up to be on the bays for a change. After all, ‘tis the season for chasing them big ol’ Baffin and Upper Laguna trout. any of you who doubt the effectiveness of using single hooks on your plugs could very well be missing the boat. You catch less grass, don’t injure as many fish and


Tell you something;

caPt. billy sanDifer length: : 11.4 inches wingspan: 29 inches weight: 8 ounces Our largest plover with relatively large head and heavy bill, white

hookup per strike ratio

tail and black axillaries (armpits) are

is excellent.

distinctive. Strikingly colored in breeding

Tell you another little tip; working out with weights will sure keep down the aches and pains that can accompany those long winter wades. “If we don’t leave any;

telephone 361-937-8446 website www.billysandifer.com

there won’t be any.”


Billy Sandifer operates Padre Island Safaris offering surf fishing for sharks to specks and nature tours of the Padre Island National Seashore. Billy also offers bay and near-shore fishing adventures in his 25 foot Panga for many big game and gamefish species.

Just Keep Five

plumage when belly and flanks become black, contrasting with white rear and tail and brilliantly spangled silver grey upper parts. Moults to winter plumage in mid August to early September and retains this until April; this being a fairly plain grey above, with a grey-speckled breast and white belly. Frequents bay and Gulf of Mexico shorelines. Breeds to the far north and birds summering here are non-breeders. Call is a mournful 3 note whistle.

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


Kay gang — who else besiDes me wants to get the weatherman some medicine to treat multiple personality disorder, Holy Cow has this been crazy or what? A few weeks ago we saw snow and then 70 degree temps within 36 hours. The weather vane just continues to spin in 360 degree fashion, never staying in any one direction for very long. I guess overall we would have to say that the winter, if you can call it that, has been for the most part mild and relatively accommodating to the fisherman. We have only had a handful of days where the mercury dropped below freezing and the prospect of a

Capt. Lynn Waddell with a 30 1/4 inch 9.5 pound speck that was released to fight another day.

just isn’t the case, though. In this age of technology you can almost kiss that idea goodbye. Fishermen today are incredibly resourceful and, if you are not careful, it doesn’t take long for the rest of the world to find what you thought was a secret. The tool that enables fishermen to locate new places to fish and then return to them is the Global Positioning System or GPS. Now the GPS is not new, but the technology has evolved tremendously. All the big manufacturers now have electronic mapping features available that are as good as anything you could get at home on your computer, it’s “spooky” good to say the least. Most of these maps and images are provided by mapping chips or software made by Navionics, the largest privately

that pass through only serve as a day of rest for the diehard

owned cartographic database in the world. Navionics regional

fishermen as they enjoy the excellent winter fishing following

representative Art Wright ran down a list of mapping options

the post-front warm up.

available for the different models and manufacturers for me and

During the month of January I had a chance to talk to

it was impressive. Their software is compatible with almost all

several folks at various shows and it was interesting to get

the major brands of electronics and their maps and charts are

their perspective on the winter months and how it affected

the most current and up to date on the market.

their fishing. One of my good friends, Capt. Lynn Waddell of

“Imagine being able to go to a body of water that you never

Galveston, could not have been more excited about the cold

fished before and have as much or more information about

weather fishing. “We catch our biggest fish of the year during

it as someone who fished their all their life; it’s incredible”

“Once we find fish in an area this time of the year we usually find a group of them relating to the same structure, they will literally get stacked up and you can’t

said Wright. “We have been in some marshes during redfish tournaments that we never in a million years would have found without local knowledge or countless hours of scouting, there is almost no place we can’t find” he added. Navionics is compatible with all major brands of electronics

believe the numbers of fish that will

which makes it much easier to select a new GPS or chart

come from one small area,” he added.

plotter for your boat. According to Wright one of the best things

Like many other big fish hunters Waddell has spent countless hours without a bite probing shorelines looking for that

you can do is go to a big store where more than one brand is sold and compare the units side by side. The side-by-side comparison helps you find the brand and model you will be most comfortable using among the array of systems and menus

one perfect spot where

available. Operating systems range from simple to complex;

everything comes together.

don’t just buy one and take it home thinking, “Oh I’ll learn it

Spots like that are golden

eventually.” Get the one that fits you best.

and don’t come around

Once you have armed yourself with the new technology

often, so when you find

you can go about the business of finding new places to chase

one enjoy it because

that fish of a lifetime. I can’t tell you how frustrating it is not to

you could be in for a

be able to go back to an exact spot that you know is holding

memorable trip.

fish. On Sabine we don’t have much in the way of structure but

Now we all know February 2009

and we hope nobody else knows about them. In all reality that

major freeze seems to be an afterthought. The small fronts

the late winter and early spring” said Waddell.


there are spots we like to fish that have produced in the past

Texas Saltwater Fishing

what we do have is worth its weight in gold if you can find it. A www.TSFMAG.com

Just Keep Five

quality GPS is invaluable when the spot you are searching for is no bigger than your boat, trust me. Another word to the wise about GPS coordinates; take the time to back them up on your home computer so if your GPS hiccups you won’t lose all that valuable information. I had one stolen out of my truck with about 6 years worth of coordinates stored in it from Sabine and Calcasieu; talk about sick to your stomach. I kept saying, “I’ll do it later,” and never downloaded them to my computer, live and learn. Another piece of advice, especially during winter, is to be sure all your safety gear is in good order and USE those life jackets. Cold water is no place to be when there are few people out there to assist during an emergency. Today’s PFDs are more comfortable than ever and there is no excuse for not wearing one, even if you are wading. I know you are asking, “Wear a life jacket while wading, how crazy is that?” Just a little food for thought right here and I will leave it alone; a friend of mine was wading and had a kidney stone act up on him and made him double over in pain, tough to do in chest deep water. Another friend had a mild heart attack while wading, what do you think he did? Things can happen out there that you need to be prepared for, use that PFD and don’t take chances.


chucK uZZle

Chester, Dusty and Amanda Loggins show off some big winter redfish.


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


J ay wa t K i n s

i hoPe that all haVe survived

structure for that day is often the ticket.

the holiday season and

McBride mentioned that he prefers scattered

believer in presenting from every possible

received many blessing

mullet or the outsides of the larger pods of the

angle you can create. Remember, fish prefer

from being with friends

bait he locates. Listen to the man, he is dead

to feed into the current. Many times this will

and family. I enjoyed having Ryan and Jay

on. In my home waters a mullet flipping here

require anglers to cast into the wind. The

Ray together on the boat with me for a couple

and there over scattered mud, shell and grass

easier downwind presentation often means

days of duck hunt and fishing in early January

is as close to a guarantee as one can get. The

the bait will be coming up from behind the

while they were off. I have to tell you that 2008

trout featured in my article this month was

fish which is not natural within the realm

was a blur for me. I honestly think it is true that

caught due to watching a single mullet flipping

of predatory feeding. Predators position

the years go by faster as we age. I notice that

along an edge of soft bottom with a clump of

themselves in a fashion that allows the prey to

I have lost a step when it comes to the long

shell and grass scattered here and there.

come to them. This is why fishing at angles is

wades back to the boat in the soft winter mud.

In the last issue of this magazine, Mike

Trout of this size eat big mullet this time of

Cast to every piece of bottom structure you can see and vary your angles. I am a huge

so much more effective.

Not to worry though; I’m hitting the track and

year. The reason is fairly simple; there are

getting that step back before the tournament

not many baitfish of any other sizes available

your bait swims in front of more fish, right

season starts.

to them. I am not going to get into the big

where they expect it to be. By casting into the

Winter is a time when locating bait is

By angling your casts across the structure,

bait/big fish theory because I am not a total

wind on days with little to no tide current our

probably the most important aspect of your

believer in that line of thought. I am however a

baits are once again being presented out in

day. I would venture that I have been asked

total believer in the fact that our trophy-sized

front of the feeding fish because wind moves

at least two thousand times… “What is the

trout stay with the bait during the coldest of

water too. The MirrOlure Catch 5 and Paul

single most important element in locating

conditions. Oh, and for the record, a 5-inch

Brown’s Corky Fat Boy are terrific baits for

trophy winter trout?” The opening sentence to

shad Bass Assassin twitched under big pods

accomplishing long casts into stiff wind. Keep

this paragraph is the key in my opinion, it’s all

of bait can be deadly this time of year. A 5-inch

your casts low. The lower the bait flies into the

about staying with the food sources.

Assassin is no Big Mac or Quarter Pounder, it

wind the farther it will carry. If you haven’t tried

may qualify as a McNugget though, and that’s

the Daiwa Sol you need too. This reel casts

as far as I’m going into the bait size argument.

great into the wind, plus it is very light and

The bottom structure on most of the wellknown big trout haunts does not change very much from season to season. Weather

Something I see happen time and time

easy to cast all day.

patterns change and the bait moves, these two

again is the impatient pressuring of an area.

It’s all about staying power this time of

factors will most often control your day. It is not

For me it is easy to go to an area and camp

year. I guarantee, those with the willpower

necessary to locate large schools of bait. It is

for the morning or the entire day when I am

to choose an area and then fish through the

a blessing when we do but, I have found that

looking for one big bite. I get to go just about

Major and Minor feeding periods, including

everyday this time of year; for those with less

lulls in-between, will find themselves with the

opportunity I can see where they might tend to

greatest rewards at the end of the day.

the scattered occasional mullet flipping along an edge of my chosen

believe in the “cover more water — catch more

May Your Fishing Always Be Catching.

fish” logic. Wrong guys, especially when you’re The apex trout in any given area move and feed in stealth mode, and by definition that should suggest a very slow go at it. On the day I caught the trout in the accompanying photo, my group, me included, had pushed offshore just a little too far. The bait flipping on a line behind me and just a little to my right got my attention and pulled us back to where we


in the right area.

should have remained and aided in getting a

Bait activity was the key to getting shot at the big fish. a shot at this Be prepared to work an area thoroughly. wintertime trophy. 30

ebruary 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


North America, alligator gar are one of the world’s largest freshwater fish. They can live for many decades and reach massive sizes. Those who have seen or caught a large alligator gar don’t soon forget the experience, because these ancient giants leave a primordial impression. But in recent years the range of this once populous fish has sharply declined. Fisheries biologists suspect loss of habitat and over-harvest are two likely causes. In an effort to stem the downward spiral of the alligator gar, most Gulf Coast states have enacted regulations to protect the species. For the first time, Texas is considering similar legislation. Concern from anglers and actions by other states to protect alligator gar has prompted the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) to take a closer look at the alligator gar. TPWD has drafted regulations that emphasize protection of large adult fish which are critical to sustainable fisheries. A healthy population of adult gar also provides the opportunity for recreational anglers to potentially make the catch of a lifetime. Having spent many memorable years chasing alligator gar, and witnessing firsthand their vulnerability to overharvest from commercial fishing, this is an issue that strikes a chord with me. You might be wondering why a tough old gar that could survive in a mudhole needs protection. That is a valid question. To answer it one must first understand a few basics about gar ecology and how alligator gar differ from other gar species. All gar are primitive fish (considered to be

12-year old Shelby Hunter with a 120 lb alligator gar she and her dad Kim Hunter caught and released during a kayak fishing trip.

surviving holosteans) having evolved at least 65 million years ago. Although gar are often grouped together with nuisance or introduced fish species, they are native to North American waters. Their bodies are covered by thick armor-like “ganoid” scales. Gar spawn in protected flooded backwaters and their eggs are poisonous to humans. All gar possess an air bladder that functions as a primitive lung, enabling them to survive in stagnant water by “gulping” air at the surface. They are opportunistic feeders, ambushing their prey with a powerful side swipe, clutching it with their sharp teeth and swallowing it headfirst. Gar primarily inhabit freshwater, but they often venture into saltwater environs and are sometimes seen or caught by coastal anglers. There are 4 recognized species of gar in Texas — the longnose gar, spotted gar, shortnose gar, and alligator gar. The most widespread and common of these is the longnose gar. Longnose gar are slender fish with a long snout and needle-like teeth. They can reach lengths of 60 inches or more. Longnose gar are prolific and distributed throughout most of the central, southern, and eastern portions of Texas. If you have observed gar near your home, chances are they were longnose gar. Spotted gar are slightly smaller in size than longnose gar, and have attractive leopard-like markings on their bodies. Spotted gar primarily inhabit rivers and lakes in the eastern portions of Texas where they can grow to lengths of 40 inches. Shortnose gar are the least common and least known gar in Texas. They have a relatively short broad snout, and grow to 30 inches in length. Shortnose gar live primarily in the Red River basin on the Texas-Oklahoma border. Alligator gar are the true giants of the gar world. In Texas, they inhabit sluggish rivers, bayous, and coastal backwaters. Because alligator gar can survive in both fresh and saltwater, they can be found in brackish rivers, estuaries, and occasionally in the surf. Alligator gar can be distinguished from other species by their wide flat snout and two rows of teeth on their upper jaw. Alligator gar can reach lengths of 10 ft. and

check out the Fly of the Month video at www.TSFMag.com 32

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


weights of 300 lbs. They are one of the world’s largest freshwater fish. Research indicates alligator gar spawn irregularly, grow slowly, and take many years to reach maturity. This makes them especially vulnerable to over-fishing. Some researchers believe very large alligator gar may be 50-75 years in age. In spite of their reputation as “trash fish,” alligator gar have minimal effects on sport fish populations. The historic range of the alligator gar in North America has markedly declined. Alligator gar are no longer found in IL, IN, and OH. Currently, no harvest is allowed in TN or FL, and harvest is restricted in AR, MS, AL, and OK. Texas and LA remain the last states with no restrictions on the harvest of alligator gar. TPWD is considering three possible alligator gar management options. Option #1 limits the harvest of alligator gar to one fish per day, and only alligator gar 7-feet in length or longer would be legal for harvest. Option #2 limits the harvest of alligator gar to one per year and the gar would require a tag available from license outlets. Option #3 eliminates the commercial harvest of alligator gar. Under this regulation, alligator gar would no longer be legal to harvest or sell commercially. Public hearings for proposed hunting and fishing regulations (including alligator gar regulations) will be held around the state in February 2009, and a final decision will be made by the commission at its March 26, 2009 public meeting. If you would like to learn more about alligator gar, or the regulations TPWD is considering, visit the TPWD website and search “alligator gar regulations.” I strongly encourage you to share your voice and help protect this unique and vulnerable inhabitant of our rivers and coastal ecosystems. Texas has one of the last substantial populations of large alligator gar in North America. These fish exist no other place in the world. They deserve our consideration.


c a se y sm a rt t

founD only in

casey smartt has been fly fishing and tying flies for 30 years. when he cannot make it to the coast he is happy chasing fish on texas inland lakes and rivers.


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


93 o24’0’W

93 o22’0’W

93 o20’0’W

93 o18’0’W

93 o16’0’W

93 o14’0’W

depending on

several months, big wahoo congregate on the

what you are

deepwater rocks along the continental shelf off

pulling. With

our coast and the fishing can be phenomenal

swimming baits

at times. The winter weather is the limiting

your speed is

factor for this type of fishing and the weather

limited by the

windows to be able to run 100 miles offshore

lure, but jets and

this time of year can be very few and far


between. A fast seaworthy boat is the ticket

lures can be

here to get out there and back in a short period

pulled at higher

of time. The weather rarely cooperates for

speeds to entice

more than about 24 hours, so there is a real

a bite. You can

need for speed to make it happen comfortably.

add a large trolling weight to keep your lure

We want to stress again… Don’t push your

down at these speeds. The wahoo’s first

luck with a cold front; you will not like the

run can really scream off a lot of line. Make

big game fishing in the Gulf or rigging you

results! Check and double check the weather

sure your drags are smooth to prevent line

boat, come by our Fox yacht Sales office at

and don’t take chances. Wait until it is right

breakage and use safety lines to keep your

Tops-N-Towers. We’re always happy to answer

and then get out there and back.

rods in the boat. Remember wahoo tend to

your questions. At Fox we have an extensive

congregate in schools, so if you get a bite don’t

inventory of brokerage boats as well as new

so you will want to leave the night before and

stop the boat right away, you may get another

cABo and riviera yachts and we will be glad

be at the rocks about daybreak. Be careful

strike. Remember to keep your line tight.

to help you find a boat or sell yours. For more

running at night and make sure your boat is in

Wahoo like to shake their heads a lot and any

information call our Seabrook office at 281-

top condition. Winter time is no time to break

slack in the line may allow the lure to come off.

291-0656 or call Capt John Cochrane direct at

down, so you want everything working on

27o54’0’N 27o52’0’N

Our favorite lures for wahoo are the Strike

the boat. Make sure you have all your safety

Pro Wahoo Hunters along with the big Rapala

equipment and it’s a good idea to include a

Magnums. These lures work best using

SAT phone and life raft onboard. Know you

very strong single hooks with heavy duty

fuel consumption and monitor it regularly.

ball bearing swivels. It is important to make

Bring plenty of food, towels and extra clothes.

sure any lures you buy have heavy duty

Four to six 20 to 30 lb class rods with two

components and a wire harness through the

speed reels are perfect for these speedsters.

lure body connecting everything together.

Load them up with 30 to 50 lb. line and you are

Make sure you use stainless cable or wire

ready to go. Many of the fish this time of year

for leader. Other wahoo lures include jets,

are over 50 lbs, so you’re going to have a lot of

conventional lures and ballyhoo. We like dark

fun on this tackle.

colors like Black/Purple, Black/Red, all Black, as well as Green/Yellow and Blue/Silver. Your

deep rocks near the Flower Garden Banks

local tackle shop should be able to fix you up

and to the east. Check your offshore chart

with the right stuff.

or Hilton’s Real-Time Navigator website to

One other thing about wahoo fishing

locate the best rocks. Fish the edges of these

when the bite is on… please do your part to

rocks in anywhere from 150 – 250 ft. of water

conserve our resource. It’s tempting to load

looking for bait as you troll. Stay off the top of

the boat, but you will do us all a favor if you

the shallower rocks or the barracudas may eat

only keep a reasonable number of fish to eat

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing

and release the rest. For more information about catching wahoo,



The wahoo bite is usually an early thing,


bite, now is your chance! Now and for the next

speed can vary


b o b b y b y r D & c a P t. J o h n c o c h r a n e

93 o26’0’W

you up. Trolling

Most of the best wahoo fishing is on the


93 o28’0’W

if you haVe neVer exPerienceD a wide open wahoo

Born in Galveston, Capt. John Cochrane has been a professional captain for over 25 years and is now a full time yacht broker for Fox Yacht Sales. He concentrates his fishing efforts in the Gulf of Mexico, promoting big game fishing and billfish research. A native Texan, Bobby Byrd has fished the Gulf of Mexico since he was eight. In 1995, Bobby combined his love of fishing and boating into a business when he opened Tops-N-Towers in Seabrook, Texas. contact Fox Yacht Sales / Seabrook 281-291-0656 Tops-N-Towers 281-474-4000 Capt. John Cochrane 409-739-4817 websites www.byrd-cochrane.com www.topsntowers.com www.foxyachtsales.com www.TSFMAG.com

Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



in an effort to further enhance texas’ coastal habitats, CCA Texas recently

of Cedar Bayou. Many projects lend themselves to the vision of HTFT.

funded $100,000 to start the Habitat Today for Fish Tomorrow (HTFT)

exist for seagrass restoration and planting, inshore reef nourishment

initiative. HTFT is a bold, new step in conservation for CCA Texas that

and restoration, offshore artificial reefs and cleanup projects such as

will identify, fund and initiate habitat restoration projects such as reef

the annual Abandoned Crab Trap Cleanup and Bay Debris cleanups.

Besides marsh restoration and wetlands projects, many opportunities

One thing is clear in habitat restoration and enhancement; projects

construction, marsh replenishment, beach and bay debris clean-ups and

are costly and have many moving parts. HTFT will seek partners in

other habitat restoration and enhancement projects. Now is the time to move forward in the next step of the organization’s efforts to guarantee the sustainability of Texas’ great coastal resource for

its project efforts both financially and in execution. CCA Texas has already approved $100,000 in seed money and will direct the monies

future generations. Fishery and resource management will always be on

from Life Memberships and the annual year-end giving letters to HTFT.

the forefront of CCA Texas’ agenda, but with so many of the state’s key

In addition, matching funds will be sought from corporations, grant

fisheries firmly in the management system, it begs the question — where

programs and other organizations. “HTFT creates an opportunity for CCA Texas, its membership, the

does the organization go next to proactively address the additional needs of the Texas coast? The most obvious area of attention is fishery habitat.

general public and conservation and corporate partners to come

With a rapidly increasing coastal population, unprecedented coastal

together with a common goal in the conservation of our coastal

development and a mobile and active user base, an equally active habitat

resources,” said John Blaha, Habitat Today for Fish Tomorrow Director.

development and enhancement program is the logical next phase in CCA

“This is an exciting time for the organization and an opportunity to grow in conservation arenas we have only touched to date.

Texas’ tradition in conservation.

In closing, all recreational fishermen will benefit from this program.

“CCA Texas has a rich history in the conservation of Texas’ coastal resources,” said CCA Texas Executive Director Robby Byers. “This

It will take CCA Texas to the next level in the conservation of coastal

program is the next step in expanding the organization’s conservation

resources and provide many opportunities for the CCA Texas general

efforts so that future generations are able to enjoy the resources as

membership and the fishing community to become involved in the

they are today and with these efforts the hope is that they will be even

conservation of Texas’ coastal resources.

more bountiful.” This initial step marks the beginning of another significant and visionary project for CCA. This program stands to be one of the most important and far-reaching. First, the hatcheries were created. Next, CCA Texas created a state-of-the-art lab to enhance those hatcheries. Now, we will create a program that will enhance the habitat of the coast and

season and Abandoned Crab Trap Removal Program to occur February

enhance nature’s own hatchery.

20 through March 1, 2009.

“CCA Texas has a long history of supporting and taking part in

TSFMag encourages all conservation-minded saltwater anglers to get

restoration projects, but to truly impact the health and sustainability of

involved. Announcements and information regarding facilitated disposal

our Texas coastal resources, we need to create an organized and lasting

sites will be available from TPWD staff members;

program for funding and executing habitat restoration projects throughout

Tonya Wiley (Dickinson Marine Lab) 281-534-0131 and Art Morris

the coast,” commented CCA Texas President Bill Schwarzlose. “There is

(Corpus Christi Field Station) 361-825-3356. Volunteers who may

no shortage of needs. The coastal and offshore habitats of Texas offer

dispose of abandoned crab traps by means other than Facilitated Disposal Sites are requested to contact TPWD and report the number

abundant opportunities for restoration projects.” CCA Texas has taken part in a number of habitat projects, including marsh replenishment projects at Sportsman’s Road in Galveston and


TPWD has announced the annual 10-day closure of the crabbing

of traps removed and locations worked. TSFMag will award prizes of fishing tackle and related gear to the

Goose Island State Park in Rockport. CCA Texas also played a large part

top three Crab Trap Collectors of 2009! Send photos to document

in the Bahia Grande Wetlands restoration project in the lower coast and

your “catch” to Everett@TSFMag.com. Call 361 550 3637 for

has given in excess of $10,000 to the viability studies for the re-opening

more information.

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


field Notes

since 2002 the texas ParKs anD wilDlife commission has mandated a

marine life, traps left in the water without floats

throughout the bay system. Three years later,

become a hazard to outboard motor vessels

in February 2005, this was the observation

and sport and commercial fishermen. The sight

found over the exact same area; dramatic

closed crab trap season in Texas’ coastal

of rusty old traps in the water or on islands can

evidence of the success of the trap removal

waters for ten days every February. During this

negatively impact the beauty of coastal waters

program in only three years.

period, all crab traps remaining in the bays are

that many bay users have come to enjoy.

designated as “litter” and subject to removal

In order to assist volunteers in locating

and disposal. The idea behind this closure is

traps for removal during the

to remove lost or abandoned traps from the

closure, Texas Parks and

water, which in turn would preserve crabs and

Wildlife Department (TPWD)

other marine resources, reduce damage to

conducts aerial survey flights

boats and equipment, and remove unwanted

over the Texas coast in the

debris from the bays.

week preceding the closure.

Ghost fishing is the concept that crab traps

Volunteers are the heart and soul of this program; they are essential for both removing

This photo was taken in

continue to catch and kill crabs and bycatch,

February 2002 over Espiritu

even after they become lost or abandoned.

Santo Bay in the central

Research from Louisiana showed that on

Texas coast, prior to the first

average 26 blue crabs were caught and

trap removal event. Note

killed from ghost traps. In addition to loss of

the concentration of traps Ghost Fishing

espiritu Santo Bay February 2002

espiritu Santo Bay February 2005 38

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

The 2009 trap removal program is scheduled

numbers of bycatch organisms found in these

helping coordinate trap crushing and disposal.

traps. Over 3,675 organisms were removed

for February 20 through March 1, 2009.

Since 2002, over 22,000 traps have been

from the more than 1,700 traps observed. Blue

Volunteers are needed to remove traps across

removed coastwide, with the help of 1702

crabs, live or dead, were by far the dominant

the coast, and specific drop-off locations in

volunteers. Both numbers of traps removed

species, accounting for nearly 53% of all

each bay system are still to be determined. For

(columns) and numbers of volunteers (red line)

organisms. Stone crabs were the second

more information you may contact:

have declined over time; a measure of the

highest at almost 21%. Sheepshead, a popular

• Tonya Wiley (Dickinson, 281-534-0131) or

program’s success – fewer traps mean

sport and commercial finfish, accounted for

• Art Morris (Corpus Christi, 361-825-3356).

cleaner bays.

8.2% of organisms found.

tPw D fielD notes

traps from boats on the water and for on land

In addition to removing traps, TPWD biologists have collected data from abandoned traps in order to document trap condition and


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


c a P t. s c o t t n u l l

K a y a K

f i s h i n g

for my loyal DieharD KayaKers i must first

added greatly to my kayak fishing by allowing me to better observe the habits of my favorite

perspective on the platform. It isn’t every day

apologize, for this is not a kayak fishing

quarry. The two methods have definitely

that conversations on my skiff range from

article. I recently had a trip that produced one

complemented each other. So with all my

Nashville insight to discussion of gear and

of my most memorable moments in shallow

justifications out of the way, let’s get on with

tactics for competing in world championship

water sight-casting. I called Everett and asked

the meat of the story.

casting contests. It was also a real treat just

him about doing a feature story on the trip

A couple months ago we were working on

The day was still pretty cool from my

to watch Steve effortlessly tossing casts of

since it occurred on my poling skiff and not on

the plans for the fly fishing expo at Fishing

over a hundred feet in a gale. And Radney is

the kayak. He responded with, “Hell, you’re

Tackle Unlimited. I managed to talk Steve

certainly no slouch in the casting department.

new little Maverick poling skiff ain’t nothing

Rajeff, 34-times world casting champion, into

These guys were the two best fly casters I’ve

but a kayak with a motor on it. Why don’t you

coming out for the event. As a part of the deal

had the pleasure to have on my skiff and it

just do it as your regular article, I think folks

I was to take Steve out fly fishing the day after

was painful not being able to get them any

will understand. Besides, you fish that thing

the event. Then the boss calls and tells me his

real shots.

just like you do your kayaks anyway.”

buddy Radney Foster will be in town playing

Day two had Radney and his guitarist Eric

After thinking about that for a bit I

at the Mucky Duck the day of the event. Turns

“Ebo” Borash on board. The morning dawned

realized he was right. So many of the

out Radney is a fly fishing addict and wants

dead slick calm with a hanging fog. Better, not

things I’ve learned about chasing

to go fishing as well. So now I’ve got a world

ideal, but I could work with these conditions.

redfish in shallow water have been

class fly caster and one of my favorite singer/

We headed out to a shallow shoreline with

gained through many hours in a

songwriters wanting to chase redfish on the

a sand and grass bottom. I’d been on a few

kayak. I put that knowledge to use

fly, it’ll be in the middle of December and the

fish in this area before the snow and with the

day after a full moon, no pressure there…and

warming trend I hoped they had returned. The

did I mention it snowed a few days before the

fish in this area usually push up wakes that

trip? Perfect.

give them away in the early morning before

every time I climb up on the platform. And to be fair, being on my poling platform has

The morning finally arrived and it was

the sun is high enough for sight casting. About

just as I had feared, totally overcast with a

an hour of poling across the empty flat had

20 mph breeze, but at least it was a warm

me doubting myself until Radney spotted a

southeast wind and not a stiff norther. We

slight movement and laid out a perfect cast

ran into one of my favorite marshes to find

that connected with a nice little red. It wasn’t

some semi-protected water. The water was

huge, but at least it broke the ice. Shortly after

clear enough, but the heavy overcast made

releasing the red my phone rang. It was Steve

true sight casting nothing more than a fleeting

up at FTU calling with word that the front due

aspiration. Thinking like a kayaker, I pushed

in later that afternoon was ahead of schedule

the skiff into the shallowest areas I could find

and had just ripped past the store. Join us next month, Radney

hoping that we could at least find some reds

is just getting warmed up!

waking through the skinny water. Radney and fishermen and completely understood what we were up against. I tried everything I could think of to put them on fish and all onboard gave a valiant effort, but in the end we zeroed. The fish we did see were all concentrated in a couple of lakes far into the marsh, but they wouldn’t eat. 40

February 2009

Photo Credit: David McClister

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Steve were the perfect guests. Both are real


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


c a P t. scot t som m e r l at t e

accorDing to scott

i imagine it is Pretty funny to watch. By that I mean, funny to watch me scramble around for ideas

anglers today know nothing of the concept of patience and those who argue that they are

-Grover Cleveland

there to spend time observing nature should think about that the next time they crank up

to write about for this monthly column and then to see the light bulb magically appear in a little

It goes without saying that many years ago

the 200 hp outboard and sling a ten to thirty

cartoon balloon above my head when I think of

people fished for subsistence but, over time, it

foot rooster-tail of mud and grass or fly circles

something. Now it is safe to say that the bulb is

became a recreational activity that many used

around a marsh lake spooking fish and wildlife.

usually pretty dim and I feel like I am jumping

to escape the urban life by getting out into

up and down to catch the string of the balloon

nature. President Cleveland addresses this

to say that I am not somewhat guilty of loosing

that is escaping into a cloudy sky. But hey, I’m

with his mention of, “teaching patience.” The

perspective of what fishing is all about. There

just a dumb ole’ fishing guide that pushes a

question is — are these concepts still alive and

have been days that I did not even want to

boat around with a stick.

are they thriving in this modern world of fishing?

put the boat in the water because there was

Anyway, this past New Year’s Eve I was

Sure, just about every man who was looking

Now with that being said, I would be a lying

no money to be made that day. In my defense

reading a book that was given to me for

for a kitchen pass for a fishing trip has used

though, I am fishing for subsistence in that I

Christmas and it has a section dedicated to

the argument that he just needs some time

am trying to make a living and besides, I get

quotes made by famous fishermen. While

with nature, but when he gets down to the bay

to spend 200+ days a year on the water as a

reading it I came upon this quote by one of our

he jumps in his boat and runs to the first spot

guide and photographer whether I want to or

past presidents that got me to thinking about

at 50 mph. If the fish are not there, he is then

not. The good news is that the majority of the

what the world of fishing has become over the

off to the second and the third and so on…

sports who hire me, want to fish and commune

years. So, as I read this quote made by a man

Which incidentally requires me to wonder about

with nature much in the manner that President

that served as our 22nd and 24th president, I

patience and whether or not he even noticed the

Cleveland suggests. Over the years, this has

cannot help but wonder if he were alive today

first thing in our natural world other than all the

helped me learn patience and to slow down

— would he take it back.

fish he was spooking off the flats he was running

long enough to enjoy all that our natural world

over because he did not have the patience to

has to offer which , incidentally, brings me to a

run his boat in deeper water and go around the

final thought that I found in another quote that I

flat or, worse yet, to run through the marsh to

ran across.

It is impossible to avoid the conclusion that the fishing habit, by promoting close association with nature, by teaching patience, and by generating or stimulating


of its votaries and through them to the improvement of our national character.

avoid going the long way out in the bay. Let’s face it, fishing has become a run and

useful contemplation, tends directly to

gun activity. Tournament fishing is real good

the increase of the intellectual power

indicator of what fishing is becoming. Many

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing

To capture the fish is not all of the fishing. - Zane Grey


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


a a ro n c i s n e r o s

haVe you eVer taKen a Vacation thinKing you’re going to finally rest? But, it ends up turning out to be the opposite. That’s exactly how my Christmas vacation went. Here I had the thought of waking up late, having friends over to play X-Box or perhaps going to see a few

and not having to worry about taking a test or

was to see tailing reds. Paddling closer to the

movies over my two week break. It turned out

turning in an assignment.

birds I began to see redfish tails pop up as to

that my addiction took over and consumed

wave, “Here I am.” After missing a couple of

out. Let me tell you, winter is an excellent

opportunities, I hooked on to an oversize red

mornings. It’s funny how getting up early for

time to take the kayaks out when the weather

that dragged me along for a ride. Here I was

school is so hard to do, but when it’s time to

permits. Because of the extremely low tides

all alone in the middle of a quiet, still lagoon

rise early in the morning for fishing, it doesn’t

that occur during the winter, the kayaks allow

being raced across a shallow grass flat by

take much persuasion.

you to venture where boats can not even

a red that wanted no part of me. As I fought

attempt to enter.

the redfish, I happened to look up and saw a

We have a saying that a friend of ours started, “Fish till you puke!” It means fishing till exhaustion sets in or darkness comes. I still remember how good fishing was last year during the same time, and this Christmas break was no exception. I spent some of the time chasing oversize redfish that always seemed to be along the same sand bar every time I went looking for them. These reds

Fish till you puke! The kayak trip was planned along with some

beautiful orange sky line that just made the experience even more rewarding. After landing that fish and several others, I paddled back with a wealth of fond memories. By then the others were also heading back to the boat as the sun was setting over the horizon. We shared our experiences as we secured everything. The most talked about

were a bit on the exaggerated side weighing

friends. We set out to paddle a vast shallow

occurrence during our conversation was

anywhere from eight to fifteen pounds, and

flat that looked promising to the eye. From

amazingly how close the kayaks could get

they were hungry for anything you threw at

the beginning I separated from the group

to the redfish without them noticing your

them. My favorite was watching them blow

and shortly found myself paddling in the far

presence. In the end a few of us caught fish,

up on my top water. I can say that I fished for

corners of this calm lagoon that contained all

but the most important part was that everyone

these redfish till I wanted no more part of them

kinds of feeding birds. The action was pretty

had a great time. Its memories like these that

as my sore arm had a lot to do with it.

slow, but my instincts told me to keep an eye

last a lifetime. By now my vacation break is

on the birds; perhaps they knew something

over, and now I am sitting in a classroom

many trout in the four to six pounds class.

I didn’t. While standing on top of the stable

wishing I could replay it all over again. Back

Even though the really big ones eluded me,

kayak, I drifted very slowly along a shallow

are the days where getting up early for school

I know where they like to hang out, and they

bank when I was startled by a pack of coyotes

are hard, and looking forward to the next

are just going to have to wait till the weekends.

looking for their next meal. I was reminded that

vacation is constantly on my mind.

It was sure nice to fish during the week days

this was nature at its best; now all I needed

The trout fishing was just as good. I caught


I also got an opportunity to take the kayaks

most of my time, especially those early

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


guest Piece

story by g.b. robertson illustr ation by ben beaty

i wonDer if there are any olD codgers left that remember Earl and Frank Ebelt who fished all over the Galveston bays back in the 50s,60s and early 70s? I met Frank over the CB radio sometime in the mid-60s when we both had homes on the north side of Houston near downtown. We soon became good friends and fishing buddies. Now Frank loved to play tricks and could tell the biggest fib about most anything with a total deadpan expression on his face and in his voice, better than anybody I have ever met. My favorite is about his floundering dog. Frank sold out on the north side of town and moved down south off the Gulf Freeway so he could be closer to his bay house down on the west beach of Galveston Island. We would cross paths going to work every morning and would say hello over the CBs. Frank would talk about his dog and how she would point flounder and was training her puppies to do the same. We kept this story going over the airwaves until someone took the bait. One morning someone broke in and said he had just moved to Texas from New Jersey and had heard about floundering and he sure would like to see that dog work.

light the Coleman lantern; the dog ran off and

As I said Frank liked to pull pranks on

Now Frank got off work at 3:00pm rushed

couldn’t be caught. Our poor Yankee friend

people so he caught a stray dog and put it

home and put his truck in the garage. He then

was distraught and asked Frank if he could

in his fenced backyard. The next day over

ran inside with his two beagles and closed

pay for the dog.

the radio he asked the Yankee if he was

the doors and the window blinds and waited.

a good sport and would he keep good

Shortly this unsuspecting fellow drove up and

“Oh don’t fret, that dog knows that area real

care of his dog if he let him borrow it to go

went to the backyard. He put a leash on the

well. I’ll be heading down there in a day or two

floundering. Our new radio friend assured

stray and walked her to his truck while Frank

and I’m sure she’ll be waiting for me.”

that would be the case.

peeked out the window, giggling all the while.

Frank had already told him where to go


backyard and take the dog.

Monday morning we were waiting with our

back behind San Luis Pass and told the man

radios turned on. Sure enough an excited

he could come by and pick up his floundering

voice came over the air calling Mister Ebelt.

dog on Friday afternoon. Frank said that he

He went into a sad tale saying that when he

wouldn’t be home but it was alright to go in the

got down to San Luis Pass, before he could

February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing

Frank replied in his perfect deadpan voice,

The next time we got together we had a good laugh over it. G.B. Robertson – Port O’Connor, TX


Just Keep Five

m e m o ry m a K e r s

christmas 2008 turneD out greater

than my 8-year old son,

Lucas, could have imagined. After opening gifts, my wife, three sons and I, piled into the car and headed to Seadrift, TX to the boys' grandparent's fishing camp. We call the place “Polebenders" and it has provided many great memories for our family. After more Christmas fun, Lucas began begging to go fishing with Paw Paw and me in the morning. We do not normally take him when we are planning to wade as he is still a little young. However, we knew Lucas was becoming quite a fisherman and decided this would be the day he got to prove it. We woke early and loaded the boat; Lucas was wide-eyed and ready. We arrived at Mission Lake and decided to drift-fish. Lucas was given his gear and told to go for it. He had used artificial lures, but not with much success. After not catching much he asked if he could reel in our fish as the action was fast and furious. He kept watching how we worked the red and white Saltwater Assassin and soon began to mimic our retrieve. Next thing you know, his rod was bent over and the fight was on. You could see his grin widening with every trout. From that point on he did not need, nor want, assistance from us. He just kept catching and reeling them in. “I got it Dad,” he kept saying. Let me tell you that he in fact did “get it.” After he boated five nice trout he hooked another and his drag started to sing. Needless to say Paw Paw and I were amazed. He had a big one and we watched as he fought it. He refused help and brought the big fish in on his own, start to finish. To our shock and joy it was the biggest of the day, and we caught a lot of fish. Lucas was proud to show off his first trophy trout and tell the story to the whole family. He was officially hooked on artificial baits and couldn’t wait to go again. Lucky for him, there will be many more fishing trips in his future. Proud Dad, Carlos Leon


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


NEW Tackle & Gear mirrolure new series iii® catch 5™

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shoalwater boats 23 cat

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Seaworthy Marine at 102 S. Fulton

The new Shoalwater 23 Cat is an

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If you are looking for shallow water

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Blood and Guts Tee


February 2009

Freezer Knit Shirt

Texas Saltwater Fishing

Bonehead Fishing Shirt


Just Keep Five

stick it anchor Pins

waterloo travel rod

william Joseph infrared water thermometer







Stick It Anchor Pins offers a faster,

Waterloo’s new 3 piece travel rod with

Water temperature is often the key to

quieter and easier way to anchor on the

brushed aluminum case is just the ticket

finding the bite, especially during winter

flats. These custom engineered anchor

for traveling anglers and takes the worry

when water temperatures dictate where

pins are designed for flexibility, giving

out of trusting your rods to airline

bait and gamefish will congregate.

them superior holding strength in

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heavy wind or current compared to a

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Joseph infrared thermometer is designed

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The 7’ and 8’ systems come complete

Simply point and shoot! The William

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The 5.5’ system was designed for the

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For more information or to find

 Replaceable battery

a retailer near you go to

 Pocket Clip

www.StickItAnchorPins.com or call 941-815-6875.


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


we haVe enJoyeD a PreDictably great run on big

deep, you are in business. The keys to consistently cashing in on this phenomenal bite are locating baitfish or small slicks and staying put.


trout on Sabine over the past two months.

Dickie Colburn is a full time guide out of Orange, Texas. Dickie has 37 years experience guiding on Sabine and Calcasieu Lakes.

We lost much of the spring to the wind,

can stop your boat the instant you get a strike. Too many folks continue

only to be saddled with outrageous

to drift right through the fish or spook them with the troll motor. Not unlike

gas prices, a devastating hurricane,

the wade fisherman that often catches multiple fish while standing in one

and a sagging economy that resulted

spot, you can do the same thing by quietly holding your position.

telephone 409-883-0723 website www.sabineconnection.com

winners were the trout and redfish that

Because the slack and stretch factor can rob you of a solid hook set, I

had the lake to themselves.

minimize the problem with 20-lb. Power Pro and a 4 to 6-ft. leader of 20-

in decreased fishing pressure. The big

The gulls worked over huge schools

Long casts create a lot of slack line, but are a must when drift fishing.

lb. Seaguar fluorocarbon. I prefer a little shorter rod when fishing out of

of redfish and solid trout through the

the boat and CastAway’s Skeleton series includes a TSR65ML that works

first week of January, but the handful of

well with everything from tails to topwaters.

anglers willing to battle the elements are now focusing on the bragging

You can limit on slot reds before your hands thaw out most days

size trout frequenting the shallow flats. If we can avoid excessive rainfall

cranking a Red Daddy spinnerbait or a weedless gold Johnson spoon

and runoff from the rivers, this month could be one for the books.

across the shallow mud flats, but neither of those choices dupe many big

Do not be discouraged by the lack of water clarity. There is still a lot of sediment in the water thanks to Ike, but it hasn’t hurt the fishing at all. If you can see a lure 6 to 10-inches deep on a flat that is 2 to 4-feet


If you choose to drift-fish, keep your Stakeout Stick handy so that you

February 2009

trout for us. You will not catch as many reds when targeting sow trout, but they will eat anything a trout will eat! Depending on water temperature, a critical variable too often

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

s a b i n e This red was released in ho pe of a later remat ch .

overlooked, we are scoring with larger topwaters like the Top Dog and Spook or a suspending lure like the Catch V, Catch 2000, MirrOdine XL or Corky. When the surface temperature dips below the 50 degree mark, I replace the topwater with a 5� Assassin Shad rigged on a 1/8th ounce head. Because it can be readily fished from top to bottom depending only on speed of retrieve, the Assassin is my first choice for locating both trout and reds. I will quickly switch to one of the mullet imitations, however, if it fails to attract the larger trout. You are in the game with any of those lures through early spring. Water clarity will dictate our choice of colors. I have had a growing number of inexperienced winter fishermen hold their own this year fishing a 5-inch Assassin Shad on an 18-inch leader under a Click Cork. Even when they are more concerned with staying warm, their lure remains in the strike zone! We tend to catch most of our better fish in the evening hours, but that is not cast in stone. If you start your day early, concentrate your efforts in 4 to 6 feet of water adjacent to the shallow flats. The fish will stage on the slightly deeper breaks while waiting for the shallower water to warm.


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


Mickey on Galveston well it’s time for another galVeston

get on some of these schools and catch 30-40 redfish. When the conditions are right they are coming to

area fishing report and with the holidays

the top and just plain easy to catch right now.

and football season concluded except

Soft plastics are bringing us lots of heavy slot reds in the 26–28 inch range and some oversized

the Super Bowl everybody should be

up to 30 inches. These reds are very fat right now,

rearing to go. Over the past several

the weights are awesome.

weeks all the reports I have received say

The trout are not too bad either if

that fishing is good, hunting is good, and if these are your interests it is a great time

you can tear yourself away from the

of year and you should have it going on.

reds. There are a lot of trout in the back of Trinity Bay, especially in the

The weather has been pretty mild so far

Jacks Pocket area. Cutting long drifts

and we are enjoying a pretty good winter

in 4-6 feet of water has been productive using soft

here on the Upper Coast. Right now the fishing remains very good in Trinity and East Bays and into

steady and there are a few showing up to 5 and

their upper reaches including the back

6 pounds. This is real quality fishing.

bays and lakes. Lots of fish being caught; good numbers and some big ones too. I Trinity Bay is holding lots of redfish. Big schools are common and you can

February 2009

Our big reefs that normally produce so well this time of year have not turned on yet. I have never seen as many commercial drum lines strung around these reefs as there

can’t say enough about how good we have it.


plastics and Corkys out of the boat. The action is

are this year and wonder if that might have something to do with it. I wish

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

g a l V e s t o n TPWD would limit the number of lines that could be placed in these prime

as out in the middle. Bird action slowed up somewhat

areas. There are a lot of sport anglers here that enjoy fishing for drum and

but on occasion you will get a norther through and you

I fear the commercial fishermen might wipe them out. But getting back on

will have a few small shrimp get flushed out. They are

topic, the trout just aren’t schooling over our big reefs as we have seen

catching a good number of fish under the birds when they work.

over the years in Trinity Bay.

It is just crazy to see this so late in the year. I guess this is our payback

Tabbs Bay is still producing lots of trout. I have had some good trips of

for having to take Ike down the throat like we did but it is all coming to

late with Corkys and soft plastics over scattered shell and mud in about

rare form now. I have not seen many late Decembers and Januarys with

2-3 feet of water, both wading and drifting. I have had four customers this

fishing this good.

past month break 8-pounds, the biggest trout of their careers. There have

Water conditions are excellent, pretty near perfect at all points. There

been a lot of good fish in the 23-25 inch range . We had one banner day

is little freshwater inflow into the bays right now and all the water is

where we had 30 fish and the smallest one was 23 inches with everybody

clear and there is a good availability of bait. You can find baitfish just

catching and releasing a bunch over 25 inches. It was just incredible. It

about anywhere and pretty much where you find your bait is where you

was like a Baffin trip instead of a Galveston trip.

find your fish. If you want big trout, key on scattered shell and soft mud;

Going farther north, Scott Bay, San Jacinto Bay and Burnett Bay are all

that is where they are holding. Pay particular attention to bayou mouths

holding good numbers of fish. A young man from Chambers County who

or any kind of drains or ditches coming out of the marsh and also the

I coached in baseball, Chad Trousdale, popped a real nice trout this past

primary points near those areas have been holding real good fish for

Sunday. I saw the fish and it was legit. It was over 29 inches and weighed

wade fisherman.

9 pounds, a big fat football of a fish that ate a pink Corky. I had another

That is pretty much it for this month. I hope everybody has a great 2009

friend catch one that was just under 10 pounds in those back bays on a

and that the quality of our fishing holds into spring. I will be at the Houston

soft plastic. When I say it’s good up here right now I’m not kidding.

Fishing Show and look forward to meeting all my old friends and making

East Bay seems not to be getting much traffic these days as there are

new ones.

not many boat ramps open. If someone is willing to make the long run by boat over there they can find multitudes of fish on the shorelines as well


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


really DiDn’t get to fish much in January Dealing with the Houston Boat Show for a number of days and then off on a final hunting fling for several days after that. January days are off and on with weather so it’s a little harder to plan too far in advance. So for a Matagorda guide, if you are going to concentrate on other activities for a couple of weeks, January is a good month to hit the road. Looking back at 2008 and taking the good with the bad, we rolled out of the year on an upside despite hurricane Ike’s aftermath. I don’t believe in the roll of the dice, so by faith I’m expecting the 2009 season to be great for all in every way. February is big trout fever month so be prepared and you just might receive an invitation to join the 30-Inch Trout Club. February will more than likely prove to be a carbon copy of January when talking temperature. So far, we have experienced a colder winter than normal mixed in with some abnormally warm weather days. In other words, we have had a bit of crazy mixed up Dr. Wayne Brueggen is not only a great dentist; he is a great angler too — 29” East Matagorda, Corky lure.


February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

m a t a g o r D a weather patterns so adjusting your schedule around cold fronts has been

3. Concentrate on knee-deep to waist-deep water.

imperative. As a rule of thumb, fish before a cold front and two days after

4. Fish slowly and walk slowly to cover the water.

a front hits the coast to maximize your fishing endeavors.

Don’t get in a hurry as you’re only looking to have

Baffin Bay is a hot spot this time of year drawing quite a few fishermen

three to eight bites a day on average.

with the anticipation of catching a trophy trout. Ol’ Capt. Bill will fit the

5. Wear a good pair of polarized sunglasses and use sun screen.

home boy description as he sticks like glue to his East Matagorda Bay

6. Fish stained or off-colored water. If you are waist-deep and can see

waters. We may not have the numbers of big trout that Baffin can offer

your feet, the water is too clear. You want 1-1½ feet of visibility.

but there are still plenty of Big Mamas lurking right here at home. You will

As far as baits, my favorites will remain the same. Salt Assassins in

simply need to know where to find them, what to throw, and when to act.

Roach, Plum, 10W40, Chicken-on-a-Chain, and Chicken Bone will find

Of course just being at the right place at the right time doesn’t hurt either.

their way into my box. Corkys with the rattle in pearl chartreuse, pink, and

This means that you will need to be on the water frequently if you are

red with black back will also be there. MirrOlure Series 51 in 808 and CH

truly serious about that trophy trout. Daylight until dark needs to become

colors are also excellent choices. Don’t forget the Eddie Douglas Broken

familiar vocabulary if you really have your mind made up to take a

Back Special.

trophy. Trophy trout fishing is not easy by a long shot and neither is it for

I will use a few topwaters this time of year such as the big 94MR Top

everyone. Like any other worthy pursuit you will need a good game plan.

Dog as it is bigger than the She Dog and has one rattle in it that makes

Here are a few of the things I think are important:

a different sound. I can also work this big bait slower. As for colors, 808,

1. Fish early and fish late making it an all day affair and plan to wade

NSCH, NS, and PD are my choices. More power to you in going after a trophy and your membership in

the whole day. 2. Have at least three areas in mind that lie within reasonable proximity

the 30-Inch Trout Club awaits your accomplishments. Until next time,

of each, only a couple of miles. This will reduce travel time; you can’t

God Bless…

catch a fish if you don’t have a lure in the water. The bottom structure should be mud and shell with deeper water nearby.


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


January fishing for the Rat Pack has

The trout we have been targeting for several weeks now,

been extremely good whether it be for trout or redfish. The

and quite common for this time of year, have been on the

weather has been like a see-saw, one day 40 degrees

mid bay reefs in San Antonio Bay. We locate these fish by

with gale force winds from the northeast and the next day,

the normal means of looking for bait and bird activity on

dead calm and foggy. The only consistent thing has been

top and around the base of the reefs. When the water is

the catching.

55 degrees or less the mullet will usually be subsurface.

The water has been hovering between 55 degrees

like they do under warmer conditions. Look for ripples,

warming trends in between the cold fronts. Like I said, the

swirls, flashes or any other kind of water disturbance.

only consistent thing has been the fishing. For redfish we either drifted throwing Mann’s Waker

February 2009

Normally I start a day with soft plastics when the water is below the 55 degree mark. The type of soft plastics

in the croaker or clown colors or we used 1/2 ounce

varies from Saltwater Assassins to the suspending types

weedless Johnson spoons in gold or silver. It is best, in

like Corkys or Crazy Croakers by Tidal Surge. The best

my opinion, to rig these weedless spoons with a split ring

producers have been the Saltwater Assassins in pearl/

and swivel to help keep your line from twisting. As for the

chartreuse and glowtreuse. I don’t know what it is about

Mann’s Waker lures, I tie them directly to my main line with

this time of year but I catch more trout on these two colors

no swivel as this lure does not twist when reeled in. Both of

than all others combined. I prefer to use a 1/16 oz Bass

these baits yield good results when fishing shallow waters.

Assassin jighead for all my soft plastics. The cooler the

Now as far as where we have been catching our trout.


They won’t be as actively jumping around on the surface

during extreme cold fronts and 65 degrees during the

Texas Saltwater Fishing

water the slower you will work your lure. The fish will


Just Keep Five

P ort o'con nor /se a Dr i f t

Larry Hagenbuch with a nice flounder caught in the backcountry.

Cal Closson didn’t let strong winds keep him from catching fish.

dictate what speed is best. I don’t get serious about using topwaters until the water temperature is at least 58 degrees and rising. The topwaters I will throw during winter vary from She Dogs to Top Dogs usually in the 804, 808 or chartreuse/white/chartreuse patterns. If I am consistently getting blow-ups and no hook ups I will switch back to soft plastics. The February fishing forecast looks very promising. The tide should come up another 4 to 6 inches letting us fish in a few more areas we haven’t looked at in a few weeks. Towards the end of the month we will be fishing more protected coves in muddy back lakes for trophy trout. Fish hard, fish smart!


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


DaVID RowsEY David Rowsey has 20 years experience in the Laguna/ Baffin region; trophy trout with artificial lures is his specialty. David has a great passion for conservation and encourages catch and release of trophy fish.


the fableD month of february is upon us. Like so

numbers, and in many different locations. Of course there are always a few

many other fishermen, I look forward

coming from the King Ranch shoreline, spoil islands along the ICW, south

to this time of year. Great numbers of

shore of Baffin, as well as the north shoreline. With a sharp eye monitoring

large trout can come from this 28 day

your surroundings and what is taking place in the water, a trophy is as likely

time period; however, I think it is perhaps

to come from within a quarter mile of the boat ramp at Bluff’s Landing as it

as attributable to the vast number of

will from 30 miles into Baffin.

fishermen and days spent on the water as

pulling up on the shorelines, we can all expect to see more traffic. A

big, but so are the traffic and pressure.

year ago it was about as crazy as I have ever seen it. There were boats

When it comes to charters, I wish every

everywhere; running shorelines, pulling in front or too close to established

month was named February as I can

wade fishermen, and being generally inconsiderate. Many of the boaters

never squeeze in enough days this time

are novices, and just do not understand on-the-water etiquette, but there

of year. So much has been talked about,

were also seasoned guides, locals, and tournament fishermen just as guilty. If there is but one thing I can stress to all fishermen it would be this: The

February in Baffin. You would think you

large trout will stay longer and be more accessible to wade fishermen if

could not catch a large trout any other

boats will stay off the shorelines. This would include spoil islands, King

time in the Baffin/Upper Laguna complex.

Ranch, and Padre Island. There seems to be a longstanding myth that you have to run right on the

Luckily, for me, I know this is not true. The great thing about February is that the big trout will, typically, pull up shallow into “wadeable” water. When they do this, it is usually in vast



With February here, numerous tournaments scheduled, and big trout

it is a good time to fish. True, the trout are

written about, and fantasized about


hot spots where every boat in the bay seems to load up, but reports will be


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Laguna shore when headed to Baffin. Nothing could be further from the truth; in fact, you need to be 300-400 yards off the shoreline at all times

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February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

uPPer l aguna/ba ffin to be in the safest water. It is not only safer, but will prolong quality fishing on shorelines for months versus weeks. About the only time you need to squeeze in any tighter is at the old pipe line near ICW #167. After that, split the difference between the shore and spoils and you are good to go until you approach ICW #199. If you want to see real success in fishing shorelines, try shutting down 200 yards from where you plan to fishing and use your troll motor to go in. Most would be amazed at what a little stealth will buy them. For the next two months my pattern will not waver too much. I will spend the majority of my time behind my Waterloo/Daiwa Sol and 5” Bass Assassins in potholes, regardless of whether I’m in Baffin or the Laguna. Once we locate the right sized fish, we will try an assortment of Corkys. Typically, we will pull the largest trout on Mr. Brown’s wonder lure (Corky), but quite often they want it hanging in the grass and scraped along the bottom, and, for this, the Bass Assassin will prevail. I recently had the opportunity to fish with my good friend, Capt. Jay Watkins, in my home water. Jay stayed with the “worm” all day while I experimented with an assortment of suspending lures, topwaters, and stick crankbaits. He “out caught” me by nearly 4:1 sticking to the basics of “low and slow” with the Bass Assassin. I probably would have caught more fish if I would have been paying more attention to my lure versus watching and learning tricks from him, but, with all that said, he just went on to prove that when you stick to the basics and fundamentals the rest will always fall into place. I knew it going into the day, but also knew it was a perfect opportunity to play with new toys while catching a peep show from the master. Lesson learned!


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


asiDe from a few baffling slow PerioDs the fishing has remained inspiring here. Good conditions between Capt. Tricia’s Skinny Water Adventures operates out of Port Mansfield, specializing in wadefishing with artificial lures.

fronts have almost spoiled us. Quality fish are holding in several types of areas and it’s just up to us as anglers to deal with them according to conditions. The promise of a “weighty” February is looming closer to reality each day.

Fish are more concentrated this time of year; work the area thoroughly before moving on.

Trout fishing has been fun for numbers of fat twenty-inchers. Soft plastics have accounted for the most consistent action over deeper grass beds. Hopping a tail just above the grass will usually get you bit if you stay with it. Remembering that fish tend to be more concentrated this time of year is the key. Stop walking when you start getting bit and work the area thoroughly. A Brown

Gamakatsu’s single hooks make for a safer and more versatile plugging experience.

Lure Devil Eye on a 1/8 screw lock head is all that’s required aside from loving to fish. During slow periods the pickup can be quite delicate, so it’s usually the most learned fishermen who fare best. When it’s on it’s really on, so both the learned and the novice have a realistic chance at those bigger fish we all hope for. While we haven’t seen consistent trout over eight pounds yet, those in the five to heavy-seven class have been fairly patternable. Most have been shallow on all but the coldest of days. When


February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

Port m a nsfielD mullet invade the shallows, you can bet bigger trout are quietly in the

precious time on the water. This year especially, just know

shadows. One approach has been right after northers, running topwaters

they are there and go for it.

over bait-ridden potholes. Good bets are areas near deeper water, but

Fishing for above average size usually requires above

let the bait be more suggestive than the textbook. Probing each little

average effort. However, even effort and technical expertise are useless

deviation has paid off with our biggest catches of the season. And yes,

if we don’t learn to fish where fish are. One intrigue about this shallow

we are still relying on Gamakatsu’s single hooks for a safer and more

Lagoon is that if we watch closely, nature will usually tell us where to

versatile plugging experience.

start. Watching nature, by the way, does not include watching other boats.

Now is a high potential time to go for a personal best. Tides will be at their lowest helping concentrate fish in predictable areas and they often feed voraciously either side of the northers. As far as big fish, where

There is plenty of opportunity available, and as mentioned, we can be spoiled for choices so please always respect others in the hunt. February has traditionally been sacred time for big trout enthusiasts.

we concentrate efforts on any given day will depend on weather, but

Why folks skip other prime months is interesting, but myths do originate

traditional patterns haven’t changed.

for a reason. Those myths are swimming as we speak, but in the

As southerly winds build ahead of fronts, look near color changes

meantime, never discount the excitement that shallow-water wintertime

on the flats showing strong signs of life. Presentations can be more

redfish can provide. It’s the addiction of the chase, and regardless of the

aggressive here and topwaters can excel when the bait is high and

feverish emphasis placed on thirty inches of speckled glory, sometimes

active. A significant temperature drop will move us toward waist deep

the quarry is secondary to the pull.

heavily grassed areas or silty depressions. Tails and low-walked Corky

I look forward to seeing everybody in the Fishing Tackle Unlimited

Fat Boys can get thumped consistently once the right depth and speed

booth during the Houston Fishing Show at the George R. Brown

is determined. In the days following a front, follow the sun and work your

Convention Center March 4-8, 2009. Until then, may your expectations

way from deep to shallow again. Those bigger fish will soon be back in

be fulfilled by your efforts.

potholes near bait masses or in any other warming area near the deeper water they were driven to. In all cases… try to stay near the baitfish for the highest potential. Above all, be confident and exert your all during that


Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


February’s Fish Magnets the month of february is tyPically

areas can be very predictable under the right conditions. It could be the

the coldest month of the year in south

deeper water, or strong tidal flow to name a few. As we continued our trek,

Texas but also one of the hottest times

I made it a point to make a pass over some of these areas to educate my

of the year to land big fish including

passengers. Sure enough every spot I pointed out to them had fish in it

the highly sought after trophy trout.

as could be determined by the wakes and ripples they created. The only

The months of December and January

reason we didn’t stop at any of these was their desire to have a chance at

certainly did their share of bringing us

a big trout and I had one place in mind where I thought they would have

fun catching days. Already this winter

their best chance. During our conversation, Jorge made a comment, “You

we have surpassed the number of four

mean it’s like us going to the same restaurant week in and week out.” I

to six pounders caught compared to last

knew then the light was growing brighter.

year and, to say the least, last year was

right temperature, favorable bottom structure, right depth, quick access to

During past winters I have taken advantage of slick calm conditions

exceptional. It seems the fish started

to find areas that seem to attract fish in the winter on a consistent basis.

putting on weight early this winter. In the

There have been countless trips where my decision was not to stop

coming months magnum trout will only

despite observing fish. Continuing my scouting and doing a little homework

get heavier as they get ready for the reproductive cycle that will begin in the spring.

has contributed to the rewards we have reaped. This winter we continue to find quality fish in the same areas. The keys

On a recent trip I was having a conversation with two clients as we

to our recent successful catches have been keying on the presence of

headed out on a calm morning; the waters were as slick as glass. I

mullet even if it’s just a few jumping within a confined area. The most

shared with them that certain areas are like fish magnets and these

productive bite has been found where the currents are strongest; incoming


February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


Just Keep Five

arroyo coloraDo to Port isabel The bigger trout have stationed themselves over muddy, shell bottoms along guts, drains or ledges that A personal best for Eric Hoff.

allow the tidal flow to bring them their next meal. On high tide and warmer days we find the bigger trout in the shallows. On cooler, lower tide days the trout tend to back off into deeper water and we focus our efforts around waist to belly depth. Other magnet areas to consider this time of the year are along spoil banks where the landmass tends to hold warmer temperatures and this can make a big difference on chilly days. Look for areas that include depth changes. Sometimes even a change of a few inches can make a huge difference. Our top performing lures continue to be Brown Lure Company Sea Devils in dark colors. Corky Devils and Fat Boys, worked slowly over guts, drains, and drop-offs, have also produced some great catches this winter and should continue to do so in the month of February. When the weather will allow you to get out, don’t turn down an

or outgoing tide matters little as compares strength of the flow. Here lately the late afternoon to evening bite has been the most productive. The tides have been very low and will continue to be at low levels throughout the month of February. This is a

opportunity to land a personal best fish, whether it be a gigantic redfish, trophy trout, or a line shredding snook. Remember to fish slow and hard during cooler temperatures and good luck in your trophy chase this winter.

welcome event because it shrinks the playing field.

b y

e V e r e t t

J o h n s o n

– First Chain of Islands – Seadrift, TX here’s a heaDs-uP for anglers who freQuent the First Chain of Islands near Seadrift. As you

tiPs a nD tr icKs

Navigation Hazards n 28o 17.906’ w096o 36.811’

may already be aware oyster season is in full swing and we have quite a fleet working our local waters. Sometimes their dredges catch more than oysters! Once upon a time there were dozens of gas wells in and around the shallow waters of the First Chain of Islands. The wellheads and platforms

n 28o 17.348’ w096o 36.902’

are gone but there’s still some stuff lying on the bottom of the bay. That is, until it gets hooked by an oyster dredge. Evidently a goodly amount of the steel production piping was abandoned as we see incidents of this type each year while the oystermen are working. When a dredge becomes tangled in the piping, the pipes themselves can be broken, and jagged pieces sometimes are up-ended to stand above the water line. I like to mark hazards when I discover them and would have marked these except I had nothing in the boat suitable for the job. Both hazards shown here were found on Sunday December 7, 2008 and neither is marked, although I hope to do so soon. Large, brightly-colored plastic

I would like to encourage that all readers who frequent the First Chain

jugs make excellent markers and two or three of them tied above the

of Islands punch these numbers into their GPS unit and affix hazard icons.

water line can help prevent a costly or perhaps even life-threatening

Fishing is a hoot, but not when you tear up your boat. Boat safely – carry

boating accident. Adding reflective tape increases visibility during low-

materials to mark hazards – it’s the right thing to do.

light periods. www.TSFMAG.com

Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


In February, the trout should still be on the flats. Twitch baits will be the lures

Fishing has been steady in Randall’s area bays lately, and he says that as long

of choice. Catch 5s and 2000s, Corkys and Thundersticks will produce many

as we don’t get a bunch of rain, it should stay that way through February. “The

sow trout. Soft plastics on 1/8 ounce or lighter heads will also be useful in

fish are in a typical winter pattern; we are catching most everything over mud

the quest for the big one. Large concentrations of mullet and buck shad are

covered with scattered shell. The Norton Sand Eels are the main ticket. We

good indicators that big trout are in an area. The redfish are everywhere on

like the flashy colors like red magic on bright days and darker colors when it’s

shorelines and all the weirs; they’re biting soft plastics the best. Reds have

cloudy. The new voodoo color has been good for the dark sky duty. Topwaters

been so plentiful we have even caught them on a bare hook! Flounder will

have been effective on the warmest days too. We’ve had some extended warm

begin their return trip sometime between Valentine’s day and the end of

ups and if that kind of weather holds through February, we should have even

February. They can be found in cuts leading from the lake to the marsh. Fishing

better topwater action. This time of year, you can choose to target bigger trout

is best on an incoming tide. You will also pick up trout and reds while flounder

by wading. When we do that, we typically expect to catch a few to maybe five or

fishing. The best lures for flounder are minnow imitation soft plastics such as H

so each. On the other hand, if it’s numbers you’re after, drifting deeper water will

& H Cocahoes and stinky baits such as the Berkley Gulp.

usually give you a real good shot at catching a limit.”

“Fishing is off the hook bubba,” James reports with his typical colorful

The Colorado River may be a good option in February, Tommy predicts. “Things

enthusiasm. “It’s mostly a drift fishing thing. The fish have been in two and a

are set up good for the river right now, especially if we get some colder weather.

half to maybe five feet of water. All the bays are salty and green, and we’ve

The water is green and salty. We catch fish in there by drifting and chunking

been catching them everywhere from Christmas Bay to the Trinity River.

soft plastics in the conventional way and by dredging them behind the boat too.

Best bite has been on Blurps in those dingy dark colors. I’ve been throwing

Heavier jigheads like 3/8 ounce work best, and you want soft plastics with a

MirrOlures all the time, mostly a 51M in yellow/silver/pink. Also that Texas

little movement in their tail. On warmer days, we sometimes catch quality trout

Chicken MirrOdine. You don’t get as many bites on it, but the quality of fish is

in the river by keying on the west shore with MirrOlures too. Other options will

good. I had one trout over twenty six inches on it the other day. A typical catch

be of course the scattered shell over mud in the west end of East Bay, in the off

is 40 or 50 trout. One day we had about 70, with 40 of those over 20 inches.

colored streaks. Also, the drains on the south shore will likely produce some

Another day, the reds ate us up and we caught about 30, up to 35 inches. I’m

really big trout on Corkys and other suspending baits worked really slow. In

about to start wading more of the time, targeting big trout. As long as we don’t

West Bay, fishing for reds will be outstanding behind the fronts when the water

get a flood or freeze, we’re set up for some productive trophy fishing.”

drops out and stacks the fish into the guts.”

Jim is winding up his duck season and getting ready to start doing some serious trout fishing. “I’ve been in the marsh hunting ducks most every day. I have fished a few times, mostly in some deep holes in the marsh drains. We catch a mixed bag of trout and reds in there usually. I like to keep doing that some as we get into prime trophy trout time too. We’ll start the day fairly late in the morning, go after our reds in the marsh, then come out and wade the shoreline for the trout as the sun is beginning to set. Often, the best big trout bite is right around dark. We’ll be throwing a lot of Catch 2000s, Catch 5s and 5M MirrOlures. I also will be bumping some soft plastics on the bottom, especially the Stanley Wedge Tails and the old standby Bass Assassins. There will be some heavy stringers caught in coming weeks by those who are willing to stay out late enough and find the schools of mullet on area shorelines.” 64 64

February 2009 February 2009

Winter fishing has been very good in our area. Corkys and slow sinking MirrOlures have dominated our wading boxes as the trout and redfish have moved over deep mud mixed with shell. Corky Fat Boys in pearl/black, chartreuse/pearl, and dayglo have been the best producers for solid trout up to twenty six inches. MirrOdines in pink/black and green/silver have also accounted for some big gals. Redfish continue to eat almost any Gulp shrimp; pearl, new penny, glow and nuclear chicken have all been good for slot fish. The local rivers have been producing both trout and reds when the weather has dipped into the thirties or forties. The Tres Palacios, Colorado, and Lavaca Rivers have been holding smaller trout, with best lures in the deep locales being anything colored glow/chartreuse on a 3/8 ounce head. In February finding concentrations of mullet over mud and shell will be the key.

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The weather has been cooperating quite nicely and so have the fish. There have been plenty of trout in the upper end of the Laguna Madre, with some reaching the 28 inch mark and many between 18 and 23 inches. The trout have been roaming along the edges of channels, on grass lines with drop offs and pot holes in three to four feet of water. The redfish have been in shallower water, one or two feet. Coming up are my favorite months to fish. The water temperatures usually run from the fifties into the low sixties. On sunny days, I’ll be wading along shorelines and areas with muddy bottoms, moving along slowly in order to cover the area around me thoroughly. On a 1/8 ounce Spring Lock jighead, I’ll be rigging pearl and good penny Bass Assassin Blurp Shads or the new Assassin five inch Swim Bait in gold shiner and Tennessee shad. This is also a great time for the MirrOLure Catch 5 in my favorite color: CHBL. When fishing in the Port O’Connor area in February, Lynn likes to focus on areas with a soft mud bottom and some oyster shell too. “I still like those muddy flats next to deep water which also have some scattered shell and or solid reefs on them. The big key this time of year is to locate the mullet. Sometimes, just a few can lead you to a bunch of fish. I’ll throw primarily soft plastics, like Bass Assassins in plum/chartreuse and morning glory. I like an eighth ounce head normally. The key is to work them low and slow. If the fish get a little more active, I like the suspending lures like Corkys and Spros. They must be worked slowly too, but they sometimes account for some of the year’s best trout. I won’t hesitate to use the topwaters either. The weather is the determining factor there. If we keep having these warm spells and the water is into the sixties and seventies, the topwaters will get a lot of play.”

big trout in February. “I’ve actually been seeing a lot of nice trout, a couple of real monsters in fact, while running around in the air boat on the duck hunts. Most of the trout are in places where I normally catch redfish. Muddy, shallow flats in the back lakes or on shorelines adjacent to cuts leading into the lakes are good places to find some of the biggest trout of the year in late-winter. I like to move around quite a bit and throw a lot of Corkys when I’m primarily hunting for the big trout. I also keep all my soft plastics on hand and throw them a lot too, the old standby Sand Eels in purple/chartreuse and other dark colors and even the Gulp baits. February is a fun month for me; it’s a real change from the daily duck hunting and targeting reds that we’ve done earlier in the winter. I can’t wait to get out and chose some of those monster trout I saw.”

course it all hinges on tides, water color and current conditions. Windows of opportunity are typically the second day behind the passage of a Cold Front. Avoid high tide periods and NE winds in access of 15 mph. Pompano, bull and slot reds, sheephead, black drum and whiting are usually in good supply. Cut bait or finger mullet on the reds and “Fishbites” and dead, fresh shrimp for the other species. All of the above is sit and wait bottom fishing. Winter trout have been extremely hard to come by through Dec. but Feb. can be the best month for them. These are typically sought very slowly retrieving M51 MirrOlures in a wide array of color combinations but don’t hesitate to experiment. Sandbar sharks 6-7 ½’ in length are typically available if weed isn’t too much of a problem keeping kayaked baits out. Large Whiting are as good a bait as any for the Just Keep Five Just Keep Five

fishing bright sandy pockets off the west shore of the Laguna Madre. We’ve been throwing soft plastics rigged on fairly light jigheads. The water is in beautiful shape in the upper reaches of the Lagoon lately, and with all the north winds we get this time of year, if should stay that way. There are also some fish hanging around the channels, not only the main ditch of the ICW, but also in some of the other channels that come off of the main one. The fish there seem to be smaller on average than are those in the shallower waters around Emmord’s and Beacroft’s Holes, though. Actually, as the winter wears on, there are often some really big trout right on the west shore of the Lagoon. It shapes

Bruce predicts some world class trophy trout action in February. “We’ll be doing the cold water wading thing, working our lures really slow. I favor two lures above all others this time of year, the Catch 2000 and the seven in Money Minnow. These lures can be worked at a crawl at various depths, especially if you are willing to play with them a little. By that I mean to use various size (and weight) of hooks on the Catch 2000s mainly. You can catch all the mediumsized trout you want around here lately on topwaters, but I believe the really big ones prefer something that sinks and is moving at a snail’s pace. It’s hard to argue with things that have worked for so long. We’ll leave the dock later than usual, fish longer into the day and focus our efforts on soft, dark bottoms, especially in drains that extend from deep to shallow water. I particularly like areas fitting that description that are right next to the ICW.”

Fishing in February can be excellent in the surf for a variety of species but of

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February. “I’ve been targeting water depths of about three to maybe five feet,

up to be really good with the water in such a pretty condition.”

Blake’s cast and blast season has ended and he’s planning on hunting up some

Sandbar Sharks. Other shark species may be available.

Joe has been fishing a pattern in recent weeks that should hold up throughout

How about the start of ’09? Can fishing get any better? The expectations for February couldn’t be higher since we’re limiting on redfish and trout and tagging oversized almost every trip. We’re throwing Gulps under Cajun Thunder corks in shallow water, experimenting with new colors like pink and grass, but the old standbys new penny and pearl white continue to work best. Freddy says, “When the wind blows from the north, bringing brown tide to some areas, fishing is still good a little deeper on a little slower retrieve. Or use a bigger cork like the larger, weighted Cajun Thunder to create more of a pop and a longer leader to settle closer to the bottom where fish hang when temperatures drop.” We’re seeing more traffic than in the past winters, but it seems the hurricanes have opened up the flats and given us some new hunting grounds. We’re noticing more shrimp and crab in the reds, which is a good indicator of things to come.

Texas Saltwater Fishing Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009 February 2009

65 65

Son, Josh, and father with his first trout fishing in Baffin Bay with Capt. CR Webb.

Posing like a pro, Brandon Blood holds his 26” redfish caught in Rockport.

Kenneth Partidge caught this 27 ¾” redfish in the Lower Laguna Madre, Arroyo City TX.

Just my own two cents is all I needed, commented Anna, as she poses with a 36.25”, 18lb. redfish.

First time angler, Katherine Koock, 13, caught her first 26” red fishing Pringle Lake in Port O’Connor.

Trevor McManis pictured with his first red 27” caught in the Laguna Madre. Fishing destination; Ketchikan, AK is where Robert Ortega caught this 13 lb. Yellow Eye (snapper family).

Twenty-five minutes was all it took for 14 year old Jacob Hernandez to land this 37”, 42# black drum. Wade fishing in Aransas Bay proved a good method for Kelli Fitch and her 28” trout.

Brian Mladenka and Greg Cartwright are quite a team as both hold up their reds caught in St. Charles Bay.

Cari Fuller holding her catch of the day, a nice red, before she releases it. Bart Fuller holds up his catch of the day as well, a feisty redfish.

Jeremy Sifuentes fought this jack crevalle for 45 min in the surf at South Padre Island. 66

February 2009

Brett Emery and friend, Anna Wolters, at the Port O’Connor jetties with his 38” redfish which took 45 minutes to get in the boat.

Nothing beats family fishing, Carlos and his grandfather Ricardo Espinosa with his 1st trout landed at SPI.

Texas Saltwater Fishing

Doug Colvin, still amped from the catch, revels with excitement from landing this 20.5in, 15 lb huge redfish. www.TSFMAG.com

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Brent Zimmerhanzel smiles with his 30” red wade fishing the Laguna Madre.

David Camarillo Jr., shows the love for the sport with his 1st keeper redfish at SPI.

Capt. Anthony Pieper used a Gulp Jerk to land this 33”, 11 lb. snook fishing Chocoloskee Fl.

Angler, Jeremy Turner, worked his topwater on this 38” 17 # snook in Chocoloskee, FL. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for a long time!” shouts Callie, 4, pictured with her first trout.

Even though it was Madison Parr’s first time out on the boat, she caught the biggest redfish (23”) in Collin Smidt holding his first Brush Country’s CCA Kid Fish 2008. big drum in Galveston Bay with his brother Frank, and father looking on.

Patrolling the jetties was a good move for Mike Babineaux in Sabine as he holds a huge red! Gene & Elaine Schindler are productive fishing partners from the looks of their reds!

A great fishing partner, Lisa, knows how to hook Collin Young on cloud 9 on Memorial Day those reds in Rockport. weekend when he caught his very 1st keeper red & flounder in the same day.

This 31” 9lb trout went after McCree Hennessee’s soft plastic in the surf.

Please do not write on the back of photos.

Unassisted Jimmy Anderson A gold spinner bait produced landed this 190 pounder out this 27 ¾”. red in only 8” of of his 17 foot Mako. water for Marc Jennings. www.TSFMAG.com

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email photos with a description of your catch of the Month to: Photos@tsfmag.com

Stylish 8 yr. old Hannah Paderes weighing her 28”, 6.5lb. trout. Texas Saltwater Fishing

Mail photos to: TSFMag P.o. Box 429, Seadrift, TX 77983 February 2009



February 2009

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Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009


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your aD coulD be here call 361.785.3420 for more details. www.TSFMAG.com

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“Be Kind to Shorelines” is about leaving a piece of shoreline better than you found it. When you happen upon an unsightly mess on your favorite shoreline; clean it up. Have a fishing buddy snap a photo of your clean-up effort and another of the trash being disposed of properly. Submit photos via email to Everett@TSFMag. com or by mail to TSF Magazine – PO Box 429 – Seadrift, TX 77983. Categories for this contest will be Greatest Haul, Most Unusual, and Most Helpers. The contest will run from October 2008 through Memorial Day 2009. For more details go visit www.TSFMag.com

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February 2009


TSFMag SPecKled TrouT cATch & releASe PhoTo conTeST All you have to do is catch a really good speck and release


it alive‌ and send us some photos! Photos will be judged on photographic quality, artistic merit, demonstration of conservation ethic and, of course, you must include a shot of the release. The

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February 2009

winner will be featured on the cover of TSFMag and receive a high-quality rod and reel combo. Four runner-up prizes will also be awarded. Fish must be caught and released Jul 08-Dec 08, photos must be received on/before Jan 15 09. Fish must be caught in Texas waters and TPWD regs apply. Make sure your camera is set to capture high-quality images. Photos become property of TSFMag, employees and writers are not eligible.

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Submit entries via electronic mail to: Everett@TSFMag.com.

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February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


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Just Keep Five

Texas Saltwater Fishing

February 2009



February 2009

Texas Saltwater Fishing


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