The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine October 2015

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October, 2015



$30 for a Band Business Card includes design & typesetting - Email your information to : or give Robin a call 717.444.2423 Deadline for the October 2015 issue...Monday, September 21st.. We Accept VISA & MASTERCARD or Find us and Like us on Facebook,com/PA Musician Magazine 4


October, 2015

October , 2015



November 1982 - November 2015


33 Years ago Whitey Noll was working another dead end sales job, going nowhere fast. On partial welfare and not having any money with Christmas coming and 4 kids and a wife his friend, Mike Staub told him the only way to make any kind of money is to start your own business. Publications were easy to do, you just had to be able to sell advertising and find one that no one else was doing. Being a musician he thought it would be a great idea to have a publication where the music industry could come together and let everyone know who, what and where events were happening...thus the Pennsylvania Musician Magazine was created. November 1, 1982 with Kix on the first cover and enough advertising sold to pay for the first issue we began. Thanks to the continued support of the music industry and faithful readers all over the state and beyond we are STILL here. The DEADLINE for the November Anniversary issue is Tuesday, October 20th if you would like to place an ad give me a call 717.444.2423. With your continued support we will continue to let the masses know WHO, WHAT & WHERE EVENTS are happening.


October, 2015

ACROSS THE DESK By Whitey & Robin Noll

October, a beautiful month, the leaves turn a beautiful color and the days are cooler and most of October it stays warm and sunny enough that one appreciates God’s beautiful creation that surrounds us here in PA. Football, Festivals and music abounds. Coming out this month on Friday the 2nd there’s some shows that you don’t want to miss: Super Bob is opening the month at Tubby’s along with 4 other great bands including Small Town Titans, 1 Echo 1, Adrenaline and Broken Fayth. On Saturday the 3rd Tubby’s continues to bring the best in the area with Adrian Blitzer and Decipher Life with no cover. Tubby’s has a whole month of great shows prepared for you all. American Posse is entertaining you for their Halloween Bash and if you’re into doing the costume thing you have an opportunity to win up to $200! Sponsored by Rogue Dead Guy Ale. It’s a definite Rocktober month at Tubby’s. Gullifty’s is hosting Songs for Sharon Benefit for the woman who was senselessly murdered. She had a 3 year old daughter and several bands have joined together to


raise funds. Performers giving of their time and talent include: Funktion, Suzi Brown, The Swaines, Case 150 and Rochelle, Roshelle. The event starts at 6:30 and you can go to for details. Gullifty’s has a whole month of “live” entertainment for your listening pleasure all month long. Last month’s cover feature , 2nd Chance Band will be performing on October 16th. Underground Cartoons (yes the original Underground Cartoons) will be getting together to entertain and dazzle your senses on the 17th along with The Polins. Their Halloween Bash will feature Ebenezer Screw, Anthraphobia and Thousand Pound Destruction. Over 27 bands performing at Gullifty’s this month, WOW!! You don’t have to stay home and watch TV and be on facebook, there are a multitude of options throughout the state. Be sure to check out all the schedules in our pages and pick and choose the music of your choice. One event I’ll be choosing this month is An Evening of Love to benefit 5 month old Gracelyn Snyder of Millerstown, PA Her parents are Jason & Karen (Gill) Snyder. At the end of August she was diagnosed with Leukemia needless to say the community is joining forces and having several benefits in support of this young family. On Saturday, October 10th at Millerstown Moose will be a fund raising event starting at 6pm and going until we’re done. The leaves should be beautiful by then so drive on up and join us. Karaoke fun is happening from 6pm-8pm and Jughead will be entertaining us from 8-10 and then there will be an Open Mic for the rest of the evening. Of course there will be Chinese Baskets, Silent Auction 50/50 and more. There’s a gofund page and all kinds of other events happening listed on facebook. Trials and tribulations come upon us all at one time or another and it is truly wonderful how communities will join together to lighten the load. So bring some funds and come and enjoy the fun and love. I’m looking forward to hearing Jughead. Rachel heard them live before and she said they are extremely talented November is our Anniversary month. It’s hard to believe that we have been doing the PA Musician Magazine for 33 years. Too bad I don’t have a 401K or anything. There’s a reason why these kind of publications don’t last, it’s hard to make money at doing them. I have always felt blessed because when we


started the paper we were on welfare and the best job I could get was minimum wage and I wasn’t home with my babies. Thank you to all who have placed ads over the years and kept us going. I asked my accountant if I should give it up and move on and he said well at your age and in this area he suggested I should just keep, keeping on, so I am. We actually have two papers, The Shopper’s Remedy and the PA Musician Magazine. I have to admit I’m not the best business woman in the world but thanks to the help of so many people every month we keep it going. So if you’re waiting for someone to call you for an ad or wonder why we don’t call you, it’s because I’m a staff of one with additional staff of a bunch of people who help out by fitting me in their crazy schedules. So THANK YOU to all my faithful and regular advertisers who place ads and pay me every month. THANK YOU to all of our faithful readers and a HUGE THANK YOU to my staff who do as much as they are able to help a girl out. Ed Kowalczyk is on our cover this month. He will be performing at the Whitaker Center on the 13th. I dug up some old issues that LIVE was on the cover. They were on our cover in October of 1991 with their debut Ep release of “Four Songs” on a Major Indie label. Then they were on the cover on February of 1998 as we were covering Millennium Music Conference #1. Live started out on their journey in 1985 in York when at the tender age of 14 they all decided to make music their career. Ed has left Live and is still creating music. You’ll have to read the cover feature for all the details. It was neat looking at the old issues. It was before the internet and many clubs, bands and music stores, sound companies, studios all used the paper. Times and the internet has definitely effected the use of the PA Musician Magazine but we too have expanded and you can read the entire issue on line at and we have over 6,000 likes at Musician Magazine. It’s also interesting to note that this year will be the 20th Millennium Music Conference. Time marches on and musicians who have made music their chosen career path in various forms are STILL performing and young musicians with new sounds join them... the music lives on just like Whitey said it would and so do we with a little help from all of you. I LOVE YOU WHITEY! 717.444.2423.

October, 2015

October, 2015



OUT & ABOUT by RACHEL ROCKS! This month seems like it flew by, but when I look back at all the fun times I had this month, all of the events seem so far away. Life is just too stinkin’ busy! There is so much to see and do, and we stack it all in with hardly a moment in between, but yet it still seems like we’ve barely done anything except slept, worked, and survived! But there it goes yet another month of shenanigans! A quick shout out to everyone for all of the birthday love. I truly am blessed to have such amazing friends. This month started out long ago at Banished for Life’s show at Double K. At every Banished for Life show you can guarantee one thing, the three guys on stage will be having the times of their lives while entertaining their fans! These guys have been playing together for so many years that it’s definitely not work anymore, just hanging out and having fun while doing what they love. They play all of your favorite rock favorites with a crazy stage presence that just urges everyone to get up and dance their worries away! They just released their first official Banished for Life merchandise. You know I love merch!!! I am the proud new owner of a T-Shirt and a sticker! Thanks B4L for adding to my collection. Banished for Life doesn’t play out to often, but keep an eye on these guys and get out there and rock out old school style! You’ll be glad you did! There was a last minute schedule change at Chick’s so they asked Jeff from Element 22 if he could play, and he jumped right on the opportunity. The rest of the guys in the band were busy, so he brought along his good friend, Darrell Adams to help entertain the masses. Between the two of them and their “music libraries” they were able to pull off a full night of fun and craziness for the crazy crowd at Chick’s. Jeff has an iPad with his song choices and music, Darrell is old school with a binder filled with music that he’s played at one time or another. It always amazes me how musicians can remember the lyrics of so many songs. We also had a super secret, mystery guest stop by and sing a song or two. If you made it to the show you know the secret. It was bittersweet to see this guy rockin’ out because life has pulled him off the stage, yet you can see how much he still loves entertaining a crowd! I’m glad I was there to see it and hopefully someday he’ll make his way back to the stage again! Jeff and Darrell turned the night into a wild singa-long/karaoke night of shenanigans and we all had a blast. If you get yourself in a jam give Jeff from Element 22 a call, hopefully he’ll be able to pull a few strings and help you keep your crowd entertained too. I had to redeem myself for missing Element 22’s set at the Winery last month, so this month I made it there to see the whole band perform. The Vineyard at Hershey is definitely a great place to go see a band. It was once again packed with people eating, drinking, dancing, and just having a great time. It was an absolutely gorgeous night and everyone was in the mood to dance. The dance area in front of the stage was so packed people had their own little dance areas around their tables where they were still dancing and having a good time. Element 22 recently got a new drummer, Bob Davis. Bob fit right in with the rest of the guys and seemed like he was playing with them for years! The Vineyard at Hershey does a whole entire Summer Concert Series that people could actually buy Season Passes too, otherwise it was $10 a night to enjoy the show. It was awesome to hear and see Element 22 rockin’ and having a great time on the stage again. Check out their schedule in this issue and get out there rockin’ with these guys soon! My next night out I headed over to Johnny Joe’s for Steel. Steel had Johnny Joe’s packed with their Steel family having a great time as usual. I got a Fitbit for my birthday and since it resets at midnight I decided to have a “steps competition” with Joanie and Imelda who also both where step trackers. In just an hour and a half we had almost 5,000 steps just from dancing! I was a sweaty, hot mess, but they both still beat me! What a workout!! I’m loving my Fitbit, it is amazing to realize how active I really am! The guys were looking at us like we were crazy from the stage, but we had a blast rockin’ out with Steel, like we always do! Make sure and check out their schedule in this issue and get out there and rock with these guys and come get your workout in! The next Friday started out bright and EARLY for a bus trip continued on next page ...



October, 2015

Out & About continued... to New York City to see Penntera and and Schism rock out on a yacht in the New York Harbor. What an experience! We got up there bright and early so we could spend a free day walking around and exploring New York City. My friend Terri and I had a great day walking miles and exploring. We walked up to Central Park and just had a great time relaxing and people watching. We of course checked out Times Square and even saw the Naked Cowboys. I think the count was somewhere around 56 Penntera fans on the bus. It was cool to be walking the streets of NYC and pass people that you know doing their own touristy fun stuff before the show. New York City is an amazing city packed with fun places and things to see and do! At 7pm we were back in at the Skyport Marina to board the yacht and rock out while cruising the harbor! I’m not sure how many tickets were sold, but it was insanely packed with people all over the yacht. The bands played on the first floor of the yacht, there were so many people it was nearly impossible to make my way to the front to get good pictures. I was also fighting a bit of sea sickness so it was better for me to stay up on the open deck. Even tho you couldn’t actually see the band, they had speakers on the top floor so you could at least hear them while enjoying the fresh air and the amazing views of the New York City skyline. The cruise went the whole way up and around the Statue of Liberty. It was quite the experience to see her so up close and personal. When Penntera’s set was over Schism, a Tool Tribute band took the stage next. I don’t know Tool as well as a I know Pantera, but I can tell that Schism are amazing musicians and I’m sure they make Tool proud! Overall it was an awesome experience to travel with a band to such a special and awesome show! We had a blast on the bus too. Our driver Ron, from Executive Coach did an amazing job driving through the streets of New York. It’s hard enough in a car, I can’t imagine driving a bus! The following weekend my first stop was back at Chick’s for Frayed Nott. I loved seeing all of the Frayed Nott merch throughout the bar. It was great seeing these guys get the love and support they so deserve! They are always looking for new song suggestions to add to their set list of top hits from the 80’s and 90’s. One of their newest additions “Safety Dance” was a huge hit and got the dance floor swinging! Dave, their lead singer and bass player, recently taught Judd, Chick’s bartender, how to play guitar. In just two lessons he learned three songs enough to get up on stage with Frayed Nott! It was awesome to see how excited Dave was to have Judd up on the stage showing off his new talent. It just goes to show you how awesome these guys are. It was a great night of music and entertainment for sure! Make sure you “Like” them on to keep up to date on all of their happenings. They are making some great video announcements that are sure to brighten your news feed! Check out Frayed Nott’s schedule in this issue and get out there and “Get Notty!” with Frayed Nott!! There were a few minutes left to the night so I swung in to Double K on the way home to see Booby Trap. I haven’t seen these guys in a while, but I saw them on Double K’s schedule so I decided to stop on by. Booby Trap was rockin’ the Double K and had the crowd up and dancing. Booby Trap plays just about anything to get the crowd up and dancing. I don’t see Booby Trap too often but it’s always a special treat when I do. The last night of the month I headed out to a friends private birthday party and they had their party band from college there, 4th Base, out of West Chester, PA. They are regularly a 4-piece party band, but for this party only two of them showed up for their acoustic show. They might’ve been down two members, but there was still plenty of honorary members helping out with vocals, tambourines, bongos, whatever wherever! It was definitely a free for all. Steve, aka Skillet, and Jon were great sports, and we all had a fun night of shenanigans! 4th Base is trying to make their way to Harrisburg more often, so keep your eyes out and maybe 4th Base will be playing at a club near you! Next month on Saturday, October 10th, I’m looking forward to An Evening of Love at the Millerstown Moose Family Center in Millerstown, PA. One of my friends Karen Snyder and her husband Jason have a beautiful five month old baby girl named Gracelyn Rae that was diagnosed with Leukemia in August. She has since been receiving chemotherapy at Hershey Children’s Hospital, and obviously the family’s expenses have been racking up quickly. In support of Gracie and her family the community has organized this benefit amongst others to hopefully help curb some of these expenses. October, 2015

One of our advertisers, Jughead has thankfully agreed to come play the benefit and will be sure to make the benefit a rockin’ good time! There will also be refreshments and silent auction items at the Moose. The fun starts at 6pm with Karaoke, and Jughead takes the stage at 8:30. I hope to see everyone there! If you would like directions or more info, hit me up at Well I hope everyone has a rockin’ good month full of sunshine and love! The leaves are changing and Pennsylvania is going to be even more beautiful!! Get out there and enjoy it, and stop by and listen to some live music on the way! When you see me Out and About please stop me and say Hi! Thanks so much to all of our readers, advertisers, and overall general supporters! Without you, we wouldn’t be!!! Please check out our website at and like us on Facebook so you can see all of our Hot Shots in color!!

Karen & Jim — Double K’s owners



NATIONALS continued.... 1990’s riot girl band L7 reunited their original lineup with some East Coast shows for the first time in 19 years. I was fortunate to see three performances in September: Manhattan, Brooklyn and Philadelphia. The all-female grunge band completely rocked their catalog amongst classics: “Pretend We’re Dead” and “Andres.” A documentary on L7’s history is currently in progress and was funded through a Kickstarter campaign. Teenage Bottlerocket, an excellent punk rock band from Laramie, Wyoming also visited the East Coast in September. Heavily influenced by The Ramones and The Misfits, it was great to see them kill at both Baltimore’s Ottobar September 17th and Philadelphia’s Boot & Saddle September 18th. Teenage Bottlerocket was formed by twin brothers Ray and Brandon Carlisle, and also includes Kody Templeman of The Lillingtons. Nate Ruess the singer for indie pop band Fun, visited Pullo Center in York on September 22nd. The frontman is currently touring his solo effort “Grand Romantic.” Ruess a huge talent with incredible vocals played songs from Fun. including “Some Nights” and “We Are Young” but also included covers, “Let’s Go Crazy” (Prince) and “Rocketman” (Elton John). My thanks to Chad Salvaggio who made it possible to greet Ruess after the show and talk music. Lastly, the month finished with a phenomenal concert by Los Angeles skate/punk band FIDLAR at Philadelphia’s Union Transfer September 24th. The band is currently touring for its second album “Too,” with Australia’s Dune Rats. FIDLAR have toured with The Pixies, The Black Lips and The Hives, and in 2012 were named one of Best New Bands by Stereogum. They have two singles making waves right now, “West Coast” and “40oz On Repeat,” but are best known for their song “Cheap Beer.” NATIONAL NEWS: Keith Richards says The Rolling Stones have “definite plans” to record next year after a tour of South America. The Stones’ plan to record their first studio album since 2005’s “A Bigger Bang”. Richards, released a new solo album, “Crosseyed Heart”, on September 18th, and said was in London recently and got together with Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts and Ronnie Wood. The band, which finished a North America tour this summer, will tour South America in early 2016. Richards also gave an opinion on heavy metal in the interview saying, “Millions are in love with Metallica and Black Sabbath. I just thought they were great jokes.” Dave Gahan and Soulsavers are planning to release their second album in October and will do a limited number of shows in support of the disc. Angels & Ghosts arrives Octobeer 23rd and features nine tracks written by Depeche Mode’s Gahan and musical collaborators the Soulsavers. The album is the follow-up to the group’s 2012 debut, “The Light the Dead See”. At this time Gahan & Soulsavers are planning to perform as a 10-piece band and will only perform two U.S. shows: October 19th – Los Angeles, California at The Theatre At Ace Hotel and October 22nd – New York, N.Y., Town Hall. Janet Jackson’s ‘Unbreakable’ World Tour keeps on growing as the superstar adds dates for May and June. Jackson is touring in support of her new album, “Unbreakable”, arriving October 2nd on Rhythm Nation. Jackson’s show will give fans a 90-minute dance-marathon through her catalogue. Dates include: February 19th – Bethlehem, PA,. Sands Casino and June 14th – Hershey, PA., Giant Center. Motörhead cancelled a show after just a few songs in Austin, Tx, with Lemmy Kilmister telling the audience, “I can’t do it.” The band left the stage and then Kilmister came back to apologize, and looked genuinely pained to not play.

The band says Lemmy Kilmister had been dealing with altitude sickness since a show in Denver the past week. The Motörhead facebook stated, “Lemmy will resume duties the moment he is PROPERLY rested and firing on all cylinders again. The legendary Motörheadbanger patience is much appreciated, and the band send their deepest thanks.” Paul McCartney’s ‘Out There’ tour has five remaining dates, one that includes State College, PA. The former Beatle visits the Bryce Jordan Center on October 15th. The setlist for the “Out There” tour features material from “New” and tunes from throughout McCartney’s entire career. In the past five years, McCartney has gotten remarried and released two new solo albums, 2012’s “Kisses on the Bottom” and 2013’s “New”. He also recorded his fifth classical album, 2011’s “Ocean’s Kingdom”, which was commissioned by the New York City Ballet. Public Image Ltd. released a new album, “What The World Needs Now”, in early September, and now the band is touring North America for the first time in three years. PiL has had more than a few personnel changes through the years. Along with Lydon, today’s Public Image Ltd. lineup features former The Damned guitarist Lu Edmonds; drummer Bruce Smith

formerly of The Slits; and bassist Scott Firth, whose credits include Elvis Costello and Steve Winwood. UPCOMING SHOWS: Anthrophobia/Jucifer Harrisburg HMAC Oct 1. Genitorturers New Hope Havana Oct 1. Insane Clown Posse Philadelphia Electric Factory Oct 7. Barb Wire Dolls Philadelphia Kung Fu Necktie Oct 14. Barb Wire Dolls Baltimore Jennifer Finch of L7 Depot Oct 15. Bouncing Souls Lancaster Chameleon Oct 17. Ed Kowalczyk (Live) Harrisburg Whitaker Oct 17. Crocodiles Philadelphia Kung Fu Necktie Oct 19. The Darkness Silver Spring Fillmore Oct 25. Southern Culture on the Skids Washington DC Rock N Roll Hotel Oct 25. The Darkness Philadelphia TLA Oct 30. Anthrophobia Camp Hill Gulliftys Oct 31.

The Jellybricks

October, 2015



ED KOWALCZYK “THROWING COPPER UNPLUGGED — 20th ANNIVERSARY TOUR” COMES TO THE WHITAKER CENTER Compiled by Robin Noll Ed Kowalczyk - the legendary songwriter and former lead-singer of the multi-platinum rock band, Live, announced his ‘Throwing Copper Unplugged - 20th Anniversary’ Tour. Stripped back, intimate and disarmming - Ed Kowalczyk will appear onstage with a new unplugged production of some of rock’s most profound anthems and the voice that has attracted legions of fans for more than two decades. For complete tour and ticketing details visit: The US Tour begins Monday October 5th at Port City Music Hall in Portland Maine and will have two Pennsylvania dates with one being on Saturday October 10th at the Musikfest Cafe in Bethlehem and the second being Saturday, October 17th at the Whitaker Center for Science and the Arts in Harrisburg. Kowalczyk has built one of rock’s most impressive resumes. His band, Live, became one of the most successful and enduring alternative bands of the last twenty yers, with more than 20 million albums sold worldwide. Among this catalogue are some of alternative rock’s most iconic hits, including “Lightning Crashes”, “Alone”, “Selling the Drama”, “The Dolphin’s Cry”, “Overcome” and “Heaven” —many of which have been responsible for shaping the musical landscape for alternative rock around the globe. In 2010 Kowalczyk released his first solo album “Alive”, which spawned the hit single “Grace”, which was followed in 2013 by “The Flood and The Mercy” which featured the hit song, “Seven”. For his newet creative offering, the “Throwing Copper Unplugged —20th Anniversary Tour” Kowlczyk will perform a breathtaking acoustic set that celebrates the 20th Anniversary of this seminial Live album, along with a few surprises. “I’m so excited to celebrate the 20th anniversary of “Throwing Copper” in this new unplugged production,” Ed says. “Fans can expect to see and hear me like never before!” The above paragraphs were the official press release sent to me but I wanted to know more so I went searching on line I never actually heard Live (well I probably did on the radio but wasn’t aware that it was them.) I’ve heard them now on You Tube and I listened to an interview on Rover’s Morning Glory show on from November of 2013, and let me just say, you don’t want to miss the Whitaker Center show, hopefully there will still be tickets by the time this comes to you on the streets. 14

“Fans can expect to see and hear me like never before!” Live was on the cover of the PA Musician Magazine twice. In October of 1991 when they were signed to Radio Active Records. They were from York and had been together since 1985 and were very talented. People recognized the uniqueness of Ed Kowalczyk songwriting ability and also the sound that the rest of the band created as being new and out of the norm. Peter Freedman called me and told me how great this band was and these young lads had a lot going for them and a very unique sound. Instead of re-creating the sounds everyone else was doing they were totally into performing their music with passion and purity. It made them stand out to key people who were on the lookout for such talent. The rest of course is history as millions of you know more about them then I do. They were on the cover again in February of 1998 which was the Millennium Music Conference edition and we wanted to share their success with up and coming talent that would be attending the MMC. By then they had traveled the world and were releasing “Secret Samaldi”. Now after 20 Years since the release of “Throwing PENNSYLVANIA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE

Copper” to celebrate the creation of the songs themselves Ed Kowalczyk desires to present the album to you in it’s entirety as the way it was orignally written, sitting alone in his room writing and playing the songs on his acoustic guitar. When asked about why he left Live Ed replied that they had all agreed to a two year creative break. They were all feeling the stress of touring and were getting in a rut but than one thing led to another, as happens in those situations and it is what it is. Someday they may reunite but currently Ed continues to write songs, record, and tour the world and love on his fans and his family, just as the other members continue to perform as well. When asked about the condition of his vocals 20 years later and if delivering “Throwing Copper Unplugged” would be as powerful as the original release. Ed replied that he felt over the years, with the experience he has had, that his vocal range has actually expanded and he has more control and resonance. The songs themselves will be in a lower dynamic but delivered with even more emotional intensity than when they were originally recorded because of his world wide performing experience. Ed has been singing and writing music from a very young age. He knows he was created to be a songwriter and if he hadn’t become famous in the band he would still be writing songs. It is his passion and his desire to use the music to touch people’s lives for the good. He stated that he enjoys hearing different people’s interpretation of the songs for each song touches an individual in various ways. When asked if his songs were about religion he said, no, they’re about lifting one’s spirit in a positive direction. Using music to lift people up, to encourage them in their life journey. Listening to the various interviews and the songs themselves it is obvious that Ed Kowalczyk loves doing what he is doing. He has a passion for his art, he has a passsion for his fans and a deep passion for his family. Attending the “Throwing Copper Unplugged - 20th Anniversary” Tour will give you a chance to meet and experience a man who was created to write songs and touch people in a positive way with his delivery and performance of the songs he has written. My suggestion is to go and support one of Pennsylvania’s own that has enjoyed over 20 years of world wide success and will continue to do so —it will be money well spent and an experience of a lifetime. October, 2015

Susquehanna Valley NEWS By Jeff Kreitz Jr. Hello music lovers...October has arrived.or as most of us call it “Rocktober” that means there is plenty of live music going on as well as some Halloween party’s. On with the news! If you haven’t got your tickets yet for the Night Ranger show at the Hummels Wharf Fire Company on the 3rd you’re almost out of time, don’t miss these lengendary rockers along with Joyride and Silvertung opening. You can call the fire company at 570.743.3001 or go to Aftermath starts off their fall schedule with a bang catch them at the Trout Run Hotel on the 2nd, American Legion Post 104 in Montoursville on the 9th, The Mill Tavern also in Montoursville on the 16th, Speedy’s Place in Milton on the 24th, and The Angus Inn in Hughesville on the 31st. Harper’s Creekside Tavern up in Waterville brings in Mason Dixon on the 31st for a big Halloween bash. Tony Harlan’s Random Axe returns this month at the American Legion Post 617 in South Williamsport on the 10th, The Canton Moose on the 17th, and The Mill Tavern in Montoursville on the 31st. Some news from down the river....the band 1 Echo 1 are due to enter the studio at the end of the month to record their 3rd EP with John Moyer of the band Disturbed producing. Classic rockers The Flu Shots have a busy month catch them at The New Mountain Tavern in Montgomery on the 3rd, Loyalsock Hotel on the 10th, American Legion Post 104 in Montoursville on the 23rd and the American Legion Post 617 South Williamsport on the 30th. Jack Pyers dropped a new album last month, pick up your copy at CD Baby online, K&S Music locations and at the Natural Food and Garden Store in Lewisburg. 90’s rockers Dug Out invade Tommy’s Sports Bar in Muncy for a huge hometown show on the 3rd. Congratulation’s to Brett Alexander ( The Badlees, Monstertrack Supergroup, Gentleman East) for receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Steamtown Music Awards last month, well deserved! Also that night Dustin Douglas & the Electric Gentleman received the award for Alternative Rock Act of the year! The Tickle Band take over LT’s Tavern in Milton every Friday night for open mic night and some good fun! Kimball’s in Williamsport bring in Lumpy Gravy for a special show on the 31st. Sucker Punch continue to hit hard this month, catch them at Taylor’s Bar and Grill in Unityville on the 17th and at the Camp Laurel Lodge in Mifflinburg for a Halloween bash on the 31st. Hull’s Landing in Muncy welcome in The Running Joke on the 16th. Supergroup Legato Vibe take over the Trout Run Hotel on the 17th. Red Halo return to our area this month, catch them when they invade The Cell Block in Williamsport on the 24th. The Gamble Farm Inn in Jersey Shore bring in Teacherz Pet for a special reunion show and Halloween bash on the 31st. That’s it for this month....get out and support live music when you can and keep supporting the PA Musician Magazine!

October, 2015





“LIVE REVIEWS” By Jim Price As the season transitions into fall and cooler temperatures, I’ve been taking in numerous outdoor live music events while they last, and before everything heads back indoors over the next several weeks. For most of Labor Day weekend, Johnstown’s Cambria City neighborhood again became the center of my universe as I took in all three days of the annual Cambria City Ethnic Festival, where churches and other venues provided food, refreshments, musical and other entertainment stretched out over eight blocks. Upon arriving on Friday evening, my Ethnic Festival musical journey began by catching some of the Irish Pretenders’ performance on the ACRP stage, as they mixed Irish folk and rebel songs with an emphasis on The Dubliners. From there, I caught part of Shades of June’s performance at Holy Cross Lutheran Church; comprised this night as the trio of singer/guitarist Ryan Krinjeck, bassist/singer Chris Myer and drummer/singer Jesse August, Shades Of June mixed rock and pop favorites from the ‘80s and ‘90s. My journey then led to the Venue Of Merging Arts (VOMA) stage, where Pittsburgh’s Jude Benedict & the Last Drop generated some fiery funk sounds, including songs from their forthcoming EP plus workouts on classics such as The Commodores’ “Easy,” Al Green’s “Love and Happiness” and more. I then headed indoors to Ace’s Lounge to check out Octane, my first look at this band in seven years. Former Bad Daze guitarist Kenny Murdick has brought his axe slinging prowess to Octane’s ranks, joining singer Mike, bassist Dave Bambino and drummer Chris Jimerson. Octane rocked the newly-renovated Ace’s with heavy modern rock favorites from Breaking Benjamin, Volbeat, Skillet, Foo Fighters, Linkin Park and more. And although brief, I also caught half of the last song from Dr. Slothclaw’s heated jam-funk performance at the VOMA stage as they finished up the night. Irish was again the first musical flavor I encountered when I returned for Saturday, day two of the Cambria City Ethnic Festival, arriving as Full Kilt performed Irish-flavored rock at ACRP; more on them later. The Bo Moore Band was playing up the street at Holy Cross, entertaining with a variety of classic rock and blues. Bo on lead vocals and guitar, Jake Moore on lead guitar, Brian Moore on bass and Brandon Martinazzi on drums entertained with numbers from Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Rolling Stones, The Band, Lynyrd Skynyrd and more. The group welcomed Stone Bridge Blues Band guitarist Mike Borstnar up to contribute solos to versions of “Sweet Home Chicago” and B.B. King’s “The Thrill Is Gone.” I next returned to VOMA, where Pittsburgh’s Habatat was in the midst of a rendition of the Allman Brothers’ “In Memory of Elizabeth Reed.” Singer/guitarist Ryan Woods, guitarist Cory Mickinak, bassist Kris Lupher and drummer Benny Irons plus guests Josh Covert on trumpet and a percussionist blended elements of rock, funk, jazz and blues into improvisational, expansive arrangements. Habatat mixed original numbers, including songs from their recently-issued self-titled CD, with select classics. After catching a quick glimpse of Hot Headed Mike and the Half Baked Jazz Band inside BottleWorks Ethnic Arts Center, I headed inside Ace’s to witness Black Cat Moan. Singer/harmonica player T.K. Mundok, guitarist George Byich, drummer Zach Bodolosky and guest bassist Scott Jeffreys celebrated blues and roots sounds; displaying stunning musicianship on renditions of Bo Diddley’s “Before You Accuse Me” and the Elvis hit “That’s All Right,” original songs and more. No Cambria City Ethnic Festival would be complete without Yum’s street party outside St. Mary’s church pavilion, so I headed there next to catch this year’s 16th annual installment. Singer Dan Vavrek, guitarist Steve Toma, bassist Shawn Mock and drummer Brian Scaletta cut loose and triggered happy-go-lucky dance action with a wide variety of modern and classic rock and hits, spanning Foo Fighters to Neil Diamond, Sublime to Michael Jackson, J. Geils Band to Foster the People and everything in between. I then returned to VOMA to witness North Carolina’s Jonathan Scales Fourchestra. Namesake Jonathan Scales plays steel drums, and his Fourchestra - bassist Cody Wright and drummer Chaisaray Schenck - performed a unique Caribbean-toned fusion of funk, jam and reggae flavors. Between VOMA continued on pg 1 7 ...



October, 2015

The Professor continued.... bands, I headed back inside Ace’s Lounge to see Keystone Keys Dueling Pianos as they solicited and pitted audience requests against one another, with cash tips deciding the winning requests. Closing out VOMA’s Saturday night slate was Pittsburgh’s Beauty Slap, featuring two trombone players, two trumpet players and a keyboard/turntable artist who generated the beats. Beauty Slap fired up a hearty dance and groove party with their nonstop blend of all-instrumental funk meets hip-hop meets groove. This turned into a heated groove fest, with a large crowd dancing and moving, while fire twirlers and LED hula hoop spinners illuminated the night. Polka and Irish music were prominent flavors during Sunday’s final day of the Cambria City Ethnic Festival. The Irish Pretenders were again entertaining at ACRP when I first arrived, and PA Express was mixing up polka favorites at Holy Cross prior to a patriotic ceremony. I continued up Chestnut Street to St. Mary’s church pavilion, where the Rhythm Masters mixed polka numbers with select rock’n’roll favorites. They mixed hits from Kool & the Gang, Steve Miller Band and Elvis Presley with the “Ooh La La Polka,” the “My Wife Is Drunk” polka, and that age-old polka mystery, “Who Stole the Keeshka.” Next, I headed inside BottleWorks, this day featuring a showcase of singer-songwriter members of Johnstown’s SongWorks organization. I saw the last of these performers, Barry Poglein, as he performed a selection of his original songs and closed with a sing-along number, “Art Class.” My next destination was the Resurrection Parish tent, where Full Kilt was wrapping up their Irish rock-flavored party. Full Kilt’s renditions of numbers by Seven Nations, Gaelic Storm, Van Morrison and Dropkick Murphys helped to close out Resurrection’s Guinness pounder can allotment for another year. The group ended with a spirited sing-along version of U2’s “With or Without You.” I again saw Black Cat Moan in action under the VOMA tent, before I returned to ACRP to continue more Irish musical merriment with Tree the Band. Tree performed their brand of “rock’n’reel,” mixing Irish rock and folk numbers, plus select bluegrass songs as well. The last band standing at this year’s Ethnic Festival was Indiana (PA)-based Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, who closed

October, 2015

out the festival under the VOMA tent. Featuring singer/guitarist Jason Gamble, lead guitarist Brendon Bassler, upright bass player Nick Adams and drummer Josh Williams; Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing merged elements of acoustic rock, folk, jazz and funk into an original sound not far removed from Matchbox 20, Counting Crows or Sublime. Jason exuded a strong presence up front with his powerful voice and personality, and the group escalated the energy and intensity levels of their songs to grab and excite the audience. Once again, this year’s Cambria City Ethnic Festival reaffirmed why it is one of my favorite events every year, as community, music, ethnic heritage and excellent food converged into a great and memorable weekend! The Blair County Game, Fish & Forestry Association (formerly Riggles Gap Sportsmen’s Association) near Altoona celebrated its 100th anniversary this year, and marked the occasion with a special edition of its annual Labor Day weekend Ox Roast Festival. Besides serving up a tasty menu of food items including the popular ox-roast sandwiches, the festival also featured vendor tents and tables, a sportsmen’s flea market, giveaways, children’s activities, open shooting and archery ranges, and live music. Borrowed Time and Strait & Miller performed during Sunday’s half of the festival, while the Backyard Rockers and Rokkandy entertained on Labor Day. In search of a permanent bass player following the recent departure of Jim Ricotta, Rokkandy recruited Altoona music scene legend Louie Brumbaugh to handle bass duties this day. Louie, singer/keyboardist Pat McConnell, singer/guitarist Bob DeArmitt and drummer Mark Panek performed an upbeat blend of rock, pop, funk and country favorites; spanning such artists as Pharrell Williams, Joan Jett, the Cars, the GoGo’s, Garth Brooks, Chuck Berry and more. Windber’s second annual Bluegrass in the Park Festival took place last month at Windber Recreation Park, and while weather again turned out being cool and damp, it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the performers or the bluegrass fans in attendance. The event started on Friday night with performances from Justin Giuffre & the Pilgrimage, the Jenkins Brothers and Thorn Bush; and resumed on Saturday with early performances from the Paint Creek Pickers, Tree,


the Tussey Mountain Moonshiners and Grand Ole’ Ditch. I arrived as the Jakob’s Ferry Stragglers were in the midst of their set. Formerly known as The Weedrags, the Pittsburghbased group mixed traditional folk and bluegrass-flavored original songs with string band arrangements of early country, continued on page 1 8 ....


The Professor continued.... Americana and roots sounds. Singer/fiddler Libby Eddy, singer/upright bassist Ed Kroft, singer/guitarist Gary Antol and clawhammer banjo player Mitch Hall displayed precision and chemistry on original tunes like “Skillet,” “Scattered Pieces” and “Beaumont Butler’s Blues,” as well as songs from Willie Nelson, Nat King Cole Trio, Ernest Tubb, an extended jam version of “I Know You Rider” and more. Between groups, the father-and-daughter duo of guitarist Micah and 5year-old fiddler Eliza Mood performed a few songs, with Eliza capturing the audience’s hearts with her fiddling skills and poise. Harrisburg’s Colebrook Road then took the stage and demonstrated top-notch musicianship, vocals and harmonies as they blended songs from their CD with new numbers and a few select covers. Guitarist/singer Jesse Eisenbise, bassist/singer Jeff Campbell, fiddler/singer Joe McAnulty, mandolin player Wade Yankey and new addition Mark Rast on banjo all showed dazzling instrumental skills and precision. Highlights for me included their song about the Susquehanna River, “Shallow River Blues,” and their instrumental tribute to a Phillies pitcher whose career went south, the “Brad Lidge Breakdown.” Altoona’s Mama Corn brought grins to the audience with their upbeat brand of bluegrass, mixed with bursts of humor. Among their highlights were bluegrass renditions of “Down Home Girl” and Crosby Stills & Nash’s “Helplessly Hoping.” And closing the show, Virginia’s Drymill Road brought an extra weapon this night, master fiddler Patrick McAvinue. He was amazing, sawing his fiddle with such speed that he looked like a sped up tape! But he also did great fills, giving each song the fiddle texture needed to make it better. Drymill Road built momentum as they went, and triggered a lively dance fest as they entered their homestretch of “Not Fade Away” into “Don’t Let Your Deal Go Down,” Charlie Daniels’ “The Devil Went Down to Georgia,” “Shady Grove” and their encore version of the Rolling Stones’ “Honky Tonk Woman.” Bluegrass in the Park was again a fun time, and it’s likely to return next year. After Bluegrass in the Park concluded, I headed to the nearby Windber Hotel to see Pittsburgh’s Legendary Hucklebucks tear the roof off with their brand of loud, scorching rockabilly was the order for the evening. Backed by upright bassist Uncle Piddles, guitarist Dave Fresch and


drummer Brian Hucklebuck, frontman Ted Bundy delivered the blistering fire-and-brimstone vocal litanies, scorching harmonica blasts and witty humor about his bandmates and more. The Hucklebucks did songs from their new CD “Hillbilly Death Wrock Volume I” such as “One Less Drunk,” “Black Eyed Susan” and “B-Movie,” plus select covers from Johnny Cash, Wayne Hancock, Motorhead (a rockabilly spin on the song “Motorhead”), the Nomads and more. Popular Altoona-based country entertainer Ricky Lee presented Freedom Fest event in late August at downtown Altoona’s Heritage Plaza. Before a huge crowd in attendance, the patriotic-themed event featured several performers. The Hit Brigade of the 28th Division Band of the Pennsylvania Army National Guard kicked off the evening, sounding tight and excellent on a variety of rock and funk classics spanning Bruno Mars’ “Uptown Funk” to Spencer Davis’ “Gimme Some Lovin’” to Wilson Pickett’s “Mustang Sally.” Fronted by Sergeant First Class David Miller from Lock Haven, the Hit Brigade also features Sergeant First Class Jamie Waite and Sergeant Gene Fields on trumpets, Staff Sergeants Jennifer Blakeslee and Tanna Gibble on saxophones, Sergeant Mark Kasparek on trombone, Specialist Dana Cooper on keys and vocals, Specialist Andrew Duffy on drums, Specialist Sean Sullivan on percussion and vocals, Specialist Matthew Scott on guitar, Specialist Clay Stiles on bass and vocals, and Sergeants Neil Deyarmin and Nick Raia as the production technicians. After Elvis impersonator J.J. Hancock celebrated the music of The King, Ricky Lee and his band America finished the night with a set of country original songs and favorites. Backed by guitarists Chip and C’Jay Castello, bassist Dave Collins, keyboardist Nate Beatty and drummer Randy Servello, Ricky belted out original numbers such as “Heartseeker,” “Looking for America” and “American Hero,” as well as songs from George Jones, John Michael Montgomery, John Mellencamp and more. Along the way, a marriage proposal took place on the stage, and Ricky signed multiple autographs for adoring fans. The second annual Rails and Ales Brewfest happened in late August at Altoona’s Railroaders Museum, raising money for Altoona Community Theatre. The event enabled participants to sample craft beers from more than 40 brewers, plus enjoy live music from The Overtones and Nobody’s Heroes. After Born and the Beanstalk entertained early VIP session attendees,


The Overtones launched the main event with their celebration of early rock’n’roll, spanning 1950s-era classics to the British Invasion, Motown, surf rock and more. Singer/bassist Rik Golden, singer/guitarist Jeff Reid and - filling in for Mikey Wax on drums this day - Todd Harshbarger gave a kick to early rock’n’roll classics from Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Carl Perkins, Elvis Presley, the Beatles, Johnny Cash, the Kinks and more. Nobody’s Heroes - this day singer/banjo player Brian Dumm, singer/guitarist Grant Matthews, upright bassist/singer Chris Lawson and drummer Abe Weber followed with their lively brand of punk-infused Americana music, mixing original songs with their punk-meets-traditional takes on tunes from The Who, Dion, CCR and more. This year’s Rails and Ales Brewfest raised more than $16,000, greatly surpassing last year’s proceeds; and the event will return next summer. After inclement weather postponed it from the original June date, the Huntingdon County Juneteenth Celebration happened in late August at Huntingdon’s Portstown Park. Juneteenth provided an afternoon of community togetherness, food and refreshments, children’s activities, vendors and live music. Urban Fusion was just finishing up their performance as I arrived, and the group had opened up the stage to a jam session including several guests, including Eli Byrne, Jerry Zolten, Bob “Robo” Vaughan and more. Robert Toomey then led several percussionists, including yours truly on djembe, on a drum song (and a rhythmic interlude a few minutes later to fill time during an intermission). Johnstown’s Smooth Sound then closed out the day by performing modern, classic and original R&B. Keyboardist/singer Brandon King, lead guitarist Eugene Sanders, bassist Joseph Morris Jr. and drummer Jeff Wilson generated the soulful backdrops for singers Venus Hall and Stephen Lewis to display their voices. My favorite highlights included their original tune “Come See Me,” Brandon leading the crowd in a sing-along during Gap Band’s “Outstanding,” and Venus leading a line dance during “Electric Slide.” During last month’s annual Cookport Fair, I enjoyed roots music sounds courtesy of Wes Combs and the Pine Valley Rhythm Jumpers. Based in the Lehigh Valley, this group offered a tasty blend of honky-tonk, western swing and vintage continued on page 1 9 ....

October, 2015

The Professor continued.... country from such names as Merle Haggard, Buck Owens, the Texas Playboys, Hank Williams, Don Gibson, Willie Nelson and more. Group namesake, singer, guitarist and pedal steel player Wes Combs showed a strong voice up front, and he, Gene Fries on guitar, Arturo Baguar on upright bass and Terry Kates on drums played every song with a hearty kick and enthusiasm. They delivered a fun ride, spanning such numbers as the Texas Playboys’ “Boot Heel Drag,” the Starliners’ “Bovine Boogie,” Al Dexter’s “Pistol Packin’ Mama,” Ernest Tubb’s “Drivin’ Nails in My Coffin” and more. Friends, fans, families and musicians gathered in late August at Patton Park in Patton to remember a local superhero. The Stay Green 2015 Benefit raised money for Home Nursing Agency’s Healing Patch program and the Pittsburgh MS Walk, while honoring the memory of Bryan Haluska, known to many as green-caped crusader “Cambria GreenMan,” who frequented community and charity events to assist, entertain children and donate his time in the true spirit of giving. The Stay Green Benefit featured food, refreshments, children’s activities, guest appearances by members of Phoenix Professional Wrestling, and live music. Craig Fitzpatrick commenced the music with his mix of acoustic classic rock and pop favorites, highlighted by his spirited rendition of Jethro Tull’s “Thick as a Brick.” Joined by guest bass player Joe Konior, Born and the Beanstalk then performed classic rock favorites from Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Doobie Brothers, America, Van Morrison and more. Singer/songwriter Justin Starnes then did several countryflavored numbers, strumming both banjo and guitar. The Backyard Rockers - with mysterious masked superhero the “Green Guardian” behind the djembe and bongos - then performed acoustic-geared classics from The Band, Steve Earle, Tom Petty, Neil Young and more. A new group, The Long Nights, then introduced original indie-flavored alternative rock. Dallas Zimmerman sings, and swaps bass and guitar duties with Matt Shawley, while Gerald Mattis plays the drums. During The Long Nights’ set, green balloons were released into the sky in memory of “Cambria GreenMan” and other charitable real-life heroes - such as continued on page 2 0 ....

October , 2015



WE WANT THE WORLD, BUT CAN’T/ DON’T WANT TO PAY FOR IT Sound professionals hear that a lot, especially when it comes to getting approval of production services. Some call it “sticker shock”, but it can usually be traced to a strong need for education on the value of the services rendered and the quality of the finished product. We all want the clearest possible sound don’t we? It’s up to people like me to deliver on that promise and still live within a budget. Experience helps us make adjustments without losing sight of the sound quality goal. We may have to substitute pieces of gear or change the set up without sacrificing quality. Margins may also have to be trimmed for the sake of a budget. This is usually tied to a promise of future business. In reality, this is the way we work at Sound Advantage. We work in partnership with clients. We work within budgets to make our produced events enjoyable and successful. Educating clients is also part of the deal. The topic of budgets was related to one of my jobs in s 2008. I was on a production team that was entrusted with setting up the old Yankee Stadium in New York for a visit by Pope Benedict XVI in April, 2008. The Pope celebrated mass for 60,000 people. The media coverage of the event included a tongue-in-cheek article by Mr. Baker Lee, who reported a mock conversation between the Pope and me. I was working for Clair Brothers at the time. The topic was the budget for the event. The “conversation”, according to Baker, went like this: “Hey Mikey, it’s the Pope. Yeah, yeah, Benedict. How are you? Listen, I’m doing a small event at Yankee Stadium and I need a basic sound system for only about 60,000 people. Just a

few speeches, a little mass, a few bands, you know, the standard stuff. Mikey, you know black color speakers don’t do it for me. No, I think we should go with the gold, Maybe put them on the roof of the stage. It’s gonna cost me, huh? Ok, ok, we’ll go with the gold, but use the paint instead of the 14 karat. Look Mikey, the cost of this system is a little much. Maybe I should use the in-house system…hey if it was good enough for Gehrig. No, no Mikey, I’m just kidding, take it easy. Ok, so we’ll go with the six stacks of gold-painted speakers on the roof, some line arrays, all the monitors, some microphones, cables, yada, yada, yada. Do we need so many

stagehands? Maybe we can cut back on the labor. Yeah, I know. We have only 48 hours to get the whole thing up and running, but it’s an easy load in. It’s all on ramps, no stairs. Rolls right up there at home plate. Ok. Mikey, calm down, we’ll take the union stagehands, but I still get my 20% discount? No, Mikey it’s always been 20%. That’s right, and remembers, we’re tax exempt too. Yeah, yeah, don’t worry; I’ll get you a certificate.” We had a little fun here for the sake of a budget story, but in all seriousness, it was a great honor to serve Pope Benedict XVI and his staff. We will never forget it.

The Professor continued.... good Samaritan Batman Lenny B. Robinson - who anonymously gave of themselves to make the world better. Stay Green concluded with the new mach edition of Lies, Inc., introducing new guitarist Bob Hiles, who joins singer Lily Taylor, bassist Kent Tonkin and drummer Ron Brode. Lies, Inc. introduced new songs such as “The Devil’s Bride” and “The Reaper,” and reprised familiar original tunes such as “Invertigo,” “Hypnotic,” “Waking the Misery” and more. During their set, Kent summed up the theme of the day as he encouraged people to follow “Cambria GreenMan’s” example of selflessness, stating “We are the only hope for our own communities.” Penn State Altoona’s Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity helped kick off Fall Semester in late August by presenting a performance by Washington, DC-based Caribbean music trio Ewabo outside the campus’ Slep Student Center. The group’s members hail from Trinidad & Tobago and St. Martin; Frank Javois sings and plays keys, Roger Greenidge plays steel drums (“pans”), and Tim Hamm plays congas and sings. The group offered an upbeat and joyful blend of reggae, calypso, pop and jazz flavors; doing numbers from Bob Marley, Ben E. King, Jimmy Buffett, and even a spirited take on Buster Poindexter’s “Hot Hot Hot” to close the set. The second annual Our Community Cares Fall Festival took place last month at Captain Jack Lion’s Park in Mill Creek, raising money for Our Community Cares’ mission to reach out to area residents with emergency needs. Area country performer Elaini Arthur hosted the festival’s musical activities, including an amateur singing and talent contest where trophies and prizes were awarded. Saturday’s leg of the festival also featured performances from Elaini, Kira Burley, Martinsburg, WV-based singer/guitarist Donnie McCusker and the Backyard Rockers; while Sunday activities included a car show and musical performers Jim Mosey and Ralph Wilson. After a two-year layoff due to personnel issues, the new mach edition of Giornesto roared into action in late August during an open-air metal fest at Scooter’s in Tire Hill outside Johnstown. Opening the night was Black Sun, who continue to evolve their unique brand of improvisational doom metal. Singer Todd McKeone, guitarist Jason Feathers, bassist Dave Mollica and drummer Nate Woods take Black Sabbathbased doom rock foundations and push them to the upper limits of heaviness and intensity, highlighted by Jason’s guitar-shredding eruptions and Todd’s intense vocal howl. Giornesto soon followed by unveiling their updated lineup and sound. Joining namesake/singer Todd Giornesto and drummer Jack Brant are new guitarist Ron Newman and bassist Tom Brunner. Giornesto hammered out a Sabbathrooted doom metal sound, generating thunderous beats, towering power chords and riffage, escalating arrangements and anthemic melodies. Todd’s stern snarl drove home the intensity on original numbers such as “Devil Wants My Soul,” “Walk Between,” “Crown of Doom,” “Warriors of God,” “Messiah’s Rage,” “Demon Head,” “Restless” and more. And also returning after a ten-month layoff, Naildriver stepped up the rage with their aggressive, thrash-based sound. The reunited lineup of singer Matt Watson, guitarists Scott Botteicher and Todd Dale, bassist Scott Bush and drummer Kevin Siegel took no prisoners as they piledrove original numbers such as “Executioner,” “Enemy,” “Hypocrite’s Anthem” and their newest assault, “Knifework,” along with select numbers from Pantera, Iron Maiden and Anthrax. I also caught the debut performance of Texas Whiskey Authority in late August at McGarvey’s. Brothers Sean and Matt Nagy on guitars and vocals, former Rokkandy bassist

Jim Ricotta and drummer Tony Tamburini made a very strong first showing as they mixed up classic rock favorites from the Rolling Stones, ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, David Bowie, Cracker, Lynyrd Skynyrd, Bob Seger, Eric Clapton, CCR, Tom Petty and many more. As Tony and Jim provided the solid rhythm section foundation, both Nagy brothers clearly knew how to work their respective guitar strings, and Matt gave a hearty singing performance on lead vocals, with both Sean and Big Jim fronting a few songs as well. Texas Whiskey Authority welcomed a few guests during the night, including members of another new group, Bone Jacked, to play on Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “Simple Man,” Rokkandy’s Mark Panek to provide the beats on John Mellencamp’s “Hurts So Good” and the Beatles’ “Day Tripper,” and a djembe and bongo-playing Backyard Rocker to provide additonal percussion on Santana’s “Evil Ways” and Jethro Tull’s “Locomotive Breath” (thanks guys for inviting me up!). This was a fun night and a strong debut - watch for Texas Whiskey Authority on stages around the region for a healthy shot of hearty rock and roll! Other bands and performers I saw in recent weeks included Hybrid Ice at the Tussey Wingfest at Tussey Mountain Amphitheater near Boalsburg, the new-look Locked & Loaded with new singer Dawn Morrison during the final show of Hollidaysburg’s Downtown Live! concert series, recent McGarvey’s visits by the Hurricanes, Matt Pletcher & the PDX, the duo of Jake Makin and Eric McCrum, and Inside Out, plus multiple performers during the weekly Tuesday Open Mic Night at D’Ottavio’s Gran Sasso in Hollidaysburg. News and notes: Multiple sclerosis warrior Tim Surkovich has contacted national producer/engineer Randy Staub (Metallica, Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Nickelback and Bon Jovi) to remix the song “Take Up The Fight” from Progmium’s Project: Diagnosis CD; Tim hopes the song remix will elevate awareness of Project: Diagnosis and multiple sclerosis. Subject to Change announced that they are moving forward in the aftermath of the recent death of their bassist and lead singer, John Van Horn; John’s brother, Ethan Van Horn, will now sing lead vocals and play guitar, and the group has added new bassist Jesse Hall. Skell recently returned to live stage action with new drummer Jordan McClure, who replaces Keith Kweder, who passed away unexpectedly in January. Jeff Hahn takes over drumming duties in The Sitch, replacing the exiting Huck James. Rapid Fire is taking an indefinite hiatus from live performing, citing personal lives and other obligations. Sterling Koch will issue his new CD, “RockSlide”, on Dec. 4, which coincides with his 60th birthday. Images Of Eden is recording tracks toward their next CD, which will be entitled “Soulrise” A new State College area Christmas season compilation CD is coming together for the upcoming holiday season; “Happy Valley Holidays” will be a holiday compilation album featuring musicians from Central PA, and the album is scheduled for a Dec. 1 release, with proceeds from CD sales benefiting the Direct Relief organization. SongWorks of Johnstown is presenting a singer-songwriter contest on Oct. 8 at the Grand Halle in Johnstown’s Cambria City neighborhood; contestants may submit and perform one 3 to 5 minute original song to be judged by a panel of three SongWorks members, with cash prizes first, second and third place winners. Sorry no more Happy Birthday printed, out of space see my article at for them and more hotshots. Please send correspondence and recordings to: Jim Price, 1104 S. Catherine St., Altoona, PA 16602. You can also e-mail me at

CALL 717.444.2423 to List Your Events & Appearances before they happen and Support the paper that supports YOU! Business Cards start at just $30 per month.. 1/8th page is just $85. 10,000 copies throughout PA 20


October, 2015

CLASSIFIED NOTES BUSINESS CLASSIFIEDS WANTED: WE PAY CASH for used guitars, amps, effects, etc!!! Call Matt at Creter Guitar Shop, Jonestown at 717-865-3677. We also do guitar repairs and have a variety of lessons available. WANTED: Vintage guitars, basses, amps, banjos, etc. Fender, Gibson, Martin, Rickenbacker, Gretsch, etc. Top dollar paid! Call Player’s Exchange at 717-975-2385 or stop by and see us at 225 S. Third St. Lemoyne, PA. Email:

Marshall half stack, Fender twin & Bassman guitar amps, Hammond B-3, Yamaha C7 grand piano. Authorized Pro Tool dealers. CD/DVD duplication on site 3 CCC Video Services. 5.1 surround mixing. $300 per day., Altoona PA. Phone 814-9442406. FOR SALE: Music Store, complete stock and displays. Moe’st Everything Muse .Call 570-223-6900 shop or 570-350-2962 cell.

EQUIPMENT FOR SALE WANTED: O l d e r K a y upright bass for bluegrass band. Good condition, reasonably priced. Call Jeff 814-585-0362. FOR SALE: Any Concertina, Accordion, or Ukulele, affordable prices. Also I Buy in any condition Concertinas, Accordions or Ukuleles. . Top Dollar paid. From anywhere in PA Call Mike 610-620-8833.

FOR SALE: Yamaha Mixer Board MX5000-20, 2 Yamaha S1 151V Speakers, 2 Speaker stands, 7 mic stands, 4 mics, cables and accessories. Excellent condition. Ron 717--2047603. FOR SALE: Baby Grand

FOR SALE: P e a v e y Powered Mixer for sale. XR680E 8channel 300watts. $300. 717-433-2954.









The magazine USED by the Pennsylvania Music Industry and the people they want to reach for 32 Years! Founder & Publisher: “Whitey” Lee Noll CEO, Editor: Robin Noll Email: - 717-444-2423

Sales & Marketing: Robin Noll & “Rachel Rocks” Email: - 717-444-2423

Production: Robin Noll - “Rachel Rocks” - Deb Whitcomb Centre Daily Times - State College Staff Photographers: Jim Price - “Rachel Rocks” - Meredith Kaminek

THE BEST VALUE FOR YOUR RECORDING DOLLAR: Celebrating our 30th year in business. Pro Tools, HD3/Accel, 192k Interface, 2 inch 24 track analog, 16 channels of API outboard mic pres, Yamaha Maple Custom Absolute kit, SWR 7 GK bass amps,

Distribution: Robin Noll, Jim Price, Keith Hummel, “Rachel Rocks”, Deanne Trio, Randy Wilson, Shawn Kurey, , Jimi Jaymz, Imelda Redding, Jeff Pittinger, Jeff Kreitz Jr.

Field Editors: Jim Price ..................................... The Professor Rachel Rocks...................................Out & About Eric Hoffman........................................Nationals John Kerecz.....................................Sane Advice Jeff Kreitz Jr..........................Susquehanna Valley

The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine is designed in format as a publicity magazine for musicians, agents, clubs. The interest it has generated has sparked the renaissance of Pennsylvania’s local entertainment scene. That in turn has made the Pennsylvania Musician the most informative and entertaining magazine Pennsylvania has to offer and the one everyone uses and request.

To find out how to have your group or business in our Next Issue call, email or write:

717.444.2423 Rnoll @ PA MUSICIAN MAGAZINE P.O. Box 362 Millerstown, PA 17062

DEADLINE: 20th of each preceding month. The Pennsylvania Musician Magazine is published by LN Publicity Co., PO Box 362, Millersotwn, PA and reserves the right to exercise its discretion in the acceptance of all advertisements and to edit or condense any ad based on its standards of publication. Pennsylvania Musician is not responsible or liable for the condition, disposition, or availability of any article advertised, and disclaims any warranty, expressed or implied, of any item published herein. Although extreme care and diligence is taken in checking ad copy for accuracy, Pennsylvania Musician magazine or the advertiser are not responsible for composition errors, mistakes or misprints.

® 2015 by L.N. Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved

October, 2015



Classified Notes continued... 5’2” piano mfg. by Wm Knabe Baltimore 1926. Restored 1988, mahogany stained, light, very good condition, best reasonable offer. 610-388-2940.

FOR SALE: Compressor/ limiters. Aphex 720 Dominator II, DBX 266XL,Drawmer 241L. Leave message. 610-4880914.

FOR SALE: Peavey 16 channel 3600 watt PA system, $699; Samson stereo compressor, $50; Crate 6 channel PA, $250; Epiphone “SG” electric guitar with amp $150. 717-379-8010.

FOR SALE: Microphones. (2) AKG C-391 B condensers. Excellent condition, low price. Bass roll off and-10db attenuation. Includes clips, foam windscreen, cables and protective cases. 610-4880914.

FOR SALE: Ensoniq Mirage DSK-8 keyboard, full size keys, pressure weighted 61 keys, studio use only for short time. Stand, manual foot pedal, $350 or best offer 570-294-4795. FOR SALE: PA equipment and lights for sale. Power amp, monitors, snake, truss, trees, lights and light board, all cords and cables. Call Patrick at 570-951-9594. Bloomsburg. $1,300 obo. FOR SALE: Tascam 380 24 track recording board with V.U. meters, $500 717-6274800. FOR SALE: Mastering cassette recorders like new, $35 each. 717-627-4800. FOR SALE: Acoustic foam. Great for studio, control rooms, stages, rehearsal space. (4)sheets 2-3” thick, 54” square. $50 takes all. 610-488-0914


FOR SALE: Multitrack recorders. Tascam. (3) DA88’s, (1) DA-38 and (1)RC848. Includes sync cables w/balanced snakes, rack cases and custom oak remote control stand. Leave message. 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Multi effects processors: t.c. electronics M5000 w/digital options.. Lexicon LXP-5 w/MRC. Leave message 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: DI box. Pro Co CB-1. $20 Leave message 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: Record video of your band from the stage or Front of House sound board. Attach any camera to these unique CAMERA MOUNTS. Leave message 610-488-0914 FOR SALE: DAT Recorder. Panasonic SV-3500 in very good working and cosmetic

condition. Includes power cable, wired remote and original shipping box. Records at 44.1 khz. 610488-0914 FOR SALE: Microphone stands, tripod, telescoping, round base etc. Also desk top mic holders, perfect for meetings/conferences. Leave message 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: 12/24 channel balanced, shielded cable, Wire your own studio or make your own snakes. Only $1 per ft. Leave message 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Ultimate Support speaker stands, Sturdy light weight aluminum tripods with telescoping poles. Customized to hold stage lights also. Leave message 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Drum kit mic holders. (1) LP Claw and (3) standoff’s, $45. Leave message 610-488-0914. FOR SALE: Hammond Proline 860 Leslie, With foot pre-amp and Leslie 11 pin cable, All in great condition! $600 Phone 717-248-8739 Email: FOR SALE: Peavey LB1200 par 64 midi and dmx controled lights with gels, 2 bars with 4 lights each. work great $250 Ph. 717-248-8739


MUSICIANS WANTED WANTED: Classic rock Band needs drummer and lead guitarist. Call Ken cell 717-817-7575. Home 570622-3964. WANTED: Experienced pianist for swing band est. 1983. Able to play big band charts, chords, and solos. Piano provided. Contact 610509-2520. WANTED: Lead singer. We do covers and originals, We have been together off and on since 1990. We do a mixture of 80s metal and 70 s rock . We have dates, lights, and PA. From the York and Lancaster area. All we need is you! If interested contact or text Brian At 717- 449 -3503. WANTED: MUSICIANS Male or Female friends. Play by ear or music: Accordion, Concertina, Ukulele or any instruments. English, Spanish, Portuguese. Call from anywhere in PA. Mike, cell 610-620-8833. WANTED: Musicians. Guitarist/ Vocalist seeking musicians for original blues rock project. ALL MUST SING. No drugs. No drama. Dedication a must. WilkesBarre area. Contact John: 570-287-3954


WANTED: Lead vocalist Yo r k county. TheHappenstance band is seeking a lead vocalist to bring classic rock and pop music continually to the local and tristate areas. Females encouraged to apply. Full sound and lights available. Free practice place. Call Rich 717-421-1095 WANTED: Lancaster Band seeking lead guitarist/vocalist and keyboardist. 70’s Rock to Today. Age 35+. Mature and rehearsal dedicated. Contact Genie at 717-682-4987. WANTED: Extended range guitarist bassist singer djent progressive call text Bobby 570 -590 -7991 WANTED: Musicians for an all in one cover, tribute, original band in Norristown, PA. Call Danny: 610-2903492 or email:

MUSICIANS AVAILABLE AVAILABLE: MultInstumentalist; Guitar, Mando, Lapslide, Banjo, Bass, Dobro, Vocals into mellow country, blues? ; Do covers but prefer originals. Harrisburg, Perry County. 717-215-2730. AVAILABLE: Bass player with 20 years experience and pro gear. Modern rock, hard rock preferred. No country. Covers or originals. 570-412-

7614. Williamsport area, willing to travel. AVAILABLE: Established songwriter. I’m looking for a songwriting/music community to be part of again; I have three songs in the new Sean Modica movie “all in time”, and a couple of tunes in catalog at pumpaudio. If you’d like to collaborate on songs for your next project, drop me a line at AVAILABLE: Guitar Player, some keyboards, strong vocals, top equipment available in Lehigh Valley / Pocono area. Can travel. Original classic rock. I have rehearsal sace,. Experienced. 610-588-1640. AVAILABLE: Bass Player, 30 Years experience looking for band or acoustic act that’s performing classic, modern rock variety. Have good strong vocals, equipment, transportation. Reading area. 610-451-3824. AVAILABLE: Rhythm Guitar into The Stones, Stooges, NY Dolls and The Clash. Looking to start mostly original band. Contact: 717-576-7082 AVAILABLE: Classic rock lead vocalist in Northumberland county available, many years of stage experience. I have live video available, contact: frontman_classic_rock@yaho

October, 2015



October, 2015

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