Profolio 2013

Page 1

Lynn Chen Portfolio 20 13

設計融合於環境之中 它不一定有 著 絢 麗 的 外 觀 , 但 你 會 因 為 它 的 存 在 而 感 到 舒 適 。

Oui 為 法 文 「 Yes 」 之 意, 在 念 此 單 詞 的 同 時, 自 己 會 面 露 微 笑 ; 讀 音 似 「 We 」,表示設計是面向大眾的。

陳以寧 Lynn Chen

+886-924-095-506 Education: 2009 國 立 臺 灣 師 範 大 學 附 屬 高 級 中 學 畢 業 2013 實 踐 大 學 工 業 產 品 設 計 學 系 畢 業 The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University (HSNU), Taipei, Taiwan, 2009 Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University (SCID) , Taipei, Taiwan, 2013


英 語 ( 全 民 英 檢 : 中 高 級初 試 ) 日 語 ( 日 檢 N2 ) English ( GEPT : High Intermediate Preliminary Test ) Japanese language ( JLPT : N2 )

Software: Illustrator Photoshop Indesign After Effects

Alias Keyshot

Experience: 2013


實踐工設畢業展暨新一代設計展平 面 組 員

Graphic Design Team Member, Class of 2013 S h o w c a s e a n d Yo u n g D e s i g n e r s ’ E x h i b i t i o n , Department of Industrial Design, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan,


第 18 屆實踐工設系學會平面組組 長 仁寶電腦 (Com pal) 互動設計部暑 期 實 習 2011 IDA 台 北世界設計大會實踐大學展 區 平 面 組 員

實踐工設高中生工作體驗營「 Soul Changing 」 教學組長

2012 Graphic Design Team Leader, Industrial Design Department Association, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan, Design Intern, Department of Interaction Design,Compal Electronics,INC , Taipei, Taiwan 2011 G r a p h i c D e s i g n Te a m M e m b e r, S h i h C h i e n University Exhibition, 2011 Taipei World Design Expo, Taipei, Taiwan Academic Team Leader, Soul Changing – an industrial design experience camp for high school students, Shih Chien University, Taipei, Taiwan,


Design Practice From 2011-2013


TW POST User Interface Design Collaboration with SCCD - TW POST User Interface Specification





in Compal Electronics,INC

SCID User Interface Concept Design





SCID User Interface Concept Design

Behind – SCID Class of 2013 Special Feature


INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP GRAPHIC DESIGN 2013 Taipei International Design Workshop "design in motion"


INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - PROF. GERT TRAUERNICHT , GERMANY 2013 Service Design : Transport Service Innovation

06 07

當 我 在 家 聽 到 急 促 的 門 鈴 聲 , 就 知 道 是 郵 差 來 了。 郵局一向被認為只有便宜這個優點,但公營事業服 務 一 定 不 如 其 他 民 營 業 者 嗎? 我 想 讓 台 灣 郵 局 像 日 本郵局一樣,擺脫公營事業跟不上 時 代 的 印 象 。 Whenever I heard the door bell rings rapidly, I knew it was the mailman. It has been only considered cheap as

the advantage of the postoffice. However, is it true that a government-owned businesses can never achieve what private companies do? Look at the excellent example near us in Japen, they improve the government-owned b u s i n e s s e s w i t h e f f i c i e n c y, m o d e r n , a n d p r o m i s i n g environment which no longer be seen as the old-fashion.


User Interface Design Collaboration with SCCD

Research 調查了郵局目前的業務情況,發現到與一般函件相 較 之 下, 包 裹 送 件 量 歷 年 來 持 續 增 加 。 主 要 原 因 為 網路購物興起。 We prior sur vey of the current business situation of the post office and found that The Parcel Deliver y volume continued to increase over the years compared to general letter. The main reason for the rise of online shopping. (Source: China Post website "100 years of postal statistics handbook)

The objective is to improve the problems and change “public-oriented” and “outdated” impression. Nowadays the living patterns and delivery works can be categorized into two fields: In accidence with the relationship among post office, postman, and the public in mailing system, two items can be proposed: 1/ Portable electronic device 2/ Mobile application


郵 局 有 著 「 公 營 企 業 」、「 便 宜 但 跟 不 上 時 代 」 的 印 象, 目 標 為 改 善 問 題 及 改 變 郵 局 的 既 定 印 象 , 分 析 現 今 生 活 型 態 與 郵 務 工 作 內 容; 針 對 郵 政系統中:郵 局、郵差、民眾,三者之間 的 關 係 , 分別提出兩個項目: 1 ╱ 郵務車用電子可攜裝置 2 ╱ App

Package 包裹


定比指數 : 2006 年 = 100%

函件 -中 華郵政網站《 100 年郵政統計要覽》

將郵務資訊以「收」、「寄」兩部 分 為 主 軸 呈 現 。 與 郵 差 的 連 結, 郵 差 送 件 時 分 段 發 出 通 知 ; 依 收 件 者 回 覆 可 得 知 不 需 停 駐 地 點。 收 件 者 事 先 得 知 也可提早準備,相對減少郵差的等 候 時 間 。 Aim to help increasing efficiency and present in “mailing” and “receiving”. Communication: sending messages when a mailman delivers mails/packages and decide whether if he/she should stop for the location. An addressee can also be prepared when he/she receives the message. The communication between mailman and addressee will shortens the waiting time relatively.

08 09


Saving List

Tracking List

將 收 件 聯 絡 人 資 訊 建 立 為 QR Code ,在郵局臨櫃辦理業務時可更快速。


Over-the-counter business will run faster after developing a QR code for addressee’s information.

Reminder based on time line while tracking mail informa

Selected item Detial imformation

Toolbar (Next, Delete...)


Mailing 一步步導引使用者將寄送資訊建檔。

Step by step, helping user to file mailing information.



Item Imformation



Did you know which mailing type you want? Y

N Item info

Select Mailing Type


Express mail

Letter Detial Service

Detial Service

10 11



[Quick tools]



Registered item ?

Tracking list Y Y


Mail info

OCR (Camera)

Extra Services

Postage Price Calculator


Saving List

Zip code Deliveries detial

Post office locations (nearest,week end) Change Receiving Type


Arriving notice

Can you recive the delivery?

Form examples Add delivery Addreess translator Print


Save as


QR Code

Scan (In Post office)

Scan code (Camera) Tablet App

Tariff list

Cargo tracer


User Interface Specification Page10-27

Version Control Date



V. 01

2013 / 08 / 06

Lynn Chen

Initial commit

V. 02

2013 / 09 / 02

Lynn Chen

Adding Print process

V. 02

2013 / 09 / 04

Lynn Chen

String Update

TW POST User Interface Specification


12 13

Table of Contents Table of Contents

Page List

0 Application Architecture


1 Mainpage


2 Tracking List


2-1 Add Delivery : Keyboard


2-1.1 Add Delivery : Scan


2-2 Arriving Notice


2-3 Help


3 Create New Mailng


3.1 Create New Mailng : Detial Service


3.2 Create New Mailng : Extra Service


3-1 Save As


3-1.1 Save As : Print


3-2 Mail’s Saving List


Application Architecture

Launch APP 2



Main Page

Tracking List

Create New Mailng

3-1 Save As

Add Delivery

Mail’s Saving List

2-2 Arriving Notice


TW POST User Interface Specification



Wireframe / Mainpage Diagram Legend 3-2 Mail’s Saving List

Tracking mailing status bar

Touch to Action

14 15

Switch View Launch APP T I

Text Icon Gestures Componment Description


Tracking List


Create New Mailng


Architecture / Tracking List Launch APP





Main Page

Tracking List

Create New Mailng

Tracking List 2


Save As 3-1

Add Delivery


Label Number


Mail’s Saving List

Arriving Notice




Quick Tools

Add Delivery Scan code (Camera)

Arriving Notice


2-3 Help

TW POST User Interface Specification



Wireframe / Tracking List Tap back to 1

Main Page

Selected Deliveriy Detial

Tracking Deliveriy List

T Deliveriy Status


Deliveriy Icon

Auto Updating Completed

From 1 Main Page

16 17

2-1 Add Delivery

Drag to Update

Tap or drag to Select

Deleted Tracking

2-3 Help

Drag down and Release to Update

Auto Updating


T Deliveriy Status

Icon Legend A. type:

B. In List:

交寄郵件 抵達投遞局 配送中


Register Letter

Express Mail


Unselected: Scale 80%



Wireframe / Add Delivery : Keyboard Change keyboard layout : Numbers a

a Override default text after keyboard’s firstimput.

Reconnect failed

Reconnect successed

Tab outside of dialog to back to [Tracking List]

2-1 Go to [Add Delivery : Scan]

TW POST User Interface Specification


Wireframe / Add Delivery : Scan

18 19

Switch to QR Code scaner

Scan to add delivey


Wireframe / Arriving Notice

Notice from Post Office

Back to home

Icon action : Shaking

TW POST User Interface Specification



Wireframe / Help Back to 2

Send notice From 2 Tracking List

20 21

Tap to toggle situation

Wait for further notice



T A. Problem situation

B. Profile (*Remember Profile data after 1st time)







延誤 收件回執未妥填


Architecture / Create New Mailng

2 Launch APP

Create New Mailng




Main Page

Tracking List

Create New Mailng


Save As 3-1

Detial Service

Add Delivery


Mail’s Saving List



Arriving Notice

2-1 Save As

2-2 Mail’s Saving List

TW POST User Interface Specification

Extra Services

Quick Tools


Wireframe / Create New Mailng Mailing type list

Back to 1 a Initial state is disabled, enabled when all required fields are filled.

22 23

From 1 Main Page I

Icon Legend A. type:

Parcel 3

Show chosen Mailing Type Icon

Tap or drag to Select Default : Package

Progress Indicator

Go to [Create New Mailng : Detial Service]

Register Letter

Express Mail


Wireframe / Create New Mailng : Detial Service Tap to toggle type or weight

Back to 33

Show weight number

a Override default text after keyboard’s firstimput.

b Initial state is disabled, enabled when all required fields are filled.

Tap on weight

From 3 Create New Mailng Tap on type

Show chosen mailing type Imformation

Tap or drag to Select

Progress Indicator : in step 2

Drag to move grid and select weight

Tap to toggle YES / NO


Go to [Create New Mailng : Extra Service]


TW POST User Interface Specification



Wireframe / Create New Mailng : Extra Service Back to 3


[Create New Mailng : Detial Service]

Keep “掛號費” status, from [Create New Mailng : Detial Service]

Override default text after keyboard’s firstimput.

b Input prompt at the end of string.

24 25

Have ‘’裝法定紙幣‘’?


Save and toggle “掛號費” to

3-1 Go to [Save As] c

Change keyboard a layout : Number b

c Initial state is pressabled, allow to skip this step and move to next step [Save As]


Save and keep “掛號費” status


Wireframe / Save As Back to 3 [Create New Mailng : Extra Service] Change keyboard a layout : General

a Override default text after keyboard’s firstimput.



Input prompt at the end of string.




Entering imformation

TW POST User Interface Specification

Imformation not completed

Tab outside of dialog to cancel

Unpressable icon Diolag of postage

Go to 3-1 [Save As : Print]

Go to 3-2 Mail’s Saving List


Wireframe / Save As : Print

26 27

From 3-1 Save As

Connecting Error

Connecting Successful


Back to 3-1 Save As



Printing Complete 1



Wireframe / Mail’s Saving List

T Mailing Type & Addressee Name

包裹 林○○

From 1


包裹 林○○

電話:09**-***-*** 包裹 代收貨款:130元

Use Scanner in Post Office to send data

TW POST User Interface Specification

3-1 Save As



User Interface Internship in 2012 Summer

Why Compal?

因 就 讀 的 科 系 是 工 業 設 計, 希 望 能 更 了 解 UI/ UX 產 業 運 作 與 加 強 相 關 能 力, 所 以 進 入 仁 寶 電 腦 的互動設計部門實習。 Software

製 作 iF 的 參 賽 概 念 影 片 後, 確 實 感 覺 到 自 己 在 軟 體 的 部 分 有 所 成 長 , 加 強 2D Rendering(Photoshop) 的 經 驗 與 能 力 , 在 AE 影 片 一 些邏輯規則及功能也都有所成 長 。

28 29

Team Work

有 別 於 在 學 校 課 程 是 單 人 製 作 一 個 案 子, 我 中 途 加 入 Brainstroming tool 的 團 隊, 參 與 介 面 討 論 與 GUI 繪 製 。 跟 UX 專 業 與 程 式 設 計 師 一 起 討 論 後會以不同的角度看專案。

Social Netting Pad Video

Brainstroming tool

Compal Internship


SCID User Interface Concept Design

現 今付款方式趨於多元且電子化:如 NFC 電 子 錢 包、網路銀行…等; 雖 然 已 有 自 動 化 紀 錄 消 費 資 訊, 但 因 平 台 不 互 通 ,記帳時仍需要自己手動輸入 。

3171 NEW1

使 用 Money Kit , 於 手 機 付 費 或 透 過 雲 端 同 步 戶 頭 資 料 的 同 時, 自 動 在 記 帳 本 中 留 下 紀 錄, 並 與 現金消費記帳彙整。

30 31


將 未分類消費明細分類 悠 遊卡消費自動記錄時間、金額、消 費 單 位 ( 捷 運 、統一超商 ) 等資訊,類別則 須 手 動 輸 入 。 ( 信 用卡、網路銀行相同 )

62 %


3171 NEW1

新增現金交易項 AT&T


08:34 AM 12:34 PM




08:34 AM

Suggestion Week





Balanc e

> Breakfast




According to the time,sequence of category would be 選擇分類: changed. For example: The "Breakfest" category would 時間作為變因建議選項 > Breakfast ( Ex: 早餐時段將早餐分類置前) on top in the time for breakfest.

時 間 作 為 變 因 建 議選 項 。 ( Ex: 早 餐 時 段 將 早 餐 分 常用選項 類置前 )


> Transportation

Budget Display 21 % different icon according to budget sitsuation. > Clothes

部 分 類 別 會 依 預 算的 狀 況 變 更 圖 式 。





21 %

21 %

> Clothes Bu dget Bu dget


> Clothes

21 %




Money Kit


> Transportation

32 33

Money Kit Video Money Kit

ONES SHOPPING SCID User Interface Concept Design

當 一 個 人 生 活 時, 倉 儲 批 發 賣 場 Costco 販 賣 的 食 材 份 量 偏 多。 建 立 一 APP , 於 消 費 者 角 度, 可 供 消 費 者 找 到 一 起 合 購 的 人, 達 到 節 省 資 源 與金錢的狀態。

34 35

Team buying initiator

節省資源與金錢, 不購買過於大量的 生鮮食品


有同樣需求消費者 查詢後加入

主購者購買後,於 設定時間至所約地 點交易

2 同 一 使 用 者, 會 同 時 是 參 加 合 購 者 與 發 起 者 。以 Costco 的 企 業 顏 色 為 基 準 , 劃分兩種版面。

Team buyer





23 : 34 :20

48 : 04 :19

同 樣 一 筆 交 易, 自 合 購 者 與 發 起 者 的 角 度 不 同, 介 面 會 強 調 不 同 項 目 的 資 訊。

Ones Shopping


12:34 PM

36 37

Ones Shopping Video Ones Shopping



38 39

2013 年 新 一 代 展 覽, 我 擔 任 實 踐 工 設 展 區 的

平面組副組長。主要的參與部分為展覽主題的 企劃與專刊內容版型的設計。 每 一 位 設 計 師, 因 為 不 同 的 經 歷、 不 同 的 專 長、 不 同 的 喜 好 … 等 等 不 同 的 故 事, 因 而 設 計 出不同的產品,每一件產品也都或多或少的帶 有 設 計 的 個 人 色 彩, 透 過 這 次 的 主 題 Behind , 我們希望讀者能從專刊中閱讀每件作品的故 事, 也 透 過 設 計 師 所 設 計 的 視 覺 跨 頁, 對 設 計 師本身與作品之間的關係產生想像和連 結 。 Story inside and outside of the special feature In the 2013 Young Designers’ Exhibition, I was deputy team leader for the graphic design team of the Shih Chien University Department of Industrial Design (SCID) exhibition, mainly involved with planning the themes of the exhibition and designing the content and format of the special feature publication. Ever y designer, with their dif ferent experiences, specializations, and preferences, has his or her own different story. They design different products, and each one of these products contains some sort of personal style. Through the theme – “Behind”, we hope readers can learn about the story of each one of the works from the special feature, and can also connect and imagine the relationship between the designer and his or her work through the visuals provided across the pages.

Special Feature Planning and Layout Design


40 41

針 對 主 題 Behin d, 專 刊 的 內 容 分 成 四 個 部 分: 關 於 實 踐 工 設、 公 共 頁 (BEHIN D S CID)、個人頁 (ST ORIES BEHIN D) 以 及 設 計 師 照 (PIPERS BEHIN D) , 而 針 對 每 個 部 份 設 計 了 不 同 的 尺 寸 、 使 用 不 同 材 質 的 紙, 讓 每 一 個 分 類 的 閱 讀 都 是 不 同 的 感 受, 也能更輕鬆地找到自己想要閱讀的分 類。 After… The special feature is divided into four par ts to explore “Behind”: About SCID, Behind SCID, Stories Behind, and Pipers Behind. Each parts was designed to be in dif ferent dimension and incorporated papers of different materials, in the hope that reading each par t would create a dif ferent experience, while at the same time making it easier to find the particular part a reader is interested in.


Special Feature Planning and Layout Design

Behind 專 刊 的 特 色 , 在 每 件 作 品 的 前 面 都 有 一 個 視 覺 設

計 跨 頁。 設 計 師 們 將 一 些 生 活 化 的 問 答 轉 化 成 視 覺 元 素, 讓 讀 者 從 設 計 師 的 回 答 案 和 視 覺 的 風 格 中, 一 窺 設 計 師 的 個 性、 風 格, 並 對 作 品 產 生 想 像 和 連 結 , 亦 能 從 作品中看見作者。 Picturing the designers One of the distinguishing features in our publication is that there is a double spread visual design before each piece of work. Designers presented the lively Q and A as visual elements and invite readers to get a sense of the personality and style of the designer. It also hoped that readers will be able to make connections from the work to its author.

個人頁的版型設計 Frame design for Stories Behind, featuring different designers.

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop Shih Chien University

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

Group 4


Ivy Liang George Lin Hsun Hsiang Hsu Wei Ni Lu Yu Te Wang Hsin Ping Lin

andon Gien

ng Director of Good ustralia f the Australian Internasign Awards nt-Elect of ICSID

Group 3

Group 2

Group 1

Hui Ching Chang Wei Jun Wang Xin Yi Chang Ruei Han Chang Tom Yi Yang Jer Yeh

YunPei Hsiung Ziggy Chao Hung Ju Chen Chin Yun Kuo Yun Xuan Yang Yi Ching Lee

Willie Wong Flower Wu I Hsien Lai Pei Shan Wu

2013 2013 Taipei International Design Workshop 臺北國際 Instructors

• DESIGN SOJOURN, Design Director

dustr ial Des ign) of Architecture) Co mmunications Design)

Group 4

Jasmine Hung Wei Teng Lin Ching Yu Cheng Chia Yu Wu

Ivy Liang George Lin Hsun Hsiang Hsu Wei Ni Lu Yu Te Wang

Group 3

Group 2

Group 1

Hui Ching Chang Wei Jun Wang Xin Yi Chang Ruei Han Chang Tom Yi

YunPei Hsiung Ziggy Chao Hung Ju Chen Chin Yun Kuo Yun Xuan Yang Yi Ching Lee

Willie Wong Flower Wu I Hsien Lai Pei Shan Wu


Hsin Ping Lin Yang Jer Yeh Shih Chien University

2013 2013 Taipei International Design Workshop 臺北國際 • Professor at Hong-Ik University, Seoul. • President of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID, 2011- 2013).


Taipei International

Project Co-instructors: • Wen- C hi C hen (Assistant Professor & Chair m an, Depar tm ent of Com munications Desig n) • Yu- C hih Hsiao (Assistant Professor & Chair m an, Depar tm ent of Architecture) • B uo -Han Lin (Assistant Professor, Depar tm ent of I ndustr ial Desig n) • Sheng-Fong Lin (Associate Professor, Depar tm ent of Architecture) • C hih-Sheng Su (Assistant Professor, Depar tm ent of Com munications Desig n)

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop Design Workshop 2013

Shih Chien University

Shih Chien University Shih Chien University Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture +

Dept. of Communications Design Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

Organizer: Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government 臺北市政府文化局

Project Co-director : Wan-Ru C hou (Associate Professor, Depar tm ent of I ndustr ial Desig n)

Taipei International

Project Co-instructors: • We n - Ch i Ch e n (Assista n t Pro f esso r & C h a ir ma n , D epa r tmen t o f C o mmu n ica tio n s D esign ) • Yu - Ch ih Hs ia o (Assista n t Pro f esso r & C h a ir ma n , D epa r tmen t o f Arch itectu re) • Bu o -Ha n Lin (Assista n t Pro f esso r, D epa r tmen t o f In du str ia l D esign ) • Sh e n g -Fon g Lin (Asso cia te Pro f esso r, D epa r tmen t o f Arch itectu re) • Ch ih -Sh e n g Su (Assista n t Pro f esso r, D epa r tmen t o f C o mmu n ica tio n s D esign )

Advisor: Taipei City Government 臺北市政府

• DESIGN SOJOURN, Design Director

Project Director : C heng-Neng Kuan (Vice President & Professor, Shih-Chien U niver sity )


Project Co-director : Wa n -Ru Ch ou (Asso cia te Pro f esso r, D epa r tmen t o f In du str ia l D esign )

Design Workshop 2013 Taipei International 2013 Design Workshop Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Shih Chien University Dept. of Communications Design

esign Center 意設計中心 en University 學 ment of Industrial Design ment of Architecture ment of Communications Design

• Managing Director of Good Design Australia • Chair of the Australian International Design Awards • President-Elect of ICSID

Executive: • Taiwan Design Center 台灣創意設計中心 • Shih Chien University 實踐大學 - Department of Industrial Design - Department of Architecture - Department of Communications Design

Advisor: Taipei City Government 臺北市政府 Organizer: Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government 臺北市政府文化局

Shih Chien University

承 接 台 灣 創 意 設 計 中 心 的 活 動 LOGO , 負 責 工 作營相關平面。

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop

Project Co-director : Wan-R u C hou (A ssoc i at e Prof e ssor, D e p ar t m e nt of I nd ust r i al D e si gn)

Shih Chien University

Project Co-instructors: • We n-C hi C he n (A ssi st ant Prof e ssor & C hai r m an, D e p ar t m e nt of C om muni c at i ons D e si gn) • Yu-C hi h H si ao (A ssi st ant Prof e ssor & C hai r m an, D e p ar t m e nt of A rc hi t e c t ure ) • B uo-H an L i n (A ssi st ant Prof e ssor, D e p ar t m e nt of I nd ust r i al D e si gn) • She ng-Fong L i n (A ssoc i at e Prof e ssor, D e p ar t m e nt of A rc hi t e c t ure ) • C hi h-She ng Su (A ssi st ant Prof e ssor, D e p ar t m e nt of C om muni c at i ons D e si gn)

• Professor at Hong-Ik University, Seoul • President of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID, 2011- 2013)

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

• Managing Director of Good Design Australia • Chair of the Australian International Design Awards • President-Elect of ICSID

Department of Industr ial Design

Department of Architecture Design

Department of Communications Design

Willie Wong YunPei Hsiung Hui Ching Chang Wei Jun Wang Ziggy Chao Ivy Liang George Lin Jasmine Hung Jeff Liu Wei Teng Lin Yuen Ting Chiu Flower Wu

I Hsien Lai Hung Ju Chen Xin Yi Chang Ruei Han Chang Chin Yun Kuo Hsun Hsiang Hsu Wei Ni Lu Ching Yu Cheng Teng I Yu

Pei Shan Wu Yun Xuan Yang Tom Yi Yang Jer Yeh Yi Ching Lee Yu Te Wang Hsin Ping Lin Chia Yu Wu Pin Yu Chen

Shih Chien University

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

邀請 ICSID ( 國際工業設計協會 ) 現、下任主席等擔任指導。 實 踐 大 學

2013 臺 北 國 際 設 計 工 作 營


Taipei City Government 臺 北 市 政 府


Mr. Brian Ling

主辦單位 : 台北市政府 協辦單位:台北市文化局 執行單位 : 台灣創意設計中心 實踐大學

Taipei International Design Workshop 2013


Mr. Brandon Gien

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop "design in motion"

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

Project Director : C he ng-Ne ng Kuan (Vi c e Pre si d e nt & Prof e ssor, Shi h-C hi e n U nive r si t y)

Prof. Soon-in Lee

Shih Chien University

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Shih Chien University Dept. of Communications Design

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop

Shih Chien University

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design


Taipei International

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop Design Workshop 2013

Executive: • Taiwan Design Center 台灣創意設計中心 • Shih Chien University 實踐大學 - Department of Industrial Design - Department of Architecture - Department of Communications Design

2013 Taipei International Design Workshop

42 43


臺北國際 設計工作營


Shih Chien University

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Mr. Brandon Gien Mr. Brian Ling Dept. of Communications Design

Prof. Soon-in Lee

Dept. of Communications Design • Managing Director of Good • DESIGN SOJOURN, Design Design Australia • Chair of the Australian International Design Awards • President-Elect of ICSID



Project Director : Ch e n g -Ne n g Ku a n (V ice Presiden t & Pro f esso r, S h ih - C h ien Un iver sity)


par tment of

Group 5

Jeff Liu Yuen Ting Chiu Teng I Yu Pin Yu Chen Yen Chang Chiu

• Professor at Hong-Ik University, Seoul. • President of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID, 2011- 2013).

-Chien Univer sity)

ndustr ial Des ign)

Group 6

+ Dept. of Architecture + Prof. Soon-inDept. Lee of Industrial Design Mr. Brandon Gien Mr. Brian Ling

Mr. Brian Ling

06/22 ( Sat. ) - 06/25 ( Tue. )

Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government 臺 北 市 政 府 文 化 局

• DESIGN SOJOURN, Design Director


Prof . Soon-In Lee g raduated from the Hong-Ik University in Seoul with a BA in Industr ial Design • Taiwan Design Center 台灣創意設計中心 in 1972 and an MA in Inter ior Design in 1978, and completed his studies at the Pratt Institute, New • Shih Chien University 踐Domus 大 學 Academy, Milan. He further g raduated from Helsinki University with an MBA York, and實the Design Management in 2001. Recently, Soon-In Lee has been working on his dissertation for a - Department of in Industrial Design PhD at UT in the Netherlands. While studying he worked as a designer for Gold Star (later to - Department of Architecture become LG) from 1975. In 1990, Soon-In Lee became president of the LG Europe Design Center in and in 1995 director of the LG Electronics Cor porate Design Center in Seoul. Dur ing the - Department of Dublin, Communications Design same year, he became Executive Manag ing Director of the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP). Today he is Executive Manag ing Director of Seoul Design Center. Since 2003, he has been a lecturer in design management at g raduate school of Hong-Ik University. Soon-In Lee is President of the Inter national Council of Societies of Industr ial Design (ICSID). Soon-In Lee was Chair of the Korea Design & Brand Management Society, and General director for Gwangju Design Biennale 2007.

Program Shih Chien University No.70, Da-Zhi St., Taipei City 104, Taiwan T_ +886. 2. 2538. 1111 ext# 7001/ 7002 E_

Workshop Pre-st udy

6/10 - 6/21 6 / 1 3 pm . 7 : 0 0 6 / 1 7 pm . 7 : 0 0

F i e ld s t u d y Le c t u re by M r. Li u , Bu o -Ho n g Pre s e n t a t i o n o f p re -s t u d y

Xi n - S h e n g S. Rd, Ta i pe i S h i h - C h i e n U n ive r si t y A 3 0 1 Bl dg. A 5 t h F l o o r

Day 1 6/22 (Sat )

Mr. Brandon Gien is the Manag ing Director of Good Design Australia and Chair of the Australian Inter national Design Awards. In 2011, Mr Gien was elected to the position of President-Elect of the Inter national Council of Societies of Industr ial Design (ICSID), the first Australian to hold this position. Pr ior to founding Good Design Australia, Mr Gien was General Manager of Design Strategy and Head of Cor porate Services at Standards Australia, recognized by the Gover nment as Australia's peak Standards body. With a backg round in management and Industr ial Design, Mr Gien has transfor med the Australian Inter national Design Awards prog ram over the past decade into Australia's peak design assessment and promotion body. He plays a key role in collaborating with design and creative experts from around the world and has affiliations with leading universities and design organizations across Australia and the globe. Through his work on the ICSID Executive Board, Brandon has been instrumental in creating the World Design Impact Pr ize, a new pr ize to honour Industr ial Design dr iven projects that make a positive impact on our social, economic, cultural and environmental quality of life. He is a Fellow of the Design Institute of Australia (DIA) and a professional member of the Industr ial Design Society of Amer ica (IDSA). He sits on the Advisor y Board of the Design Research Institute of the Royal Melbour ne Institute of Technology (RMIT) where he chairs the annual Design Challenge prog ram.

pm . 1 : 0 0 – 1 : 1 5

Op e n i n g Se s s i o n

G ro u p Pre se n t a t i o n Ro o m

pm . 1 : 2 0 – 2 : 0 0 pm . 2 : 0 5 – 2 : 4 5 pm . 2 : 5 0 – 3 : 3 0

Key n o t e Sp e e c h I Key n o t e Sp e e c h II Key n o t e Sp e e c h III

G ro u p Pre se n t a t i o n Ro o m G ro u p Pre se n t a t i o n Ro o m G ro u p Pre se n t a t i o n Ro o m

pm . 3 : 3 0 – 3 : 4 5 pm . 3 : 4 5 – 5 : 3 0

Bre a k Gro u p Pre s e n t a t i o n (p re -s t u d y ) Op e n i n g Pa r t y Dinner

pm . 5 : 3 0 – 7 : 0 0 pm . 7 : 0 0

S e c. 3 , X i n sh e n g S. R d × C i ty Ind e x

G ro u p Pre se n t a t i o n Ro o m Bl dg. M / N B2

Reading Ta i p e i

Day 2 6/23 (Sun)

am. 10:00 – 12:00

F i e ld s t u d y

pm . 2 : 0 0 – 5 : 0 0

Gro u p d i s c u s s i o n wi t h In s t r u c t o r s

Xi n - S h e n g S. Rd, Ta i pe i Bl dg. A 5 0 2 , 5 0 3 , 6 0 2 - 6 0 7

H u m a n i ty d e s i g n Human come first

Day 3 6/24 (Mon)

am. 10:00 – 12:00 pm . 2 : 0 0 – 5 : 0 0

Gro u p d i s c u s s i o n Gro u p Pre s e n t a t i o n wi t h In s t r u c t o r s

To pi c Bl dg. A 6 0 5 - 6 0 7

Taipei International Design Workshop 2013

Day 4 6/25 (Tue) Mr. Br ian Ling is a multidisciplinar y Design Leader with more than 15 years of exper ience leading strateg ic design prog rams that dr ives successful Brands, Fortune 500 businesses, and Gover nment Institutions such as GE, Philips, Nakamichi, Flextronics, Er icsson, Hannspree, and HP. His passion is in helping organisations leverage on Design Dr iven Innovation to make people’s lives better. His designs, or those by the teams he has led, have been recognized with prestig ious awards such as: The Singapore Design Award – Silver (2010), 2 Red Dots in Product Design (2010 for HTS8160B, 2005), Chicago Athenaeum Good Design Award (2007), 2 CES Innovations Award Honorees (2007), Red Dot Concept Award (2006), and a “Mer it” in the Young Professional Designers Award (2002). These designs have been featured in T3 (Lumos, HTS9520, HTS9140), Wired Magazine, Home and Décor, Engadget China, Yanko Design, and exhibited at Singapore Design Festival (2007) and 20/20 Product Design (2004). He was for mally a Senior Design Manager at Philips Design leading their global portfolio of home cinema/entertainment products and Head of Industr ial Design at Nakamichi. He founded and cur rently runs Design Sojour n, a strateg ic design consultancy.

am. 10:00 – 12:00 pm . 2 : 0 0 – 5 : 0 0 pm . 6 : 0 0 –

Gro u p d i s c u s s i o n F i n a l Pre s e n t a t i o n wi t h In s t r u c t o r s Fa rewe ll D i n n e r

To pi c Bl dg. A M i n g- C h u G a l l e r y

Exhibit ion 6/27 (Thu) - 7/6 (Sat )

am. 10:00 – pm . 5 : 0 0

Ex hi b i t i o n o f Wo r k s ho p outcomes

Shih Chien University

Dept. of Industrial Design + Dept. of Architecture + Dept. of Communications Design

Bl dg. A 5 t h F l o o r

A c tiv i ty i n p u t S p a c e a c tiva te d

Prof. Soon-in Lee

Bl dg. A M i n g- C h u G a l l e r y

Graphic Designer: Lynn Chen,Wan Ching Huang

實踐大學 2013 臺 北 國 際 設 計 工 作 營 06/22 ( Sat. ) - 06/25 ( Tue. ) Exhibition 6/27 ( Thu. ) - 7/6 ( Sat. )

• Professor at Hong-Ik University, Seoul. • President of the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID, 2011- 2013)

Mr. Brandon Gien • Managing Director of Good Design Australia • Chair of the Australian International Design Awards • President-Elect of ICSID

Mr. Brian Ling Project Director : C h en g-N en g Kuan (Vice Pre sid e n t & Pro fe sso r, S h ih -C h ie n Un ive r sit y )



A.Brochure B.Poster C.Thank-you letter D.Certificate E.Identity Card

• DESIGN SOJOURN, Design Director

Project Co-director : Wan -Ru C h o u (Asso ciat e Pro fe sso r, D e p ar t me n t o f In d u st r ial D e sig n ) Project Co-instructors: • Wen - C h i C h en (Assist an t Pro fe sso r & C h air man , D e p ar t me n t o f C o mmu n icat io n s D e sig n ) • Yu- C h ih Hsiao (Assist an t Pro fe sso r & C h air man , D e p ar t me n t o f Arch it e ct u re ) • Buo -Han L in (Assist an t Pro fe sso r, D e p ar t me n t o f In d u st r ial D e sig n ) • Sh en g-Fo n g L in (Asso ciat e Pro fe sso r, D e p ar t me n t o f Arch it e ct u re ) • C h ih -Sh en g Su (Assist an t Pro fe sso r, D e p ar t me n t o f C o mmu n icat io n s D e sig n )

Participants: Department of Industr ial Design

Department of Architecture Design

Department of Communications Design

Willie Wong YunPei Hsiung Hui Ching Chang Wei Jun Wang Ziggy Chao Ivy Liang George Lin Jasmine Hung Jeff Liu Wei Teng Lin Yuen Ting Chiu Flower Wu

I Hsien Lai Hung Ju Chen Xin Yi Chang Ruei Han Chang Chin Yun Kuo Hsun Hsiang Hsu Wei Ni Lu Ching Yu Cheng Teng I Yu

Pei Shan Wu Yun Xuan Yang Tom Yi Yang Jer Yeh Yi Ching Lee Yu Te Wang Hsin Ping Lin Chia Yu Wu Pin Yu Chen




Taipei City Government

Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei City Government

• Taiwan Design Center


• Shih Chien University


台灣創意設計中心 實踐大學 - Department of Industrial Design - Department of Architecture - Department of Communications Design

International Workshop Graphic Design

44 45


實踐工設研究所所舉辦之服務設計工作營,由 來 自 德 國 University of Wuppetal 工 業 設 計 學 系 系 主 任 Prof. Gert Trauernicht 帶 領 我 們 從 台 北 大 眾 運輸中的服務性設計出發,根據自身的體驗、 檢 驗 使 用 流 程、 找 出 問 題 最 後 提 出 解 決 的 設 計 方案。 組內決定主題範圍為台北市的新運輸系統 -Ubike 微 笑 單 車 , 每 位 組 員 設 定 為 不 同 類 型 的 使 用 者 , 實 際 花 了 一 天 去 體 驗 Ubike 的 整 個 使 用 流 程:事 先 查 詢 相 關 資 料 、找 尋 車 站 、租 車 、 騎 乘 、 還 車 。 而 後 將 各 別 的 體 驗, 透 過 小 組 討 論 整 理 出 流 程, 最 後 和 小 組 組 員 、 老 師 經 過 一 番 討 論 與 檢 討, 提 出 一 套 服 務 概 念。 這 次 工 作營再次體認到於整個使用者系統中,每個元 素 , 情 況 , 物 件 ,對 象 都 是 環 環 相 扣 的 。

護 照 登 記 , 並 且 PASSIBLE 也 可 直 接 送 達 旅 客 的 下 榻 飯 店 , Check in 完 後 即 可 使 用 。 App 增 加 清 楚 呈 現 了 取 車 的 流 程 步 驟 所 需 資 訊, 與 便 利 商 店 服 務 結 合 , 透 過 騎 乘 Ubike 的 里 程 數 換 取 回 饋 , 鼓 勵 旅 客 的 使 用 率 , 更 能 深 入每一條巷弄。


International Workshop of Service Design

PASSIABLE 以 Ubike 為 中 心 , 結 合 捷 運 和 公 車 兩 大 現 有 運 輸 系 統, 讓 使 用 者 更 方 便 的 移 動。 提 出 的 服 務 流 程 概 念 主 要 包 含 Website、App、Ubike smartphone Standare 三 項 目。 從 安 排 行 程 開 始 , 即 可 直 接 從 網 路 上 訂 購 PASSIBLE 三 用 套 票, 省 去 Ubike 繁 複 的 註 冊 流 程 , 外 國 旅 客 可 以 直 接 以

Copyright © 2013 Lynn Chen All right reserved. Lynn Chen, Taipei, Taiwan

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