1 minute read
Xenocor Xenoscope™
Cost of is $1,500
After consideration of the public comments they received and their review of the device pass-through application, they are not approving the Xenoscope™ for transitional pass-through payment status. If used may look to C1889 to report use of the device/system.
HCPCS Short Descriptor SI APC
49320 Diag laparo separate proc
J1 5361 49321 Laparoscopy biopsy J1 5361 47562 Laparoscopic cholecystectomy J1 5361 44970 Laparoscopy appendectomy J1 5361 49650 Lap ing hernia repair init J1 5361 49651 Lap ing hernia repair recur J1 5361 49652 Lap vent/abd hernia repair J1 5361 58661 Laparoscopy remove adnexa J1 5361 58570 Tlh uterus 250 g or less J1 5362 43281 Lap paraesophag hern repair J1 5362 43282 Lap paraesoph her rpr w/mesh J1 5362
© 2022 Panacea Healthcare Solutions, Inc. Summary of the CY2022 OPPS Final Rule | 26