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Pathogen Test(s) for Platelets (APC 5733

always performed as an add-on test to either an esophagoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy, CMS established a C-code to appropriately describe the add-on component. Under the regulation at 42 CFR 419.2, payment for add-on codes is packaged or conditionally packaged into the payment for the related procedures or services under the OPPS. They believe that revising the long descriptor to describe the service of performing both the MiVu test with either an esophagoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy on the same day would ensure accurate tracking and reporting of the service and minimize inappropriate reporting of the services.

Consequently, effective January 1, 2022, CMS is revising the descriptor for HCPCS code C9777 to read “Esophageal mucosal integrity testing by electrical impedance, transoral, includes esophagoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy,” to accurately reflect how the procedure is currently performed in the hospital outpatient setting. With the change in the descriptor for HCPCS code C9777, CMS is assigning HCPCS code C9777 to APC 5303 based on its resource and clinical homogeneity to the other procedures in the APC. CMS reminds hospitals that because HCPCS code C9777 describes both the MiVu test performed with either an esophagoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy on the same day, HOPDs should not report separate HCPCS codes for the esophagoscopy or esophagogastroduodenoscopy. In summary, after consideration of the public comments, CMS is modifying the long descriptor for HCPCS code C9777, and reassigning HCPCS code C9777 to APC 5303 (Level 3 Upper GI Procedures) with a payment of $3,315.90 for CY 2022.

Starting in January 2021, CMS decided to assign P9100 to APC 5732 (Level 2 Minor Procedures) with a payment rate of approximately $33. From July 2017 until 2021, only one type of pathogen test for platelets, rapid bacterial testing, was described by HCPCS code P9100. The estimated cost for a rapid bacterial test was around $30, which has been confirmed through claims data. Starting in 2021, a new type of pathogen test for platelets, culture-based bacterial testing, using large volume delayed sampling (LVDS), was introduced. This culture-based method is used to test for bacterial contamination of leukocytereduced apheresis platelets and leukocyte-reduced whole blood platelet concentrates. CMS does not have claims data describing the cost of the LVDS test.

For CY 2022, CMS proposed to assign HCPCS code P9100 to APC 5732 (Level 2 Minor Procedures with a payment rate of approximately $33, which is the same APC assignment for HCPCS code P9100 as in CY 2021. They agree with the commenters that the payment rate for HCPCS code P9100 should better reflect the resource cost of the anticipated mixture of rapid bacterial platelet tests and culture-based platelet tests, using LVDS, that will be used in CY 2022 to test for bacterial contamination in platelets. Therefore, CMS supports the suggestion of the commenters to reassign HCPCS code P9100 to APC 5733 (Level 3 Minor Procedures) with a payment rate of $54.24. After reviewing the public comments, CMS has decided to

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