444 Cedar Street, Suite 920, St. Paul, MN 55101
Why gamble on your pricing strategy? Schedule your complimentary Peer Analysis Report today!
Hospital Zero-Base Pricing from Panacea ®
The solution to achieving pricing transparency and strategic revenue goals
Develop defensible yet optimum hospital chargemaster pricing
Multiple “what if” scenarios and pricing models for consideration
Are you ready to publish your prices online? The proposed IPPS FY19 CMS rules will
Want to know how your hospital compares with your peers?
require hospitals to publish their standard
With Hospital Zero-Base® Pricing you can
prices online. This means that hospitals now
create reports identifying your peers from local, regional and national peer group data.
have only seven months to assess and align their prices and ensure that they are both rational and defensible from a consumer and
Call 1-866-926-5933 to schedule a complimentary Peer Analysis Report or visit panaceainc.com
competitive standpoint.
Impact analytics for stop-loss and lesser-of contract provisions
Peer group data representing over 5,000 hospitals and 600,000 physician offices and facilities
Software. Consulting. Education. Results.
Software that puts pricing in your hands *HFMA staff and volunteers determined that hospital zero-base pricing meets specific criteria developed under the HFMA Peer Review Process. HFMA does not endorse or guarantee the use of this product.
Hospital Zero-Base Pricing from Panacea ®
The solution to achieving pricing transparency and strategic revenue goals
Did you meet the Jan 1, 2019 deadline? The IPPS FY19 CMS rules required hospitals to publish their standard prices online by Jan 1, 2019. We'll work with your organization and key stakeholders to
Develop defensible yet optimum hospital chargemaster pricing
Multiple “what if” scenarios and pricing models for consideration
Impact analytics for stop-loss and
conduct a strategic pricing assessment to
With Hospital Zero-Base® Pricing you can create reports identifying your peers from local, regional and national peer group data.
develop a pricing strategy that ensures rational and defensible prices and adheres to the pricing transparency requirements set forth by CMS.
lesser-of contract provisions
Peer group data representing over 5,000 hospitals and 660,000 physician offices and facilities
Want to know how your hospital compares with your peers?
Call 1-866-926-5933 to schedule a complimentary Peer Analysis Report or visit panaceainc.com
Software. Consulting. Education. Results.
Software that puts pricing in your hands *HFMA staff and volunteers determined that hospital zero-base pricing meets specific criteria developed under the
HFMA Peer Review Process. HFMA does not endorse or guarantee the use of this product.
444 Cedar Street, Suite 920, St. Paul, MN 55101
Why gamble on your pricing strategy? Schedule your complimentary Peer Analysis Report today!