4 minute read
Bottled Bliss
The therapeutic benefits of Essential Oils as the perfect investment to wellness.
WORDS SEEMA D’SOUZA e mind, spirit and psyche are upli ed through scent and through our olfactory process, aromas act on brain chemistry. ere are studies done to prove how essential oils have a marked e ect on the Limbic system which is the part of the brain that controls emotions.
The pandemic has changed the world; the way we view it, the way we interact with each other and mostly, the way we work as a collective. We are still coming to terms with new types of pressures at work such as downsizing, dealing with the hybrid work models, taking care of the morale of the workforce, and drawing a boundary between work and leisure time. With this unique set of challenges, one cannot ignore taking care of one’s physical and mental well-being. e truth is you are at your best when you feel your best. Undoubtedly, being proactive and ambitious are all traits that beget success but what everyone is now globally opening to is that if you are not well mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually, your ‘input’ is not good. Even if you are operating from that space, your ‘output’ which may include completing a project or strategically trying to achieve personal and professional goals, is not coming from a space of complete wellness. Today, there are myriad holistic options available for you starting from yoga, homoeopathy, herbal remedies, hypnotherapy, and meditation to aromatherapy. All of them are gentle reminders to connect within and learn to quieten the mind. While there are no right or wrongs, if you feel like you could use some extra help to improve your overall well-being and one that ts right into every lifestyle, the aromatic path might just be the one for you.
Aromatherapy a term coined by chemist ReneeMaurice Gatefossa, is the therapeutic use of essential oils for overall health bene ts and well-being. It’s a plantbased therapy that extracts essential oils from owers, leaves, roots, seeds, wood, or bark. Aroma and olfaction are important parts of the therapy. Of course, to be utilised in the form, the essential oils must be extracted using specialised distillation methods. It is an excellent and gentle alternative to help you cope with burnout, insomnia, anxiety, and other stress-related issues. It’s no secret that scent has a powerful e ect on your senses.
Aromatherapy is useful in balancing psychological conditions such as depression, anxiety and mental fatigue as well as contributing to general mood enhancement and stress reduction. Certain cultures continue to use the sense of smell as a pathway to good health and healing and have recognised the importance between the olfactory senses and scent to help unify the physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of ourselves. Even according to Ayurveda which dates back over ve thousand years in India, the vast diversity of plant life including fennel, turmeric, sandalwood, jasmine, ashwagandha, etc. led to the incorporation of aromatics into Ayurvedic medicine. Like Ayurveda, the basic principle of Aromatherapy is to achieve a perfect balance of the mind and body which is essential to one’s wellness. If one’s state of mind is upli ed with the use of aromatic oils, our bodies too would respond with improved functioning; it is important to rediscover ancient wisdom’s e ects and implement them in our daily lives. ere are several ways to use essential oils and the most popular ones are:
We recommend a few oils which you can always keep in your kit and how you can use them. Selecting the essential oils and fragrances that are right for you is a very intuitive and personal process; what may work for you may not work for someone else. It is imperative to remember that Essential Oils are highly concentrated so it’s important to do a skin test before using them. Place a drop anywhere on the inner part of your arm and wait a few minutes to see if there is any discomfort. If there is any reaction, coat the area with vegetable oil and then wash with warm, soapy water. Always dilute the essential oils in good carrier oils like olive, coconut, almond, and jojoba.
Place a few drops of the essential oil on the pulse points such as temples, inner wrists, or elbows, and back of the neck and enjoy the fragrance.
Place a few drops on your palm, rub your hands together and inhale deeply.
Another excellent way to enjoy essential oils is through candles.
Aromatherapy is an e ective way to promote well-being; it can be used in your daily life at home or packed into your suitcase where you travel. It’s an ideal way to achieve brainbody coherence which in turn helps boost productivity and creativity and therefore improves your quality of work and performance. Self-care is not sel sh.
Aromatherapy is not meant to cure all illnesses, but it can help to maintain equilibrium and improve mental health. e plant world o ers numerous medicinal bene ts, but improper use can be hazardous. Be sure to read all labels and warnings. Keep essential oils away from little children and pets. Not all oils are safe to use. For speci c health problems or concerns, it is advised to consult with a physician. ose who are interested in aromatherapy could seek advice from an aromatherapy specialist for more guidance to assuage all doubts.
You can add a few drops to a di user, your baths, or you can make your own massage oil using a good carrier oil. You can also use it as a room spray by adding a few drops to a spray bottle lled with pure water or during steam inhalation.
LAVENDER – It is calming and helps alleviate stress and insomnia.
PEPPERMINT- improves focus, boosts energy and is an excellent aid to muscle pain and headaches.
EUCALYPTUSinvigorating, improves respiratory issues and helps with concentration
CITRUS (lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, mandarin) – It is upli ing, immunity boosting, cleansing, and boosts creativity)
FRANKINCENSE- It is anti-in ammatory, antiseptic, and astringent, can help strengthen and tone the skin, helps ease digestion, and can help with sleep.
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TEA TREE- It is an antibacterial, antifungal, antiin ammatory, anti-viral and safe oil to use.