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People worldwide have been drinking tea for thousands of centuries; over time, studies have elucidated the wellness bene ts of tea consumption. Tea is known to boost the immune system, ght o in ammation, and even ward o heart disease. While some brews provide more health advantages than others, there’s plenty of evidence that regularly drinking tea can have a lasting impact on overall well-being.
Flavonoids present in tea are a class of compounds with signi cant antioxidant qualities and the ability to minimise radical damage. Tea also contains catechins which help to control blood pressure, control weight loss, and improve mental health. Some teas are best known for being richer in vitamins than other beverages and are bene cial to health when consumed regularly. Ca eine, which is naturally present in tea leaves, is helpful in preventing hangovers because it accelerates the digestion of alcohol more quickly. Ca einated and herbal tea variants contain minerals like potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, copper, and zinc. However, the exact quantity di ers based on the age of the tea plant and the environment and climate it grows in.
In this feature, we have curated a list of teas best known for their therapeutic and wellness properties for the overall good health of the mind and body.
Chamomile Tea
Aside from being a tasty tea ingredient, chamomile also has plenty of health bene ts such as its relaxing properties and being a booster for immunity. People facing sleep problems can drink it to get a restful and relaxing sleep. In addition, it has antispasmodic properties that help mitigate premenstrual issues like anxiety and cramps. It also improves blood glucose, insulin, and blood lipid levels among people who have type two diabetes. Additionally, chamomile tea possesses antibacterial, anti-in ammatory, and liver-protective properties. Chamomile also aids in digestion and in the treatment of chronic arthritis and stomach ulcers by reducing acidity and in ammation. A cup of chamomile tea is a renowned herbal remedy for the common cold and sore throats. Chamomile contains bene cial properties that are good for the heart. And it is believed that chamomile tea may be helpful for those who su er from coronary heart disease even though there are no concrete studies to prove this.