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Peppermint Tea
Globally, Peppermint tea is a widely consumed tea. According to research, it possesses antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral e ects. In addition, it helps treat irritable bowel syndrome symptoms due to its anti-in ammatory properties, and digestive issues like cramps, nausea, or indigestion. is tea can be brewed on its own as a stimulating, soothing herbal infusion, and can also be added to many kinds of herbal and ca einated blends. A cup of peppermint tea can help to increase alertness and boost energy. Peppermint stimulates the areas of the brain responsible for alertness, resulting in increased focus and attention. At the same time, it doesn’t contain any of the negative side e ects of ca eine or other stimulants and can also help to balance moods and increase relaxation. Whether one is looking to soothe ailments, or just enjoy the delicious minty avour of peppermint tea, enjoying a cup is an easy way to derive many bene ts this herb o ers.