1 minute read
Homemade Herbal Tea
Di erent people use various herbs depending on their preferences and tastes. However, ginger, cardamom, cloves, mint, and holy basil are the most popular herbs used in herbal tea. One can also use lemongrass, galangal, pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, fennel seeds, ashwagandha leaf, rose petals, nutmeg, and honey.
e medical worth and the climate determine the herbs that one can use in herbal tea. Some plants, like ginger and cloves, generate heat in the body. On the other hand, mint, holy basil and rose petals have a chilling e ect. Drinking black tea may lower the risk of heart attack and atherosclerosis which is a build-up in the arteries. Applied topically, tea can relieve the discomfort of rashes, stings, and haemorrhoids, and may help to reduce acne are-ups.