Divemaster course 1999

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PADI Divemaster Course Instructor Guide © International PADI, Inc. 1987–2003 All rights reserved. Portions of the Appendix of this section may be reproduced by PADI Members for use in PADI-sanctioned training, but not for resale or personal gain. No other reproduction is allowed without the express written permission of PADI. Published by PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION OF DIVING INSTRUCTORS (PADI) 30151 Tomas Street Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688-2125 Printed in U.S.A. Product No. 79122 ii

Version 3.1pdf

(rev. 12/03)

padi.com Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

Table of Contents How to Use This Guide Divemaster Course Instructional Philosophy

v vii

One Introduction Goals and Purpose of the PADI Divemaster Course PADI Divemaster Duties Benefits and Renewal Requirements of PADI Divemaster Certification

1-1 1-3 1-4

Two General Standards and Course Overview Course Standards Course Prerequisites Certification Requirements Instructor Supervision Equipment Training Materials Referrals Certification Procedures Course Overview Key Standards Sequencing within the PADI Divemaster Course Sample Divemaster Course Schedule

2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-4 2-5 2-5 2-6

Three Knowledge Development Conduct and Standards Evaluation Assignment Topic 1 – Course Introduction Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 iii

Topic 2 – Supervising General Diving Activities Part 1 Part 2 Topic 3 – Assisting with Student Divers in Training Topic 4 – Dive Theory Introduction Topic 5 – The Physics of Diving Topic 6 – The Physiology of Diving Topic 7 – Dive Equipment Topic 8 – Decompression Theory and the RDP Topic 9 – Divemaster Conducted Programs Topic 10 – Risk Management Topic 11 – The Business of Diving Topic 12 – Your Diving Career

3-11 3-11 3-27 3-45 3-57 3-61 3-78 3-97 3-108 3-122 3-126 3-133 3-137

Four Waterskills and Stamina Stamina Assessment and Development Diver Rescue Assessment and Development Confined Waterskill Assessment and Development

4-1 4-3 4-4

Five Practical Application Required Training Exercises Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Practical Application Internship (Option 1) Practical Training Exercises (Option 2) Appendix

5-2 5-2 5-3 5-4 5-7 5-7 5-10 A-1

All standards, required activities and performance objectives discussed in this text appear in blue boldface print. The blue boldface will assist you in easily identifying those requirements that must be adhered to when you conduct PADI courses or programs. All supporting rationale, general recommendations and how-to information are not bolded.


Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

o t w o H This e s U ide Gu

The PADI Divemaster Course Instructor Guide has five sections that guide you through the conduct of this course. While it’s appropriate for PADI Divemasters and Assistant Instructors to use this guide, it speaks to PADI Instructors. References to “you” are to the instructor conducting the program. Section One provides the goals of the PADI Divemaster course and PADI Divemaster duties. Section Two identifies the general standards that apply throughout the program, required sequencing, materials and ideas for scheduling. Section Three covers the Knowledge Development Module. It lists the standards for required knowledge development and related activities, and provides 12 Knowledge Development Topic presentation outlines. This section also identifies which topics may be handled effectively through independent study, and which will usually require more formal class sessions. Section Four covers the Waterskills and Stamina Module. This section lists the performance requirements and conduct for confined water training. Section Five, Practical Application, is divided into four subsections. The first details the practical application standards and the second covers performance requirements and conduct for the three Required Training Exercises. The third subsection provides the standards and requirements for candidates who will complete the Divemaster Internship, and the fourth provides the standards and conduct for candidates who will complete the Practical Training Exercises.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide



Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

r e t s a m e v i D e s r u o C l a n o i t c u r t s In ophy s o l i h P

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

Higher Level Learning Teaching the PADI Divemaster course involves higher level learning that begins at the Rescue Diver course and expands in the PADI Divemaster course. The PADI Divemaster course expands the problem solving skills developed by the PADI Rescue Diver program, and extends it from accident management and prevention scenarios to supervisory situations with student divers and certified divers. At the divemaster level, problem solving emphasizes looking for many possible solutions under the circumstances and choosing the best of several. Divemaster problem solving may include more than safety-related issues, and include handling customer service, business and operational challenges. The course also addresses attitudes and judgment. Attitudes are emotional influences that shape individual choices ranging from professional behavior, role modeling, personal health and following safe diving practices, to very basic values, such as honesty. Judgment applies attitudes, experience, theoretical knowledge, deduction and intuition to problem solving and making decisions based on variables, sometimes under circumstances that aren’t “black or white.�


In this regard, teaching at the divemaster level is more challenging than teaching entry-level divers. For example, you can see that either a student diver does or does not clear a mask. While you can see that a divemaster candidate either knows or does not know how to behave as a role model, it’s impossible to evaluate whether the candidate will choose to behave as a role model after the course. You can’t be responsible for the candidate’s choices once outside the course, but you can establish the knowledge and skills needed to make good choices, and you can try to influence wise decision making.

Mentor Relationship In classes leading up to the PADI Divemaster course, you probably have a “teacher” relationship with your student divers. With PADI Divemaster candidates, however, you’re likely to find a mentor relationship more effective in developing divemaster candidates’ judgment and attitudes. In keeping with the higher level learning and instructional philosophy of the PADI Divemaster course, in a mentor relationship you guide candidates directly through personal interactions in which you tell candidates why you make specific choices, the basis for your judgment, the way actions/inactions – by you and candidates – may affect others, and other personal insights you have. You viii

take candidates into your confidence, and lead them individually toward their personal goals as dive professionals. Think of the relationship as one similar to the one between a professor and a graduate student, or a master craftsman and an apprentice. The mentor isn’t just a teacher, but the candidate’s personal guide into the ranks of diving professionals. You’re a friend, advisor, coach and teacher, all in one. Besides the obvious benefits to the candidate, the mentor relationship benefits you. You’ll train your instructional assistants to see and do things within the PADI System similar to the way you do, so they integrate well with your training efforts. Divemaster candidates who come to you from other instructors bring with them new techniques and ideas that you can learn. Because you discuss the thinking behind what you do together, you’ll often have a chance to learn the rationale for new techniques if they’re not obvious. If you’re successful as a mentor, many of your PADI Divemasters will continue to seek your counsel even after they’ve moved into the PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor, IDC Staff Instructor and Master Instructor levels. As a PADI Divemaster mentor, consider each candidate as someone you’re inviting into the ranks of PADI leadership. In effect, by accepting a candidate into the program, you’re saying that you recognize the person’s potential to succeed as a PADI Divemaster and you’re committed to guiding that person to that success.

Course Conduct and Structure Recommendations The PADI Divemaster course is divided into Knowledge Development, Waterskills and Stamina, and Practical Application sections. The course has been designed for flexibility in assignments and sessions to permit the most effective course structure possible for your local teaching/diving environment and the individual needs of your candidates. You’ll find sample schedules later in this section; the following recommendations list suggestions based on the course instructional philosophy. 1. Structure the course to include independent study and research. This reduces class time by taking advantage of the PADI Divemaster Video, Divemaster Manual, Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving, Diving Knowledge Workbook and other resources, but it also trains the candidate to find information, which is an important skill for a leadershiplevel diver. You can integrate independent study into your course schedule so that candidates work on it in their spare time between class sessions and exercises. Educational studies show that independent study consistently produces betterprepared candidates and, by reducing the need to establish base concepts in the classroom, allows the instructor to devote more time to applying information to individual needs, to Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

addressing specific learning obstacles, and to developing a personal rapport with candidates. 2. Encourage creativity and novel points of view. During the Practical Application Module, candidates often have unique approaches to solving problems or tackling a situation. Since there’s rarely only one right way to do something, encourage creativity by discussing the merits of these ideas, and permitting candidates to pursue their own approaches as appropriate. This is a good way for you to learn as well as teach. 3. Develop candidates’ ability to recognize and reinforce themselves internally. Internal reinforcement means that candidates recognize when they’re doing something well without you having to tell them. For example, if in discussing role modeling you tell candidates, “When a student diver approaches you to discuss a personal diving problem, it means you’ve gained that person’s respect as a dive professional,” then this event will reinforce good role modeling whenever it happens – even after the course concludes. You increase internal reinforcement by deemphasizing score numbers and your evaluation and emphasizing their awareness of their own performance and abilities, so that candidates set goals based on their expectations of themselves rather than Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

on simply attaining a number. Avoid suggestions that insufficient performance comes from a lack of ability. Instead, emphasize that insufficient performance means the candidate needs to expend more effort (usually in the form of practice and study). It’s also important to avoid the impression that scoring is negative; treat it as neutral – a placemark by which candidates use your observations to gauge themselves. Asking the candidate questions about a performance during counseling and following the answers with reinforcement, additional information, and ways to self-assess are ways to do this.

Self Assessment Example During demonstration quality skill development, mask clearing: You: What was your score for your mask clearing demonstration? Candidate: It was okay. I think I earned a 3. You: That’s what I saw. You’ll do better with some practice. What could you do to make it a 4? Candidate: I think I need to slow down some more. You: Good. Exaggerating and stopping before each step would help, too. Practice with your buddy while I talk with the rest of the group, and let me know when you’re doing it at the 4 level or better.

4. Be a role model and expect role model behavior. In a mentor role, your candidates will follow your lead, just as other divers follow theirs. One of the strongest influences on attitudes, value and judgment is a role model. To be an effective role model, the candidates must respect and identify with you as a dive professional. Then, you need to portray the kind of diver and leader you want them to be. It’s important to remember that candidates can learn unintended attitudes as well as those you want them to learn; this is why “do as I say, not as I do” frequently fails as a teaching method. Finally, make it clear that you expect role model behavior from your candidates. 5. Encourage curiosity. A PADI Divemaster is expected to have a broad base of diving knowledge. You enhance this base by getting candidates to pursue information for its own sake. At this level, it’s not so important that every piece of information relate directly to a learning objective — candidate interest is enough. When candidates want to know more about a topic, or ask “why?”, answer and apply the answer to the discussion. Direct the candidates to easily accessible sources of information about the question. Candidates at the PADI Divemaster course level have a solid diving foundation from previous training and experience, and you can present “extra” inforix

mation (material not in the outline or learning objectives) they ask for without too much concern that you’ll be overteaching. Be cautious about “volunteering” extra information when they don’t ask, however, because not asking may indicate that they’re struggling to learn the primary material. In addition to that, constantly find ways to relate information to candidate needs and interests. The more value information has for candidates, the more they will seek it. 6. Use discussions as a teaching method. While lectures work


well for delivering facts, and questions within a lecture work as a general tool for evaluating candidate understanding, educational research shows that discussions promote problem solving abilities and shape attitudes more efficiently. 7. Have candidates run their debriefings. After exercises, rather than you leading briefings by telling candidates what you saw, have candidates tell you what happened, what they learned and what their performance was. This further encourages problem solving development, and it gives you a clearer idea

about why candidates perform the way they do by letting you hear what candidates think. Often following a poor performance, a candidate will tell you that it was poor, why it was poor, and what to do about it the next time, all without prompting from you. The only caution in this technique is that some candidates set high expectations for themselves and tend to be harder on themselves than you would be. Don’t let such individuals discourage themselves. Offer genuine positive comments to maintain a good outlook.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

One Introduction ourse C r e t s DivemaDivemaster coursne I D A P f the ining, the PADI n. Those who joident o e s o p stu atio r tra ur P d r educ aining n dive e i r n t v s i l a h d e t i f v s Goal y to professionaltlhee PADI Systemoother instructorssnworkelers and skein

nd e th hin ers, entr fluenc t you a ole wit ied div s n As the r f i i i l s t s y r a l t a e g c o s e, on or nk piv me tim ce can str vities f ster ra i a s t a s plays a l c a e m a e n h g t v o n n DI Di ro f e s s i ing. At xperie se divi the PA nd div onal e -level p uper vi i s y a s r s t uctors. y g e r e f n t n i e s h o r T ese rain a In gp t h b n t i g u , n c n y i divers. i l S a r s r g u , Wate tified Obviou vers enjoy d ahead d Open g today’s cer i divers. oking n d o a l n s u e r f r o a t in c rs. rs and e train t Instru s t ru c t o ’r emaste safety n n u i v a i o t ’s s y D i , w s I s e o PAD o m o rr r cours PADI A many ny of t emaste ply as a v p i m a D r l l I o i D tion f they w the PA founda e ucting h d t n g o n c In d layi nts an assista

Who is a PADI Divemaster? The dive community expects several characteristics of an individual with the PADI Divemaster rating. These include: •

Exemplary diving skills. The PADI Divemaster’s skills can be used as demonstrations for student divers.

Rescue skill. The PADI Divemaster can prevent and manage accidents, and role model rescue skills for student divers in training.

Professional-level knowledge of dive theory. Depth of theoretical knowledge goes hand-in-hand with expertise and professionalism. This is the foundation for problem solving and creativity in the divemaster’s duties, and for subsequent growth as a PADI Assistant Instructor.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

Competence as a certified assistant. PADI Divemasters know how to support instruction by handling logistical, supervisory and limited educational duties under an instructor’s supervision.

Dive management and supervision abilities. PADI Divemasters accept appropriate, limited responsibility for certified divers within the context of leading or managing diving activities. This requires good people skills and good judgment along with a strong working knowledge of dive environments and activities. The PADI Divemaster assists the tion dive operation with risk Associa ssional tructors fe ro P s management. In f Diving o


Ethical role model behavior. PADI Divemasters are expected to display common honesty and courtesy, and follow accepted, responsible dive practices. Their behavior reflects well on them, the dive operation for which they work, and the PADI organization.

Enthusiasm and fun. People learn to dive for the excitement, adven-

ture, and challenge – or broadly, for fun. They look to PADI Divemasters to assist them in having fun within their interests and skill levels. Divers expect PADI Divemasters to be pleasant and sociable individuals to interact with. The PADI Divemaster assists with the dive community’s diver retention efforts.

Course Goals To develop the previous characteristics in an individual, the PADI Divemaster course has five broad goals: 1.

2. 3.




To develop the knowledge, attitudes, judgment and skills for supervising certified divers in shore-based and boat-based diving activities. To develop the knowledge, attitudes, judgment and skills for assisting with training divers in PADI courses. To develop the knowledge, attitudes, judgment and skills for independently conducting specific PADI programs for certified divers and nondivers (e.g., Scuba Review, Discover Snorkeling, PADI Skin Diver course). To develop the candidate’s dive theory knowledge, waterskills, rescue skills and experience to the levels necessary to enter the PADI Assistant Instructor course and the PADI Instructor Development Course. And to encourage the candidate to continue into those programs. To promote each candidate’s growth to meet individual needs and interests, and to meet the dive community’s needs and expectations in dive leaders (e.g., risk management, personal health and safety, the needs of the dive retailer).

One: Introduction

PADI Divemaster Duties The following lists the duties and benefits of PADI Divemasters as they apply to PADI courses and PADI Standards. Certified and new/renewed PADI Divemasters who are in Active status are authorized to: 1. Independently guide Open Water Diver/Scuba Diver students on the tour portion of Open Water Diver course Training Dives 2 through 4, at a ratio of two student divers per certified divemaster. 2. Accompany Open Water Diver/ Scuba Diver students under the indirect supervision of a PADI Instructor: a. during surface swims to and from the entry/exit point. b. during the navigational exercises during Dive 4. c. with the group, either on the surface or underwater, while the instructor conducts a skill, such as an ascent, with an individual student diver or buddy team. 3. Conduct any subsequent dives for Discover Scuba Diving participants, at a ratio of 2:1, if insured, after the participants have satisfactorily completed the first dive under the supervision of a PADI Instructor. 4. Conduct the PADI Discover Local Diving experience, (provided the divemaster meets insurance requirements). 5. Conduct the PADI Discover Snorkeling program, (provided the divemaster meets insurance requirements).

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

6. Conduct the PADI Scuba Review program for certified Open Water Divers or divers with higher certifications (provided the divemaster meets insurance requirements). 7. Accompany student divers during training dives for the PADI Adventures in Diving program, Specialty Diver courses, or the Rescue Diver course. 8. Generally supervise both training and nontrainingrelated activities by assisting divers and student divers in the planning, organizing and direction of dives. 9. Assist a Teaching status PADI Instructor in the open water training of divers. The allowable student diver-to-instructor ratio increases by four additional student divers for each certified, renewed PADI Divemaster for all PADI programs and courses, unless stated otherwise by that course/ program’s standards. For the PADI Open Water Diver/Scuba Diver course, the allowable student diver-toinstructor ratio increases by two additional student divers for each certified, renewed PADI Divemaster, to a maximum of 12 student divers to one instructor. 10. Assist a Teaching status PADI Instructor in the confined water training of divers. Use of certified, renewed PADI Divemasters increases the allowable student diver-to-instructor ratio in confined water by four additional student divers per divemaster for all courses, unless stated otherwise by that course/program’s standards. 1-3

11. Teach and certify PADI Skin Divers independently (provided the divemaster meets insurance requirements). This includes conducting the PADI Seal Team AquaMission: Skin Diver Specialist following Skin Diver course standards. 12. Conduct the skin diving skills segment of the Open Water Diver Course during either Confined Water Dive Two, Three, Four or Five (provided the divemaster meets insurance requirements). 13. Teach Emergency First Response courses after successfully completing an Emergency First Response Instructor course. 14. Independently conduct Discover Scuba Diving (2003 revised program) in a pool or in confined open water to a maximum depth of 6 metres/20 feet if qualified as a Discover Scuba Diving Leader. Qualification includes completing an internship that consists of conducting four separate Discover Scuba Diving pool or confined water experiences under the direct supervision and guidance of a PADI Instructor. (See Discover Scuba Diving Leader Internship Completion Form in Appendix.) Divemaster candidates (trainees) are authorized under the direct supervision of the instructor to:

Benefits and Renewal Requirements of PADI Divemaster Certification PADI Divemasters are members of PADI. Membership provides benefits, including a subscription to The Undersea Journal, member pricing on selected PADI materials and services, and eligibility to purchase professional underwater liability insurance offered by PADI’s agents. (Other benefits vary based on local needs and requirements and the serving PADI Office). It is recommended that divemasters involved in training or supervising activities carry liability insurance. Requirements may vary from one PADI Office to another. Renewal requirements for PADI Divemasters include submitting a completed renewal application along with dues annually. A PADI Divemaster whose membership has lapsed may also need to meet additional requirements designated by the PADI Training and Quality Management Department to regain Active status. The requirements may vary depending on how long since the divemaster’s last renewed membership, changes to the PADI System and Standards during that interval, and other factors. When an individual becomes a PADI Divemaster, PADI assigns the person a PADI Member number. When the PADI Divemaster becomes a PADI Assistant Instructor or Instructor, the number remains the same, though the prefix/suffix changes to reflect the new level.

1. Guide individuals who have completed all the requirements for the Scuba Diver or higher certification. 2. Accompany Open Water Diver/ Scuba Diver student divers on the tour portion of Dives 2 through 4.


One: Introduction

Two General Standards and Course Overview Course Standards Course Prerequisites To qualify to enter the PADI Divemaster course, an individual must: 1.


Be certified as a PADI Advanced Open Water Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization. A qualifying certification is defined as proof of certification beyond entry level, and proof of 20 or more logged dives documenting experience in deep diving and underwater navigation. Be certified as a PADI Rescue Diver or have a qualifying certification from another training organization. A qualifying certification is defined as proof of certification in diving rescue from a training organization other than PADI. If the candidate enters with a qualifying certification, then the candidate must submit proof of CPR and first aid

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

training within the past 24 months. If the candidate demonstrates poor or inadequate performance during the diver rescue assessment, then the candidate must complete a PADI Rescue Diver course. 3.

Have completed and logged at least 20 dives as documented by the individual’s personal log book.


Be at least 18 years old at the start of PADI Divemaster training.


Submit, to the instructor, medical clearance for diving signed by a physician, attesting to fitness to dive. The medical clearance must be current within the previous 12 months. The physician signing the form cannot be the individual. on ssociati ional A uctors s s fe ro P g Instr of Divin


Certification Requirements At the time of certification, a PADI Divemaster candidates must: 1.

Have successfully completed a course in CPR within 24 months prior to the Divemaster certification date.


Have current training in first aid. Since the PADI Rescue Diver certification includes first aid training and does not expire, this requirement is met if the candidate is PADI Rescue Diver certified. If the candidate has a qualifying rescue diver certification from another organization, the candidate must have first aid training that has not expired as defined by the first aid training organization.


Show proof of 60 logged dives documenting experience in night diving, deep diving and underwater navigation.


Read and agree to abide by the PADI Membership and License Agreement.

Instructor Supervision The maximum candidate-to-instructor ratio for confined and open water training activities is eight divemaster candidates per instructor (8:1). This ratio may not be increased through the use of certified assistants. You may use certified assistants to aid logistics, or play the role of student divers. There is no maximum ratio for Knowledge Development activities. This limit is set by you based on logistics and the ability to facilitate candidate learning.

trol device (BCD) with low pressure inflator, backpack (if not integrated into the BCD), weight system, appropriate exposure suit for the environment, timing device and depth gauge (or dive computer), compass, knife/ dive tool (unless prohibited by local laws or regulations) and an emergency signaling device (whistle, flare, inflatable signal tube).

Instructor/certified assistant equipment You must meet the same equipment requirements as the candidates. In addition, ensure that a dive flag is used if required by local law. You’re encouraged to use a float large enough to provide buoyancy for a diver with the dive flag, when appropriate for the local diving environment. You’re also encouraged to have a first aid kit and emergency oxygen on site, if available and legally permitted in the local area.

Training Materials The following materials are required in training PADI Divemasters: 1.

PADI Divemaster Course Instructor Guide.


PADI Instructor Manual. It’s recommended that candidates have a copy for their own use and reference.


PADI Divemaster Manual. All candidates must read the manual and complete the Knowledge Reviews (unless unavailable in a language the candidate understands).


PADI Divemaster Video (unless unavailable in a language the candidate understands). It’s recommended that candidates watch the diver version during independent study, and that you use the video for in-class review.


The Recreational Dive Planner, Table and Wheel versions


Forms and releases as required by the General Standards section of the PADI Instructor

Equipment Candidate equipment During open water scuba training, each divemaster candidate must be equipped with the proper equipment for the diving environment. This includes, but is not limited to: fins, mask, snorkel, cylinder, regulator, alternate air source, buoyancy con2-2

Two: General Standards and Course Overview

Manual, and any other forms required by your PADI Office. 7.

All other equipment and materials needed to meet performance requirements in confined and open water training activities. It’s recommended that candidates personally provide materials they will need regularly as PADI Divemasters.

The following lists materials recommended in training PADI Divemasters. You may find other PADI materials that aren’t listed useful as well. 1. The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving Multimedia or book (for candidate independent study of dive theory). 2. The PADI Diving Knowledge Workbook (for candidate independent study of dive theory). 3. PADI Underwater Navigator Manual and Underwater Navigation video (for navigation skill review and mapping assignment) 4. PADI Deep Diver Manual and Deep Diving video (for deep diving knowledge development) 5. PADI Rescue Diver Manual and Video (for rescue accident management knowledge development and training exercises) 6. Giant RDPs, table and The Wheel 7. Discover the Underwater World video (for divemaster conducted programs knowledge development) 8. Scuba Tune-up Multimedia or guidebook (for divemaster conducted programs knowledge development) 9. The Business of Diving (for business of diving knowledge development) 10. Divemaster Slates (for open water training exercises) 11. Dive Roster slate (for open water training exercises) 12. Divemaster Candidate Information and Evaluation Form (for recording candidate performance throughout the program) Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

13. The Law and the Diving Professional (for risk management knowledge development) 14. The Best of the Undersea Journal (for risk management, business of diving knowledge development, open water and confined water training dives ) 15. Peak Performance Buoyancy video 16. Open Water Diver Multimedia (RDP table and Wheel tutorial) 17. Skill Evaluation Slate (for confined waterskills evaluation and development) 18. Student Record File 19. Divemaster Skill Development Score Sheets 20. Practical Application Record Sheets 21. Adventure Log 22. All training materials for courses leading up to the PADI Divemaster level, including the manuals, videos, and multimedia products for the PADI Open Water Diver course, Adventures in Diving program and Rescue Diver course.

Referrals Referrals allow divemaster candidates who complete part of the course requirements with one PADI Instructor to finish the requirements with another PADI Instructor in another location. The referral procedure is not needed or required between instructors who team teach the course through a single facility where they can communicate and share records. To refer someone who begins training with you, use the Divemaster Candidate Information and Evaluation Form (see Appendix), which should be filled out listing scores for all the performance requirements that the candidate has completed, along with instructor signatures and numbers for each. Make a copy of the form, as well as the candidate’s medical approval, and forward both to the receiving instructor. You may include copies of exam answer sheets, practical evalua2-3

tion records, etc. Alternatively, you may give the documentation to the candidate to take to another instructor. If feasible, it’s recommended, but not required, that you contact the receiving instructor to discuss the candidate’s performance. A referral expires after 12 months. Be sure to explain this to the candidate, and that costs charged by another instructor are not included in the initial course fees paid to you. If you are the receiving instructor, it is your responsibility to ensure that the candidate meets prerequisite requirements, and meets the performance requirements for training segments already completed. Besides checking the Divemaster Candidate Information and Evaluation Form this may include an academic evaluation and waterskill review as you deem necessary. The PADI Instructor who completes training is the certifying instructor and must ensure that the candidate meets all requirements for certification. The certifying instructor must observe the divemaster candidates during at least one open water training session. The Divemaster Candidate Information and Evaluation Form should be completely filled in when the candidate completes all the requirements. It’s recommended, but not required, that you send copies of all completed paperwork to the referring instructor.

Certification Procedures Any Teaching status PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor or higher may conduct the PADI Divemaster training and certify PADI Divemasters. When candidates have completed all course requirements, have logged at least 60 dives (including dives showing experience in night diving, deep diving and underwater navigation,) and meet current CPR and first aid requirements, you may apply for certification. 2-4

To certify a candidate, submit a completed and signed Divemaster Application (see Appendix) to your PADI Office, along with the required photo and registration fees. Do not send the Divemaster Candidate Information and Evaluation Form or medical clearance, which you should retain in the candidate’s Student Record File. It’s recommended that you make and file copies of all submitted documentation.

Course Overview The PADI Divemaster course is a performance-based program, so course duration depends on class size, logistics, and divemaster candidate performance characteristics. The recommended 50 course hours is based on a class of six candidates learning through a combination of independent study, classroom, confined water and open water sessions. The PADI Divemaster course is divided into three modules: the Knowledge Development Module, the Waterskills and Stamina Module, and the Practical Application Module. The Knowledge Development Module establishes the foundation candidates need as professional-level divers and for continuing on to the PADI Assistant Instructor and Instructor levels. They apply much of what they learn in this module during the Waterskills and Stamina Module and the Practical Application Module. Candidates meet the performance

Knowledge Development Module consists of 12 topics: • The role and characteristics of a PADI Divemaster • Supervising diving activities for certified divers • Assisting with student divers in training • Dive theory introduction • Physics • Physiology • Equipment • Decompression theory and dive tables • Divemaster conducted programs • Risk management • Business of diving • Furthering your dive career Two: General Standards and Course Overview

requirements for this module through a combination of independent study, classroom sessions and evaluation by written exams. As part of this module, candidates are also required to complete an Emergency Assistance Plan. The Waterskills and Stamina Module develops candidate skill to the role model level appropriate for demonstrating to student divers, and to prepare for higher training levels. The Stamina Assessment and Development portion evaluates basic swimming skills, with opportunity for you to develop those candidates who need to improve. During the Diver Rescue Assessment and Development phase, you assess candidate rescues of a simulated unresponsive, nonbreathing diver. The goal is to refine their skills beyond the Rescue Diver level. In the Confined Waterskill Assessment and Development, you evaluate and develop to demonstration quality the 20 basic scuba skills from the PADI Skill Evaluation. In the Practical Application Module, candidates put into practice skills typical of a divemaster. There are three Required Training Exercises, followed by either an internship with specific internship criteria or four Practical Training Exercises. The Required Training Exercises include map making, underwater problem solving, and a divemaster conducted program. The internship and Practical Training Exercises allow candidates to practice and develop divemaster skills with real or simulated student divers, and with real or simulated supervised divers, under your supervision.

Sequencing within the PADI Divemaster Course The PADI Divemaster course integrates knowledge and skill development through the three modules. You have a great deal of latitude in how you sequence course components. There are a few requirements to ensure that candidates develop the necessary prerequisite knowledge and skills before attempting more complex topics and tasks. • Knowledge Development Topic 1 – Course Introduction: The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster must precede all other components of the PADI Divemaster course. • Knowledge Development Topic 9 – Divemaster Conducted Programs must precede Required Training Exercise 3 – Divemaster Conducted Programs. You may wish to cover independent study and emergency assistant plan assignments as part of your first Knowledge Development Presentation. It’s highly recommended that candidates complete knowledge development sessions that deal with supervising or assisting divers before completing the Internship or Practical Training Exercises. All other course sequencing is left to your discretion based on class size, local conditions, logistics, candidate needs and other variables. See Sample Schedules for suggestions.

Key Standards Prerequisite Certification: Advanced Open Water Diver or qualifying certification, and PADI Rescue Diver or qualifying certification Prerequisite Dives: 20 to start training. Prior to certification: 60 Minimum Age: 18 (by course start date) Recommended Hours: 50 hours (based on a class of six candidates) Maximum Candidate-to-Instructor ratio for confined and open water training activities: 8 to 1 Minimum Instructor Rating: PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Sample Divemaster Course Schedule The following sample schedules suggest ways you can organize the PADI Divemaster course. Of course, you may rearrange the schedule to any sequence that fits your logistical and candidate needs. Independent study assignments may shift around, or even precede the first meeting with candidates, to meet scheduling requirements.

Session One Classroom:

Topic 1: The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster


Waterskills and Stamina Exercises One and Two – Confined Water

Independent Study:

Chapters 1 and 2 of the Divemaster Manual PADI Divemaster Video Emergency Assistance Plan – assigned to be completed before certification

Session Two Classroom:

Topic 2 (Part 1): Supervising General Diving Activities for Certified Divers (Objectives 1-18)


Waterskills and Stamina Exercises Three and Four Equipment Exchange – Required Training Exercise Two

Independent Study:

The Physics of Diving

Session Three Classroom:

Topic 2 (Part 2): Supervising General Diving Activities for Certified Divers (Objectives 19-25)


Diver-Rescue Assessment Confined Waterskills Assessment

Independent Study:

The Physiology of Diving Chapter 3 and 4 of the Divemaster Manual

Session Four Classroom:

Topic 3: Assisting with Students in Training

Independent Study:

Mapping Project – Required Training Exercise One – Assigned to be completed before certification. Equipment Chapters 5 and 6 of the Divemaster Manual


Two: General Standards and Course Overview

Session Five Classroom:

Topic 9: Divemaster Conducted Programs Topic 10: Risk Management


Divemaster Conducted Programs – Required Training Exercise Three

Independent Study:

Decompression Theory and the RDP Chapter 7 of the Divemaster Manual

Session Six Classroom:

Topic 4: Dive Theory Introduction Topic 5: The Physics of Diving – review and answer questions Topic 6: The Physiology of Diving – review and answer questions


Makeup and Remedial Training Begin Internship and/or Practical Training Exercises

Independent Study:

Chapters 8 and 9 of the Divemaster Manual

Session Seven Classroom:

Topic 7: Equipment – review and answer questions Topic 8: Decompression Theory and the RDP – review and answer questions Topic 11: The Business of Diving


Internship and/or Practical Training Exercises

Session Eight Classroom:

Topic 12: Furthering Your Dive Career Divemaster Exams


Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

Internship and/or Practical Training Exercises


Sample Schedule Weekend Format Independent Study: Chapters 1 and 2 of the Divemaster Manual (assigned at registration to be completed prior to first weekend) PADI Divemaster Video

Weekend One Day One Classroom:

Topic 1: The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster Topic 2 (Part 1): Supervising General Diving Activities for Certified Divers (Objectives 1-18)


Waterskills and Stamina Exercises One and Two – Confined Water Equipment Exchange – Required Training Exercise Two

Independent Study: Emergency Assistance Plan – assigned to be completed before certification Chapter 3 of the Divemaster Manual Day

T wo


Topic 2 (Part 2): Supervising General Diving Activities for Certified Divers (Objectives 19-25) Topic 3: Assisting with Students in Training


Diver-Rescue Assessment Waterskills Assessment Waterskills and Stamina Exercises Three and Four

Independent Study: (complete before next weekend) The Physics of Diving The Physiology of Diving Chapter 4, 6, 7 of the Divemaster Manual

Weekend Two Day



Topic 9: Divemaster Conducted Programs Topic 10: Risk Management


Divemaster Conducted Programs – Required Training Exercise Three

Independent Study: Mapping Project – Required Training Exercise One – Assigned to be completed before certification.


Two: General Standards and Course Overview

Day Four Classroom:

Topic 4: Dive Theory Introduction Topic 5: The Physics of Diving – review and answer questions Topic 6: The Physiology of Diving – review and answer questions


Makeup and Remedial Training Begin Internship or Practical Training Exercises

Independent Study: (to be completed before next weekend) Decompression Theory and the RDP Equipment Chapters 5, 8 and 9 of the Divemaster Manual

Weekend Three Day Five Classroom:

Topic 7: Equipment – review and answer questions Topic 8: Decompression Theory and the RDP –review and answer questions Topic 11: The Business of Diving


Internship and/or Practical Training Exercises

Day Six Classroom:

Topic 12: Furthering Your Dive Career Divemaster Exams


Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

Internship and/or Practical Training Exercises



Two: General Standards and Course Overview

Three Knowledge Development tion ounda f e g d e dive wl eneral he kno g t s g e n i h s s i e PADI rv bli into th le esta le supe i u g h d n i o w d , M a s t ence le pment ssistan experi Develo ified a t n r e i e g a c d g s e l a ow urses. as they apply The Kn ent Co s, and asters m r e p m v e o i l v d e i v tor De PADI D with certified Instruc s d e i n t i a v i r t ac ructo nt Inst Assista

Conduct and Standards Much of this section focuses on developing candidate knowledge of dive theory. This has two important roles. First, research into problem solving shows that experts in a given field solve problems well because they have a large knowledge base upon which to draw when looking for solutions. Second, many candidates will continue on to the PADI Assistant Instructor and Open Water Scuba Instructor levels. Training at these levels builds upon candidates’ established knowledge of dive theory, and there is no training in the IDC for theory (except for optional remediation). Besides dive theory, the Knowledge Development Module establishes information important to an individual who will be working in or with a professional dive operation and instructional staff. These include risk management, customer perspectives, the needs of a dive business, and career opportunities. Other portions of this module address professionalism and the qualities expected in leaderDivemaster Course Instructor Guide

ship-level divers, dive planning principles, rescue management, and rudimentary instructional concepts. During these discussions, you will guide candidates to shape the attitudes and skills they’ll apply in the Practical Application Module and later, as certified PADI Divemasters. Following the overall standards that apply to this module, you’ll find a subsection for each of the 12 Knowledge Development Topics. Each subsection provides the standards and learning objectives/performance requirements that relate to the topic, suggested methods for reaching those objectives (e.g., independent study, presentations, discussions), suggested and required study materials, and a presentation outline. Note that for several topics when using independent study a presentation may not be required, though it’s recommended that you give candidates the on opportunity to meet with ssociati ional A Profess g Instructors you to ask questions and of Divin 3-1

review the material, prior to taking the Divemaster Exams. Learning objectives are written as questions that you can read to your candidates. The outlines were written for direct presentation to your student divers. You’ll find notes intended for you to read but not present clearly set apart in brackets or boxes. Notes for emphasis to divemaster candidates stand apart similarly, preceded by “Note to candidate:.”

Evaluation Because the Knowledge Development Module develops different types of knowledge for different purposes, you’ll apply different evaluations to assess whether candidates meet the performance objectives.

Exams There are eight required PADI Divemaster Exams: Physics, Physiology and First Aid, Equipment, Decompression Theory and the RDP, Dive Skills and the Environment, Supervising Activities for Certified Divers, Supervising Student Divers in Training, and PADI Divemaster Conducted Programs. Prior to certification, each candidate must show mastery by demonstrating acceptable performance on each of the PADI Divemaster Exams. Candidates take the exams under direct staff supervision, with no notes or aids allowed except the Recreational Dive Planner (table and The Wheel), a calculator, scratch paper and pencil or pen. The candidate may also use the PADI Instructor Manual with the PADI Divemaster Course Instructor Guide removed.


Acceptable performance means that the candidate scores 75 percent or better on each exam (not averaged together). If the candidate scores less than 75 percent, then you must have the candidate retest. Besides scoring 75 percent or higher, the candidate must show mastery of all exam items. To accomplish this, review questions missed or not completed until the candidate understands each. The candidate signs and dates the candidate statement on each examination after you score it and explain missed, incomplete or unanswered questions to verify that you reviewed these and the candidate now understands them. It’s recommended, but not required, that you have candidates initial missed questions in addition to signing the candidate statement. You must keep a written record of the exam answer sheet in the candidate’s permanent records (Student Record File). Candidates who were certified as PADI Advanced Plus Divers have already completed knowledge development in dive training theory. Therefore, you may, at your discretion, exempt them from presentations or independent study for Topics 5, 6, 7, and 8. However, they must complete all evaluation areas including the Divemaster Exams.

Knowledge Reviews Each chapter in the PADI Divemaster Manual ends with a Knowledge Review. Divemaster candidates must complete and turn in each Knowledge Review. Candidates must master all items. Review any

Three: Knowledge Development

questions missed or left incomplete until the candidate understands each. The candidate signs and dates the candidate statement on each Knowledge Review to verify that you reviewed these and the candidate now understands them. It’s recommended, but

not required, that you have candidates initial missed questions in addition to signing the candidate statement. You must keep a record of the completed and signed Knowledge Reviews in the candidate’s permanent records (Student Record File).

Assignment Emergency Assistance Plan Each divemaster candidate must complete an Emergency Assistance Plan individually (not in teams or pairs) for a dive site. It is recommended the plan be for a destination commonly visited by divers from the local area. It’s recommended, but not required, that you assign a different site to each candidate. You evaluate the Emergency Assistance Plans based on their completeness in providing information someone would need to manage a diving accident at the assigned site. The plan may include information such as local emergency medical contact information, contact information for local authorities involved in evacuating an injured diver, contact for area diver emergency service (if present in the area), nearest operational recompression chamber (for areas not served by DAN or DES or a similar service), communication requirements (such as if the area has no cellular service) and any other information you indicate would apply to the particular area. If a candidate’s Emergency Assistance Plan is incomplete, have the candidate revise the plan until it is complete. It’s a good idea to have candidates make copies of their completed plans for each other’s reference and use.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Topic 1 – Course Introduction The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering This Topic This is the first presentation for the PADI Divemaster course and must be conducted before any other course components. It’s most effective for you to use the following outline to present the information in a classroom-like setting. Much of this presentation sets the tone for the course and lays the groundwork for developing professionalism and desired attitudes in candidates. Encourage discussion and interaction in your group, which not only assists in attitude development, but will help develop familiarity between your candidates, you and your staff. The first chapter of the PADI Divemaster Manual supports this topic. If possible, have candidates read the chapter and complete the Knowledge Review before attending. However this presentation covers additional material specific to the logistics that apply to your divemaster candidates and the local area, and therefore aren’t covered by the manual. The PADI Divemaster Video also strongly supports this presentation. It’s recommended that you have candidates watch the video prior to this presentation, or immediately after it.

PADI Divemaster Course Introduction


DM DM 11 -- 11

Overview and Learning Objectives I. Introductions Overview

II. The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster

■ ■ The The Role Role and and Characteristics Characteristics

of of aa PADI PADI Divemaster Divemaster

1. What three broad characteristics may divers expect in a PADI Divemaster?

■ ■ Benefits Benefits and and Responsibilities Responsibilities of

PADI PADI Divemaster Divemaster Membership Membership ■ ■ How How to to Succeed Succeed in in This This Program Program

2. What five criteria define “professionalism” as it applies to the PADI Divemaster?

■ ■ Course Course Logistics Logistics –– Assignments, Assignments,

Responsibilities, Responsibilities, Schedule Schedule and and Administration Administration DM DM 11 -- 22

3. What is a “role model”? 4. What are the characteristics and attributes of a good role model PADI Divemaster? 5. What are the characteristics and attributes of a poor role model divemaster? 6. How may role model behavior affect other divers? 7. How may role model behavior affect your ability to function as a divemaster? 8. How may good role model behavior benefit student divers when you assist with training? 3-4

Three: Knowledge Development

III. Benefits and Responsibilities of PADI Divemaster Membership 9. What are the benefits and responsibilities of a PADI Divemaster?

IV. How to Succeed in This Program V. Assignments, Responsibilities, Course Schedule and Administration

Outline I. Introduction A. Introductions [Introduce yourself and have your staff and candidates introduce themselves. Encourage a relaxed, light atmosphere and try to get everyone interacting. This gets the course off to a good start.] B. [Paperwork]

II. The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster What is a PADI Divemaster? The Role and Characteristics of a PADI Divemaster

What is a PADI Divemaster? DM DM 11 -- 33

What criteria define professionalism? ■ ■ Expertise ■ ■ Judgment ■ ■ Appearance and manner ■ ■ Interpersonal skills ■ ■ Exemplary rescue skills DM DM 11 -- 44

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. The goal of this course is to qualify you as a PADI Divemaster. This raises the question, “What is a PADI Divemaster?” [Use the question to launch a five minute class discussion about what a PADI Divemaster is. Write the answers down as you go, and treat answers as a basis for further discussion.] B. What three broad characteristics may divers expect in a PADI Divemaster? [Use the candidates’ answers to note the characteristics that divers expect in a PADI Divemaster.] 1. professionalism 2. role model behavior 3. ability to assist with supervising dive activities and dive training C. What five criteria define “professionalism” as it applies to the PADI Divemaster? 1. “Professionalism” means different things depending upon the activity. Specific to a PADI Divemaster, a professional is someone who: a. has expertise in diving: dive theory, dive skills and dive management. 3-5

b. has good judgment. The PADI Divemaster follows responsible diving practices when conducting/ assisting with PADI-sanctioned programs, follows PADI Standards, and errs to the conservative when making decisions that could affect diver safety. c. maintains a professional appearance and manner. d. has good interpersonal skills. e. has exemplary rescue skills. [Ask the candidates why people expect these qualities. Encourage a five minute discussion about this topic, with you confirming and elaborating on appropriate candidate responses.] D. What is a “role model”? 1. A “role model” is someone who other people base their behavior on because they respect and identify with the role model. 2. What are the characteristics and attributes of a good role model PADI Divemaster? a. good dive skills b. commitment to beliefs – there’s no question that the divemaster believes in responsible dive practices and PADI Standards because the individual follows them consistently. c. uses up-to-date, well maintained dive equipment. d. maintains self – stays physically fit for diving and stays up-to-date on dive trends, theory, equipment, etc. e. agrees with the PADI training philosophy and supports the instructor with that philosophy when assisting with student divers in training. f. accepts and empathizes with divers and students in supervisory situations. g. inspires other divers to pattern their dive habits after the divemaster. h. supports the business needs of the dive operation. i. easily establishes rapport with divers and customers. j. earns and maintains respect, trust and confidence of divers and customers.


What is a role model? ■ ■ Positive Positive behavior behavior ◆ ◆ Good Good dive dive skills skills ◆ ◆ Committed Committed to to safe safe diving diving ◆ ◆ Uses Uses well well maintained maintained equipment equipment ◆ ◆ Maintains Maintains physical physical fitness fitness ◆ ◆ Agrees Agrees with with PADI PADI philosophy philosophy ◆ ◆ Empathetic, Empathetic, inspirational, inspirational,

and and supportive supportive ◆ ◆ Earns Earns respect, respect, trust trust and and confidence confidence continued... continued...

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 11 -- 55

What is a role model? ■ ■ Negative Negative behavior behavior ◆ ◆ Lacks Lacks conviction conviction and and commitment commitment ◆ ◆ Disregards Disregards personal personal fitness fitness ◆ ◆ Uncaring, Uncaring, contradictory, contradictory,

and and unsupportive unsupportive

DM DM 11 -- 6 6

How does role model behavior affect other divers? DM DM 11 -- 77

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

3. What are the characteristics and attributes of a poor role model divemaster? a. hypocrisy and lack of conviction – pays lip service to responsible dive practices and standards by saying one thing and doing another, or only following those practices and standards when compelled to do so by standards or an employer. Doesn’t appear to stand for anything that’s not convenient at the moment – may take a “do as I say, not as I do” approach. b. disregards personal fitness and does not keep current on dive information and practices. c. uncaring and unempathetic of other divers and their skill levels. Behaves in ways that causes other divers to not respect the individual. d. contradicts or disagrees with an instructor in front of student divers or other assistants. e. not a “team player” and fails to support the customer service and equipment counseling aspects of the dive operation’s business needs. 4. How may role model behavior affect other divers? [Ask the class, based on the above attributes, “How might good and poor role modeling make you more and less effective as divemasters?” Encourage a five minute discussion, elaborating on appropriate candidate comments. The following summarizes the conclusions the class should reach – fill in any missing concepts.] a. How may role model behavior affect your ability to function as a divemaster? 1. Good role model behavior can aid other divers by giving them a behavior pattern to follow with respect to responsible dive practices and habits. Poor role model behavior can cause them to question these practices and habits. People follow your example as much as (sometimes more than) what you say. 2. Alternatively, poor role modeling can cause divers to question you and your suggestions. Divers may be less likely to act on your advice. Good role modeling is more likely to give you credibility and encourages divers to follow accepted dive practices and consider your suggestions. 3-7

b. How may good role model behavior benefit student divers when you assist with training? 1. Good role model behavior helps student divers, who learn much by watching the instructor and assistants. Consistency between you and the instructor reinforces what student divers learn. Good role model behavior earns student respect, which means they listen and learn from you better when you’re assisting in training.

III. Benefits and Responsibilities of the PADI Divemaster Membership

What are the benefits of becoming a Divemaster?

[If possible, show the This is PADI video to start this subject.] A. Benefits 1. As a PADI Divemaster you’ll be a member of PADI, the world’s largest and most respected diver training organization. 2. As a PADI Member, you: a. receive regular mailings of information, standards changes and industry alerts. [Identify the publications they get from the applicable PADI Office instead of or in addition to The Undersea Journal, etc. If PADI Divemasters for your area receive Assisting and Divemastering, either as part of the Journal or separately, call attention to this publication dedicated specifically to their duties.] b. have access to certain PADI materials at the PADI Divemaster rate as well as access to educational consulting at your PADI Office. c. have access to Professional Liability Insurance and to the dive industry’s most experienced legal defense team. You’ll learn more about this later in the course. d. may earn income or benefits by assisting with PADI Diver courses, and by conducting some PADI programs independently (more about these later). Divemaster also have access to PADI’s job placement information service. B. Being a PADI Divemaster has responsibilities: 1. Adhering to PADI Standards when assisting with and/or conducting PADI programs as identified in the PADI Instructor Manual or other PADI materials. Much of what you learn in this course applies to this. 3-8

■ ■ PADI PADI Membership Membership ◆ ◆ Receive Receive publications publications and and updates updates

–– The The Undersea Undersea Journal Journal ◆ ◆ Access Access to to PADI PADI materials materials and and

educational educational consultation consultation ◆ ◆ Access Access to to professional professional

liability liability insurance insurance ■ ■ Earn Earn income income by by conducting conducting

PADI PADI programs programs DM DM 11 -- 8 8

What are responsibilities of a Divemaster? ■ ■ Adhere to PADI Standards ■ ■ Stay current ■ ■ Represent

PADI favorably ■ ■ Maintain PADI


Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 11 -- 99

2. Staying current with PADI Standards by reading the quarterly Training Bulletin. 3. Representing the PADI organization favorably as you conduct yourself professionally. 4. Maintaining your PADI Membership. [Review renewal requirements as listed in the Introduction of this instructor guide, page 1-4.] 5. Keeping PADI informed of your current address so that you will receive important mailings, and so you can connect with the appropriate PADI Office for service.

V. How to Succeed in This Program How to Succeed ■ ■ Start Start independent independent study study


◆ ◆ Read Read manual, manual, watch watch video video and and

complete complete Knowledge Knowledge Reviews Reviews ■ ■ Seek Seek more more information information

–– don’t don’t limit limit yourself yourself ■ ■ Practice, Practice, practice, practice, practice practice ■ ■ Ask Ask for for help help –– help help others others DM DM 11 --10 10

A. Success in this program comes through applying yourself to the assignments and exercises consistently and as directed by your instructor. Like any learning process, you get out of this course what you put into it. B. Candidates usually find that the following suggestions benefit their learning at this level: 1. Read each appropriate PADI Divemaster Manual chapter, watch the PADI Divemaster Video and complete the Knowledge Reviews enough ahead of schedule to do so without rushing. Write in your books as you study – make notes, highlight important concepts to review, etc. 2. Start independent study and projects as soon as they’re assigned. Take advantage of all study media available – video, multimedia products, manuals, etc. Each type has different advantages in learning; the more you use, the more effective your learning. 3. Don’t limit yourself. If you’re interested in something, find out all you can about it, even if it’s beyond the course requirements. 4. Practice outside scheduled sessions with classmates. This is useful with physics problems, demonstration skill practice, rescue and other skills. 5. If you’re having trouble mastering or understanding something, let the instructor know as soon as possible. 6. Help your fellow candidates and let them help you. You learn by helping and being helped. [Note to instructor: The professional edition of the PADI Divemaster Video provides you with suggestions and techniques for conducting the program.]

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


VI. Assignments, Responsibilities, Course Schedule and Administration

Course Logistics

A. Assignments 1. [Tell candidates about assignments and due dates, including independent study assignments. It’s recommended that you give independent study assignments for Topics 5, 6, 7 and 8 as early in the course as possible. You may assign the Emergency Assistance Plan, tell candidates the locations they should prepare their plans for, the date due and the criteria for a complete plan. You may also discuss the Mapping Project] 2. [Advise candidates to watch the PADI Divemaster Video, read the PADI Divemaster Manual and complete the Knowledge Review at the end of each chapter to hand in.] B. In this course, you’re responsible for: 1. Completing assignments on time. 2. Conducting yourself in a professional manner. 3. Following instructions from the instructor and staff. 4. Providing equipment and materials [list all equipment and materials candidates must provide]. C. Schedule [Give candidates the course schedule, including session times and locations, integrating assignment and Knowledge Review due dates.] D. Monitoring progress [Give candidates a copy of the Skill Development Score Sheet and Practical Application Record Sheet. Explain that you’ll be tracking their progress and critiquing their performances regularly using these.] E. Administration [Finish any paperwork, collect remaining course fees, additional fees not covered by the course fee (such as boat fees) etc.] F. [It’s recommended that you finish this session with a break that allows social interaction and a chance for candidates and staff to get to know each other.]

■ ■ Assignments ■ ■ Materials and Equipment ■ ■ Schedule ■ ■ Administrative Requirements

DM DM 11 -- 11 11

Welcome to Your PADI Divemaster Course! DM DM 11 --12 12


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 2 – Supervising General Diving Activities for Certified Divers Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering This Topic The PADI Divemaster Video and the Divemaster Manual cover much of the material in this topic. Preferably, have candidates see the video, read Chapter 2 and complete the Knowledge Review prior to this presentation. Your presentation is important in this topic because it includes discussions to begin establishing problem solving skills, judgment and attitudes. This is a long topic, so you may want to plan breaks in the presentation, or deliver the presentation in two or more sessions. Use of independent study materials will allow you to go more quickly through much of the material, since candidates will already be familiar with it. The following PADI materials support this topic: Adventures in Diving, (manual and video) Underwater Navigator Manual, Deep Diver Manual, Deep Diving video, Night Diver Manual, Night Diving video, Enriched Air Diver Manual, Enriched Air Diving video.

PADI Divemaster Course Supervising Diving Activities for Certified Divers

Presentation - Part 1 Overview and Learning Objectives I. The Divers You Supervise 1. Why do certified divers want the assistance of a PADI Divemaster?

DM DM 22 -- 11

2. What individual differences in divers does a divemaster have to be prepared to accommodate?

Overview — Part 1

3. What are six characteristics of responsible diver behavior?

■ ■ The The Divers Divers You You Supervise Supervise ■ ■ Dive Dive Planning Planning

4. What are four ways to encourage responsible diving?

■ ■ Dive Dive Management Management ■ ■ Helping Helping Divers Divers Manage Manage

II. Dive Planning

Predive Predive Stress Stress ■ ■ Mapping Mapping Dive Dive Sites Sites DM DM 22 -- 22

5. What is the role of the divemaster in dive planning for a group of certified divers? 6. How do you plan a dive by “thinking through the dive”? 7. What aspects of dive planning are and are not the divemaster’s responsibility? 8. What aspects of dive planning and diving must each diver retain responsibility for? 9. How do you assess divers before a dive for experience level, possible stress and possible equipment problems?

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


10. What is Discover Local Diving, and for who is it intended? 11. How do you evaluate general dive conditions, and how do conditions affect diving? 12. What are three aspects of planning dives for remote areas?

III Dive Management 13. What are four aspects of supervision in managing dives? 14. What are the advantages and disadvantages of inwater versus out of water supervision, and the advantages and disadvantages of supervision vantage points inwater versus out of water? 15. What eight types of equipment can assist in supervising certified divers? 16. What is the primary purpose of diver accounting procedures?

IV. Helping Divers Manage Predive Stress 17. What are the characteristics of predive stress, and how do you help divers deal with it?

V. Mapping Dive Sites 18. What are the general steps for mapping a dive site, and what elements do you include in a dive site map? Why do certified divers want the assistance of a PADI Divemaster?


■ ■ Guidance Guidance ■ ■ Safety Safety

I. The Divers You Supervise

■ ■ Handling Handling logistics logistics

A. Why do certified divers want the assistance of a PADI Divemaster? 1. Although there may be some situations in which divers need supervision, the primary reason they dive under divemaster supervision is they want the services, education and benefits a divemaster provides. Practices vary greatly from one area to another and the successful divemaster recognizes that neither supervisory recommendations nor procedures apply to all locales and circumstances. a. The divemaster makes the dive more fun by guiding divers to the best diving. b. The divemaster can help divers improve their safety by providing information such as local dive conditions and protocols/techniques, and by being available to manage and assist with a dive accident. 3-12


Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 -- 33

Demand for you as a divemaster

= Success DM DM 22 -- 44

Why do divemasters need to accept people as they are?

DM DM 22 -- 55

What individual differences might you encounter? ■ ■ Skill Skill level level ■ ■ Physical Physical and and

intellectual intellectual challenges challenges ■ ■ Cultural Cultural differences differences ■ ■ Responsible Responsible behavior DM DM 22 -- 6 6

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

c. The divemaster often assists with boat handling and logistics, freeing the divers to simply relax and enjoy the trip. d. The divemaster can help divers assess whether their skills and experience level match the planned dive, by being available to answer questions, and by helping them brush up on skills when they feel it necessary. e. The divemaster adds to the enjoyment by being a fun person – friendly, approachable, warm, and someone others like to be around. The divemaster adds to the fun by giving local area information or history of a dive site. B. Being a person other divers want as a divemaster is important to your success and the success of the dive operation you represent. C. What individual differences in divers does a divemaster have to be prepared to accommodate? 1. As a professional divemaster, you need to accept divers you supervise as they are. [Ask candidates: Why? Encourage a brief discussion about this before continuing. How candidates answer is less important than that they think about this and come up with their own reasons.] 2. Divers will vary in several ways: a. Skill level — adapt your interaction based on general skill levels. (e.g., known skill levels may influence where you take the boat, or suggested techniques or courses to follow.) [Ask candidates: If everyone had leadership-level dive skills, would there be any need for divemasters?] b. Physical/intellectual challenges — individuals with special challenges may need your assistance with unusual, but acceptable, dive techniques. c. Different cultures — culture affects how people approach the social interaction side of diving. Be sensitive to cultural needs of those you supervise, and the local culture where you work. d. Responsible behavior — a divemaster can encourage responsible behavior in divers. The divemaster is alert for the appropriate behavior or lack of, and tries to encourage it, but this doesn’t imply 3-13

that the divemaster is responsible for the behavior of trained and certified divers. This would be neither realistic nor appropriate. D. What are six characteristics of responsible diver behavior? 1. Stays within personal limits – plans dives within limits of training and experience for diver and buddy. 2. Properly equipped – uses the equipment generally accepted as required for a dive. 3. Equipment care – maintains equipment properly and checks it before diving. 4. Conservative air supply management – checks air supply frequently and ends dive with an appropriate reserve. 5. Conservative computer/table use – stays well within no stop limits, avoids “sawtooth” profiles and makes safety stops. 6. Environmental awareness – avoids contact with sensitive aquatic life, dives in an environmentally sensitive manner. E. What are four ways to encourage responsible diving? 1. Role modeling – ensure that your dive habits reflect the characteristics of a responsible diver. 2. Dive planning and briefings – it may be appropriate at times to suggest or remind of responsible diving behaviors during dive planning and briefings (You’ll learn more about dive planning next and briefings shortly). 3. When practical make responsible behaviors easier logistically (e.g., in some situations, a bar at 5 metres/15 feet assists safety stops, etc.) 4. Reward responsible behaviors (e.g., after a guided dive, acknowledge appropriate behavior and skills, etc.)

What is responsible diver behavior? ■ ■ Knows Knows and and abides abides by by personal personal limits limits ■ ■ Uses Uses proper proper equipment equipment ■ ■ Maintains Maintains equipment equipment ■ ■ Manages Manages air air supply supply conservatively conservatively ■ ■ Uses Uses dive dive computer computer or or table table

conservatively conservatively ■ ■ Remains Remains environmentally environmentally aware aware DM DM 22 -- 77

How can you encourage responsible behavior? ■ ■ Role modeling ■ ■ Dive planning and briefings ■ ■ Logistical arrangements ■ ■ Reward and acknowledgment DM DM 22 -- 8 8

II. Dive Planning A. What is the role of the divemaster in dive planning for a group of certified divers? 1. Your role as a divemaster is to provide broad planning for the group – basic logistics and emergency preparation, and helping divers plan their own dives. B. How do you plan a dive by “thinking through the dive”? 1. Thinking through the dive is an effective way to plan 3-14

Dive Planning What is the divemaster’s role and responsibility?

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 -- 99

a dive. Imagine everything on a dive – predive preparation, loading, diver check in, on the boat/at the beach, postdive, etc. – make a list of what needs to be done, in order. Think through possible incidents or emergencies that you should prepare for and add them to the list. 2. Think through the information that individual divers need to plan their own dives (conditions, depth, training requirements, etc.) so you can provide as much as reasonably possible to the divers. 3. Thinking through a dive gives you a list of what to do, in order, preparations for possible emergencies, and information to gather for divers. Much of what you learn in this course teaches you how to find, gather and use information for dive planning.

Divemaster’s Role ■ ■ Basic Basic logistics logistics and and site site orientation orientation ■ ■ Emergency Emergency preparation preparation ■ ■ Help Help diver’s diver’s

plan plan their their individual individual dives dives

Dive Planning

DM DM 22 --10 10

Diver’s Responsibility ■ ■ Planning Planning and and implementation implementation of

own own dive dive plan plan

Dive Planning

DM DM 22 -- 11 11

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

C. What aspects of dive planning are and are not the divemaster’s responsibility? 1. Your responsibility – plan a dive envelope the group stays within and that prepares for reasonably foreseeable diving emergencies. Advise divers of known unusual hazards. Orient divers to site. 2. You are not normally responsible for planning the individual dives of certified divers. D. What aspects of dive planning and diving must each diver retain responsibility for? 1. Divers’ responsibility – Each diver must retain responsibility for planning the individual characteristics of the dive within the limits you set and implementing the plan. a. Divers will bear the consequences of the dive plan, so they must accept responsibility for it. b. Conditions change, – divers may have to revise dive plan accordingly within their personal limitations. c. You cannot control a diver; divers are responsible for their own actions. d. You cannot know divers’ comfort/training/experience levels as well as they do – they have to set their own limits. E. Although divers are responsible for their plans, you can assist them with their individual plans. If asked, you can help them choose responsible courses of action. The information you provide assists them to plan their individual dives. 3-15

F. How do you assess divers before a dive for experience level, possible stress and possible equipment problems? 1. Diver assessment – while it’s often impossible for a divemaster to assess the skill and review the equipment of all divers, the following techniques may be used to estimate skill level, stress and equipment concerns during normal interaction with divers. If you observe possible problems, you should alert the diver and provide opportunities to rectify the problems. General observations may assist with recommendations for group planning and individual plans. 2. Indirect assessment – observations include: a. Equipment condition, configuration and age. For example, all rental gear may indicate a novice or infrequent diver. Inappropriate or missing gear for the dive may require your counsel. Old gear may indicate a rusty diver returning to diving. Dangling equipment may indicate inexperience or lack of familiarity with environmentally sensitive dive techniques. b. Behavior. For example, withdrawal, excessive talking, excessive time preparing may indicate stress or concerns about the dive. Overdependence on a dive buddy for planning, gear setup, etc. may indicate inexperience. c. Signs or symptoms of illness or injury. 3. Direct assessment – depending on circumstances, the following may be useful techniques: a. Check log books and certifications. b. Have divers fill out contact, certification, experience and other emergency contact information when they register for the dive. c. Interview – if practical, ask the diver about concerns, experience, etc., particularly if indirect assessment raises a question. G. What is Discover Local Diving, and for who is it intended? 1. Discover Local Diving, an environmental orientation, is a briefing that covers the unique aspects of a particular dive environment so divers can include these in their dive plans. 2. It is intended for certified divers who have little or no experience in the local environment. 3-16

Diver Assessment ■ ■ How How do do you you assess assess divers divers

before before a dive?



equipment equipment behavior behavior

log log book book registration registration

signs signs of of illness illness or or injury injury

interview interview

Dive Planning

DM DM 22 --12 12

What is an environmental orientation?

Dive Planning

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --13 13

3. You can include an environmental orientation in your supervision when your assessment suggests divers may benefit from it, or when asked. 4. Discover Local Diving is PADI’s environmental orientation program. You’ll learn more about this in a later presentation. Dive Conditions ■ ■ How How do do you you evaluate evaluate general general dive dive

conditions conditions and and how how do do conditions conditions affect affect diving? ◆ ◆ What’s What’s acceptable? acceptable? ◆ ◆ Weather Weather ◆ ◆ Tides Tides and and current current ◆ ◆ Visibility Visibility

Dive Planning

DM DM 22 --14 14

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

H. How do you evaluate general dive conditions, and how do conditions affect diving? 1. Dive conditions affect diving, and therefore are an important part of dive planning. a. Determining “acceptable” conditions may depend partly on the skill and experience of the divers. Your briefings and recommendations help divers determine whether the conditions are acceptable for them. b. It helps divers plan their own dives when you tell them your observations and conclusions regarding the conditions. It also teaches them about evaluating conditions. c. There is a broad range of acceptable conditions. You advise divers of the conditions, but divers must accept the responsibility of assessing their own skills and deciding whether or not to dive. 2. Weather a. Information sources include: 1. TV, radio and newspaper 2. Government radio broadcasts, such as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Weather Service broadcasts on VHF-FM (marine) radio in North America 3. Telephone services 4. Your experience with local weather behavior b. Effect of weather on dive conditions: 1. Wind – can cause waves, surf and surge, plus poor visibility. Offshore wind can calm surf and cause an upwelling and good visibility. 2. Rain – runoff can cause poor visibility or poor water quality. Prolonged rain can cause rivers to back up into lakes and springs. 3. Temperature – can cause discomfort before or after dive. Air temperature can sometimes change water temperature in a couple of days. 3-17

3. Tide and currents a. Information sources include: 1. Tide charts 2. Local weather reports may provide tide and current information. 3. Local dive reports may provide tide and current information. 4. Your experience with local conditions – you can often observe tides and currents from an elevated vantage point – watch boats at anchor and drifting flotsam (note that wind and current may be from different directions, affecting where a boat sits at anchor). b. Effect of tides and currents on dive conditions: 1. Major currents may have eddies that run counter to the main current direction. 2. Long shore currents – caused by eddies or waves striking shore at an angle – creates water flow down the coast. 3. Tidal currents flow in and out of restricted areas (bays, etc.) – strength depends on time during tidal cycle, how restricted the flow, and the amount of water entering or exiting the area. 4. Ideal dive time is usually slack tide when high tide peaks. 4. Visibility a. weather – as mentioned, rain runoff and surge due to wind or waves can stir up sediment. b. season – warm temperature can cause plankton blooms. Some seasons associated with more wind and rain c. bottom composition – the finer the bottom, such as mud or silt, the easier it is disturbed. d. waves – can reduce light that penetrates the surface, and stir up sediment. e. time of day – affects the amount of light. Proportionately more reflects off surface when sun is low in sky. f. oceanic currents – can affect the amount of nutrients in water and therefore, plankton blooms. g. tides – incoming (rising) tides usually bring in clear water; outgoing tides (falling) tides usually pick up sediment and have poorer visibility. 3-18

Three: Knowledge Development

h. location – determines the prevailing nature of the aquatic environment (e.g., warm clear current, silty lake, clear spring water, etc.) I. What are three aspects of planning dives for remote areas? (e.g., those that are hours away from dive services, emergency medical personnel, etc.) 1. Plans need to cover more logistics – food, sleeping arrangements, compressors for filling tanks, etc. 2. Emergency procedures – may need to plan for complex evacuations, having appropriate medical supplies available and people who can use them (e.g., several hours worth of emergency oxygen). 3. Think in terms of self-sufficiency. (e.g., What would you do if the boat engine broke down?)

What are three aspects of dive planning for remote areas? ■ ■ More More involved involved logistics logistics ■ ■ More More complex complex

emergency emergency procedures procedures ■ ■ Increased Increased self-sufficiency self-sufficiency

Dive Planning

DM DM 22 --15 15

III. Dive Management

Dive Management Supervision of certified divers DM DM 22 --16 16

What are four aspects of supervision in managing dives? ■ ■ Preparation Preparation ■ ■ Communication Communication ■ ■ Vantage Vantage Point Point ■ ■ Recognition Recognition

Dive Management

DM DM 22 -- 17 17

Choosing a Vantage Point ■ ■ Inwater Inwater supervision supervision ◆ ◆ Advantages? Advantages? ◆ ◆ Disadvantages? Disadvantages? ■ ■ Out Out of of water water supervision supervision ◆ ◆ Advantages? Advantages? ◆ ◆ Disadvantages? Disadvantages?

Dive Management

DM DM 22 --18 18

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. Dive management involves supervision of certified divers. 1. It is difficult or impossible to exercise direct, physical control of certified divers (though it may be appropriate when supervising student divers). 2. Therefore, supervision means nonphysical influence, by providing adequate and appropriate information and advice. B. What are four aspects of supervision in managing dives? 1. Preparation – adequate dive planning as just discussed, having appropriate equipment, and being ready to respond to problems. 2. Communication – informing the divers about procedures, the dive plan, and other information, usually in a dive briefing (discussed shortly). 3. Vantage Point – putting yourself in the most effective position to see and assist divers. 4. Recognition – anticipating and identifying possible problems so you can prevent, correct or respond to them. C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of inwater versus out of water supervision, and the advantages and disadvantages of supervision vantage points inwater versus out of water? 1. Choose your vantage point for supervising certified divers by considering: a. Your ability to spot and respond to a problem. 3-19

1. You want to be in the most advantageous spot to see or be aware of divers’ locations. 2. You want to be at the most advantageous spot to lend assistance – anticipate likely problem areas based on diver skill level, environment, etc. 3. These may conflict (e.g., the best place to watch isn’t always the best place to respond from) – you may need to compromise. b. The skill and experience level of divers c. Number of divers and diver groups or buddy teams d. Environmental conditions 2. Inwater supervision – you dive with the group, or escort on surface by snorkel, etc. a. Advantages: 1. Puts you close to divers to respond to or prevent problems. 2. Minimizes problems such as divers accidentally exceeding their maximum depth, making navigation errors or running low on air because you’re there to guide and remind them to check air, etc. 3. Diving with group adds to interest because you can guide divers to best spots, etc. b. Disadvantages: 1. You can only watch one group, so may not be appropriate with multiple groups or buddy teams diving independently (depends on diver experience, environment, etc.) unless there are other supervisors at the surface. 2. Some divers don’t like diving in a group. It may reduce their enjoyment if they prefer to explore independently. c. Procedures: 1. Identify most likely problem sources – diver, environmental effects, etc. and accompany group where you can best prevent or respond to these problems. 2. Brief divers so they know where you will be in relation to the group, and your role (guide, escort following their lead, etc.) 3. Out of water supervision – you supervise from boat or shore. 3-20

Three: Knowledge Development

What types of equipment can assist in supervising certified divers? ■ ■ Management Management equipment equipment –– roster, roster,

binoculars, binoculars, site site maps maps ■ ■ Emergency Emergency equipment equipment –– oxygen, oxygen,

first first aid aid kit, kit, float, float, radio/phone radio/phone ■ ■ Other Other dive dive equipment equipment –– tool tool kit, kit,

flag flag and and float, float, scuba scuba equipment equipment

Dive Management

DM DM 22 --19 19

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

a. Advantages: 1. Usually most effective way to supervise multiple buddy teams and groups at once. 2. Usually puts you close to emergency related equipment (oxygen, first aid, radio, etc.) for rapid deployment. 3. Often gives diver teams more individual options in where they go during the dive. b. Disadvantages: 1. You’re not on hand to remind divers of their responsibilities to follow appropriate dive procedures. 2. You can’t show divers around the points of interest on the site. c. Procedures: 1. Choose the best vantage point for visibility and ability to respond as previously discussed. 2. Have appropriate emergency and response equipment at hand. 3. During the briefing, tell divers where you’ll be and establish surface signals, recall procedures, etc. (more detail about briefings shortly) D. What eight types of equipment can assist in supervising certified divers? 1. Management equipment – may be useful depending upon the environment. a. clipboard/dive roster b. binoculars c. dive site maps 2. Emergency response equipment (see also Chapter 3 of the PADI Rescue Diver Manual) a. emergency oxygen b. first aid w/pocket mask and barriers c. rescue float or life ring with line d. marine radio/cellular telephone 3. Other useful equipment a. tool kit with spare o-rings/fin straps, weight belt buckles, etc. b. dive flag/float c. spare regulator, BCD and other equipment (in case of malfunction or loss)


d. spare equipment specific to conditions (e.g., dive lights for night diving, inflatable signal tube for diving in currents, etc.) E. What is the primary purpose of diver accounting procedures? 1. When supervising more than a handful of divers, the primary concern is making sure each diver is back aboard/ashore after a dive. 2. Procedure – Names usually recorded on dive roster as divers arrive on board/at dive site, and as they enter and exit water. Typically, you call roll after each dive with all divers visually present to confirm everyone is out of the water. 3. When practical in some situations, it may be useful to record additional information, which may assist in selecting subsequent dive sites. a. time entered water b. time exited water

What is the primary purpose of diver accounting procedures? Dive Management

DM DM 22 --20 20

Note that certified divers are responsible for tracking their own dive profiles.

F. Integrating customer service and management. 1. Divers come to you for convenience and to enhance their fun as well as the safety benefits. They’re customers. 2. Dive management requires influencing and advising divers to dive safely without ignoring the enjoyment of the dive. 3. Customer service dive management tips: a. Explain the basis for guidelines and procedures so they don’t seem arbitrary. b. Be open to alternative ways to accomplish something, such as an entry, to accommodate individual preferences. c. Be flexible within the limits of responsible diving – the supervision procedures you apply with novices may not be appropriate or necessary with a very experienced Rescue Diver, for example. d. Give as much attention to assuring convenience, fun and adventure as you do to assuring safety. 3-22

Customer Service Tips ■ ■ Explain Explain the basis for

guidelines guidelines — — why? why? ■ ■ Be Be open open to to

alternative alternative methods methods ■ ■ Be Be flexible flexible ■ ■ Consider Consider convenience, convenience, fun fun and and

adventure adventure along along with with safety safety

Dive Management

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --21 21

IV. Helping Divers Manage Predive Stress

Helping Divers Manage Stress Stress Management Chart Problem



Stop Think Breathe

Action =



Panic Anxiety Reaction

Rescue Required

DM DM 22 --22 22

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

[Refer candidates to the PADI Rescue Diver Manual – Chapter 1] A. What are the characteristics of predive stress, and how do you help divers deal with it? 1. You may notice physical and/or psychological stress in a diver. Signs and symptoms include: a. Behavior change – diver becomes withdrawn, irritable, talkative, distracted, etc. b. Perceptual narrowing – diver focuses on an action or task to the exclusion of alternative actions or considerations; often associated with distracted or irritable behavior c. Physical signs or symptoms – sweating profusely, exhaustion, vomiting or nausea d. Diver expresses concerns about the dive to a buddy or to you. e. A diver may report stress observed in another diver. B. Consequences of stress [Refer to Stress Management Chart] 1. Stress response cycle a. Stress causes psychological and physical stress responses. b. If the diver recognizes stress, the diver will reduce activity, think and begin problem solving. This usually solves problem and ends stress. c. If the diver doesn’t recognize stress, anxiety results. Anxiety produces psychological and physical stress and adds to original stress. d. Raised stress increases stress responses. This begins an uncontrolled cycle of rising stress until stress is excessive. e. Eventually, stress exceeds the diver’s ability to selfcontrol emotions. The diver reverts to instinctive reactions and uncontrolled behavior (panic). f. In the water, this can cause an accident requiring a rescue. 2. Therefore, it is best to handle stress as much as possible prior to a dive. C. Some stress is normal; it is how the mind and body activate mechanisms for handling perceived threats. It benefits divers by helping them focus on equipment 3-23

preparation, dive planning, etc. Certified divers are responsible for expressing concerns and monitoring their own psychological/physical state, but if you observe possible excessive stress, you may be able to assist the diver cope with it. 1. Try to confirm that the diver is stressed – usually it’s simplest to ask the diver about the signs observed. 2. Try to determine cause of stress. a. May be obvious, such as physical stress caused by overheating. b. If willing, the diver may tell you what the stressor is. c. In some instances, you may not be able to determine the stressor and the diver may not tell you – use your best judgment as to what the stressor may be. D. Relieving stress. Stress is relieved by either removing the stressor, or by changing the diver’s perception of the stressor so that it’s no longer threatening, or changing the perception of the diver’s ability to cope with the stressor. The dive briefing often helps, but sometimes you may be able to individually assist divers manage their stress. 1. Physical stressors – simple actions may relieve these. (e.g., diver overheated in exposure suit, offer to spray with water, suggest slowing activity, or opening suit to cool a bit.) 2. Explain procedures – stress about dive often comes from lack of information about how to handle a perceived threat or concern; providing information may reduce or relieve stress. (e.g., divers concerned about strong currents may feel better if you review current diving procedures and explain what to do if the current carries them past the boat.) 3. Offer choices – you may be able to offer alternatives that relieve stress. (e.g., diver who is concerned about successful navigation during a dive may appreciate the option to make a guided dive. Diver concerned about making a deep dive may appreciate option to swim in shallows along top of wall.) 4. Provide information – new or accurate information may reduce stress by removing perception of threat. (e.g., diver hears that nurse sharks are common at dive site and may experience stress through fear of shark attack. Telling the diver that nurse sharks are 3-24

Three: Knowledge Development

docile and not associate with attacks (except when molested) may greatly reduce stress.) 5. Let them off the hook – make it clear to all divers that if someone doesn’t feel up to a dive for any reason, it’s okay not to dive.

V. Mapping Dive Sites Mapping Dive Sites ■ ■ Why? Why? ◆ ◆ Use Use during during briefings briefings ◆ ◆ Provide Provide navigation navigation reference reference ◆ ◆ Orient Orient divers divers

to to site site

18 12 8

◆ ◆ Note Note changes changes to to

site site over over time time DM DM 22 --23 23

Mapping Tools ■ ■ How? How? ◆ ◆ Tools Tools ✚ ✚ Compass, Compass, slate, slate, markers markers and and line, line,

graph graph paper, paper, protractor protractor and and ruler ruler ◆ ◆ Steps Steps ✚ ✚ Define Define area area ✚ ✚ Use Use appropriate appropriate search search pattern pattern ✚ ✚ Record Record depth depth and and features features ✚ ✚ Plot Plot data data on on graph graph paper paper DM DM 22 --24 24

A. There are several reasons to map a dive site. 1. as a briefing tool 2. to provide you a navigation reference when leading dive tours 3. to provide divers you supervise with a navigation reference when diving independently 4. to show divers local facilities, entry and exit points, and points of interest 5. to have a reference against which to observe changes in the dive site over time B. Mapping tools – the following will be necessary or helpful in mapping. 1. dive compass 2. large slate 3. buoys/markers with lines and weights 4. graph paper 5. protractor and ruler C. What are the general steps for mapping a dive site, and what elements do you include in a dive site map? [see also the PADI Underwater Navigator Manual]

Note to instructor: This is one technique. There are others you may wish to recommend. Consider drawing a sample map to illustrate these steps for candidates. 1. Identify a central point, or place a buoy from which to gather data, and determine the map boundaries. 2. Swim a large search pattern, such as a U-pattern, that covers the map area, away from the point. You may need to use several sets of patterns to cover the whole area. 3. Count kick cycles and record depth and features as you go, noting the pattern leg and distance when you find features.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


4. On each leg, record the kick cycle where you hit specified depths to show contour (e.g., 3 metre/10 foot increments). 5. Draw the pattern on graph paper in pencil. Use protractor to keep heading angles accurate, ruler and graph lines to maintain scale. Include depths and features noted on the pattern. 6. Connect same depths with lines to show contour, and fill in headings and distance from shore reference to points of interest. 7. Fill in shore line, facilities and topside features. 8. To finish map, use ink on parts of map you wish to keep and erase the pencil portions. Or, use blue pencil and blue graph paper to draw map, then black ink for final version and photocopy through blue gelatin. D. [Mapping Project – If you have not given mapping project assignments, you may want to do so now. If necessary, review search pattern procedures and have candidates practice a U-pattern in open water prior to beginning the Mapping Project.]

Part 1

Questions? Supervising Diving Activities for Certified Divers DM DM 22 --25 25


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 2 Presentation - Part 2 Overview and Learning Objectives Overview — Part 2

VI. Dive Briefings

■ ■ Dive Dive Briefings Briefings

19. What 10 points does a dive briefing usually include?

■ ■ Problem Problem Management Management

and and Judgment Judgment

20. What predive suggestions can you give to help divers interact responsibly with the environment and aquatic life?

■ ■ Divemaster’s Divemaster’s Role Role in in

Accident Accident Management Management ■ ■ Supervising Supervising Specialized Specialized

Dive Dive Activities Activities DM DM 22 --26 26

VII. Problem Management and Judgment 21. How do you prepare to handle problems that may occur at a dive site? 22. What are the general steps for handling a novel dive problem? 23. When does dive supervision and problem management call for your judgment, and how do you develop good judgment?

VIII. Divemaster’s Role in Accident Management 24. What are the two likely roles of the divemaster in the event of a dive accident?

IX. Supervising Specialized Dive Activities 25. What general equipment, concerns and procedures apply when supervising each of the following activities: • deep diving? • boat diving? • altitude diving? • drift diving? • shore/surf diving? • night diving? • cold water diving? • enriched air and technical diving?


Dive Briefings Enhance diver safety and increase fun

VI. Dive Briefings

DM DM 22 --27 27

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

[Begin this section by giving a typical dive briefing for your local area. As you cover the following topics, refer to the relevant components in your example.] 3-27

A. A dive briefing has two main goals: to enhance diver safety, and to make the dive fun. B. Treat the briefing as an overview of your thinking when you planned the dive. 1. This gives credibility to your recommendations. 2. It cues divers to adapt if conditions change. 3. It provides a basis for alternative recommendations when necessary. C. On a dive boat, boat-specific information (rules, offlimit areas, personal flotation devices, etc.) isn’t technically part of the dive briefing, but may be combined with the briefing. D. What 10 points does a dive briefing usually include? (Order may vary and you may need to include additional information depending upon the circumstances) 1. Dive site name 2. Site description: topography, points of interest, hazards to avoid, water conditions, depth range, facilities (a map helps, when available), where to locate emergency equipment, etc. 3. Your role (topside supervisor, guide, etc.) May want to tell divers how to recognize you (e.g., you always wear a ball cap or bright colored fins.) 4. Entry and exit techniques 5. Dive procedures – suggested course to follow, problem avoidance in local conditions, safety stops, air reserves, group control, etc. 6. Emergency procedures a. Discuss protocols, and review problems unique to dive site and those most likely to occur in the conditions. b. Buddy separation c. Low-on-air/out-of-air procedures d. If appropriate for local practices, diver recall procedures. 7. Signal review – review signals that you’ll use with the group (surface or underwater). It may be appropriate to remind buddy teams to review their own signals. 8. Roster/buddy check – you can do this apart from the briefing, but you may find it convenient to do this while everyone’s together. Check that you have 3-28

What ten points does a briefing usually include? 1 – Site Site name name 2 – Site Site description description 3 – Divemaster’s Divemaster’s role role 4 – Entry Entry and and exit exit techniques techniques 5 – Dive Dive procedures/group procedures/group control control Dive Briefings

DM DM 22 --28 28

Ten briefing points... 6 – Emergency Emergency procedures procedures 7 – Signal Signal review review 8 – Roster/Buddy Roster/Buddy check check 9 – Environmental Environmental awareness awareness 10 – Predive Predive safety safety check check Dive Briefings

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --29 29

Make briefings positive, interesting and short! Remind divers to plan their own dives Dive Briefings

DM DM 22 --30 30

everyone on the dive roster and everyone has a buddy. Identify those without buddies so they can choose buddy teams among themselves. 9. What predive suggestions can you give to help divers interact responsibly with the environment and aquatic life? Environmental interaction suggestions: a. Identify organisms divers need to respect and be cautious about. b. Tell divers how to avoid damage to sensitive organisms (e.g., maintain buoyancy control, stay well off reef, avoid touching, etc.); suggest techniques in a positive context and remind divers to be AWARE divers. c. If divers will be hunting, require any necessary licenses and ask divers to take only what they will eat. d. Discourage feeding by destroying organisms to do so (e.g., cutting up urchins to feed fish) e. Leave the environment as you find it (e.g., don’t turn over rocks, don’t leave anything behind, etc.) 10. Predive safety check – remind divers of their responsibility to perform a predive safety check (BWRAF). a. As divers suit up to enter water, it’s customary to confirm that they have ample air for the dive. b. Although it is neither practical nor necessary to individually assess certified divers, who are responsible for their own safely, being alert for the following may help the diver who makes an error with equipment setup: 1. Low pressure inflator that isn’t connected or diver has insufficient air to float in BCD (if floating is appropriate to entry technique). 2. Weight that looks excessive or insufficient. 3. Disconnected releases or the weight system not clear for release. 4. Equipment not in correct place. E. Make the briefing fun, interesting and relate each topic to their needs, experience level and interests (not to yours). 1. Divers pay attention, respond and remember better when its fun. 2. Divers are there to have fun – this is an important part of customer service. F. It’s a good idea to remind divers that your briefing doesn’t replace their own dive planning – they should plan their

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


individual dives with the information and within the limits you provide, and following responsible diving practices. G. Things to avoid in briefings include: 1. Being negative in a way that takes the fun out of the dive. 2. Overstressing hazards – give realistic appraisals of possible hazards. 3. Being long, redundant and boring. They’re called “briefings” because they’re supposed to be brief. 4. Ignoring people’s comfort. Be sensitive to those who may not feel well on a rocking boat Give briefing before divers climb into hot exposure suits.

Note to instructor: Remind candidates that they will apply what they’re learning here by giving briefings during the Practical Training Exercises. Suggest that they review their notes and the PADI Divemaster Manual prior to sessions in which they will practice giving briefings.

VII. Problem Management and Judgment A. As a divemaster, you’ll be looked upon as a problem solver. Problems at a dive site can range from inconveniences to emergencies, but you can group them into two categories – “routine” and those you’ve never encountered. 2. Routine problems are those for which you already have a solution, (e.g., a diver breaks a mask strap and you have spares.) a. Through experience, you already know how to handle many routine problems. b. Assuming you have the resources, you usually handle routine problems easily. 3. Those you’ve never encountered are called “novel” problems, (e.g., the boat arrives at the dive site and for the first time ever, the mooring buoy is missing). a. You’ll need to determine how to handle these on the spot. b. Proper preparation, specific dive skills and following the steps for problem solving increase your ability to successfully manage novel problems. c. After handling a novel problem, it becomes part 3-30

Problem Management and Judgment Routine vs. Novel

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --31 31

of your experience; the next time it arises, you already know the solution – this is why experience as a diver is important to being a professional. How do you prepare to handle problems at a dive site? ■ ■ Develop Develop strong strong

knowledge knowledge base base ■ ■ Have Have equipment equipment

and and tools tools ■ ■ Continue Continue your your

education education

Problem Management

DM DM 22 --32 32

B. How do you prepare to handle problems that may occur at a dive site? 1. Have a strong knowledge base of dive theory – good problem solvers have a lot of knowledge resources to draw upon. (More about this in Topic 4 – Dive Theory Introduction) 2. Have the physical resources to handle problems, such as spare equipment, tools, first aid kit, oxygen, etc., that you’ve learned about in this and previous PADI courses, and through experience 3. Continue your education regularly (PADI Specialty courses, Assistant Instructor course, equipment repair, seamanship, etc.) a. Continuing education provides exercise for the brain – improves your thinking skills and problem solving ability. It gives you more knowledge and skills that you can apply to solve a problem. It also provides experience opportunities so you encounter fewer novel problems. C. Problem solving is a skill. You normally solve problems without thinking consciously about the process, much of which is intuitive. But, to improve, pay attention to the steps. Improving each step increases problem solving skill. With experience, you go through these steps quickly and automatically.

What are the steps for handling a novel problem? ■ ■ Identify Identify the the problem problem precisely precisely ■ ■ Inventory Inventory resources resources ■ ■ Create Create several several possible possible solutions solutions ■ ■ Choose Choose aa solution solution ■ ■ Assess Assess and and revise revise as as necessary necessary

Problem Management

DM DM 22 --33 33

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

D. What are the general steps for handling a novel dive problem?: 1. Identify the problem precisely. The more specific the problem, the more specifically you can apply a solution. 2. Inventory your resources. Think about what resources you can apply to the problem, including tools, hardware, your skills and knowledge and those of other people who may help. 3. Create several possible solutions. Try to make these as different as possible. 4. Choose the best. Pick the most feasible and likely to succeed and devote your energy to that solution. 5. Assess and revise. As you handle the problem, assess your progress and adjust the solution as you go, 3-31

building on the ideas and experience you gain by applying the solution. E. When does dive supervision and problem management call for your judgment, and how do you develop good judgment? 1. Dive supervision and problem management call for your judgment when you have incomplete information, or when the information doesn’t direct a clear decision. 2. You apply your judgment to many elements of diver supervision, such as: a. Evaluating whether dive conditions are acceptable. b. Choosing which dive techniques to recommend. c. Picking a vantage point for supervising dive activities. d. Choosing the best of several possible solutions to problems. 3. To develop good judgment: a. Gain experience with more experienced professionals who can explain their judgments to you (in this course, instructors and staff members). b. When in doubt or making decisions that you have less experience with, decide to the conservative. Being unnecessarily cautious is generally better than being insufficiently cautious. c. Be cautious to avoid letting emotions or desires inappropriately influence your judgment. For example, you wouldn’t want to continue a dive in poor conditions just because you don’t want the divers to be disappointed. d. As with problem solving, dive experience and continuing your education provide you with knowledge that help you make good judgments.

Judgment ■ ■ When When do do you you apply apply judgment? judgment? ■ ■ How How do do you you develop develop

good good judgment? judgment? ◆ ◆ Gain Gain experience experience ◆ ◆ Be Be conservative conservative ◆ ◆ Avoid Avoid emotional emotional influences influences ◆ ◆ Continually Continually learn learn

Note to instructor: Tell candidates that they’ll work on developing good judgment as part of the Practical Application sessions.

VIII. Divemaster’s Role in Accident Management [Refer candidates to the PADI Rescue Diver Manual – Chapter 3 and the dive management section of the Rescue Diver Video as a review for this subject.]


Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --34 34

Accident Management Divemaster Roles: Manage or Assist DM DM 22 --35 35

Emergency Management ■ ■ Assess Assess the the situation situation ■ ■ Act Act on on your your plan plan ■ ■ Delegate Delegate ■ ■ Provide Provide basic basic life life support/first support/first aid aid ■ ■ Control Control the the scene scene ■ ■ Evacuate Evacuate the the patient patient

Be Be familiar familiar with with emergency emergency oxygen oxygen protocols protocols

Accident Management

DM DM 22 --36 36

A. What are the two likely roles of the divemaster in the event of a dive accident? 1. If you’re the most qualified person present, you will probably manage the accident. As a PADI Divemaster, this would be the expected situation when supervising certified divers. In these situations, you’ll want to have a plan ready (Emergency Assistance Plan) to deal with emergencies. 2. If a more qualified person is present, you will probably assist under that person’s management. This would be the expected situation when assisting an instructor with student divers. B. Emergency Management Steps 1. Assess the situation — as with any problem, the strategy is to first consider resources and possible plans of action, then choose the plan most likely to be successful. 2. Act on your plan — take control of the situation and start the action. 3. Delegate — assign tasks to suitably qualified individuals. Handle tasks yourself if no one qualified is available. Even untrained people can help under your direction, such as contacting emergency medical care– but don’t ask people to do things for which they’re not trained or qualified if doing so might put them in a hazardous situation. 4. Provide basic life support (BLS) and first aid as necessary for the patient. Use barriers to protect yourself and the patient. 5. Control the scene — keep bystanders under control and make sure that first aid and BLS continue until emergency care arrives. Do not speculate or draw conclusions about what caused the accident or assign blame. 6. Evacuate the patient — in a serious emergency, you need to get the patient to the closest appropriate medical facility. If not done already, contact the local EMS, and DAN or DES if the area is served by either. Ideally, refer to your Emergency Assistance Plan for the area for the local emergency contact information. C. Emergency Oxygen 1. Emergency oxygen is the primary first aid for decompression illness (DCI) and near drowning. 2. When supervising divers, if permitted by local law, be sure that emergency oxygen is available. Be familiar

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


with emergency oxygen protocols and stay current in emergency oxygen recommendations.

Note to instructor: This section is primarily a review of principles candidates will already know from prerequisite training and experience. Emphasize that now candidates need to think about specialized dive activities in a supervisory context. Refer candidates to the PADI Adventures in Diving, Rescue Diver, Deep Diver, Night Diver, Altitude Diver, Boat Diver, Drift Diver, Ice Diver and Enriched Air Diver specialty instructor guides, manuals and videos.

IX.Supervising Specialized Dive Activities A. What general equipment, concerns and procedures apply when supervising specialized dive activities? 1. The following discussion covers the equipment, concerns and procedures distinct to various specialized activities that you should consider along with general supervisory considerations. 2. You can learn more and gain experience by completing the appropriate specialty course. B. Deep diving activities – generally defined in recreational diving as dives between 18 metres/60 feet and 40 metres/130 feet. 1. Equipment – for deep diving you and the divers you supervise need to consider: a. Regulator – in good condition, properly maintained according to manufacturer recommendations. b. Cylinder – adequate for the planned dive and safety stop with an adequate reserve. c. Exposure suit – adequate for the cooler water at depth; wet suits compress with depth and insulate less. d. Emergency air source – it’s common to have a spare tank and regulator or regulator on a hose from the surface to assure ample air for safety stops or emergency decompression stops. e. Dive computers and tables – divers usually want to carry dive tables so they can recalculate times if they accidentally exceed planned time or depth, or if using a computer, in case the computer fails. 3-34

Supervising Specialized Dive Activities ■ ■ Deep Deep diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures ■ ■ Boat Boat diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --37 37

f. Ascent/descent line – if there’s no contour to follow, it’s usually easier and more reassuring to follow a line down and back up; this may be a weighted line from the stern, or the anchor/mooring line may suffice. g. Gauges – if not using a computer, it’s best for each diver to have a timer and depth gauge. h. Divers using enriched air – this may help them stay well within no stop limits for dives between 18 metres/60 feet and 30 metres/100 feet (more about this consideration later). 2. Concerns a. Diver training and experience – remind divers to make deep dives within the limits of their training or experience, and to increase their experience under appropriate supervision. b. Dive site selection 1. Currents can be a problem in deep water sites and need to be planned for. 2. Dives along walls/slopes have the concern of accidentally descending below the planned depth or recreational depth limits. 3. Temperature at depth may be cooler than at the surface. c. Decompression sickness 1. Deep diving frequently takes divers closer to the no decompression limits. 2. Post dive activities – exercise, alcohol consumption may predispose divers to DCS. d. Nitrogen narcosis – may affect diver judgment. 3. Procedures a. Choosing a vantage point – inwater supervision may be a good choice (dive site and diver experience determining factors). 1. Easier to help divers stay above maximum depth, especially along walls. 2. You’re present if narcosis becomes a factor. 3. You can remind divers to check their air more frequently. b. Contingency planning – during briefing, it’s a good idea to present contingency plans if divers accidentally exceed planned depth and time to assist them with their personal plans. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


c. Encourage divers who have questions about dive planning or who are rusty with table use to ask for your assistance and recommendations. d. Remind and encourage divers to practice behaviors that reduce DCI risk: 1. Safety stops 2. Remain hydrated, avoid alcohol and caffeine. 3. Avoid strenuous exercise before and immediately after a dive. 4. Avoid sawtooth profiles. Make each dive progressively shallower and start at the deepest point and work shallower. 5. Avoid rapid ascents. 6. Watch air supply closely to avoid emergency ascent situations. e. Provide ascent/descent line and emergency breathing equipment at 5 metres/15 feet if practical and appropriate. C. Boat diving activities 1. Equipment a. The boat itself – style affects diving techniques and conditions in which it may operate and the number of divers it may carry. b. Lines – those used by divers (swim lines, trail lines, gear lines, safety stop/descent line etc.) and those used by the boat (mooring line, dock lines, etc.). c. Boat safety equipment – personal flotation devices, fire extinguishers, signal devices (horns, lights, flares) and radio d. dive safety equipment – dive flags, emergency oxygen, first aid, life ring, etc., as appropriate for local diving practices and procedures. 2. Concerns a. diver familiarity – some divers may have no boat experience, or may not be familiar with local boat diving procedures. b. space – usually at a premium on a dive boat and dictates equipment setup and stowage procedures. c. entries and exits – boat configuration (deck height, presence or absence of ladder/swim step, etc.) will affect preferred entry and exit methods and locations. 3-36

Three: Knowledge Development

d. seasickness – advise divers prone to seasickness to stay on deck in the center of the boat and out of boat’s exhaust, to avoid greasy food, and to take seasickness medication prior to departure according to instructions/doctor recommendations. If seasick, vomit over leeward rail (wind headed away from boat) Note to candidates: If your function involves the diving activities and you’re not part of the boat’s staff, you’re not usually considered part of the boat crew. If you’re employed by the dive boat and are expected to assist with boat operation, you’re usually considered crew as well as a divemaster. Since this is a common divemaster employment opportunity, training in boat handling and seamanship is an excellent additional skill for a divemaster. 3. Procedures a. Welcome divers aboard. Have them sign in on roster and list certification information, sign liability release, and stow/secure equipment before the boat departs. Reconfirm all aboard by calling roll from roster before departure. b. Orient divers to boat facilities and rules (e.g., offlimits areas, where to put cameras, time to dive destination, where to locate safety equipment.) Crew may do this if you’re not part of the boat staff. c. Equipment setup – may be before boat departs or underway, depending on boat size and time to dive site. Remind divers to work in and out of gear bags to reduce deck clutter. d. Anchoring/mooring – captain determines when boat is secure. You may determine whether conditions are suitable for diving. e. Briefing – include boat specific techniques for entries, exits, use of swim lines/current lines, surface signals to boat, emergency/recall procedures, what to do if seasick, etc. f. Entry – suggest that divers avoid walking around with fins on g. Post dive – may need to remind divers exit procedures (e.g., don’t wait under someone climbing ladder, etc.), keep deck clear of equipment, call roll and make sure that you actually see each diver. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


h. Before boat leaves the site – assure equipment stowed properly, conduct final visual roll call. D. Altitude diving activities – dives above 300 metres/ 1000 feet to maximum 3000 metres/10,000 feet of altitude. 1. Equipment a. Exposure suit – altitude diving is usually cooler water diving. b. Depth gauge/computer – older depth gauges/ computers designed for sea level may not read/ compute properly at altitude. c. Theoretical Depth at Altitude tables – used to convert depths at altitude to a depth that may be used on the RDP. You find these tables in Adventures in Diving. (Capillary depth gauges read theoretical depth at altitude and do not need further conversion.) 2. Concerns a. Diver training and experience – divers may not be familiar with altitude diving procedures, or may not be aware a site is at altitude. b. Arrival at altitude – diver must wait six hours or determine a pressure group before diving if using RDP. Many computers account for arrival at altitude – check manufacturer instructions. c. Thin air – divers may tire more easily during entries, exits and surface swims. 3. Procedures a. Confirm diver familiarity with altitude procedures. For those not familiar, assist in dive table planning/computer use to accommodate altitude considerations – advise divers that your supervision isn’t a training course. b. Confirm use of suitable tables, computers, exposure suits, etc. c. To reduce likelihood of exhaustion at altitude, recommend a dive plan that minimizes strenuous activity at the surface. E. Drift diving activities – diving in which divers drift with the current and exit downstream 1. Equipment a. Surface float, descent line, reel or caddie (if used – depends on technique) 3-38

Specialized Activities... ■ ■ Altitude Altitude diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures ■ ■ Drift Drift diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --38 38

Specialized Activities... ■ ■ Shore/surf Shore/surf diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures ■ ■ Night Night diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures DM DM 22 --39 39

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

b. Surface signal devices (inflatable signal tubes, mirrors, etc.) recommended for each diver. 2. Concerns a. Diver training and experience – divers may not be familiar with drift diving procedures, or the specific procedures used at the dive site. b. Depth – drift dives are often deep dives. c. Group contact – drift diving is often a single group dive. It’s important for the group to stay together and know what to do if separated. d. Change of current direction – can disrupt coordination with boat. 3. Procedures a. Briefings – brief group on procedures that will be used on the dive and include what to do if separated from group, unable to descend, etc. b. Vantage point – consider inwater supervision and supervision on the boat. Divemaster handles float/line in the water (if used). c. Entries and descents – usually made as a group, quickly with divemaster paying out line that other divers keep contact with and follow to divemaster’s depth. Group then drifts along together. d. Ascents and exits – techniques vary; everyone surfaces and makes safety stop along line when first diver reaches low air or teams may surface individually along line and get picked up by boat. In both cases, advise divers not to swim toward boat – let boat come to them. F. Surf diving activities – diving from shore through waves large enough to cause divers to lose their balance. 1. Equipment a. Equipment loss – the stronger the surf, the more potential for equipment loss or damage – a consideration for underwater photographers/ videographers. b. Regulator freeflowing – most models of regulators are prone to freeflowing if they get sand in them. c. Equipment caused delays – entries and exits through surf are made by moving quickly through surf zone – equipment that causes delays can cause problems. 3-39

2. Concerns a. Diver training and experience – Divers may not be familiar with surf diving procedures. b. Air reserve for exits – divers may accidentally run low on air before exiting, leaving little to use during exit through surf zone c. Assessing conditions – need to watch wave pattern long enough to determine how high the largest surf is and when it hits. d. Large surf – experienced divers may be able to enter and exit effectively, but diving conditions usually aren’t worth the effort. 3. Procedures a. Briefing usually includes entry technique reminders — don all equipment before entering surf (except fins, depending on entry technique), deflate BCD, breathe from regulator and move rapidly through surf zone, walk backwards with fins on, turn sideways, hold mask and lean against waves or duck through base of tall waves, tow float behind, as soon as possible either submerge and swim out on bottom, or inflate BCD and swim quickly past surf zone. b. Briefing usually includes exit technique reminder —save enough air to breathe from regulator during exit, pause outside surf zone and observe waves to time exit, swim under waves as close as possible to shore then exit quickly watching waves, and if you fall, it’s usually easier to stay down and crawl out. c. Vantage point – elevated positioning makes it easier to see over waves. d. Supervisory personnel should have equipment standing by to enter water and assist if necessary. G. Night diving activities 1. Equipment a. Dive lights – one dive light per diver, with two each recommended. Have spares at hand in case a diver forgets a light, or one doesn’t work. b. Chemical light/personal marker light – one for each diver recommended. c. Surface lights – area lights for gearing up, marker lights to identify exit point. Avoid anything that might be confused with navigational markers. 3-40

Three: Knowledge Development

Specialized Activities... ■ ■ Cold Cold water water diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures ■ ■ Enriched Enriched air air and and

technical technical diving diving ◆ ◆ Equipment Equipment ◆ ◆ Concerns Concerns ◆ ◆ Procedures Procedures DM DM 22 --40 40

d. Underwater markers – strobes or a suspended light can aid navigation in reasonably clear water. e. Exposure protection – because it’s easier to bump into things in the dark, full exposure protection is recommended even in warm water. f. Descent/ascent line – may make controlled ascent/ descents easier, especially if bottom isn’t visible from the surface. 2. Concerns a. Light failure – encourage divers to carry backup lights. b. Disorientation – easier to lose your way in the dark. c. Diver familiarity – night diving isn’t difficult, but it can be stressful to a diver who has never done it. d. Timing – some divers prefer to enter water with some daylight so it gets dark during the dive while others prefer a later dive to see nocturnal organisms. It sometimes helps to plan the dive so everyone sets up gear during daylight. 3. Procedures a. Supervision is generally effective from boat or shore because you can see glow of dive lights a long way. b. Briefing usually includes these reminders – watch depth, time, direction and air more frequently than usual, maintain good buoyancy control to reduce silt, to avoid damage to the environment and avoid contact with potentially harmful organisms, plan to stay closer to exit to simplify navigation, be careful not to shine lights in eyes of supervisors/other divers during entries and exits. c. Emergency plans generally need to include assuring that rescuers have lights/personal markers so they can be tracked in the water. H. Cold water diving activities 1. Equipment a. Exposure protection – full wet suit that double layers torso area (6 or 7 mm/1/4 in) with hood and boots, or dry suits with undergarment rated for water temperature and recommended hood. Gloves usually required in all cases. b. Weight systems – cold water exposure suits require lots of weight. Weight system needs to accommodate weight in a manner that allows dumping enough quickly to attain positive buoyancy.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


c. Pre/post dive wear – maintaining body heat before and after dive requires proper exposure protection for air temperature. 2. Concerns a. Diver comfort – cold divers aren’t having fun. b. Hypothermia – divers who over-cool may suffer hypothermia. c. Dry suit use – divers who have never used a dry suit should seek an orientation or training when using one for the first time. 3. Procedures a. Briefings usually remind divers to stay warm before and after dives, and to end the dive if they begin shivering uncontrollably. b. If divers seem insufficiently protected, advise them accordingly. c. Divers need to be sure that weight systems are clear for release, and that they won’t release accidentally and cause a runaway ascent. d. Supervisory personnel who may have to enter water in an emergency need to account for water temperature and exposure protection in emergency planning. e. Emergency planning will generally include how to handle a diver with hypothermia. f. Plan dives and surface intervals to allow sufficient rewarming between dives. g. It’s a good idea to remind divers to plan cold water dives with a depth 4 metres/10 feet deeper than actual on the RDP, or as instructed by their computer manufacturer. I. Enriched air and technical diving [Refer candidates to the PADI Enriched Air Diver course materials, and the Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving ] 1. For the purposes of this discussion, “enriched air diving” is the use of enriched air for no stop recreational diving to depths of 40 metres/130 feet or less. “Technical diving” is noncommercial diving using extensive equipment and procedures to make dives beyond the no stop limits or deeper than 40 metres/ 130 feet. 2. Enriched Air Equipment a. Dedicated cylinders – Enriched air cylinders are usually assigned to a specific diver. 3-42

Three: Knowledge Development

b. Manufacturers recommendation – many manufacturers have specific recommendations for using their equipment with enriched air with respect to the need for oxygen cleaning. c. Special tables/computers – tables designed for enriched air use and special enriched air computers may be used. 3. Technical Diving Equipment – equipment is extensive and varies with the specific technical diving activity. Commonly includes, but isn’t limited to: a. Double cylinders (may have helium blends or enriched air) b. Stage bottles – single tanks worn on the side, often for decompression purposes c. Specialized high capacity BCDs d. Three or more regulators per diver e. Lift bags, lines, and reels 4. Concerns a. Separating equipment – keeping divers from inadvertently using enriched air or other cylinders dedicated to technical divers. Enriched air divers always personally verify the oxygen content of the cylinder they will use, so divers can’t grab just any tank available. b. Separating activities – recreational divers need to understand that technical divers follow different and more complex procedures and, therefore, have differing rules and limits. They should not attempt to follow technical divers on the dive. c. Qualifications – enriched air divers are expected to be certified before using enriched air. Technical divers may be certified in their particular activity or have other experience/qualification. d. Beyond help – technical divers frequently take themselves into situations in which there is no practical way to respond (overhead environment, extreme depth) This is part of the risk they accept as individuals. 5. Enriched Air Diving Procedures a. Enriched air divers usually try to buddy together to take advantage of longer no stop time. b. Enriched air divers may have shallower depth limit depending on the blend they use.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


c. May be useful to ask divers to be back by a specific time that balances enriched air diver’s longer no stop time with consideration for other divers waiting. d. When diving in multiple groups, it’s common to get enriched air divers into water first so there’s less gap between when they return and when other return. e. Aside from depth and time limits, and equipment considerations, other enriched air dive procedures are the same as those for air recreational diving.

Note to candidates: No dive operation is under any obligation to accept and supervise technical diving if it doesn’t wish to. This policy should be clear to potential technical divers well in advance of the dive. In addition, exceeding recreational diving limits without using specific equipment and procedures to manage the added risk is not considered technical diving; If your operation caters to technical divers, the operation is not obligated to accept individuals who want to disregard both accepted safe diving practices and accepted technical diving practices. 5. Technical Diving Procedures a. Technical divers may have depth and time limits very different from recreational divers. It’s common to ask technical divers when to expect to find them at a certain point, such as decompressing. b. While its not unusual to confirm a recreational diver’s tank valve is open, the general practice in technical diving to not touch any equipment unless asked by the diver. c. Technical divers may have special support requests, such as having someone check on them during decompression (within recreational depths) Both you and the divers need to agree on what will and won’t be possible in this regard. d. If technical divers tell you they will be leaving stage bottles unattended within recreational limits (common for wreck penetration), it’s a good precaution to remind recreational divers that such equipment isn’t abandoned and should be left alone. 3-44

Supervising Diving Activities for Certified Divers Questions?

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 22 --41 41

Topic 3 – Assisting with Student Divers in Training Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering This Topic

PADI Divemaster Course Assisting with Students in Training

The PADI Divemaster Video and the Divemaster Manual cover much of the material in this topic. Preferably, have candidates watch the video, read Chapter 3 and complete the Knowledge Review prior to this presentation. Your presentation is important in this topic because it includes discussions that will be the basis for assisting with student divers in training. This is a long topic, so you may want to plan breaks in the presentation, or deliver the presentation in two or more sessions. You’ll introduce and refer to the PADI Instructor Manual in this presentation. Encourage candidates to have personal copies of the manual.

Presentation Overview and Learning Objectives

DM DM 33 -- 11

I. The Instructor/Assistant Relationship 1. What is the primary role of a PADI Divemaster compared to that of a PADI Instructor in an instructional setting?

Overview ■ ■ The The Instructor/Assistant Instructor/Assistant Relationship Relationship ■ ■ The The Student Student Diver/Assistant Diver/Assistant

Relationship Relationship ■ ■ PADI PADI Certified Certified Assistant Assistant

2. What seven functions may a divemaster fulfill as an instructional assistant in confined and open water?

Responsibilities Responsibilities ■ ■ Control, Control, Supervision Supervision and and Logistics Logistics ■ ■ Demonstrating Demonstrating Skills Skills ■ ■ Assisting Assisting Student Student Divers Divers with with Problems Problems DM DM 33 -- 22

3. What is the primary characteristic that makes a PADI Divemaster an ideal instructional assistant? 4. What is a “mentor relationship” between the instructor and you? 5. What are four reasons why a PADI Divemaster benefits by having a personal copy of the PADI Instructor Manual?

II. The Student Diver/Assistant Relationship 6. What is your primary role in the relationship between you and student divers in training?

III. PADI Certified Assistant Responsibilities 7. With respect to PADI programs, what is meant by a “certified assistant”? 8. Under PADI Standards, what can a certified assistant do?

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


IV. Control, Supervision and Logistics 9. How does positioning affect your ability to assist with student diver control? 10. What are two common examples of Open Water Diver course student arrangement for skill practice and assistant positionings, and what are their advantages and disadvantages with respect to your role? 11. What are five examples of logistical functions you can perform to assist with diver training at the surface, and what are five examples of logistical functions you can perform to assist with diver training underwater?

V. Demonstrating Skills 12. When would a PADI Divemaster demonstrate a skill, and for what reasons? 13. What are the characteristics of a demonstration quality skill? 14. What are the 20 basic skills of the PADI Skill Evaluation? 15. How do you develop demonstration quality skills?

VI. Assisting Student Divers with Problems 16. What common problems may you encounter as student divers develop skills in confined and open water? 17. What four steps can you take to help a student diver master a dive skill? 18. Where do you find skill performance requirements student divers must master for PADI courses?

Outline I. The Instructor/Assistant Relationship A. What is the primary role of a PADI Divemaster compared to that of a PADI Instructor in an instructional setting? 1. PADI Divemasters are not authorized to teach scuba courses. (You’ll learn about programs you can conduct in Topic 9 – Divemaster Conducted Programs.) 2. As a PADI Divemaster, you can enhance the efficiency of PADI Diver courses by assisting a PADI Instructor. 3-46

What is the primary role of a PADI Divemaster in an instructional setting?

Handling Logistics Assisting With Students

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 33 -- 33

What functions may a divemaster fulfill? ■ ■ Supervise

predive predive and and postdive activities ■ ■ Watch students not under the instructor’s control ■ ■ Handle logistics ■ ■ Conduct tours DM DM 33 -- 44

continued... continued...

Divemaster functions... ■ ■ Advise

instructor about student performance

■ ■ Check

students in and out of the water

■ ■ Assist

students who are having difficulty DM DM 33 -- 55

What characteristic makes a divemaster an ideal instructional assistant?

Anticipate and Provide DM DM 33 -- 6 6

What is a mentor relationship? DM DM 33 -- 77

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

3. In assisting with a course, you’re part of a team led by the PADI Instructor. It’s your job to support the instructor’s decisions and efforts. 4. In an instructional setting, your primary role, under the instructor’s direction, is handling logistics and assisting with student diver supervision. The instructor’s primary role is to focus on teaching and individual student diver learning. B. What seven functions may a divemaster fulfill as an instructional assistant in confined and open water? 1. Supervise the predive equipment distribution to student divers, postdive equipment collection, and handling equipment difficulties. 2. Supervise student divers not being immediately watched by the instructor. 3. Handle logistics and coordinate student diver flow to keep things moving during training. 4. Conduct the tour for experience portion of dives. 5. Provide the instructor with additional information about student diver performance. 6. Check divers in and out of the water at a training site. 7. Help student divers with learning difficulties on an individual basis. C. [Ask candidates, based on the previous list, “What is the primary characteristic that makes a PADI Divemaster an ideal instructional assistant?” Start a discussion that identifies characteristics and leads to the following conclusion:] The primary characteristic that makes a PADI Divemaster an ideal instructional assistant is anticipating and providing what is needed by the instructor to meet the needs of student divers. D. What is a “mentor relationship” between the instructor and you? 1. Your relationship with me [the instructor] will be more of a mentor relationship than simply a teacher-student diver relationship. This means I’m trying to guide or coach you toward the ranks of PADI Assistant Instructor and Instructor. This relationship extends beyond this course and applies to any instructor you may assist. 2. A mentor relationship benefits you by: 3-47

a. Giving you hands-on experience with student divers in training. b. Helping you learn about decision making and judgment by giving you access to the instructor’s experience and thinking. c. Letting you learn to handle the logistics and other duties under an instructor’s ultimate responsibility – the same responsibilities you will have later as an instructor. E. What are four reasons why a PADI Divemaster benefits by having a personal copy of the PADI Instructor Manual? 1. The manual gives you access to the standards the instructors you assist follow. This makes you more effective as an assistant. 2. The manual gives you access to standards for programs you can conduct independently as a PADI Divemaster (more about these in Topic 9). This gives you additional opportunities beyond supervising certified divers and assisting with classes. 3. Becoming familiar with using the manual is a required skill of a PADI Instructor. Starting now gives you a head start on the process. 4. As a PADI Divemaster, you will receive the Training Bulletin and other updates to the manual. This permits you to stay current and informed on training standards.

Why should you have a PADI Instructor Manual? ■ ■ Access

to PADI Standards to guidelines for programs you can conduct independently ■ ■ Preparation for becoming a PADI Instructor ■ ■ Staying current – incorporate changes and announcements ■ ■ Access

DM DM 33 -- 8 8

II. The Student Diver/Assistant Relationship A. What is your primary role in the relationship between you and student divers in training? 1. The relationship between you and student divers is similar to, but not identical to, the relationship between student divers and the instructor. 2. Your primary role in this relationship is as a role model and as an intermediary between the student divers and the instructor. Fulfilling this role includes: a. Behaving as a role model consistent with PADI Standards and the instructor. Student divers learn as much (or more) by what they see you do as from what they’re told to do. Make good dive habits conspicuous so they’re imitated and ideally, don’t have any bad ones. b. Listening to concerns and problems. As a dive3-48

What is your relationship with students? ■ ■ Act

as a role model

■ ■ Listen ■ ■ Keep

to concerns and problems

training enjoyable

■ ■ Help

new divers dive as soon as possib le

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 33 -- 99

master, you’re closer to the student’s level and may appear less threatening to talk to than the instructor. You take these concerns to the instructor, as appropriate. c. Keeping training enjoyable. People learn to dive to have fun, so you need to help make the training process fun. [Ask candidates to suggest ways to keep training fun while adhering to the needs of safety and training requirements.] d. Doing all you can to get new divers diving as soon as possible. Diver education is increasingly emphasizing diving as soon as possible. Independent study helps minimize formal class sessions and increases interaction with instructional and dive operation staff to fulfill personal needs. B. Part of the performance criteria for the Practical Application Internship or Practical Training Exercises 2 and 3 include fulfilling your relationship with the instructor, and with the student divers.

III. PADI Certified Assistant Responsibilities What is a certified assistant?

A renewed PADI Instructor, PADI Assistant Instructor or PADI Divemaster DM DM 3 3 --10 10

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. With respect to PADI programs, what is meant by a “certified assistant”? 1. Under PADI Standards, a certified assistant is a renewed PADI Instructor, PADI Assistant Instructor or PADI Divemaster. Individuals in nonrenewed status, who are inactive, or who are suspended, expelled or on administrative hold cannot function as PADI certified assistants. 2. Instructors, assistants or divemasters from other training organizations do not qualify as certified assistants. 3. PADI Divemaster candidates do not qualify as certified assistants. [Explain to candidates who will participate in the Practical Application Internship that they will work with actual student divers. However, apart from the candidates, there will be fully qualified instructors or certified assistants present as required by standards to supervise the student divers.] B. Under PADI Standards, what can a certified assistant do? 1. As a renewed PADI Divemaster, you will be qualified to act as a certified assistant. Under PADI Standards, certified assistants may be used to increase the num3-49

ber of student divers and perform specific functions, as noted by each course’s standards. 2. [Review the duties of a certified, renewed PADI Divemaster in Section 1 of this guide.]

IV. Control and Supervision, and Logistics A. Compared with supervising certified divers in general diving activities, you can usually apply more direct control when supervising student divers in training. 1. Usually, the instructor is responsible for maintaining control. You are one of the resources the instructor uses to do so. 2. In many training situations, your role is to maintain control and respond to problems for the bulk of student divers while the instructor works with a single student. 3. Through practice and experience, you learn techniques that let you supervise the group, while permitting the instructor to direct the overall activities. B. How does positioning affect your ability to assist with student diver control? 1. Positioning affects how close you are to student divers and your ability to see them. 2. Good positioning: a. Where you can see the entire group, and the instructor. b. Where you can quickly respond to a student diver who has problems. c. Where you can direct student diver movement to and from the instructor (if required). d. Where student divers can alert you easily if they need your assistance. C. What are two common examples of Open Water Diver course student arrangement for skill practice and assistant positionings, and what are their advantages and disadvantages with respect to your role? 1. Example 1 — student divers form semicircle or line with instructor centered in front; you supervise from behind – directly opposite instructor. Typically, instructor moves from student to student to conduct exercises. a. Advantage – you can see entire group and instructor, and you’re close to all student divers. 3-50

Control and Supervision — Good Positioning CA = Certified

Assistant S = Student Diver I = Instructor





Example #1


Example #2

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 33 --11 11

Logistical Functions ■ ■ What

logistical functions can you perform at the surface?

◆ ◆ Coordinate Coordinate

students students safety safety rules rules ◆ ◆ Assist Assist with with equipment equipment ◆ ◆ Help Help students students prepare prepare ◆ ◆ Escor Escor tt students students in/out in/out of of the the water water ◆ ◆ Handle Handle paperwork paperwork ◆ ◆ Enforce Enforce

DM DM 33 --12 12

What logistical functions can you perform underwater? ■ ■ Lead

or follow the class students ■ ■ Check air supplies ■ ■ Supervise students while the instructor works with one student ■ ■ Assist with navigation ■ ■ Escor t

b. Disadvantage – student divers can’t see you and will need to turn around to get your attention. 2. Example 2 — student divers in a line with instructor at one end, you at the other. Each student completes exercise and swims to you. You put student at end of line and line moves down until all student divers complete exercise. a. Advantage – you can see entire group and instructor, and they can see you. b. Disadvantages – you are at one end, putting you far from student divers at other end (though instructor is there). Student divers more likely to kick up silt, affecting visibility. 3. There are variations on these arrangements. The instructor will tell you which system to use. 4. Whatever your position, maintain communication with the instructor to reduce any delays the instructor may have in giving you directions. D. What are five examples of logistical functions you can perform to assist with diver training at the surface, and what are five examples of logistical functions you can perform to assist with diver training underwater? 1. Surface logistical functions: a. Coordinate student divers – at training site, show students where to go and what to do (set up equipment, change into swimsuit, etc.). Direct student flow during multiple level training. b. Enforce safety or facility rules – remind students not to run in pool area, not to practice scuba skills before the instructor covers them, etc. c. Equipment – assist with loading and unloading of vehicles, picking equipment up from a remote site, handling air fills between dives, etc. d. Student diver preparation – assist with students gearing up and performing initial equipment checks. e. Escort student divers in and out of the water or to and from the boat or shore to the float. f. Handle paperwork – assist by separating groups, recording scores, etc. under instructor’s direction. 3. Underwater logistical functions a. Lead or follow – either lead the group with the

DM DM 33 --13 13

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide






instructor taking up the rear, or take up the rear when the instructor leads. Escort – for training of certified divers in many activities (specialties), the instructor doesn’t need to be with student divers. You can escort student divers. Air checks – reminding students at regular intervals to check air. Tell instructor how much they have. Standby supervisor – staying with student divers if one separates, such as when the instructor has to assist someone with unequalized ears and rest of class continues descending. Navigation – helping keep track of course to follow back to exit.

V. Demonstrating Skills A. When would a PADI Divemaster demonstrate a skill, and for what reasons? 1. Particularly in the PADI Open Water Diver course, the instructor demonstrates skills for student divers. However, there are times and reasons when you will demonstrate. a. To assist with a two-person demonstration – skills such as alternate air source use require a two people. b. When helping a student diver with a problem learning a skill – the student diver would have already seen the instructor’s demonstration, but you may demonstrate additional times to help the student (more about helping student divers shortly). c. To maintain instructor control – instructor may prefer at times to keep an eye on student divers while you demonstrate. The instructor must be confident that you have demonstration quality skills to accomplish this. B. What are the characteristics of a demonstration quality skill? 1. To someone unfamiliar with a skill, a skill is actually a series of key subskills or steps performed in sequence. The steps are called critical attributes because without them, the student diver will not be able to perform the skill correctly. 3-52

Demonstrating Skills ■ ■ When

would a divemaster demonstrate skills? ■ ■ What are the characteristics of a demonstration quality skill? ◆ ◆ Slow Slow ◆ ◆ Emphasiz Emphasiz es es

critical critical attrib attributes utes

◆ ◆ Shows Shows sequence sequence ◆ ◆ Easil Easil yy seen seen ◆ ◆ Fluid, Fluid,

mastered mastered and and automatic automatic

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 33 --14 14

What 18 skills are part of the PADI Skill Evaluation? Equipment Equipment Preparation Preparation Predive Predive Safety Safety Check Check Deep DeepWater Water Entry Entry Buo Buoyancy yancy Check Check Five oint Descent Five PPoint Descent Remove/Replace Remove/ReplaceWeights Weights Fin Fin Piv Piv oo tt Five Five Point Point Ascent Ascent Snorkel-Regulator e Snorkel-Regulator Exc Exc hang hange

Remove/Replace Remove/Replace Scuba Scuba Hover Hover Bud Buddy dy Breathing Breathing (stationar (stationaryy)) Buddy Bud dy Breathing Breathing (swimming) (swimming) donor donor and and receiver receiver Mask Mask Remo Removal/Replacement val/Replacement Alternate Alternate Air Air Source Source Use Use Controlled Controlled Emergency Emergency Swimming Swimming Ascent Ascent Free Free Flow Flow Regulator Regulator Breathing Breathing DM DM 33 --15 15

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

2. A demonstration quality skill performance is conducting a skill in a manner that allows student divers to learn how to perform the skill themselves. It has these characteristics: a. Slow – You perform it slowly so that student divers can see the details of the skill. b. Critical attribute emphasis – You emphasize critical attributes, especially those that may be easy to miss by someone who has never performed the skill. c. Sequence emphasis – You emphasize critical attribute sequence when it is important to the skill. d. Adequately seen – You perform it so all student divers can see it adequately, repeating if necessary to show more than one angle, or so all student divers in a group can see it. e. Mastered and automatic – You not only perform the skill correctly, but fluidly with little or no conscious attention to the steps. The skill is automatic. D. What are the 20 basic skills of the PADI Skill Evaluation? 1. Equipment assembly, adjustment, preparation, donning and disassembly 2. Predive safety check (BWRAF) 3. Deep water entry 4. Buoyancy check at surface 5. Five point descent 6. Remove and replace weight system 7. Fin pivot (neutral buoyancy) 8. Five point ascent 9. Snorkel-regulator/regulator snorkel exchange 10. Remove and replace scuba unit underwater 11. Hovering (15 seconds in midwater) 12. Buddy breathing stationary, donor and receiver 13. Buddy breathing while swimming, donor 14. Mask removal, replacement and clearing 15. Buddy breathing while swimming, receiver 16. Alternate Air Source (AAS) stationary. 17. Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent (CESA) 18. Free flow regulator breathing 19. Underwater swim without a mask 20. Air depletion exercise 3-53

E. How do you develop demonstration quality skills? 1. Watch demonstrations of the skills (instructor, PADI Open Water Diver Video or Multimedia, etc.) and note the critical attributes. The Skill Evaluation Slate and Divemaster slate lists all 20 of the skills for reference in confined water. 2. Consult the PADI Instructor Manual for the performance requirements of each skill. [Explain to candidates that demonstrations don’t always have to meet all performance requirements. For example, student divers perform freeflow regulator breathing for 30 seconds, but you can demonstrate the skill for a shorter period.] 3. Practice a. Only way to master a motor skills is through repeated practice with knowledge of results (how well you perform the skill). b. If you can’t assess your performance (was it slow enough, etc.), practice with someone who can tell you how you’re doing. c. Practice until each skill is fluid and automatic.

How do you develop demonstration quality skills? ■ ■ Observe ■ ■ Consult ■ ■ Practice

DM DM 33 --16 16

VI. Assisting Student Divers with Problems A. Helping student divers with problems is an important role of a training assistant. 1. You may need to assist student divers with problems when they occur, especially if the instructor is working with another student diver. 2. You may work with student divers who need additional time to master a skill while instructor continues with the rest of the class. B. What common problems may you encounter as student divers develop skills in confined and open water? 1. Most student diver problems are predictable, so with training and experience you’ll know appropriate responses in advance. 2. [Discuss potential student problems with the following skills. Encourage candidates to mention problems they’ve seen during their diving experiences and refer them to the list in the PADI Divemaster Manual.] • Equipment assembly/suiting up 3-54

Assisting Students with Problems ■ What What common common problems problems do

students students encounter? encounter? ■ How How can can you you help help students students

master master skills? skills? ◆ ◆ Evaluate Evaluate critical critical attributes attributes ◆ ◆ Redemonstrate Redemonstrate skill skill ◆ ◆ Take Take it it slow slow to to assure assure early early success success

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 33 --17 17

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Donning scuba/weights BCD inflation/deflation Regulator recover and clear Mask clearing Fin use Equalization Ascents/descents Controlled seat entry Snorkel clearing blast method Snorkel/regulator exchange No mask breathing Deep water exit Giant stride entry No mask swim Fin pivot Alternate air source use Freeflow regulator breathing Controlled emergency swimming ascent Head first skin dive Snorkel clear – displacement method Hovering Buddy breathing Weight system remove/replace Scuba unit removal and replacement Underwater tour Compass use

C. What three steps can you take to help a student diver master a dive skill? 1. Helping student divers who have difficulty with a skill requires patience, but it also gives you experience for when you become an instructor. 2. At the Open Water Diver level, student divers always begin by seeing the instructor’s demonstration and practicing with the instructor. 3. To assist the student diver with difficulty, follow these three steps: a. Look for missing or improperly performed critical attributes while having the student attempt the skill. 1. If the student’s actions create a safety concern (such as a rapid ascent), tell the student diver Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


to stop, or stop the student’s action yourself immediately. b. Redemonstrate the skill, pointing out the missed attribute(s). Repeated demonstrations help because student divers see more detail as they become familiar with a skill. c. Assure early success 1. Failure is discouraging – success is needed for motivation. 2. Have student diver practice successful attributes and give positive reinforcement first if necessary to maintain encouragement. 3. Keep the student challenged, but add attributes slowly enough so the student enjoys success as the skill develops 4. Continue until the student diver can perform the entire skill successfully without undue difficulty or stress 4. Remember that after you feel the student diver is performing the skill adequately, the instructor assesses student skill mastery personally before the student rejoins the class and begins learning new skills under the instructor’s direction. D. Where do you find skill performance requirements student divers must master for PADI courses? 1. The PADI Instructor Manual lists the skill performance requirements student divers must meet in each course. Keep in mind that there are different techniques for meeting the same performance requirements. Individuals with physical challenges may use unusual techniques and still meet the requirements.

Check your PADI Instructor Manual for skill performance requirements

Professional Professional Association Association of of Diving Diving Instructors Instructors

Instructor Instructor Manual Manual

DM DM 33 --18 18

Assisting with Students in Training Questions? DM DM 33 --19 19


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 4 – Dive Theory Introduction Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering This Topic

PADI Divemaster Course

This section acquaints candidates with why they need to be familiar with dive theory, and their expected performance requirements. This is important because divemaster candidates don’t always recognize the usefulness of being familiar with dive theory. Although this is a brief presentation, it shapes candidate attitudes so that they put serious effort into learning dive theory.

Presentation Overview and Learning Objectives

Dive Theory Introduction DM DM 44 -- 11

I. The Need for Broad Theoretical Knowledge 1. In a given field, what characteristic allows experts to more easily solve problems than nonexperts?


2. What are three reasons why the PADI Divemaster course emphasizes learning dive theory?

■ ■ The The Need Need for for Broad Broad

Theoretical Theoretical Knowledge Knowledge

3. Why does it benefit you to have a dive reference library, and what might you include in such a library?

■ ■ Dive Dive Theory Theory Performance Performance

in in This This Course Course

4. How does completing specialty training help you learn dive theory?

DM DM 44 -- 22

II. Dive Theory Performance in This Course 5. How will you demonstrate mastery of dive theory for this course? 6. Where will you get the dive theory information you must learn for this course? 7. How do you continually improve and update your dive theory knowledge as a dive professional?


Broad Theoretical Knowledge

I. The Need for Broad Theoretical Knowledge

■ ■ Why? Why? ◆ ◆ Experts Experts identify, identify, avoid avoid and and solve solve

problems problems better better than than nonexperts nonexperts ◆ ◆ Divemasters Divemasters are are experts, experts,

professionals professionals and and leaders leaders ◆ ◆ You’ll You’ll apply apply knowledge knowledge during during the the

Practical Practical Application Application Module Module DM DM 44 -- 33

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. In a given field, what characteristic allows experts to more easily solve problems than nonexperts? 1. Research in cognitive psychology shows that experts in a given field solve problems better than 3-57

nonexperts because they have a large knowledge base to draw upon. a. This base helps identify cause/effect relationships or allows you to make reasonable speculations of them. b. You learn to handle some “problems” before you ever encounter them. c. Familiarity enables you to more quickly identify a problem’s cause so you can apply the right solution. B. What are three reasons why the PADI Divemaster course emphasizes learning dive theory? [Have candidates briefly discuss why they’re learning dive theory at this point in their training. Identify the following three reasons.] 1. A large knowledge base is the mark of an expert, and expertise is one characteristic of a professional – the PADI Divemaster level is the first leadership level in the PADI System. 2. You will need to apply theoretical knowledge within the Practical Application Module of this course. 3 You will need this knowledge as an instructional assistant, and later as an instructor. [Explain that theory isn’t covered in the IDC because you learn it as a divemaster, but you are tested on it in the IE.] C. Why does it benefit you to have a dive reference library, and what might you include in such a library? 1. You benefit because it: a. Provides a ready place to look up information. b. Keeps you up-to-date with changing theory. c. Increases your expertise by broadening your knowledge beyond what you learn in this course. 2. A dive reference library may include: a. PADI manuals, books, videos and multimedia products b. Technical and scientific dive texts c. Dive magazine subscriptions d. Underwater wildlife guides and magazines e. Dive travel guides and maps f. Historical nautical references to dive sites and wrecks 3-58

What should you include in your diving reference library? ■ PADI PADI Manuals Manuals ■ Technical Technical and and scientific scientific texts texts ■ Dive Dive magazines magazines ■ Underwater Underwater wildlife wildlife guides guides ■ Dive Dive travel travel guides guides ■ Historical Historical nautical nautical references references

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 44 -- 44

D. How does completing specialty training help you learn dive theory? 1. Specialties often go into more theoretical detail of a specific area. (e.g., underwater photography and the behavior of light.) 2. Specialties often give you a chance to apply theoretical knowledge. (e.g., search and recovery and Boyle’s Law/gas expansion in the lift bag.)

How does completing specialty training help you learn dive theory? ■ ■ Specialties Specialties often often go go into into specific specific

theoretical theoretical detail detail ■ ■ Specialties Specialties allow allow you you to to apply apply

theoretical theoretical knowledge knowledge DM DM 44 -- 55

Note to instructor: As part of this discussion, review the specific meetings and methods you’ll have candidates use to master dive theory in the course.

II. Dive Theory Performance in This Course Dive Theory and You ■ ■ How How will will you you learn learn dive dive theory theory

during during this this course? course? ■ ■ Exam Exam passing passing

score score = 75% (100% (100% mastery) mastery)

DM DM 44 -- 6 6

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. How will you demonstrate mastery of dive theory for this course and where will you get the dive theory information you must learn for this course? 1. You will study dive physics, physiology, equipment and decompression theory by: a. attending class presentations [if applicable]. b. by reading the appropriate sections of the Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and completing the Diving Knowledge Workbook. c. You will complete an examination in each of these areas with a score of 75 percent or better in each – if lower, you must restudy and take a makeup exam. d. You will be expected to successfully and appropriately apply dive theory principles during the Practical Application Module. 2. You will also take an exam on dive skills and the environment. a. There are no particular books or presentations directed specifically to this exam. b. You learn these aspects of dive theory through your previous training and experience, and through the various training and experience categories of this course. c. You must earn 75 percent or better. d. You will be expected to successfully and appropriately apply dive skills and the environment


theory principles during the Practical Application Module. B. You will also complete exams on supervising certified divers, supervising student divers, and on PADI programs you can conduct, based on what you learn in this course. C. How do you continually improve and update your dive theory knowledge as a dive professional? 1. After this course, it’s important to maintain your dive theory knowledge as a professional – failure to do so reduces your expertise and skill as a leader: a. Subscribe to and read dive magazines. b. Reread and review the Encyclopedia and other materials periodically. c. Help others who are learning dive theory – teaching helps you learn. d. Take specialty courses that apply your knowledge. e. Attend seminars and meetings about diving science, the environment, etc.

Dive Theory Introduction Questions? DM DM 44 -- 8 8


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 5 – The Physics of Diving Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering This Topic The recommended method for developing knowledge about dive physics is to have candidates read the Physics of Diving section of The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and complete the physics section in the Diving Knowledge Workbook. Have them consult the related objectives in the Appendix of the PADI Divemaster Manual to be sure they can meet all the performance requirements. After independent study, meet with candidates individually or in a group. Begin by reviewing their work in the Diving Knowledge Workbook, then answer candidate questions. Ask questions to assess mastery and review the material, based on how they completed their workbooks. Use the presentation outline as a guide for a complete review. If The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and the Diving Knowledge Workbook don’t exist in a language candidates understand, you can develop knowledge by giving the following presentation in detail. To aid learning, use lots of problem examples and have candidates work through them for you.

Presentation PADI Divemaster Course

Overview and Learning Objectives I. Light, Heat and Sound in Water 1. Why does water dissipate body heat faster than air does, and at what rate does it do so? 2. What effect does water’s ability to dissipate heat have on a diver?

The Physics of Diving DM DM 55 -- 11

3. What does light do when it passes from air into water, or vice-versa, and how does this affect a diver?

Overview ■ ■ Light, Light, Heat Heat and and Sound Sound in in Water Water

4. What is refraction?

■ ■ Buoyancy Buoyancy and and the the Weight Weight of of Water Water ■ ■ Pressure Pressure and and Water Water

5. What is visual reversal, and how does it affect a diver?

■ ■ The The Relationship Relationship of of Pressure Pressure and and Gas Gas

Volume, Volume, Density Density and andTemperature Temperature ■ ■ The The Behavior Behavior of of Gases Gases Underwater: Underwater: Partial Partial

Pressure Pressure

6. Why does sound travel faster in water than in air, and how much faster is it in water?

■ ■ The The Behavior Behavior of of Gases Gases Underwater: Underwater:

Gas Gas Absorption Absorption and and Elimination Elimination DM DM 55 -- 22

7. How does the speed of sound in water affect hearing?

II. Buoyancy and the Weight of Water 8. Given the weight and displacement of an object, calculate the buoyancy change by adding air or

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


adding weight required to either float, sink or make neutral the object in both fresh and sea water.

III. Pressure and Water 9. What is meant by gauge, absolute, and ambient pressure? 10. Calculate the absolute and gauge pressure at any depth in fresh or sea water in atmospheres/bar, and convert it to another pressure measurement.

IV. The Relationship of Pressure and Gas Volume, Density and Temperature 11. What is the relationship between changes in absolute pressure and the volume of a gas? 12. Calculate the volume changes that occur to a gas when raised or lowered in the water in a flexible container. 13. What is the relationship between depth and the density of the air a diver breathes? 14. Given a diver’s air consumption rate at one depth, calculate how that consumption rate changes with depth. 15. What is the relationship of pressure, volume and temperature with a gas in a flexible container and with a gas in an inflexible container?

V. The Behavior of Gases Underwater: Partial Pressures 16. What is partial pressure? 17. Given their percentages, calculate the partial pressures of gases in a mixture at any depth. 18. How does the physiological effect of breathing a given percentage of gas at depth compare to breathing the same percentage of the gas at the surface? 19. For a given percentage of a gas in mixture, and the depth at which a diver breathes that gas, calculate the percentage of the gas that would produce the same physiological effects on a diver at the surface.

VI. The Behavior of Gases Underwater: Gas Absorption and Elimination 20. What happens when you raise the pressure of a gas in contact with a liquid? 21. What is supersaturation? 22. What happens when you quickly reduce the pressure on a liquid that is saturated with dissolved gas at a higher pressure? 3-62

Three: Knowledge Development

Outline I. Light, Heat and Sound in Water Light, Heat and Sound ■ ■ Why Why does does water water dissipate dissipate heat heat

faster faster than than air? air? ◆ ◆ Water Water has has aa high high heat heat capacity capacity ◆ ◆ Molecules Molecules are are closer closer together together ■ ■ What What effect effect does does this this

have have on on aa diver? diver? ◆ ◆ Body Body loses loses heat heat more more than than

20 20 times times faster faster than than in in air air DM DM 55 -- 33

What does light do when it passes from one medium to another? ■ ■ Speed Speed of of light light depends depends on on density density

of of medium medium — — denser denser == slower slower ■ ■ Changing Changing speeds speeds cause cause light light to to

bend bend — — refraction refraction ■ ■ To To aa diver, diver, refraction refraction magnifies magnifies

objects objects at at aa ratio ratio of of about about 4:3 4:3

Light, Heat and Sound

DM DM 55 -- 44

What is visual reversal? ■ ■ Turbidity Turbidity may may cause cause objects objects to to

appear appear farther farther away away Visual Reversal actual




Light, Heat and Sound

actual DM DM 55 -- 55

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. Why does water dissipate body heat faster than air does, and at what rate does it do so? 1. Water absorbs tremendous amounts of heat (high heat capacity). Water conducts heat more efficiently than air because water molecules are closer together. Air is, however, a good insulator because it does not conduct heat efficiently. B. What effect does water’s ability to dissipate heat have on a diver? 1. Because of water’s high heat capacity, the human body when submerged in water loses heat more than 20 times faster than in still air. 2. This means a diver will become chilled in water at temperatures that would be considered comfortable in air. C. What does light do when it passes from air into water, or vice-versa, and how does this affect a diver? 1. The speed of light depends on the density of the medium it is traveling through – the denser the medium, the slower the speed. 2. When light goes from one medium to another, it changes speed. This causes the light ray to change direction, or “bend.” 3. What is refraction? This bending of light is referred to as refraction. 4. Light coming to a diver’s eyes underwater moves through three different media – water, glass and air – refracting each time. 5. To the diver, refraction magnifies objects, making them appear larger/closer. This magnification occurs a ratio of about 4:3 according to their actual and apparent distance. When viewed underwater, objects tend to be magnified by a factor of about 33 percent. D. What is visual reversal, and how does it affect a diver? 1. Turbidity can partially obscure an object so that it appears hazy, which in air the eye associates with 3-63

being distant. So, the diver may perceive objects as farther away than they actually are. This phenomenon is referred to as visual reversal. E. Why does sound travel faster in water than in air, and how much faster is it in water? 1. Because sound travels in pressure waves, it travels faster in more dense mediums such as water than in less dense mediums like air. 2. Sound travels slightly more than four times faster in water than in air.

Why does sound travel faster in water and how does it affect hearing? ■ ■ Sound Sound (pressure (pressure waves) waves) travel travel faster faster in in

denser, denser, more more elastic elastic mediums mediums ◆ ◆ Four Four time time faster faster in in water water than than in in air air ■ ■ Brain Brain determines determines sound sound direction direction by by

delay delay between between waves waves reaching reaching the the ears ears ◆ ◆ Speed Speed of of sound sound underwater underwater makes makes

direction direction difficult difficult to to determine determine

Light, Heat and Sound

DM DM 55 -- 6 6

Note to instructor: Some candidates may observe that faster sound speed in a medium is a function of superior elasticity, not density. This is correct, but most (but not all) mediums that are denser also have greater elasticity, so it is “loosely” correct to say sound travels faster in denser materials. F. How does the speed of sound in water affect hearing? 1. Your brain determines sound direction by the slight delay between when a sound reaches one ear or the other. In water, the faster speed of sound reduces the delay so much that the brain interprets the sound as reaching both ears at the same time. This makes most sounds seem to come from directly overhead, despite their actual source.

II. Buoyancy and the Weight of Water A. The Greek mathematician Archimedes determined that “An object wholly or partially immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.” 1. An object that weighs less than the water it displaces floats and is positively buoyant. The buoyancy is expressed as a positive number, such as being “two kilograms positive.” 2. An object that weighs exactly the same as the water it displaces neither floats nor sinks. It is called neutrally buoyant, and adding or removing weight will make it sink or float. 3. An object that weighs more than the water it displaces will sink and is called negatively buoyant. Its buoyancy is expressed as a negative number, such as “two pounds negative.” 3-64

Buoyancy Archimedes determined that: “An object wholly or partially immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object.” OBJECT


Neutral OBJECT





Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 55 -- 77

Determining Buoyancy ■ ■ You You must must know: know: ◆ ◆ Weight Weight of of the the object object ◆ ◆ Volume Volume of of the the object object ◆ ◆ Weight Weight of of the the displaced displaced fluid fluid ■ ■ Constants Constants –– weight weight of of water: water: ◆ ◆ Litre Litre of of sea sea water water –– 1.03 1.03 kg kg (1.03 (1.03 kg/l) kg/l) ◆ ◆ Litre Litre of of fresh fresh water water –– 1.0 1.0 kg kg (1.0 (1.0 kg/l) kg/l) ◆ ◆ Cubic Cubic foot foot sea sea water water –– 64 64 lbs lbs (64 (64 lb/ft lb/ft33)) ◆ ◆ Cubic Cubic foot foot fresh fresh water water –– 62.4 62.4 lbs lbs (62.4 (62.4 lb/ft lb/ft33))


DM DM 55 -- 8 8

Calculating Changes in Buoyancy ■ ■ Object’s Object’s volume volume xx constant constant

== weight weight of of water water displaced displaced ■ ■ Object’s Object’s weight weight –– water water weight weight

= up/down up/down buoyancy buoyancy ◆ ◆ Positive Positive number number == sinks sinks (downward (downward force) force) ◆ ◆ Negative Negative number number == floats floats (buoyant (buoyant force) force) ◆ ◆ Zero Zero == neutral neutral


DM DM 55 -- 99

B. To determine the buoyancy of an object in water, you need to know: 1. The object’s weight out of water. 2. How much water the object displaces (the object’s volume). 3. The weight of the displaced water. C. The weight of water: 1. 1 litre of sea water weighs 1.03 kg. 2. 1 litre of fresh water weighs 1 kg. 3. A cubic foot of sea water weighs 64 lbs. 4. A cubic foot of fresh water weighs 62.4 lbs. D. To determine the buoyancy of an object, subtract its weight from the weight of the water it displaces. 1. A negative number means the object is negatively buoyant, a positive number means it’s positively buoyant, and zero means it is neutrally buoyant. 2. To make a negatively buoyant object neutral, the buoyancy must increase by the amount it is negative (usually by adding air to a lifting device to increase the volume displaced). To make it positive, it must increase by more than that. 3. To make a positively buoyant object neutral, the buoyancy must decrease by the amount it is positive (usually by adding weight to the object). To make it negative, it must increase by more than that. 4. Sample problems: Given the weight and displacement of an object, calculate the buoyancy change by adding air or adding weight required to either float, sink or make neutral the object in both fresh and sea water.

Example #1 You plan to recover a 150 kilogram/300 pound outboard motor in sea water that displaces 60 litres/2 cubic feet. How much air must you put in a lifting device to make the motor neutrally buoyant? Buoyancy

DM DM 55 --10 10

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

METRIC — Example #1 You plan to recover a 150 kg outboard motor in sea water that displaces 60 litres. How much air must you put in a lifting device to make the motor neutrally buoyant?


METRIC — Answer: 85.6 litres of air. A 150 kg motor that displaces 60 litres of sea water has a buoyancy the weight of the sea water it displaces less 150 kg. 60 litres of sea water weighs 61.8 kg (60 l x 1.03 kg/l = 61.8 kg)

Answer #1 Metric Metric == 85.6 litres 60 60 ll xx 1.03 1.03 kg/l kg/l == 61.8 61.8 kg kg 150 150 kg kg -- 61.8 61.8 kg kg == 88.2 88.2 kg kg 88.2 88.2 kg kg ÷÷ 1.03 1.03 kg/l kg/l == 85.6 85.6 ll

Imperial Imperial == 2.68 cubic feet

The motor is 88.2 kg negatively buoyant in sea water (61.8 kg - 150 kg = -88.2 kg).

22 ft ft33 xx 64 64 lb/ft lb/ft33 == 128 128 lb lb 300 300 lb lb -- 128 128 lb lb == 172 172 lb lb 172 2.68 ft ft33 172 lb lb ÷÷ 64 64 lb/ft lb/ft33 == 2.68

The lift bag must displace an amount of water that weighs 88.2 kg to make the object neutral (disregard the weight of the air and the lift bag). Divide the water weight desired by the weight of water per litre to get the required litres of air to add.


DM DM 55 -- 11 11

You must add 85.6 litres of air to the lift bag. (88.2 kg ‚ 1.03 kg/l = 85.6 l).

IMPERIAL — Example #1 You plan to recover a 300pound outboard motor that displaces two cubic feet from the bottom in sea water. How much water must you displace by adding air to a lift bag to make it neutrally buoyant? IMPERIAL — Answer: 2.68 ft3 A 300 lb motor that displaces 2 ft3 of sea water has a buoyancy that’s the weight of the sea water it displaces less 300 lbs. 2 ft3 of sea water weighs 128 lbs (64 lb/ft3 x 2 ft3 = 128 lb) The motor is 172 lbs negatively buoyant in sea water (128 lb - 300 lb = -172 lb). The lift bag must displace an amount of water that weighs 172 lbs to make the object neutral (disregard the weight of the air and the lift bag). Divide the water weight desired by the weight of water per cubic foot to get the required cubic feet of air to add. You must add 2.68 cubic feet of air to the lift bag. (172 lbs ‚ 64 lb/ft3 = 2.68 ft3).

METRIC — Example #2 You’re assisting a research study and must sink into fresh water an object that weighs 50 kg. and displaces 300 litres. Disregarding the minimal displacement of the lead, how much lead weight do you need to affix to the object to make it 10 kg negative on the bottom?

Example #2 You’re You’re assisting assisting aa research research study study and and must must sink sink into into fresh fresh water water an an object object that that weighs weighs 50 kilograms//100 pounds and and displaces displaces 300 litres//5 cubic feet.. Disregarding Disregarding the the minimal minimal displacement displacement of of the the lead, lead, how how much much lead lead weight weight do do you you need need to to affix affix to to the the object object to to make make it it 10 kilograms//20 pounds negative negative on on the the bottom? bottom?



Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 55 -- 12 12

METRIC — Answer: 260 kg

Answer #2

The weight of water displaced is 300 kg (300 l x 1 kg/l = 300 kg)

Metric = 260 kilograms 300 300 ll xx 1.0 1.0 kg/l kg/l == 300 300 kg kg (positively 50 50 kg kg -- 300 300 kg kg == ––250 250 kg kg(positively buoyant) buoyant) 250 250 kg kg ++ 10 10 kg kg == 260 260 kg kg

The object weighs 50 kg, so it is 250 kg positively buoyant (300 kg - 50 kg = 250 kg)

Imperial = 232 pounds 55 ft 62.4 lb/ft lb/ft33 == 312 312 lb lb ft33 xx 62.4 (positively 100 100 lb lb -- 312 312 lb lb == ––212 212 lb lb (positively buoyant) 212 212 lb lb ++ 20 20 lb lb == 232 232 lb lb buoyant)


DM DM 55 -- 13 13

Add 250 kg to make it neutral, plus 10 kg to make it 10 kg negative for 260 kg total lead to add (250 kg + 10 kg = 260 kg)

IMPERIAL — Example #2 You’re assisting a research study and must sink into fresh water an object that weighs 100 lbs. and displaces 5 cubic feet. Disregarding the minimal displacement of the lead, how much lead weight do you need to affix to the object to make it 20 lbs negative on the bottom? IMPERIAL — Answer: 232 lbs The weight of water displaced is 312 lbs (5 ft3 x 62.4 lbs/ft3 = 312 lbs) The object weighs 100 lbs, so it is 212 lbs positively buoyant (312 lbs - 100 lbs = 212 lbs) Add 212 lbs to make it neutral, plus 20 lbs to make it 20 lbs negative for 232 lbs total lead to add (212 lbs + 20 lbs = 232 lbs) Note to instructor: Work through additional problems as necessary until candidates can easily determine the amount of water to displace, or weight to add, to make an object negative, positive or neutral in fresh water or sea water.

III. Pressure and Water Pressure and Water ■ ■ Pressure Pressure is is equal equal

to to force force per per unit unit area area kg/cm kg/cm22 or or lb/in lb/in22



■ ■ Atmospheric Atmospheric pressure

is is the the air air pressure pressure at sea level 11 atm/bar, atm/bar, 760 760 mmHG, mmHG, 1.03 or 14.7 14.7 psi psi 1.03 kg/cm kg/cm22 or DM DM 55 --

14 14

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. Pressure is equal to the force over a unit of area, and may be expressed as kilograms per square centimeter or pounds per square inch. 1. In diving, the easiest pressure unit to use is the atmosphere or bar. One atmosphere or bar is the pressure equal to the air pressure at sea level. There’s a slight difference between bar and atmospheres, but in diving they’re treated as equal. 2. 10 metres/33 feet of sea water exerts 1 atmosphere/ bar of pressure. 3. 10.3 metres/34 feet of fresh water exerts 1 atmosphere/bar of pressure. 3-67

B. What is meant by gauge, absolute, and ambient pressure? 1. Gauge pressure is a measurement that ignores the atmospheric pressure. At sea level with no added pressure, gauge pressure is zero. Your submersible pressure gauge is an example. 2. Absolute pressure uses a vacuum as its zero point, so that it is gauge pressure plus atmospheric pressure. You generally add an “a” or the word “absolute” to pressure units: “psia” for pounds per square inch absolute, “ata” for atmospheres absolute, and “bar absolute.” 3. Ambient pressure means “surrounding pressure,” and may be expressed as absolute or gauge pressure. C. Calculating pressures underwater 1. To determine the pressure in ata/bar at any depth: a. Divide the depth by 10 metres/33 feet for salt water, or 10.3 metres/34 feet for fresh water. This gives you atmospheres gauge at that depth. b. Add 1 to account for the atmosphere of air and convert to absolute pressure.

Pressure Terminology ■ ■ Gauge – measured measured pressure pressure minus minus

atmospheric atmospheric pressure pressure (atm (atm gauge gauge or or psig) psig) ■ ■ Absolute – total total pressure pressure exerted, exerted,

gauge gauge plus plus atmospheric atmospheric (ata) (ata) ■ ■ Ambient – surrounding surrounding pressure, pressure,

same same as as absolute absolute pressure pressure

Pressure and Water

DM DM 55 -- 15 15

Calculating Pressure Underwater SEA WATER = 1 atm every 10 m/33 ft

FRESH WATER = 1 atm every 10.3 m/34 ft

OR .100 ATM per metre OR .445 psi per foot

OR .097 ATM per metre OR .432 psi per foot

Gauge Pressure 0 1 ft 10 ft 20 ft 33 ft

sea level


.445 psi .100 ATM


4.45 psi .500 ATM 8.9 psi


14.7 psi


10 m

Pressure and Water

Calculate the absolute and gauge pressure at any depth in fresh or sea water in atmospheres/bar, and convert it to another pressure measurement. Example: How many ata of pressure are there at 18 metres/ 60 feet of seawater? Answer: 2.8 ata METRIC – 18m ‚ 10m/atm = 1.8 atm; 1.8 atm + 1 atm = 2.8 ata IMPERIAL – 60ft ‚ 33ft/atm = 1.8 atm; 1.8 atm + 1 atm = 2.8 ata 2. To convert to another pressure measure, multiply ata by: a. 10 for msw (metres of sea water) b. 10.3 for mfw (metres of fresh water) c. 1.03 for kg/cm2 (kilograms per centimetre squared) d. 14.7 for psi (pounds per square inch) e. 33 for fsw (feet of sea water) f. 34 for ffw (feet of fresh water) 3-68

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 55 --16 16

Example #1

Example #1 What are the gauge and absolute pressures in at a depth of 22.5 metres/74 feet in fresh water? What is the pressure in kg/cm2 / psi?

What What are are the the gauge gauge and and absolute absolute pressures pressures (in (in atmospheres) atmospheres) at at aa depth depth of 22.5 metres metres//74 74 feet feet in in fresh water? of 22.5 Metric Metric and Imperial == 2.18 2.18 atm atm gauge gauge and 3.18 ata 22.5 22.5 m m ÷÷ 10.3 10.3 m/atm m/atm == 2.18 2.18 atm atm gauge gauge 74 74 ftft ÷÷ 34 34 ft/atm ft/atm == 2.18 2.18 atm atm gauge gauge add add 11 atm atm == 3.18 3.18 ata ata

Can Can you you find find the the pressures pressures in in kg/cm kg/cm22 or psi?

Pressure and Water

DM DM 55 -- 17 17

Answer: 2.18 atm gauge/3.18 ata METRIC — 22.5 m ‚ 10.3 m/atm = 2.18 atmospheres gauge 2.18 atm + 1 atmosphere = 3.18 ata IMPERIAL — 74 ft ‚ 34 ft/atm = 2.18 atmospheres gauge 2.18 atm + 1 atmosphere = 3.18 ata METRIC — Answer: 2.24 kg/cm2 gauge/3.28 kg/cm2 absolute 2.18 atm x 1.03 kg/cm2 = 2.24 kg/cm2 gauge 3.18 ata x 1.03 kg/cm2 = 3.28 kg/cm2 absolute IMPERIAL — Answer: 32 psi gauge/46.7 psia 2.18 atm x 14.7 psi/atm = 32 psi gauge 3.18 ata x 14.7 psi/atm = 46.7 psia

Example #2

Example #2 The pressure at 18 metres/60 feet in sea water equals the same pressure at what depth in fresh water? (Depth = 0 at the surface, so this is a gauge pressure problem.)

The The pressure pressure at at 18 metres//60 feet in in sea sea water water equals equals the the same same pressure pressure at fresh water? water? at what what depth depth in in fresh Metric Metric == 18.5 18.5 metres metres 18 18 m m ÷÷ 10 10 m/atm m/atm == 1.8 1.8 atm atm gauge gauge 1.8 1.8 atm atm gauge gauge xx 10.3 10.3 m/atm m/atm == 18.5 18.5 m m

Imperial Imperial == 61.2 61.2 feet feet 60 60 ft ft ÷÷ 33 33 ft/atm ft/atm == 1.8 1.8 atm atm gauge gauge 1.8 1.8 atm atm xx 34 34 ft/atm ft/atm == 61.2 61.2 ft ft

Pressure and Water

DM DM 55 --18 18

METRIC — Answer: 18.5 m 18 m ‚ 10 m/atm = 1.8 atm gauge 1.8 atm x 10.3 m/atm = 18.5 m IMPERIAL — Answer: 61.2 ft 60 ft ‚ 33 ft/atm = 1.8 atm gauge 1.8 atm x 34 ft/atm = 61.2 ft

Note to instructor: Work through additional problems as necessary until candidates can easily determine the atmospheres absolute and gauge pressures at various fresh and saltwater depths, and convert them into other pressure measures. Pressure, Volume and Density Relationship DEPTH DEPTH




metres feet






60 litres 30
























IV. The Relationship of Pressure and Gas Volume, Density and Temperature

20 15 12 DM 19 DM 55 --19

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. What is the relationship between changes in absolute pressure and the volume of a gas? 1. As absolute pressure increases on a gas, the volume of the gas will decrease proportionately. 3-69

For example, at 2 ata (10 m/33 ft in sea water) the volume is 1/2 the surface volume; at 3 ata (20 m/66 ft in sea water), 1/3 the surface volume, etc. Formula: pressure (atm) x volume = new pressure x new volume P1 x V1 = P2 x V2 2. As absolute pressure decreases on a gas, the volume will increase proportionately. For example, bring a gas volume to the surface from 2 ata the volume will be twice volume it was at depth; from 3 ata, three times the volume at depth, etc. 3. By determining ata/ bar at depths, you can Calculate the voluse this relationship to ume changes that determine how much a occur to a gas when gas volume changes in a raised or lowered in flexible container (lift the water in a flexbag, BCD, balloon, etc.) ible container. when taken from one depth to another. Formula: new volume = original ata ‚ new ata x original volume V 2 = P 1 ‚ P2 x V1

Example #1: You take a gas volume of 14 litres/3 cubic feet at the surface to 30 metres/99 feet in sea water. What will the new volume be?

Example #1 If you take a gas volume of 14 litres/3 cubic feet at the surface to 30 metres/99 feet sea water, what will the new volume be? Metric = 14 l ÷ 4 = 3.5 litres (30 (30 metres metres is is 44 ata) ata)

METRIC — Answer: 3.5 litres Original pressure = 1 ata (normal surface pressure) New pressure = 4 ata (30 m ‚ 10 m/atm = 3 atm; 3 atm + 1 atm = 4 ata) New volume = (1 ata ‚ 4 ata) x 14 l New volume = 3.5 l

Imperial = 3 ft33 ÷ 4 = .75 ft33 (99 (99 feet feet is is 44 ata) ata)

Pressure and Volume

DM DM 55 --20 20

IMPERIAL — Answer: .75 cubic feet Original pressure = 1 ata (normal surface pressure) New pressure = 4 ata (99 ft ‚ 33 ft/atm = 3 atm; 3 atm + 1 atm = 4 ata) New volume = (1 ata ‚ 4 ata) x 3 ft3 New volume = .75 cubic feet Example #2 If you take a gas volume of

METRIC — Example #2 : You take a gas volume of 27 litres from 32 metres to 17 metres in fresh water. What will the new volume be? METRIC — Answer: 41.8 litres 3-70

27 litres from 32 metres to 17 metres in fresh water, what will the new volume be? If you take a gas volume of

17 cubic feet from 122 feet to 58 feet in fresh water, what will the new volume be? Pressure and Volume

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 55 -- 21 21

Original pressure = 4.1 ata

Answer #2 Metric Metric == 41.8 41.8 litres litres Initial Initial pressure pressure –– 32 32 m m ÷÷ 10.3 10.3 m/atm m/atm == 3.1 3.1 atm atm gauge; gauge; add add 11 atm atm == 4.1 4.1 ata ata New New pressure pressure –– 17 17 m m ÷÷ 10.3 10.3 m/atm m/atm == 1.65 1.65 atm atm gauge; gauge; add add 11 atm atm == 2.65 2.65 ata ata (4.1 (4.1 ata ata ÷÷ 2.65 2.65 ata) ata) xx 27 27 ll == 41.8 41.8 ll

Imperial Imperial == 29 29 ft ft33 Initial Initial pressure pressure –– 122 122 ft ft ÷÷ 34 34 ft/atm ft/atm == 3.6 3.6 atm atm gauge; gauge; add add 11 atm atm == 4.6 4.6 ata ata New New pressure pressure –– 58 58 ft ft ÷÷ 34 34 ft/atm ft/atm == 1.7 1.7 atm atm gauge; gauge; add add 11 atm atm == 2.7 2.7 ata ata (4.6 (4.6 ata ata ÷÷ 2.7 2.7 ata) ata) xx 17 17 ft ft33 == 29 29 ft ft33

Pressure and Volume

(32 m ‚ 10.3 m/atm = 3.1 atm; 3.1 atm + 1 atm = 4.1 ata)

New pressure= 2.65 ata

(17 m ‚ 10.3 m/atm = 1.65 atm; 1.65 atm + 1 atm = 2.65 ata) New volume = (4.1 ata ‚ 2.65 ata) x 27 l New volume = 41.8 litres

DM DM 55 --22 22

IMPERIAL — Example #2: You take a gas volume of 17 cubic feet from 122 feet to 58 feet in fresh water. What will the new volume be? IMPERIAL — Answer: 29 cubic feet Original pressure = 4.6 ata (122 ft ‚ 34 ft/atm = 3.6 atm; 3.6 atm + 1 atm = 4.6 ata) New pressure = 2.7 ata (58 ft ‚ 34 ft/atm = 1.7 atm; 1.7 atm + 1 atm = 2.7 ata) New volume = (4.6 ata ‚ 2.7 ata) x 17 ft3 New volume = 29 cubic feet Note to instructor: Work through additional problems as necessary until candidates can easily determine new volumes. What is the relationship between depth and the density of the air a diver breathes? ■ ■ Increased air density results

in each breath containing more molecules ■ ■ The deeper the dive, the faster the diver uses air DM DM 55 --23 23

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

B. What is the relationship between depth and the density of the air a diver breathes? 1. As volume decreases with pressure increase, air molecules squeeze closer together taking up less space, increasing the density of air within the space. For example, at 2 ata, air is 2 times denser than at the surface; at 3 ata it is 3 times denser, etc. 2. This increase in density affects the diver’s rate of air Given a diver’s air consumption because as depth consumption rate at and pressure increase, within one depth, calculate each breath the diver inhales how that consumpmore molecules of air to fill tion rate changes the same lung volume. This is with depth. why the deeper the dive, the faster the diver uses air. 3. You can calculate density changes based on changes in absolute pressure (ata), and use the changes to determine changes in a diver’s air consumption. 4. Simplify depth-to-depth density/air consumption problems by converting to surface density first: 3-71

Example #1: A diver’s air consumption rate is 2 bar per minute (200 kPa/min)/25 psi per minute at the surface. What will the air density be at 30 metres/99 feet compared to the surface, and what will the diver’s air consumption be?

Example #1 A A diver’s diver’s air air consumption consumption rate rate is is 22 bar bar//25 25 psi psi per per minute minute at at the the surface. surface. What What is is the the diver’s diver’s air air consumption consumption rate rate likely 30 metres metres//99 99 feet feet?? likely to to be be at at 30 Metric Metric == 22 bar/min bar/min xx 44 == 8 8 bar/min bar/min (30 (30 metres metres is is 44 ata) ata)

METRIC — Answer: 4 times as dense; 8 bar/min (800 kPa/min) 30 m ‚ 10 m/atm = 3 atm 3 atm + 1 atm = 4 ata (therefore 4 times as dense). 4 x 2 bar per min (200 kPa per min) = 8 bar per min (800 kPa per min)

Imperial Imperial == 25 25 psi/min psi/min xx 44 == 100 100 psi/min psi/min (99 (99 feet feet is is 44 ata) ata)

Pressure and Density

DM DM 55 --24 24

IMPERIAL — Answer: 4 times as dense; 100 psi/min 99 feet ‚ 33 ft/atm = 3 atm 3 atm + 1 atm = 4 ata (therefore 4 times as dense) 4 x 25 psi/min = 100 psi/min.

Example #2: If a diver’s air consumption rate is 8 bar per minute (800 kPa/min)/100 psi per minute at 10 metres/33 feet, what will it be at 40 metres/132 feet? METRIC — Answer: 20 bar/min (2000 kPa/min) Find surface consumption rate:

Example #2 If If aa diver’s diver’s air air consumption consumption rate rate is is 8

bar//100 psi per per minute minute at at the the 10 metres//33 feet,, what what is is it it likely likely to to be be at at 40 metres//132 feet? ?

Pressure and Density

10 m ‚ 10 m/atm = 1 atm 1 atm +1 atm = 2 ata 8 bar/min (800 kPa/min) ‚ 2 ata = 4 bar/min surface rate (400 kPa/min)

Answer #2 Metric = 20 bar/min Find Find surface surface rate rate –– 88 bar/min bar/min at at 22 ata ata == 44 bar/min bar/min at at 11 ata ata 44 bar/min x 5 (40 m is 5 ata) = 20 bar/min bar/min x 5 (40 m is 5 ata) = 20 bar/min

Determine rate at new depth: 40 m ‚ 10 m/atm = 4 atm 4 atm + 1 atm = 5 ata 5 x 4 bar/min (400 kPa/min) = 20 bar/min (2000 kPa/min)

Imperial = 250 psi/min Find Find surface surface rate rate –– 100 100 psi/min psi/min at at 22 ata ata == 50 50 psi/min psi/min at at 11 ata ata 50 50 psi/min psi/min xx 55 (132 (132 ft ft is is 55 ata) ata) == 250 250 psi/min psi/min

Pressure and Density

IMPERIAL — Answer: 250 psi/min Find surface consumption rate: 33 feet ‚ 33 ft/atm = 1 atm 1 atm + 1 atm = 2 ata 100 psi/min ‚ 2 ata = 50 psi/min surface rate

Determine rate at new depth: 132 feet ‚ 33 ft/atm = 4 atm 4 atm+ 1 atm = 5 ata 5 x 50 psi/min = 250 psi/min

Note to instructor: Work through additional problems as necessary until candidates can easily determine gas consumption rates. 3-72

DM DM 55 --25 25

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 55 --26 26

C. What is the relationship of pressure, volume and temperature with a gas in a flexible container and with a gas in an inflexible container? 1. Heat is the energy of molecular motion, therefore, if you heat gases in a nonflexible container and the volume remains unchanged (as in a scuba tank), the molecules move more rapidly. 2. This causes molecules to impact the interior of the container with more force – thereby increasing the pressure. 3. Cooling means the molecules lose heat and slow down, reducing their impact and decreasing the pressure. 4. Pressure changes are calculated using absolute temperature, but for diving purposes, as a rule of thumb with scuba cylinders, the pressure change is 0.6 bar per 1 C/5 psi per 1 F.

What is the relationship of pressure, volume and temperature with gas in both flexible and inflexible containers? BEFORE

Heat is the energy of molecule motion AFTER HEAT


DM DM 55 --27 27

Pressure and Temperature ■ ■ As As general general rule rule of of thumb, thumb, the the

pressure pressure change change is is 0.6 0.6 bar bar per per 1°C/5 1°C/5 psi psi per per 1°F 1°F ■ ■ Example: Example: If If aa scuba scuba tank tank is is filled filled to to 200 bar//3000 psi at at 20°C//70°F then then placed placed in in aa freezer freezer at at 0°C//32°F,, what what is is the the likely likely new new pressure? pressure?

Example: A scuba tank is filled to 200 bar/3000 psi at 20 C/70 F. What would happen to the pressure in that tank if it were put into a freezer at 0 C/32 F?

DM DM 55 --28 28

METRIC — Answer: The pressure would drop to 188 bar. 20 C - 0 C = 20 C change 20 C x .6 bar = 12 bar 200 bar - 12 bar = 188 bar

Answer Metric = 188 bar 20°C 20°C -- 0°C 0°C == 20° 20° change change 20 20 xx 0.6 0.6 bar bar == 12 12 bar bar 200 200 bar bar -- 12 12 bar bar == 188 188 bar bar

Imperial = 2810 psi 70°F 70°F -- 32°F 32°F == 38° 38° change change 38 38 xx 55 psi psi == 190 190 psi psi 3000 3000 psi psi -- 190 190 psi psi == 2810 2810 psi psi

Pressure and Temperature

DM DM 55 --29 29

IMPERIAL — Answer: 2810 psi 70 F - 32 F = 38 F change 38 F x 5 psi = 190 psi 3000 psi - 190 psi = 2810 psi D. Gas pressure, volume and temperature are interrelated. For a given quantity of gas, if you change one, either or both of the others must change proportionately. 1. You can predict diving-related changes to gas pressure, volume and temperature. 2. If you increase pressure by adding gas to a fixed volume, the temperature will rise (such as a scuba tank being filled). 3. If you decrease pressure by releasing gas from a fixed volume, the temperature will fall. This explains why a tank cools when you let the air out

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


rapidly, and why manufacturers recommend special modifications so that regulators won’t freeze when ice diving.

V. The Behavior of Gases Underwater: Partial Pressures A. What is partial pressure? 1. In a mixture of gases, such as air, each gas exerts its individual pressure independent of other gases in the mixture (Dalton’s Law). The independent pressure of a gas is its partial pressure – that is, the part of the pressure exerted by the gas. B. If you take a gas mixture underwater (the air you breathe, for example), the pressure increases with depth. The partial pressure of each gas in the mix also increases proportionately to its fraction in the mix. 1. You can easily determine partial pressure Given their percentby multiplying the gas ages, calculate the percentage in the mixpartial pressures of ture by the total absogases in a mixture at lute pressure. any depth.

Example: What is the partial pressure of oxygen in air at a depth of 40 m/132 ft?

Behavior of Gases Underwater ■ What What is is partial partial pressure? pressure? ◆ ◆ In In aa gas gas mixture, mixture, each each gas gas exerts exerts its its

individual individual pressure pressure independent independent of of other other gases gases in in the the mixture mixture O




(21%) (21%)







(100%) (100%) DM DM 55 --30 30

Partial Pressure ■ ■ What What is is the the partial partial pressure pressure of of

oxygen oxygen (in (in atmospheres) atmospheres) at at 40 40 metres/132 metres/132 feet? feet?

Answer: Oxygen partial pressure (abbreviated “PO2”) = 1.05 ata The absolute pressure is 5 ata 40 m ‚ 10 atm/m = 4 atm / 132 ft ‚ 33 ft/atm = 4 atm 4 atm + 1 atm = 5 ata Air consists of 21% oxygen. 5 ata x .21 = 1.05 ata.

◆ ◆ PO PO22 == 55 ata ata xx .21 .21 == 1.05 1.05 ata ata ■ ■ The The body body responds responds to to aa gas gas

based based on on its its partial partial pressure pressure — — the the higher higher the the partial partial pressure, pressure, the the greater greater the the potential potential physiological physiological effect effect DM DM 55 -- 31 31

Example: What is the partial pressure of oxygen when breathing 100% oxygen at the surface? Answer: PO2 = 1.0 ata. The absolute pressure is 1 ata. The gas is 100% oxygen. 1 ata x 1.00 = 1 ata. (This illustrates that with a pure gas, the absolute pressure and the partial pressure are the same.)


Three: Knowledge Development

Example An An air air mixture mixture has has 0.5% 0.5% carbon carbon monoxide. monoxide. Breathing Breathing this this air air at at 40 40 metres/132 metres/132 feet feet would would be be the the equivalent equivalent of of breathing breathing what what percent percent at at the the surface? surface? Answer Answer == 2.5% 2.5% 55 ata ata xx .005 .005 == .025; .025; 2.5% 2.5% surface surface equivalency equivalency NOTE: NOTE:This This level level of of CO CO is is considered considered toxic toxic

Partial Pressure

C. How does the physiological effect of breathing a given percentage of gas at depth compare to breathing the same percentage of the gas at the surface? 1. The body responds to a gas you breathe based on its partial pressure – not on the percentage of the gas in the mix. This means that as pressure increases, the physiological effect increases. 2. The increased partial pressure of nitrogen (also called “PN2”) causes nitrogen narcosis. 3. The increased partial pressure of oxygen can cause oxygen toxicity (more of a concern when diving with enriched air nitrox than with air within recreational limits). 4. The body’s response to partial pressure is important regarding contaminated air because contamination levels that are harmless at the surface may become toxic under elevated partial pressures at depth. 5. In the previous examples, the physiological effect of oxygen from breathing air (21% oxygen) at 40 m/ 132 feet (PO2 = 1.05 ata) is approximately the same as breathing 100% oxygen at the surface (PO2 = 1.0 ata) D. Surface equivalency is the fraction of a gas you would have to breathe at the surface to produce the same effect at a particular depth. To find surface For a given percentage of equivalency, use the a gas in mixture, and the gas partial pressure depth at which a diver at depth as the fracbreathes that gas, calcution of the gas at the late the percentage of the surface. gas that would produce the 1. Note that if the same physiological effects partial pressure at on a diver at the surface. depth exceeds 1.0 ata, there can be no surface equivalency because the partial pressure would exceed the total pressure available at the surface (1.0 ata). Example: An air mixture has .5% carbon monoxide (CO). Breathing it at 40 metres/132 feet would be the equivalent of breathing what percent at the surface?

DM DM 55 --32 32

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Answer: 2.5%. (this level of CO would be considered toxic). Absolute pressure = 5 ata 40m ‚ 10 m/atm = 4 atm / 132 ft ‚ 33 ft/atm = 4 atm 4 atm + 1 atm = 5 ata 5 ata x .005 = .025 partial pressure .025 = 2.5% surface equivalency

Example: Central nervous system (CNS) oxygen toxicity is only expected with oxygen partial pressures above 1.4 ata. Would CNS toxicity ever be likely breathing any gas mixture with oxygen at the surface? Answer: No. The highest fraction of oxygen you can have is 100%. Breathing 100% oxygen at the surface is a PO2 of 1.0 ata. – the highest partial pressure you can have at the surface. Therefore, you cannot reach the 1.4 ata required for CNS toxicity.

VI. The Behavior of Gases Underwater: Gas Absorption and Elimination A. What happens when you raise the pressure of a gas in contact with a liquid? 1. Gases in contact with a liquid dissolve into the liquid proportionately to the pressure. 2. If the pressure increases, more gas dissolves into the liquid. 3. If the pressure decreases, the gas dissolves out of the liquid (Henry’s Law). Carbonated beverages are a good example of this. 4. Because the human body is comprised mainly of water, this is the principle underlying decompression sickness and the basis for dive tables/computers. B. Gases dissolved in a liquid still exert pressure, which is referred to as gas tension. C. Gas does not dissolve instantly into or out of a liquid when the pressure changes. 1. It does so gradually over a period that depends on the liquid, the gas, and the contact area between the gas and the liquid. 2. Eventually, however, the pressure of the gas dissolved within the liquid will become equal to the pressure of the gas in contact with it and no more 3-76

Absorption and Elimination ■ ■ What What happens happens when when you you raise raise

the the pressure pressure of of gas gas in in contact contact with with aa liquid? liquid? ◆ ◆ More More gas gas dissolves dissolves into into the the liquid liquid ◆ ◆ Equilibrium Equilibrium or or saturation saturation is is

reached reached eventually eventually ■ ■ What What is is supersaturation? supersaturation? ◆ ◆ Gas Gas pressure pressure within within aa liquid liquid is is

greater greater than than the the pressure pressure of of gas gas in in contact contact with with the the liquid liquid

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What happens when you quickly reduce the pressure on a liquid that is saturated? Absorption and Elimination

DM DM 55 --34 34

The Physics of Diving

gas will dissolve in or out. This equilibrium is referred to as saturation. 3. If the gas pressure in contact increases (such as when a diver descends), then the liquid will now be capable of holding even more gas than before. Gas exchange will continue as before until the new level of equilibrium is achieved. D. What is supersaturation? 1. If the pressure in contact with the liquid is reduced (as when a diver ascends), gas tension within the liquid will be greater than the pressure in contact with the liquid. 2. The liquid is then referred to as supersaturated. It will gradually be less supersaturated as the gas dissolves out of the liquid and equilibrium returns. E. What happens when you quickly reduce the pressure on a liquid that is saturated with dissolved gas at a higher pressure? 1. A liquid can have a moderate degree of supersaturation and still hold gas in solution. If a pressure reduction takes place gradually, then the gas will dissolve out of the liquid without forming bubbles. 2. If the pressure reduction is too great causing an excessive supersaturation, the gas within the liquid cannot remain in solution and bubbles form. 3. This phenomenon explains the basic mechanism of decompression sickness and why the condition cannot occur until the diver leaves depth, or reduces the pressure in contact with the blood. 4. Dive tables/computers help the diver control the supersaturation to avoid bubble formation. [Explain that candidates will learn more about this in Topic 6, the Physiology of Diving.]

Questions? DM DM 55 --35 35

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Topic 6 The Physiology of Diving Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic The recommended method for developing knowledge about diving physiology is to have candidates read the Physiology of Diving section of The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and complete the physiology section in the Diving Knowledge Workbook. Have them consult the related objectives in the Appendix of the PADI Divemaster Manual to be sure they can meet all the performance requirements. After independent study, meet with candidates individually or in a group. Begin by reviewing their work in the Diving Knowledge Workbook, then answer candidate questions. Ask questions to assess mastery and review the material, based on how they complete their workbooks. Use the presentation outline as a guide for a complete review. If The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and the Diving Knowledge Workbook don’t exist in a language candidates understand, you can develop knowledge by giving the following presentation in detail.

Presentation PADI Divemaster Course

Overview and Learning Objectives I. Circulatory and Respiratory Systems 1. What are the primary purposes of the respiratory and circulatory systems?

The Physiology of Diving DM DM 6 6 -- 11

2. What are the organs, structure and functions of the circulatory and respiratory systems? Overview

3. What is dead air space, and how do you avoid problems caused by it?

■ ■ Circulatory Circulatory and and Respiratory Respiratory Systems Systems ◆ ◆ Diving Diving Problems Problems with with These These Systems Systems

4. How does the body respond when breath-hold diving, and how can you extend breath-hold time?

II. Diving Problems with Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

■ ■ Physiological Physiological Responses Responses ◆ ◆ Nitrogen Nitrogen ◆ ◆ Thermal Thermal Changes Changes ◆ ◆ Pressure Pressure Changes Changes on on Body Body Air Air Spaces Spaces ■ ■ Problems Problems in in Body Body Air Air Spaces Spaces

5. What is carotid-sinus reflex, and how do you avoid it? 6. What is hypercapnia, and how do you avoid it? 7. What are hypocapnia and shallow water blackout, and how do you avoid them? 8. What are the physiological effects of carbon monoxide while diving, and how do you avoid them? 9. What are the two types of oxygen toxicity, and how do you avoid them? 3-78

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III. Physiological Responses to Nitrogen 10. What are the physiological mechanisms by which the body absorbs and releases nitrogen (or other inert gases) while diving? 11. What are silent bubbles, and how do they relate to decompression? 12. What causes decompression sickness (DCS), and what are the two types? 13. What is meant by decompression illness (DCI) versus decompression sickness? 14. What factors may predispose a diver to DCS? 15. What are the recommendations and physiological rationales for DCS first aid and treatment? 16. What causes nitrogen narcosis, at approximately what depth is it likely, and what are common signs and symptoms of it?

IV. Physiological Responses to Thermal Changes 17. How does the body respond to excess heat? 18. What causes heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and how do they differ physiologically? 19. How does the body respond to insufficient heat? 20. What causes hypothermia, and what happens physiologically when it occurs?

V. Physiological Responses to Pressure Changes on Body Air Spaces 21. What are the basic functions, organs and structure of the ears and sinuses? 22. How do the ears and sinuses respond to changing pressure? 23. How do the lungs respond to changing pressure?

VI. Problems in Body Air Spaces 24. What are barotrauma and squeeze? 25. What are the causes and physiologies of eardrum rupture, middle ear squeeze, reverse squeeze, ear plug problems, round window rupture and sinus squeeze? 26. What is vertigo, and what may cause it while diving? 27. What is the cause and physiology of lung squeeze? 28. What are the causes and physiologies of the lung overexpansion injuries: air embolism, pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema and subcutaneous emphysema? Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


29. What are the recommendations and physiological rationales for lung overexpansion injury first aid and treatment? 30. What are the cause and physiology of mask and dry suit squeezes?

Circulation and Respiration

Outline I. Circulatory and Respiratory Systems A. What are the primary purposes of the respiratory and circulatory systems? 1. The primary, most urgent purpose of these systems is to supply body tissues oxygen and to remove and eliminate waste carbon dioxide. 2. The process of using oxygen is oxidative metabolism. 3. Oxidative metabolism turns chemical energy into usable energy to support life. B. What are the organs, structure and functions of the circulatory and respiratory systems? 1. Circulatory System a. Blood: red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the plasma (liquid portion of blood) carry oxygen to the tissues via hemoglobin, a protein that easily bonds and unbonds with oxygen. Plasma carries carbon dioxide away from tissues. b. Cardiovascular system - heart, arteries, capillaries and veins 1. The heart is a four chamber organic pump that circulates blood. 2. Arteries carry blood away from heart. 3. Veins carry blood toward heart. 4. Capillaries are microscopic vessels between arteries and veins; gas exchange occurs in the capillaries. 2. Respiratory system structure and functions a. What triggers the breathing cycle? 1. Reflex respiratory centers in the brain monitor carbon dioxide levels in body. 2. When carbon dioxide rises, they signal the diaphragm, a large muscle below the lungs, to flex downward, causing lower internal pressure. 3-80

What are the purposes, structure and functions of the respiratory and circulatory systems? DM DM 6 6 -- 33

Purposes ■ ■ Supply Supply tissues tissues with with oxygen oxygen

and and remove remove and and eliminate eliminate carbon carbon dioxide dioxide ■ ■ What What is is oxidative metabolism?

— — the the process process of of turning turning chemical chemical energy energy into into usable usable energy energy

Circulation and Respiration

DM DM 6 6 -- 44

Structure and Function — Circulatory Oxygen carried to tissues

Carbon dioxide Red Blood Cells carried Hemoglobin away from tissues


Circulation and Respiration

DM DM 6 6 -- 55

Cardiovascular System ■ ■ Heart – – aa four four chamber chamber pump pump

that that circulates circulates blood ■ ■ Arteries carry blood away

from from the the heart heart ■ ■ Veins carry blood toward toward heart heart ■ ■ Capillaries – microscopic vessels

between between arteries arteries and and veins veins where where gas gas exchange exchange occurs occurs

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DM DM 6 6 -- 6 6

Respiratory System ■ ■ What What triggers triggers the breathing cycle? ◆ ◆ Reflex Reflex respiratory respiratory centers centers in in the the

brain brain monitor monitor the the body’s body’s carbon carbon dioxide dioxide level level ◆ ◆ When When CO CO2

rises, rises, diaphragm diaphragm is is 2 signalled signalled to to flex flex downward downward

Circulation and Respiration

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Air Flow Nasal Nasal Passages Passages

Trachea Trachea

Epiglottis Epiglottis Bronchi Bronchi

Alveolus Alveolus

Bronchioles Bronchioles Alveoli Alveoli Pulmonary Pulmonary Capillaries

Circulation and Respiration

DM DM 6 6 -- 8 8

Blood Flow Oxygen Oxygen rich rich blood blood

Lungs Lungs

Heart Heart

Heart Heart

Aorta Aorta

Oxygen Oxygen poor poor blood blood

Arteries Arteries

Veins Veins

Capillaries Capillaries (deliver (deliver O O22))

Capillaries Capillaries (pick (pick up up CO CO22))

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DM DM 6 6 -- 99

What is dead air space, and how do you avoid problems caused by it? ■ ■ Tidal Tidal volume volume –– does does not not play play

aa part part in in gas gas exchange exchange ■ ■ Shallow Shallow breathing breathing –– CO CO2

level level 2 increases, increases, breathing breathing rate rate increases increases ■ ■ Avoid Avoid problem problem by by deep, deep, normal normal breathing breathing

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3. Air enters through sinuses and mouth past the epiglottis into the trachea (windpipe), which branches into the bronchi leading into lungs. 4. Bronchi divide into smaller and smaller bronchi until reaching tiny alveoli, which are air sacs surrounded by the pulmonary capillaries. It is here that the blood releases carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen. B. Path of blood flow through circulatory and respiratory systems. 1. Oxygen-rich blood from lungs enters left heart; heart pumps the blood into the aorta, the body’s largest artery. 2. The aorta branches into smaller arteries, including the carotid arteries that supply the brain. Arteries branch to smaller arteries throughout the body until reaching the capillaries. 3. Blood gives up oxygen and picks up carbon dioxide in capillaries and flows into the venous system (veins). 4. Veins branch into larger and larger veins until a single vein returns oxygen-poor blood to the right heart. 5. The heart pumps oxygen poor blood to lungs via the pulmonary arteries. 6. Pulmonary arteries branch into pulmonary capillaries that surround lung alveoli. The blood releases carbon dioxide into alveoli to be exhaled and picks up oxygen. 7. Oxygen-rich blood returns to the left heart via pulmonary veins to begin another cycle. C. What is dead air space, and how do you avoid problems caused by it? 1. The portion of tidal volume (volume breathed in and out on each breath) that plays no part in gas exchange - volume in bronchi, trachea, mouth/sinuses. 2. Dead air space is rebreathed - increases carbon dioxide. 3. Equipment increases dead air space (snorkel/regulator) and therefore further increases carbon dioxide rebreathed. 4. In shallow breathing, dead air space is proportionately high in tidal volume and carbon dioxide levels rise, stimulating a higher breathing rate. 3-81

a. If breathing remains shallow, breathing rate will continue to increase. b. Rapid breathing requires more effort to overcome air resistance and this raises carbon dioxide levels further. c. May lead to hypercapnia (discussed shortly). 5. In deep, normal breathing, dead air space is proportionately lower in tidal volume and carbon dioxide levels fall. a. Breathing rate remains normal. b. Avoid dead air space problems by breathing slowly with deep, normal breaths. D. How does the body respond when breath-hold diving, and how can you extend breath-hold time? 1. During apnea (breath holding) the circulatory system uses oxygen stored in the lungs, muscles and blood to supply tissues. a. In cool water, bradycardia (slowing of the heart) reduces circulation speed, though doesn’t appear to reduce oxygen consumption in humans (it does in marine mammals). 2. Accumulating carbon dioxide creates urges to breathe and eventually it is too great to ignore, forcing the diver to surface and breathe. 3. You can increase breath hold time by first hyperventilating (breathing deeply and rapidly) three or four times. Doing so reduces circulatory carbon dioxide so it takes longer to accumulate enough to stimulate breathing. Excessive hyperventilation may lead to shallow water blackout, as discussed shortly.

II. Diving Problems with Circulatory and Respiratory Systems

■ ■ During During apnea,, the the body body uses uses

oxygen oxygen stored stored in in the the lungs, lungs, muscles muscles and and blood blood ■ ■ Accumulating Accumulating CO CO22 creates creates the urge urge to to breathe breathe ■ ■ Hyperventilation Hyperventilation can can increase increase breath breath hold hold time time

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DM DM 6 6 -- 11 11

Diving Problems

A. What is carotid-sinus reflex, and how do you avoid it? 1. Carotid sinus receptors monitor pressure of arterial blood reaching brain through carotid arteries. 2. Low blood pressure triggers a higher heart rate, and high blood pressure triggers a lower heart rate. 3. Receptors interpret pressure from an excessively tight hood or wet suit constricting neck as high blood pressure. 4. The heart rate slows, reducing blood flow to the brain, but pressure remains, causing yet slower heart rate. 3-82

What happens during a breath hold dive?

What is carotid sinus reflex? Do not wear an excessively tight hood, wet suit or dry suit neck seal Circulation and Respiration

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DM DM 6 6 -- 12 12

Carbon Dioxide ■ ■ What What is is hypercapnia?? ◆ ◆ Excessive Excessive CO CO22 ◆ ◆ Caused Caused by by skip skip breathing, breathing, rapid rapid shallow breathing, shallow breathing, overexertion, overexertion, etc. etc. ◆ ◆ May May cause cause to to headache, headache, confusion, confusion, loss loss of of consciousness consciousness ■ ■ What What is is hypocapnia?? ◆ ◆ Insufficient Insufficient CO CO22 ◆ ◆ Caused Caused by by hyperventilation hyperventilation ◆ ◆ May May cause cause shallow shallow water water blackout blackout

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5. The diver feels uncomfortable and light-headed, but may lose consciousness if constriction continues unrelieved. 6. Avoid by not wearing excessively tight hoods, wet suits or dry suit neck seals. B. What is hypercapnia, and how do you avoid it? 1. Hypercapnia is excessive carbon dioxide. 2. It’s caused by dead air space, skip breathing (holding the breath periodically), shallow rapid breathing, overexertion or a combination of these. In very rare cases, air supply may be high in carbon dioxide. 3. Causes headache and increased breathing. In severe cases, confusion and loss of consciousness. 4. If involving overexertion, increased work of breathing can increase carbon dioxide, leading to even greater breathing demand - cycle stops when diver stops all activity and rests. 5. Avoid by breathing deeply and normally, not skip breathing, and by avoiding overexertion. C. What are hypocapnia and shallow water blackout, and how do you avoid them? 1. Hypocapnia is insufficient carbon dioxide. 2. Too little carbon dioxide may interrupt normal breathing cycle because carbon dioxide stimulates breathing. 3. May be caused by hyperventilation due to stress or fright while scuba diving - causes light-headedness. 4. Primarily a concern with breath-hold diving and excessive hyperventilation (more than three or four breaths)- causes shallow water blackout. a. Diver excessively depletes carbon dioxide by hyperventilating excessively. b. At depth, diver’s body consumes oxygen faster than carbon dioxide accumulates to stimulate breathing. c. Depleted oxygen causes no problem at depth because high partial pressure allows hemoglobin to bond with remaining supply. d. Diver ascends, the partial pressure drops and hemoglobin can no longer bond with oxygen; diver blacks out without warning due to hypoxia insufficient oxygen. 3-83

D. What are the physiological effects of carbon monoxide while diving, and how do you avoid them? 1. It’s caused by contaminated air from using wrong lubricants or improper compressor system maintenance (fortunately now very rare) Smoking is another source of carbon monoxide. a. Carbon monoxide bonds with hemoglobin more readily than oxygen, but doesn’t release as easily. b. Breathing air contaminated with carbon monoxide at depth, hemoglobin carries less and less oxygen as carbon monoxide bonds with it. c. However, at depth blood still carries sufficient oxygen dissolved in plasma by high partial pressures to meet tissue demands. d. When diver surfaces, plasma no longer can carry enough dissolved oxygen - diver blacks out from hypoxia. 2. Symptoms and signs (when they do occur) include headache, confusion, narrow vision, bright red lips/ nails (not easily observed underwater). a. Symptoms of mild cases subside after several hours of fresh air. b. Severe cases - give the diver pure oxygen and contact emergency medical care. 3. Avoid by getting air only from reputable air fill stations. E. What are the two types of oxygen toxicity, and how do you avoid them? 1. It’s nearly impossible to suffer oxygen toxicity using air within recreational diving limits (40 m/130 ft or less, no stop diving). 2. Using enriched air nitrox (EANx), you can have oxygen toxicity. 3. Two types of oxygen toxicity a. Central nervous system (CNS) toxicity 1. Caused by exposure to oxygen partial pressures greater than approximately 1.4 ata (using EANx32 below 33 metres/110 feet, or EANx36 below 29 metres/95 feet, or pure oxygen below 4 metres/13 feet) to 1.6 ata. 2. Symptoms and signs include visual disturbances, ear ringing, nausea, twitching muscles, irritability and dizziness. 3-84

What are the physiological effects of carbon monoxide while diving? ■ ■ CO CO bonds bonds with with hemoglobin hemoglobin more more

readily readily than than oxygen oxygen ■ ■ May May cause cause hypoxia == black black out out ■ ■ Use Use only only air air from from reputable reputable

fill fill stations stations

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What are the two types of oxygen toxicity? ■ ■ Central Central nervous nervous system system (CNS) (CNS) ◆ ◆ Exposure Exposure to to PPO PPO greater greater

than than 1.4 1.4 ata ata ■ ■ Pulmonary Pulmonary toxicity toxicity ◆ ◆ Continuous Continuous exposure exposure to to

elevated elevated PPO PPO

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3. Most serious symptom/sign is a convulsion usually without warning. Convulsions are not harmful themselves, but may cause diver to lose mouthpiece and drown. 4. Avoid by not exceeding a partial pressure of 1.4 ata. [Remind candidates that enriched air diving requires special training, much of which covers CNS concerns in more detail.] b. Pulmonary toxicity 1. Caused by continuous exposure to elevated oxygen partial pressure. 2. Most likely in recreational diving only following multiple dives using enriched air. 3. Symptoms and signs include burning in the chest and irritated cough. 4. Usually resolves itself by ceasing diving for several days. 5. Not considered immediately life threatening or hazardous. 6. Avoid by following oxygen exposure limits of NOAA and DSAT Oxygen Exposure Table. [Tell candidates that enriched air training covers pulmonary toxicity and using tables to avoid it in more detail.]

III. Physiological Responses to Nitrogen Nitrogen Absorption and Elimination What are the physiological mechanisms by which the body absorbs and releases nitrogen? DM DM 6 6 -- 16 16

Physiological Responses ■ ■ Gases Gases dissolve dissolve into into liquids liquids

proportionately proportionately to to the the pressure pressure ■ ■ While While diving, diving, nitrogen nitrogen goes goes into into

solution solution in in body body tissues tissues ■ ■ Different Different tissues tissues absorb absorb and and

release release nitrogen nitrogen at at different different rates rates


continued... continued...

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Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. What are the physiological mechanisms by which the body absorbs and releases nitrogen (or other inert gases) while diving? 1. Gases dissolve into liquids proportionately to the pressure. This is the basis for decompression. 2. The human body is primarily water, so when exposed to pressure (as in diving), more nitrogen from the air we breathe goes into solution in body tissues. a. Oxygen is consumed metabolically, but nitrogen gas is physiologically inert and is therefore a concern. b. Other inert gases, such as helium, will dissolve into body tissues when breathing special mixes in nonrecreational diving. c. Nitrogen pressure is higher in alveolar air than in the blood, so nitrogen dissolves into blood, then from the blood to the tissues.


d. Dissolved gas still exerts pressure. The pressure of gas dissolved in the body is called tissue pressure. 3. Different tissues absorb (and release) nitrogen at different rates. Given enough time at depth, the body saturates by reaching equilibrium, meaning it has absorbed all the nitrogen possible at that pressure. a. Calculating different tissue absorption and release is the foundation of decompression models. 4. Most dives are too short to reach saturation. The amount of nitrogen absorbed relates directly to the depth (pressure) and time of the dive. 5. Upon ascent after a dive, nitrogen pressure in tissues is higher than surrounding pressure. This is called supersaturation. 6. With higher tissue pressures, nitrogen pressure in blood exceeds pressure in alveolar air; nitrogen dissolves from blood and is exhaled. This lowers blood tissue pressure, so nitrogen dissolves from body tissues into blood. 7. If difference between surrounding pressure and tissue pressure (the pressure gradient) is within limits, the nitrogen dissolves harmlessly out of the body. a. Most nitrogen remains within solution and dissolves out slowly. 8. What are silent bubbles, and how do they relate to decompression? a. According to theory, some nitrogen dissolves into microscopic gas pockets in the body and form tiny bubbles that are trapped by the pulmonary capillaries in the lungs; these then diffuse harmlessly into alveolar air. b. Doppler ultrasound flow meters detect silent bubbles after some dives, especially those close to table/computer limits - these are larger bubbles than the tiny bubbles theorized to form after most dives, but are still harmless. B. What causes decompression sickness (DCS)? 1. If tissue pressure exceeds surrounding pressure excessively, nitrogen comes out of solution faster than the body can eliminate it harmlessly - bubbles form in the tissues. a. Small bubbles accumulate to form larger bubbles.


Physiological Responses... ■ ■ Most Most dives dives are are too too short short

to to reach reach saturation saturation ■ ■ Upon Upon ascent, ascent, higher higher nitrogen nitrogen

pressure pressure in in tissues tissues results results in in nitrogen nitrogen dissolving dissolving out out of of the the body body ■ ■ If If

pressure pressure gradient gradient is is within within limits, limits, elimination elimination is is harmless harmless


DM DM 6 6 -- 18 18

What are silent bubbles? ■ ■ Some Some excess excess nitrogen nitrogen dissolves

into into microscopic microscopic gas pockets forming forming tiny tiny bubbles bubbles ■ ■ Tiny Tiny bubbles bubbles may may

lead lead to to larger, larger, but but still still harmless harmless silent bubbles ■ ■ Silent Silent bubbles bubbles are detectable by

Doppler Doppler ultrasound ultrasound flow flow meters meters


DM DM 6 6 -- 19 19

What causes decompression sickness?

Symptoms depend on amount and location of bubble formation Nitrogen

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b. Larger bubbles cause decompression sickness (DCS), a.k.a. “the bends.” c. DCS types and symptoms depend on amount of bubble formation and where the bubbles end up in the body. Decompression Illness (DCI) vs. Decompression Sickness (DCS) ■ ■ DCI DCI — — refers refers to to both both decompression decompression

sickness sickness and and lung lung overexpansion overexpansion injuries injuries (emergency (emergency first first aid aid is is the the same same for for both) both) ■ ■ DCS DCS — — refers refers specifically specifically to to conditions conditions caused caused by by nitrogen nitrogen coming out of solution in the coming out of solution in the body body


DM DM 6 6 -- 21 21

What factors predispose a diver to DCS? ■ ■ Body fat fat

■ ■ Excess Excess CO CO2


■ ■ Age Age ■ ■ Dehydration Dehydration ■ ■ Injuries/Illness ■ ■ Alcohol


■ ■ Cold Cold water water ■ ■ Heavy Heavy exercise exercise ■ ■ Altitude/Flying Altitude/Flying DM DM 6 6 --22 22

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

What is meant by decompression illness (DCI) versus decompression sickness? Decompression illness (DCI) is a blanket term for DCS and lung overexpansion injuries used in describing first aid and treatment, which is identical for both conditions. However, it’s improper to interchange “DCI” with “DCS” when talking about the specific condition caused by dissolved nitrogen coming out of solution. C. What factors may predispose a diver to DCS? 1. Fat tissue: fat releases nitrogen slowly. A diver with a disproportionate amount of body fat may have more nitrogen in solution after a dive. 2. Age: as we age, our circulatory systems become less efficient, reducing speed of gas exchange. 3. Dehydration: reduces blood in circulation, slowing nitrogen elimination. 4. Injuries/illness: may alter or restrict circulation leading to localized areas where nitrogen isn’t eliminated quickly. 5. Alcohol before or after diving: alters circulation patterns, dilates capillaries and promotes dehydration, all of which can alter nitrogen elimination and bubble formation. 6. Carbon dioxide excess: skip breathing may raise carbon dioxide levels altering circulation and gas exchange. 7. Cold water: diver starts warm with normal circulation, but circulation to extremities reduces as diver cools, slowing nitrogen elimination from those areas. 8. Heavy exercise: during dive accelerates circulation so more nitrogen than normal dissolves into body. After a dive, exercise accelerates circulation altering nitrogen elimination. 9. Altitude/flying: dive tables/computers are based on surfacing at sea level, thus exposure to lower pressure increases the tissue pressure gradient and may 3-87

cause large bubbles to form - returning to sea level doesn’t usually alleviate the bubbles once formed. D. What are the two types of decompression sickness? 1. Type I - identified as “pain only” DCS. a. Limb pain most common - may be midlimb or joints; first or second symptom noted in 60 percent of cases. b. Cutaneous DCS (“skin bends”) - red rashes/ patches usually on shoulders/upper chest. 2. Type II - identified as having life threatening or immediately injurious symptoms; involves brain, nervous system, lungs. a. numbness and/or tingling b. paralysis c. weakness/fatigue d. unconsciousness and death E. What are the recommendations and physiological rationales for DCS first aid and treatment? 1. Treat all DCS as serious, even pain only. 2. Give patient oxygen (preferably 100 percent). a. Lowers alveolar nitrogen to accelerate elimination from tissues. b. Raises blood oxygen levels to assist tissues with blood flow reduced by bubble blockage. 3. Keep a breathing patient lying level on left side, head supported (recovery position). a. Helps keep airway clear if patient vomits. b. Lying level helps ensure blood flow to brain. c. Advise patient not to sit up, even during transport or if feeling better. 4. Lay nonbreathing patient on back for rescue breathing/CPR. 5. Monitor airway, breathing, circulation, and contact emergency medical care. 6. Elevating the patient’s feet (modified Trendelenburg position) is no longer recommended. F. DCS treatment 1. Except isolated cutaneous DCS, treatment usually requires putting patient under pressure in a recompression chamber. 2. Recompression reduces bubbles in body to small size

What are the two types of DCS? ■ ■ Type Type 11 –– “Pain “Pain Only” Only” ◆ ◆ Limb Limb and and joint joint pain pain ◆ ◆ Cutaneous Cutaneous -- skin skin rash rash ■ ■ Type Type 22 –– Neurological Neurological ◆ ◆ Numbness Numbness and/or and/or tingling tingling ◆ ◆ Paralysis Paralysis ◆ ◆ Weakness/fatigue Weakness/fatigue ◆ ◆ Unconsciousness Unconsciousness


What is the first aid for DCS? ■ ■ Treat Treat all all cases cases as as serious serious ■ ■ Give Give patient patient oxygen oxygen ■ ■ Keep Keep patient patient lying lying level level on on left left

side side with with head head supported supported ■ ■ Provide Provide primary primary care care while while

waiting waiting for for emergency emergency medical medical care care



DM DM 6 6 --24 24

What is the treatment for DCS? ■ ■ Recompression Recompression in in aa chamber chamber ◆ ◆ Long Long slow slow decompression decompression with with

oxygen oxygen and and drug drug therapy therapy ■ ■ The The sooner sooner recompression recompression begins, begins,

the the more more likely likely patient patient will will recover recover without without permanent permanent injury injury



DM DM 6 6 --23 23

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and forces them back into solution - often alleviates symptoms immediately. 3. Treatment involves a long slow decompression with oxygen and drug therapy. a. Duration and need for drugs/oxygen makes attempting recompression in water inadvisable in vast majority of circumstances. 4. The sooner recompression begins, the more likely the patient will recover without permanent injury don’t delay obtaining medical care. Patients sometimes don’t want to believe they’re suffering from DCI and object to seeing a doctor - as appropriate, strongly urge patients to allow medical examination by emergency medical care. G. What causes nitrogen narcosis, at approximately what depth is it likely, and what are common signs and symptoms of it? 1. Almost any gas can cause an anesthetic (narcotic) effect under pressure. Exact mechanism unknown, but appears related to nerve impulse blockage due to gas dissolved in nerve cells. a. Effect of a gas depends upon gas solubility in nerve cells. b. Narcosis varies with individual physiology and is not entirely predictable. c. Nitrogen/oxygen have about same solubility - are somewhat narcotic at the deeper range of recreational diving. Using air or enriched air, narcosis is expected to be noticeable at about 30 metres/ 100 feet. d. Helium is not narcotic under even very high pressures - this is why it is used by technical and commercial divers making very deep dives. 2. Ascent relieves narcotic symptoms - usually no after effects. 3. Not directly hazardous - hazard comes from impaired judgment that may delay reactions or lead to poor decisions.

What is nitrogen narcosis? Nitrogen

DM DM 6 6 --26 26

Physiological Responses to Thermal and Pressure Changes

IV. Physiological Responses to Thermal Changes

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A. How does the body respond to excess heat? 1. Heat is mainly a problem before or after dive wearing full wet suits or dry suits in hot weather. 2. Body responds to excess heat, progressively by: 3-89

a. Dilating skin capillaries to promote cooling. b. Perspiring to cool skin through evaporation. c. Accelerating pulse to circulate blood faster for cooling. d. Continuing until diver cools (seeks shade, stops exercising, etc.) or exhausts physiological ability to cool B. What causes heat exhaustion and heat stroke, and how do they differ physiologically? 1. Exposure suits interfere with body’s ability to cool self - perspiration is ineffective in a wet or dry suit. This is compounded if diver exercises in hot climate, such as long walk across a hot beach. 2. Heat exhaustion - condition in which body works at full capacity to cool. a. weak, rapid breathing b. weak rapid pulse c. cool clammy skin d. profuse sweating e. dehydration f. nausea 3. Diver with heat exhaustion should remove exposure suit, seek shade, drink nonalcoholic fluid and rest until cool. 4. Heatstroke - condition in which cooling has failed an emergency medical condition. a. pulse strong and rapid b. no perspiration c. skin flushed, hot to the touch d. brain damage, system damage or death possible 5. Diver with heat stroke - remove exposure suit and put diver in cool environment; contact emergency medical aid. C. How does the body respond to insufficient heat? 1. Water conducts heat 20 times faster than air - diver in 4oC/40oF water will be dangerously cold in half an hour. 2. Temperatures that are warm in air can lead to excessive heat loss in water. 3. Under many circumstances, an exposure suit greatly slows heat loss, but does not stop it. 4. Body responds to heat loss progressively by: a. Vasoconstriction - reduced blood flow to extremities 3-90

How does the body respond to excess heat? ■ ■ Skin Skin capillaries capillaries dilate dilate ■ ■ Perspiration Perspiration ■ ■ Accelerated Accelerated pulse pulse

No Relief = Heat Exhaustion Heat Stroke DM DM 6 6 --28 28

Heat Exhaustion

Heat Stroke

weak rapid rapid breathing breathing

strong strong rapid rapid pulse pulse

weak weak rapid rapid pulse pulse

no no perspiration perspiration

cool cool clammy clammy skin skin

hot hot flushed flushed skin skin

profuse perspiration perspiration


nausea nausea DM DM 6 6 --29 29

How does the body respond to insufficient heat? ■ ■ Reduced Reduced blood blood flow flow

to to extremities extremities — vasoconstriction ■ ■ Shivering Shivering

No Relief = Hypothermia

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 6 6 --30 30

(except head) to reduce heat loss - causes finger/ toe numbness. b. Shivering to generate heat through muscle activity - signals a losing battle against the cold. D. What causes hypothermia, and what happens physiologically when it occurs? 1. Occurs when diver ignores uncontrollable shivering, numbness and continues to cool. 2. Body temperature regulation mechanisms fail, body core temperature drops. a. Shivering stops b. Vasoconstriction stops - diver may feel warm as blood rushes to skin - a dangerous condition because diver doesn’t feel cold, but heat loss in now unchecked. c. As core temperature drops, mental processes slow - diver becomes drowsy, uncoordinated, forgetful. d. Unchecked, hypothermia leads to unconsciousness, coma and death. e. Advanced hypothermia is a medical emergency requiring emergency care.

Hypothermia numbness numbness



blueness blueness loss loss of of coordination coordination confusion confusion unconsciousness unconsciousness DM DM 6 6 -- 31 31

V. Physiological Responses to Pressure Changes on Body Air Spaces A. What are the basic functions, organs and structure of the ears and sinuses? 1. Ears — divided into outer, middle, and inner ear a. Outer ear consists of external ear, ear canal open to air/water pressure - channels sound to ear drum. b. Middle ear separated from outer ear by ear drum - sealed against air/water; - ear drum vibrates and passes sound to ossicles, small bones that conduct sound to inner ear. c. Inner ear consists of vestibular canals (control balance) and cochlea - turns vibrations from ossicles into nerve impulses sent by auditory nerve to brain. 1. Ossicles connect to cochlea at oval window, which flexes in and out with vibrations. 2. Round window on cochlea flexes out when oval window flexes in to compensate. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


B. How do the ears and sinuses respond to changing pressure? 1. Middle ear connected by eustachian tube to throat to maintain equilibrium with outside pressure. a. Descending, increasing pressure pushes in on ear drum - diver feels as discomfort. b. By equalizing, diver forces air up eustachian tube to equalize pressure in middle ear, alleviating the discomfort. c. Expanding air normally exits eustachian tube easily - seldom need to do anything during ascent. 2. Sinuses a. Sinuses are spaces in head connected to the nose that filter and moisturize air before it reaches lungs. b. Healthy sinuses have free air flow and normally equalize naturally during middle ear equalization. C. How do the lungs respond to changing pressure? 1. When scuba diving, normal breathing keeps lungs equalized to surrounding pressure. 2. When breath-hold diving, increasing pressure compresses lungs and reduces their volume - not normally a problem because they’re intended to change volume. D. Mask 1. Not a natural air space, but affects the body. 2. Exhale into mask through nose to keep mask equalized. 3. This is why divers cannot use goggles for diving - no way to equalize the air space.

How do the ears respond to changing pressure? Vestibular Canals Oval Window



Ear Canal

Auditory Nerve (To Brain) Ear Drum Round Window

DM DM 6 6 --32 32

Eustachian Tube

How do the sinuses and lungs respond to changing pressure? DM DM 6 6 --33 33

Body Air Space Problems

VI. Problems in Body Air Spaces A. What are barotrauma and squeeze? 1. Barotrauma means “pressure injury,” and results when a body air space isn’t equalized and pressure continues or increases. 2. An unequalized air space is also called a squeeze . B. What are the causes and physiologies of eardrum rupture, middle ear squeeze, reverse squeeze, ear plug problems, round window rupture and sinus squeeze?

What are barotrauma and squeeze? DM DM 6 6 --34 34

Barotrauma and the Ear ■ ■ Middle Middle ear ear squeeze squeeze ■ ■ Eardrum Eardrum rupture rupture

–– vertigo ■ ■ Reverse Reverse squeeze squeeze ■ ■ Ear Ear plugs plugs ■ ■ Round Round window window rupture rupture DM DM 6 6 --35 35


Three: Knowledge Development

1. Middle ear squeeze - caused by failure to equalize or inability to equalize due to congestion (diving with a cold). a. Eardrum flexes inward from pressure. b. Hydrostatic pressure forces blood and fluid into middle ear until equilibrium is restored. c. Ears feel “full� and hearing is reduced (fluid dampens vibrations). d. Should be checked by an otolaryngologist (ears, nose and throat doctor). e. Prevented by equalizing, and stopping descent if unable to equalize. 2. Eardrum rupture - also caused by failure to equalize, but pressure increases faster than fluids can fill middle ear. Eardrum tears due to pressure. a. Diver feels momentary sharp pain, then relief. b. Usually heals without complication, but requires medical attention to prevent infection and permanent damage because water contaminates ear with organic matter and dirt. c. Prevented by equalizing, and stopping descent if unable to equalize. 3. What is vertigo, and what may cause it while diving? a. When the ear drum ruptures, cold water on vestibular canals may cause momentary vertigo - loss of sense of direction and dizziness. 4. Reverse squeeze - ears equalize on descent, but congestion at depth prevents air from escaping during ascent. Eardrum flexes outward. a. Feels like a squeeze, but happens during ascent. b. May help to pinch nose and inhale against it. c. Slow ascent and give air time to work itself out. d. Usually caused by diving with a cold using decongestants; decongestant wears off during dive causing blockage. e. Prevent by not diving with a cold. 5. Ear plug problems - ear plugs or a tight wet suit hood create an airspace between plug and eardrum that cannot be equalized. During descent, eardrum flexes toward earplug - unequalized space. a. Feels like middle ear squeeze. b. Eardrum can rupture outward if descent continues. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


c. In rare cases, ear plug can be forced into ear canal. d. Prevent by not diving with ear plugs; if unable to equalize while wearing a hood, pull hood off ear momentarily and try again in case hood is sealing ear canal. 6. Round window rupture - caused by delayed equalization accompanied by forceful Valsalva equalization (exhaling against pinched nostrils). a. Pressure on eardrum presses in on ossicles, which press in on oval window on cochlea; round window flexes outward in response. b. Valsalva raises pressure in thorax, which causes increase in pressure in cochlea (connected by fluid as part of nervous system); this plus transmitted pressure bursts round window outward. c. This is a serious injury requiring medical treatment to avoid or reduce permanent hearing damage. d. Symptoms include reduced hearing, vertigo, balance problems, ear ringing, a feeling the ears are blocked. e. Prevented by: 1. Equalizing early and often. 2. Not equalizing forcefully - if having difficulty, ascend a bit and try again. 3. Using the Frenzel maneuver - using throat muscles to push air against pinched nose instead of using diaphragm to exhale against pinched nose. C. Sinuses 1. Sinus squeeze usually caused by diving with a cold. 2. Unequalized sinuses fill with blood and fluid during dive - may feel like sharp pain against eyes. 3. Upon ascent, expanding air pushes blood and fluid into nasal cavity - diver surfaces with blood in mask. 4. Usually not serious and heals on its own. Medical attention usually only required if pain is severe or extended. D. What is the cause and physiology of lung squeeze? 1. Lung squeeze - caused by breath-hold descent to a depth that reduces lung volume below residual vol3-94

Barotrauma and the Sinuses Do not dive with a cold or congestion

DM DM 6 6 --36 36

Barotrauma and the Lungs ■ ■ Squeeze Squeeze during during breath-hold breath-hold dives dives ■ ■ Lung Lung overexpansion overexpansion injuries injuries

Pneumothorax Pneumothorax

Subcutaneous Subcutaneous Emphysema Emphysema

Air Air Embolism Embolism

Mediastinal Mediastinal Emphysema Emphysema

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 6 6 --37 37

ume - the lowest volume after exhaling all possible air. a. Not a problem if you descend with full lungs unless you go very deep. b. Can occur shallow if you descend with partially full or empty lungs. c. Lung squeeze causes fluid to accumulate in the lungs, however, this requires some time to become significant. d. Can be life threatening and require medical attention, but not likely in recreational diving. E. What are the causes and physiologies of the lung overexpansion injuries: air embolism, pneumothorax, mediastinal emphysema and subcutaneous emphysema? 1. Lung overexpansion injuries are usually caused by holding breath during ascent. They may also be caused by lung congestion when diving with a chest cold, or by local blockage due to loss of surfactant (due to smoking) which keeps bronchioles from adhering shut. In all cases, expanding air overexpands lungs causing lung rupture. 2. Air embolism - also called arterial gas embolism (AGE). Alveoli and pulmonary capillaries rupture, air enters bloodstream and flows into arteries. a. Serious and immediately lifethreatening bubbles can lodge anywhere, but most common is to flow through the carotid arteries and cause cerebral air embolism. b. Signs and symptoms similar to stroke - dizziness, confusion, shock, paralysis, personality change, unconsciousness and death. c. Symptoms can vary depending upon where the bubbles go. 3. Pneumothorax - air from rupture goes between lung and chest wall, causing lung to collapse. a. Also serious. Symptoms include chest pain and patient may cough up blood. 4. Mediastinal emphysema - air from rupture accumulates in center of chest over heart. a. Serious, because air presses on heart and vessels, interfering with circulation. b. Patient may feel faint or short of breath.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


5. Subcutaneous emphysema - air from rupture accumulates in soft tissues at base of neck. The victim feels fullness in neck and voice may change. The skin may crackle to the touch. 6. More than one of these injuries can occur simultaneously. 7. Avoid lung overexpansion injuries by breathing normally, not diving with chest congestion and by not smoking. If unable to quit smoking, avoiding smoking before diving may reduce risk. F. What are the recommendations and physiological rationales for lung overexpansion injury first aid and treatment? 1. First aid same as for DCS, hence the common term “decompression illness” for both. 2. Giving oxygen helps supply tissues deprived of blood flow by bubbles. 3. Treatment of air embolism requires recompression to reduce bubble size (as in DCS). 4. Pneumothorax requires removing air and reinflating collapsed lung. 5. Air from mediastinal and subcutaneous emphysemas dissipates over time; oxygen breathing may help. G. What are the cause and physiology of mask and dry suit squeezes? 1. Mask squeeze - caused by failure to equalize mask. a Tissues swell, forced into unequalized mask by pressure, capillaries in skin and eyes rupture. b. Looks very dramatic and severe, but generally clears without complications. 2. Dry suit squeeze - caused by failure to add air to dry suit on descent. a. May raise welts and cause severe pinches. b. Can constrict breathing and cause shortness of breath. 3. Avoid by equalizing mask and dry suit during descents.

What is the first aid and treatment for lung overexpansion injuries? ■ ■ First First aid aid is is identical identical to to DCS DCS ––

oxygen, oxygen, lie lie level level on on left left side, side, head head supported, supported, primary primary care, care, etc. etc. ■ ■ Treatment Treatment may may involve involve recompression recompression and and surgery surgery for for pneumothorax pneumothorax DM DM 6 6 --38 38

What is mask squeeze and dry suit squeeze? ■ ■ Failure to equalize mask ◆ ◆ Swelling Swelling facial facial tissues tissues and and

capillary capillary ruptures ruptures in in eyes eyes ■ ■ Failure to add air to dry

suit on descent ◆ ◆ Welts Welts and and pinches pinches ◆ ◆ Constricted Constricted breathing breathing DM DM 6 6 --39 39

The Physiology of Diving Questions? DM DM 6 6 --40 40


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 7 Dive Equipment Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic

PADI Divemaster Course

The recommended method for developing knowledge about dive equipment is to have candidates read the Equipment section of The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and complete the equipment section in the Diving Knowledge Workbook (or The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving Multimedia). Have them consult the related objectives in the Appendix of the PADI Divemaster Manual to be sure they can meet all the performance requirements. After independent study, meet with candidates individually or in a group. Begin by reviewing their work in the Diving Knowledge Workbook, then answer candidate questions. Ask questions to assess mastery and review the material based on how they complete their workbooks. Use the presentation outline as a guide for a complete review. If The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and the Diving Knowledge Workbook don’t exist in a language candidates understand, you can develop knowledge by giving the following presentation in detail. Have examples of the equipment you’re discussing as training aids during your presentations.


Dive Equipment DM DM 77 -- 11

Overview and Learning Objectives I. Scuba cylinders


1. How do you identify and what are the meanings of the following scuba cylinder marks: alloy designation, hydrostatic test date, working pressure and overpressurization designation?

■ ■ Scuba Cylinders ■ ■ Valves ■ ■ Regulators ■ ■ Instruments ■ ■ Enriched Air Equipment

2. What are the differences between steel and aluminum cylinder pressures, thickness and capacity?

Considerations DM DM 77 -- 22

3. What are the steps and procedures of a hydrostatic test? 4. How does extreme heat affect a scuba cylinder, and what should you do if a scuba cylinder is exposed to extreme heat? 5. Why should a tank be visually inspected annually?

II. Valves 6. What are the different types of tank valves? 7. What device prevents an over-pressurized cylinder from exploding, and how does it work?

III. Regulators 8. What is meant by open circuit scuba, semiclosed circuit scuba and closed circuit scuba? Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


9. How does an open circuit regulator work? 10. What is meant by fail-safe with respect to regulators, and how does it work? 11. What are meant by upstream and downstream valves, and balanced and unbalanced regulators? 12. What is the purpose of a regulator environmental seal?

IV. Instruments 13. What are the proper procedures for using dive computers in a buddy team? 14. What are the different operating principles for depth gauges, SPGs and compasses? 15. What are the options for carrying gauges?

V. Enriched Air Equipment Considerations 16. What special equipment requirements and considerations do you have when diving with enriched air?

Outline I. Scuba cylinders A. How do you identify and what are the meanings of the following scuba cylinder marks: alloy designation, hydrostatic test date, working pressure and over-pressurization designation? 1. Scuba cylinders have various markings stamped at the neck. These vary somewhat internationally, but typically include: [Have example cylinders present to show candidates the following marks.] a. The government agency responsible for supervision/approval of compressed gas containers. (e.g., in North America - DOT/CTC) b. The alloy designation. Steel will normally have a designation 3AA. Aluminum will normally be designated by 3AL. c. The working pressure. The specific working pressure is indicated by a numerical designation. Tanks that have a “+” designation after the current hydrostatic test date can be filled to 10 percent beyond their rated working pressure. d. The hydrostatic test date indicates both the date of hydrostatic pressure tests and the testing facility. A plus sign after the test date is the over3-98

What markings are found on scuba cylinders and what do they mean? ■ ■ Alloy Alloy designation designation ■ ■ Hydrostatic Hydrostatic test test date date ■ ■ Working Working pressure pressure ■ ■ Over-pressurization Over-pressurization designation designation

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 77 -- 33

What are the differences between steel and aluminum cylinders?


Thickness? Capacity? Pressure?


aluminum DM DM 77 -- 44

What are the steps of a hydrostatic (pressure) test? ■ ■ Tank Tank volume volume measured measured ■ ■ Tank Tank pressurized pressurized beyond beyond normal normal

working working pressure pressure ■ ■ Pressure Pressure released released and and tank tank volume volume

measured measured again again ■ ■ If If change change is is within within specified specified limits, limits,

tank tank passes passes test test NOTE: NOTE: Specific Specific protocols protocols may may vary vary from from country country to country country


DM DM 77 -- 55

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

pressurization designation, which means the cylinder may be filled 10 percent beyond the stamped working pressure. e. Tanks also have a stamped serial number and manufacturer’s designation. B. What are the differences between steel and aluminum cylinder pressures, thickness and capacity? 1. Virtually all scuba cylinders are made from steel alloy or aluminum alloy. 2. Steel alloys are stronger than aluminum for the same thickness, so steel scuba tanks have thinner walls and larger internal volumes for a given external size. This means that for a given size, they hold more air at a given pressure than aluminum, or the same air at a lower pressure. 3. Because aluminum is weaker than steel it requires a thicker wall and lower internal volume for a given external size. Typically, aluminum tanks have higher working pressures so they hold comparable or slightly more air than steel cylinders. Aluminum’s advantage is that it is less subject to structural weakening due to corrosion. C. What are the steps and procedures of a hydrostatic test? How does extreme heat affect a scuba cylinder, and what should you do if a scuba cylinder is exposed to extreme heat? 1. Many countries require periodic hydrostatic pressure testing to determine the structural integrity of cylinders. a. In the U.S., the test is required every five years. b. In the U.K., it is required every four years. 2. Although tests procedures vary from country to country, in general: a. The tester immerses the cylinder in water and measures its volume. b. The tester next fills the cylinder with water and pressurizes it to more than working pressure and measures the cylinder’s expansion. c. After releasing the pressure, the tester measures its new unpressurized volume against its original volume. d. If the tank contracts to within acceptable limits (as set by the government), the tank passes. [Provide local protocols if different.] 3-99

D. Certain circumstances can weaken tanks before a hydro test is required. Have tanks hydrostatically tested after exposure to any of the following conditions: 1. Tumbling (or sandblasting) to remove corrosion 2. Damage due to impact 3. Exposure to heat in excess of 82 C /180 F may affect the metals integrity. Never repaint a cylinder using a heat painting process such as that used on automobiles. 4. Left unused for two years or more (especially if with zero pressure) E. Why should a tank be visually inspected annually? 1. Visual inspection - an inspector examines the interior and exterior of a cylinder annually. This is done to check for damage or wear that may cause the cylinder to fail between hydrostatic tests. 2. The inspection is not required by law in most countries, but is an industry standard. 3. Removal of the valve during the test also enables lubrication, reducing problems from electrolysis due to the dissimilar metals of the valve and tank. Orings may be replaced as needed, and the valve examined for overhaul if necessary.

II.Valves A. What are the different types of tank valves? 1. The simplest tank valve is simply an on-off valve. This is referred to as a K valve, which is by far the most commonly used today. 2. A valve with a mechanical reserve is a J valve. It contains a spring-loaded mechanism that, if activated (by placing it in the “up” position) restricts the air flow when the pressure drops to between 20-40 bar (2000-4000kPa)/300-500 psi. a. This alerts the diver to low air. The diver pulls the lever into the “down” position, which releases the restricted air flow. The J valve is a warning device; it doesn’t provide any additional air volume. b. With the advent of the submersible pressure gauge, J valves began to disappear. In fact, when using a J valve, many divers often disable it by keeping it in the “down” position. c. Note that when filling tanks equipped with J 3-100

Hydrostatic tests are necessary: ■ ■ At At regular regular intervals intervals specified specified

by by the the government government ■ ■ If If tank tank is is tumbled tumbled to to remove remove corrosion corrosion ■ ■ When When aa tank tank is is damaged damaged due due to to impact impact ■ ■ After After aa tank tank is is exposed exposed to to heat heat in in

excess excess of of 82°C/180°F 82°C/180°F ■ ■ If If the the tank tank is is left left unused unused for for

two two or or more more years years


DM DM 77 -- 6 6

Why should a tank be visually inspected? To check for damage or wear that may cause cylinder to fail Cylinders

DM DM 77 -- 77

What are the different types of tank valves? ■ ■ K valve valve

— — simple simple on/off on/off valve valve ■ ■ J valve valve

— — valve valve with with aa mechanical mechanical reserve reserve ■ ■ DIN

— — regulator regulator screws screws into into valve valve for for aa better better seal seal


Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 77 -- 8 8

valves that they cannot be filled if the valve is in an “up” position. 3. Long popular in Europe, DIN (Deutsche IndustrieNorm) connectors are becoming more common. With the DIN system, the regulator screws into the cylinder valve, providing two primary advantages over the yoke screw design: a. A better seal between the tank and regulator valves due to the fact that the o-ring is actually trapped between the two valves. (The tank valve is “female” and the regulator connector is “male.”) b. Because the tank valve and regulator are secured by threads, the connection is much stronger than the yoke screw assembly. This makes DIN valves particularly popular among cave and wreck divers, who may accidentally strike the valve/ regulator on overhead obstructions. c. This system, because of the superior o-ring positioning and strength, enables the use of much higher air pressures. B. What device prevents an over-pressurized cylinder from exploding, and how does it work? 1. A burst disk is required by law in many countries and installed into every valve to reduce the possibility that an overpressurized cylinder will explode. 2. It is a thin copper disk that ruptures and allows air to vent from the cylinder when the internal pressure reaches approximately 125 percent to 166 percent of the working pressure. 3. Because they weaken over time, you want to have these disks replaced regularly by a qualified equipment technician. Installing the wrong burst disk could result in the tank rupturing before the disk.

Valves are equipped with burst disks — a thin copper disk that ruptures if the tank pressure greatly exceeds its working pressure Cylinders

DM DM 77 -- 99

What is open circuit, semiclosed circuit, and closed circuit scuba?

III. Regulators

DM DM 77 --10 10

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. What is meant by open circuit scuba, semiclosed circuit scuba and closed circuit scuba? 1. There are three types of scuba - self contained underwater breathing apparatus. a. Open circuit scuba - scuba typically used by recreational divers. The diver inhales air from cylinder via a demand valve regulator and exhales it into the water, thus the circuit is open because none of the air is recycled. 3-101

b. Semiclosed circuit scuba - the diver inhales from a breathing bag that receives a steady flow of gas (usually enriched air). The diver exhales back into a breathing bag and the gas has carbon dioxide removed chemically - excess gas from the steady flow trickles out through a valve. The circuit is semi-open because part of the gas is recycled and part of it is released. c. Closed circuit scuba - the diver inhales from a breathing bag and diver exhales back into a breathing bag. The gas has carbon dioxide removed chemically and electronic sensors control flow of oxygen and other gases as required The circuit is closed because all gas is recycled and none released (except to vent expanding gas on ascent). 2. Though open circuit doesn’t recycle breathing gases, it is the main stay of recreational diving for several reasons. a. It much simpler in design, which makes it reliable and less costly. Closed and semiclosed are more prone to malfunctions. b. It is much easier to learn to use. c. It requires only a cylinder of air. Closed and semiclosed units require chemicals and access to pure gases or enriched air. d. It is much simpler to maintain and service. B. How does an open circuit regulator work? 1. The first stage reduces the high pressure delivered by the tank to an intermediate pressure (usually about 10-13 bar (1000-3000 kPa)/140-190 psi above the ambient water pressure). a. When the diver inhales, the air pressure in the first stage drops below the desired ambient pressure. This allows water pressure to flex a diaphragm or move a piston, opening a valve that releases air from the tank. b. Air flows as long as the diver inhales, keeping the first stage from reaching intermediate pressure. c. When the diver stops inhaling, the pressure rises in the first stage so that upon reaching intermediate pressure, the valve to the tank closes and air no longer flows. 2. The second stage reduces the intermediate air pressure to ambient pressure for breathing. 3-102

How does an open circuit regulator work? ■ ■ First Stage ◆ ◆ Reduces Reduces high high

pressure pressure to to piston intermediate intermediate pressure pressure ◆ ◆ Inhalation Inhalation causes causes pressure pressure change diaphragm change –– valve valve opens opens ◆ ◆ Valve Valve closes closes when when intermediate intermediate pressure pressure is is restored restored


Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 77 -- 11 11

Open circuit regulator... ■ ■ Second Stage ◆ ◆ Inhalation Inhalation flexes flexes


diaphragm diaphragm and and opens opens valve valve

air from tank

Downstream Valve



DM DM 77 -- 12 12

Define these terms with respect to scuba regulators: ■ ■ Upstream

- Downstream

■ ■ Fail-safe ■ ■ Environmental ■ ■ Balanced



- Unbalanced DM DM 77 -- 13 13

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

a. When the diver inhales, water pressure pushes in a diaphragm in the second stage and opens the second stage downstream valve releasing air flow from the first stage. b. As long as the diver inhales, air continues to flow. c. When the diver stops inhaling, the diaphragm returns to its relaxed position and the valve closes. d. Exhaled air exits the second stage through oneway exhalation valves. e. On some second stage models, the diaphragm opens a small pilot valve, which creates a pressure imbalance that opens the main valve. 1. Advantage - less breathing effort 2. Disadvantage - more complex design difficult to service and adjust. C. What are meant by upstream and downstream valves? 1. Modern open circuit regulator valves have downstream design, meaning they open with the air flow (the pressure is trying to open the valve) rather than upstream, in which the valves open against the air flow (the pressure is trying to close the valve). 2. A malfunctioning downstream valve will permit continuous air flow (freeflow) rather than cut off air flow. 3. What is meant by fail-safe with respect to regulators, and how does it work? a. Freeflowing during a malfunction gives regulators a fail-safe design - it would fail in a safe manner in that it continues to provide air. Obviously the tank will exhaust quickly so the diver must ascend immediately. D. What is the purpose of a regulator environmental seal? 1. Normal air flow causes regulator temperature to drop (expanding gases have a lower temperature). 2. In extremely cold water (such as cold water deep diving, ice diving, etc.) the temperature drop can cause water to freeze regulator first stage valves into the open, freeflowing position. 3. To avoid freeflow in extremely cold water, some regulator first stages have environmental sealing. This seals silicone grease or oil, which don’t freeze, around the first stage. The silicone or oil transmits 3-103

the pressure from the water to the diaphragm or piston so the regulator operates normally. E. What are balanced and unbalanced regulators? 1. A regulator designed so that tank air pressure resists or assists the opening of valves in the first stage is called an unbalanced regulator. a. Less costly design b. Breathing characteristics change with cylinder pressure c. No longer commonly found 2. A regulator designed so that tank air pressure neither assists or resists the opening of valves is called a balanced regulator. a. Breathing characteristics unchanged with varying cylinder pressure. b. Virtually all modern regulators are balanced regulators.

IV. Instruments A. What are the proper procedures for using dive computers in a buddy team? 1. Dive computers calculate remaining no decompression time by comparing the depth/time input to the limits of a programmed decompression model. 2. Practical considerations for using dive computers: a. Because buddy pairs are unlikely to dive exactly the same profile, each diver should have an individual computer. b. The buddy team should ascend based on the shortest times shown by any diver in the team. c. If a computer fails, and the divers have recorded their dive time, depths and surface intervals, it may be possible to continue diving using tables. Otherwise the diver must remain out of the water for at least 12 hours, or as specified by the computer manufacturer. d. The same guidelines that apply to dive table use, such as making deep dives before shallow dives, starting deep and working shallow, etc. apply to dive computers. B. What are the different operating principles for depth gauges, SPGs and compasses? 1. Depth gauges - there are several types, some in common use and some not as common 3-104

What are the procedures for using dive computers? ■ ■ Each Each buddy buddy should should

have have aa computer computer ■ ■ Buddies Buddies should should follow follow

the the most most conservative conservative dive dive time time ■ ■ All All dive dive table table guidelines guidelines (deeper (deeper

dive/depth dive/depth first) first) and and manufacturer manufacturer recommendations recommendations apply apply


Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 77 -- 14 14

What are the different types of depth gauges? ■ ■ Capillary Capillary — — open open tube tube

best best used used at at shallow shallow depths depths ■ ■ Open Open bourdon bourdon tube tube — — tube tube

straightens, straightens, moving moving the the depth depth needle needle ■ ■ Oil-filled Oil-filled — — sealed sealed bourdon bourdon tube tube ■ ■ Diaphragm Diaphragm — — diaphragm diaphragm flexes, flexes,

levers levers and and gears gears move move needle needle ■ ■ Digital Digital — — transducer transducer senses senses depth depth


DM DM 77 -- 15 15

How do submersible pressure gauges work? ■ ■ Mechanical Mechanical ((similar similar to to bourdon bourdon tube) tube) — high pressure pressure entering entering the the tube tube — high

moves moves the the pressure pressure gauge gauge needle needle ■ ■ Electronic Electronic — — pressure pressure transducer transducer ■ ■ Hoseless Hoseless — — pressure pressure transducer transducer

transmits transmits reading reading to to wrist wrist computer computer

How do compasses work? Instruments

DM DM 77 --16 16

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

a. Capillary depth gauges are a simple piece of clear tubing, sealed at one end and open at the other, with depth increments indicated according to where the water column rests based on Boyle’s Law. They are inexpensive and reliable, though hard to read accurately much deeper than 10 metres/30 feet. b. Open bourdon tube gauges contain a spiral shaped tube. Water enters the tube end and increasing pressure causes tube to straighten somewhat. The straightening moves the depth gauge needle. Because the tube is open, clogging can be a problem with these devices. c. Oil-filled gauges also use bourdon tube design, but using a sealed tube in an oil-filled gauge housing. Pressure transmitted through the oil causes the tube to coil more tightly. This moves the depth gauge needle. The depth gauge is not open to the water and therefore not clog prone. d. Diaphragm gauges function by connecting a flexible diaphragm to a series of levers and gears that move the display needle. e. Digital gauges are electronic gauges that read depth via a transducer, which varies the electricity it transmits depending on the pressure exerted on it. These provide a digital display. These offer the highest degree of accuracy, and are used in dive computers to determine depth. C. Submersible pressure gauges (SPG) 1. The SPG works based on the same principle as the bourdon tube gauge - high pressure air from the cylinder enters a C shaped or spiral tube and causes it to straighten somewhat, causing the SPG needle to read the pressure. 2. Electronic SPGs use a pressure transducer similar to those in dive computers/electronic depth gauges. 3. SPGs may be integrated with dive computers. The most recent innovation is a transducer on the regulator that transmits the air pressure to a wrist-worn computer, eliminating the SPG hose. D. Compasses 1. North needle of compass always points to magnetic north because the needle is a magnet, aligned by the field of earth’s geomagnetism. 3-105

2. With most dive compasses, the diver reads direction directly against the needle, but new electronic compasses read the heading digitally. 3. Divers use liquid filled compasses so the gauge withstands pressure, and to dampen needle movement for easier reading. E. What are the options for carrying gauges? 1. Wrist mount - Diver straps gauges to the wrist. a. Useful for compact instruments. b. Most accurate placement for compass use other than hand holding it. c. More streamlined than console on chest, especially in overhead environments. d. May be more prone to entanglement in some instances (e.g., kelp diving.) 2. Console - Combines several instruments into a package on the SPG or may integrate several instruments into one, such as a pressure integrated dive computer. a. Speeds up dive preparation - no strapping on gauges. b. Keeps arms clear for easy donning/doffing. c. Console requires securing so it doesn’t drag and damage itself or environment. 3. Retractable mount - Gauge mount clips to BCD with spring wound retraction cord. The diver pulls out to read then retracts out of the way. a. Popular for hoseless computers with divers who don’t like wrist mount. b. Makes it convenient to hand-hold compass for greatest accuracy.

What are the options for carrying gauges? ■ ■ Wrist mount ■ ■ Console ◆ ◆ Retractable Retractable mount mount


V. Enriched Air Equipment Considerations A. What special equipment requirements and considerations do you have when diving with enriched air? 1. Because enriched air has more oxygen than air has oxygen, there is a greater potential for fire or explosion related to improperly cleaned equipment. 2. Diving with enriched air presents oxygen toxicity hazards not common to diving with air within recreational diving limits Divers must know they’re using enriched air, and what blend of enriched air they’re using. 3-106

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 77 -- 17 17

Enriched Air (EANx) Equipment Considerations ■ ■ Equipment Equipment needs needs to to be be cleaned cleaned to to

oxygen oxygen service service specifications specifications ◆ ◆ Required Required by by most most manufacturers manufacturers

when when using using more more than than 23% 23% O O22 ◆ ◆ Definitely Definitely required required with with

more more than than 40% 40% O O22 continued... continued...

DM DM 77 --18 18

EANx Equipment... ■ ■ Cylinders Cylinders require require special special marking marking ◆ ◆ Identifying Identifying band band ◆ ◆ Visual Visual inspection inspection decal decal

–– oxygen oxygen cleaned cleaned ◆ ◆ Content Content analysis analysis decal decal ■ ■ Divers Divers must must personally personally

analyze analyze their their cylinder cylinder content content DM DM 77 -- 19 19

Dive Equipment Questions? DM DM 77 --20 20

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

B. These concerns have led to the following industry guidelines involving equipment used with enriched air. 1. Most manufacturers require their equipment to be cleaned to oxygen service specifications if it will be exposed to more than 23 percent oxygen. 2. Some in the dive industry say that up to 40 percent oxygen requires no special cleaning or materials. a. This so-called “40 percent rule” is under debate and has yet to be settled. [Note to instructor: Inform candidates of the industry’s most current position on this issue, if different.] b. Follow manufacturer guidelines with respect to using equipment with enriched air. 3. Any piece of equipment that will be exposed to more than 40 percent oxygen requires special cleaning, lubrication and materials to meet oxygen service specifications. If such equipment is used with air from a standard source, it may need to be recleaned. 4. Enriched air cylinders require special marking: a. A 15cm/6in (approx.) band at the tank shoulder. The top and bottom of band should be a yellow 2.5cm/1in band with the center 10cm/4in green with the words “Enriched Air,” “Enriched Air Nitrox,” “Nitrox” or similar. Yellow cylinders need only the green/label portion. b. A visual inspection sticker stating the cylinder has been cleaned to oxygen service specifications, or not if enriched air will not be blended in the cylinder (partial pressure blending in the cylinder requires putting pure oxygen in the cylinder, even if final blend will have less than 40 percent oxygen). c. A contents sticker or tag identifying the current blend, the fill date, the blend’s maximum depth, and the analyzer/diver name. d. Local laws may alter or add to these requirements. C. Enriched air cylinders in the dive environment 1. Enriched air divers personally analyze the contents of their cylinders before using them. 2. On some dive boats, the normal practice is to grab any full cylinder available for the next dive - this isn’t appropriate with enriched air, which practice calls for divers to use the tanks they personally analyzed. 3-107

Topic 8 - Decompression Theory and the RDP Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic The recommended method for developing knowledge about decompression theory and the Recreational Dive Planner is to have candidates read: 1. The Physiology section of The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving, (or The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving Multimedia). 2. The “Decompression Theory and the RDP” chapter of the PADI Divemaster Manual. 3. The Recreational Dive Planner section in the Diving Knowledge Workbook. Additional sources: • The Recreational Diver’s Guide to Decompression Theory, Dive Tables and Dive Computers will help candidates understand decompression models and the differences between how dive computers apply decompression models. • The “Decompression Management” section of The Best of the Undersea Journal features articles about decompression theory and the history and development of the RDP. After independent study, meet with candidates individually or in a group. Begin by reviewing their work in the Diving Knowledge Workbook, then answer candidate questions. Ask questions to assess mastery and review the material based on how they complete their workbooks. Use the presentation outline as a guide for a complete review. By the end of the course, candidates should have mastered calculating dive profiles using both the RDP table and The Wheel. Have them consult the related objectives in the Appendix of the PADI Divemaster Manual to be sure they can meet all the performance requirements. This presentation outline includes only a RDP skills review to assess mastery. Candidates who need to refresh their skills may receive remediation under your direction. They can also independently use the Open Water Diver CD-ROM or RDP Instructions for Use booklets. If The Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and the Diving Knowledge Workbook don’t exist in a language candidates understand, you can develop knowledge by giving the following presentation in detail.


Three: Knowledge Development

Presentation PADI Divemaster Course Decompression Theory and the RDP

Overview and Learning Objectives I. The Haldanean Decompression Model 1. Who is credited with developing the basic decompression model we use today in most computers and dive tables?

DM DM 8 8 -- 11


2. Describe the structure and operation of a Haldanean model.

■ ■ The The Haldanean Haldanean

Decompression Decompression Model Model ■ ■ US US Navy Navy Tables Tables and and Repetitive Repetitive Diving Diving

3. What are meant by compartment, halftime and Mvalue?

■ ■ The The Recreational Recreational Dive Dive Planner Planner ■ ■ Dive Dive Computers Computers ■ ■ Special Special Rules, Rules, Recommendations Recommendations

and and Situations Situations

4. Why do you need to know your approximate altitude when diving?

■ ■ RDP RDP Table Table and and Wheel Wheel Review Review DM DM 8 8 -- 22

5. What is the relationship between the Haldanean model and the human body, and how far can you rely on a model?

II. U.S. Navy Tables and Repetitive Diving 6. Why was the U.S. Navy (USN) table at one time the “standard” for recreational diving?

III. The Recreational Dive Planner 7. What is the basis for the USN table’s repetitive diving surface interval credit, and why does the Recreational Dive Planner use a different basis? 8. For whom was the RDP developed, and how does its testing contrast with the testing of the USN table? 9. What effect does the RDP’s repetitive diving surface interval credit have compared to the USN tables? 10. Why are there two forms of the RDP? 11. Why can’t pressure groups from the RDP be used on the USN tables or any other tables?

IV. Dive Computers 12. How do modern dive computers apply decompression models to provide more no decompression dive time? 13. How do computers compare with each other and the RDP with respect to surface interval credit and M-values?

V. Special Rules, Recommendations and Situations Using the RDP and Computers 14. What are the general rules and recommendations Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


for diving with the Recreational Dive Planner, including for flying after diving, emergency decompression and omitted decompression? 15. What are the recommendations for diving with dive computers?

VI. RDP Table and Wheel Use Review 16. Demonstrate how to find a no decompression limit for a first and repetitive dive using both the RDP table and The Wheel. 17. Demonstrate how to plan a multilevel dive using The Wheel. 18. Using both the RDP table and The Wheel, demonstrate how to calculate dive profiles for three or more repetitive dives.

Outline I. The Haldanean Decompression Model A. Who is credited with developing the basic decompression model we use today in most computers and dive tables? 1. Virtually all dive tables and dive computers calculate no decompression limits and decompression stops (when needed) based on a Haldanean decompression model. 2. Haldanean models are named after John Scott Haldane, credited with developing the first such mathematical decompression model and based on it, the first dive tables. a. British Royal Navy assigned Haldane to address and solve decompression sickness in Navy divers. b. Haldane knew of Paul Bert’s work, which showed that dissolved nitrogen causes DCS, but no one had developed a system for predicting DCS. c. Haldane experimented and produced his model and tables in 1906, his work was published in 1908 in the Journal of Hygiene. Modern Haldanean models differ little conceptually from the original model. B. Describe the structure and operation of a Haldanean model. 1. Haldane based his model on experiments and the following concepts: 3-110

Haldanean Decompression Model ■ ■ Model Model consists consists of of multiple multiple

theoretical theoretical tissues tissues ■ ■ What What is is aa tissue tissue compartment? compartment? ◆ ◆ What What is is halftime? halftime? ◆ ◆ What What in in M-value? M-value?

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 8 8 -- 33

a. Upon descent to a given depth, nitrogen pressure in breathing air is higher than in the body, so nitrogen dissolves into body tissues. b. Given enough time, the body will saturate and absorb no more nitrogen at that depth. c. Upon ascent, nitrogen in the body (tissue pressure) is higher than surrounding pressure, causing tissues to release nitrogen. d. The difference between the dissolved nitrogen pressure and the surrounding pressure (whether ascending or descending) is called the pressure gradient. e. On ascent, tissues can tolerate some gradient of high tissue pressure without DCS. f. If gradient exceeds acceptable limits, bubbles form causing DCS. g. DCS can be avoided by keeping the gradient within acceptable limits. C. What is meant by compartment, halftime and M-value? 1. Haldane discovered that different parts of the body absorb and release dissolved nitrogen at different rates. To account for the differences, Haldane constructed a model consisting of multiple theoretical tissues: a. The tissues did not directly correspond to any particular body tissue. b. Because they’re not actually corresponding to body tissues, it is more proper to call them compartments, or tissue compartments. c. Haldane’s original model had five compartments. Modern versions may have 14 or more compartments. 2. Each compartment has a halftime for the rate at which it absorbs and releases nitrogen. a. Halftime is the time, in minutes, for a particular compartment to go halfway from its beginning tissue pressure to saturation at a new depth, in exponential progression. b. After six halftimes the compartment is considered saturated (actually 98.4 percent saturated - close enough for practical purposes). For simplicity tissue pressure is often expressed in msw/fsw gauge. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


c. Halftimes are assigned in minutes - Haldane’s ranged from 5 to 75 minutes. Modern models range from 3 to more than 600 minutes - short halftime compartments are sometimes called fast tissues or fast compartments and those with longer halftimes are called slow tissue/compartments. Example - A 5 minute halftime compartment will have how much tissue pressure 5 minutes after taken from the surface to 18 metres/60 feet in seawater? Answer: 9 msw/30 fsw of pressure (in one halftime, compartment goes half distance from beginning to new pressure). Example - A 20 minute halftime compartment will have how much tissue pressure after 40 minutes at 24 msw/80 fsw? Answer: 18 msw/60 fsw of pressure 40 minutes = 2 halftimes for 20 minute halftime. After first halftime, pressure goes halfway = 12 msw/40 fsw. After second halftime, pressure goes halfway from 12 msw/40 fsw to 24 msw/80 fsw = 18 msw/60 fsw. Example - How long would it take a 60 minute compartment to saturate to a given depth? Answer: 360 minutes (60 x 6 halftimes) 3. Besides differing in halftimes, each compartment has a different M-value. a. M-value is the maximum tissue pressure allowed in the compartment when surfacing to prevent exceeding acceptable gradient. [Note: there’s actually different M-values for each compartment at each depth, but in no stop diving we only use the one that applies to the surface. b. The faster the compartment (shorter halftime), the higher the M-value (the more nitrogen it is allowed to have when surfacing); the slower the compartment, the lower the M-value. c. The M-value is determined by test dives showing what does and does not result in DCS or Dopplerdetectable bubbles. 3-112

Three: Knowledge Development

4. Why do you need to know your approximate altitude when diving? a. The M-value is calculated for surfacing at sea level; at an altitude higher than approximately 300 metres/1000 feet, the gradient may be too high unless you use altitude diving procedures. You need to know your approximate altitude when diving so you can adjust for the gradient using high altitude diving protocols. 5. The model works by determining how much each compartment absorbs for a given depth and time; when any compartment reaches its M-value, the dive ends (or it becomes a decompression dive). a. On deeper dives, fast compartments usually reach M-value first - this is why deeper dives have short no decompression limits. b. On shallower dives, the depth may be less than the M-value of some faster compartments. Therefore a slower compartment controls the dive and model allows more no decompression time. c. Compartment that reaches its M-value first is called the controlling compartment. D. What is the relationship between the Haldanean model and the human body, and how far can you rely on a model? 1. Haldanean models are mathematical extrapolations. 2. There is no direct relationship between model and the body. The relationship is implied based on actual dive data (tests and field experience). 3. Like all models, Haldanean models have limits of reliability. 4. You can only rely on a model as far as it has been shown to work in tests and by field experience. 5. Models are imperfect - this is why divers learn from the beginning that there is always some risk of DCS, even within computer/table limits - the actual incidence is less than 1 percent, but there is always some risk.

US Navy Tables ■ ■ Developed Developed primarily primarily for for military military

decompression decompression diving diving ■ ■ The The “standard” “standard” for for recreational recreational

diving diving until until mid1980s mid1980s

II. U.S. Navy Tables and Repetitive Diving

■ ■ Surface Surface interval interval credit credit based based on on

worst worst case case –– slowest slowest compartment compartment halftime halftime of of 120 120 minutes minutes DM DM 8 8 -- 44

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. Haldane’s tables were well accepted, but the U.S. Navy revised the model and tables periodically to meet changing needs and to keep up with new information. 3-113

B. The 1950s revision (current U.S. Navy tables) had two important differences from original Haldane model and tables: 1. Six compartments were used with a longest halftime of 120 minutes based on Navy data that there were even slower body areas to consider. 2. Credit for surface interval for repetitive diving added - previously, all dives in 24 hours were added together and treated as a single dive. C. Why was the U.S. Navy (USN) table at one time the “standard” for recreational diving? 1. The U.S. Navy tables were developed primarily for military decompression diving, but they became virtually the standard in recreational diving until the mid-1980s for several reasons: a. Before computers, developing a table was a tedious process that had to be computed by hand. Few outside the Navy had the resources or ability to produce tables. b. Many early sport divers began as military divers, bringing the USN tables with them. c. The USN tables were widely available and public domain, allowing publishers to reproduce and rearrange them. d. Though they weren’t ideal for recreational divers, they could be relied on when following accepted conservative diving practices. D. Repetitive Diving 1. The rise of Navy scuba diving created a need for repetitive diving that allowed longer repetitive dives based on credit for time at the surface. 2. On the Haldanean model, in pure math all compartments would lose nitrogen at their normal halftime (e.g., a 5 minute compartment would be free of nitrogen after 30 minutes or 6 halftimes at surface; a 10 minute compartment would be free after 60 minutes or 6 halftimes at surface, etc.) 3. However, you can’t make a usable table this way because any compartment could control a repetitive dive, depending on the first dive, the surface interval and the second dive. 4. To solve this, U.S. Navy designed its surface interval credit based on the worst case - a dive may be preceded by a decompression dive, so the slowest compartment (120 minutes halftime) controls. 3-114

Three: Knowledge Development

5. In effect, all compartments turn into 120 minute compartments at the surface and all repetitive dive credit is based on this worst-case approach. This is why it takes 12 hours (720 minutes - 6 halftimes) to be “clean” with the USN tables. 6. USN tested its tables and repetitive dive procedures using Navy divers and released them for fleet use. a. Subjects were male, reasonably fit, primarily in 20s and 30s. b. Test criteria were bends/no bends. Recreational Dive Planner (RDP)

III. The Recreational Dive Planner

■ ■ Proposed Proposed in in the the early 1980s

by by Dr. Dr. Raymond Raymond Rogers Rogers ◆ ◆ Believed Believed 120 120 minute minute surface surface interval interval

credit credit was was too too long long ◆ ◆ USN USN table table were were tested tested on on military military

personnel, personnel, not not recreational recreational divers divers ◆ ◆ Doppler Doppler Flow Flow meter meter showed showed silent silent

bubbles bubbles at at USN USN table table limits limits DM DM 8 8 -- 55

Working with DSAT (Diving Science and Technology), Dr. Rogers developed the RDP Testing occurred at the Institute of Applied Technology (IAPM) with Dr. Michael Powell as the principle investigator DM DM 8 8 -- 6 6

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. What is the basis for the USN table’s repetitive diving surface interval credit, and why does the Recreational Dive Planner use a different basis? 1. In the mid-1980s, Dr. Raymond E. Rogers, a PADI Divemaster, recognized that the USN tables, while having a good track record, might not be ideal for recreational diving a. The 120 minute surface interval credit, while appropriate for repetitive decompression diving, seemed excessively conservative for recreational divers, who make only no decompression dives. b. The USN tables were made for Navy divers, but this test group didn’t fully reflect the demographics of recreational divers, who include females and ages above and below the Navy’s. c. Doppler ultrasound flow meters had come into being and they showed that silent bubbles often formed at USN table limits, suggesting lower Mvalues (which would reduce single dive no decompression limits) might be more appropriate for nonmilitary diving. B. For whom was the RDP developed, and how does its testing contrast with the testing of the USN table? 1. Working with DSAT (Diving Science & Technology a corporate affiliate of PADI) Rogers developed the RDP. It was tested in 1987 and 1988 at the Institute of Applied Physiology and Medicine (IAPM) with Dr. Michael R. Powell the principal investigator. 2. Testing during 1987 and 1988: a. Established the 60 minute surface interval credit concept. 3-115

b. Was first extensive testing of multilevel diving. c. Included broader demographic test subjects more like recreational diver population. d. Was based on limiting Doppler detectable bubbles, not just bends/no bends. e. Multiday testing successfully tested RDP making 4 dives daily for 6 days (though diving more conservatively is recommended) C. What effect does the RDP’s repetitive diving surface interval credit have compared to the USN tables? 1. Dr. Rogers found that the 120 minutes halftime for surface interval was too conservative for no stop diving, a 60 minute halftime was more appropriate. a. This means that it offers about twice as much credit for surface interval time than the USN tables. 2. The RDP model has 14 compartments ranging from 5 to 480 minute halftimes. 3. Surface interval credit is based on 60 minutes washout. The WX, YZ rules make sure slower compartments remain within accepted limits. D. Dr. Rogers lowered the M-values to match recent Doppler data. The RDP offers more repetitive dive time, but its maximum allowed nitrogen loading is lower. 1. Limits sometimes called “Spencer” limits after physiologist who first proposed them. E. Why are there two forms of the RDP? 1. Table version introduced for those more comfortable with a table format. 2. The Wheel offers multilevel diving, more precision and is easier to use. F. Why can’t pressure groups from the RDP be used on the USN tables or any other tables? 1. The RDP has more pressure groups than Navy tables. Pressure Group letters designate theoretical nitrogen levels based on the model and since USN and other tables use different models, letters are not interchangeable between RDP, USN tables or any other tables. 2. You can interchange letters between different versions of the RDP. . 3-116

RDP Characteristics ■ ■ Model Model uses uses 14 14 compartments compartments ■ ■ Maximum Maximum allowed allowed nitrogen nitrogen loading loading

(M-values) (M-values) lower lower than than USN USN tables tables ◆ ◆ Shorter Shorter initial initial no no decompression decompression limits limits ■ ■ Surface Surface interval interval credit credit based based

on on 60 60 minute minute washout washout ◆ ◆ Longer Longer allowed allowed repetitive repetitive dive dive times times DM DM 8 8 -- 77

Two Versions

Multilevel Multilevel diving diving

Pressure Pressure group group designations designations are are NOT NOT interchangeable other dive dive tables tables interchangeable with with other

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 8 8 -- 8

IV. Dive Computers

Dive Computers ■ ■ Computers Computers essentially essentially write write

custom custom dive dive tables tables for for exact exact dives dives ◆ ◆ Eliminates Eliminates rounding rounding ◆ ◆ Longer Longer dive dive times times

DM DM 8 8 -- 99

How do dive computers compare to the RDP? ■ ■ Three Three groups groups ◆ ◆ Spencer Spencer limits, limits, EE EE washout washout ◆ ◆ Spencer Spencer limits, limits, 60 60 minute minute washout washout ◆ ◆ Buhlmann Buhlmann limits, limits, EE EE washout washout

DM DM 8 8 --10 10

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. How do modern dive computers apply decompression models to provide more no decompression dive time? 1. Dive computers offer the maximum bottom time essentially by writing a custom dive table for the exact dive - eliminates unnecessary rounding and therefore more dive time. B. How do computers compare with each other and the RDP with respect to surface interval credit and M-values? 1. Spencer limits, EE washout a. Approximately same M-values as RDP b. All compartments release theoretical nitrogen at the surface at their underwater halftime rate (EE stands for “exponential - exponential” ), as compared to the RDP, which releases theoretical nitrogen at the 60 minute rate for all compartments of 60 minutes or faster. c. This washout means these computers can permit dives beyond what has been tested to work - e.g., 3 dives to 40 metres/130 feet in a row for 10 minutes each with only 30 minutes between them. d. This washout is not a problem if divers avoid multiple deep dives with short surface intervals (generally not recommended whether using a computer or not). 2. Spencer limits, 60 minute washout a. Based on data for RDP b. At surface, all compartments 60 minutes and faster wash out at 60 minute rate; all slower compartments wash out at their underwater halftime rate (like the RDP). c. Dives very similar to what RDP model allows. 3. Buhlmann limits, EE washout a. Further reduced M-values (based on work of Dr. Buhlmann). b. All compartments wash out at their underwater halftime rate. c. With reduced M-values, repetitive dives similar to what RDP data supports, though repetitive deep dives with short surface intervals may still permit dives beyond what has been tested to work.


C. Spencer, 60 minute washout and Buhlmann, EE washout seem to be the most popular types of computers.

V. Special Rules, Recommendations and Situations Using the RDP and Computers Note and Reminder: Because people differ in their susceptibility to DCS, no decompression table or computer can guarantee that DCS will never occur, even though a dive is within the limits of the table. Never “push” any computer or table to or beyond its limits. A. What are the general rules and recommendations for diving with the Recreational Dive Planner, including for flying after diving, emergency decompression and omitted decompression? 1. When planning a dive in cold water or under conditions that may be strenuous, plan the dive assuming the depth is 4 metres/10 feet deeper than it actual. 2. Plan repetitive dives so each successive dive is to the same or a shallower depth. Don’t follow a dive with a deeper dive. Plan your deepest dive first. 3. Limit maximum depths in consideration of training and experience. (Scuba Divers: 12 metres/40 feet; Open Water Divers: 18 metres/60 feet; divers with greater training and experience: 30 metres/100 feet; no dive in excess of 40 metres/130 feet.) 4. Multiple Repetitive Dives - use when planning three or more dives in a day. a. If the ending pressure group after any dive is W or X, the minimum surface interval between all subsequent dives is 1 hour. b. If the ending pressure group after any dive is Y or Z, the minimum surface interval between all subsequent dives is 3 hours. 5. Limit repetitive dives to 30 metres/100 feet or shallower. 6. The 42-metre/140-foot designation on the Recreational Dive Planner is for emergency purposes only; do not dive deeper than 40 m/130 ft. 7. If you discover you have accidentally descended below 40 metres/130 feet, immediately ascend (at a rate not to exceed 18 metres/60 feet per minute) to 5 3-118

Special Rules, Recommendations and Situations DM DM 8 8 -- 11 11

Rules ■ Cold/strenuous Cold/strenuous dives dives –– plan plan as as if if

4m/10ft 4m/10ft deeper deeper than than actual actual ■ Each Each successive successive dive dive is is to to

the the same same or or shallower shallower depth depth ■ Limit Limit depth depth to to training training and and experience experience ■ Multiple Multiple repetitive repetitive dives dives ◆ ◆W W or or X X –– 11 hour hour surface surface interval interval on all subsequent dives on all subsequent dives ◆ ◆Y Y or or ZZ –– 33 hour hour surface surface interval interval on on all all subsequent subsequent dives dives continued... continued...

DM DM 8 8 --12 12

Rules... ■ ■ Repetitive Repetitive dive dive limit limit –– 30m/100ft ■ ■ Maximum Maximum limit limit –– 40m/130ft ◆ ◆ Accidentally Accidentally deeper? deeper? ✚ ✚ Make Make an an emergency emergency decompression decompression

stop stop for for 8 8 minutes minutes at at 5m/15ft 5m/15ft ✚ ✚ Do Do not not dive dive again again for for at at

least least 6 6 hours hours

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 8 8 --13 13

Safety Stops ■ ■ Recommended Recommended after after every every dive dive ■ ■ Required Required after: after: ◆ ◆ Any Any dive dive to to or or deeper deeper

than than 30m/100ft ◆ ◆ Any Any dive dive made made within within 3

pressure pressure groups groups of of NDL NDL ◆ ◆ Any Any dive dive reaches reaches any any limit limit

on on the the RDP RDP DM DM 8 8 --14 14

Emergency Decompression ■ ■ 8 minutes minutes at at 5m/15ft 5m/15ft

when when limit limit is is exceeded exceeded by by 55 minutes minutes or or less less ■ ■ 15 minutes minutes at at 5m/15ft 5m/15ft (or (or as as

long long as as air air supply supply permits) permits) when when limit limit is is exceeded exceeded by by more more than than 55 minutes minutes DM DM 8 8 --15 15

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

metres/15 feet, and make an emergency decompression stop for 8 minutes. If the no decompression limit for 40 metres/130 feet is NOT exceeded by more than 5 minutes. Do not dive again for 6 hours. B. Safety stops 1. You are encouraged to make a safety stop for 3 minutes at 5 metres/15 feet after every dive. (The time spent at a safety stop need not be added to the bottom time of the dive.) 2. Always make a safety stop: a. After any dive to 30 metres/100 feet (or greater). b. Any time you will surface within 3 pressure groups of your NDL. c. When a dive is made to any limit of the RDP. 3. PADI S.A.F.E. (Slowly Ascend From Every dive) Campaign a. This project resulted from PADI’s leadership role in encouraging slower ascent rates among sport divers. [Refer to sidebar article “Be a S.A.F.E. Diver” in section Four of the PADI Open Water Diver Manual.] C. Emergency decompression 1. An emergency decompression stop for 8 minutes at 5 metres/15 feet must be made if a no decompression limit is accidentally exceeded by 5 minutes or less. • Upon surfacing, the diver must remain out of the water at least 6 hours prior to making another dive. 2. If a no decompression limit is exceeded by more than 5 minutes, a 5 metre/15 foot decompression stop of no less than 15 minutes is required (air supply permitting). • Upon surfacing, the diver must remain out of the water at least 24 hours prior to making another dive. 3. Decompression is considered an emergency procedure. The RDP should never be used for decompression diving purposes or when breathing a gas other than air or enriched air with special procedures. 4. Inwater recompression - treating DCI by putting the diver back underwater shouldn’t be attempted. Recompression requires long durations, oxygen, and often drug therapy. Normally the required resources


aren’t available at a dive site, and incomplete recompression will usually make the diver even worse. D. Omitted decompression 1. If an emergency decompression stop is mistakenly omitted, do not reenter the water for at least 24 hours. 2. Rest, be alert for any signs or symptoms of DCS. 3. Breathe pure oxygen. 4. Seek medical assistance if signs or symptoms occur. E. Altitude considerations 1. Because depth at altitude must be converted into a theoretical equivalent depth at sea level, special procedures must be implemented when using the RDP at altitudes over 300 metres/1000 feet. 2. Special training is advised when diving at high altitudes. F. Flying and ascending to altitude after diving recommendations. (These recommendations apply to altitudes between 600-2400 metres/2000-8000 feet.) 1. For a single dive within the no decompression limit, a minimum preflight surface interval of 12 hours is suggested 2. For repetitive dives and/or multiday dives, a minimum preflight surface interval of 18 hours is suggested. 3. For dives requiring decompression stops, a minimum preflight surface interval greater than 18 hours is suggested. G. What are the recommendations for diving with dive computers? 1. Divers should not attempt to share a diver computer. Use the same computer throughout the diving day - it must keep up with all dives and surface intervals. 2. Keep these points in mind: a. Computers and tables have same theoretical basis nothing makes one better or safer. b. Therefore, same guidelines apply (e.g., don’t make deep dives after shallow dives, etc.) 3. Follow all manufacturer recommendations. 4. End the dive based on the most conservative computer in the buddy team. 5. If a computer fails: a. Ascend immediately according to the manufacturer’s instruction. If there is no recommendation, immediately ascend slowly and make a safety stop at 5 metres/15 feet. If there’s any question as 3-120

Omitted Decompression ■ ■ Do

not reenter the water

■ ■ Do

not dive for at least 24 hour s

■ ■ Monitor

for signs or symptoms of DCS

■ ■ Breathe

oxygen and seek medical assistance if signs/symptoms occur DM DM 8 8 --16 16

Altitude Considerations Special procedures must be implemented when using the RDP at altitudes greater than 300m/1000ft DM DM 8 8 -- 17 17

Flying After Diving ■ ■ Wait Wait aa minimum minimum surface surface interval interval of of

12 hours hours prior prior to to ascent ascent to to altitude altitude in in aa commercial commercial jet jet airliner airliner (altitude (altitude up up to to 2400m/8000ft) 2400m/8000ft) ■ ■ Divers Divers who who plan plan to to make make daily, daily, multiple multiple dives dives for for several several days days or or make make dives dives that that require require decompression decompression stops stops should should take take aa special special precaution precaution — — an an extended extended surface surface inter interval val beyond beyond 12 12 hour hourss before before flight flight DM DM 8 8 --18 18

What should you do if your computer fails? ■ ■ Slo Slowly wly ascend ascend to to 5m/15ft 5m/15ft and and make make aa

safety xtended safety stop stop — — ee xtended ifif necessary necessary ■ ■ If If your your dive dive profile profile is is within within no no stop stop

limits, limits, you you may may be be able able to to resume resume diving diving using using the the RDP RDP ■ ding ■ If If not, not, stay stay out out of of the the water water accor accor ding to to manufacturer manufacturer recommendations recommendations — ss — usually usually 12 12 to to 24 24 hour hour

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 8 8 --19 19

to whether you may have accidentally exceeded the no decompression limits, make the stop as long as possible with the air you have. b. If you have been tracking your profiles with tables and are within no stop limits, you may be able to resume diving using tables. c. Otherwise, remain out of the water according to manufacturer recommendations before resuming diving with tables or another computer. This is usually 12 to 24 hours.

VI. RDP Table and Wheel Use Review

RDP Wheel Review DM DM 8 8 --20 20

Note to instructor: Candidates should be familiar with the RDP, but you may want to review its use to assure leadership-level mastery. Candidates should be able to perform the following listed procedures. Work through examples to assess learning, to review and remediate as necessary. • Demonstrate how to find a no decompression limit for a first and repetitive dive using both the RDP table and The Wheel. • Demonstrate how to plan a multilevel dive using The Wheel. • Using both RDP table and The Wheel, demonstrate how to calculate dive profiles for three or more repetitive dives.

RDP Table Review DM DM 8 8 --21 21

Decompression Theory and the RDP Questions? DM DM 8 8 --22 22

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. Find NDL. B. Find Pressure Group after a dive. C. Find new Pressure Group after surface interval. D. Find adjusted NDL and RNT (Table). E. Find TBT (Table) and new Pressure Group after a repetitive dive. F. Find all of the above for dive profile with three or more repetitive dives. G. Find next level depth for a multilevel dive. (The Wheel) H. Find NDLs for each level on multilevel dive. (The Wheel) I. Apply the WX-YZ rules. J. Find the minimum surface interval required for a repetitive dive of given bottom time and depth. 3-121

Topic 9 – Divemaster Conducted Programs Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic The recommended method for developing knowledge about programs PADI Divemasters can conduct independently is to have candidates read sections of the PADI Instructor Manual that apply to those programs. Then conduct this presentation, referencing those sections as you highlight standards and other information needed when conducting the program. Also cover changes announced in the Training Bulletin that may apply and have candidates write these changes into their PADI Instructor Manual. Remind candidates that they will be practicing one of these programs during Required Training Exercise 3 - Divemaster Conducted Program, so they need to know how to find this material (not necessarily memorize). The presentation outline suggests points that you can apply to all PADI Divemaster conducted programs. Repeat the outline for each program. At this writing, Discover Snorkeling, Skin Diver, Discover Local Diving, Scuba Review, Discover Scuba Diving and PADI Scuba Diver are the programs you’ll cover under this topic.


PADI Divemaster Course

Overview and Learning Objectives I. Finding the program in the PADI Instructor Manual.

Divemaster Conducted Programs

1. Demonstrate how to find standards and related information in the PADI Instructor Manual.

DM DM 99 -- 11

II. Standards and Ratios


2. In the PADI Instructor Manual, differentiate between requirements (standards) that you must adhere to when conducting a PADI program, and supporting material/recommendations.

■ ■ Finding Programs in the

PADI Instructor Manual ■ ■ Standards and Ratios ■ ■ Administrative Requirements ■ ■ Marketing

3. Find the performance requirements and explain why it’s important to state these for participants. 4. Find the maximum ratio of participants to PADI Divemaster. 5. List materials required and recommended when conducting the program.

III. Administrative Requirements 6. Complete administrative requirements (Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk, PIC, etc.) 7. State the annual renewal requirements for PADI Divemasters. 3-122

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 99 -- 22

8. State the professional liability insurance requirements for PADI Divemasters conducting the program.

IV. Marketing 9. State who the program is intended for (audience) and explain the program’s approach and philosophy. 10. List and explain suggested marketing and promotional tips for the program.


What programs can PADI Divemasters conduct? ■ ■ Skin Skin Diver Diver course course ■ ■ Discover Discover Snorkeling Snorkeling

[Go through outline for each program.]

■ ■ Discover Discover Local Local Diving Diving ■ ■ Scuba Scuba Review Review

I. Finding the program in the PADI Instructor Manual.

■ ■ Discover Discover Scuba Scuba Diving Diving

— — subsequent subsequent dives dives

A. Demonstrate how to find standards and related information in the PADI Instructor Manual. B. Identify relevant sections in General Standards and Procedures.

■ ■ PADI PADI Scuba Scuba Diver Diver

— — supervise supervise recreational recreational dives dives DM DM 99 -- 33

II. Standards and Ratios A. Differentiate between requirements (standards) that you must adhere to when conducting a PADI program, and supporting material/recommendations. 1. Boldface text 2. Nonbold recommendations B. Find the performance requirements and explain why it’s important to state these for participants. 1. Participants must meet these before continuing in the program. 2. Stating objectives for participants helps them learn by showing them clearly what they’re trying to do. a. Not necessary to read objectives verbatim (though may be acceptable). b. [Give examples by reading objectives as found in the Instructor Manual, then stating them as you would for program participants.] C. Find the maximum ratio of participants to PADI Divemaster. D. List materials required and recommended when conducting the program. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


III. Administrative Requirements [Have samples of all forms that candidates can practice filling out and reviewing for completeness.] A. Complete administrative requirements (Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk, PIC, etc.) B. Form completion practice [Cover filling out PIC Envelopes for the PADI Skin Diver course in detail.] C. State the annual renewal requirements for PADI Divemasters. 1. PADI Members renew their memberships annually with their PADI Office. They sign an annual renewal and license agreement and pay annual membership dues. D. State the professional liability insurance requirements for PADI Divemasters conducting the program. 1. When programs are conducted independently by a PADI Divemaster, Professional Underwater Liability Insurance is required in many territories. [Explain local requirements, emphasizing that insurance is always recommended even if not required, and that insurance requirements may change if candidates relocate.]

You must renew your PADI Membership and carry professional liability insurance (where applicable) to conduct these programs DM DM 99 -- 44

IV. Marketing A. State who the program is intended for (audience) and explain the program’s approach and philosophy. 1. This information is usually found in the introduction to Instructor Guide. 2. [Review material in PADI Instructor Manual for each program. Be sure candidates understand the intended participants and the conduct philosophy behind each program. For example, candidates need to recognize that Discover Snorkeling differs from the PADI Skin Diver course, etc.] B. List and explain suggested marketing and promotional tips for the program. 1. Developing marketing/promotion methods [Review material in the PADI Instructor Manual for each program.] a. Consult The Undersea Journal, The Business of Diving, and other business-oriented material from 3-124

Let’s review the appropriate sections in your PADI Instructor Manual

Three: Knowledge Development

Professional Professional Association Association of of Diving Instructors

Instructor Manual

DM DM 99 -- 55

PADI Skin Diver Course ■ ■ Course Course Goals Goals ■ ■ Standards Standards ■ ■ Course Course Overview Overview ■ ■ Open Open Water Water Dive Dive

(optional) (optional) ■ ■ Filling Filling out out the the PIC PIC envelope envelope ■ ■ How How can can you you market market this this program? program? DM DM 99 -- 6 6

Discover Snorkeling ■ ■ Why Why snorkel? snorkel? ◆ ◆ Snorkeling Snorkeling vs. vs. Skin Skin Diving Diving

® ®

■ ■ Marketing Marketing and and Promotion Promotion ■ ■ Equipment Equipment Considerations Considerations ■ ■ PADI PADI Snorkeling Snorkeling Materials Materials ◆ ◆ Discover Discover Snorkeling/Skin Snorkeling/Skin Diving Diving Statement Statement ■ ■ Leading Leading Tours Tours ■ ■ Optional Optional Outline Outline DM DM 99 -- 77

Discover Local Diving (DLD) ■ ■ Why Why DLD? DLD? ■ ■ Standards Standards ◆ ◆ Liability Liability Release Release ■ ■ Overview Overview ■ ■ Recognition Recognition ■ ■ How How can can you you market market this this program? program? DM DM 99 -- 8 8

Scuba Review

PADI for general marketing information, and for information specific to each program. b. Coordinate with your dive operation. Dive operations often has specific marketing objectives and strategies that you can draw from in promoting the programs you can conduct. c. Think about for whom each program is intended and pursue groups of such individuals. 2. Examples: a. Skin Diver course - for serious free divers, people wanting more vigorous exercise. Also useful for children too young for scuba certification when parents take Open Water Diver course. Promote in health clubs, summer camps, teen organizations. b. Discover Snorkeling - suitable for travel and tour groups, popular with all age groups, good as a relaxing way to enjoy the water and as a swimming activity for exercise Promote in health clubs and with outdoors-oriented organizations. c. Scuba Review - bring inactive diving friends or new divers into diving. Promote in resort destinations where inactive divers discover opportunities to dive. Also at travel agencies, tour groups, etc.

■ ■ Why? Why? ■ ■ Divemaster’s Divemaster’s role role ■ ■ Standards Standards ■ ■ Knowledge Knowledge Review Review ■ ■ Confined Confined Water Water Skill Skill Review Review ■ ■ Recognition Recognition ■ ■ How How can can you you market market this this program? program? DM DM 9 9 -- 9 9

Discover Scuba Diving ■ ■ Standards Standards ◆ ◆ What What can can certified certified

assistants assistants do? do?

PADI Scuba Diver ■ ■ Diver Diver qualifications qualifications ■ ■ Depth Depth recommendation recommendation ■ ■ How How can can you you market market your your

services services to to these these divers? divers? DM DM 99 --10 10

Divemaster Conducted Programs Questions? DM DM 99 -- 11 11

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Topic 10 - Risk Management Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic This section introduces candidates to principles of risk management as it relates to the immediate duties they’ll have as PADI Divemasters. It is recommended that you have candidates read The Law and the Diving Professional, if available in a language they understand. The risk management and quality assurance articles in The Best of the Undersea Journal are also good references. Refer candidates to the Quality Management and risk management discussions in the General Standards and Procedures Guide of the PADI Instructor Manual. The presentation outline covers the basic risk management principles found most commonly in legal systems. As appropriate, cover details specific to risk management that apply to the local area, or the area where candidates will be functioning as PADI Divemasters.

PADI Divemaster Course

Presentation Overview and Learning Objectives I. Definition of Risk Management

Risk Management

1. What is meant by risk management?

DM DM 10 10 -- 11

II. Legal Risk Management 2. What are meant by duty of care and negligence in most legal systems?


3. Why is it recommended that you carry professional liability insurance, even when you plan to function exclusively as an assistant working under a PADI Instructor?

■ ■ Definition of Risk Management ■ ■ Legal Risk Management ■ ■ Quality Management —

Recognition and Assurance Assurance ■ ■ Personal Health and Safety

4. What is the most important step you can take to manage legal risk?

DM DM 10 10 -- 22

5. Why does adhering to standards help you reduce legal risk? 6. What role does good judgment play in reducing legal risk? 7. What is the role of proper paperwork and administration in reducing legal risk? 8. In the event of a dive accident, besides giving priority to taking all steps you can to handle the emergency, what should you do from a legal risk management point of view?


Three: Knowledge Development

III. Quality Management - Recognition and Assurance 9. How does the Quality Management process help you reduce legal risk? 10. What are the steps in the Quality Management process?

IV. Personal Health and Safety 11. What are five suggestions to help you manage risks to your health and safety as a divemaster?

Outline What is meant by risk management?

I. What is meant by risk management? A. Risk management is the process of reducing risks you face while acting within your capacity as a PADI Divemaster. The goal of risk management is to increase the safety for divers and you by avoiding accidents for all involved, and by reducing legal risk for you as a dive leader. B. Risk management can be divided into two broad areas that you need to address: 1. Legal risk - dealing with sources of liability 2. Your personal health and safety

Increasing safety and avoiding accidents to reduce risk DM DM 10 10 -- 33

II. Legal Risk Management What is duty of care? ■ ■ The The expectation expectation to to act act as as aa

reasonably reasonably prudent prudent divemaster divemaster would would act act under under the the same same or or similar similar circumstances circumstances

What is negligence? ■ ■ Failure Failure to to meet meet aa duty duty of of care care DM DM 10 10 -- 44

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. Functioning as a leadership-level diver who supervises others entails some legal risk. B. What are meant by duty of care and negligence in most legal systems? 1. Under most legal systems, you have a duty of care to act as a reasonably prudent divemaster would act under the same or similar circumstances - to those you supervise. a. Since diving is a risk-taking activity, a divemaster doesn’t and can’t ever guarantee diver safety. There is always some residual risk of serious harm or death, despite the divemaster’s best efforts, and divers must accept this risk if they intend to dive. 2. The act of failing to meet a duty of care is negligence under most legal systems. 3. In the event of an accident, if a lawsuit is filed, the suit usually alleges that as a divemaster you had a duty of care and were negligent. 3-127

4. Under most legal systems, if you are found in court to have been negligent, and your negligence is the direct cause of an accident that causes injury, property destruction or death, then you are liable and will owe damages (compensation). B. Why is it recommended that you carry professional liability insurance, even when you plan to function exclusively as an assistant working under a PADI Instructor? 1. Under most legal systems, you can be sued even if you did nothing wrong - defending yourself can be costly and liability insurance provides coverage for your defense. 2. If you are found liable, insurance provides coverage for damages. 3. If you are assisting an instructor, though the instructor has most of the responsibility, coverage is recommended because: a. You can still be named in the suit. b. You can be found responsible for your own actions or what part you may have played in an accident, even with an instructor present. c. Instructor’s insurance does not cover assistants. d. You can be added to a suit already in progress. 4. Within the U.S. and territories and many other regions, professional liability insurance is required when engaging in PADI Divemaster conducted programs independently. [Explain local requirements.] 5. Note that professional liability insurance does not normally provide liability coverage for your personally owned scuba equipment you might provide a diver or student diver (such as when something malfunctions or is forgotten). a. Instead, provide equipment from a dive center/ resort’s normal rental/class scuba equipment, which will be covered under the operation’s store insurance. b. If necessary, you can obtain special coverage as part of your professional liability insurance to provide liability coverage for personal equipment you might provide a certified diver or student diver.


Why is professional liability insurance important? ■ You You can be sued, even even ifif you you

did did nothing nothing wrong wrong ■ Insurance Insurance may may cover cover defense defense costs costs

and and damages, damages, if necessary ■ Instructor’s Instructor’s insurance insurance does does

not not cover cover assistants assistants NOTE: NOTE: Professional Professional liability insurance does not normally cover normally cover personally personally owned owned equipment equipment

Three: Knowledge Development

DM 10 - 55

What is the most important step you can take to manage legal risk? Adhere to conservative diving, supervisory and assisting practices DM DM 10 10 -- 6 6

Reducing Legal Risk ■ ■ Follow Follow standards standards ■ ■ Use Use good good judgment judgment ■ ■ Have Have documentation documentation

— proper paperwork ◆ ◆ Liability Liability release release ◆ ◆ Medical Medical form form ◆ ◆ Other Other student student or or

participant participant documents documents DM DM 10 10 -- 77

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

C. What is the most important step you can take to manage legal risk? 1. The primary way to manage legal risk is to prevent accidents in the first place by adhering to conservative diving, supervisory and assisting practices. a. This is professional judgment and basic human compassion and caring - not just a legal tool. b. You’re not likely to face a suit for an accident that doesn’t happen. 2. Why does adhering to standards help you reduce legal risk? a. Standards stipulate your duty of care - by sticking to standards, you go a long way to proving you met your duty. b. PADI defends the appropriateness of standards so you don’t have to. 3. What role does good judgment play in reducing legal risk?. a. Good judgment and being conservative reduces your legal risk. b. Even when following standards, you need to use good judgment in their application - example: reducing ratios when conditions aren’t ideal. c. Ties in to primary risk management - reduces possibility of an accident in the first place. 4. What is the role of proper paperwork and administration in reducing legal risk? [Ask candidates how paperwork might relate to risk management. Have them discuss this briefly before presenting the following points as elaborations on conclusions they reach, or to cover ideas they missed.] a. Paperwork is very important - suits have been dismissed based on proper paperwork alone! b. Paperwork and administration help you document that you followed standards. c. The Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk form shifts legal responsibility to program participants - they assume risk where allowed by law [explain local laws]. 1. Informs participants of risks. 2. Forms a contract between you and participants that they accept risks, including the risk that you may do something that could be held negligent by a court. 3-129

3. This is one of the most important documents; have it completed and keep it on file. d. Medical form 1. Helps prevent accidents by screening those medically ineligible to dive. a. Those who answer “yes” to any condition must receive physician approval before participating. b. In some countries, all participants must see a physician prior to enrolling in scuba activities. 2. Accidents resulting from a medical condition listed on form helps shift responsibility to participant (for incorrectly filling out form) or physician who signed form. e. Review paperwork closely to be sure all blanks are filled, that it is signed, dated and legible. f. Keep all paperwork at least seven years, or longer if local statute of limitations is longer. D. In the event of a dive accident, besides giving priority to taking all steps you can to handle the emergency, what should you do from a legal risk management point of view? 1. Your first priority is handling the emergency, contacting authorities and emergency medical care, showing compassion and doing everything possible for the well being of victim. 2. Do inform the victim’s family about the accident and show compassion and care. 3. Do cooperate with authorities and give them the facts of the incident. 4. Do not assign, admit or speculate on causes or blame. a. Distracts from managing the accident and helping the victim. b. Facts are seldom complete, so speculations are usually inaccurate. c. Statements made about causes may appear in the press and in court (if a suit is filed) even if subsequent investigation proves these inaccurate. 5. Do collect the victim’s equipment to turn over to authorities. a. Have someone (a diver) not connected with the 3-130

In the event of an accident, what should you do? ■ ■ Handle Handle emergency emergency and and tend tend to to victim victim ■ ■ Provide Provide the the victim’s victim’s family family and and

authorities facts authorities with with facts ■ ■ Do Do not not assign, assign, admit admit to to or or speculate speculate

on on causes causes or or blame blame ■ ■ Collect Collect the the victim’s victim’s equipment equipment

for for authorities authorities ■ ■ File File an an incident incident report report with with PADI PADI

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 10 10 -- 8 8

accident confirm in writing whether it appears to be working normally and how much air is in the cylinder. b. Record person’s contact information - equipment may sit unrinsed for months and not work properly when checked later. 6. File an incident report with your PADI Office.

III. Quality Management - Recognition and Assurance A. How does the Quality Management process help you reduce legal risk? 1. All PADI Offices conduct random surveys of PADI student divers and program participants, and follow up on reports from the field to ensure that PADI programs are conducted to PADI Standards. This process also confirms that PADI professionals understand those standards. This proactive process helps you reduce legal risk. 2. It creates documentation that you follow standards to support your paperwork and statements. 3. It gives standards that defend your credibility by showing that PADI enforces them. 4. If you are found to be accidentally not following standards: a. Provides opportunity to correct problem before a related accident occurs. b. Documents the correction so that, in the event of an accident later, no one can successfully allege you violated standards based on witness reports of earlier standards violations. B. What are the steps in the Quality Management process? 1. Procedures are primarily corrective. Most standards problems result from misunderstandings. 2. [Review the Quality Assurance procedure steps in the General Standards and Procedures section of the PADI Instructor Manual.]

How does PADI’s quality management process work? ■ ■ Students Students and and program program participants participants

are are randomly randomly surveyed surveyed ■ ■ Reports Reports received received from from customers customers

and and PADI PADI Members Members ■ ■ Proactive Proactive process process ensures ensures that that

PADI PADI programs programs are are conducted conducted per per PADI PADI Standards Standards DM DM 10 10 -- 99

Members who provide excellent instruction and customer service are recognized When necessary, corrective action is taken to ensure PADI Members understand and follow PADI Standards DM DM 10 10 --10 10

IV. Personal Health and Safety A. Functioning as a divemaster can raise several potential health and safety concerns. 1. Supervising duties may require long periods of being active and alert, despite being tired. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


2. You may need to make multiple dives in a relatively short period. 3. Your duties may call for physical labor, stamina and continuous exertion. B. Maintaining your health and safety is a matter of following common health guidelines and conservative diving practices. C. What are five suggestions to help you manage risks to your health and safety as a divemaster? 1. Stay physically fit by exercising regularly, getting adequate rest and eating properly. 2. When making multiple repetitive dives, plan your dives so that you make the deepest dive of the day first and work progressively shallower, staying well within the no decompression limits. Make a safety stop at the end of all dives. Take a day off from diving every few days. 3. Stay hydrated. Tropical heat depletes body fluids, as do caffeine and alcohol consumption. 4. When ill or injured, moderate your activities accordingly. Pressing on may delay healing and may compromise your abilities. 5. Pay attention to your mental health - dive for fun, not just for work, so you avoid burnout, and engage in other pastimes.

Personal Health and Safety ■ ■ Stay Stay physically physically fit fit ■ ■ Make Make the the deepest deepest dive dive of of the the

day day first first and and stay stay well well within within no no decompression decompression limits limits ■ ■ Remain Remain hydrated hydrated ■ ■ When When ill ill or or injured, injured, moderate moderate

your your activities activities ■ ■ Pay Pay attention attention to to your your mental mental health health

— — HAVE HAVE FUN FUN DM DM 10 10 -- 11 11

Risk Management Questions? DM DM 10 10 -- 12 12


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 11 The Business of Diving Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic This section introduces candidates to their function in the business aspects of a dive operation. It is recommended that you have candidates read The Business of Diving book, and business related articles in The Best of the Undersea Journal and the IDC Candidate Workbook, if available in a language they can read. It’s also recommended that you encourage candidates to begin developing business skills by viewing PADI business-related programs such as Positive Approach Selling and Advanced Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Enthusiastic Divers. Focus your elaboration on specific examples of how this information pertains to the dive business in your local area.

PADI Divemaster Course

Presentation Overview and Learning Objective I. The Dive Consumer

The Business of Diving

1. What are the “three Es” of diving, and where does the dive consumer find them?

DM DM 11 11 -- 11

2. What functions may a PADI Divemaster have in helping dive consumers with the three Es?

Overview ■ ■ The

II. Equipment Counseling

Dive Consumer

■ ■ Equipment

3. What is the role of leadership-level divers with respect to equipment counseling?


4. What are four attributes of a positive sales process? DM DM 11 11 -- 22


What do you need to be a diver?

DM DM 11 11 -- 33

I. The Dive Consumer [Ask candidates what they need to be a diver. Write their answers on the board in three columns according to equipment, education or entertainment (experiences), but don’t label columns. After getting several items in each column, ask candidates to name each column. Transition into discussion of three Es.] A. What are the “three Es” of diving, and where does the dive consumer find them? 1. The “three Es” are characteristics needed by all dive

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


consumers, without which there would be no dive industry. a. Education - To dive safely initially, and to progress to more challenging types of dive activities, divers need dive training. b. Equipment - Without it diving is impossible. Dive consumers need access to equipment to buy or rent. c. Entertainment (experience) - Education and equipment have no value if divers can’t do something with them. Entertainment is the reason people become divers. 1. Travel, local diving, clubs, and other events all qualify as entertainment - reasons to dive and to be involved with diving. 2. The need for entertainment is the reason to get new student divers diving in confined water as quickly as possible. Beginning divers often perceive the conventional long-classroom-sessions as an obstacle or delay, and this stops some people from learning to dive. 2. A fourth E sometimes mentioned is environment. Divers need a healthy dive environment, and we all need a healthy environment to live. As the dive community grows, we take on increasing responsibility to act together as advocates for aquatic environments. B. The dive center and dive resort, where the three Es come together under one roof, is the focus of the dive industry. C. What functions may a PADI Divemaster have in helping dive consumers with the three Es? 1. As a leadership-level diver, it is your role to help divers meet their education, equipment and entertainment needs. a. May be direct involvement, such as leading a trip or assisting with student divers in training. b. May be indirect assistance, such as providing recommendations or advice to divers who ask about travel, equipment, etc. 2. Certified divers will seek your supervision for guided diving partly because you help assure that all three Es are met.


The Three Es Education Es Es come come together together in in PADI PADI Dive Dive Centers Centers and and Resorts Resorts


(Entertainment) (Entertainment)

Equipment Fourth E = Environment DM DM 11 11 -- 44

How can you help customers fulfill their needs? ■ ■ Direct Direct involvement involvement ■ ■ Indirect Indirect assistance assistance

Three: Knowledge Development

DM DM 11 11 -- 55

a. You handle the entertainment by knowing where the best dive sites are and by making the experience fun. b. You help divers assess whether they have the education needed to make a particular dive. c. You help divers assess whether they’re properly equipped for a dive, and may have spare equipment from the dive operation rental stock if there’s an equipment related problem.

II. Equipment Counseling [Ask candidates what they think about salespeople. Next ask candidates to think of a salesperson who they felt was genuinely helpful and tell you what made the person effective. Take the resulting description and make the point that divemaster duties are likely to involve equipment sales or counseling, so they need to recognize the effective aspects of the sales process.]

What about sales and salespeople? Become an equipment counselor DM DM 11 11 --6 6

Positive Sales Approach ■ ■ Give Give recommendations recommendations that that are are

good good for for building building long long term term customer customer relationships relationships ■ ■ Listen Listen carefully carefully to to customer customer needs needs ■ ■ Do Do not not make make assumptions assumptions ■ ■ Provide Provide the the advice advice you you

would would like like to to receive receive

A. What is the role of leadership-level divers with respect to equipment counseling? 1. Divers, especially student divers, come to leadershiplevel divers for advice about equipment. 2. It is entirely appropriate for you to give advice on equipment purchases. a. Diving is a technical activity and learning about equipment is part of the education each diver goes through. b. Divers appreciate the recommendations of those they respect - think about when you were at their level in diving. 3. The dive operation you work with relies on equipment sales as part of how they stay in business. a. If you don’t help, divers may go elsewhere. b. Or they may get advice from a less qualified source. c. Or they may not continue with diving - everyone loses. B. What are four attributes of a positive sales process? 1. Your goal is to give the best recommendations so the diver will be happy with the equipment to promote a long term relationship.

DM DM 11 11 -- 77

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


a. You don’t need to “push” anything when your goal is a long term relationship. b. Long term relationships bring in the most business in the end - best for the dive operation, best for the customer. 2. You listen to the divers who come to you for advice and help them based on what they tell you. a. They will usually tell you what they want and need, but you may have to ask about their interests, planned uses, etc. b. Try not to assume - it’s surprising how often what they tell you differs from what you thought they’d say. 3. You don’t make assumptions about price: a. Recommend the equipment that best addresses their needs and wants without worrying about price. b. People often want more than they need. Give them the facts and let them decide - buying higher performance equipment may cost more, but it is often cheaper in the long run, even if the individual doesn’t need that performance level immediately. 4. You give all the advice you’d like to get. a. Don’t forget the little things that make the big difference (e.g., a bottle of defog with a mask purchase, etc.). b. Suggest ways (courses, trips, etc.) divers can enjoy their new investment.

The Business of Diving Questions? DM DM 11 11 --8 8


Three: Knowledge Development

Topic 12 - Your Diving Career Recommended Materials and Methods for Covering this Topic

PADI Divemaster Course Your Diving Career DM DM 12 12 -- 11

This topic is intended to aim candidates toward a satisfying and successful career in the dive industry, whether they’re pursuing leadership training as a vocation or as an avocation. During this topic, your main emphasis will be on progressing to the Assistant Instructor and Instructor levels, and on additional skills and training that can give individuals a competitive advantage in the industry.

Presentation Overview and Learning Objective I. PADI Training to Further Your Dive Career


1. What are six reasons why you should consider continuing your training through the PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor level?

■ ■ PADI Training

to Further Your Dive Career

■ ■ Other Training

That Can Aid Your Career

2. How does it benefit you to complete the PADI Assistant Instructor course prior to enrolling in the PADI OWSI Program?

■ ■ The

Role of Emerging Technologies DM DM 12 12 -- 22

3. How does diver-level specialty training help your career as a PADI Divemaster?

II. Other Training That Can Aid Your Career 4. What are six skills, outside of diver training, that can make you more valuable in the dive industry?

III. The Role of Emerging Technologies 5. How will emerging technologies affect your career, and what should you do in response?

Outline Why continue your education?

I. PADI Training to Further Your Dive Career

■ ■ Gaining ne w

skills and qualifying to conduct additional courses makes you more versatile

■ ■ Versatility

is what employers look for DM DM 12 12 -- 33

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. What are six reasons why you should consider continuing your training through the PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor level? 1. Because they’re fully qualified to teach classes, instructors have more versatility as employees. 2. The majority of dive boat professionals supervising certified divers are instructors, which gives them more versatility as employees because they can train divers. 3-137

3. Most individuals who move into other areas of the dive industry (e.g., manufacturer representatives) begin as instructors - this experience lets them understand their customer’s needs. 4. Even if you’re primarily interested in leadership as an avocation, not a full time vocation, certification as an instructor creates more opportunities. 5. Increasingly, institutions of higher learning recognize the quality of PADI Instructor training. This recognition may apply to opportunities and careers beyond diving. 6. There are more opportunities for PADI Instructors than for any other professional in the industry. The demand for PADI Instructors exceeds the demand for instructors of all other organizations combined. B. How does it benefit you to complete the PADI Assistant Instructor course prior to enrolling in the PADI OWSI Program? 1. Much of the AI course comes from the IDC, so the AI course reduces your instructor training program load. 2. The AI course applies directly to what you learn in the OWSI Program, gives you more time and practice that will help you be successful in the Instructor Examination (IE) and as a certified instructor. 3. You need 100 logged dives to become a PADI Instructor. If you’re short that number, the AI course gives you more opportunities to dive and gain experience. 4. The AI course gives you teaching and income opportunities by qualifying you to conduct additional PADI courses and programs, including some nondiving PADI Specialities. 5. As an AI, you can enroll in PADI Specialty Instructor courses. When you successfully complete the IE and have ten dives in the specialty, you’ll be qualified to teach the specialties in which you took these courses. C. How does diver-level specialty training help your career as a PADI Divemaster? 1. Providing more dive opportunities. 2. Helping you gain specialty experience that applies when you qualify to teach the specialty at the Assistant Instructor and/or instructor levels. 3-138

Three: Knowledge Development

3. Giving you experience you can apply when assisting specialty diver training. Why take specialty diver courses?

II. Other Training That Can Aid Your Career A. Like any industry, the dive industry needs a variety of skills. Becoming a PADI Divemaster, Assistant Instructor and Instructor provides the base for a successful career, but additional skills and training can help your chances of finding rewarding full time or part time positions. B. What are six skills, outside of diver training, that can make you more valuable in the dive industry? 1. Boat handling/captain’s license - useful at resorts and boat-intensive operations. 2. Retail sales training - useful in virtually any dive operation. 3. Sales management training - valuable for growth within a retail dive operation. 4. Manufacturer equipment repair technician - certification to repair specific equipment expands a dive operation’s services. 5. Compressor and/or diesel engine mechanics - virtually all dive operations have compressors, many have diesel engines (in boat); these skills are especially valuable at remote destinations. 6. Writing/word processing/layout/photography producing store newsletters/brochures.

■ ■ Learn Learn new new skills skills

and and gain gain additional additional diving diving opportunities opportunities ■ ■ Gain Gain experience experience

to to apply apply when when assisting assisting with with specialty specialty training training DM DM 12 12 -- 55

What other training will aid your diving career? ■ ■ Boat Boat handling/captain’s handling/captain’s license license ■ ■ Retail Retail sales sales training training ■ ■ Sales Sales management management training training ■ ■ Equipment Equipment repair repair technician technician ■ ■ Compressor/diesel Compressor/diesel mechanic mechanic ■ ■ Writing Writing and and photography photography DM DM 12 12 --6 6

What should you know about emerging technologies?

III. The Role of Emerging Technologies

■ ■ Change Change is is inevitable inevitable and and

usually usually rapid rapid — — KEEP KEEP PACE PACE ■ ■ Stay Stay current current ◆ ◆ Read Read dive dive periodicals periodicals and and watching watching diving-related diving-related programs programs ◆ ◆ Attend Attend dive dive trade trade shows shows ◆ ◆ Continually Continually learn learn about about computers computers ◆ ◆ Put Put new new technologies technologies to to use use ◆ ◆ Be Be open open to to change change DM DM 12 12 -- 77

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

A. How will emerging technologies affect your career, and what should you do in response? 1. Technology changes rapidly in diving just as in other industries, and the pace continues to accelerate. 2. Much of what you know today will be obsolete in only a few years. a. Medical advancements are likely to rescue and first aid recommendations. b. Closed and semiclosed circuit scuba may become more common in recreational diving. c. Electronics may revolutionize navigation. d. Physiology may learn more about DCI, leading to new approaches to dive computer modeling, and DCI treatment. 3-139

e. Instruction continues to become more convenient and more efficient by using new technologies such as multimedia computer-based training, online training via the internet, etc. These will expand. B. A professional-level diver must remain current and up to speed with technology. 1. Failure to do so obsoletes you - you may have difficulty competing with new professionals entering the dive industry. 2. In some areas, failure to follow the most current standards-of-care may have potential liability. C. Ways to stay up to date. 1. Read a wide variety of dive periodicals and watch dive videos and television programming. 2. Attend dive trade shows. 3. Keep up with changes in computer technology - they affect virtually all industries, including diving. 4. Put new technologies into use. The best way to be familiar with them is through hands-on application. 5. Never accept nor reject something just because it’s new. Be open to change (you can’t stop it anyway), but use your experience to evaluate the merits of emerging technologies. Some will bring significant improvements to diving; others will be short-lived fads with little practicality.

Your Diving Career Questions? DM DM 12 12 --8 8


Three: Knowledge Development

Four Waterskills and Stamina Module

that nfir ms o c t i , t ice and es. Firs r pract ree rol o h f t e s a m e the eh g ti tes hav Modul llowin a a d a i , n d s i l n l i m a ca acity, sk s that and St ip cap ar ned s h e m l l s l r r i i f y e k l s n s d r o a u s c ate previo in a le evelop ond, it The W dule d orking o s retain ecessary. Sec w e m t a e a s r n i d o i o cand both f h i rd , t h t as n r some essortant sary. T iate fo opmen s r p l e p e c m o v i e r e r p ro g r s n p d i o f p f i re h a d c s i e p n t i h a ,w vels. g, ansh ndida ctor le rainin aching t u e r t n t water m g these in ca i s o s t n r I e d pin Scuba e suite ent div develo Water re mor h stud t n a i e y w p e g O h ot ssistin tor and skills s aster a nstruc m I e t v i n a D t PADI I Assis he PAD t o t g in

Conduct and Standards You conduct all portions of the Waterskills and Stamina exercises in confined water, except the Diver Rescue Assessment and Development, which may be conducted in confined water or open water.

Stamina Assessment and Development There are four exercises that evaluate stamina and waterskills, each rated by points. There is no passing score for any single exercise, but a combined score of 12 or more is required prior to certification. In addition, candidates must com-

plete all exercises prior to certification. Candidates who fall short of a combined score of 12 may be given time to practice and develop their abilities while continuing in other areas of the course.

on ssociati ional A Profess g Instructors of Divin

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Stamina Exercise 1: 400 Metre/Yard Swim The candidate must swim 400 metres/yards without stopping using no swimming aids and using any stroke or combination of strokes desired. If a candidate stops, the exercise is incomplete and must be repeated.

400 yards Time under 6 min 6 to 8 min 8 to 10 min 10 to 12 min more than 12 min stopped

400 metres Points 5 4 3 2 1 incomplete

Time under 6 min, 30 sec 6 min, 30 sec to 8 min, 40 sec 8 min, 40 sec to 11 min 11 to 13 min more than 13 min stopped

Stamina Exercise 2: 15 Minute Tread Using no aids and wearing only a swimsuit, the candidate will stay afloat by treading water, drown proofing, bobbing or floating for 15 minutes, with hands (not arms) out of the water during the last 2 minutes. A candidate with a physical challenge that makes it difficult/ impossible to hold hands out of the water is exempted from that portion of the exercise with no effect on the score. Criteria Performed satisfactorily Stayed afloat, but hands not out of water entire 2 minutes Used side/bottom for momentary support no more than twice Used side/bottom for support more than twice

Points 5 3 1 incomplete

Stamina Exercise 3: 800 Metre/Yard Snorkel Swim Using a mask, fins, snorkel and swimsuit only (no BCD or flotation aids) and swimming with the face in the water, the candidate must swim nonstop for 800 metres/yards. The candidate may not use arms to swim, unless the candidate has a physical challenge that limits leg use and arm-swimming is the individual’s normal swimming method while diving. If a candidate stops, the exercise is incomplete and must be repeated.

800 yards Time under 13 min 13 to 15 min 15 to 17 min 17 to 19 min more than 19 min stopped


800 metres Points 5 4 3 2 1 incomplete

Time under 14 min 14 to 16 min, 30 sec 16 min, 30 sec to 18 min, 30 sec 18 min, 30 sec to 21 min more than 21 min stopped

Four: Waterskills and Stamina

Stamina Exercise 4: 100 Metres/Yard Inert Diver Tow Wearing full scuba equipment, the candidate must push or tow an inert diver in full scuba at the surface 100 metres/yards nonstop without assistance. Note that this is a swimming power evaluation (speed-against-drag) not a rescue evaluation. If a candidate stops, the exercise is incomplete and must be repeated.

100 yards Time under 2 min 2 to 3 min 3 to 4 min 4 to 5 min more than 5 min stopped

100 metres Points 5 4 3 2 1 incomplete

Diver Rescue Assessment and Development The Diver Rescue Assessment and Development has three goals. First, it evaluates effectiveness to assure that candidates can perform a rescue if necessary in an emergency. Second, it improves the quality of rescue skills to be more role model for assisting with the PADI Rescue Diver course. Third, it forms the foundation of demonstration quality rescues required during the IDC/IE. This exercise is the simulated rescue of an unresponsive, nonbreathing diver. It applies a passfail evaluation criteria. You may conduct this exercise in a pool, confined water or open water in the following manner: 1. The “victim” is in full scuba equipment and submerged around 25 metres/yards from the “rescuer” (candidate you’re evaluating). The rescuer starts from the pool deck, shore or boat as appropriate. 2. At your signal, the rescuer enters the water, locates and surfaces the victim, properly checks for and Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

Time under 2 min, 10 sec 2 min, 10 sec to 3 min, 15 sec 3 min, 15 sec to 4 min, 20 sec 4 min, 20 sec to 5 min, 30 sec more than 5 min, 30 sec stopped

initiates breathing, tows the victim while removing own and victim’s weights, mask and scuba unit, and removes the victim from the water. (Equipment handlers allowed.) 3. To pass as an effective rescue, you must be able to answer “yes” to all the following: • Upon surfacing, did the rescuer establish victim’s buoyancy? • Did the rescuer look, listen and feel for breathing? • Did rescuer open the airway and give two slow rescue breaths? • Did the rescuer call for help? • Did the rescuer use an effective inwater rescue breathing technique? • Did the rescuer protect the victim’s airway with no or very few interruptions? • Did the rescuer maintain regular ventilations with no or very few interruptions?


• Did the rescuer resume any ventilation interruptions with two slow rescue breaths? • Did the rescuer perform the rescue without any assistance (except the exit where individual physical characteristics and/or the environment may require assistance)? Note that there is no time limit for the rescue.

Confined Waterskill Assessment and Development The Confined Waterskill Assessment and Development has two purposes – to verify that the candidate can perform the 20 basic dive skills from the PADI Skill Evaluation, and to train the candidate to perform these skills to demonstration quality.

Part One: Developing Demonstration Quality Skills

watch. You can bring individual candidates to the surface for suggestions during this short practice interval. After watching their practice, have each candidate perform the skill for you. Their execution should be to the 4 level or better. If some candidates need more polish, emphasize those areas that need work and have candidates practice again. Be sure a candidate can demonstrate the skill to the 4 level or better before moving on to Part Two of this session.

Skill Evaluation Scores ScoreCharacteristics 1

Candidate unable to perform exercise.


Exercise performed with significant difficulty or error.


Exercise performed correctly, though too quickly to adequately exhibit or illustrate details of the skill


Exercise performed correctly, and slowly enough to adequately exhibit or illustrate details of skill.


Exercise performed correctly, slowly and with exaggerated movement – appeared easy.

The first part of this session teaches candidates how to perform a demonstration quality skill. Procedure: begin by describing for candidates the characteristics of a demonstration quality skill. Tell them that they will earn to perform mask removal and replacement in a demonstration quality manner. Emphasize that their goal is not learning how to do the skill, which they should already know, but how to execute it in a way that allows student divers to learn the steps and critical attributes. In shallow water kneel down with the group and perform a demonstration quality mask removal and replacement. Allow candidates to practice independently while you


Note: These scores are the same as those used for Skill Evaluation through all levels of PADI leadership training.

By the end of Part One, the candidate should be able to execute the skill of removing, replacing and clearing a mask in a manner that earns a score of 4 or higher.

Four: Waterskills and Stamina

Part Two: Performing the 20 Basic Scuba Skills From the PADI Skill Evaluation After demonstrating a 4 or 5 for mask removal and replacement, candidates are ready to apply demonstration principles to the 20 basic scuba skills listed below. A skill demonstrated at the 3 level is adequate for someone to learn from, so it isn’t necessary to require a level of 4 or 5 on all skills. However, the goal of this exercise is to teach candidates how they can make their skills even more effective as teaching tools by striving for the 4 and 5 levels.

Procedure: Have candidates perform the 20 skills listed on the Skill Evaluation Slate or Divemaster Skill Development Score Sheet. Grade them according to the scoring criteria. As necessary, perform the skills for candidates in a demonstration quality manner until they earn at least 68 total points, with no individual score below 3. The mask removal and replacement skill must be repeated during this portion of the exercise.

Note: While a few 3s are acceptable, candidates must earn 4s and 5s on several skills to be successful. All 3s earns only 54 points.

By the end of Part Two, the candidate must demonstrate the 20 basic dive skills, with all skills earning a 3 or higher, and the total score for all 20 skills at least 68 points.

20 Basic Scuba Skills for Skill Evaluation 1.

Equipment assembly, adjustment, preparation, donning and disassembly


Predive safety check (BWRAF)


Deep water entry


Buoyancy check at surface


Snorkel-regulator/regulator snorkel exchange


Five point descent


Regulator recovery and clearing


Mask removal, replacement and clearing


Air depletion exercise and alternate air source use stationary


Freeflow regulator breathing


Fin pivot (neutral buoyancy)


Five point ascent


Remove and replace weight system on the surface


Controlled Emergency Swimming Ascent (CESA)


Hovering motionless


Underwater swim without a mask


Remove and replace weight system underwater


Remove and replace scuba unit underwater


Remove and replace scuba unit on the surface


Buddy breathing stationary and swimming (donor and receiver)

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide



Four: Waterskills and Stamina

Five Practical Application Module

t into s to pu e t sters. a d i ivema cand D r I e t D s a A P ining s divem functioning red Tra i e allow s l u a u q e e d s o R the tion M y will u art includes pplica evelop ills the p A d k t s l s s r a e i d as two s c f i i n t c e a ac ge . Th exer p a rt h d s t e e d l s n n e w e The Pr o h o c m n plete. T skills. The se al or wo seg e the k h actu st com tains t g practic g u n n u o i m c o v r s l e e h l o t s der a .T odu roblem candid e rc i s e s kills un p l x s This m l E r d a e g n t t s n a a i a with n al es th al Trai zation y divem ates to work c i l i t n p Exercis c a p a g a r r P d d i ate’s o es gain lop an s cand ship or candid ndidat Inter n es deve s allow a t c n n a , o a d s i i t e d s p — n o s E x e rc i ies, ca nship option aining activit r e Inter T d h r oles. l e T t a . a c l i n ract r visor y simu visio P e r e p g p u n s i u r s tor g and ers. Du instruc assistin s or div g t n n i t e a d l u u real st ile sim nce wh e i r e p ex

Conduct and Standards For certification, divemaster candidates must successfully complete the Required Training Exercises 1-3 and either the entire Internship or all the Practical Training Exercises. It’s recommended that candidates participate in Required Training Exercises before moving on to the Internship or Practical Training Exercises. The problem solving abilities and confidence gained will add to the candidates’ experiences during practical application. If time allows, it’s also recommended that candidates participate in both Internship activities and Practical Training Exercises, however, they only need to complete one option. This provides experience in working with actual divers and allows targeted

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

learning while simulating scenarios under instructor supervision. A teaching status PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor or higher must conduct the training for all components of the Practical Application Module.

Minimum Diver Numbers for Training Exercises Practical Training Exercises 1-4 make use of simulated supervisory conditions. This requires individuals to role play divers being supervised. For the purposes of training, the minimum number of role players required in each of these exercises is 4. These role players may be other candidates, instructional n staff members, or certified ociatio nal Ass rofessio g Instructors P divers. of Divin 5-1

Required Training Exercises Required Training Exercise 1 Mapping Project In this exercise candidates survey a dive site and draw a map from it. Besides the obvious function of giving candidates experience in creating maps for use by divers and as a briefing aid, the exercise has another important educational role. Candidates learn to combine several skills – dive planning, underwater navigation, search patterns, and data recording – to achieve the goal. In effect, mapping is a Candidates must: problem-solving exercise that relies on effective dive organization and manage1. Survey with a buddy, a dive site or ment. portion of a dive site assigned by the

Procedures You may assign different dive sites to candidate buddy teams as projects to complete independently, or you may have the entire class collaborate in a single map in a scheduled session you lead. In making the assignment(s): 1. Try to select a site that the candidates aren’t overly familiar with.

instructor, including underwater and surface features, with sufficient detail and accuracy for creating a map of the site. 2. Create a map of the dive site, showing (as applicable to the site) underwater relief, important points of interest, recommended entry/exit areas, local facilities, and potential hazards.

2. Emphasize the importance of dive planning as the primary ingredient in successful mapping. 3. Remind candidates to be as accurate as possible in their measurements and what they record. Point out that inaccuracies tend be cumulative. Attention to detail makes for a better map. 4. Have candidates save their slate notes and other resources for your review. Debrief by creating a nonjudgmental atmosphere in which candidates tell you about their performance rather than vice versa. Look at their slates and other rough work as they debrief. Ask them how the exercise went. Candidates usually will tell you what they were thinking, what they did and what they would change. 5. An adequate map is one that is complete and would be useful for navigation by someone who has never been at the site before. Some teams will be better skilled at artwork and drawing than others, but keep in mind that you are not judging artistic quality. 6. Some candidates may not have ever performed a U-pattern search. If so, you may want to hold a short session for these candidates to practice one under your supervision prior to undertaking the mapping project.


Five: Practical Application

Required Training Exercise 2 Equipment Exchange The primary goal of the equipment exchange is problem solving, but with an added level of unanticipated problems and performance under stress. Because the exercise creates an environment with unforeseeable difficulties, candidates have to apply their experience and knowledge creatively, to meet the demands of the moment. This is an important aspect of leading divers and solving problems on the spot. This exercise is a problem solving evaluation and development tool only. It has no other application. It creates a controlled problems situation in which to develop and evaluate leadership-level problem solving under stress skills. Therefore, this exercise isn’t appropriate for training at lower diver levels.

Procedures 1. Conduct this exercise in a pool or other confined water site. 2. Divide the candidates into buddy teams with each buddy wearing full scuba equipment. Equipment should include an exposure suit commonly used in the local area (dive skins, wet suits, dry suits, etc.). Don’t tell Candidates must: candidates who their team mates will be in advance. Staff members may act as Demonstrate the ability to solve buddies if necessary and should cooperunanticipated problems underwater ate fully and not intentionally add by exchanging all scuba equipment difficulty. The candidate should do all (except exposure suits and weights) the planning and lead the exercise. with a buddy while buddy breathing. Candidates must earn a 3 or higher as described in the evaluation criteria.

3. Prior to assessment, give each buddy team a maximum of 5 minutes to discuss and plan the exercise. Remember, part of the evaluation is problemsolving ability of unforeseen problems under stress. Allowing excessive preparation reduces the stress and the effectiveness of the exercise.

4. Have each team swim from the shallow area of the pool/confined water to water too deep in which to stand. 5. In deeper water, have them begin buddy breathing, then exchange all equipment except exposure suit and weight belts. 6. When the exchange is complete, have them return to the shallow area while continuing to buddy breathing.

Notes: 1.

Variation from normal diving practice is acceptable during the exchange because this exercise creates highly unusual circumstances. You should evaluate the candidate’s ability to control stress while solving problems – normal skill competence may suffer under these conditions.


It may be necessary and acceptable to give each member of a buddy team different scores if one member dominates the exercise, or if it is obvious that difficulties lie with one member substantially more than the other.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Equipment Exchange Evaluation Criteria Candidates must perform to a level of 3 or higher prior to certification.

Score 5





Criteria Task performed in a well-thought-out, efficient and purposeful manner with no sign of problems. Very low anxiety level. Looks routine and fun. Task performed competently with a relatively low anxiety level. Problems encountered were easily and efficiently handled. Complete exchange occurred without surfacing. However, numerous problems were encountered that delayed the speed and efficiency of the performance. The grade is also appropriate for a buddy who was overly dependent on the other, and who, in essence, had everything done for him. Significant problems demonstrated, and exchange completed only after one or both team members surfaced once. Inability to complete the exchange, or exchange completed but required one or both members to surface more than once.

Required Training Exercise 3 Divemaster Conducted Program [Prerequisite: Topic 9 – Divemaster Conducted Programs] This exercise familiarizes candidates with programs they may conduct without instructor supervision. This scenario builds upon what candidates learned in Topic 9 – Divemaster Conducted Programs by having them conduct part or all of a simulated or actual Discover Snorkeling, Scuba Review, or Discover Local Diving program, or PADI Skin Diver course. If simulating this exercise, the minimum number of role players required is 4.

Procedures 1. Organize an actual or simulated PADI Discover Snorkeling, Scuba Review, Discover Local Diving, or PADI Skin Diver course. If you have candidates participate in an actual program, remember that PADI Divemaster candidates may not be used to meet ratio requirements. 2. Have candidates review the program standards in the PADI Instructor Manual. 3. Assign each candidate a briefing, supervision/skills, and debriefing. The program chosen will influence what you assign. For example with Discover Local Diving, the candidate might conduct the entire dive 5-4

Five: Practical Application

briefing, a short part of the dive, and the entire debriefing. With the PADI Skin Diver course, the candidate may brief one or more skills, demonstrate the skills and conduct student practice, then debrief the skills. 4. Demonstrate a role model briefing, conduct and debriefing for the program prior to having candidates perform theirs. Your demonstration may be part of an actual program, or a simulated one.

Candidates must:

Conduct a simulated or actual PADI Discover Snorkeling, Scuba Review, or Discover Local Diving program, or PADI Skin Diver course, while under the direct supervision of a PADI Instructor, in a manner that shows a complete briefing, effective and safe inwater supervision, and an effective debriefing.

5. Explain to candidates that they will be assessed for all phases of their assignment based on: • the completeness, effectiveness and compliance with standards, • the application of what they’ve learned during Knowledge Development and through diving experience, • their application of good judgment.

6. Have candidates brief, conduct and debrief their assignments in open or confined water as required by the program selected. It’s recommended that different candidates have different assignments, and when feasible, that assignments involve different PADI Divemaster conducted programs.

Remember that in actual programs, a PADI Instructor must fill in any gaps or make any corrections necessary to assure that participants receive complete and accurate briefings/debriefings. Besides directly supervising program conduct, a PADI Instructor must assess participant skills to assure mastery consistent with program requirements.

Assessing Candidate Performance Evaluate the exercise as adequate or inadequate based on completeness, accuracy, appropriateness and the application of good judgment. To qualify as adequate, you should be able to answer “yes’ to the following questions (some may not apply to all programs or assignments):

Briefing •

Did the candidate assess dive conditions?

Did the candidate give planned dive limits (time/depth/distance/air supply) within those conditions?

Did the candidate clearly state what participant and divemaster roles will be?

For instructional programs (e.g., PADI Skin Diver course, Scuba Review), did the candidate give clear objectives of what participants will be able to do?

Did the candidate provide dive site description and area orientation (hazards, points of interest, special requirements, facilities)?

Did the candidate assess participants (properly equipped, etc.) as appropriate for the program?

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Did the candidate brief participants on entry/exit techniques and locations?

Did the candidate include other briefing components as required by program standards?

Did the candidate confirm that divers have buddies?

Did the candidate confirm or make a predive safety check (as appropriate for the program)?

Did the candidate review communications, emergency procedures and recall procedures?

Program Conduct •

Did the candidate supervise from appropriate vantage point?

Did the candidate give effective skill demonstrations (if appropriate for program)?

Did the candidate handle problems effectively?

Did the candidate keep activities organized and in control?

Debriefing •

Did the candidate identify problems and solutions to them?

Did the candidate sign dive logs?

General •

Was the program generally positive and fun?

Did the candidate follow PADI Standards throughout?

Did the candidate make appropriate adjustments to ratios, limits, etc. within standards to accommodate conditions, individual characteristics or other factors?

Remediate candidates, as necessary, and have them repeat the exercise until they can to conduct the program adequately in all respects.


Five: Practical Application

Practical Application Internship

(Option 1)

The Internship portion of the Practical Application Module meets both instructional and experience goals for the PADI Divemaster course by having candidates supervise and assist divers during training situations. The philosophy of the internship is for candidates to learn by applying principles and skills to actual supervision and teaching situations. Your role as an instructor/mentor is to guide this experiential learning so that candidates gradually gain confidence and broaden responsibilities in a wide array of activities. Therefore, candidate duties may range from assisting with equipment handling and logistics to assisting a student diver with a problem (under instructor supervision). For all internship activities a PADI Instructor must fill in any gaps or make any corrections necessary to ensure that divers receive complete and accurate training. Besides directly supervising program conduct, a PADI Instructor must assess diver skills to assure mastery consistent with program requirements. As stated earlier, you have the choice of having candidates complete the entire Internship or all the Practical Training Exercises. Giving candidates the opportunity to complete all of one and parts of the other is recommended when feasible for added candidate confidence and experience.

Internship Requirements Divemaster candidates must participate in at least: 1. One PADI Open Water Diver course confined water session. 2. Four additional confined water training sessions from any PADI course or program. This may include sessions from the Open Water Diver course, Discover Scuba Diving program, Peak Performance Buoyancy course and other specialty courses and PADI programs. 3. One PADI Open Water Diver course open water training dive. 4. One PADI Adventures in Diving, Rescue Diver or PADI Specialty Diver course open water training session. 5. Three additional open water training dives from any PADI course or program. 6. One supervisory situation with certified divers not in a formal course. Required Training Exercise sessions with actual student divers/ certified divers to meet other PADI Divemaster course requirements may not be counted toward the internship requirement.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Internship Objectives During the internship, candidates must: 1.

Organize the predive setup of equipment by Open Water Diver students for confined water and open water training.


Coordinate student diver flow during confined water and open water training dives.


Supervise Open Water Diver student divers not receiving the immediate attention of the instructor during confined and open water training.


Account for buddy teams entering and leaving the water by checking them in and out of the water.


Assist an Open Water Diver student overcome a learning difficulty in confined water, or a continuing education student diver in open water.


Respond to, or prevent, diver problems as they occur in each section of the internship.


Demonstrate four or more skills for student divers in confined water.


Assist in the preparation of an open water training site.


Conduct an environmental assessment at an open water training site and report to the instructor appropriate recommendations about the suitability of the site for training entry-level and continuing education student divers.

10. Lead student divers on an underwater tour (ratio 2:1) for pleasure. (A PADI Instructor must directly supervise this tour, though the candidate conducts the tour as if the instructor were indirectly supervising.)

Note: PADI Divemaster candidates may not be used to meet ratio requirements, and they may not indirectly supervise uncertified divers.


Conduct environmental and diver assessments for supervising divers not in training and include recommendations based on the assessment in a predive briefing, and take other appropriate steps based on the assessments.


Conduct an appropriate predive briefing for a dive site.


Escort continuing education student divers on an indirectlysupervised training dives and report observed performances to the instructor and assist with problems, if any.

Assessing Candidate Performance Mastery of Internship objectives is based on scoring a 3 or higher on each of the performance requirements. It is suggested that you use Practical Training Exercises as a way to remediate and train candidates who score lower than 3 prior to resuming the internship.


Five: Practical Application


Divemaster Course Instructor Guide



Candidate independently accomplished the objective without noticeable errors, and showed creativity while anticipating instructor and diver needs in the process.


Candidate accomplished the objective with no noticeable errors and without significant help from instructor or staff.


Candidate accomplished the objective adequately, with a few insignificant errors. Instructor correction and intervention limited to brief reminders or suggestions.


Candidate showed rudimentary understanding of tasks required to meet objective, but made significant errors or omissions. Instructor correction and intervention was required for a competent result.


Candidates made many or substantial errors and omissions in attempting task, or tasks not completed.


Practical Training Exercises (Option 2) The Practical Training Exercises offer an alternative to an Internship when logistics and actual supervisory situations make an Internship unfeasible. Practical Training Exercises afford comparable training and experience because you can simulate the situations candidates would encounter. Although the exercises don’t provide the same hands-on experience as an Internship, you can present candidates with a wide variety of specific challenges they may expect in their roles as PADI Divemasters. In setting up the scenario for each Practical Training Exercise, you may have other candidates, certified divers or instructional staff members play the roles of participating divers. In briefing participants, ask them to try to play their parts as realistically as possible. The more realistic the role playing, the more candidates learn and benefit from the exercises. Each exercise includes responding to diver problems. Candidates should not know the problems ,who will have them or when, in advance. The intent is to assign routine problems faced by PADI Divemasters, such as buddy separation, low air, broken fin strap, etc. All dives conducted as part of these exercises should include normal diving procedures – evaluating conditions, predive safety checks, etc. You may assign candidates to perform these steps for practice and review.

Assessing Candidate Performance Mastery of all Practical Training Exercise objectives is based on scoring of a 3 or higher on each of the performance requirements. Remediate and counsel candidates who score lower than 3 and repeat exercises as necessary.





Candidate independently accomplished the objective without noticeable errors, and showed creativity while anticipating instructor and diver needs in the process.


Candidate accomplished the objective with no noticeable errors and without significant help from instructor or staff.


Candidate accomplished the objective adequately, with a few insignificant errors. Instructor correction and intervention limited to brief reminders or suggestions.


Candidate showed rudimentary understanding of tasks required to meet objective, but made significant errors or omissions. Instructor correction and intervention was required for a competent result.


Candidates made many or substantial errors and omissions in attempting task, or tasks not completed. Five: Practical Application

Practical Training Exercise 1 Certified Divers in Open Water This exercise simulates the role a divemaster plays in supervising general diving activities and includes leading a dive tour.

Procedures 1. Use a typical dive site appropriate for noninstructional diving. Assign participants who are role playing “divers” various experience and training levels, and problems. If several divemaster candidates are participating, you will rotate Candidates must: roles and repeat the exercise for each candi1. Conduct environmental and diver date. assessments, and take other 2. Have the candidate assess the dive site and appropriate supervisory steps divers, and choose a vantage point and inwater based on the assessments. supervision techniques. 2. Conduct an appropriate predive briefing for a dive site. 3. Account for buddy teams entering and leaving the water. 4. Respond to, or prevent diver problems appropriately.

3. Have the candidate assume the lead and brief the group, confirm buddy teams, direct predive safety checks and take other appropriate steps. 4. In the water, the candidate should escorts divers, handling assigned problems as they occur.

5. After the dive, have the candidate finish the scenario with a short debriefing. Then you debrief the group about the exercise, and privately debrief the candidate about the candidate’s performance.

Practical Training Exercise 2 Open Water Diver Students in Confined Water This exercise simulates the role a divemaster plays in assisting the training of entry-level divers in confined water.

Procedures 1. Conduct an Open Water Diver course - Confined Water Dive as you normally would with actual students. If several divemaster candidates are participating, you will rotate roles and repeat the exercise for each candidate. 2. Assign participants, who are role playing “student divers,” various problems to have during each phase of the session. Explain exactly how quickly or slowly to “learn” the skill or correct a mistake when working one-on-one with the divemaster candidate. 3. Begin with class set up. Tell the candidate where you want the class to be staged and have the candidate supervise student divers. 4. In confined water, brief students on a skill, explaining that the candidate will demonstrate the skill. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


5. Underwater, have the candidate demonstrate, then conduct skill practice with students. Have the divemaster candidate supervise the class, control student diver flow, and handle problems that occur with student divers you’re not working with. 6. Have the candidate work independently with one student diver who has difficulty mastering a skill. 7. After the student diver masters the skill, signal everyone to surface and debrief the group as if they were Open Water Diver students. Then privately debrief the candidate about the candidate’s performance.

Candidates must: 1. Organize the predive setup of equipment by Open Water Diver students for confined water training dives. 2. Coordinate student diver flow during confined water training dives . 3. Supervise Open Water Diver students not receiving the immediate attention of the instructor during confined water training dives . 4. Assist an Open Water Diver student in overcoming a learning difficulty in confined water. 5. Respond to, or prevent, student diver problems as they occur. 6. Demonstrate a skill for student divers in confined water.

Practical Training Exercise 3 Open Water Diver Students in Open Water This exercise simulates the role the divemaster plays in assisting the training of entry-level divers in open water.

Procedures 1. Conduct an Open Water Diver course – Open Water Dive as you normally would with actual students. If several divemaster candidates are participating, you will rotate roles and repeat the exercise for each candidate. 2. Assign participants, who are role playing “student divers,” various problems to have during each phase of the session. 3. Have the candidate evaluate the conditions and make a recommendation regarding the suitability of conditions for entry-level training. 4. Have the candidate supervise student divers while they set up for the dive. Also have the candidate assist with site preparation as necessary (anchoring float, etc.)


Candidates must: 1. Conduct an environmental assessment at an open water training site and report to the instructor appropriate recommendations about the suitability of the site for training entry-level student divers. 2. Organize the predive setup of equipment by Open Water Diver student divers for open water training. 3. Assist in the preparation of an open water training site. 4. Coordinate student diver flow during open water training. 5. Supervise Open Water Diver student divers not receiving the immediate attention of the instructor during open water training. 6. Respond to, or prevent, student diver problems as they occur. 7. Lead student divers on an underwater tour (ratio 2:1) for pleasure.

Five: Practical Application

5. Begin open water training dive and have the candidate perform normal duties — escorting student divers at the surface, attending them as you conduct skills, assisting in and out of water, etc. Allow the candidate to handle assigned problems as they occur. 6. Have the candidate take two student divers on underwater tour while you follow to observe and assess performance. Explain to candidates that they should conduct the tour as though you were not directly present. 7. After the dive, debrief the group. Then privately debrief candidate about the candidate’s performance.

Practical Training Exercise 4 Continuing Education Student Divers in Open Water This exercise simulates the role the divemaster plays in assisting the training of divers at levels above the Open Water Diver level.

Procedures 1. Choose a dive from a PADI continuing education course to conduct. If it’s a Specialty Diver course dive, select a specialty with which the divemaster candidate has experience. If several divemaster candidates are participating, rotate roles and repeat the exercise for each candidate. 2. Assign participants, who are role playing “student divers,” various underwater tasks and problems associated with those tasks (e.g., an underwater photography student might leave the lens cap on while trying to shoot a photo.)

Candidates must: 1. Coordinate student diver flow during open water training. 2. Escort continuing education student divers under the indirect supervision of the instructor during open water training and report performance and learning difficulties to instructor. 3. Assist a continuing education student diver in overcoming a learning difficulty.

3. Have the candidate prepare for dive with the students, enter the water and escort the divers as they begin the training dive. Follow to observe and assess candidate performance, but explain that the candidate should conduct the dive as though you were not directly present. 4. As assigned problems occur, allow the candidate to assist the divers correct and complete their tasks. 5. After dive, ask the candidate about student diver performance. Then debrief group, and privately debrief candidate about the candidate’s performance.

4. Respond to, or prevent, student diver problems as they occur.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide



Five: Practical Application


Table of Contents PADI Membership and License Agreement


Divemaster Application


Divemaster Candidate Information and Evaluation Form


Divemaster Skill Development Score Sheet


Discover Scuba Diving Internship Completion Form


Practical Application Record Sheet


Divemaster Exam – Answer Key A


Divemaster Exam – Answer Key B


Divemaster Exam – Answer Sheet


Divemaster Manual – Knowledge Review Answer Keys


n ociatio nal Ass tors io s s fe c Pro g Instru of Divin

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


PADI Membership Agreement PLEASE READ CAREFULLY – Sign statement on application Renewal and continued membership is partially based upon your reading and signing this Agreement. PADI will consider renewal of your membership subject to the following terms and conditions: 1. I will abide by all PADI Standards and Procedures as published in the PADI Instructor Manual and Training Bulletin and other updates, within the capacity of my current classification, when conducting PADI programs, and will not deviate from them when representing myself as a PADI Member. 2. I have made myself knowledgeable about the latest PADI Standards and Procedures by reading the Training Bulletin and related publications. I have become familiar with PADI educational materials and am knowledgeable of any revisions to such materials and the introduction of new materials. 3. I am aware of the fact that scuba diving can seriously affect a person’s health and life. I agree to omit from certification any student who does not meet all the prerequisites and performance requirements specified for the respective level of certification. 4. I understand and agree that any false reports of standards violations deemed by the Quality Management Committee to have been made for competitive, political or financial reasons shall be grounds for Quality Assurance action. 5. I am aware of the Quality Assurance Report Form that may be filed with PADI. I am further aware of the recourse available to me through the PADI Quality Assurance process to refute any complaints that may be reported. I understand and agree that all rulings by the Quality Management Committee with regard to such complaints shall be deemed binding. 6. I understand and agree that PADI may notify other certifying organizations should a PADI Member be required by the Quality Management Committee to undergo instructor-level retraining. I further understand that the names of suspended and expelled members will be published in The Undersea Journal and on PADI’s web site. 7. I understand and agree that all members (individuals, dive centers and resorts) involved in the training of a particular student, as determined by the student’s certification records at PADI, are responsible for adherence to PADI Standards during the conduct of that training. The Quality Assurance Department will communicate with all involved members upon receipt of reports or any other information indicating possible violation of PADI Standards and Procedures.

8. I understand and agree that financial irresponsibility in dealings with PADI is grounds for membership suspension. 9. I will not discredit PADI nor cause any action that will create a liability to PADI. PADI will have the sole right to determine whether any actions are detrimental to PADI. 10. I will file a PADI Incident Report Form with PADI for any diving-related incident of which I am aware that may have harmed or potentially harmed myself or another individual. 11. I agree to provide PADI with true and correct student/participant contact information, including the student’s proper mailing address, when I submit any certification authorization or participant registration (PIC envelope, application, or registration card/roster) to PADI. I understand such information shall be the property of both PADI and the submitting member. 12. I acknowledge that diving and diving instruction are physically strenuous activities and that it is my personal responsibility to maintain the necessary level of fitness in order to involve myself in diving instructional and supervisory activities. I also acknowledge that should my physical condition change, rendering me incapable of meeting the physical requirements of diving instruction and supervision, I will cease my instructional and supervisory activities until I am again capable and, if necessary, cleared by a diving medical examination performed by a licensed physician. 13. I understand and agree that the terms and conditions of this Agreement were effective and binding 1 January 1999 and for subsequent years of my membership with PADI. Should PADI modify this Agreement, I will be notified in writing of the changes prior to the next renewal. 14. I acknowledge that this Agreement does not intend to create an agency relationship between me and PADI. Except as otherwise provided in this Membership Agreement, PADI has no control over or involvement with my day-to-day operations and activities and bears no responsibility for the same. 15. I understand and agree that membership in PADI is granted at the sole discretion of PADI, based on its unilateral determination of several criteria including, but not limited to, whether acceptance and continuation of membership is in the best interest of PADI. Satisfaction of minimum requirements does not guarantee membership. Membership in PADI, at any level, may be revoked at any time. Rev. 8/00

License Agreement PADI Worldwide Corp. (a California corporation, hereinafter “PADI”) has the right and authority to use and sublicense various marks owned by International PADI, Inc. (a California corporation). These marks include, but are not limited to, Professional Association of Diving Instructors, PADI, certain logotypes -including a diver placed on a world, a mark for The Undersea Journal, as well as other marks, including Specialty and Certification marks. PADI relies upon the foregoing marks to indicate the source of origin of its services, certifications and products, so that the public will be protected; and its instructors, Dive Centers, Resort Dive Operators, Dive Boat Operators, students and others associated with PADI will receive the highest-quality services and products pertaining to its business. To provide its members with the ability to advertise, promote and indicate the source of origin of the PADI services, certifications and products they provide, PADI Members are hereby granted a license to use the forgoing marks on promotional materials only, specifically printed, film or video formats, and software, fixed media, such as floppy disks, hard drives or CD-ROM, or any interactive digital or broadcast media or methods, including, but not limited to, internet or World Wide Web Sites. The license shall not extend to the provision of other printed materials, such as manuals, books, instructions, clothing or products or any other materials whether or not they are manufactured, sold, distributed or licensed to others by PADI. This license extended by PADI shall only be with respect to (1.) Printed advertising and promotional materials, (newspaper and periodical advertisements, telephonedirectory advertising, handbills and signs); (2.) Film and video format promotional materials such as television commercials, slide shows or promotional videos; and (3.) Software, fixed media, such as floppy disks, hard drives or CD-ROM, or any interactive digital or broadcast media or methods, including, but not limited to, Product No. 10125 (2/02) Version 1.0 pdf


internet or World Wide Web Sites; none of which shall include use on any item or product intended for resale. The word “PADI” (padi) may not be used in internet domain names. The foregoing license for advertising and promotional use shall in all respects follow the exact format, character, general appearance, type style, background and proportions of the marks originating from PADI. In no case shall the marks be combined with other marks, symbols, language or be in a format and appearance other than that actually used by PADI. The full trademark must be used; truncated or partial use of a mark is not authorized. This license shall be personal to the individual member and shall be nontransferable, nondivisible and not capable of being sublicensed in any manner through any party. Notwithstanding the foregoing, PADI shall have the sole right to disapprove of any promotional materials prepared and shall be the sole judge of the criteria of whether it meets the standard of this license agreement. To this end, any suggestions or requests by authorized members of the PADI staff as to the usage of the marks shall be complied with as soon as possible to avoid mistakes, deceptions, dilution or other problems that would be detrimental to the foregoing marks. Regardless of the foregoing license, PADI shall have the right to institute and bring any suit or any other action necessary to protect its marks as to any person, firm or corporation now or prospectively using the marks or any similar marks, derivations, analogs, trade names, fanciful scripts or designs. This license shall extend for the term of membership, which shall be terminated forthwith upon termination of the member’s relationship with PADI. Rev. 8/00 © International PADI, Inc. 2002


Divemaster Course Instructor Guide





Divemaster Course Instructor Guide




PRACTICAL APPLICATION RECORD SHEET Use this sheet for evaluating Internship or Practical Training Exercises. File one for each session. Please do not send these to your PADI Office. Candidate ___________________________________________________________________________Date______________________________ Instructor ____________________________________________________________________________________ PADI No. _________________ Internship

Practical Training Exercise

Open water

Confined water

Student Level (real or simulated) _______________________________ Number of participants __________

Scoring Score each objective below based on this scale:

Score 5 4 3 2 1

Performance Candidate independently accomplished the objective without noticeable errors, and showed creativity and anticipation of instructor and diver needs in the process. Candidate accomplished the objective with no noticeable errors and without significant help from instructor or staff. Candidate accomplished the objective adequately with a few insignificant errors. Instructor correction and intervention limited to brief reminders or suggestions. Candidate showed rudimentary understanding of tasks required to meet objective, but made signficant errors or omissions. Instructor correction and intervention was required for a competent result. Candidate made many or substantial errors and omissions in attempting task, or task not completed.

The following lists all objectives from the Practical Application Module. Some do not apply to all internship phases or exercises. List the score, or NA for those that don’t apply, by each objective. Successful performance requires a score of 3 for each objective. Consult the “PADI Divemaster Course Instructor Guide” in the PADI Instructor Manual for details on each objective. Score 1.

Organizes predive equipment setup.



Coordinates student diver flow.



Supervises student divers not receiving immediate instructor attention.



Accounts for buddy teams entering/leaving the water.



Assists student diver overcome learning difficulty.



Responds to or prevents diver problems.



Demonstrates skill for student divers.



Assists in training site preparation.


Conducts an environmental assessment.




Leads student divers on an underwater tour or escorts continuing education students.



Makes recommendations based on diver/environment assessement in a predive briefing, and takes other appropriate steps based on the assessments.



Conducts an appropriate predive briefing.

___________ Total

Comments on performance:


(Please use other side)

Instructor Signature _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Candidate Signature ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PRODUCT NO. 10149 (1/99) Version 1.0 pdf

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

© International PADI, Inc. 1999


PADI DIVEMASTER Discover Scuba Diving Internship Completion Form PADI Divemasters in Active Status (and with insurance, where required) may conduct PADI Discover Scuba Diving programs in a pool or confined open water environment after successfully completing a Discover Scuba Diving Internship. The internship consists of conducting four separate PADI Discover Scuba Diving programs in a pool or confined open water environment under the direct supervision of a PADI Instructor. After completing the internship, submit this form, signed by the instructor, to your PADI Office for processing and authorization. PLEASE PRINT OR TYPE (Authorization will be returned to the Divemaster.) Name_______________________________________________________________________ PADI No._______________________ Mailing Address ______________________________________________________________________________________________ City________________________________________________________________ State/Province ___________________________ Country ____________________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code __________________________ Home Phone (______)_____________________________ Business Phone (______)_____________________________ FAX (______)____________________________________

Birth Date____________________________

Sex: M


Email ________________________________________________________________ Preferred Language _____________________ INTERNSHIP VERIFICATION – PADI DISCOVER SCUBA DIVING PROGRAMS Date_______________ Supervising Instructor _________________________________ PADI Number ______________ Date_______________ Supervising Instructor _________________________________ PADI Number ______________ Date_______________ Supervising Instructor _________________________________ PADI Number ______________ Date_______________ Supervising Instructor _________________________________ PADI Number ______________ I verify that this PADI Divemaster has completed four required Discover Scuba Diving programs under the direct supervision of a PADI Instructor Verifying Instructor _______________________________________ PADI No.________________ Date ______________ Verifying Instructor Signature

PAYMENT METHOD (See current price list for processing fee and if


(Use for Replacement Certification Card Only)

applicable, replacement card fees.) 䡺 Check 䡺 Master Card

䡺 Switch / Solo issue no ______________ (UK only) 䡺 Visa

䡺 American Express

䡺 Discover Card

䡺 Application filled out completely 䡺 Signature – Verifying Instructor

Card Number ___________ __________ __________ _________

䡺 Fee Enclosed – Total Amount _______

Expiration date ___________________________________________

䡺 Photo – head and shoulders (Include only if requesting a replacement certification card.)

Cardholder Name __________________________________________ (please print)

Cardholder Address ________________________________________ (If different from applicant)

Attach a 13/4” X 21/4” Head-andShoulders Photo PRINT NAME ON BACK OF PHOTO Coin machine photo OK — do not send old cards. NO DARK GLASSES

Authorized Signature _______________________________________

REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATION CARD (Check card type below.) If you want to receive a new card (which includes a Discover Scuba Diving designation), please attach a 1 3 /4” x 2 1 /4” photo and include additional processing fee. □ Project AWARE Card a portion of processing fee will be donated to the Project AWARE Foundation for environmental programs. □ Standard “Member Since” PADI card MAIL TO YOUR PADI OFFICE. For mailing information, see your price list or visit padi.com. PRODUCT NO. 10151 (01/03) Version 1.0


F O R O F F I C E U S E O N LY Rec’d ________________________ Ent __________________________ Ship’d ______________________ © International PADI, Inc. 2003


Name ____________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________ (Please Print)



Upon making your answer choice, COMPLETELY fill in the space ■ below the proper letter. If a mistake is made, erase your selection or place a dark X through your first answer.
































3. anticipating









































(version 2.2 ©2000)

13. critical attributes (or skill attributes) 14. practice (repeat, rehearse)







16. PADI Instructor Manual





















15. success

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

PRODUCT NO. 70311 (Rev. 12/98) Previous editions may not be used.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

© International PADI, Inc. 1998




















4. four (4) 5.

6. 23 kg/53 lbs 7. 146 litres/5 cf 8. 3.5 ata 9. vol = .74 litres, density = 2.7 times surface 10. 4.6 l 11. 6 bar/93 psi






























15. PO2 = .97 ata, PN2 =1.73



16. 100%



14. .63 ata















STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date









2. 120






















8. the diver who will use it 9. two (2) 10.





14. Metric: 22 min. Imperial: 25 min


15. 1 hour


16. Metric: 23 min. Imperial: 22 min









13. Metric: 9 min/130 min Imperial: 10 min/124 min

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Name ____________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________ (Please Print)



Upon making your answer choice, COMPLETELY fill in the space ■ below the proper letter. If a mistake is made, erase your selection or place a dark X through your first answer.









3. anticipating, providing


































12. 13.






13. critical attributes (or skill attributes)



14. practice



15. critical/skill attributes (subskills)
















































16. PADI Instructor Manual

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

PRODUCT NO. 70311 (Rev. 12/98) Previous editions may not be used.


© International PADI, Inc. 1998


















































4. four (4) 5.



6. 104 litres/4 cubic feet 7. 251 kg/527 lbs

Type II

8. 3.6 ata 9. vol = 2 litres density = 3.4 times surface 10. 2.2 letres i 11. 9 bar/128 psi 12.


14. . 84 ata 15. PO2 = .77 ata, PN2 = 1.63 16. 7.6% 17.












STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide









2. 40 m/130 ft




















8. the gravitational interaction of the earth, moon and sun 9. 2, 15









13. Metric: 20 min/45 min Imperial: 20 min/44 min


14. 34 min


15. Metric: 39 min Imperial: 28 min



27 min









STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date


Name ____________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________ (Please Print)



Upon making your answer choice, COMPLETELY fill in the space ■ below the proper letter. If a mistake is made, erase your selection or place a dark X through your first answer.














































3. ____________________ 4.


























14. ____________________





15. ____________________















■ ■

13. ____________________

____________________ 16. ____________________ 17.








STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

PRODUCT NO. 70311 (Rev. 12/98) Previous editions may not be used.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

© International PADI, Inc. 1998







































15. ____________________



16. ____________________



4. ____________________ 5.

6. ____________________










7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ ____________________ 10. ____________________ 11. ____________________ 12.


14. ____________________













STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date









2. ____________________






















8. ____________________ ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10.







16. ____________________









13. ____________________ ____________________ 14. ____________________ 15. ____________________ ____________________

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

STUDENT STATEMENT: I have had explained to me and I understand the questions I have missed.

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

___________________________________ Student Signature Date

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 1 Answer Keys 1. What three broad characteristics may divers expect in a PADI Divemaster?

1. Professionalism 2. Role model behavior 3. Ability to assist/supervise during training and dive activities 2. List five criteria that define “professionalism” as it applies to the PADI Divemaster.

1. Expert skills and knowledge of dive theory, dive management and leading dives 2. Good judgment that reflects training and experience 3. Dress and act like a professional 4. Good interpersonal skills 5. Exemplary rescue skills 3. Explain what is meant by a role model.

Someone other divers base their behavior on because they respect the person and what the person stands for. 4. Describe a PADI Divemaster who is a good role model.

(Description should include:) • High skill level - demonstration quality • Commitment to responsible dive practices • Equipment well maintained and up-to-date • Physically fit or good fitness for diving •

Agrees with the PADI training philosophy

5. Describe the characteristics and attributes of a poor role model divemaster.

(Description should include:) • Hypocrisy and lack of conviction. • Disregard for personal fitness. • Uncaring or unempathetic of divers and their skill levels. • Contradicts or disagrees with an instructor in front of students. • A-18

Fails to perform as a "team player" Appendix

6. Explain how role model behavior can affect other divers both positively and negatively.

Good role model behavior reinforces responsible diving habits and practices. Poor role model behavior may cause divers to question whether responsible dive habits and practices are really necessary. 7. Explain how role model behavior can affect your ability to function as a divemaster.

Good role model behavior makes it easier to encourage other divers to dive responsibly and accept your suggestions. Poor role model behavior may cause divers to question you, making them less likely to consider your suggestions. 8. Explain how good role model behavior benefits student divers when you assist with training.

Good role model behavior earns students' respect, making it easier for you to guide and direct them for the instructor during training. 9. List five benefits and five responsibilities of being a PADI Divemaster.

Benefits: 1. Receive professional publications such as The Undersea Journal 2. Can purchase materials from your PADI Office at special divemaster rate 3. Access to professional liability insurance and legal defense team 4. Ability to earn income as an assistant 5. Gain important experience toward becoming an instructor 6. Regular update mailings 7. Access to educational consultants for training questions Responsibilities: 1. Follow PADI Standards 2. Keep up with changes in standards 3. Renew membership annually 4. Keep address current 5. Represent PADI favorably

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 2 Answer Keys 1. Six characteristics of responsible diver behavior are:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Staying within personal limits Diving properly equipped Caring for equipment Managing air conservatively Using computer/tables conservatively

6. Staying aware of the environment 2. List four ways to encourage responsible diver behavior.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Follow responsible diving practices yourself Remind divers of responsible behaviors by applying them on the dive Make responsible behavior easy Reward responsible behaviors

3. Describe the aspects of diving that do and do not fall within the divemaster’s responsibility, and the aspects of dive planning and diving for which each diver must retain responsibility.

Each diver maintains responsibility for planning their own dives and following their plan. Divers must be responsible for their own actions. A PADI Divemaster normally offers a general orientation and broad dive plan that individual divers use to plan their own dives. The divemaster encourages responsible diving, provides logistical support, prepares for reasonably foreseeable emergencies, but does not plan the dives of individual divers. 4. Describe how to assess general dive conditions, and how you can expect conditions to affect diving.

Based on weather, tides, current and visibility, you determine appropriate dive techniques or if conditions are acceptable for diving. This also depends on the skill level and experience of the divers.



5. The four aspects of supervision in managing dives are:

1. Preparation 2. Communication 3. Recognition 4. Vantage point 6. List and describe the advantages and disadvantages of in-water versus out of water supervision, and the advantages and disadvantages of supervision vantage points in-water versus out of water.

Supervision In-water: • Advantages: Puts you close to the divers. Allows you to watch for problems such as exceeding maximum depth or navigation errors. • Disadvantages: Can only watch one group. Some divers don’t like to dive in a group. Supervision Out of water: • Advantages: Easier to supervise multiple teams. Close to emergency equipment. More flexibility for buddy teams. • Disadvantages: Unable to point out interesting features. Not immediately on hand to help solve problems. Vantage point - In-water: • Advantages: Easier to see a problem before it happens. • Disadvantages: Can only be in front or behind leading or escorting, Makes it hard to know when there is a problem. Vantage point - Out of water: • Advantages: Allows you to choose location with visibility of the entire dive site. • Disadvantages: Sometimes the site with the best visibility is not the easiest to respond from. 7. List eight types of equipment that can assist in supervising certified divers.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Dive roster Binoculars Dive site maps Emergency oxygen First aid kit

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Rescue float Marine Radio/cellular phone Tool Kit Dive flag/float Spare gear


8. The primary purpose of diver accounting procedures is:

To make sure every diver returns to the boat or shore after the dive. 9. Describe the characteristics of predive stress, and explain how you help divers deal with it.

Predive stress comes from both physical stressors like heat exhaustion, fatigue and dehydration, or psychological stressors like physical stress, peer pressure, dive concerns and personal problems unrelated to the dive. There are three approaches to stress relief: 1) remove the stressor, 2) change the perception of the stressor to nonthreatening, or 3) change the perception of the diver's ability to cope with the stress. 10. List the ten points/steps usually included in a dive briefing.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Dive site name Site descriptions Your role Entry and exit techniques Dive procedures Emergency procedures Signal review Roster/buddy check Environmental interaction suggestions Predive safety check

11. Describe the general steps to solving a novel problem (one you've never encountered before).


• • • •

Identify the problem precisely Inventory your resources. Create several possible solutions Choose the best solution.

Assess and revise.


12. Explain when dive situations call for you to apply your judgment, and how you develop good judgment as a divemaster.

You apply judgment when evaluating acceptable dive conditions, choosing dive techniques to recommend and picking supervision vantage points. Judgment comes from experience and working with more experienced professionals. 13. The two likely roles of a PADI Divemaster in the event of an accident are as:

Scene manager or as assistant to someone more qualified. 14. Explain how to gain more knowledge and experience with specialized diving activities.

Complete the appropriate specialty courses.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 3 Answer Keys 1. Compare and contrast the primary role of a PADI Divemaster to that of a PADI Instructor in an instructional setting.

The PADI Divemaster deals with the logistics, supervising student divers and other duties as well as the social and adventurous aspects of diving. The instructor concentrates on teaching and attending to individual student diver needs. 2. List seven functions a divemaster may fulfill as an instructional assistant.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Predive equipment distribution Supervising students not working with instructor Logistics Conducting tour for experience portion of dives Providing student diver performance information to instructor Checking divers in and out of the water

7. Helping divers on an individual basis 3. What is the primary characteristic that makes a PADI Divemaster an ideal instructional assistant?

Anticipating and providing what the instructor and student divers need. 4. Describe the relationship between the instructor and you, a PADI Divemaster candidate.

Mentor/protege relationship – instructor is a coach, guide, confidant and advisor. 5. Four reasons for having your own copy of the PADI Instructor Manual are:

1. Lists all the standards and procedures 2. Makes it easier to anticipate and meet instructor needs 3. Includes standards for programs divemasters can offer independently 4. Benefits you to start becoming familiar with it. 5. Training Bulletins keep you current on changes. A-24


6. Describe your role as a PADI Divemaster in relation to student divers in training.

The PADI Divemaster is a role model and an intermediary between student divers and the instructor supervising both training and nontraining related activities. 7. With respect to PADI programs, what is a certified assistant and what can a certified assistant do?

A certified assistant is a renewed PADI Instructor, Assistant Instructor and Divemaster who can perform specific functions as a teaching assistant. Certified assistants can: • Independently guide student divers on Open Water Dives 2, 3, 4 and the optional Skin Dive. • Accompany Open Water Diver/Scuba Diver students under the indirect supervision of an instructor. • Conduct subsequent Discover Scuba Diving dives after participants complete the first dive with an instructor. • Accompany students during training dives in continuing education courses. • Generally supervise divers in training and nontraining activities. 8. Explain how positioning affects your ability to assist with student diver control, and two common examples of position for the skill practice in the Open Water diver course.

Good positioning allows you to see the entire group and the instructor and respond quickly to a problem. • Opposite instructor, hovering behind students who are in a semicircle with the instructor in front of them. • Students form a line with the divemaster at one end of the line and the instructor at the other.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


9. List five examples of logistical functions you can perform to assist with training dives at the surface and five underwater.

On the surface: 1. Coordinate student divers 2. Enforce safety or facility rules 3. Handle equipment 4. Assist with student diver preparation 5. Escort student divers 6. Handle paperwork Underwater 1. Lead/follow 2. Escort 3. Air checks 4. Standby supervisor 5. Navigation 10. Describe how you would model mask removal, replacement and clearing in a demonstration quality manner.

Slow pace, critical attributes emphasized, sequence emphasized, with each step clearly seen, mastered and automatic. 11. List and describe the three steps to take to help a student diver master dive skills.

1. Have a student attempt the skill to look for missing or improperly performed critical attributes. 2. Redemonstrate the skill. 3. Assure early success. 12. Where do you find skill performance requirements student divers must master for PADI courses.

In the PADI Instructor Manual.



Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 4 Answer Keys 1. Explain why the PADI Divemaster course emphasizes dive theory training.

It develops problem solving abilities, gives the candidate theoretical knowledge to apply during practical sessions and prepares the candidate for instructor level training. 2. Explain why you would want a dive reference library.

It gives you a place to look up information and a way to keep up with new and changing information. 3. List what you already have in your current dive reference library (to a maximum of 12 items). List four works or types of works you would like to add and explain why.

(Answers vary but may include:) Magazines PADI Manuals Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving Diving Knowledge Workbook Dive travel guides and maps 4. Explain how specialty diver training benefits you with respect to learning dive theory.

Specialty courses go into more theoretical detail than other learning sources and give you a change to apply the knowledge. 5. List the theory subjects you study as part of the PADI Divemaster course and explain how you demonstrate mastery of them.

Dive physics, dive physiology, equipment and decompression theory You demonstrate mastery by completing an exam in each study area and earning a score of 75 percent or better. 6. Explain how you will keep you dive theory knowledge current after you complete this course. Be as specific as possible.

Subscribe to and read dive magazines, reread and review the Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving and other diving related materials. Continue your diving education, attend seminars and diving -related meetings. Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 5 Answer Keys 1. Describe what a compartment is, and what are meant by halftime and M-value.

Compartments are theoretical tissue models that account for differing tissue absorption rates. Halftime is the rate a compartment absorbs nitrogen. It's the time it takes for the compartment to go from beginning pressure to halfway to saturation. M-value is the maximum tissue pressure allowed in the compartment. 2. Explain why you need to know your approximate altitude when diving.

There is reduced atmospheric pressure at altitude. This could make the tissue pressure gradient too high, increasing the risk of DCS. 3. Describe the relationship between the Haldanean model and the human body, and explain to what extent you can rely on the model.

There is no direct relationship between the model and the body. Testing supports the model but there is always some risk of DCS. 4. In metres/feet of pressure, how much nitrogen would the 5, 10, 20 and 60 minute halftime compartments each have after 60 minutes at 18 metres/60 feet?

5-minute = 18 metres / 60 feet 10-minute = 18 metres / 60 feet 20-minute = 16 metres/ 52.5 feet 60- minute = 9 metres / 30 feet 5. Compare the basis of the US Navy tables repetitive diving procedures with the RDP’s. Explain a) what compartment controls each, b) why each is appropriate for that table and c) the practical difference on repetitive diving between them.

a) The US Navy surface interval credit table is controlled by a 120 minute compartment. The RDP surface interval credit table is controlled by a 60 minute compartment. b) The US Navy table was designed for decompression diving — requiring longer/slower compartments to control repetitive dives. The RDP is for no decompression diving — allowing the use of faster compartments to control repetitive dives.



c) The US Navy table accounts for the worst case scenario – a repetitive dive after a decompression dive – which is why repetitive dive times need to be more conservative. The RDP can allow shorter surface intervals and longer repetitive dives because all dives are planned as no decompression dives. 6. Explain why you can’t use pressure groups from the RDP on the US Navy Tables or any other tables.

The tables are based on different models which means that pressure group designations do not indicate equivalent amounts of absorbed nitrogen. 7. Explain how modern dive computers apply decompression models to provide more no decompression time than a table.

Dive computers write custom tables to precise depths which eliminates unnecessary rounding. 8. State the three broad computer groupings and list their M-value and surface interval credit characteristics compared the RDP and each other.

Spencer Limits, EE washout — M-values similar to RDP. Shorter surface intervals can permit repetitive dives beyond what has been shown to work reliably. Spencer Limits, 60 minute washout — M-values same as RDP. Surface intervals are similar to RDP. Buhlmann Limits, EE Washout — lower M-values than RDP. Repetitive dives similar to RDP though some deep dives with short surface intervals may still permit repetitive dives beyond what has been shown to work reliably. 9. Explain why the general recommendations for diving with tables apply equally to dive computers, and list three recommendations specific to computer diving.

Most general recommendations apply equally because they come from what has been found to work in actual diving situations. Computer specific recommendations: • Each diver has a computer. • Follow manufacturer recommendations. • End the dive on the most conservative computer.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 6 Answer Keys 1. Explain where to find standards and related information on PADI Divemasterconducted programs, and how you identify standards you must adhere to from other supporting material.

PADI Instructor Manual: General Standards and Procedures section, Skin Diver Course Instructor Guide, and Experience Programs Guide. Standards appear in bold face type. 2. Identify where you find the maximum ratios of a PADI Divemaster to participants for PADI Divemaster-conducted programs.

General Standards and Procedures section, and the instructor guide and the Key Standards Box for each program. 3. Explain where to find performance requirements for programs and why its usually a good idea to state the requirements for participants.

Performance requirements are in bold face type in each Instructor Guide. Stating requirements allows students to know what you expect them to accomplish. 4. Identify where you find a listing of material required and recommended for PADI Divemaster-conducted programs.

Instructor Guide for each program. 5. List the six general administrative requirements that apply to all PADI programs:

1. Participants must complete a Medical Statement at the beginning of each course 2. Questions of fitness are the responsibility of a physician 3. Participants must complete a PADI Safe Diving Practices Statement of Understanding 4. Participants must complete a Liability Release and Assumption of Risk Agreement 5. Retain records for a minimum of seven years. 6. File an incident report for any dive incident.



6. Explain the annual renewal requirement for a PADI Divemaster.

Sign an annual membership agreement and return with annual dues to your PADI Office. 7. Explain the professional liability insurance requirements for a PADI Divemaster.

Insurance is not required (in most areas) but highly recommended when acting as a certified assistant. Insurance is required (in most areas) when conducting divemaster-conducted programs. 8. Identify the intended audience and basic philosophy for each of the following PADI programs:

Skin Diver Course — Training program for those interested in diving but not necessarily in scuba. May appeal to those interested in physical conditioning. Discover Local Diving — Formal diving orientation for certified divers to a new location or new diving environment. Discover Snorkeling — Casual experience for swimming and looking underwater. May appeal to people who want to experience the underwater world but aren't interested in scuba. Emphasis is on having fun. Scuba Review — A way for certified divers who have been inactive to refresh skills. 9. List one marketing idea for each of the following programs. (You're encouraged to list original ideas not discussed in the text.)

Skin Diver Course — Market to schools, health clubs, children of scuba divers, youth groups, etc. Discover Local Diving — Market to divers visiting an unfamiliar dive site, to inactive divers in conjunction with Scuba Review, etc. Discover Snorkeling — Market to health clubs, casual gatherings at dive sites, travel agencies, people involved with other water sports, etc Scuba Review — Market in resort areas, to divers who view their inactivity as an obstacle, etc.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 7 Answer Keys 1. Define risk management, duty of care and negligence.

Risk management — the process of reducing risks you face while acting as a divemaster which involves increasing safety for divers and for you in your capacity as a divemaster. Duty of Care — your responsibility to act as a reasonably prudent divemaster would act under same or similar circumstances to maintain safety. Negligence — failure to meet the duty of care expected 2. Explain why it is recommended that you carry professional liability insurance, even when it’s not required and you plan to function exclusively as an assistant working under a PADI Instructor.

Because you can be sued even if you did nothing wrong. Insurance helps cover legal costs and damages. Instructors liability insurance does not cover assistants. 3. Describe the most important step you can take to manage legal risk.

Adhere to conservative diving practices and use good judgment. 4. Explain how adhering to standards helps you reduce legal risk and the role of good judgment in reducing legal risk.

Standards help you demonstrate that you followed the stipulated duty of care. Good judgment shows that you made reasonable and prudent decisions and acted conservatively. 5. Explain the role of paperwork in reducing legal risk, and describe the steps to follow with any PADI program.

Paperwork establishes your conduct as a reasonably prudent divemaster who followed standards. Paperwork helps you be organized, aids meeting standards, delivering good customer service and maintaining professionalism.



6. List the dos and don’ts to follow, with regard to legal risk management, in the event of a dive accident.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Do handle the emergency. Do inform the victim’s family — show compassion and caring. Do cooperate with authorities — give only the facts. Do not assign, admit or speculate on causes or blame. Do collect the victim’s equipment to turn over to authorities. Do call your PADI Office to report the incident.

7. Explain how the Quality Assurance process helps you reduce legal risk.

Creates documentation that you, as a PADI member, followed standards. The process also documents that any standards-related problems are addressed and corrected. 8. Describe the basics of the Quality Assurance process.

• • • • •

Indication of problem or a complaint. PADI seeks additional information. PADI contacts member to get member’s side. If a member verifies problem, PADI determines corrective action. When statements can’t be reconciled, the PADI Quality Management Committee reviews the information and determines the appropriate action.

9. List five suggestions to help you manage risks to your health and safety as a divemaster.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Stay physically fit Make the deepest dive first and stay well within limits Stay hydrated. When ill or injured, moderate your activities. Pay attention to your mental health.

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 8 Answer Keys 1. List the “three Es” of diving and explain why each is necessary for someone to be a diver.

Education — to dive safely, divers need instruction. Equipment — without equipment, there is no diving. Experience — divers need opportunities to dive. Without a reason to dive, education and equipment have no purpose. 2. Where does the dive consumer find the three Es of diving.

At PADI Dive Centers and Resorts. 3. Explain the role of leadership level divers with respect to equipment counseling and why it is important.

Divers will come to the divemaster for advice about equipment because diving is a technical activity and divers rely on the divemaster’s experience. Dive operators depend on equipment sales for business. 4. List four attributes of a positive sales process.

1. Give the best recommendation. 2. Listen to the divers who come in and ask for advice. 3. Don't make assumptions about price, but recommend the equipment that best addresses the customer's need. 4. Give all the advice you would like to get.



Divemaster Manual Knowledge Review Chapter 9 Answer Keys 1. List six reasons why you should consider continuing your training through the PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor level.

1. Instructors are more versatile employees. 2. The majority of boat divemasters are instructors. 3. The instructor level is the most common path into other areas of the dive industry. 4. Instructors have more opportunities to work on a part-time basis. 5. Instructor training has credibility beyond diving. 6. There is more demand for PADI Instructors than any other dive professional rating. 2. Explain how it benefits you to complete the PADI Assistant Instructor course before taking the PADI Instructor Development Course.

Being an Assistant Instructor gives you more time to assimilate and apply information as well as allows more time to log dives. Assistant Instructors may be excused from certain IDC Curriculum components, thus reducing the IDC load. Assistant Instructors may complete PADI Specialty Instructor courses prior to an IDC. 3. Explain how diver level specialty training can help your career as a PADI Divemaster.

It gives you broader and more frequent diving opportunities and helps you gain experience for Specialty Instructor ratings. 4. List six skills, outside of diver training, that can make you more valuable in the dive industry.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Boat handling/captain's license Retail sales training Sales management training Manufacturer's equipment repair technician Compressor or diesel engine mechanic Writing, word processing, layout and photography

Divemaster Course Instructor Guide


5. Explain how emerging technologies can affect your career, and what you should do in response.

Technological changes can make what you know obsolete. Stay tuned to the dive media, attend trade shows, keep up with changes in computer technology and business trends in other fields that affect virtually every industry.



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