J0005118 ac brochure 01 07 16 ƒ (bro ac rlc1617) lr spreads

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Do not add or replace refrigerant other than the specified type. Do not add or replace refrigerant other than the specified type. Manufacturer is not responsible for the damage and deterioration in Manufacturer is not responsible for the damage and deterioration in safety due to usage of other refrigerant. safety due to usage of other refrigerant.

BRO-AC-RLC1617 PAC-Oceania-2016-17



Panasonic Air Conditioning Designed To Care For Your Projects. With more than 30 years of experience, exporting to more than 120 countries around the world, Panasonic is unquestionably one of the leaders in the air conditioning sector. The company is also a world leader in innovation as it has filed more than 91,539 patents to improve its customers’ lives. Moreover, Panasonic is determined to remain at the forefront of its market. In all, the company has produced more than 200 million compressors and its products, particularly residential air conditioners, now hold the No. 1 market share in Japan and other major countries in Asia. You can be assured of the extremely high quality of Panasonic’s air conditioners. This wish to excel has made Panasonic the international leader in air conditioning solutions. The company’s industrial capacity and firm commitment to the environment has enabled it to open new avenues of research and to develop innovative technologies which enhance its customers’ way of life. Panasonic offers a range of turnkey air conditioning solutions for homes, medium-sized buildings such as offices and restaurants. These offer maximum effectiveness, comply with the strictest environmental standards and meet the most avant-garde construction requirements of our time. At Panasonic we know what a great responsibility it is to install cooling and heating systems. Because offering you the best solutions in cooling and heating matters.

CONTENTS Exclusive Feature 1

Using sensors and precise control programs, ECONAVI analyzes room conditions and adjusts cooling and heating power to reduce wasted electricity.

Exclusive Feature 2

Hi-Spec Wired Remote Controller Features a large LCD and touch keys for easy operation, and a range of energy-saving functions.



02 - 03

Exclusive Features

04 - 09

Product Range

10 - 11

Outdoor Units

12 - 17

Indoor Unit Ducted /High Static Pressure type

18 - 23

Ducted /Mid Static Pressure type

24 - 27

4-Way cassette type

28 - 31

Ceiling mounted type

32 - 35


36 - 53


Exclusive Feature 1 Exclusive Feature 1 Exclusive Exclusive Exclusive Feature Feature Feature 11 1


Detection of the level of Detection ofenables the level of activity optimum Detection Detection Detection ofofthe the oflevel the level of level of of activity enables optimum power saving. activity activity activity enables enables enables optimum optimum optimum power saving. power power power saving. saving. saving. Presence or absence of people at their tables

ECONAVI reduces inefficient ECONAVI reduces inefficient ECONAVI ECONAVI ECONAVI reduces reduces reduces inefficient inefficient inefficient air conditioning air conditioning air airairconditioning conditioning conditioning

Providing outstanding energy-saving Providing outstanding energy-saving performance, Panasonic's package air Providing Providing Providing outstanding outstanding outstanding energy-saving energy-saving energy-saving performance, Panasonic's package air conditioners can be connected to ECONAVI performance, performance, performance, Panasonic's Panasonic's Panasonic's package package package air air air conditioners can be connected to ECONAVI to detect when energy is being wasted. conditioners conditioners conditioners can can be be can connected connected be to wasted. to ECONAVI ECONAVI to ECONAVI to detect when energy is connected being ECONAVI senses the presence or absence to to detect detect to when detect when energy when energy energy is being is being is wasted. being wasted. wasted. ECONAVI senses the presence or absence of people and the level of activity in each ECONAVI ECONAVI ECONAVI senses senses thethe presence presence the presence or or absence or absence of people and the level of activity inabsence each entle cooling insenses areas of area of a room. When unnecessary heating of area of people people of and and thethe and level level the ofunnecessary level of activity activity of activity in each in each in each of people a room. heating or cooling isWhen detected, indoor units are w activity area area of area of a room. a room. ofis adetected, When room. When unnecessary When unnecessary unnecessary heating heating heating or cooling indoor units are individually controlled to match room or or cooling cooling or cooling is detected, is detected, is detected, indoor indoor units indoor units are units are are individually controlled to match room conditions for energy-saving operation. individually individually individually controlled controlled controlled to to match match to operation. room match roomroom conditions for energy-saving conditions conditions conditions forfor energy-saving energy-saving for energy-saving operation. operation. operation.

Sensors are remotely Sensors aretoremotely located maximize the Sensors Sensors Sensors are are remotely are remotely remotely located to maximize the energy-saving effect located located located totomaximize maximize to maximize thethe the energy-saving effect energy-saving energy-saving energy-saving effect effect effect Pillars, walls, cabinets and other fittings

Presence of people at their and or theabsence level of activity in the roomtables are and the of in activity the room are Presence Presence Presence orlevel absence or absence orreal absence of people ofinpeople ofat people their at their tables attables theiristables detected time. Set temperature inof real time. Set temperature anddetected and thethe level and level the activity oflevel activity of inactivity the in the room in room the areroom are is the arepower automatically adjusted to optimize automatically adjusted to optimize the power detected detected detected in real in real time. in time. real Set Set time. temperature temperature Set temperature is is is consumption. consumption. automatically automatically automatically adjusted adjusted adjusted to optimize to optimize to optimize thethe power power the power consumption. consumption. consumption.

Case study at coffee shop Case study at coffee shop Case Case study Case study atstudy coffee at coffee atshop coffee shop shop 4way Cassette 4way Cassette

Pillars,obstruct walls, cabinets and other fittings the sensors, reducing the area of obstruct the sensors, reducing the areafittings of Pillars, Pillars, walls, Pillars, walls, cabinets walls, cabinets and and other other and fittings other fittings detection andcabinets lowering the energy-saving detection and lowering the energy-saving obstruct obstruct obstruct thethe sensors, sensors, the sensors, reducing reducing reducing thethe area area of the ofarea of effect. Taking into consideration blind spots, effect. Taking into consideration blind spots, detection detection detection and and lowering lowering and lowering the the energy-saving energy-saving the energy-saving Panasonic enables the optimum layout for Panasonic enables the optimum layout for spots, effect. effect. Taking effect. Taking into Taking into consideration into consideration blind blind spots, spots, blind sensors inconsideration any office. sensors in any office. Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic enables enables the enables the optimum optimum the optimum layout layout forlayout for for 1m 3m 5m 7m sensors sensors in sensors any in any office. inoffice. any office. Wide detection area

In the morning In the morning Reduced cooling when there

-60° -60°

are fewer people are fewer people Reduced Reduced cooling Reduced cooling when cooling when therethere when there are fewer are fewer people arepeople fewer people

Reduced when there In the In morning the morning In cooling the morning

4way 4way Cassette Cassette 4way Cassette Celling Celling Mid Static Duct Mid Static Duct


MidMid Static Static Mid Duct Duct Static Duct

depending on conditions at depending on conditions at Automatic A Automatic A Thermo Automatic Thermo Off Thermo Off Off tthe end A of the day* depending depending on depending conditions on conditions onatconditions at at tthechange tthe end tthe end oftothe of day* the endday* of After the day* *Depending on conditions, the setting can Switch Off 3 Hours, Thermo Off or Temperature *Depending on conditions, the settingShift. can change to Switch Off After 3 Hours, Thermo Off or Temperature Shift. *Depending *Depending on *Depending conditions, on conditions, onthe conditions, setting the setting can thechange can setting change to can Switch to change Switch Offto After Off Switch After 3 Hours, Off 3 Hours, After 3 Hours, Thermo Thermo Off or Off Thermo Temperature or Temperature Off or Temperature Shift.Shift. Shift.

with various types of indoor units with various types ofenables indoor Panasonic Panasonic Panasonic enables enables use use units use with with various with various various types types of types of indoor indoor of indoor units unitsunits

Energy-saving effect tested and verified. That's why Panasonic's ECONAVI is recommended. Energy-saving effect tested and verified. That's why Panasonic's ECONAVI is recommended. Energy-saving Energy-saving Energy-saving effect effect effect tested tested tested and andverified. and verified. verified. That's That's That's why whyPanasonic's why Panasonic's Panasonic's ECONAVI ECONAVI ECONAVI is isrecommended. recommended. is recommended.


-40° -20°

-20° -40°

0° 20°40°

60° 60° 40° 20°


Wide 120˚ Wide 120˚ 40° 40°

WideWide 120˚ Wide 120˚ 20° 120˚

-20° 20° 20° 0° 0°

Detection area Detection area1m Approx


Approx area 1m Detection Detection Detection area area 7m 7m 7m 7m

DeadDead ZoneZone Dead Zone


A sensor is remotely set to maximize the detection area. A sensor is remotely set to maximize the detection area.

A sensor A sensor is Installation Aremotely is sensor remotely issetflexibility remotely to setmaximize to maximize set tothe maximize the detection the area. detection area. area.and ready fordetection indoor unit replacement layout changes. Installation flexibility ready for indoor unit replacement and layout changes. Installation Installation Installation flexibility flexibility ready flexibility ready for indoor for ready indoor unit for unit indoor replacement replacement unit replacement and and and layout layout changes. changes. layout changes.

method *Tested with a uniform level of human activity and withTest conditions *Panasonic test room (29m ) max. 28% energy-saving Test doors opened level and closed a uniform Indoor unit: S-100PU1 *Tested with a uniform of human activitynumber and withof times. *Panasonic testconditions room (29m ) (Single 4-way Cassette 4.0HP) effect was verified max. 28% energy-saving TestTest method method Test method TestTest conditions conditions Test *At 24 to 28°C, cumulative power consumption over Outdoor unit: U-100PE1 (Single DLX 4.0HP) doors opened and closed a uniform number of times. Indoor unit: S-100PU1 (Single 4-way Cassette 4.0HP) effect was verified *Tested *Tested with uniform a uniform with levelalevel ofuniform human of each human level activity ofactivity human and with and activity with withOutdoor *Panasonic test room test room (29m test (29m ) (Single room ) set(29m ) 3*Tested hours measured at set temperature andand*Panasonic **Panasonic Cooling operation, temperature of 24 to 28°C, max. max. max. 28% 28% 28% energy-saving energy-saving energy-saving *At 24 toawith 28°C, cumulative power consumption over unit: U-100PE1 DLX 4.0HP) doorsdoors opened opened and doors closed and opened closed a uniform and a uniform closed number a number uniform of times. of number times. of times. Indoor Indoor unit: unit: S-100PU1 Indoor S-100PU1 unit: (Single S-100PU1 (Single 4-way 4-way Cassette (Single Cassette 4-way 4.0HP) 4.0HP) Cassette 4.0HP) compared. Hi airflow setting Test method

With the set temperature increased by 2°C during cooling, With the set temperature increased by 2°C during cooling, With With thethe With setset temperature thetemperature set temperature increased increased increased by by 2°C2°C during byduring 2°Ccooling, during cooling, cooling,


Dead Zone

Automatic A Thermo Off At night A At A nightA At tthenight end of the day*

High Static Duct ECONAVI Sensor CZ-CENSC1 High Static Duct ECONAVI Sensor CZ-CENSC1 HighHigh Static Static High Duct Duct Static Duct ECONAVI ECONAVI Sensor ECONAVI Sensor Sensor Panasonic enables use CZ-CENSC1 CZ-CENSC1 CZ-CENSC1 Panasonic enables use


1m 1m Approx 1m Approx DeadApprox Zone

A night At At nightA A Automatic Thermo Off



-20° -20°


is acooling high level of activity Thorough when there In the In afternoon the afternoon In the afternoon is a high level of activity Thorough Thorough cooling Thorough cooling when cooling when therethere when there is a high is a high level islevel of a high activity of activity level of activity

1m 3m 1m 5m 3m 7m 5m 1m 7m 3m 5m 7m


-40° -40°


In the afternoon In the afternoon Thorough cooling when there

Celling CellingCelling

1m 3m 5m 7m

Wide detection area Wide Wide detection Wide detection detection area area area-60°

Test conditions




effecteffect was verified was effect verified was verified



3 hours measured at each set temperature and * Cooling operation, set temperature of 24 to 28°C, *At 24 *At to24 28°C, to *At 28°C, cumulative 24 cumulative to 28°C, power cumulative power consumption consumption power over consumption over Outdoor Outdoor unit: unit: U-100PE1 Outdoor U-100PE1 unit: (Single U-100PE1 (Single DLX 4.0HP) DLX (Single 4.0HP) DLX 4.0HP) Equivalent energy-saving effect during ECONAVI over Save compared. Hi airflow setting 3 hours 3Equivalent hours measured measured 3 energy-saving hours at each measured at each temperature set at temperature each set and temperature and and * Cooling * Cooling operation, *operation, Cooling set operation, temperature set temperature setoftemperature 24ofto24 28°C, to 28°C, of 24 to 28°C, cooling with aset22°C C temperature shift calculated. effect during ECONAVI Save compared. compared. compared. Hi airflow Hi airflow setting Hisetting airflow setting with a 22°C C temperature shift calculated. cooling Equivalent Equivalent energy-saving Equivalent energy-saving energy-saving effecteffect duringduring ECONAVI effect ECONAVI during SaveECONAVI Save Save cooling with awith cooling 22°C Ca temperature 22°C Cwith temperature a 22°C Cshift temperature calculated. shift calculated. shift calculated. cooling

CASE 1 CASE 1 In aCASE CASE CASE 1coffee 1 1shop, for example,

CASE 2 CASE 2 In an CASE CASE CASE 2apartment, 2 2 for example,

In a coffee for example, power shop, is reduced to match the number In power In a coffee a coffee In is a shop, coffee shop, for shop, for example, example, for example, reduced the number of customers to in match each area. power power power is reduced is reduced is reduced to match match to match thethe number number the number of customers intoeach area. Gentle cooling in areas of of of customers customers of customers in in each each inarea. each area.area. low activity Gentle cooling in areas of

In anenergy apartment, savingfortoexample, match the number of In energy In anan apartment, Inapartment, an apartment, formatch for example, example, forthe example, saving to number of people present is provided and operation energy energy energy saving saving saving to to match match to match thethe number number theoperation number of of of people present is provided and is automatically turned off if it has been people people people present present present is provided is provided is provided andand operation operation and operation is automatically forgotten. turned off if it has been is automatically is automatically is automatically turned turned turned off off if it if off has it has if been it been has been forgotten. forgotten. forgotten. forgotten.

low activity Gentle Gentle cooling cooling Gentle in areas cooling in areas of inofareas of low low activity activity low activity






Thorough cooling in areas of high activity



Gentle cooling in areas of low activity BEDROOM




4 4 4











units (3) : Indoor units (3)(3) : Sensors : : Sensors : Indoor : Indoor Indoor units units (3) (3) units (3) (3) : Sensors : Sensors : (3) Sensors (3) (3)




: Indoor


Thorough cooling in areas of high activity Thorough cooling in areas of high activity Thorough Thorough cooling Thorough cooling in areas cooling in areasin areas of high of high activity activity of high activity




Thorough cooling in areas Gentle cooling in areas of of high activity low activity Thorough cooling in areas Gentle cooling in areas of of high activity low activity Thorough cooling Thorough cooling in areas cooling in areasin areas Gentle Gentle cooling cooling Gentle in areas cooling in areas of inofareas of Thorough of high of high activity activity of high activity low low activity activity low activity









: Indoor units (3) Indoor units (3) (3) : Grilles : Grilles :units : Indoor : Indoor : Indoor (3) (3) Sensors (3) (3) units (3) units : :Sensors (3) : Grilles : Grilles Grilles (3) (3) (3) : Sensors :(3) Sensors Sensors (3) (3) :


5 5 5

5 5

Exclusive Feature Exclusive Feature 1 Exclusive Feature 2 1 Exclusive Exclusive Feature 2Feature 1

High-spec Wired High-spec Wired ECONAVI ECONAVI reduces reduces inefficient inefficient ECONAVI reduces inefficient air conditioning air conditioning Remote Controller Remote Controller air conditioning Easy-to-use, multiple functions contribute to energy saving. Easy-to-use, with with multiple functions thatthat contribute to energy saving. Providing outstanding energy-saving Providing outstanding energy-saving Providing outstanding energy-saving performance, Panasonic's package performance, air Panasonic's package air Panasonic's package conditionersperformance, can be connected toconditioners ECONAVI canairbe connected to ECONAVI conditioners bewasted. connected to ECONAVI to detect when energy is can being to detect when energy is being wasted. to detect energy is being senses wasted.the presence or absence ECONAVI senses the when presence orECONAVI absence ECONAVI thein or absence of people and the levelsenses of activity ofpresence each people and the level of activity in each area of a room. When and unnecessary area heating of a room. When unnecessary heating of people the level of activity in each or cooling isarea detected, indoorWhen units orunnecessary are cooling is detected, of a room. heating indoor units are individually controlled room individually controlled to match room or coolingtois match detected, indoor units are conditions for energy-saving operation. conditions for energy-saving operation. individually controlled to match room conditions for energy-saving operation.

Detection of the level of Detection of theSensors level ofare remotely Sensors are remotely Detection of the levelenables of Sensorsthe are located remotelyto maximize the activity enables optimum activity located optimum to maximize activity enables optimum the effect power saving. power saving. energy-savinglocated effect to maximize energy-saving power saving. energy-saving effect

Presence or absence of people at their tables Presence or absence ofPillars, peoplewalls, at their cabinets tables and other fittings Pillars, walls, cabinets and other fittings Presence or absence of people at their tablesinobstruct walls, and other fittings reducing the are and the level of activity in the room are and the level of activity the room theare sensors,Pillars, reducing the cabinets area ofobstruct the sensors, and level of activity in the room aretime. Set obstruct the sensors, reducingand thelowering area of the energy-sav detected in real time. Setthe temperature is detected in real detection temperature and lowering is the energy-saving detection detected in realthe time. Set temperature is detection and lowering the Taking energy-saving automatically adjusted to optimize power automatically adjusted toeffect. optimize Taking the into power consideration blind spots, effect. into consideration blind s automatically adjustedconsumption. to optimize the power Panasonic enables the effect. Taking into for consideration blind spots, consumption. optimum layout Panasonic enables the optimum layout sensors in any office. Panasonic enables the sensors in any office.for consumption. optimum layout sensors in any office. 1m 3m 5m 7m

Case study at coffee shop Case study at coffee Wide shop detection area Wide detection area 1m Case study at coffee shop Wide detection area -60° 60° 4way Cassette

In the morning

4way Cassette



Celling Mid Static Duct

Mid Static Duct

Energy consumption display and Log function Energy consumption display and Log function In the afternoon

In the afternoon

High Static Duct High Static Duct ECONAVI Sensor CZ-CENSC1 High Static Duct ECONAVI Sensor Panasonic CZ-CENSC1 enables use Panasonic enables use

with various types of indoor unitswith various types of indoor units Panasonic enables use with various types of indoor units


Thermo Off or Temperature Shift.



Characters and icons White LED Backlight SEATING AREA

are clearly displayed for improved Characters and visibility. icons The display is also large are clearly displayed for : Indoor units : Indoor units (3) (3) enough to provide improved visibility. The a : Sensors (3) : Sensors (3) range of displaywide is also large : Indoor information fora easy units (3) enough to provide : confirmation of Sensors (3) wide range of operation conditions. information for easy confirmation of operation conditions.









4 6


Thermo Off or Temperature Shift.






Wide 120˚


Detection area Approx 1m

Detection area

Installation flexibility ready for indoor unit replacement and layout changes.

28% energy-saving max. 28% energy-saving Week max.Week 28% energy-saving Test method

effect was verified

TestTest conditions method

Test conditions

*Tested with a uniform level of human activity and with *Testedtest withroom a uniform *Panasonic (29m2level ) of human activity and with *Panasonic test room (29m2) doors opened and closed a uniform number of times. doors and closed uniform number of times. Indoor unit:opened S-100PU1 (Singlea4-way Cassette 4.0HP) Indoor unit: S-100PU1 (Single 4-way Cas method Test conditions effectTest was verified *At 24 to 28°C, cumulative power consumption over *At 24 to U-100PE1 28°C, cumulative consumption over Outdoor unit: (Single power DLX 4.0HP) Outdoor unit: U-100PE1 (Single DLX 4.0H *Tested with a uniform level of human activity and with *Panasonic test room (29m2) 3 hours measured at each set temperature and 3 hours measured each set temperature and * Cooling operation, setattemperature of 24 to 28°C, * Cooling operation, set temperature of 24 doors opened and closed a uniform number of times. Indoor unit: S-100PU1 (Single 4-way Cassette 4.0HP) effect was verified compared. compared. Hi airflow setting Hi airflow setting *At 24 to 28°C, cumulative power consumption over Outdoor unit: U-100PE1 (Single DLX 4.0HP) Equivalent energy-saving effect during ECONAVI Save Equivalent energy-saving effect during ECONAVI Save 3 hours measured at each set temperature and * Cooling operation, set temperature of 24 to 28°C, C temperature shift calculated. C temperature shift calculated. cooling with a 22°C cooling with a 22°C compared. Hi airflow setting Equivalent energy-saving effect during ECONAVI Save cooling with a 22°C C temperature shift calculated.




In an apartment, forCASE example, 2 In an apartment, for exam

Multiple control settings to meet a wide range ofenergy air conditioning saving to match needs the number energy of saving to match th an apartment, for example, isInprovided and operation people present is provided Multiple control settings to meet a wide range people of airpresent conditioning needs

energyoff saving tois match of off is automatically turned if it has automatically been the number turned people present is provided and operation Even if you change the temperature setting, after a set time it automatically returns forgotten. Temperature Auto Return forgotten. automatically turned off if it has been to the original temperature setting. You can set temperature autoisreturn time in 10-minute intervals a period of 4setting, hours. after a set time itforgotten. Even if you changewithin the temperature automatically returns Temperature Auto Return

to the original temperature setting. You can set temperature auto return time in 10-minute intervals within a period of 4 hours.


Stylish, Easy-to-use Touch Key Design Stylish, Easy-to-use Touch Key

Thorough cooling in areas of high activity


Temperature Setting Range Limitation BALCONY



You can set the upper and lower temperature limits. Doing this helps BALCONY reduce power BEDROOM Temperature Setting consumption due to over coolingRange or heating.Limitation Setting is possible in the Cooling, Heating You canand setDry themodes. upper and lower temperature limits. Doing this helps reduce power

consumption due to over cooling or heating. Setting is possible in the Cooling, KITCHEN Heating and Dry modes.

Thorough cooling in areas of high activity



The elegant, flat design Design features large touch in a simple layout Thekeys elegant, flat design enabling intuitive features largeeasy, touch keysoperation. in a simple layout enabling easy, intuitive operation.




Detection area

*Depending on conditions, the setting can change to Switch Off After 3 Hours, Thermo Off or Temperature Shift.

Actual size Gentle cooling in areas of low activity Actual size

Large 3.5" Full-dot LCD with White Backlight Large 3.5"LED Full-dot LCD with


Wide 120˚

*Only apply for PE1 High Static Ducted, PF1 mid 4 way cassette & PT2 Day depending on conditions at static ducted, PU1 A sensor is remotely setCeiling. to maximize the detection area. Installation flexibility ready for indoor replacement Installation and flexibility ready for indoor unit replacement and end of the day* *Only apply for PE1tthe High Static Ducted, PF1 mid static ducted, PU1 4 wayunit cassette & PT2 Ceiling. Day *Depending on conditions, the setting can change to Switch Off *Depending After 3 Hours, on conditions, the setting can change to Switch Off After 3 Hours, layout changes. layout changes.


In a coffee shop, for example, In a coffee shop, for example, CASE 1 power is reduced to match the number power is reduced to match the number In ina coffee shop, for of example, of customers each area. customers in each area. power is reduced to match the number Gentle cooling in areas of Gentle cooling in areas of of customers in each area. low activity low activity


and annual power consumption are displayed. A visual Approx 1m 7m Graphs of daily, weeklyconsumption and annual power are displayed.effect ADead visual Dead Zone Zone representation of power lets youconsumption confirm the energy-saving and At night A At A night representation of power consumption confirm the energy-saving quickly detect energy-wasting operation.lets Thisyou helps to further improve energyeffect and 7m Automatic Thermo Off A Automatic Thermo Off Dead Zone A quickly detectatAAt energy-wasting operation. helps toatfurther improve energy saving. night depending on conditions onto conditions A sensor is depending remotelyThis set maximize the detection area. A sensor is remotely set to maximize the detection area. tthe endsaving. tthe end of the day* of the day* Automatic Thermo Off A

Energy-saving effect tested Energy-saving and verified.effect That'stested why Panasonic's and verified.ECONAVI That's why is recommended. Panasonic's ECONAVI is recommended. Energy-saving effect tested and verified. That's why Panasonic's ECONAVI is recommended. CASE 1

-60° 40° -20°

2.5m Energy Consumption Monitoring Display Approx 1m Energy Consumption Monitoring Display

max. With the set temperature increased by With 2°C during the setcooling, temperature increased by 2°C during cooling, With the set temperature increased by 2°C during cooling,


Thorough cooling when there Thorough cooling when there is a high level of activity In the afternoon is a high level of activity Thorough cooling when there Graphs of daily, weekly is a high level of activity

Mid Static Duct ECONAVI Sensor CZ-CENSC1


In the morning

Reduced cooling when there Reduced cooling when there -40° In the morning are fewer people are fewer people Reduced cooling when there are fewer people

4way Cassette

1m 3m 5m

3m 5m 7m

Thorough cooling in areas of high activity Gentle cooling in areas of low activity

Auto Shutoff





Thorough coolingGentle in areas Thorough cooling in areas cooling in areas of Air conditioning a set time, so you don’t have to worry about of high activity of high activity low activity automatically stops after

Auto Shutoff






Indoor units (3)

forgetting to switch the unit off. Even if you manually switch the unit back onBALCONY after it has LIVING : Grilles (3) it automatically switches off again after the set time. Gentle cooling in areasstopped, of Thorough cooling in areas : Sensors (3) Air conditioning automatically stops after a set time, so you don’t have to worry about low activity of high activity forgetting to switch the unit off. Even if you manually switch the unit back on after it has stopped, it automatically switches off again after the set time.



Indoor units : Grilles (3 Sensors (3) 5 7 :


Hi-Spec Remote Controller

Function List

Wide range of controls for extra convenience

Individual Louver Control f controls for extra convenience

(Lock Individual Flap only for 4-way cassette U1 type)

FunctionControl List Item

One of the 4-directional outlets can be selected and locked to provide efficient air distribution that matches the indoor unit layout. Indoor units can be set individually.

Basic instructions

Individual Louver Control (Lock Individual Flap only for 4-way cassette U1 type)

Weekly Timer and locked to provide efficient air One of the 4-directional outlets can be selected This lets you specify 8Indoor Start/Stopunits times and temperature for each day of the distribution that matches the indoor unit layout. can be set presets individually. week.



Control Item


Individual louver control (Lock individual flap for 4-way cassette) ON/ OFF timer Weekly timer

Menu items

Filter information Outing function

Basic instructions FLAP

Quiet operation mode

Individual louver control (Lock individual flap for 4-way cassette)

Power consumption monitor

Weekly Timer

Service Contact Address Once you have register service contact details, they are automatically displayed if a

This lets you specify 8 Start/Stopproblem timeswith and presets foryou each day the temperature air conditioner occurs. This helps quickly dealof withthe the situation. week.

Energy saving

ON/ OFF timer

Initial settings

Weekly timer


Temperature auto Filter return information Menu items Temperature setting range Outing function

Energy Saving

Auto shutoff

Schedule peak cutQuiet Repeat off timer ECONAVI on/ off

Convenient Controls

Operation Lock Once you have register service contact details, they are automaticallyMaintenance displayed if a To prevent operation by anyone Function problem with the air conditioner other than theoccurs. supervisor, This helps you quickly deal with the Display of outdoor malfunction operation keys can be locked. situation. data, service contact details,

Filter Information

Controls Operation Lock To prevent operation by anyone other than the supervisor, operation keys can be locked. This prevents anyone changing or tampering with temperature settings, airflow rate, airflow direction and other settings.

Filter Information 8 Filter information is indicated for

filter cleaning remaining time and other data enables at-aglace verification of maintenance information with the remote controller.

Filter information is indicated for cleaning after a set time of operation has passed. The number of hours can be adjusted.

Repeat OFF Timer

Quiet Operation Mode

Setting Information Lists

There’s a Quiet mode that reduces the outdoor unit’s operating noise. The mode can be switched On/Off and the Start/End times can be set with the remote controller. * Only apply for PE1 High Static Ducted, PF1 mid static ducted, PU1 4 way cassette & PT2 Ceiling.

Power consumption monitor

Outdoor unit error Energy data

Service Contact Address

This prevents anyone changing or tampering with temperature settings, airflow rate, airflow direction and other settings.

operation mode

Service Contact address Initial RC setting mode

Maintenance Function

Test Run

easy confirmation.

Display of outdoor malfunction data, service contact details, filter cleaning remaining time and other data enables at-aglace verification of maintenance information with the remote controller.



Sensor InformationTemperature Service check

Temperature Simple/ Detailed Settings Auto address

Energy Saving

auto return setting range

Auto shutoff Schedule peak cut Repeat off timer

You can set the unit to switch off after a desired period of time.

Maintenance Information concerning current is displayed in the Function settings remote controller’s LCD for


ECONAVI on/ off Outdoor unit error data Service Contact address RC setting mode

Maintenance Function

Test Run Sensor Information Service check Simple/ Detailed Settings Auto address 9

Panasonic provides ideal solutions for large-capacity air conditioning needs.


2.5 HP


3.0 HP

4.0 HP

5.0 HP

6.0 HP

8.0 HP






















3.0 HP

4.0 HP

5.0 HP

6.0 HP

8.0 HP

U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A*

U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A*



High Static Pressure Model

Indoor Unit

Page 18-21

for 2.5-6.0HP

Page 22-23

for 8.0HP



ECONAVI ready (Except for 8.0HP)

Mid Static Pressure Model Page 24-27


4-Way Cassette * Panel is provided as an option (CZ-KPU21)

Page 28-31


Ceiling Mounted Page 32-35



Outdoor Unit


2.5 HP



U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A*


(*3-phase) 10


Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor UnitOutdoor Unit Unit Unit Outdoor Unit

Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit Unit Outdoor Unit

Function List

trols for extra convenience

DC Inverter DC Inverter can DC Inverter attain canboth attain cancomfort attain both both comfort comfort DC Inverter can attain both comfort and energy-saving and energy-saving and energy-saving operation operation operation Individual Louver Control and energy-saving operation

(Lock Individual Flap only for 4-way cassette U1 type)

Control Item

One of the 4-directional outlets can be selected and locked to provide efficient air distribution that matches the indoor unit layout. Indoor units can be set individually.


Basic instructions FLAP Individual louver control (Lock individual flap for 4-way cassette) ON/ OFF timer

Weekly Timer

length:75m • Pipingfor • length:75m Piping (Total length:75m piping (Total length:75m) (Total length:75m) piping length:75m) • Obtaining • Obtaining All Necessary •8Obtaining All Necessary Safety All Necessary Approvals Safetyand Approvals Safety to temperature Approvals to • Piping to presets This lets you specify Start/Stop times each day ofpiping the • Cooling operation • Cooling • Cooling is operation possible operation is when possible outdoor is possible when outdoor when outdoor quality ensure and quality safetyand quality safety andApprovals safety • Piping length:75m (Total piping length:75m) • Obtaining All ensure Necessary Safety to week. ensure

temperature temperature as low temperature as is -15°C aspossible low /as -10°C* -15°C low as /outdoor -15°C -10°C*/ -10°C* • Top-class • Top-class EER:4.20 • Top-class /EER:4.20 COP:4.31 / COP:4.31 / COP:4.31 • Cooling operation when ensure quality and safetyEER:4.20 • Heating •operation Heating •asHeating is operation possible iswhen possible outdoor is possible when outdoor when outdoor (Cassette type:4HP) (Cassette (Cassette type:4HP) type:4HP) temperature low as operation -15°C / -10°C* • Top-class EER:4.20 / COP:4.31 temperature temperature as low temperature as -20°C as low / as -25°C* -20°C low as / -20°C -25°C* / • Compiled • Compiled Demand • Compiled Response(DRED) Demand Demand Response(DRED) Response(DRED) • Heating operation is possible when outdoor -25°C* (Cassette type:4HP) • Onetemperature ampere • One starting ampere •asOne current ampere starting starting current current • Cooling operation • Cooling • Cooling is operation possible operation iswhen possible outdoor is possible when outdoor when outdoor low as -20°C / -25°C* • Compiled Demand Response(DRED) • Auto restart •ampere Auto from restart • starting Auto outdoor from restart unit outdoor from outdoor unit unit temperature temperature as high temperature asis as 46°C highas ashigh 46°Casoutdoor 46°C • One current • Cooling operation possible when Apply 8HP Apply for 8HP * from Apply onlyfor 8HP only unit • DC temperature inverter • DC technology inverter •asDC inverter technology combined technology combined with R410A combined with forR410A with* R410A for •forAuto for*only restart outdoor high as 46°C excellent efficiency excellent excellent efficiency efficiency * Apply for 8HP only • DC inverter technology combined with R410A for

Service excellent Contact Address efficiency

Weekly timer Product Product Quality Product Quality andQuality Safety and Safety and Safety Product Quality and Safety Filter information All Panasonic All Panasonic air conditioners All Panasonic air conditioners undergo air conditioners strict undergo quality undergo strict andquality safety strict and tests quality safety before andtests safety sale.before This tests sale. before This sale. This Menu items rigorous process rigorous includes rigorous process obtaining process includes includes All obtaining Necessary obtaining All Necessary Safety All Necessary Approvals, Safety Approvals, Safety to ensure Approvals, that to ensure all to that ensure all that all All Panasonic air conditionersOuting undergofunction strict quality and safety tests before sale. This air conditioners air conditioners weairsell conditioners arewe notsell only are webuilt sell nottoare only thenot built highest only to the built market highest to the standards, highest market market standards, but arestandards, also but are but alsoare also rigorous process includes obtaining All Necessary Safety Approvals, to ensure that all completely completely safe. completely air conditioners wesafe. sell aresafe. not only built to the highest market standards, but are also Quiet operation mode completely safe.

Power consumption monitor Energy saving

Energy-saving Energy-saving Energy-saving concept concept Initial concept settings Energy-saving concept Product Quality and Safety Ventilation The use ofThe energy useThe saving of energy usedesign of saving energy for design the saving structure for design theofstructure for fans, the fan structure ofmotors, fans, of fan compressors fans, motors, fan motors, compressors and compressors heat exchangers and heat and exchangers heat exchangers

Once you have register service contact details, they are automatically displayed if a Piping length:75m (Total piping length:75m) problem with the air conditioner occurs. This helps you quickly deal with the Coolingsituation. operation is possible when outdoor

resulted in resulted high COP resulted in value high COP inwhich high value ranked COPwhich value as ranked one which theranked as topone class the as in one top thethe class industry. topin class theInindustry. addition, in the industry. Inuse addition, of In highly addition, useefficient of highly use ofefficient highly efficient

The use of energy saving design for the structure of fans, fan motors, compressors and heat exchangers All Panasonic air conditioners R410A undergo strict quality and safety tests before sale.industry. This Incosts. Temperature auto return refrigerant R410A refrigerant reduces refrigerant CO2 reduces emission reduces CO2 and emission CO2 lowers emission and operating lowers and costs. operating lowers costs. resulted in highR410A COP value which ranked as one the top class in theoperating addition, use of highly efficient rigorous process includes obtaining Allrefrigerant Necessary Approvals, ensure that all R410A reduces Safety CO2 emission and lowers to operating costs. Temperature setting range air conditioners we sell are not5 only built to the highest market 2 2 2 standards, but are also 45 3 3 4 3 5 4 inverterLarge-capacity compressor inverter has compressor inverter beencompressor has beenhas been Compact &Compact Compact &Large-capacity & Large-capacity Auto shutoff 2 1 High Effi1cient completely safe. 3 adopted. Theadopted. inverter adopted. compressor The inverter Theis compressor inverter superior compressor inis superior is in superior in High 1Effi High cient Efficient 5Energy4 Saving Large-capacity inverter compressor has been Compact & Compressor Compressor Compressor performanceperformance with improved performance with partial-load improved with improved capacity. partial-load partial-load capacity. capacity. 1 High Schedule peak cutEffi adopted. The inverter compressor is superior in cient

emperature as low as -15°C / -10°C* Heating operation is possible when outdoor emperature as low as -20°C / -25°C* One ampere starting current Auto restart from outdoor unit


Board (S-LINK) Board (S-LINK) Board (S-LINK) pieces to improve piecesmaintenance topieces improve to maintenance improve work. maintenance work. work. The number of PCB was reduced from 3 into 2 Printed Circuit

pply for 8HP only

ECONAVI on/2 off Board (S-LINK)


ration Lock

vent operation by anyone han the supervisor, on keys can be locked. events anyone changing or ing with temperature s, airflow rate, airflow on and other settings.

r Information 12 12

12 nformation is indicated for

performance with improved partial-load capacity.

The number The of PCB number was Theof reduced number PCB was from of PCB reduced 3 into was2from reduced 3 into from 2 3 into 2 Printed Circuit Printed Printed Circuit Circuit Repeat off2 timer 2 2

Maintenance Function

Energy-saving concept

pieces to improve maintenance work.

Checking load Checking and outside Checking load temperature, and load outside andtemperature, the outside DC temperature, the DC the DC 3 DC fan motor 3 DC fan 3 motor DC fan motor motor is controlled motor is forcontrolled motor optimum is controlled for air volume. optimum for optimum air volume. air volume. Checking load and outside temperature, the DC 3 DC fan motor motor is controlled for optimum air volume.

Outdoor unit error data

Service Contact address

The newly designed The newly fan The designed has newly beendesigned fan realized has been fan to inhibit has realized beentorealized inhibit to inhibit

air Large turbulenceairand turbulence to increase air turbulence andefficiency. to increase and to efficiency. increase efficiency. New LargeNew Large New The newly designed fan has been realized to inhibit 4 Diagonal 4 (520mm) 4 Diagonal Diagonal (520mm) (520mm) As fan diameter As fan hasdiameter been As fan increased diameter has been tohas increased 520mm, been increased the to 520mm, to 520mm, the the air turbulence and to increase efficiency. New Fan Large Air Flow Air FlowAir Fan Flow Fanhas air volume air been volume increased airhas volume been whilst has increased been maintaining increased whilstamaintaining whilst maintaining a a 4 Diagonal (520mm) As fan diameter has been increased to 520mm, the low sound level. low sound low level. sound level. Air Flow Fan air volume has been increased whilst maintaining a

RC setting mode The use of energy saving design for the structure of fans, fan motors, compressors and heat exchangers Maintenance Test Run resulted in high COP value which ranked as one the top Display of outdoor malfunction 1 class1 in the 1 industry. In addition, use of highly efficient Function low sound level. Sensor Information data, service contact details,R410A refrigerant reduces CO2 emission and lowers operating 1 costs. The heat exchanger The heatsize The exchanger and heatthe exchanger size copper andtube the sizecopper sizes and thetube copper sizestube sizes High-Effi5ciency High-Effi High-Effi ciency ciency 5 5 in the heat exchanger in the heat inhas exchanger thebeen heatredesigned exchanger has beento has redesigned been redesigned to to filter cleaning remaining time Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger Heat Exchanger The heat exchanger size and the copper tube sizes Service check High-Efficiency increase efficiency. increase efficiency. increase efficiency. 5 and other data enables at-aglace verification of maintenance information with5 the remote controller.

Heat Exchanger




Simple/ Detailed Settings Compact & Auto address

1 High Efficient


in the heat exchanger has been redesigned to increase efficiency.

Large-capacity inverter compressor has been adopted. The inverter compressor is superior in performance with improved partial-load capacity.


13 13


Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit

Outdoor Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Unit Outdoor Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit Unit Demand Response Demand Response Compliant Demand Compliant Response Compliant Demand Response Demand Demand Response Compliant Response Compliant Compliant Panasonic air conditioners Panasonicare air conditioners equipped Panasonic with are air a equipped Demand conditioners Response withare a Demand equipped Enabling Response with Device a Demand Enabling (DRED)Response which Device complies (DRED) Enabling to which Device complies (DRED)towhich complies to

Improved Energy Improved Saving Energy Improved Saving Energy Saving Improved Energy Improved Improved Energy Energy Saving Saving The operation efficiency The operation hasSaving been efficiency The improved operation hasusing been efficiency improved highly efficient hasusing been R410A highly improved refrigerant, efficient using R410A new highly DC refrigerant, efficient inverterR410A new DC refrigerant, inverter new DC inverter compressor, compressor, DCoperation motor and new new compressor, DC design motor and ofnew heat new DC exchanger. design motor of and heat new exchanger. design of heat exchanger. The operationnew efficiency The has The been operation efficiency improved efficiency hasusing been has highly improved been efficient improved using R410A highly using refrigerant, efficient highly efficient R410A new DC refrigerant, R410A inverter refrigerant, new DCnew inverter DC inverter compressor, newcompressor, DC motor compressor, and newnew DCnew design motor DCof and motor heat new exchanger. and design new of design heat exchanger. of heat exchanger.

both AS 4755 and both ASAS 3823. 4755 and both ASconditioners AS 3823. continues 4755 and to AS design 3823. continues develop to adesign products continues andResponse develop that to design areproducts tailored andcomplies develop to that local are products tailored to that local are tailoredtoto local Panasonic air conditioners Panasonic Panasonic are airPanasonic equipped conditioners air with are aPanasonic Demand equipped are equipped Response withand aPanasonic Demand with Enabling Demand Response Device (DRED) Enabling which Enabling Device (DRED) Device to (DRED) which complies which complies to needsASand requirements. needs and This requirements. ensures needs and This Panasonic requirements. ensures products that This Panasonic ensures products that are Panasonic that you today products are are installing compliant that today you with are areinstalling compliant today with compliant with both 4755 and both ASAS 3823. both 4755 Panasonic AS and 4755 ASthat and 3823. continues AS Panasonic 3823. to design Panasonic continues andthat continues develop toyou design products toinstalling and design develop that and are develop products tailored products to that local are that tailored are tailored to local toare local the demand response the demand standards response are the likely demand standards to beresponse implemented are standards toPanasonic be shortly. implemented are shortly. bethat implemented shortly. needs and requirements. needs and needs This requirements. ensures and requirements. that This Panasonic ensures Thislikely products ensures that that that Panasonic youlikely products are to installing products you today that areare you installing compliant are installing today with are today compliant are compliant with with

Cooling (Ducted) Cooling (Ducted) Cooling (Ducted) Heating (Ducted) Heating (Ducted) Heating (Ducted) Cooling Cooling Cooling Cooling (Ducted) Cooling Cooling (Ducted) (Ducted) Heating (Ducted) Heating Heating (Ducted) (Ducted) 4.4 Cooling 4.3 4.4 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.0 4.1 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.7 2.8 2.7

4.4 Cooling Cooling

3.90 3.90

3.24 3.01





4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 Previous PE1 PF1 PE2Previous PE1 PF1 PE2 Previous PE1 PF1 4.31 PE2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.2 4.2 Previous 4.31 PE1 PF1 PE2 Previous 4.2 PE1 Previous PF1 PE1 PE2 PF1 4.2PE2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.02 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.13.90 3.90 3.84 3.84 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.93.84 3.9 4.02 3.87 3.85 3.87 3.85 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.90 3.90 3.84 3.84 3.9 3.93.85 3.93.87 3.93.84 3.9 3.87 3.87 3.85 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.52 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.50 3.50 3.483.7 3.48 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.53.50 3.45 3.42 3.42 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.413.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.373.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.52 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.50 3.313.50 3.31 3.31 3.32 3.483.5 3.48 3.5 3.50 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.45 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.263.24 3.26 3.24 3.25 3.26 3.3 3.25 3.42 3.423.41 3.3 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.25 3.233.4 3.23 3.23 3.37 3.21 3.21 3.21 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.36 3.36 3.363.31 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.31 3.31 3.32 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.263.23 3.253.26 3.21 3.25 3.25 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.24 3.1 3.23 3.1 3.23 3.21 3.21 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 2.9 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.77 2.77 2.8 2.772.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.77 2.77 2.77 2.8 2.8

2.5 HP

3.0 HP



2.5 4.06.0 HP HPHP

3.0 5.08.0 HP HPHP

4.0 6.0 HP HP

2.5 HP5.0 8.0 HP HP

3.0 HP6.0 HP

2.54.0HPHP8.0 HP

2.5 HP

3.0 HP

2.5 4.0HPHP

2.53.0 5.0 HPHPHP

3.04.0 6.0 HPHPHP

4.05.0 8.0 HPHPHP


2.5 HP 6.08.0HPHP

3.0 HP8.0 HP

2.5 4.0HP HP







Previous 4.31


PF1 PE2 PE1 4.31Previous 4.31 PF1



4.02 3.85


3.85 3.68 3.60 3.52 3.52 3.68 3.48 3.45 3.60 3.42 3.41 3.41 3.37 3.52 3.52 3.52 3.34 3.32 3.453.48 3.45 3.42 3.37 3.34 3.32


PE2 4.02 PF1




4.02 3.68

3.60 3.45

3.52 3.52



3.37 3.52 3.32

3.34 3.52 3.37 3.34 3.32

3.60 3.60

3.52 3.68 3.34


2.5 4.06.0 HP HPHP

3.0 5.08.0 HP HPHP

4.0 6.0 HP HP

5.0 8.0 HP HP

3.04.0 6.0 HPHP HP

4.05.0 8.0 HPHP HP



the the demand standards the demand response are likely response standards to bestandards implemented are likelyare to likely be shortly. implemented to be implemented shortly. shortly. PE1 demand response The Equipment Energy The Equipment EfficiencyEnergy (E3) The program Equipment Efficiency hasEnergy (E3) program Efficiency has (E3) program has beenEquipment supportingEnergy been the development supporting the been of Demand development supporting the of Demand development The The Equipment Efficiency The Equipment Energy (E3) program Efficiency Energyhas Efficiency (E3) program (E3) program has of Demand has Response Enabling Response Enabling (DRED) Response Device Enabling for airDevice for air- standards for airbeen supporting been theDevice development supporting been supporting the ofstandards Demand development the(DRED) development ofstandards Demand of (DRED) Demand conditioners which conditioners should comply which conditioners with should AS 4755. comply which should AS 4755. comply Response Enabling Response Device Response (DRED) Enabling standards Enabling Device (DRED) Device for air-with (DRED) standards standards for air-with for AS air- 4755. 3.68 DRED functionality DRED is not functionality compulsory DRED is today, not functionality compulsory however, istoday, not compulsory however, today, however, conditioners which conditioners should conditioners comply which with should which AS 4755. comply should comply with ASwith 4755. AS 4755. Demand this capability willDRED this be required for will all this beinstallations required capability forin will all the be installations required for in the allhowever, installations in the DRED functionality is capability notfunctionality DRED compulsory functionality is today, not compulsory ishowever, not compulsory today, however, today, controller DRM1 DRM2 DRM3 C DRM1 DRM2Demand DRM3 C verycapability near future very near future nearbefuture this willthis be capability required this capability for willallvery be installations required will required for in all theinstallations for all installations in the in the



6.0 HP

Demand controller

Demand controller

DRM1 DRM2Demand DRM3 CDemand

controller controller

block C DRM1Terminal block block DRM1Terminal DRM2 DRM3 DRM2DRM1 DRM3 DRM2 C DRM3Terminal C

very near future very near very future near future


2.53.0 5.0 HPHP HP

Wide Operating Wide Operating Range Wide Range Operating Range Wide Wide Wide Range Operating Operating Range Range • CoolingOperating operation • Cooling is possible operation when • Cooling isoutdoor possible operation temperature when outdoor is possible as low temperature when as -15°C outdoor as low temperature as -15°C as low as -15°C


PF1 PE2 Previous PE1 Previous

Outdoor unit

Terminal block Outdoor unit

Outdoor unit

Outdoor unit Outdoor unit

Terminal block Terminal block Outdoor unit

Demand control Demand terminal iscontrol available terminal Demand to control iscontrol available terminal to control is available to control 0-50-75-100% of 0-50-75-100% capacities. of 0-50-75-100% capacities. of capacities. Demand control terminal DemandDemand iscontrol available terminal control to control terminal is available is available to control to control

8.0 HP

0-50-75-100% of0-50-75-100% capacities. 0-50-75-100% of capacities. of capacities.

8.0 HP

Compact and Compact Lightweight and Compact Lightweight and Lightweight Compact and Compact Lightweight Compact and Lightweight and The weight is only The 98weight kg. (4HP, is only 5HP, The 986HP) weight kg. (4HP, isLightweight only 5HP,98 6HP) kg. (4HP, 5HP, 6HP)

Cooling operation operation Cooling is possible possible operation when •operation Cooling isoutdoor outdoor possible operation temperature when outdoor outdoor iswhen possible as low high temperature when as-15°C 46°C outdoor as low high temperature as-15°C 46°Casas high as 46°C •• Cooling •• Cooling is • Cooling operation when is possible istemperature possible when as outdoor temperature as temperature as as as low -15°C Heating operation operation Heating is possible possible operation when •operation Heating is outdoor possible operation temperature when outdoor outdoor iswhen possible as high low temperature when as outdoor as high low temperature as low as -20°C •• Cooling •• Cooling is • Cooling operation when is outdoor possible istemperature possible when as outdoor temperature as -20°C 46°C temperature as as -20°C high 46°Casas46°C remote controller temperature controller The setting remote temperature offers controller a range setting temperature from offers 16°C aas range tosetting 30°C. from offers 16°C range to-20°C 30°C. from 16°C to 30°C. •The Heating operation •The Heating isremote possible • Heating operation when operation isoutdoor possible istemperature possible when outdoor when as low outdoor temperature -20°C temperature as low aas as low as -20°C

Hence it is easy to Hence carry, easy is easy to to install. Hence carry, is to5HP, install. to carry, easy to install. The weight is only The 98 weight kg.itThe (4HP, isweight only 5HP, 98 is6HP) only kg.iteasy (4HP, 98easy kg. (4HP, 6HP) 5HP, 6HP) Hence it is easy to Hence carry,itHence easy is easy toit install. to is easy carry,toeasy carry, to easy install.to install.

The remote controller The remote temperature The controller remote setting controller temperature offerstemperature a range setting from offers setting 16°C a offers range to 30°C. afrom range 16°C from to16°C 30°C.to 30°C.




Lightweight Lightweight

98 kg 98 kg


98 kg 98 kg 98 kg98 kg

Cooling: -15°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -15°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -15°C DB to 46°C DB Heating: -20°C WB to 24°C Heating: WB -20°C WB to 24°C Heating: WB -20°C WB to 24°C WB Cooling: -15°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -15°C Cooling: DB to -15°C 46°CDB DBto 46°C DB Heating: -20°C WB to 24°C Heating: WB -20°C Heating: WB to -20°C 24°CWB WBto 24°C WB

For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW For 12.1 kWFor - 15.5 12.1kW kW - 15.5 kW Cooling: -10°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -10°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -10°C DB to 46°C DB Heating: -25°C WB to 15°C Heating: WB -25°C WB to 15°C Heating: WB -25°C WB to 15°C WB Cooling: -10°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -10°C Cooling: DB to -10°C 46°CDB DBto 46°C DB Heating: -25°C WB to 15°C Heating: WB -25°C Heating: WB to -25°C 15°CWB WBto 15°C WB

Compact &Compact Flexible-design &Compact Flexible-design & Flexible-design Compact &Compact Flexible-design &The Flexible-design &design Flexible-design The slim and lightweight The slimCompact design and lightweight can beslim and lightweight can be design can be installed various installed places. in various installed places. in various places. The slim in and lightweight The slimThe design and slim lightweight can and belightweight design can design be can be * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit or smaller unit installed in various installed places. installed in various in* 6HP places. various places. * 6HP or smaller unit

Only apply S-200PE2R5Only / U-200PE1R8 apply S-200PE2R5 /Only U-200PE1R8 apply S-200PE2R5 / U-200PE1R8

* 6HP or smaller * 6HPunit or smaller unit

Only apply S-200PE2R5Only / U-200PE1R8 apply S-200PE2R5 Only apply S-200PE2R5 / U-200PE1R8 / U-200PE1R8

Single Split Single Split Single Split FS Multi Single Split SingleSingle Split Split FS Multi

Increased Increased Piping Length Piping Increased for Length Greater Piping for Length Greaterfor Greater Increased Piping Increased Increased Length Piping for Piping Length Greater Length for Greater for Greater Design Flexibility Design Flexibility Design Flexibility Design Flexibility Design Design Flexibility Flexibility Adaptable to various Adaptable building to types various Adaptable and building sizestotypes various andbuilding sizes types and sizes Max. pipingtolength Max. : 50m piping (2.5HP, 3.0HP), Max. : 50m piping (2.5HP, length 3.0HP), : types 50m (2.5HP, 3.0HP), Adaptable various Adaptable building Adaptable tolength types various to and building various sizes building types and sizes and sizes 75m (4.0HP, 5.0HP, 75m (4.0HP, 75m 6.0HP), (4.0HP, 5.0HP, 6.0HP), Max. piping length Max. : 50m piping Max. (2.5HP, length piping 3.0HP), : length 50m6.0HP), (2.5HP, : 50m 5.0HP, (2.5HP, 3.0HP), 3.0HP), 180m(4.0HP, (8.0HP)5.0HP, 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP) 75m 75m 6.0HP), (4.0HP, 75m (4.0HP, 5.0HP, 6.0HP), 5.0HP, 6.0HP), 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP)

Max. piping

14 14

14 14

Quiet Mode Quiet ModeQuiet Mode Quiet Quiet Mode Mode 5dB can Mode be reduced 5dB by canQuiet setting. be reduced 5dBby can setting. be reduced by setting.

Height difference 30m*1 Height50m difference *2(8.0HP) 30m*1 50m*2(8.0HP)

Height difference Height difference 30m*1 30m*1 2(8.0HP) Height difference difference 50m*2(8.0HP) 50m *Height 1 1 30m* 30m* 50m*2(8.0HP) 50m*2(8.0HP)

FS Multi FS Multi FS Multi FS Multi

External signal External also input signal External isbyalso input available. is also available. 5dB can input be reduced 5dBisby can setting. 5dB beavailable. reduced can be reduced setting. bysignal setting. * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit External input signal External is also External input available. signal inputissignal also available. is also available. * 6HP or smaller unit

* 6HP or smaller * 6HPunit or smaller unit

15m if the outdoor unit* is15m if the outdoor unit is * 15m if the outdoor unit * is below the indoor unit. below the indoor unit. below the indoor unit. 1is 1 outdoor if the outdoor unit 15m ifif the 15m if the unit **12 15m * *the 2 40m if the outdoor unit 40m below the outdoor unitoutdoor is40m below ifunit the theisoutdoor unit is below the * is *2is below indoor unit. below below unit. the indoor unit. indoorthe unit. indoor the unit.indoor indoor unit. below if the the 40m if the unitoutdoor is below unit theis below the *2 40m if the outdoor unit*2is40m *2 outdoor indoor unit. Max. indoor unit. indoor unit. (2.5, 3.0HP) (2.5, 3.0HP) length: Max.50m piping length: 50m piping length: 50m (2.5, 3.0HP) 1



(4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP)75m (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP) 75m (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP) 75m (2.5, (2.5,50m 3.0HP)(2.5, 3.0HP) Max. piping length: Max.50m piping Max.3.0HP) length: piping 50m length: 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP) 5.0, 6.0HP) (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP) 75m (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP)75m (4.0,75m 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP)






Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit

Outdoor Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit Unit Outdoor Demand Response Demand Response Compliant Demand Response Compliant Compliant Demand Response Demand Compliant Response Compliant Dimensions (8.0withHP) Panasonic air conditioners Panasonic are air conditioners equipped Panasonic are aira equipped conditioners Demand Response with are a Demand equipped Enabling Response with Device a Demand Enabling (DRED) Response which Device complies (DRED) Enabling to which Device complies (DRED)to which complies to

Improved Energy Improved Saving Energy Improved Saving Energy Saving Improved Energy Improved Energy Saving The operation efficiency The operation hasSaving been efficiency The improved operation has using been efficiency highly efficient hasusing been R410A highly improved refrigerant, efficient usingR410A highly new DC refrigerant, efficient inverter R410A new DC refrigerant, inverter new DC inverter Dimensions (2.5 HP - improved 3.0 HP) Space for piping,

wiring and compressor, compressor, DC motor and newnew compressor, DC design motor and ofnew heat new DC exchanger. design motor of and heat new exchanger. design of heat exchanger. The operationnew efficiency has The been operation improved efficiency using has highly been efficient improved R410A using refrigerant, highly efficient new DC R410A inverter refrigerant, new DC inverter Unit:mm maintenance 500 of heat exchanger.200 compressor, new DC motor compressor, and new new design DCofmotor heat exchanger. and new design

2.5 HP

3.0 HP



2.5 4.06.0 HPHPHP

3.0 5.08.0 HPHPHP

4.0 6.0HPHP

2.5 HP 5.0 8.0HPHP

3.0 HP 6.0 HP

2.5 HP

3.0 HP

4.0 HP

2.5 5.0 HP HP

3.0 6.0 HP HP

4.0 8.0 HP HP

5.0 HP

2.5 HP 6.0 HP

3.0 HP8.0 HP



2.54.0HPHP8.0 HP




4.0 6 HP

2.5 5.0 HP HP

3.52 3.52



3.37 3.52


2.5 4.06.0 HPHPHP42 3.0 6.0 HP HP

3.0 5.08.0 HPHPHP64 4.0 6.0HPHP 90 unit: mm 4.0 8.0 HP HP 5.0 HP

View B

5.0 8.0HPHP

6.0 HP

6.0 HP

8.0 HP


500 or more

Air discharge



14 16

14 14






60 35 86







Compact and Compact Lightweight and Compact Lightweight and Lightweight Compact and Lightweight Compact and The weight is only The 98weight kg. (4HP, is only 5HP, The 986HP) weight kg. (4HP, is Lightweight only 5HP,986HP) kg. (4HP, 5HP, 6HP)



Installation hole 8 - 15 x 21 elongated hole Lightweight Lightweight

98 kg 98 kg

Enlarged view D

Front view Installation fixing bracket Installation side 477 326 191

Side view 5

installed various installed places. in various installed places. in various places. The slim in and lightweight The design slimcan and belightweight design can be * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit installed in various places. installed in various places.


* 6HP or smaller unit


Enlarged view E


Single Split Position of refrigerant tube connection




4 42 64 Height difference Height difference Height difference 30m*1 30m 30m*1 90 *1 2(8.0HP) Height50m difference difference 50m*2(8.0HP) 50m*Height *2(8.0HP) 1 1 30m* 30m* 50m*2(8.0HP) View B 50m*2(8.0HP)

According to the installation site, you may choose the setting position in the depth direction of the anchor bolt from "A", "B" or "C". A : 894 (Installation hole pitch) * The tubing is routed out from the front. B : 730 (Installation hole pitch) * The tubing is routed out from the bottom. C : 730 (Installation hole pitch)

197 4 Compact &Compact Flexible-design &Compact Flexible-design & Flexible-design Compact &The Flexible-design &design Flexible-design The slim and lightweight slimCompact design and lightweight can Thebe slim and lightweight can be design can be

* 6HP or smaller unit


8HP ø19.05 ø9.52

Installation holes(8-15x21 elongated holes), anchor bolts M12 or larger


External signal External isbyalso input available. signal External is also input available. is also available. 5dB can input be reduced setting. 5dB can be reduced bysignal setting. * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit * 6HP or smaller unit External input signal is also External available. input signal is also available.


* 6HP or smaller unit

Refrigerant tubing & electrical wiring port (Bottom plate dimension)

Types of unit Refrigerant tubing brazed (gas tube) connection Refrigerant tubing flared (liquid tube) connection

Single Split 4Single Split Refrigerant tubing port (front: knock-out hole) FS Multi FS Multi FS Multi Single Split Single Split FS Multi FS Multi 5 Refrigerant tubing port (bottom: slit hole) 4

Space for creation of hole Quiet Mode Quiet Mode Quiet on-site (Max. diameter ø48)Mode Quiet Mode 5dB can Mode be reduced 5dB by canQuiet setting. be reduced 5dB by cansetting. be reduced by setting.

* 6HP or smaller unit







601 71


98 kg 98 kg 98 kg



Air intake


Outdoor unit


15m if the unit 15m if the outdoor unit is *1 15m if the outdoor unit *1 is *1 is unit:outdoor mm below the indoor unit. below the indoor unit. below the indoor unit. 7 1 15m if the outdoor unit is if the outdoor unit is **12 15m * 1) Mounting hole, anchor bolt:M10 2 2 40m if the outdoor unit 40m below if the the outdoor unit 40m below if the theoutdoor unit is below the * is * is below the indoorpiping(liquid unit. indoor the indoor unit. 2) Refrigerant pipe),flared (ø9.52) indoor unit. unit.belowconnection indoor unit. 8 piping(gas pipe),flared (ø15.88) the outdoor unit is below the if the outdoor unit is below the B 3)ifRefrigerant *2 40m *2 40mconnection 4) Refrigerant piping hole indoor unit. Max. indoor50m unit. (2.5, 3.0HP) (2.5, 3.0HP) (2.5, 3.0HP) Max. piping length: Max.50m piping length: 50m piping length: 5) Electrical wiring port (ø13) 60 4 75m (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP) (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP)75m (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP) 75m 6) Electrical wiring port (ø22) (2.5, 3.0HP) (2.5, 3.0HP) Max.84.5 piping length: 50mMax. piping length: 50m (8.0HP) (8.0HP) 180m 7) 180m 180m (8.0HP) Electrical wiring port (ø27) 109.5 35 5.0, 6.0HP) 75m (4.0, 75m (4.0, 5.0, 6.0HP) 8) Electrical wiring port (ø35) 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP)







Adaptable to various Adaptable building to types various Adaptable and building sizestotypes various and building sizes types and sizes 2 3.0HP), 3: 50m Max. pipingtolength Max. : 50m piping (2.5HP, length Max. 3.0HP), : 50m piping (2.5HP, length 3.0HP), Air discharge Adaptable various building Adaptable types to and various sizes building types(2.5HP, and sizes 75mMax. (4.0HP, 5.0HP, 75m6.0HP), (4.0HP, 75m6.0HP), (4.0HP, 5.0HP, 6.0HP), Max. piping length : 50m (2.5HP, piping 3.0HP), length : 50m 5.0HP, (2.5HP, 3.0HP), 180m(4.0HP, (8.0HP)5.0HP, 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP) 75m 6.0HP), 75m (4.0HP, 5.0HP, 6.0HP), 180m (8.0HP) 180m (8.0HP)



Increased Increased Piping Length Piping Increased for Length Greater Piping for Length Greaterfor Greater Increased Piping Increased Length for Piping Greater Length for Greater Design Flexibility Design Flexibility Design Flexibility 62 68.5 Hole Design Flexibility Design Flexibility(Bottom)






Terminal block Outdoor unit

0-50-75-100% of capacities. 0-50-75-100% of capacities.



Refrigerant piping end connection

2-18x13 Only apply S-200PE2R5Only / U-200PE1R8 apply S-200PE2R5Only / U-200PE1R8 apply S-200PE2R5 / U-200PE1R8 Anchor hole Only apply S-200PE2R5 / U-200PE1R8 Only apply S-200PE2R5 / U-200PE1R8



Cooling: -10°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB 61-10°C 57.5 DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -10°C DB to 46°C DB 31.5 Heating: -25°C WB to 15°C Heating: WB -25°C WB to 15°C Heating: WB -25°C WB to 15°C WB Cooling: -10°C DB to 46°C DB Cooling: -10°C DB to 46°C DB Heating: -25°C WB to 15°C WB view Heating: -25°C WB to 15°C WB Enlarged A

Air intake



Space for piping, wiring and maintenance



Space for piping,wiring and maintenance



Air intake

Anchor hole





200 or more

100 or more

For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW 380.5

For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW


Terminal block Outdoor unit

Outdoor unit

8.0 HP

Cooling: -15°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -15°C DB to 46°C Cooling: DB -15°C DB to 46°C DB Heating: -20°C WB to 24°C Heating: WB -20°C WB to 24°C Heating: WB -20°C WB to 24°C WB Cooling: -15°C DB to 46°C DB Cooling: -15°C DB to 46°C DB Heating: -20°C WB to 24°C WB Heating: -20°C WB to 24°C WB

2-U shaped hole For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW For 12.1 kW - 15.5 kW 620

Electrical componentOutdoor box unit

Air discharge

Hence it is easy to Hence carry, easy is easy to5HP, to install. Hence carry, it easy is98easy to install. to carry, easy to install. The weight is only 98 kg.itThe (4HP, weight is6HP) only kg. (4HP, 5HP, 6HP) Hence it is easy to carry, Hence easy toit install. is easy to carry, easy to install.

The remote controller temperature The remote setting controller offerstemperature a range from setting 16°Coffers to 30°C. a range from 16°C to 30°C.





4) Refrigerant hole Cooling operation operation • Cooling is possible possible operation when •operation Cooling isoutdoor outdoor possible operation temperature when isoutdoor possible as low high temperature when as-15°C 46°C outdoor as high temperature as 46°C as-15°C highpiping as 46°C •• Cooling is • Cooling when istemperature possible when as outdoor as temperature Handle 4 as low 5)as Electrical wiring port (ø13) 60 60 Heating operation operation • Heating is5 possible possible operation when • Heating isoutdoor possible operation temperature when isoutdoor possible as high low temperature when as outdoor as low temperature as as46°C lowwiring as -20°C Electrical port (ø22) 26 84.5 •• Cooling is •6 Cooling is35 temperature possible when as outdoor as -20°C 46°C temperature as -20°C high6)as 7 when 8 operation 4outdoor 7) Electrical wiring port (ø27) 86 35 remote controller Theisremote temperature controller The setting remote temperature offers a range setting temperature from offers 16°C a109.5 range to setting 30°C. from offers 16°C a as range to low 30°C. from 16°C toport 30°C. 8) Electrical wiring (ø35) •The Heating operation possible • Heating when operation outdoor iscontroller temperature possible when as low outdoor as -20°C temperature as -20°C

Dimensions (4.0 HP - 6.0 HP)


Demand controller

Demand control Demand terminal iscontrol available terminal Demand to control iscontrol available terminal to control is available to control 0-50-75-100% of 0-50-75-100% capacities. of 0-50-75-100% capacities. of capacities. Demand control terminalDemand is available control to control terminal is available to control















3.60 3.52 3.68


7 Wide Operating Wide Operating Range Wide Range Operating Range 1) Mounting hole, anchor bolt:M10 8 2) Refrigerant piping (liquid pipe),flared connection (ø9.52) Wide Wide Range Range • CoolingOperating operation • Cooling is possible operation when •Operating Cooling isoutdoor possible operation temperature when isoutdoor possible as low temperature when as -15°C outdoor as low temperature as -15°C as low as -15°C 3) Refrigerant piping (gas pipe),flared connection (ø15.88) 81




3.60 3.45







3.52 3.52 3.68 5 3.60 47 3.48 3.45 3.42 3.41 3.41 3.37 3.52 3.52 3.34 6 3.32 8 3.48 3.45 3.42 3.34



3.87 Enlarged view3.85 A





the theintake demand are likely response to bestandards implemented are likely shortly. to be implemented shortly. PE1 demand response standards E The Equipment EfficiencyEnergy The (E3) Equipment program Efficiency has Energy (E3) program Efficiency has (E3) program has PE2The Equipment Energy Air beenEquipment supportingEnergy been the development supporting been the of Demand development supporting the of Demand development of Demand intake The Efficiency The Equipment (E3) program Energyhas Efficiency (E3) program has ole th e Response Enabling Response Enabling (DRED) Response Device Enabling for air-standards Device for air-standards forouairbeen supporting theDevice development been supporting ofstandards Demand the(DRED) development of(DRED) Demand l ho ck conditioners which conditioners should comply which conditioners with should AS 4755. comply which should AS 4755. comply with no -out Response Enabling Device Response (DRED) standards Enabling Device for air-with (DRED) standards forAS air-k4755. 0 3 k 15 DRED 740 3.68DRED functionality DRED is not functionality compulsory iswhich today, not functionality compulsory however, is today, not compulsory however, today, ø6 however, oc conditioners which should conditioners comply with AS 4755. should comply with AS 4755. kn (Installation hole pitch) Demand Demand 8 this capability willthis be required for will all this beinstallations capability required for will inall the be installations requiredtoday, for in all the installations the 770 is DRED functionality is capability notDRED compulsory functionality today, however, not compulsory however, controller controller ø2 DRM1 in DRM2 DRM3 C DRM1 DRM2Demand DRM3 C DRM1 DRM2 DRM3 C Demand verycapability near future near future very near future this willvery be required this capability for all installations will be required in the for all installations in the Top view controller block C View Terminal block block controller DRM1Terminal DRM2 DRM3 C DDRM2 DRM3Terminal Z DRM1 very near future very near future










3.24 3.24


Refrigerant piping 3.85 3.68 end3.60 connection





PF1 PE2 Previous PE1 4.31



63 (part 1 2 )






220 355 458 585 646

92 74 278 347






4.31 and maintenance PE2








PE2 Previous

835 853






152 137 66







1758 1654




33 23 5 2







4.3 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.2 4.31 Previous PE1 PF1 4.2PE2 4.3 4.3 4.10 4.10 4.10 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.1 Air intake 4.02 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.10 4.10 4.1 4.1 4.13.90 3.90 3.84 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.93.84 3.93.84 4.02 3.87 3.85 3.87 3.85 Air discharge 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.90 1 13 3.84 3.84 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.87 3.85 3.87 940 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.8 3.8 3.8 2-18x13 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 Anchor hole 3.52 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.50 3.50 3.483.5 3.483.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.50 3.45 3.42 3.42 3.41 3.41 3.41 3.413.6 3.6 3.6 3.373.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.52 3.36 3.36 3.36 3.50 3.31 3.31 3.48 3.5 3.50 3.5 3.45 3.53.31 3.32 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.3 3.263.24 3.263.24 3.26 3.3 3.25 3.41 3.41 41 3.42 340 3.41 3.41 3.25 3.23 3.25 3.23 3.23 3.37 3.21 3.21 3.21 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.36 3.363.31 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.31 3.32 3.15 3.15 3.15 3.3 3.3 3.26 3.3 3.253.26 3.25 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.23 3.1 3.23 3.21 3.01 3.01 62 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.268.5 3.2 3.2 3.15 3.15 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.1 Hole 2.9 2.9 2.9 3.01 2.9 3.013.01 2.9 3.01 3.0 3.0 3.0 (Bottom) 2.8 2.77 2.77 2.8 2.77 2.8 2.8 2.8 2 2.9 2.9 2.9 Air intake 2.7 Air discharge 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 3 2.8 2.8 2.77 2.77 2.8



4.3 4.4 4.2 4.3 4.1 4.2 4.0 4.1 3.9 4.0 3.8 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.6 3.7 3.5 3.6 3.4 3.5 3.3 3.4 3.2 3.3 3.1 3.2 3.0 3.1 2.9 3.0 2.8 2.9 2.7 2.8




4.4 Cooling

100 or more

Cooling (Ducted) Cooling (Ducted) Cooling (Ducted) Heating Heating or(Ducted) (Ducted) or more(Ducted) Anchor hole 170 620 150 more Heating 2-U shaped hole Cooling Cooling Cooling Air intake Space for Cooling (Ducted) Cooling (Ducted) Heating (Ducted) Heating (Ducted) piping,wiring

both AS 4755 and both ASAS 3823. 4755 and both ASconditioners AS 3823. continues 4755 andto AS design 3823. continues and Panasonic develop to adesign products continues andResponse develop that to design areproducts tailored and complies develop to that local areproducts tailored that local are tailored to to local Panasonic air conditioners Panasonic arePanasonic equipped air with aPanasonic Demand are equipped Response with Enabling Demand Device (DRED) which Enabling Device to (DRED) to which complies Air intake needsASand requirements. needs and This requirements. ensures needsthat and This Panasonic requirements. ensures products thatThis Panasonic that youproducts that are Panasonic that you today products are are installing compliant that today are with are installing compliant today with compliant with both 4755 and AS 3823. both Panasonic AS 4755 and continues AS 3823. to design Panasonic andensures continues develop products toinstalling design that and are develop tailored products to you local that are tailored toare local the demand response the demand standards are therequirements. likely demand standards to be response implemented are standards to be shortly. implemented are likely be shortly. implemented unit: mm with needs and requirements. needs Thisresponse ensures and that Panasonic Thislikely products ensures that that Panasonic you are to installing products today thatare youshortly. compliant are installing withtoday are compliant 5


6 7 8 9

Electrical wiring port (front: ø60, ø28 knock-out hole - for conduit connection) Electrical wiring port (bottom: ø60, ø28 knock-out hole - for conduit connection) Pressure outlet port (for high pressure: ø7.94 Schrader-type connection) Pressure outlet port (for low pressure: ø7.94 Schrader-type connection)

10 Knock-out hole for connecting pressure gauge (optional) 11 Terminal plate 12 Terminal plate for inter-unit control wiring






High Static High Pressure High StaticStatic Pressure Ducted Pressure Ducted Ducte High High StaticStatic Pressure Pressure Ducted Ducte High Static High High Pressure Static Static Pressure Ducted Pressure Ducted Ducted

Indoor Unit

Indoor Indoor Unit Indoor Unit High Static Pressure Indoor Indoor UnitUnit Unit

Indoor Indoor Indoor Unit Unit Unit High Static High High Pressure Static Static Pressure Pressure

Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted HighHigh Static Static Pressure Pressure High Static High High Pressure Static Static Pressure Pressure

Ducted Ducted Ducted

Hidden in the ceiling to provide an ideal match for Hidden in Hidden theHidden ceiling in and theto inceiling the provide ceiling to an provide to ideal provide an match ideal anfor ideal match match for for luxury residences light commercial buildings. Hidden Hidden in theinceiling the ceiling to provide to provide an ideal an ideal match match for for


luxury luxury luxury residences light and commercial light and commercial lightbuildings. commercial buildings. buildings. Hiddenresidences in Hidden the Hidden ceiling in and the inresidences to the ceiling provide ceiling an provide to ideal provide match an ideal ideal for match match for for luxury luxury residences residences andtolight and commercial lightan commercial buildings. buildings. luxury residences luxury luxury residences residences and lightand commercial and light light commercial commercial buildings. buildings. buildings.




S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-100PE1R5AS-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A

S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A

S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A

Cold Reduction at Heating Heating Cold Drafts ColdDrafts Cold Reduction Drafts Drafts Reduction atReduction Heating at Heating ColdCold Drafts Drafts Reduction Reduction at Heating at Heating Cold Drafts Cold Cold Reduction Drafts Drafts Reduction Reduction at Heating at Heating at • Accurate temperature • Accurate • Accurate temperature measurement temperature measurement by measurement by • Accurate temperature measurement by Heating

Compact Body Size Compact Compact Body Compact Size BodyBody Size Size

Compact Compact BodyBody Size Size Compact Compact Body Compact Size Body Body Size Size Hidden in in the Hidden ceiling, Hidden inideal the ceiling, when inwhen the interior ceiling, ideal when decor ideal interior when is an interior decor isdecor an is an Hidden ceiling, ideal interior decor is an HiddenHidden in the ceiling, in the ceiling, ideal when idealinterior when interior decor isdecor an is an

• E1/E2 Accurate •sensor Accurate temperature temperature measurement by atby E1/E2 sensor to sensor reduce E1/E2 cold toreduce reduce drafts tomeasurement at reduce colddrafts drafts coldatdrafts E1/E2 tosensor cold • heating. Accurate temperature • E1/E2 Accurate • Accurate temperature measurement temperature measurement by measurement by byat sensor E1/E2 sensor to reduce to reduce cold drafts cold at drafts heating.heating. heating. E1/E2 sensor E1/E2 toE1/E2 reduce sensor sensor cold to reduce drafts to reduce atcoldcold drafts drafts at at heating. heating. heating. heating. heating.

important consideration consideration important important consideration such asasininresidences such assuch inwith residences as in residences with with important suchconsideration residences with Hidden in the Hidden ceiling, Hidden inideal the inand ceiling, the when ceiling, interior ideal ideal when decor interior isresidences an interior decor decor is anis an important important consideration consideration such aswhen such in as in residences with with many rooms rooms many and rooms many commercial rooms light and commercial buildings. light commercial buildings. buildings. many and light light commercial buildings. important consideration important important consideration such consideration as and incommercial residences such as inas with residences in residences withwith many rooms many and rooms light lightsuch commercial buildings. buildings. many roomsmany andmany light rooms rooms commercial and and light light commercial buildings. commercial buildings. buildings. 1,100

1,100 mm mm

1,100 mm

1,100 1,100 700 mm mmmm700 1,100 1,100 mm mm mm 1,100 1,100 700 mm mm



700 700 mm mm 700 700 mm mm 700 700


1,100 mm

mm mm

430 mm


430 mm


1,100 1,100

700 1,100 1,100 mm mm mm 1,100 mm mm


700 mm 700 mm 700 700

700 700 mm mm



1,100 1,100700 mm mm mm

mm mm

430 430 mm mm 430 430 mm mm 430 430

290 mm (60PE) 290 mm (60PE) 290 mm (60PE)

Air intake Air intake Airintake intake Air Air intake sensor sensor sensor sensor sensor AirE2 intake intake Air intake sensor AirE2 sensor E2 sensor sensor sensor sensor E2 sensor E2 sensor E2 sensor E1 sensor E1 sensor E1 sensor E2 sensor E2 sensor E2 sensor E1 sensor E1 sensor E1 sensor E1 sensor

mm mm

290 mm (71PE, (60PE) 290 mm (60PE) 60PE, 71PE, 100PE 60PE, 71PE, 60PE, 100PE 71PE, 100PE 360mm mm (60PE) (71PE, 100PE) 360 360 100PE) (71PE, 100PE) 290 60PE, 100PE 71PE, 100PE mm 360 100PE) (71PE,71PE, 100PE)60PE, 60PE, 100PE71PE, 290mm mm (71PE, (60PE) 360 290 mm 290(71PE, (60PE) mm mm (60PE) 360 100PE)

Air intake sensor

E1 sensor E1 sensor

125PE, 140PE 125PE, 140PE 125PE, 140PE 125PE, 140PE 125PE, 140PE 125PE, 140PE

60PE, 71PE, 100PE 60PE,60PE, 71PE,71PE, 100PE 100PE 360 mm (71PE, 100PE) 360 mm 360(71PE, mm (71PE, 100PE) 100PE)

125PE, 140PE 125PE, 125PE, 140PE 140PE

System System Example System Example Example System System Example Example Rectangle duct System Example An inspection An port inspection (450 An inspection mm port xExample 450 (450 port mm mm (450 orx more) 450 mmmm xis450 or mm more) orismore) is System System Example System Example

Rectangle Rectangle duct duct Rectangle Rectangle duct duct

Rectangle An inspection An inspection port (450 port mm (450 x 450 mmmm x 450 or mm more) orismore) is duct

Rectangle Rectangle duct duct required at the required control-box required at the control-box side atxthe of control-box themm indoor side of unit side the indoor of the unit indoor unit duct Rectangle An inspection port (450 mm 450 more) is An inspection An port inspection An(450 inspection mm port x port 450 (450 mm (450 mmside or mm xor more) 450 x side 450 mm is indoor mm orthe more) orunit more) is unit is required required at the control-box at the control-box of the of indoor body. body. body. required control-box side theindoor indoor unit required at at the the required control-box required at the at control-box side the control-box ofofthe side side ofunit the of indoor the indoor unit unit body. body. body. body. body. body. Inspection port Inspection Inspection port port

Canvas duct

Canvas duct Canvas duct Canvas duct Canvas duct

Canvas duct

Canvas duct

Canvas Canvas duct duct

Intake grille Intake grilleIntake grille (450 x 450 mm or(450 more) x 450(450 mm xor450 more) mm or more) Intake grilleIntake grille Inspection Inspection port port (450 x 450(450 mm xor450 more) mm or more) Intake grille Intake grille IntakeIntake grille grille Inspection Inspection port port Inspection Inspection port port (450 x(450 450 xmm more) xor (450 450 xmm 450ormm more) or more) 450or(450 mm more)

18 18 18 18 18 18

19 19

19 1 19 1 19 19


High Static Ducted HighPressure Static High Static Pressure Pressure Ducted Ducte High Static Pressure Ducted High Static High Pressure Static Ducted Pressure Ducted

IndoorIndoor UnitIndoor Unit Unit High Static Pressure IndoorHigh Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Static HighPressure Static Pressure

Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted High Static Pressure HighHigh Static Static Pressure Pressure

Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions

Optional Optional Controller Optional Controller Controller Controller Optional Optional Controller Optional Controller Dimensions: mm Dimensions: mm model





Dimensions: Dimensions: mm mm

D BA CB DC S-60PE1R5A 130 33.1 290 118 S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A 130 33.1 130 290 33.1 118 290D Amodel B C D AC A BD B C model model S-71PE1R5A 195 35.7 360 50 S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A 130 S-60PE1R5A 33.1 130 29013033.1 11833.1 290 S-100PE1R5AS-60PE1R5A 195 35.7 195 360 35.7290118 50 360118 S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-125PE1R5AS-71PE1R5A 195 35.7 360 50 35.7 360 36050 50 260 38.2 195 43019535.7 121.5 S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-140PE1R5AS-100PE1R5A 260 38.2 260 430 38.2 121.5 430 S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A model


Dimensions: mm Dimensions: mm


2.Gas side 2.Gas side2.Gas side (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) (O.D.ø15.88 (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) FLARE) 2.Gas side 2.Gas 2.Gas2.Gas side side 2.Gasside side (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) 2.Gas side (O.D.ø15.88(O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) FLARE) (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE)


2.Gas side 2.Gas side 2.Gas side (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE) (O.D.ø15.88 (O.D.ø15.88 FLARE)FLARE)



S-125PE1R5AS-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A 260 38.2 260 43026038.2 121.5 38.2 430 430121.5121.5 S-140PE1R5AS-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A

High-spec wired ECONAVI sensor High-spec wired ECONAVI sensor ECONAVIremote sensorcontroller High-spec wired CZ-CENSC1 remote controller remote controller CZ-CENSC1 CZ-CENSC1 CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 High-spec wired High-spec High-spec wired wired ECONAVI sensorECONAVI ECONAVI sensorsensor controller controller CZ-CENSC1 CZ-CENSC1 remote controller remoteremote CZ-CENSC1 3.Drain pipe size 3.Drain pipe size 3.Drain pipe 3.Drain size pipe size 3.Drain pipe size 3.Drain pipe size CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC5 (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) 3.Drain 3.Drain pipe size 3.Drain pipe size 3.Drain 3.Drain 3.Drain pipe size pipe sizepipe size 1.Liquid side pipe size side 1.Liquid side side (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) 1.Liquid 1.Liquid (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø32) (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) 1.Liquid side 1.Liquid side (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) (O.D.ø9.52(O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) FLARE) 1.Liquid side 1.Liquid1.Liquid side side (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) (O.D.ø9.52 (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE)FLARE) 1.Liquid side 1.Liquid 1.Liquid side side (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) (O.D.ø9.52 FLARE) Simplified remote controller Timer remote controller Simplified controller remote controller Timer remote Timer controller remote controller Simplified remote CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 Simplified remoteSimplified controller Simplified controller remoteremote controller Timer remote controller controller Timer Timer remoteremote controller CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4

Wireless remote controller Wireless remote Wireless controller remote controller CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 + CZ-RWSC3 Wireless remote controller Wireless controller Wireless remoteremote controller CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 Capacity

3HP 4HP 5HP 6HP 2.5HP 2.5HP 3HP 3HP 4HP 4HP 5HP 5HP 6HP 6HP S-60PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A Indoor Unit Indoor Unit S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A Model Name Capacity 2.5HP 2.5HP2.5HP 3HP 3HP 3HP 4HP 4HP 4HP 5HP 5HP 5HP 6HP 6HP 6HP S-140PE1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit U-60PE1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A U-140PE1R8A IndoorIndoor Unit Unit S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-60PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-71PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-100PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-125PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A S-140PE1R5A Phase/Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz Model Name Phase/Hz Phase/Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz Power source Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit U-60PE1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-100PE1R8A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-125PE1R8A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A U-140PE1R8A U-140PE1R8A V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V V V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 400V | 415V Phase/Hz 1 Phase/Hz Phase/ Phase/Hz 50Hz 1 Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 3 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 3 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 3 Phase/ 3 Phase/ 50Hz 50Hz 6.0 (2.5 7.1) 7.1 (2.5 8.0) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 14.0 (3.3 15.5) 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) Power source PowerPower sourcesource kW 6.0 (2.5 7.1) 6.0 (2.5 7.1) 7.1 (2.5 8.0) 7.1 (2.5 8.0) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 14.0 (3.3 15.5) 14.0 (3.3 15.5) (3.3 - 15.5) 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) 7.0 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 230V | 230V 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 230V | 230V 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 400V | 400V 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 230V | 230V 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 400V | 400V 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 230V | 230V 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 14.0 kW V V (2.0 V- 8.0)kW 230V | 230V 240V | 240V230V 240V | 240V230V 240V | 240V 415V | 415V 240V | 240V 415V | 415V 240V | 240V 400V | 400V 415V | 415V 230V 240V 240V 400V 415V 230V 240V 400V 415V 230V 240V 400V 415V | 240V | | | | | | | Cooling capacity : 7.0 (2.0 - 8.0) 7.0 (2.0 - 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) Cooling : capacity : Heating capacity Cooling capacity 20,500 (8,500 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 42,700) 42,700 (11,300 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 47,800) 47,800 (11,300 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 52,900) (2.5 - (2.5 7.1) 7.1 (2.5 - (2.5 8.0) 10.0 (3.3 - (3.3 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 - (3.3 12.5) 12.5 (3.3 - (3.3 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 - (3.3 14.0) 14.0 (3.3 - (3.3 15.5) 14.0 (3.3 - (3.3 15.5) 6.0 (2.5 - 7.1) 6.0 6.0 7.1) 7.1 (2.5 -- 24,200) 8.0) 24,200 7.1 8.0) 10.0 (3.3- 27,300) - 12.5) 34,100 10.0 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 34,100 10.0 12.5 12.5) (3.3 -- 14.0) 12.5 14.0) (3.3 -- 14.0) 12.5 14.0) (3.3 -- 15.5) 14.0 15.5) (3.3 -- 15.5) 14.0 15.5) Heating capacity Heating capacity BTU/h 20,500 (8,500 20,500 - -24,200) (8,500 (8,500 24,200 - -27,300) (8,500 (11,300 34,100 - -42,700) (11,300 - 42,700) (11,300 34,100 - -47,800 42,700) (11,300 42,700) 42,700 (11,300 42,700 - -12.5 47,800) (11,300 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 42,700 - -14.0 47,800) (11,300 47,800) 47,800 (11,300 47,800 - -14.0 52,900) (11,300 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 47,800 - -52,900) (11,300 - 52,900) kW (6,800 kW kW BTU/h 23,900 27,300) 27,300 (6,800 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 47,800) (14,000 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 61,400) BTU/h 7.0 (2.0 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) 16.0 (4.1 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 18.0) 7.0 (2.0 8.0) 7.0 (2.0 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 9.0) 8.0 (2.0 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0 14.0) (4.1 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 14.0 16.0) (4.1 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0 16.0) (4.1 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 16.0 18.0) (4.1 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 18.0) capacity : Cooling capacity Cooling : Cooling capacity : 23,900 (6,800 23,900 - 27,300) (6,800 - 27,300) 27,300 (6,800 27,300 - 30,700) (6,800 - 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 38,200 - 47,800) (14,000 - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 38,200 - 47,800) (14,000 - 47,800) 47,800 (14,000 47,800 - 54,600) (14,000 - 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 47,800 - 54,600) (14,000 - 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 54,600 - 61,400) (14,000 - 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 54,600 - -61,400) (14,000 - 61,400) capacity Heating capacity Heating Heating capacity 3.24 : 3.41 3.23 : 3.48 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.52 3.21 : 3.37 3.21 : 3.37 3.15 : 3.52 3.15 : 3.52 EER : COP W/W 20,50020,500 (8,500 (8,500 - 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 - 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700 42,700) 42,700 (11,300 - 42,700 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 - 47,800 47,800) 47,800 (11,300 - 47,800 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 - 52,900) 20,500 (8,500 - 24,200) 24,200 - 24,200) (8,500 - 27,300) 24,200 (8,500 - 27,300) (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 (11,300 - 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 (11,300 - 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 3.23 : 3.48 3.23 :34,100 3.48 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.52- 42,700) 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.52- 42,700) 3.21 : 3.37 3.21 : 3.37- 47,800) 3.21 : 3.37 3.21 : 3.37- 47,800) 3.15 : 3.52 3.15 : 3.52- 52,900) 3.15 : 3.52 3.15 : 3.52- 52,900) EER : COP EER : COP W/W BTU/hBTU/hW/W3.24 : 3.41 3.24 : 3.41 BTU/h 23,90023,900 (6,800 (6,800 - 27,300) 27,30027,300 (6,800 (6,800 - 30,700) 38,20038,200 (14,000(14,000 - 47,800) 38,20038,200 (14,000(14,000 - 47,800 47,800) 47,80047,800 (14,000(14,000 - 47,800 54,600) 47,80047,800 (14,000(14,000 - 54,600 54,600) 54,60054,600 (14,000(14,000 - 54,600 61,400) 54,60054,600 (14,000(14,000 - 61,400) 23,900 (6,800 - 27,300) 27,300 - 27,300) (6,800 - 30,700) 38,200 - 30,700) (14,000 - 47,800) - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) -: 4.16 47,800) (14,000 - 54,600) -: 4.16 54,600) (14,000 - 54,600) -: 4.55 54,600) (14,000 - 61,400) -: 4.55 61,400) (14,000 - 61,400) - 61,400) Total power input Cooling : Heating kW 1.85 : 2.05 2.20 : 2.30 2.98 : 3.18 2.98 : 3.18 3.90 3.90 4.45 4.45 Total powerTotal inputpower input Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating kW kW 1.85 : 2.05 1.85 : 2.05 2.20 : 2.30 2.20 : 2.30 2.98 : 3.18 2.98 : 3.18 2.98 : 3.18 2.98 : 3.18 3.90 : 4.16 3.90 : 4.16 3.90 : 4.16 3.90 : 4.16 4.45 : 4.55 4.45 : 4.55 4.45 : 4.55 4.45 : 4.55 3.24 : 3.41 3.24 : 3.41 3.23 : 3.48 3.23 : 3.48 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.523.21 : 3.37 3.21 : 3.373.21 : 3.37 3.21 : 3.373.15 : 3.52 3.15 : 3.523.15 : 3.52 3.15 : 3.52 3.24 : 3.41 3.23 : 3.48 3.36 : 3.52 3.36 : 3.52 3.21 : 3.37 3.21 : 3.37 3.15 : 3.52 3.15 : 3.52 EER : EER COP: COP W/W EER : COP W/W W/W Indoor Unit Indoor UnitIndoor Unit input input : Heating kW:: 0.85 Total power inputTotal power Total power Cooling :: Heating HeatingCooling Cooling kW : Heating 0.85 1.85 2.05 kW| 0.86 :1.85 1.85 : 2.05 1.24 2.20 :: 1.24 2.30 | 1.25 :2.20 2.20 : 2.30 1.72 2.98 :: 1.72 3.18 | 1.74 :2.98 2.98 : 3.18 2.98 :: 1.72 3.18 | 1.74 :2.98 2.98 : 3.181.82 3.90 :: 1.82 4.16 | 1.84 :3.90 3.90 : 4.161.82 3.90 :: 1.82 4.16 | 1.84 :3.90 3.90 : 4.162.62 4.45 :: 2.62 4.55 | 2.70 :4.45 4.45 : 4.552.62 4.45 :: 2.62 4.55 | 2.70 :4.45 4.45 : 4.55 0.86: 2.05 1.25: 2.30 1.74: 3.18 1.72 1.74: 3.18 1.84: 4.16 1.84: 4.16 2.70: 4.55 2.70: 4.55 Current Cooling A 0.86 : 0.85 0.86 | 0.86 : 0.86 1.24 : 1.24 | 1.24 1.25 : 1.24 1.25 | 1.25 : 1.25 1.72 : 1.72 | 1.72 1.74 : 1.72 1.74 | 1.74 : 1.74 1.72 : 1.72 | 1.72 1.74 : 1.72 1.74 | 1.74 : 1.741.82 : 1.82 | 1.82 1.84 : 1.82 1.84 | 1.84 : 1.841.82 : 1.82 | 1.82 1.84 : 1.82 1.84 | 1.84 : 1.842.62 : 2.62 | 2.62 2.70 : 2.62 2.70 | 2.70 : 2.702.62 : 2.62 | 2.62 2.70 : 2.62 2.70 | 2.70 : 2.70 Current Current Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating A A 0.85 : 0.85 | 0.85 Indoor Unit Indoor Indoor Unit Unit H × W × D Dimensions mm 290×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 DimensionsDimensions H×W×DH×W×D mm mm290×1,100 (+100)×700 290×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 0.85 : 0.85 0.86 : 0.86 : 0.85 1.24 : : 1.24 0.86 1.25 : 1.25 : 1.24 1.72 : : 1.72 1.25 1.74 : 1.74 : 1.72 : 1.74 1.72 : 1.72 1.74 : 1.74 : 1.72 1.82 : 1.82 : 1.74 1.84 : 1.84 : 1.82 1.82 : 1.82 : 1.84 1.84 : 1.84 : 1.82 2.62 : 2.62 : 1.84 2.70 : 2.70 : 2.62 2.62 : 2.62 : 2.70 2.70 : 2.70 : 2.62 0.85 : 0.85 0.86 : 0.86 1.24 : 1.24 1.25 : 1.25 1.72 : 1.72 1.74 : 1.74 1.72 : 1.72 1.74 : 1.74 1.82 : 1.82 1.84 : 1.84 1.82 : 1.82 1.84 : 1.84 2.62 : 2.62 2.70 : 2.70 2.62 : 2.62 2.70 : Current Current Cooling : Heating Cooling A : Heating A Current Cooling : Heating A | |42 | |44 | | | | | | | | 2.70 : 2.70 | | | | 48| | 48| | 53| | 53| | Net weight kg 35 44 Net weight Net weight kg kg 35 35 42 42 44 44 44 44 48 48 48 48 53 53 53 53 Dimensions mm: 366 290×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 Dimensions Dimensions Cooling H × W ×: D mm W×D 290×1,100 mm(+100)×700 290×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 360×1,100 (+100)×700 360×1,100 360×1,100 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 430×1,100 (+100)×700 430×1,100 430×1,100 (+100)×700 (+100)×700 430×1,100 430×1,100 (+100)×700 (+100)×700 430×1,100 (+100)×700 Air volume HeatingH × WH××DL/s 366 500 : 500 (+100)×700 666 : 666 (+100)×700 666 : 666 (+100)×700 833 : 833 (+100)×700 833 : 833 (+100)×700 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 Air volume Air volume Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating L/s L/s 366 : 366 366 : 366 500 : 500 500 : 500 666 : 666 666 : 666 666 : 666 666 : 666 833 : 833 833 : 833 833 : 833 833 : 833 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 Net weight Net weight kg 35 kg 35 42 42 44 44 44 44 48 48 48 48 53 53 53 53 Net weight 35 42 44 44 48 48 53 53 70kg(Max.100) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) External static pressure Pa 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) External static External pressure static pressure Pa Pa 70 (Max.100)70 (Max.100) Air volume : Heating : 366 : 366 45 : 500 : 500 48 : 666 : 666 : 666 : 66649 : 833 : 833833 : 833 : 8331,000 : 1,000: 1,000 : 1,000: 1,000 Air volume Air volume Cooling :: Heating HeatingCooling Cooling L/s : Heating 366 : 366 500/ 44 : 500 666/ 46 : 666 666/ 46 : 666 833/ 47 : 833 : 833 1,000 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling dB(A) 43L/s / 41 /L/s 40 : 43 / 366 41 / 40 / 43 : 45 / 500 43 / 44 / 44 : 48 / 666 46 / 44 48 / 44 : 48 / 666 46 / 44 / 45 : 49 / 833 47 / 45 49 / 47 / 45 : 49 / 833 47 / 45 51 / 49: /1,000 47 : 51 / 1,000 49 / 471,000 51 / 49: /1,000 47 : 51 / 1,000 49 / 471,000 Sound pressure Sound level pressure (H/M/L)level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) dB(A) 43 / 41 / 40 43 : 43/ /4141/ /4040: 43 / 41 / 40 45 / 44 / 43 45 : 45/ /4443/ /4344: 45 / 43 / 44 48 / 46 / 44 48 : 48/ /4646/ /4444: 48 / 46 / 44 48 / 46 / 44 48 : 48/ /4646/ /4444: 48 / 46 / 44 49 / 47 / 45 49 : 49/ /4747/ /4545: 49 / 47 / 45 49 / 47 / 45 49 : 49/ /4747/ /4545: 49 / 47 / 45 51 / 49 / 47 51 : 51/ /4949/ /4747: 51 / 49 / 47 51 / 49 / 47 51 : 51/ /4949/ /4747: 51 / 49 / 47 70 (Max.100) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 70 (Max.100) 70 (Max.100) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) 100 (Max.150) External static pressure Pa External static pressure External static pressure Pa Pa Sound power level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 60 / 58 / 57 : 60 / 58 / 57 62 / 61 / 60 : 62 / 61 / 60 70 / 68 / 66 : 70 / 68 / 66 70 / 68 / 66 : 70 / 68 / 66 71 / 69 / 67 : 71 / 69 / 67 71 / 69 / 67 : 71 / 69 / 67 73 / 71 / 69 : 73 / 71 / 69 73 / 71 / 69 : 73 / 71 / 69 Sound power Sound level power (H/M/L)level (H/M/L)Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) dB(A) 60 / 58 / 57 60 : 60/ /5858/ /5757: 60 / 58 / 57 62 / 61 / 60 62 : 62/ /6161/ /6060: 62 / 61 / 60 70 / 68 / 66 70 : 70/ /6868/ /6666: 70 / 68 / 66 70 / 68 / 66 70 : 70/ /6868/ /6666: 70 / 68 / 66 71 / 69 / 67 71 : 71/ /6969/ /6767: 71 / 69 / 67 71 / 69 / 67 71 : 71/ /6969/ /6767: 71 / 69 / 67 73 / 71 / 69 73 : 73/ /7171/ /6969: 73 / 71 / 69 73 / 71 / 69 73 : 73/ /7171/ /6969: 73 / 71 / 69 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Sound pressure level (H/M/L) : HeatingCooling Cooling dB(A) : Heating 3 43dB(A) / 41 /dB(A) 40 : 43 / 43 41 / 41 4043/ 40 / 41: 43 / 40 45 : 43 // 44 / 41 / 43 / 40 : 45 / 45 43 / 4445/ 43 / 44: 45 / 43 48 : 45 // 46 / 43 / 44 / 44 : 48 / 48 46 / 46 4448/ 44 / 46: 48 / 44 : 48/ 44 / 46 / 44 48 / 46 / 44 : 48 / 48 46 / 46 4448/ 44 / 46: 48 / 44 4946 : 48 / /4744 / 46 / 45/ 44 : 49 / 49 47 / 47 4549/ 45 / 47: 49 / 45 4947 : 49 / /4745 / 47 / 45/ 45 : 49 / 49 47 / 47 4549/ 45 / 47: 49 / 45 5147 : 49 / /4945 / 47 / 47/ 45 : 51 / 51 49 / 49 4751/ 47 / 49: 51 / 47 5149 : 51 / /4947 / 49 / 47/ 47 : 51 / 51 49 / 49 4751/ 47 / 49: 51 / 47 : 51/ 47 / 49 / 47 Sound pressure levelCooling (H/M/L) : Heating /3 41 40 /3 43 44 / 46 /3 /3 /3 /3 / 49 Number of fan speed 3 Number of fan Number speedof fan speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sound powerpower level (H/M/L) : Heating dB(A) / 62 58 57 / 70 61 60 / 68 /71 68 /71 69 /73 69 /73 71 / 71 Sound power (H/M/L) Sound Cooling level (H/M/L) : HeatingCooling Cooling dB(A) / 58 /dB(A) 57 : 60 / 60 58 / 58 5760/ 57 / 58: 60 / 57 : 60 // 61 / 58 / 60 / 57 : 62 / 62 61 / 61 6062/ 60 / 61: 62 / 60 : 62 // 68 / 61 / 66 / 60 : 70 / 70 68 / 68 6670/ 66 / 68: 70 / 66 : 70/ 66 / 68 / 66 70 / 68 / 66 : 70 / 70 68 / 68 6670/ 66 / 68: 70 / 66 : 70 / /6966 / 68 / 67/ 66 : 71 / 71 69 / 69 6771/ 67 / 69: 71 / 67 : 71 / /6967 / 69 / 67/ 67 : 71 / 71 69 / 69 6771/ 67 / 69: 71 / 67 : 71 / /7167 / 69 / 69/ 67 : 73 / 73 71 / 71 6973/ 69 / 71: 73 / 69 : 73 / /7169 / 71 / 69/ 69 : 73 / 73 71 / 71 6973/ 69 / 71: 73 / 69 : 73/ 69 / 71 / 69 Drain pipe sizelevel mm: Heating 60 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Drain pipe size Drain pipe size mm mmVP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Number fan speed Number fan speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Number of fan of speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 OutdoorofUnit Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Drain pipe size Drain pipe size mm VP-25 mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Drain pipe size mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 7.85 : 8.80 | 7.65 : 8.60 9.10 : 9.30 | 8.80 : 9.00 11.8 : 12.7 | 11.40 : 12.3 3.95 : 4.25 | 3.80 : 4.10 16.0 : 17.2 | 15.4 : 16.6 5.30 : 5.70 | 5.10 : 5.50 17.8 : 18.1 | 17.2 : 17.5 5.80 : 5.95 | 5.55 : 5.70 Current Cooling : Heating A 7.65 : 8.80 8.60 | 7.65 : 8.60 9.10 : 9.30 | 9.10 8.80 : 9.30 9.00 | 8.80 : 9.00 11.8 : 12.7 | 11.8 11.40: 12.7 : 12.3| 11.40 : 12.3 3.95 : 4.25 | 3.95 3.80 : 4.25 4.10 | 3.80 : 4.1016.0 : 17.2 | 16.0 15.4 : 17.2 16.6 | 15.4 : 16.65.30 : 5.70 | 5.30 5.10 : 5.70 5.50 | 5.10 : 5.5017.8 : 18.1 | 17.8 17.2 : 18.1 17.5 | 17.2 : 17.55.80 : 5.95 | 5.80 5.55 : 5.95 5.70 | 5.55 : 5.70 Current Current Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating A A 7.85 : 8.80 | 7.85 Unit UnitH × W × D Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Dimensions mm 996 × 940 × 340 996 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 DimensionsDimensions H×W×DH×W×D mm mm996 × 940 × 996 340 × 940 × 340 996 × 940 × 996 340 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 × 940 × 340 7.85 : 8.80 7.65 : 8.60 7.85 : 8.80 9.10 7.65 : : 9.30 8.60 8.80 : 9.00 9.10 : 9.30 11.8 8.80 : : 12.7 9.00 11.40 : 12.3 11.8 : 12.7 11.40 : 12.3 3.95 : 4.25 3.80 : 4.10 3.95 : 4.25 16.0 3.80 : 17.2 : 4.10 15.4 : 16.6 16.0 : 17.2 5.30 15.4 : 5.70 : 16.6 5.10 : 5.50 5.30 : 5.70 17.8 5.10 : 18.1 : 5.50 17.2 : 17.5 17.8 : 18.1 5.80 17.2 : 5.95 : 17.5 5.55 : 5.70 5.80 : 5.95 5.55 : 5.70 7.85 : 8.80 7.65 : 8.60 9.10 : 9.30 8.80 : 9.00 11.8 : 12.7 11.40 : 12.3 3.95 : 4.25 3.80 : 4.10 16.0 : 17.2 15.4 : 16.6 5.30 : 5.70 5.10 : 5.50 17.8 : 18.1 17.2 : 17.5 5.80 : 5.95 5.55 : 5.70 Current Cooling : Heating A Current Current Cooling : Heating Cooling A : Heating A | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Net weight kg 68 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 Net weight Net weight kg kg 68 68 69 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 Dimensions mm 940 × 340 940 × 340 940 × 340 940 × 340 940 × 340 940 × 340 Dimensions Dimensions Cooling H × W ×: D mm W×D 996 × 940 × 340 996 × 940 996 × 340 940 ×1,000 996 340× 940 × 340 996 × 940 996 × 340 940 ×1,416 340 ×: 940 × 3401,416 ×1,416 940 × 340 1,416 × 3401,416 ×1,416 940 1,416 × 340 ×: 940 × 3401,416 ×1,416 940 1,416 × 340 ×: 940 × 3401,416 ×1,416 940 1,416 × 340 ×: 940 × 3401,416 ×1,416 940 1,416 × 340 ×: 940 × 3401,416 ×1,416 940 × 340 Air volume HeatingH × WH××DL/s 1,000 : mm 1,000 : 1,000 1,833 1,583 1,833×: 940 1,583 2,166 1,833 2,166 1,833 2,250 2,000 2,250 2,000 Air volume Air volume Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating L/s L/s 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,833 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 2,166 : 1,833 2,166 : 1,833 2,166 : 1,833 2,166 : 1,833 2,250 : 2,000 2,250 : 2,000 2,250 : 2,000 2,250 : 2,000 Net (Silent weight Net weight Net weight kg 68 68 69 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 98 Sound pressure level mode) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 48kg(46) : kg 50 (48) 68 48 (46) : 50 (48) 69 52 (50) : 52 (50) 98 52 (50) : 52 (50) 98 53 (51) : 53 (51) 98 53 (51) : 53 (51) 98 54 (52) : 55 (53) 98 54 (52) : 55 (53) 98 Sound pressure Sound level pressure (Silent level mode) (Silent Cooling mode) : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) dB(A) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 54 (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) Air volume Air mode) volume Cooling :: Heating HeatingCooling Cooling L/s : Heating 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,833 1,833 2,166 2,166 2,250 2,250 Air(Silent volume : Heating : 1,000: 1,000 : 1,000: 1,000 : 1,583: 1,583 : 1,583: 1,583 : 1,833: 1,833 : 1,833: 1,833 : 2,000: 2,000 : 2,000: 2,000 Sound power level Cooling dB(A) 65L/s (63) :: L/s 67 (65) 1,000 1,000 65 (63) :: 1,000 67 (65) 1,000 1,000 69 (67) :: 1,583 69 (67) 1,833 1,833 69 (67) :: 1,583 69 (67) 1,833 1,833 70 (68) :: 1,833 70 (68) 2,166 2,166 70 (68) :: 1,833 70 (68) 2,166 2,166 71 (69) :: 2,000 71 (69) 2,250 2,250 71 (69) :: 2,000 71 (69) 2,250 2,250 Sound power Sound level power (Silent level mode) (Silent Cooling mode) : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) dB(A) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 69 (67) : 69 (67) 69 (67) : 69 (67) 69 (67) : 69 (67) 69 (67) : 69 (67) 70 (68) : 70 (68) 70 (68) : 70 (68) 70 (68) : 70 (68) 70 (68) : 70 (68) 71 (69) : 71 (69) 71 (69) : 71 (69) 71 (69) : 71 (69) 71 (69) : 71 (69) Sound pressure level (Silent mode) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 54 (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) Sound pressure level (Silent Sound mode) pressure Cooling level (Silent : Heating mode) Cooling dB(A) : Heating 48 (46) : dB(A) 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 48 (48) (46) : 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 52 (48) (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 53 (50) (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 53 (51) (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 54 (51) (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 54 (53) (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) Piping connections Liquid/Gas m Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Piping connections Piping connections Liquid/Gas Liquid/Gas m m Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Sound power level (Silent mode) : Heating : 67 (65) : 67 (65) : 69 (67) : 69 (67) : 70 (68) : 70 (68) : 71 (69) : 71 (69) Sound power level (Silent Sound mode) power Cooling level -(Silent : Heating mode)Cooling Cooling dB(A) : Heating 5 65dB(A) 67 (65) 65 (63)65 (63) : 67 5 65 (65) (63) : 67 5 69 (65) (67) : 69 (67) 69- (67) (67) : 695 70(67) (68) : 705 70(68) (68) : 705 71(68) (69) : 715 71(69) (69) : 71 (69) Pipe length min. max. m - (63) 50 : dB(A) - (63) 50 : 67 (65) 65 (63)65 - (67) 75 : 69 (67) 69 (67)69 5 75 : 69 (67) 69 (67)69 - (68) 75 : 70 (68) 70 (68)70 - (68) 75 : 70 (68) 70 (68)70 - (69) 75 : 71 (69) 71 (69)71 - (69) 75 : 71 (69) 71 (69)71 Pipe length Pipe length min. - max. min. - max. m m 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Piping connections connections Liquid/Gas Liquid/Gas m Ø9.52 m / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Piping connections Liquid/Gas m30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 Elevation difference (OUPiping located lower, OU located higher) m 15, 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 15, 30 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Elevation difference Elevation(OU difference located(OU lower, located OU located lower, OU higher) located higher) m m 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 Pipe length length min. - min. max.m 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Pipe lengthchargeless Pipe length min. - max. - max. 5m - 50 m 5 - 50 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Maximum m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Maximum chargeless Maximum length chargeless length m m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Elevation difference (OUElevation located difference lower, OUlocated (OU located located higher) lower, OUg mlocated 15, m 15, 30 2,350, 50 (g/m) 15, 30 3,400, 50 (g/m) 15, 30 3,400, 50 (g/m) 15, 30 3,400, 50 (g/m) 15, 30 3,400, 50 (g/m) 15, 30 3,400, 50 (g/m) 15, 30 3,400, 50 (g/m) Elevation difference lower, OU located higher)higher)R410A m30 2,000, 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas(OU amount 50 (g/m) R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A R410A Refrigerant Refrigerant at shipping,atAdditional shipping,gas Additional amountgas amount g g R410A 2,000,R410A 50 (g/m) 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410A 2,350,R410A 50 (g/m) 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400,R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400,R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400,R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400,R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400,R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400,R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) Maximum chargeless length Maximum chargeless m 30m to 46m: -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 30 to 46 : -20 to 24 30 chargeless lengthlength 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Operation rangesMaximum Cooling : Heating ˚C -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 Operation ranges Operation ranges Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating ˚C ˚C -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 -15toto2446 : -20 to 24 Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount g R410AR410A 2,000, 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410AR410A 2,350, 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410AR410A 3,400, 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410AR410A 3,400, 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) R410AR410A 3,400, 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) R410AR410A 3,400, 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) R410AR410A 3,400, 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) R410AR410A 3,400, 3,400, 50 (g/m) Refrigerant at shipping, Refrigerant Additional gas at shipping, amount Additional gas amount g R410A 2,000, g 50 (g/m) R410A 50 (g/m) 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) Capacity Capacity Indoor Unit Capacity Capacity Model Name Model Name Outdoor Unit Indoor Unit ModelModel NameName Outdoor Unit Power source Power source

Operation rangesOperation Operation Cooling : HeatingCooling Cooling ˚C : Heating rangesranges : Heating

20 20 20



-15 46to: -20 -15 to to 24 46 : -20 to 24 46to: -20 -15 to to 24 46 : -20 to 24 46to: -20 ˚C to 46˚C: -20 to 24 -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 to 24

-15 to 46 : -20 to 24 46to: -15 -20 to 46 24 : -20 to 24 46to: -15 -20 to 46 24 : -20 to 24 46to: -15 -20 to 46 24 : -20 to 24 46to: -15 -20 to 46 24 : -20 to 24 46to: -20 -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 to -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 to -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 to -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 to -15 to -15 46 :to -20 24 to 24

21 21

21 21 21


High StaticHigh Pressure StaticDucted Pressure Ducted High Static Pressure Ducted High Static Pressure Ducted High Static Pressure Ducted High Static Pressure Ducted

Indoor Indoor Unit Unit Unit Indoor Indoor Indoor Unit Unit Indoor Unit High Static High Pressure Static Pressure

High Static Pressure High Static Pressure High Static High Pressure Static Pressure NEW

Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted NEW


High staticHigh and static large airflow and large ducted airflow for ducted for High static and large airflow ducted exceptionalexceptional installationinstallation flexibility. flexibility. for High static High High and static static large and airflow and large large ducted airflow airflow for ducted ducted for for exceptional installation flexibility. exceptional exceptional exceptional installation installation installation flexibility. flexibility. flexibility. S-200PE2R5

DC motor


dB(A) 47/ 77 / 45 / /(Max.270) 42 79 /(Max.270) 77dB(A) / 74 : 7972 79 / 74 77: /47 74/ :45 79/ /42 77 / 74 72 Pa 72 Pa (Max.270) dB(A) 79/ 45 77 74 79 77 74 47 / 45dB(A) / 42 : 4747 47 / 42 45:: /47 42// :45 47// /42 45 / 42 dB(A) // 45 // /42 3dB(A) Phase/ Phase/Hz 50Hz 3/ 74 Phase/ 50Hz 79 / 77dB(A) / 74 : 7979/ 77 79 77: /79 74 79/ /74 77 / 74 / 77 / /74 / :77 Phase/Hz 50Hz 400V 400V | V415V 3 Phase/ | 415V

Outdoor Unitpower Phase/Hz Sound power level (H/M/L) Sound level Cooling (H/M/L) : Heating Cooling dB(A) : Heating Sound power level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Power source Power source V Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Unit PowerOutdoor source Current Current Cooling : Heating Cooling A : Heating Phase/Hz Power source Power Power sourcesource H × W × D Current Cooling Dimensions Dimensions H :×Heating Wmm V× D Dimensions H × WCooling ×: D Net weight Net weight kg Current Cooling Heating Current Current Cooling : Heating A : Heating

8.60 : Phase/Hz 8.80 : 8.80 415V : 8.50 A VPhase/ 400V |38.60 | 8.30 | 8.30 : 8.50 3 50Hz Phase/ 50Hz Phase/Hz 3 Phase/ 50Hz 8.60 : 400V 8.80 A 1,758 × mm 770 × 930 1,758 770: ×8.50 930 415V| ×8.30 415V 400V V415V V 400V




mm 1,758 × 770 × 930: 8.30 234 8.60 : 234 8.80 8.60 8.80 | 8.30 8.60 :| 8.80 8.30 : 8.50 A : kg A | 8.50 : 8.50 kg 234 2,450 2,450 L/s mm 1,758 × 770××770 930× 930 1,758 × mm 770 × 930 1,758

Net weight Air volume Air volume Cooling Heating Heating Dimensions H × WCooling Dimensions Dimensions H × W ×: D H××DWL/s mm ×: D Air volume Cooling : Heating Piping connections Piping connections Liquid / Gas Liquid m/ Gas Net weight Net weight Net weight kg

L/s m 2,450 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 / Ø19.05*234 kg 234 kg 234 / Ø19.05* Piping connections Liquidmin. / Gas m - 180 Ø9.527.5 / Ø19.05* Pipe length Pipe length min. - max. -m max. m - 180 Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s 2,450 Air volume Air volume Cooling : Heating Cooling L/s : Heating 7.5 2,450 L/s 2,450 Pipe(OU length min. - Liquid max. m 50m 7.5 - 180 Elevation difference Elevation located difference lower, OU(OU located located higher) lower, m located 40, m 40, 50 / Ø19.05* Piping connections Liquid / OU Gasm m / Ø19.05* Piping connections Piping connections Liquid / Gas / Gas higher) Ø9.52 / Ø19.05*Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Elevation (OU lower, OU- located higher) m -to180 40,to-50 Operation Operation Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating -10 ˚C 46DB: -25 15WB -10 46DB: -25 to 15WB Pipe length min. max.-˚C m 7.5 180 Pipe lengthranges Pipedifference lengthranges min.located - max. min. mmax. 7.5 m 7.5 -to180 Operation ranges Cooling : Heating ˚C 50 -10 to40, 46DB: -25 to 15WB * Tubing size /* Ø22.22, Tubing size when is Ø9.52 the length / Ø22.22, is overwhen 90m.the length is over 90m. Elevation difference (OUOU located lower, OU located higher)higher) m 50 Elevation difference (OU Elevation located difference lower, (OU located located higher) lower, OU m located 40, mis Ø9.5240, 50 * Tubing is to Ø9.52 Ø22.22, when the length is over 90m. ˚C to ˚C -10 to 46DB: -25/to 15WB -10 46DB: -25 tosize 15WB -10 46DB: -25 to 15WB

Operation rangesranges Cooling : Heating Operation ranges Operation Cooling : Heating Cooling ˚C : Heating

* Tubing size is Ø9.52 /* Ø22.22, Tubing when is Ø9.52 length / Ø22.22, is overthe when 90m. the length over 90m. * Tubing size is size Ø9.52 /the Ø22.22, when length is overis90m.

467 467

600 1310

Approx.200 9×100 pitch=900 964 600 Inspection port 67600 1200

Inspection port

(suspension bolt pitch)

67 67

Ceiling Surface 1334 1453

610 or more (service space)


Inspection port












1100 1170

(suspension bolt pitch)

1100 1170

(suspension bolt pitch)





Inspection port

26- 3.2 holes (entire circumference)







26- 3.2 holes (entire circumference)


1334 1453

1334 1453

Ceiling Surface




9×100 pitch=900 9×100 pitch=900 1310 964 964 1200 Inspection port1200 600

Ceiling Surface 1334 1453 Ceiling Surface

4-37×12 holes (for suspension bolts) 3.2 holes 28- 3.2 holes


(suspension bolt pitch) (suspension bolt pitch)

26- 3.2 holes (entire circumference) 1310

1310 Ceiling Surface


3.2 holes 600 or more (service space) 7 4-37×12 holes (for suspension bolts)

4-37×12 holes 4-37×12 holes (for suspension bolts)(for suspension bolts)

(suspension bolt pitch)

(suspension bolt pitch) 41


Inspection port1200600

circumference) 26- 3.2 holes 9×100(entire pitch=900 964 1310 1200



3.2 holes



67 Inspection port


600Inspection port


Inspection port

9×100 pitch=900 964 67 67



60 1100 1170




9×100 pitch=900 964 Inspection port 1200



4-37×12 holes (for suspension bolts)

(suspension bolt pitch)


3.2 holes


600 or more 467 space) (service 28-

1100 1170



1100 1170



1100 1170


28- 3.2 holes 600 or more 1310 1310 1070 1070 (service space) holes 10×10 pitch=1000 10×10 4-37×12 pitch=1000 (for suspension bolts)



bolt pitch) (suspension bolt (suspension pitch)


7 467




600 or more (service space)





2 45

467 600 or more (service space)

610 or more (service space)




6 2


(suspension bolt pitch)

6 3

800 or more 1310 132 1070 (service space) 1 pitch=1000 10×10

1310 1070 10×10 pitch=1000

1310 1070 10×10 pitch=1000

(suspension bolt pitch)

1220 41

800 or more (service space)

600 or more (service space)


65 479




100 60 100Approx.200 320 67 434

100 60 100Approx.200 100 100 60 320 41 320 Inspection 67 434 port 600 434







479 264

65 264


40 50

1100 or more (service space)

65 479






circumference) 26- 3.2 holes (entire263.2 holes (entire circumference)

610 or more (service space)




100 100 60 320 434 100 100 60 320 434

3 479 77 40 300

2 50 100 100 132

Inspection port






610 or more (service space)




4 3

1100 or more (service space)

479 800 or 300more (service space) 100 23 100

800 or more (service space)




610 or more (service space)

100 100 60 320 434


65 479 264 23

4 27

800 or more 1310 1070 (service space) 10×10 pitch=100077

40 50


1100 or more (service space)

40 50



6 40


43 479 300 100 100 156




479 300 100 100

300 132 100 100

1100 or more (service space)






800 or more (service space) 23

40 50







4 27


27 3 479 77



2 Refrigerant piping (gas 2 Refrigerant pipes) pipes) 1 Refrigerant pipingpiping (liquid (gas pipes) Ø9.52 76 type: Ø19.05, 96 type: 76 type: Ø22.22 Ø19.05, 96 type: Ø22.22 2 Refrigerant piping (gas pipes) 3 Power supply outlet 3 (Ø25 Power grommet, supply outlet rubber) (Ø25 grommet, rubber) 1 Refrigerant piping (liquid pipes) Ø9.52 1 Refrigerant piping 1 Refrigerant pipes) Ø9.52 piping (liquid pipes) Ø9.52 76(liquid type: Ø19.05, 96 type: Ø22.22 4 supply knock-out) (Ø30 knock-out) 2 R e(gas fr4 ig(spare) ePower rsupply ant p(Ø30 isupply poutlet ingpiping (gaoutlet s p(gas ipgrommet, e(spare) s)pipes) 2 Power Refrigerant piping 2 Refrigerant pipes) 3outlet Power (Ø25 rubber) 5 76 Optional outlet4 for piping 5type: Optional outlet for96 piping 76 type: Ø19.05, 96 (spare) type: Ø22.22 type: Ø19.05, 96 76 type: Ø22.22 Ø19.05, type: Power supply outlet (Ø30Ø22.22 knock-out) 6 Power Drain port 25 3 A, male 6(Ø25 Drain thread port 25piping A, male thread Power supply outlet (Ø25 grommet, rubber)rubber) 3 supply outlet 3 Power grommet, supply outlet rubber) (Ø25 grommet, 5 Optional outlet for 7 Duct connection for 7 suction Duct connection for suction Power supply outlet (spare) (Ø30 knock-out) 4 Power supply 4 4(spare) Power supply knock-out) outlet (spare) (Ø30 knock-out) 6outlet Drain port 25(Ø30 A, male thread 8 Duct connection for 8 discharge Duct connection for discharge Optional outlet outlet forfor piping 5 Optional outlet5 piping 5 connection Optional for piping 7 for Duct suction port 25 A, 25 male thread 6 Drain port 25 6 A,Drain male 6 connection Drain thread port male thread 8 Duct for A, discharge 7 Duct connection for suction 7 Duct connection for 7suction Duct connection for suction 8 Duct connection for discharge 8 Duct connection for 8discharge Duct connection for discharge

479 300 100 100

4 27


610 or more (service space)

HIGH STATIC HIGH DUCTED STATICDimensions DUCTED Dimensions HIGH STATIC DUCTED Dimensions HIGH STATIC HIGH DUCTED STATIC Dimensions DUCTED Dimensions HIGH STATIC DUCTED 1 Refrigerant piping (liquid 1 Refrigerant pipes) Ø9.52 piping (liquid pipes) Ø9.52 Dimensions


sensor Air discharge Air discharge sensorsensor

Sound pressure levellevel (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Sound (H/M/L) Sound Cooling (H/M/L) : Heating Cooling dB(A) Externalpower static level pressure External static pressure Pa : Heating External staticpower pressure Outdoor Unit Sound Outdoor Unit Sound powerpressure level (H/M/L) Cooling Heating Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Sound Cooling level (H/M/L) : Heating Cooling dB(A) : Heating pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling :: Heating

L/s(Max.270) 1,200 72 / 1,050 / 883.33 : 1,200 / 1,050 / 883.33 72 Pa (Max.270) 106 kg 106 kg 106 Pa / 45/dB(A) 72 (Max.270) 47 / 42 : 47 / 45 47 // 42 / 45/ 1,050 // 42 : 47 //: 45 / 42 1,200 L/s 1,050 / 1,200 883.33 1,200 :1,050 1,200 /883.33 1,050 / 883.33 883.33 : 1,200 / 1,050 / 883.33 L/s 1,200 / 1,050 / 883.33


Air discharge sensor

mm 479×1,453×1,205 106 : 3.10 3.10 |: 3.10 3.10 : 3.10 3.20 A 3.20 | 3.10 3.20 A : kg 3.20 : 106 3.20 :| 3.20 kg 106 1,200 /L/s 1,050 / 479×1,453×1,205 883.33 1,200 : 1,200 / 1,050 / 1,050 / 883.33 / 883.33 : 1,200 / 1,050 / 883.33 479×1,453×1,205 mm 479×1,453×1,205 mm

1205 207 45

• Equipped 4 sensors (Intake/ Discharge) for E1 sensor • Able to control • Able discharge towith control air temperature discharge air fortemperature E1 sensor • Able to control discharge air temperature for Equipped with 4 control. sensors (Intake/ Discharge) • accurate Equippedroom with • accurate 4 Equipped sensors with (Intake/ 4 sensors Discharge) (Intake/ Discharge) temperature room temperature control. E1 sensor E1 sensor E1 sensor accurate room temperature control. • Able to control discharge air temperature • Able to control • Able discharge to control air temperature discharge air fortemperature for Possible to reduce Possible cold to drafts reduce during cold heating drafts during for heating • Possible to reduce cold drafts during heating accurate roomroom temperature control. accurate accurate temperature control. temperature control. operation.room operation. • operation. Possible to reduce cold drafts during heating • Possible to reduce • Possible cold to drafts reduce during cold heating drafts during heating Air discharge Air discharge sensor sensor operation. operation. operation. Air discharge

Dimensions H × WCooling ×: D Net weight kg Current Cooling : Heating A : Heating Current Cooling Heating Net weight Air volume Cooling Heating Heating Dimensions H × W ×: D H××DWL/s mm ×: D Dimensions H × WCooling Air volume Cooling : Heating External static pressure External static pressure Pa Net weight Net weight kg Net weight External pressure Sound pressureAir level (H/M/L) Sound pressure Cooling level (H/M/L) :: Heating Cooling dB(A) Air volume Air static volume Cooling Heating Cooling L/s:: Heating Heating volume Cooling : Heating Net weight Current Air volume Dimensions


E3 sensor

Air intake sensor Air intake sensor E3 sensor Air intake sensor E3 sensor Air intake sensor Air intake Air intake sensorsensor E3 sensor E3 sensor E1 sensor

: 3.10 3.20 3.20 6.05 kW 6.09 | 3.10 6.05 6.09 | 3.10 : 3.10 kW :: A 6.05 : 3.20 6.09 :: 3.20 479×1,453×1,205 mm A 3.20 : 479×1,453×1,205 3.20 | 3.10 : 3.10


Discharge air Discharge temperature air temperature control control Discharge air temperature control E3 sensor air temperature control air temperature air control control •Discharge EquippedDischarge with •Discharge 4 Equipped sensors with (Intake/ 4 temperature sensors Discharge) (Intake/ Discharge)

Total Cooling : Heating Indoor Unit Indoor Unit EER : COP EER COP W/W EER :power COP: input Indoor Unit Current Current Cooling : Heating Cooling A Total power input Total power Cooling : Heating Cooling kW:: Heating Heating Total power input input Cooling : Heating Dimensions Dimensions H :×Heating Wmm ×D Current Cooling Indoor Unit Indoor Indoor Unit Unit H × W × D


(5-10% improvement) (5-10% improvement) (5-10% improvement) NewNew heat exchanger φ7mm pipepipe thatthe increases the heat transfer surface to improve sensible cooling New heat exchanger heat withexchanger φ7mmwith pipewith thatφ7mm increases that heat increases transfer the surface heat transfer to improve surface sensible to improve cooling sensible cooling (5-10% improvement) (5-10% improvement) (5-10% improvement)

W/W BTU/h Cooling kW: Heating

1100 or more 207 space) 131 207 (service 43 45 45

Sensible cooling Sensible 5-10% cooling improved 5-10% improved Sensible cooling 5-10% improved New heat exchanger New heat withexchanger φ7mm pipewith thatφ7mm increases pipe the thatheat increases transfer the surface heat transfer to improve surface sensible to improve coolingsensible cooling SensibleSensible cooling Sensible 5-10% cooling improved 5-10% cooling 5-10% improved New heat exchanger with φ7mm pipeimproved that increases the heat transfer surface to improve sensible cooling

BTU/h kW

1205 131

of spaces. Idealoffor spaces. large-scale Ideal offices, for large-scale restaurants offices, andrestaurants other facilities. and other facilities. ofstatic spaces. Ideal for large-scale offices, restaurants and other facilities. maximum static pressure of aPa high 270 270 Pa enables the use of long ducts for in installation in a in wide range A maximumA A maximum pressure static setting pressure of asetting high setting 270 of enables a high the Pa use enables of long the ducts use for of installation long ducts fora installation wide range a wide range spaces. IdealIdeal for large-scale offices, restaurants and and otherother facilities. of spaces. of Ideal offor spaces. large-scale offices, for large-scale restaurants offices, andrestaurants other facilities. facilities.

Heating capacity Cooling capacityCooling : Cooling capacity : capacity : EER : COP EER : COP Heating capacityHeating Heating capacity capacity Total power input Cooling : Heating EER : Total COP power input

20.0 (7.0 - 21.5)230V (7.0 50Hz - 21.5) |20.0 1V Phase/ Phase/Hz 50Hz 1240V Phase/ Phase/Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz kW - (6.0 21.5) 22.4 - 25.0)20.0 - 25.0) 240V 230V 230V V (6.0 230V(7.0 | V240V | 240V |22.4 kW 68,200 (23,900 - 73,400) 68,200 (23,900 22.4 (6.0 - (7.0 25.0) 20.0 (7.0 21.5) 20.0 - 21.5)- 73,400) 20.0 (7.0 21.5) BTU/h kW kW (23,900 73,400) 76,400 (20,500 - 85,300) 76,400 (20,500 - 85,300) 22.4 (6.0 - 25.0)68,200 22.4 -- 25.0) 22.4 (6.0 - (6.0 25.0) BTU/h 3.31 : W/W 3.68 3.31 : 3.68 (20,500 85,300) 68,200 (23,900 76,400 - 73,400) 68,200 (23,900 - 73,400) 68,200 (23,900 -- 73,400) BTU/h : 6.05 3.68 6.05 : BTU/h kW 6.09 : 6.09 W/W 76,400 (20,500 3.31 - 85,300) 76,400 (20,500 - 85,300) 76,400 (20,500 - 85,300) kW 6.05 6.09 3.31 3.68 3.31 :: 3.31 3.68 : 3.68 W/W: W/W

Phase/Hz kW V

1205 or more 1100 (service space)

Max. 270 Pa Max. static 270pressure Pa static setting pressure setting Max. 270 Pa static pressure setting A maximum static A maximum pressure static settingpressure of a highsetting 270 Pa of enables a high 270 the Pa useenables of long the ducts usefor of installation long ductsinfora installation wide rangein a wide range Max. 270Max. Pa Max. static pressure Pa static setting pressure 270270 Pa static pressure A maximum static pressure setting of asetting highsetting 270 Pa enables the use of long ducts for installation in a wide range

1 Phase/ Phase/Hz 50Hz U-200PE1R8 1 Phase/ 50Hz S-200PE2R5 S-200PE2R5 S-200PE2R5 Phase/Hz Phase/ 50Hz 240V 230V V 230V | | 240V U-200PE1R8 1 U-200PE1R8 U-200PE1R8


Setting Setting

270Pa 140Pa 270Pa 140Pa 140Pa 270Pa 270Pa 270Pa

U-200PE1R8 S-200PE2R5 U-200PE1R8 8.0HP 8.0HP8.0HP

Outdoor Unit Phase/Hz Unit IndoorIndoor Unit V Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit


Factory Setting

72Pa72Pa 140Pa FactoryFactory

140Pa 270Pa

IndoorOutdoor Unit Unit




S-200PE2R5 8.0HPS-200PE2R5


72Pa 140Pa Factory

Power source PowerPower sourcesource Cooling capacity : Cooling capacity : Heating capacityCooling Heating capacity capacity :

8.0HP Indoor Unit


Setting YouPa can select between the Static Pressure flexibility. modes of 270 Pa / 140 270 / 72 Pa Pa / 140 for extra Pa / 72 installation Pathree for extra flexibility. installation 270 Pa / 140 Pa / 72 Pa for extra installation flexibility. 72Pa You You can can select between the three Static Pressure of ofFactory You can select between select the three between Static the Pressure three Static modes Pressure of modes modes Setting 270Pa Pa/ 72 /Pa 140 Pa 72/Pa for installation flexibility. 270 Pa / 140 270 Pa / 140 for /extra Pa 72 installation Paextra for extra flexibility. installation flexibility.


Capacity Indoor Unit Model Name Model Name Outdoor Unit Capacity Capacity Capacity Model Name Indoor Unit Power source Power Model Name ModelModel Name Namesource Outdoor Unit Power source


3-step static 3-step pressure static set pressure up set up 3-step static pressure set up You can select You between can select the three between Static Pressure three modes of modes of72Pa 3-step static 3-step pressure static set pressure up the set up Pressure 3-step static pressure set upStatic Factory


1205 207

• Discharge air temperature control to reduce cold Design heating drafts operation during heating operation and large•air volume andflexibility large airthanks volumeto high static pressure drafts during drafts during heating operation and large air volume • Discharge air temperature control to reduce coldcold • Discharge air • temperature Discharge air control temperature to reduce control cold to reduce • Design flexibility thanks to high static pressure • Design flexibility • Design thanks flexibility to high static thanks pressure to high static pressure Configurable airConfigurable temperatureair control temperature control DC motor equipped DC motor equipped • Configurable air temperature control • DC motor equipped drafts during heating operation drafts during heating drafts operation during heating operation and large air volume and large air volume and large air volume • Power input 45% • Power less input (compared 45% less to FSV (compared E1 type)to FSV E1 type) Power 45% less (compared to FSV E1 type) • Configurable air temperature control • Configurable •airConfigurable temperature air control temperature control DC equipped • DC motor• equipped • motor DCinput motor equipped • Power input 45%45% less less (compared to FSV E1 type) • Power input 45% • Power less input (compared to FSV (compared E1 type) to FSV E1 type)

22 22


S-200PE2R5 S-200PE2R5 S-200PE2R5

Technical focus Technical focus Technical focus Technical Technical focus • Discharge air •temperature Discharge air control temperature to reduce control cold to reduce cold • Technical Design flexibility •focus Design thanksflexibility tofocus high static thankspressure to high static pressure



DC DC motor motor


Automatic Self-diagnosing Mild dry AutomaticAutomatic Mild dry Automatic DC Fan Function Fan Restart Restart motor Self-diagnosing Automatic Mild dry Automatic Operation Operation Function Function Function Fan Restart Operation Function Automatic Mild dry Self-diagnosing Self-diagnosing Automatic Self-diagnosing Mild dry AutomaticAutomatic Mild dry Automatic Automatic Function Fan Fan RestartRestart Function Fan Function Restart Operation Function Operation Operation Function Function

S-200PE2R5 S-200PE2R5


Self-diagnosing Function

DC motor


DC motor



1334 1453

1334 1453

23 23

Ceiling Surface


23 23

Mid Static Pressure Ducted MidMid Static Pressure Ducted Mid Static Pressure Static Ducted Pressure Ducted

Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Mid StaticUnit Pressure Mid Static Pressure Indoor Indoor Unit Indoor Unit

Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Mid Static Pressure NEW Static Pressure Mid StaticMid Pressure Mid Static Pressure

NEW NEW Indoor Unit / F2 Type NEWNEW NEW ECONAVI ready ECONAVI ready The new mid static The pressure new mid duct staticispressure designed duct is designed ECONAVI ready Theapplications new mid static pressure duct is designed specifically for specifically for requiring applications fixed requiring fixed ECONAVI ready ECONAVI ECONAVI ready ready

ECONAVI ready S-60PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A

Mid Static Ducted


The newducting. midspecifically The static The newpressure new mid mid static duct static pressure ispressure designed duct duct is designed is designed for applications requiring fixed square square ducting. TYPE specifically for specifically applications specifically for applications for requiring applications fixed requiring requiring fixed fixed square ducting. square ducting. square square ducting. ducting.

DC motor



Self-diagnosing Function

Automatic Self-diagnosing Mild dry Automatic Automatic Fan Function Restart Fan Self-diagnosing Automatic Operation Function OperationMild Function Fan Operation Self-diagnosing Automatic Self-diagnosing Mild dry Automatic Automatic AutomaticMild FunctionFunction Fan Restart Fan Fan Operation Operation Function Operation

Mild Built-in dry Automatic Built-in Drain Pump Restart Drain Pump DC dry Automatic Built-in motor Function Restart Drain Pump Function dryMild Built-in dry Automatic Automatic Built-in Built-in Drain Pump Restart Restart Drain Pump Drain Pump FunctionFunction

DC motor

S-100PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-125PF1R5A S-125PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-140PF1R5A S-140PF1R5A S-125PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-140PF1R5A S-125PF1R5A S-125PF1R5A S-125PF1R5A S-106MF2E5A / S-140MF2E5A / S-160MF2E5A S-140PF1R5A S-140PF1R5A S-140PF1R5A


DC DC motor motor

Technical focus Technical focus Technical focus • Configurable air temperature • Configurable controlair temperature control • Variable external static • Variable pressureexternal control static pressure control Technical focus Technical Technical focus focus • Configurable air temperature control • Variable external static pressure control • Built-in drain pump provides • Built-in702 drain mm pump lift provides 702 mm lift • Built-in drain pump provides 702control mmcontrol lift • Configurable air•temperature • Easy to install and maintain • Easy to install and maintain • Configurable control air temperature control Configurable air temperature control Variable external• static Variable pressure external control pressure Variable external staticstatic pressure • Easy to install and maintain • Air off sensor avoids • cold Air off air sensor drafts during avoids heating cold air drafts during Built-in drain pump provides Built-in drain mm pump lift provides 702 lift mm lift heating • Built-in drain702 pump provides 702 mm Self-diagnosing Automatic dry Automatic Built-in Drain Airmaintain avoids cold air drafts Mild during heating operation operation • Easy to install and •offEasy to install and maintain •• Easy tosensor install and maintain Function Fan Restart Pump Operation Function operation • Air off sensor avoids •off cold Airsensor off air sensor drafts during avoids cold air drafts during heating • Air avoids coldheating air drafts during heating operation

operation operation

Variable externalVariable static pressure externalcontrol static pressure control Technical focus Variable external static pressure control Optimal airflow set-up Optimal is possible airflow depending set-up is onpossible ducting depending design andon conditions. ducting design and conditions. Variable external Variable Variable static external pressure external static control static pressure pressure control control Optimal airflow set-up is possible depending on ducting design and •conditions. Air off sensor avoids cold air drafts during heating • Variable external static pressure control Optimal airflow set-up Optimal is •possible airflow depending set-up is onpossible ducting depending design and on conditions. ducting design and conditions. Optimal airflow set-up is possible depending on ducting design and conditions. Industry-leading low sound levels from 25 dB(A) Optimal Control by DC Optimal Motor Control by DC Motor operation • Configurable air temperature control • Built-in drain pump provides 702 mm lift Optimal Control by DC Motor For short For short For long ducting or For long ducting or • Anti-mould washable filters included • Easy to install and maintain Optimal Control by DC Optimal Motor Control byMotor DCfor Motor Control by DC ducting such For10Pa ducting such usage with high for usage with 10Pa Optimal 150Pa 150Pa short For long ducting or high as hotels as hotels efficiency filter efficiency filter ducting withducting high 10Pa For short For long ducting or or For short For such short For 150Pa long ductingfor or usage For long as hotels efficiency filter suchsuch 10Pa10Pa for usage with with high high ducting such ducting ducting for usage with high for usage 10Pa 150Pa 150Pa 150Pa * Please refer to technical databook * Please for detail. refer to technical databook for detail. as hotels efficiency filter filter as hotels as hotels efficiency filter efficiency

Variable external static pressure control

* Please refer to technical databook for detail.

Optimal airflow set-up is possible depending on refer ducting design and *databook Please to refer technical databook for detail. * Please to technical * refer Please for conditions. detail. to technical databook for detail. Rectangle duct Rectangle duct System exampleSystem example Rectangle duct System example Optimal Control by DC Motor An inspection port (450 Anmm inspection x 450 mm portor(450 larger) mmis x 450 mmRectangle or larger) is Rectangle duct duct duct Rectangle System example System example System example For short

Canvas duct

Canvas duct Canvas duct CanvasCanvas duct duct

Canvas duct

For long ducting or An inspection port mm x 450 mm or larger) is required at the lower side required of theat indoor the(450 lower unit side body. of the indoor unit body. ducting such for usage with high 10Pa 150Pa required at the lower side of the body. An inspection portAn (450 Anmm inspection 450 mm port or(450 larger) isindoor x mm 450unit mm or larger) inspection port (450 mm xmm 450 or larger) is is asxhotels efficiency filter Intake grille Inspection port Inspection port Intake grille required at the lower side required of the lower unit of side body. the indoor unit(450 body. required at theatindoor lower side theofindoor unit body. x 450 mm or more) (450 x 450 mm or more) Intake grille Inspection port (450 x 450 mm or more) * Please refer to technical databook for detail. Intake grille Intake grille Inspection port port Intake grille Inspection port Inspection or mm more) (450 x 450 mm or more) (450 x 450 (450mm x 450 or more)

More powerful drain Morepump powerful drain pump Up to 300 mm More System powerfulexample drain pump Using a high-lift drain pump, Using adrain high-lift piping drain canpump, be drain piping can be More powerful More drain More powerful pump powerful drain drain pump Using afrom high-lift drain pump, drain piping can elevated up to 702 mm elevated the upbase to 702 of the mm unit. frompump the base ofbe the unit.

An inspection port (450 mm x 450 mmUpor larger) to 300 mm is elevated upadrain tohigh-lift 702 mm from the base of can the unit. Using a high-lift drain pump, Using can pump, be drain can Using arequired high-lift drain pump, drain piping atpiping thedrain lower side of the piping indoorbe unit be body. elevated up to 702 mm elevated from base to mm 702 of the mmunit. from the base the unit. elevated up the toup 702 from the base of theofunit.

Up to 300 mm Up to 300 mm Up to 500 mm Rectangle duct Up to 300 mm Up to 300 mm 202 mm Up to 500 mm 202 mm

Up to 500 mm

24 24











S-22MF2E5A / S-28MF2E5A / S-36MF2E5A / S-45MF2E5A / S-56MF2E5A

Built-in Drain Built-in Drain pump (DC motorBuilt-in pump (DC motor Drain Built-in Drain pump) pump) (DC motor Built-in Drain Built-in Drain pump Built-in pumpDrain (DC motor pump (DC motor pump (DC motorpump) pump (DC motor pump) pump) pump) pump) Standardised height Standardised of height of 290 mm for all models 290 mm for all models Standardised height of Standardised height of 290 mm for all models Height standardisation enables Height enables Standardised height Standardised Standardised ofeasy ofeasy 290standardisation mmheight for height allof models and installation for models and uniform installation foreasy models 290uniform mm for all models 290 mm 290 for mmallfor models all models Height standardisation enables

External electrical equipment External electrical equipment box makes maintenance box electrical makes easy maintenance External equipment easy External electrical equipment box makes maintenance easy External electrical equipment External electrical equipment External electrical equipment box makes maintenance easy box makes maintenance box makes easy maintenance box makes maintenance easyeasy

standardisation enables easy with different capacities. withHeight different capacities. and uniform installation for models standardisation enables easy Height standardisationHeight enables Height easy enables easy and standardisation uniform installation for models with different capacities. installation for models and uniform installationand for uniform models andwith uniform installation for models different capacities. with different capacities. with different capacities. with different capacities.

• Built-in filter • Built-in filter • Side removable • Side removable • Built-in filter • Built-in filter filter filter • Side removable filterremovable • Built-in filter • Built-in • Built-in filter • Side • filter Side removable • Side removable • Side removable filter filter filter filter Bottom suction possible

Discharge air temperature Discharge control air temperature control Discharge air temperature control Discharge air temperature control • Possible to control discharge • Possible air temperature to control fordischarge accurate room air temperature for accurate room Air intake air temperature control Discharge air temperature Discharge control air temperature control sensor temperature control. temperature control. •Discharge Possible to control discharge air temperature for accurate room

•during Possible to control discharge air temperature for accurate room • Possible to reduce cold drafts • Possible heating to reduce operation. cold drafts during heating operation. temperature control. • Possible control discharge air temperature for accurate room room E2 sensor • Possible to control discharge • Possible airto temperature to control fordischarge accurate room air temperature for accurate temperature control. Air intake • Possible toauthorised reduce cold drafts during heating operation. Before spec-in, please consult with Before an spec-in, please Panasonic consult dealer. with an authorised Panasonic dealer. sensor control. temperature control. temperature temperature control. • Possible to reduce cold drafts during heating operation. E1 sensor please consult with drafts an authorised Panasonic dealer. • Before Possible to reduce cold drafts during heating operation. • Possible to reduce cold drafts • spec-in, Possible during heating to reduce operation. cold during heating operation. Before spec-in, please consult with an authorised Panasonic dealer. Before spec-in, please consult with Before an authorised spec-in, please Panasonic consult an authorised Panasonic Before spec-in, please consult withdealer. anwith authorised Panasonic dealer. dealer.

Air intake sensor Air intake intake sensor E2 Air sensor sensor Air intake Air intake E2 sensor sensor sensor sensor E1 E3 sensor

E2 sensor

E2 sensor sensor E2 sensor E1 E1 sensor

E1 sensor

E1 sensor E1 Air sensor discharge sensor

V-shaped heat exchanger V-shaped heat exchanger V-shaped heat exchanger V-shaped heat exchanger To improve heat exchange efficiency, To improve an heat original exchange V-shaped efficiency, heat exchanger an original was V-shaped heat exchanger was V-shaped heat exchanger V-shaped heat exchanger V-shaped heat exchanger developed incorporating aimprove conventional developed incorporating high-efficiency a slit conventional fan high-efficiency high-efficiency slitexchanger fan and high-efficiency To heat exchange efficiency, anand original V-shaped heat was

Toincreases improve heat exchange efficiency, anarea original V-shaped heat exchanger grooved heat transfer tubes. grooved This heat transfer the aheat tubes. exchange This increases surface the by heat exchange surface area bywas developed incorporating conventional high-efficiency slit fan and high-efficiency To improve heatanexchange efficiency, an original V-shaped heat exchanger To improve efficiency, To improve heat original exchange V-shaped efficiency, exchanger an original was V-shaped heat was developed incorporating a heat conventional high-efficiency slit fanexchanger andwas high-efficiency about 80%.heat exchange about grooved heat80%. transfer tubes. This increases the heat exchange surface area by developed incorporating a conventional high-efficiency slitheat fanslit and developed incorporating a conventional developed incorporating high-efficiency atubes. slit conventional fanThis and high-efficiency high-efficiency fanhigh-efficiency and surface high-efficiency grooved heat transfer increases the exchange area by about 80%. grooved heat transfer tubes. This increases the heat surfacesurface area by grooved heat transfer tubes. grooved This increases heat the heat tubes. exchange This increases surface area theexchange by heat exchange area by about 80%.transfer about about about 80%. 80%. 80%.

Increases surface area Increases surface area by about 30 to 80% Increases by about 30area to 80% surface Increases surface area by about 30 to 80% Increases surface areaIncreases Increases surface surface area by about 30 to area 80% by about 30 to 80% by about by about 30 to 80% 30 to 80%

202 mm 202 mm Intake grille

More powerful drain pump Using a high-lift drain pump, drain piping can be elevated up to 702 mm from the base of the unit.

Canvas duct

Up to 500 mm 202 mm Up to 500 mm Up to 500 mm 202 mm

Inspection port (450 x 450 mm or more)



S-60MF2E5A / S-73MF2E5A / S-90MF2E5A

The new F2 type is designed specifically for applications requiring fixed square ducting. An anti-mould filter is equippedDC as standard. DC Self-diagnosing Function

S-60PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A

S-60PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A S-60PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A S-60PF1R5A S-60PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A

Indoor Unit / F2 Ty



Up to 300 mm Up to 500 mm

25 202 mm

25 25 25


Mid Static Pressure Ducted Mid Static MidMid Static Pressure Static Pressure Pressure Ducted Ducted Ducted

IndoorIndoor Unit Unit Mid Static Pressure Indoor Unit Mid Static Pressure Mid Static Pressure Indoor Indoor Indoor UnitUnit Unit

Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Ducted Mid Static Mid Pressure Static Mid Static Pressure Pressure

Capacity Model Name Model Name Capacity Capacity Capacity Model Name Power source Power source Model Name Model Model Name Name Power source



2.5HP Indoor Unit

3HP S-71PF1R5A

4HP S-100PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A







130 70


113 65

113 65


30 20

30 20256 30 20


26 4

113 65 113 65


9 113 65



113 65 700 300 256

9 4



26 89 3 1

Dimensions: mm

Dimensions: mm Dimensions:Dimensions: mm mm



Min.250 Min.250





Refrigerant Refrigerant Min.650Refrigerant tubing tubing tubing Min.650 Min.650


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150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 533 566 566 600 600 45 45 : 533 45 45 45 : 566 45 45 45 : 566 45 45 45 : 600 45 45 45 : 600 45 // 34 // 35 // 35 // 36 // 36 38 / 34 / 31100 : 38(10/ 38 34 31 / 31 : 38 /3934/ /3531/ 32100 : 39 / 39 35 32 / 32 : 39 /3935/ /3532/ 32100 : 39 / 39 35 32 / 32 : 39 /4035/ /3632/ 33100 : 40 / 40 36 33 / 33 : 40 /4036/ /3633/ 33100 : 40 / 40 36 33 / 33 : 40 / 36 / 33 - 150) - 150) - 150) - 150) - 150) 533 : 533 533 : 533 533 : 533 566 : 566 566 :(10 566 566 : 566 566 : 566 566 :(10 566 566 : 566 600 : 600 600 :(10 600 600 : 600 600 : 600 600 :(10 600 600 : 600 61 / 57 / 54 : 61 / 57 / 54 62 / 58 / 55 : 62 / 58 / 55 62 / 58 / 55 : 62 / 58 / 55 63 / 59 / 56 : 63 / 59 / 56 // 59 61 / 57 / 5438: 61 / 57 / 54 62 / 58 / 5539: 62 / 58 / 55 62 / 58 / 5539: 62 / 58 / 55 63 / 59 / 5640: 63 / 59 / 56 63 / 59 / 5640: 63 / 63 59 56 / 34 / 31 : 38 / 34 / 31 / 35 / 32 : 39 / 35 / 32 / 35 / 32 : 39 / 35 / 32 / 36 / 33 : 40 / 36 / 33 / 36 / 33 : 40/- 56 /150) 36: 63 / 33/ 59 / 56 100 (10 - 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75 5Ø15.88 - 75 5Ø15.88 - 75 5Ø15.88 - 75 5Ø15.88 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Ø9.52 / Ø9.52 / Ø9.52 / Ø9.52 / Ø9.52 / 69 : 69 69 : 69 69 : 69 70 : 70 70 : 70 70 : 70 70 : 70 70 : 70 70 : 70 71 : 71 71 : 71 71 : 71 71 : 71 71 : 71 71 : 71 30 30 30 30 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 5 - 75 / 15, 5 - 75 / 15, 5 - 75 / 15, 5 - 75 / 15, 5 - 75 / 15, Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 R410A 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, 50 R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 50 (g/m) 30 30 30 30 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 50 46 (g/m) : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400, 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30

ranges Heating g RefrigerantOperation Refrigerant at shipping, Refrigerant at Additional shipping, at shipping, Additional gas amount Additional gasCooling amount gas :amount

˚C g

-15 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 (g/m) R410A g 2,000, R410A 50 (g/m) 2,000, R410A 2,000, R410A 2,350, R410A 50 (g/m) 2,350, R410A 2,350, R410A 3,400, R410A 50 (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400,

-15 50 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 R410A -15 50 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 R410A -15 50 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 R410A -15 50 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 R410A -15 50 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, (g/m) 3,400, R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, (g/m) 3,400, R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, (g/m) 3,400, R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400, (g/m) 3,400, R410A (g/m) 3,400, R410A 3,400,

OperationOperation rangesOperation ranges ranges


-15 ˚C to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to 24

-15 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to-15 24 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to-15 24 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to-15 24 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to-15 24 to 46 : -15 -20 to to 46 24 -15: -20 to 46 to :24 -20 to 24

Cooling : Heating CoolingCooling : Heating : Heating ˚C


89 23 140 23 2 2 27 186 27 186 130 70 1 1 1 290 290 23 140 23 2 27 13018670 130 70 130 70 290 Dimensions: 23 Dimensions: 140 2323 140 23mm mm 2140 23 23 2 2 27 186 27 186 27 186 290 290 290

S-71PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A 2.5HP S-60PF1R5A 2.5HP U-60PE1R5A 2.5HP 3HP 3HP U-71PE1R5A 3HP 4HP 4HP U-100PE1R5A 4HP Phase/Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz Phase/Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz Outdoor Unit U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit S-60PF1R5A S-60PF1R5A S-60PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A S-71PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A S-100PF1R5A V | 240V 230V 230V 230V | 240V | 240V | 240V V 230V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V Phase/Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit U-60PE1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A 6.0 (2.5 - 7.1) 7.1 (2.5 - 230V 7.1 (2.5 - 8.0) 10.0 (3.3 -230V 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 6.0 (2.5 7.1) 8.0) 12.5) V 230V 240V 240V 240V | | | kW kW Phase/Hz Phase/Hz 1 Phase/Hz Phase/ 18.0) Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz Phase/ 19.0) Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz Phase/ Phase/ 1 Phase/ 50Hz 7.0 (2.0 - 50Hz 8.0) 1 8.0 (2.0 - 50Hz 9.0) 1 11.2 (4.1 50Hz - 14.0) 7.0 (2.0 - 50Hz 8.0 (2.0 - 50Hz 11.2 (4.1 50Hz -1 14.0) Cooling capacity : Coolingsource capacity : Power Power source Power source 6.0 (2.5 - 7.1)240V 7.1 (2.5 - 8.0)240V 10.0 - 12.5) V V V | 240V 230V 230V 240V 230V 230V 240V 230V 240V 230V 230V 240V 230V-(3.3 240V 230V 240V | | | | | | | | kW 20,500 Heating capacity Heating capacity 20,500 (8,500 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) (8,500 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 42,700) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) BTU/h 7.0 (2.0 - 8.0) Cooling capacity : BTU/h 23,900 27,300 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 23,900 27,300) 27,300 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 -(3.3 47,800) 6.0 (2.5(6,800 - 6.0 7.1)-(2.5 6.0 - 7.1) (2.5(6,800 - 7.1)- 27,300) 7.1 (2.5(6,800 - 7.1 8.0)-(2.5 7.1 - 8.0) (2.5(6,800 - 8.0)- 30,700) 10.0 (3.3 -10.0 12.5) 10.0 - 12.5) (3.3 - 12.5) Heating capacity kW kW kW 20,500 (8,500 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 42,700) (2.0 - 7.0 8.0)(2.07.0 - 8.0) (2.0 - 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 - 8.0 9.0)(2.08.0 - 9.0) (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 -11.2 14.0) (4.1 11.2 - 14.0) - 14.0) BTU/h7.0 3.90 : 3.87 3.84 : 3.85 4.10 :(4.1 4.31 EER : COP W/W Cooling capacity CoolingCooling : capacity capacity : : 3.90 : 3.87 EER : COP W/W 23,900 (6,800 - 27,300) 3.84 : 3.8527,300 (6,800 - 30,700) 4.10 : 4.3138,200 (14,000 - 47,800) Heating capacity HeatingHeating capacity capacity 20,500 (8,500 20,500 - 24,200) (8,500 20,500 -(8,500 24,200) - 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 24,200 - 27,300) (8,500 24,200 -(8,500 27,300) - 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 34,100 - 42,700) (11,300 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) - 42,700) Total power input Cooling : HeatingCooling : Heating kW: 1.81 1.54 : 1.81 1.85 : 2.08 2.44 : 2.60 Total power input kW 1.54 1.85 : 2.08 2.44 : 2.60 BTU/h BTU/h BTU/h 3.90- :27,300) 3.87 3.84- :30,700) 3.85 4.10 -: 4.31 EER : COP W/W 23,900 (6,800 23,900 (6,800 23,900-(6,800 27,300) - 27,300) 27,300 (6,800 27,300 (6,800 27,300-(6,800 30,700) - 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 38,200 47,800) (14,000 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) - 47,800) Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Total Cooling : Heating W/W kW : 3.871.54 3.90 :: 1.81 3.87 3.90 : 3.87 3.84 : 3.851.85 3.84 :: 2.08 3.85 3.84 : 3.85 4.10 : 4.312.44 4.10 :: 2.60 4.31 4.10 : 4.31 EER : COP EER :power COP EER :input COP W/W 3.90 W/W 0.87: 0.89 | 0.87 :0.89 0.87: 1.34 | 1.27 :1.30 A : 0.89 | 0.87 :0.89 0.89 0.87: 0.89 | 0.87 :0.89 0.87: 0.89 | 0.87 :1.30 1.29: 1.34 | 1.27 : 1.29 Current IndoorCurrent Cooling : HeatingCooling : Heating A Unitinput Total power Total input power Total power input Cooling : Heating CoolingCooling : Heating : Heating kW kW 1.54 kW: 1.811.54 : 1.81 1.54 : 1.81 1.85 : 2.081.85 : 2.08 1.85 : 2.08 2.44 : 2.602.44 : 2.60 2.44 : 2.60 Dimensions W × Dmm mm 290×1,000×700 290×1,000×700 290×1,400×700 Dimensions H × W × DCoolingH: × 290×1,000×700 0.89 : 0.89 0.89 : 0.89 1.30 : 1.34 Current Heating A | 0.87 : 0.87 290×1,000×700 | 0.87 : 0.87 290×1,400×700 | 1.27 : 1.29 Indoor Unit IndoorIndoor Unit Unit Net weight 33 33 45 Net weightDimensions kg 33kg 33 45 H × W Cooling ×: D mm 0.89 0.89 0.87 : 0.89 :0.89 0.87 0.87 : 0.89: 0.87 0.87 :0.89 0.87: 0.89290×1,000×700 0.89 0.87 : 0.89 :0.89 0.87 0.87 : 0.89: 0.87 0.87 :1.30 0.87: 1.34290×1,400×700 1.30 1.27 : 1.34 :1.30 1.29 : 1.34: 1.29 Current CurrentCurrent Cooling : Heating Cooling Heating : Heating A A A : 0.89290×1,000×700 | | | | | | | | 1.27 | 1.27 : 1.29 Air volume L/s: 350 33 350 : 350 350 : 350 533 : 533 Air volumeNet weight Cooling : HeatingCooling : Heating L/s 350 : 350 33 533 : 533 45 kg 350 Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions H × W × DH × W H ×D × W × Dmm mm 290×1,000×700 mm 290×1,000×700 290×1,000×700 290×1,000×700 290×1,000×700 290×1,000×700 290×1,400×700 290×1,400×700 290×1,400×700 External static pressure 70 (10 - 150) 70 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) External static pressure 70Pa (10 - 150) 70 (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) Cooling : Heating Pa L/s 350 350 533 Net weightAir Netvolume weight Net weight kg kg 33kg 33 : 350 33 33 33 : 350 33 45 45 : 533 45 Sound pressure (H/M/L): HeatingCooling : Heating dB(A) // 32 32 // 32 26 / 2670: 35 // 32 32 // 34 26 / 31100 // 34 Sound pressure level (H/M/L) dB(A) / 32 / 2670: 35 /-35 32 26 / 26 : 35 / 35 /-35 32 26 / 26 : 35 / 38 : 38(10/ 38 34 31 / 31 : 38 / 34 / 31 External pressure levelCooling Pa 35 (10 150) (10 150) - 150) Air volumeAir volume Airstatic volume Cooling : Heating CoolingCooling : Heating : Heating L/s L/s 350 L/s: 350 350 : 350 350 : 350 350 : 350 350 : 350 350 : 350 533 : 533 533 : 533 533 : 533 Sound power level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 58 / 55 / 49 : 58 / 55 / 49 58 / 55 / 49 : 58 / 55 / 49 // 57 Sound power level (H/M/L)level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 58 / 55 / 4935: 58 / 55 / 49 58 / 55 / 4935: 58 / 55 / 49 61 / 57 / 5438: 61 / 61 57 54 Sound pressure Cooling : Heating dB(A) / 32 / 26 : 35 / 32 / 26 / 32 / 26 : 35 / 32 / 26 / 34 / 31 : 38/- 54 /150) 34: 61 / 31/ 57 / 54 External static External pressure External static pressure static pressure Pa Pa 70Pa (10 - 150) 70 (10 -70 150) (10 - 150) 70 (10 - 150) 70 (10 -70 150) (10 - 150) 100 (10 - 150) 100 (10 100 - 150) (10 Drain piping mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Drain piping mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Sound power level (H/M/L) Cooling :: Heating dB(A) 58: 35 55/ 35 49/ 32 58/ 26 55: 35 49/ 35 58: 35 55/ 35 49/ 32 58/ 26 55: 35 49/ 38 61: 38 57/ 38 54/ 34 61/ 31 57: 38 54/ 34 / 31 Sound pressure Sound level Sound pressure (H/M/L) pressure level (H/M/L) levelCooling (H/M/L): Heating CoolingCooling Heating : Heating dB(A) dB(A)35dB(A) / 32 / 2635 // 32 32 // 26 26 :: 35 // 32 // 26 32 // 32 26 / 2635 // 32 32 // 26 26 :: 35 // 32 // 26 32 // 34 26 / 3138 // 34 34 // 31 31 :: 38 // 34 // 31 Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Drain piping mm Sound power Sound level Sound power (H/M/L) level power (H/M/L) level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating CoolingCooling : Heating : Heating dB(A) dB(A)58dB(A) / 55 / 49VP-25 58: 58 / 55/ 58 55 / 49/ 55 49 : 58/ 49 / 55: 58 / 49/ 58 55 // 55 49 / 49VP-25 58: 58 / 55/ 58 55 / 49/ 55 49 : 58/ 49 / 55: 58 / 49/ 61 55 // 57 49 / 54VP-25 61: 61 / 57/ 61 57 / 54/ 57 54 : 61/ 54 / 57: 61 / 54/ 57 / 54 8.10: 9.50 | 8.30 :8.60 9.20 : 11.20 | 10.3010.60 : 11.20 | 10.30 : 10.70 Current A : 7.10 | 8.40 :7.40 7.40 8.10: 7.10 | 8.40 :8.60 9.20: 9.50 | 8.30 :10.60 : 10.70 Current Outdoor Cooling : HeatingCooling : Heating A Unit Drain piping Drain piping Drain piping mm mm VP-25 mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Dimensions W × Dmm mm 996 ×8.40 940: ×8.10 340 996 × 940 8.60 996 ×8.30 940: ×9.20 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 10.30 × 940: 10.70 × 340 Dimensions H × W × DCoolingH: × 996 × 940 7.40 × 340: 7.10 × 340: 9.50 × 340 10.60 : 11.20 Current Heating A | | | Outdoor Unit Outdoor Outdoor Unit Unit Net weight kg 68 69 98 Net weightDimensions kg 68 69 98 H × W Cooling ×: D mm 7.40 996 ×: 7.10 940 × 8.40 ×: 9.50 940 × 8.30 1,416 940 340 : 10.70 :7.40 8.10 7.10: 8.10 8.10: 9.50996 8.60 :8.60 9.20 9.50: 9.20 9.20 : 11.2010.60 : ×11.20 10.60 : 10.70 11.20 Current CurrentCurrent Cooling : Heating Cooling Heating : Heating A A A : 7.107.40 | 8.40 | :340 | 8.40 :8.60 | 8.30 | :340 | 8.30 :10.60 | 10.30 |×:10.30 | 10.30 : 10.70 Air volume L/s : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,833 : 1,583 Air volumeNet weight Cooling : HeatingCooling : Heating L/s 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,833 : 1,583 kg 98 Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions H × W × DH × W H ×D × W × Dmm mm 996 mm × 940 68 996 × 340 × 940 996××340 940 × 340 996 × 940 69 996 × 340 × 940 996××340 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 1,416 × 340 ×1,416 940 ××340 940 × 340 48 : 50 48 : 50 52 : 52 Sound pressure levelCooling : Heating : Heating dB(A) : 50 1,000 : 1,000 48 : 50 1,000 : 1,000 52 : 52 1,833 : 1,583 Sound pressure level dB(A) Air volume CoolingCooling : Heating L/s 48 Net weightNet weight Net weight kg kg 68kg 68 68 69 69 69 98 98 98 Sound power level Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating Sound power level dB(A) 65dB(A) : 67 48 : 50 65 : 67 65 : 67 48 : 50 65 : 67 69 : 69 52 : 52 69 : 69 Sound pressure level Cooling : Heating dB(A) Air volumeAir volume Air volume Cooling : Heating CoolingCooling : Heating : Heating L/s L/s 1,000 L/s : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 : 1,000 1,833 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 Piping / Gas m / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 / Ø15.88 Piping connections Liquid / Gas m Sound level power connections level CoolingLiquid Heating dB(A)Ø9.52 65 :: 50 67 Ø9.52 65 :: 50 67 Ø9.52 69 :: 52 69 Ø9.52 48dB(A) : 50 48 48 : 50 48 : 50 48 48 : 50 52 : 52 52 52 : 52 Sound pressure Sound Sound pressure pressure level levelCooling : Heating Cooling Cooling :: Heating : Heating dB(A) dB(A) Pipe length min. max. m 5 50 5 50 5Ø15.88 - 75 Pipe length min. - max. m 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 75 Piping connections Liquid / Gas m Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Sound power Sound level Sound power level power level Cooling : Heating CoolingCooling : Heating : Heating dB(A) dB(A)65dB(A) : 67 65 : 67 65 : 67 65 : 67 65 : 67 65 : 67 69 : 69 69 : 69 69 : 69 Elevation difference (OU lower, OU located m30 30 30 30 Elevation difference (OU located lower, OUlocated located higher) m higher)m 15, 15, 30 15, 30 Pipe min. 5 - 50 / 15, 5 - 50 / 15, 5 - 75 / 15, Piping connections Pipinglength connections Piping connections Liquid / Gas Liquid- max. /Liquid Gas / Gas m m Ø9.52 m / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 Ø15.88/ Ø15.88 Maximum chargeless length m 30 30 30 Maximum Elevation chargeless length (OU located lower, OU located higher) m 30 30 30 difference m 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 Pipe length Pipe length Pipe length min. - max. min. - max. min. - max.m m 5m - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount g g R410A 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410A 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) RefrigerantMaximum at shipping, Additional gas amount R410A 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410A 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) chargeless length 30 30 30 Elevation difference Elevation Elevation difference (OU located difference (OU lower, located (OU OUlocated lower, located OU lower, higher) located OU located higher) m higher)m m 15, m30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 Operation ranges Cooling : Heating ˚C -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 50 46 (g/m) : -20 to 24 OperationRefrigerant ranges Coolinggas : Heating ˚C -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : R410A -20 to 24 at shipping, Additional amount g 2,000, 50 (g/m) 2,350, 50 (g/m) 3,400, Maximum Maximum chargeless Maximum chargeless lengthchargeless length length m m 30m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Outdoor Unit Indoor Unit Outdoor Unit



30 300 20 256

700 256


700 63632

30 32700 636 256 20 256

30 32 27 20

32 32



186 77


(75) 154





33 (150)




3HP S-71PF1R5A

Min.400 Min.400



636 Min.400



Min.650 Min.650




3 35

Electrical Electrical component box component box Electrical box Inspection Inspection component access Indoor unit access Indoor unit Electrical ElectricalElectrical min.250 450 × 450 box 450 × 450 box component component component box Inspection access Indoor unit min.250 Refrigerant 450 × 450 Refrigerant Inspection Inspection Inspection tubing tubing access access access Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit min.250 min.250 450 × 450 Refrigerant 450 × 450 450 × 450 Min.650 Min.650 tubing 636 636




33 (150)


(75) 1192(Flange O.D.) 1192(Flange 1192(Flange O.D.) 154 O.D.) 54

(Field supply) (Field supply) 130 70 1 89 23 140 2389




636 32 32 636



Dimensions: mm Dimensions:Dimensions: mm mm


Min.250 Min.250





30 700

20-ø3holes 150 150 x 7 = 1050 71 1400 1400 33 20-ø3holes 1467(Suspension bolt 5 pitch) 150 8 (150) 1467(Suspension bolt pitch) 150 x 7 = 1050 71 71 1400 33 20-ø3holes 20-ø3holes 20-ø3holes (75) 1467(Suspension bolt pitch)O.D.) 150 150 150 (150)154 1192(Flange 8 8 54 1192(Flange O.D.) = 1050 150 x 7 = 1050 15071 x 7 154 = 1050 71 150 x 771 71 71 1400 1400 1400 33 33 (75) 51467(Suspension (150) (150) 1467(Suspension bolt pitch)1467(Suspension bolt pitch) bolt pitch) 154 1192(Flange O.D.) 54 20-ø3holes 8 150 x 771 = 1050

186 27


700 28


28 28 758 700 700 30 58




758 758

30 700 30


Refrigerant Refrigerant Min.650Refrigerant tubing tubing tubing Min.650



28 280 700











Inspection access 450 x 450 (Field supply) 150 71



Inspection 35 26 access 450 x 450 3 Inspection (Field supply) access 450 x 450 89 3 (Field supply) Inspection Inspection 3 26 access 1 access 450 x 450 450 x 450 89


77 186

290 Dimensions: mm



Inspection access 450 x 450 (Field supply)






Dimensions: mm 23 140 23









6 35

35 35



113 65











77 27

290 140 23 2 18627



140 186

113 65


700 113 256 65

113 65 113 65


89 23

30 113256 65 20



30 20 256 30 20



130 2 27 701


140 23 23 Dimensions: mm





9 4



186 77

23 1






1 89

70 27



3 89

30 20


32 700

636 32 32

27 30 20

23 27


32 32



140 186 130

77 27


186 27

(75) 154




33 (150)




4 9




2.5HP S-60PF1R5A S-60PF1R5A

Indoor Unit










Min.400 Min.400


636 Min.400




89 23 271


Electrical Electrical component box component box Electrical box Inspection Inspection component access Indoor unit access Indoor unit Electrical ElectricalElectrical min.250 450 × 450 box 450 × 450 box component component component box Inspection access Indoor unit min.250 Refrigerant 450 × 450 Refrigerant Inspection Inspection Inspection tubing tubing access access access Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit min.250 min.250 450 × 450 Refrigerant 450 × 450 450 × 450 Min.650 Min.650 tubing 636 636




33154 (150) 21 (75) 33 (150)

30 25620

32 32





(75) 792(Flange O.D.) 792(Flange O.D.) 54 54 792(Flange O.D.) 154

33 (150)

186 77









5 8



21 54


77 27




150 150 x 5 = 750 21 1000 33 5 1000 16-ø3holes 150 bolt pitch) 8 1067(Suspension (150) 1067(Suspension bolt pitch) 150 x 5 = 750 21 (75) 1000 792(Flange O.D.) 54 16-ø3holes 16-ø3holes O.D.) 16-ø3holes 792(Flange 154 150 150 8 8 150 1067(Suspension bolt pitch) 150 x 5 = 750 15021 x 5 = 750 150 x 5 = 750 21 21 1000 1000 1000 33 792(Flange O.D.) 5 54 154 (150) bolt pitch) 1067(Suspension1067(Suspension bolt pitch) 1067(Suspension bolt pitch) 8

15021 x 5 = 750



636 636

700 30


8 21




Inspection access 450 x 450 3 89 (Field supply) Inspection Inspection access access 1 x 450 450 x 450 450 (Field supply) (Field supply)

7 30











32 636 636

28 758



Inspection access 450 x 450 (Field supply)




Inspection access 450 x 450 (Field supply)



280 700

758 280







335 Inspection access 450 x 450 (Field supply)

3 Upper drain port VP25 (O.D. Ø32 mm) 2 Refrigerant piping joint (gas tube) Ø15.88 Flare 172 flexible hose supplied 200 flexible hose 200 supplied 1 Refrigerant 1 Refrigerant piping 1 drain Refrigerant jointpiping (liquid joint piping tube) (liquid joint Ø9.52 tube) (liquid Flare Ø9.52 tube) Ø9.52 Upper port VP25 (O.D. mm) 4 Bottom drain port VP25 (O.D. Ø32 Flare mm) Flare 4 Bottom 3drain port VP25 (O.D. Ø32 mm)Ø32 2 Refrigerant 2 Refrigerant piping 2 Suspension Refrigerant jointpiping (gas tube) joint piping Ø15.88 joint tube) Flare Ø15.88 tube) Ø15.88 Flare Flare supplied lug (gas (4-12 ×(gas 30 mm) 5 Suspension200 lug5flexible (4-12 ×hose 30 mm) 3 Upper drain 3 Bottom Upper port 3 drain Upper VP25 (O.D. drain VP25 Ø32 port (O.D. VP25 mm) (O.D. mm) Ø32 mm) 4 drainport port VP25 (O.D.Ø32 Ø32 mm) 172 6 Power supply outlet 6 Power supply outlet 200 flexible 200 hose 200 supplied flexible hose supplied hose30supplied Suspension lug mm) 7flexible Fresh air (4-12 intake (Ø150 mm) 7 Fresh air5 intake port (Ø150 mm)×port 4 Bottom 4 drain Bottom port 4 Bottom drain VP25 port (O.D. drain VP25 Ø32 port (O.D. VP25 mm) Ø32 (O.D. mm) Ø32 mm) 6 Power outlet 8 supply Flange for duct flexible air outlet duct 8 Flange for flexible air outlet 5 Suspension 5 Fresh Suspension lug5 Suspension × lug30(4-12 mm) lug ×(4-12 30 mm) × 30 mm) air intake (Ø150 mm) 9(4-12 Electrical component box 9 Electrical7 component box port 6 Power supply 6 Flange Power outlet 6 supply Power supply outlet outlet duct 8 for flexible air outlet 7 Fresh air9 7 intake Fresh7port air Fresh intake (Ø150 air port intake mm) (Ø150 port mm) (Ø150 mm) Electrical component box 8 Flange for 8 Flange flexible 8 Flange for airflexible outlet for duct flexible air outlet airduct outlet duct 9 Electrical9 component Electrical 9 Electrical component box component box box












6 35





Filter 6


280 7






3 Upper drain port VP25 (O.D. Ø32 mm) 2 Refrigerant piping joint (gas tube) Ø15.88 Flare flexible hose supplied 200 flexible hose 200 supplied 172 1 Refrigerant 1 Upper Refrigerant piping 1 Refrigerant jointpiping (liquid joint piping tube) (liquid joint Ø9.52 tube) (liquid Flare Ø9.52 tube) Ø9.52 port VP25 (O.D. mm) 4 drain Bottom drain port VP25 (O.D. Ø32 Flare mm) Flare 4 Bottom 3drain port VP25 (O.D. Ø32 mm)Ø32 2 Refrigerant 2 Refrigerant piping 2 Refrigerant joint piping (gas tube) joint piping (gas Ø15.88 joint Flare Ø15.88 tube) Ø15.88 Flare Flare supplied Suspension lug (4-12tube) ×(gas 30 mm) 5 Suspension200 lug5flexible (4-12 ×hose 30 mm) 3 Upper drain 3 port 3 Upper VP25 (O.D. drain VP25 Ø32 port (O.D. VP25 mm) (O.D. mm) Ø32 mm) 4 Upper Bottom drainport port VP25 (O.D.Ø32 Ø32 mm) 6 drain Power supply outlet 6 Power supply outlet 200 flexible 200 hose 200 supplied flexible hose supplied hose30supplied Suspension lug mm) 7flexible Fresh air (4-12 intake (Ø150 mm) 7 Fresh air5 intake port (Ø150 mm)×port 4 Bottom 6 4drain Bottom port 4 Bottom drain VP25port (O.D. drain VP25 Ø32 port(O.D. VP25 mm) Ø32 (O.D. mm) Ø32 mm) outlet 8 supply Flange for flexible air outlet duct 8 Flange forPower flexible air outlet duct 5 Suspension 5 Suspension lug5 Suspension × lug30(4-12 mm) lug ×(4-12 30 mm) × 30 mm) Fresh air intake (Ø150 mm) 9(4-12 Electrical component box 9 Electrical7 component box port 6 Power supply 6 Flange Power outlet 6 supply Power supply outlet outlet duct 8 for flexible air outlet 7 Fresh air9 7 intake Fresh7port air Fresh intake (Ø150 air port intake mm) (Ø150 port mm) (Ø150 mm) Electrical component box 8 Flange for 8 Flange flexible 8 Flange for airflexible outlet for duct flexible air outlet airduct outlet duct 9 Electrical9 component Electrical 9 Electrical component box component box box




SIZE 100,125,140 SIZE 100,125,140 PF1R5A PF1R5A SIZE1 Refrigerant 100,125,140 PF1R5A (liquid 1 Refrigerant piping joint (liquidpiping tube) joint Ø9.52 Flaretube) Ø9.52 Flare 2 Refrigerant piping joint (gas tube)PF1R5A Ø15.88 Flare 2 Refrigerant piping joint (gas tube) Ø15.88 Flare SIZE SIZE 100,125,140 SIZE 100,125,140 100,125,140 PF1R5A PF1R5A 1 Refrigerant piping Flare 3 Upper drainjoint port(liquid VP25tube) (O.D.Ø9.52 Ø32 mm)




MID DUCTED STATIC DUCTED Dimensions MID STATIC Dimensions MID STATIC DUCTED Dimensions MID MID MID STATIC DUCTED STATIC DUCTED DUCTED Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions SIZE 60-71 PF1R5A SIZESTATIC 60-71 PF1R5A SIZE1 Refrigerant 60-71piping PF1R5A (liquid 1 Refrigerant piping joint (liquid tube) joint Ø9.52 Flaretube) Ø9.52 Flare 2 Refrigerant piping joint (gas tube) Ø15.88 Flare 2 Refrigerant piping joint (gas tube) Ø15.88 Flare SIZE SIZE 60-71 SIZE 60-71 PF1R5A 60-71 PF1R5A PF1R5A 1 Refrigerant piping joint (liquid tube) Flare 3 Upper drain port VP25 (O.D.Ø9.52 Ø32 mm)






27 26




4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette

Indoor Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Unit Indoor Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Unit

4-WAY 4-WAY 4-WAY Cassette Cassette Cassette 4-WAY Cassette

ProvideProvide a neat Provide fit a in neat thefit aceiling neat in thefitto ceiling inmatch the to ceiling modern match to modern match modern ProvideProvide a neat Provide fit a in neat thefit aceiling neat in thefitto ceiling inmatch the to ceiling modern match to modern match modern decors, decors, uniform decors, uniform cooling uniform cooling throughout cooling throughout the throughout room, the plus room, theplus room, plus Provide a neat fit in the ceiling to match modern decors, decors, uniformdecors, uniform coolinguniform cooling throughout cooling throughout the throughout room, theplus room, theplus room, plus easy installation. easy installation. easy installation. decors, uniform cooling throughout the room, plus ECONAVI ECONAVI ready ECONAVI ready ready easy installation. easy installation. easy installation. ECONAVI ECONAVI ready ECONAVI ready ready easy installation. ECONAVI ready

Self-diagnosing Function Self-diagnosing Function

Self-diagnosing Automatic Self-diagnosing Mild Automatic dry Intelligent Automatic Mild dry Auto Function Fan Function Fan Swing Self-diagnosing Automatic Self-diagnosing Mild Automatic dry Intelligent Automatic MildFan dry Auto Operation Operation Operation Function Fan Function Fan Swing Fan Self-diagnosing Automatic Mild dry Operation Operation Operation Function Fan Operation

Intelligent Automatic Mild dry Auto Restart Swing Intelligent Automatic Mild dry Auto Function Restart Swing Intelligent FunctionAuto Swing

Intelligent Auto Automatic Swing Auto Auto Automatic Built-in Swing (Auto Restart Swing FlapAuto Drain (Auto Restart Pump Flap Intelligent Auto Automatic Swing Auto Automatic Built-in Swing Control) Function Function Control) (Auto Restart Swing Flap Drain (Auto Restart Pump Flap Automatic Auto Swing Control) Function Function Control) Restart (Auto Flap Function Control)

Auto Built-in Swing Drain (Auto Pump Flap Auto Built-in Swing Control) Drain (Auto Pump Flap Built-in Control) Drain Pump

Built-in Drain Pump Built-in Drain Pump

Technical Technical focus Technical focus focus Technical Technical focus Technical focus focus Technical focus

• Lightweight • Lightweight design • Lightweight design design • Compact •design Compact•design Compact design • Lightweight • Lightweight design • Lightweight design design • Compact •design Compact•design Compact design Fresh air knockout • Fresh air •knockout Fresh air knockout • Reduced •sound Reduced levels •sound Reduced (from levels previous sound (from models) levels previous (from models) previous• models) •• Lightweight design Compact design Fresh air knockout Fresh air •knockout Fresh air knockout • Reduced ••sound Reduced levels •sound Reduced (from levels previous sound (from models) levels previous (from models) previous• models) • Branch connection duct • Branch connection duct connection • DC fan motor • DCfor fanincreased motor • DC for fan efficiency increased motor forefficiency increased efficiency• Branch duct •• Fresh airduct •• Reduced levels (from previous models) Branch connection •knockout Branch connection duct connection • DC fan motor DCfor fanincreased motor •sound DC for fan efficiency increased motor forefficiency increased efficiency• Branch duct • Optionalplenum air-intake • Optional CZ-FDU2 plenum air-intake CZ-FDU2 plenum CZ-FDU2 • Powerful drain • Powerful pump•drain gives Powerful pump 850 drain mm gives lift pump 850 mm giveslift850 mm •liftOptional air-intake •• Branch duct connection •• DC fan motor for increased efficiency Optionalplenum air-intake • Optional CZ-FDU2 plenum air-intake CZ-FDU2 plenum CZ-FDU2 • Powerful drain Powerful pump •drain gives Powerful pump 850 drain mm gives lift pump 850 mm giveslift850 mm •liftOptional air-intake • Optional air-intake plenum CZ-FDU2 • Powerful drain pump gives 850 mm lift

Wide &Wide Comfortable &Wide Comfortable &Airfl Comfortable ow AirflowAirflow Wide &Wide Comfortable &Wide Comfortable &Airfl Comfortable ow AirflowAirflow Wide & Comfortable Airflow

Comfort/Quiet Comfort/Quiet Comfort/Quiet Comfort/Quiet Comfort/Quiet Comfort/Quiet Comfort/Quiet A proprietary A proprietary design features A proprietary design wide-angle features design wide-angle discharge features wide-angle discharge discharge Ample airflow: Ample36 airflow: Ample m33/min 36 airflow: m33/min 36 m33/min A proprietary A proprietary design features A proprietary design wide-angle features design wide-angle discharge features wide-angle discharge discharge Ample airflow: Ample36 airflow: Ample m /min 36 airflow: m /min 36 m /min outlets and outlets flaps that andare outlets flaps larger that and inare the flaps larger middle, thatinare thelarger middle, in the middle, Industry’s highest Industry’s in the highest Industry’s 140PU in36 class. the highest 140PU in the class. 140PU class. A proprietary design wide-angle discharge 3/min outlets and outlets flaps that andare outlets flaps larger that and infeatures are the flaps larger middle, that inare thelarger middle, in the middle, Ample airflow: m Industry’s Industry’s in the highest Industry’s 140PU in class. the highest 140PU in the class. 140PU class. featuring a shape featuring thata was featuring shape selected that a shape was based selected that onwas based selected on based on highest outletsthat and flapsselected that larger in was thebased middle, featuring a shape featuring a was featuring shape that aare shape was based selected that on selected on based on Industry’s highest in the 140PU class. numerical mechanics numerical mechanics and numerical testingmechanics and of actual testing prototype and of actual testing prototype of actual prototype featuring amechanics shape thatmechanics was selected onof actual prototype numerical mechanics numerical and numerical testing and of actual testing prototype and of based actual testing prototype units. Air coming units. out Air coming ofunits. the center Air outcoming ofofthe thecenter out discharge of of thethe center discharge of the discharge numerical mechanics testing actual prototype units. Air coming units. out Air coming of units. the center Air outcoming ofand ofthe the center out discharge ofofof the the center discharge of the discharge outlets travels outlets farther. travels From outlets farther. thetravels sides From farther. ofthe each sides From outlet, ofthe each sides outlet, of each outlet, units. Air coming out ofFrom the of the discharge outlets travels outlets farther. travels From outlets farther. the travels sides farther. ofcenter the each sides From outlet, ofthe each sides outlet, of each outlet, where the openings where theare openings where larger,the airflow are openings larger, spreads airflow are larger, outspreads airflow outspreads out outlets the travels farther. From theairflow sides ofspreads each outlet, where the openings where are openings where larger, the airflow are openings larger, spreads are larger, out airflow outspreads out to reach thetocorners reach the oftothe corners reach room. the ofAir the corners is room. discharged ofAir theisroom. discharged Air is discharged where thethe are larger, airflow to reach theto corners reach ofopenings tothe corners reach room. the ofAir the corners is room. discharged ofAir theisspreads room. discharged Airout is discharged across a wide across areaafrom wide across the area four afrom wide sides the area offour the from sides unit. theThe offour thesides unit. of The the unit. The to reach the corners ofsides the room. Air is The discharged across a wide across areaafrom wide across the area four afrom wide the area offour the from sides unit. the of four thesides unit. of The the unit. The curves on the curves roomontemperature the curves roomontemperature distribution the room temperature distribution graph distribution graph graph across a temperature wide areaon from fourtemperature sides unit. The graph curves on the curves roomon the curves room temperature distribution thethe room distribution graphof thedistribution graph expand gently expand out through gently expand out 360° through gently in a circle out 360° through centered in a circle 360°centered in a circle centered curves on the room temperature expand gently expand out through gently expand out 360° through gently in a circle out 360° through centered indistribution a circle 360°centered ingraph a circle centered on the indoor onunit. the indoor on unit. the indoor unit. expand gently out through 360° in a circle centered on the indoor onunit. the indoor on unit. the indoor unit. on the indoor unit.

Temperature Temperature distribution Temperature distribution by distribution by by Wide 360° Temperature Temperature distribution Temperature distribution by distribution by by 360° Wide thermograph thermograph thermograph Temperature distribution by thermograph thermograph thermograph (cooling (cooling operation) (cooling operation) operation) thermograph (cooling (cooling operation) (cooling operation) operation) (cooling operation) 1m 1m

Simulation conditions: Simulation conditions: Simulation conditions: P140 4-wayconditions: ceiling-mounted P140 4-wayconditions: ceiling-mounted cassette P140 4-way type conditions: inceiling-mounted cooling cassettemode type in cassette cooling mode type in cooling mode Simulation Simulation Simulation 2 /P140 Floor4-way area of 225 /P140 Floor m 4-way area ofceiling-mounted 225 /P140 Floor m24-way areainofceiling-mounted 225 m2mode ceiling-mounted cassette type cooling cassette type in cassette cooling mode type in cooling mode Simulation conditions: / Ceiling height of/ Ceiling 3mm2 area height of / Ceiling 3mm2 area height of 3mm2 Floor area of 225 Floor of 225 Floor of 225 P140 4-way ceiling-mounted cassette type in cooling mode / Ceiling height of// Ceiling 3 m height of / Ceiling 3 m height of 3 m 2 Floor area of 225 m / Ceiling height of 3 m

28 28 28

28 28

360° Wide 360° Wide 360° Wide 360° Wide 360° Wide 1m 1m 1m

1m 1m


2 2



2 2


CZ-KPU21 1 Air 1 Air Air intake box CZ-BCU2 intake box CZ-BCU2 intakeCZ-KPU21 box CZ-BCU2 CZ-KPU21 1 for 1 for Air intake box Air CZ-BCU2 intake box Air CZ-BCU2 intake box CZ-BCU2 for main unit. main unit. main CZ-KPU21 unit. for main unit. main unit. for main unit. CZ-KPU21 1 for Air intake box CZ-BCU2 2 Air intake box 2 2 Air Air CZ-ATU2* intake box CZ-ATU2* intake box CZ-ATU2* for main unit. 2 for 2 plenum. 2 plenum. Air intake box Air CZ-ATU2* intake box Air CZ-ATU2* intake boxplenum. CZ-ATU2* Air intake for Air intake for Air intake for Air intake2When plenum. for Air intake plenum. for Air intake plenum. Air box intake box CZ-ATU2* * When using Air *intake using Air * intake When box using Air intake box forplenum Air intake plenum. (CZ-ATU2), (CZ-ATU2), Air (CZ-ATU2), plenum * When usingAir Airintake *intake When box using Air*intake intake When box usingAir Airintake intakeplenum box 1 1


(CZ-FDU2) (CZ-FDU2) required. (CZ-FDU2) required. (CZ-ATU2), required. Air intake (CZ-ATU2), plenum (CZ-ATU2), plenum * When usingAir Airintake intake box Air intake plenum (CZ-FDU2) required. (CZ-FDU2) (CZ-FDU2) required. (CZ-ATU2), required. Air intake plenum (CZ-FDU2) required.

High-Ceiling High-Ceiling Installation High-Ceiling Installation (UpInstallation to 5(Up m for to 5(Up 100PU m to for5100PU and m for higher 100PU and models) higher and higher models) models) High-Ceiling High-Ceiling Installation High-Ceiling Installation (UpInstallation to 5(Up m for to 5(Up 100PU m to for5100PU and m for higher 100PU and models) higher and higher models) models) High-Ceiling Installation (Up to 5 m for 100PU and higher models) The units can Thebeunits installed can Thebe inunits rooms installed canwith be in installed rooms high ceilings, with in rooms high where ceilings, with they high where provide ceilings, they ample where provide floor-level they ample provide heating floor-level ample in heating floor-level in heating in The units can Thebeunits installed can Thebe inunits rooms installed canwith be in installed rooms high ceilings, with in rooms high where ceilings, with they high where provide ceilings, they ample where provide floor-level they ample provide heating floor-level ample in heating floor-level in heating in the winter. (See the winter. ceiling(See the height winter. ceiling guidelines (See height ceiling below.) guidelines height below.) guidelines below.) Thewinter. units be installed inceiling rooms with below.) high ceilings, where they provide ample floor-level heating in the winter. (See the ceilingcan (See the height winter. ceiling guidelines (See height below.) guidelines height guidelines below.) the winter. (See ceiling height guidelines below.) (Factory settings) (Factory settings) (Factory settings) High CeilingHigh Ceiling High Ceiling (Factory settings) (Factory settings) (Factory settings) High CeilingHigh Ceiling High Ceiling High Ceiling (Factory settings)

3.0m 3.0m

3.0m 3.0m 3.0m

New modelNew modelNew model New modelNew modelNew model New model Capacity Capacity

Capacity Capacity Capacity

Capacity Capacity Industry’s top-class Industry’s top-class

3.6m 3.6m

3.0m 3.0m

60PU, 71PU60PU, 71PU60PU, 71PU 60PU, 71PU60PU, 71PU60PU, 71PU 60PU, 71PU Industry’s top-class Industry’s top-class Industry’s

3.6m 3.6m 3.6m

3.6m 3.6m

100PU, 125PU, 100PU, 140PU 125PU, 100PU, 140PU 125PU, 140PU 100PU, 125PU, 100PU, 140PU 125PU, 100PU, 140PU 125PU, 140PU 100PU, 125PU, 140PU

Industry’s top-class Industry’s top-class




4.5m 4.5m 100PU-140PU 100PU-140PU 100PU-140PU 100PU-140PU 100PU-140PU 100PU-140PU 4.5m 100PU-140PU Capacity Capacity

Capacity Capacity Capacity

4.5m 4.7m 4.5m 4.7m

4.7m 4.7m 4.7m

4.7m 4.7m

5m 5m

5m 5m 5m

5m 5m

4-way discharge 4-way discharge 4-way 3-way discharge discharge 3-way discharge 3-way discharge 2-way discharge 2-way discharge 2-way discharge Capacity 4-way discharge 4-way discharge 4-way 3-way discharge discharge 3-way discharge 3-way 2-way discharge 2-way discharge 2-way discharge high ceiling settings2 high ceiling settings2 highwith ceiling thesettings2 optional with air-blocking the optional with air-blocking the optional withdischarge the air-blocking optional with air-blocking the optional with air-blocking the optional air-blocking Capacity materials materials materials materials materials materials high ceiling settings2 high ceiling settings2 highwith ceiling thesettings2 optional with air-blocking the optional with air-blocking the optional with the air-blocking optional with air-blocking the optional with air-blocking the optional air-blocking 4-way discharge 3-way discharge 2-way discharge materials materials materialsmaterials materials materials high ceiling settings2 with the optional air-blocking with the optional air-blocking materials

Ceiling height Ceiling guidelines height Ceiling guidelines height guidelines Ceiling height Ceiling guidelines height Ceiling guidelines height guidelines 1 settings 1 settings * * *1 settings 4-way discharge 4-way discharge 4-way discharge Ceiling height guidelines 1 1 1





2-way 2-way 2-way * settings 4-way * settings * settings discharge 4-way discharge 4-way discharge discharge discharge discharge (optional (optional (optional 3-way 3-way discharge 3-way(optional discharge (optional discharge (optional 2-way 2-way 2-way *1 settings 4-way discharge High ceiling High ceiling High ceiling High ceilingHigh ceiling High ceiling air-blocking materials) air-blocking materials) air-blocking materials) discharge discharge discharge (optional (optional (optional 2 3-way air-blocking Factory settings Factory 1 settingsFactory 1 settings 1 air-blocking materials) air-blocking materials) dischargematerials) (optional discharge (optional discharge (optional *2 * *2 2-way setting 1 setting 1 setting setting 2 ceiling 1 setting 2 air-blocking setting 2 air-blocking materials) High ceiling High ceiling High ceiling High High ceiling High ceiling materials) air-blocking materials) 2 2 discharge (optional Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor Factoryunit settings Factory 1 settingsFactory 1 settings 1 air-blocking materials) air-blocking materials) air-blocking materials) * *2 discharge (optional * setting 1 setting 1 setting setting 2 1 setting 2 setting 2 High ceiling High ceiling air-blocking materials) Indoor unit Indoor unit Indoor unit 2 Factory settings 1 air-blocking materials) * 60PU-71PU 60PU-71PU 60PU-71PU 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.8 4.2 3.8 4.2 4.2 setting 1 setting 2 unit 60PU-71PU Indoor 60PU-71PU 60PU-71PU 3.0 3.0 3.3 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.8 3.6 3.8 4.2 3.8 4.2 4.2

100PU, 125PU, 100PU, 140PU125PU, 100PU, 3.6140PU 125PU, 3.6 140PU3.9 3.6 3.9 4.5 3.9 4.5 4.7 4.5 4.7 5.0 4.7 5.0 60PU-71PU 3.0 3.3 3.6 3.8 4.2 100PU, 125PU, 100PU, 140PU125PU, 100PU, 3.6140PU 125PU, 3.6 140PU3.9 3.6 3.9 4.5 3.9 4.5 4.7 4.5 4.7 5.0 4.7 5.0 *1 When using the *1100PU, unit When in ausing confithe guration *1 When unit inother using a confi than the guration unit the factory in other a confi settings, than guration the factory it other is necessary than settings, thetofactory itmake is necessary settings, settings4.5 to on it make issite necessary to settings increase toon make airfl siteow. to settings increase on airfl siteow. to increase airfl 125PU, 140PU 3.6 3.9 4.7 5.0ow.

5.0 5.0

*2 Use air-blocking *2 Use materials (CZ-CFU2) *2 Use materials air-blocking to completely (CZ-CFU2) materials block completely two (CZ-CFU2) discharge to necessary completely outlets two discharge fortofactory block 2-way outlets two airflow. discharge forto outlets airflow. fortoon 2-way airflow. *1 When using the *1 unit When inair-blocking ausing confi the guration *1 When unit in other using a confi than the guration unit the factory in other atoconfi settings, than guration the factory itblock other is than settings, the itmake is necessary settings, settings on it2-way make issite necessary to settings increase make airfl siteow. to settings increase on airfl siteow. to increase airflow. *2 Use air-blocking *2 Use materials air-blocking *2 Use materials air-blocking to completely (CZ-CFU2) materials block to completely two (CZ-CFU2) block to completely outlets two discharge for block 2-way outlets two airflow. discharge forto2-way outlets airflow. for on 2-way *1 When using(CZ-CFU2) the unit in a confi guration other thandischarge the factory settings, it is necessary make settings site airflow. to increase airflow. *2 Use air-blocking materials (CZ-CFU2) to completely block two discharge outlets for 2-way airflow.

29 29

29 29 29

4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette 4-Way Cassette

Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Unit

4-way Cassette 4-way Cassette 4-way Cassette 4-way Cassette

horizontal piping isconventional possible. the can valueby using a high-lift and long The drain height beheight increased 350drain mmpump, over 350 The drain can bebyapproximately increased by approximately mm over horizontal piping the conventional value by usingis apossible. high-lift draina pump, long the conventional value by using high-liftand drain pump, and long horizontal piping is possible. horizontal piping is possible. Capacity 2.5 HP 3 HP

850 mm

Up to

850 mm









B 160


82 160



X view



167 167 130 130 95 95

167 130 95 167 130 95 B

130 130

745 745 (Suspension (Suspension bolt pitch)bolt pitch) 860~910 860~910 (Ceiling(Ceiling openingopening dimension) dimension)

130 130

(411) (411) 6


X view



7 7






950 950


515 515


2 2 Air discharge duct connection hole (ø150) 62 2 2 ø1 115 ø3 4 2 rring ho2le duct connection hole (ø150) AirBudischarge 6 62 ø1 ø1 115 115 1 4 -ø3 2 2 le ho ng rri (ø150) Airhole discharge hole Air discharge3duct connection (ø150) duct connection Bu Dimensions: mm 1 ø1 1 80 -ø3 -ø3 Drain up 4 4 le le ho ho Burring Burring Air intake duct connection hole (ø100)113 2 1 1 ø 80 Drain up Dimensions: mm 3 connection hole (ø100) 3 1 1 Air intake duct 1 2 ø1 80 80 gap from * Adjust the suspension bolt length soø that the the lower ceiling surface becomes 30 mm or more (18 mm or more from the lower surface of the Drain up Drain up body) as shown in the figure. When theduct suspension bolt length is long, it hits the ceiling panel and installation is not possible. Air (ø100) intake connection hole (ø100) Air intake duct connection hole 2 2




X480 view


950 514 950 2 514





160 160



100PU-140PU 319 100PU-140PU 187 319 187

30 118 118




X view






3 145 271 840 145 271



(411) 50


7 950 514

745 745 (Suspension bolt pitch) (Suspension bolt pitch) 860~910 860~910 (Ceiling opening(Ceiling dimension) opening dimension)

(411) 271

950 514

Less than 300

324 840


50 A





160 160





42 42 121 121 33.5 33.5 A

Less than 300 2



42 121 50 A 33.5


95 95 160

180 180 B 160B

145 324

5 271

42 121 33.5




421 421

421 421



Up to 300 mm Drain Pump of about 850 mm Up to 300 mm Up to 300 mm Drain Pump of from the ceiling about surface850 mm from the ceiling Up to 850 mm surface Up to 850 mm Up to

ø3 hole 4 Burring




Only 256 mm Up to 300 mm

7 115


Less than Less850 than 850

256 mm

Less 35 4 -ø3 holethan Burring 7 than 300 Less ø3 4 le ho Burring


786 (Suspension bolt pitch)

8 8

100PU-140PU 319 187 60PU-71PU 256 100PU-140PU 60PU-71PU 124 256319 124187


62 ø1

LessLess than than 35 35


786 (Suspension bolt pitch)

Less than Less670 than 670


Less than 35

256 mm

Less than 300 Less than 35 Less than 670 Less than 670


ø3 Less than hole354 Burring

Less than 850 Less than 850

256 mm

2 Less than 35

840 480 840 2 480 2


A Drain Height of Approx. 850 mm about 850 mm from the ceiling Drain Height from the ACeiling Surfaceof Approx. 850 mm surface Drain Pump of A Height A Drain of Height Approx. Approx. 850 mm mm from the Ceiling Surface TheDrain drain height can be increased by of approximately 350850 mm over about 850 mm from the ceiling from the from Ceiling Surface Ceiling Surface the conventional value by using a high-lift drain pump, and long 350 mm over The drainthe height can be increased by approximately surface



mm, possible even in narrow ceilings. 2.5HP/3.0HP A lightweight unit atmaking 24 kg,installation the unit also very slim with a height of only 256 *ofForonly A lightweight unit at 24is kg, the unit is also very slim with a height 256 mm, making installation possible evenpossible in narroweven ceilings. mm, making installation in narrow ceilings. * For 2.5HP/3.0HP For 2.5HP/3.0HP Drain* Pump of


Less than 35


Lighter and Slimmer, Easier Installation Lighter Slimmer, Easier Installation A lightweight unit at 24 kg,and the unit is also very slim with a height of only 256 Lighter Lighter Slimmer, and Slimmer, Easier Installation Easier Installation mm, makingand installation possible even in narrow ceilings. For 2.5HP/3.0HP A lightweight unit at 24 kg, the unit is also very slim *with a height of only 256

840 480 167 167

Protrusion of 33.5 mm Protrusion Protrusion of 33.5 mm of 33.5 mm


180 B


180 95B

Protrusion of 33.5 mm


One of the industry’s thinnest panels One of the industry’s thinnest panels

when the unit is stopped. with the ceiling. Discharge close The square panel integratesoutlets seamlessly The square panel integrates seamlessly when theceiling. unitoutlets is Discharge stopped. with the with the ceiling. Discharge close outlets close the unit is stopped. when the unitwhen is stopped.

115 115

One of the industry’s thinnest panels

Air discharge outlet(flared) 4 Refrigerant piping 2(gas pipes) : ø15.88 1 intake grillVP25(outer 1 intake 3 Air Refrigerant piping (liquid pipes) : ø9.52 (flared) 5 Air Drain outlet ø32) grill 2 discharge 2 Air discharge outlet(gas pipes) : ø15.88 (flared) Refrigerant piping 6 Air Power supply outlet port4 3 piping 3(liquid R efrigpipes) eoutlet rant p:VP25(outer iø9.52 ping (li(flared) quidø32) pipes) : ø9.52 (flared) 5 Drain 7 Refrigerant Discharge duct (ø150) 4 4(gas R e(4-12x30 frpipes) igersupply an:t ø15.88 p ipport ing (g(flared) as pipes) : ø15.88 (flared) 6 Power 8 Refrigerant Suspensionpiping bolt hole slot) 5 Drain outlet VP25(outer ø32) 5 Drain outlet VP25(outer ø32) 7 Discharge duct (ø150) 9 Fresh air intake duct connection port (ø100)*1 6 Power supply port6 supply port 8 Power Suspension bolt hole (4-12x30 slot) 7 Discharge (ø150) 7 duct (ø150) *1: Air inlet kitduct is necessary. 9 Discharge Fresh air intake duct connection port (ø100)*1 8 Suspension bolt xhole (4-12x30 slot) 8520 Suspension bolt hole (4-12x30 slot) Filter size: 520 x 16 9 Fresh air intake duct connection (ø100)*1 9 Fresh air intake duct connection port (ø100)*1 *1: Air inlet kit isport necessary. Filter size: 520 x 520 x 16 *1: Air inlet kit is necessary. *1: Air inlet 840 kit is necessary. Filter size: 520 x 520 x 16size: Filter 480520 x 520 x 16

60PU-71PU 256


124 X B 786 860~910 A (Suspension bolt pitch) (Ceiling opening dimension) 60PU-71PU B X X 786 A 860~910 860~910 A 256 (Suspension bolt pitch) (Ceiling opening dimension) (Ceiling opening dimension)


One of the industry’s thinnest panels

X 860~910 (Ceiling opening dimension)


Low-Profile 33.5 mm Panel Low-Profi le 33.5 mm Panel The square panel integrates seamlessly Low-Profi le 33.5 mm Panel with the ceiling. Discharge outlets close seamlessly The square panel integrates

Dimensions Dimensions 1 Air intake grill 2 Air discharge outlet Dimensions Dimensions Air intake 3 Refrigerant piping 1 (liquid pipes)grill : ø9.52 (flared)


remove a washable flap by hand.

A suction grill enables to make 90-degree turns. A suction grill enables to make A suction grill A suction grill 90-degree turns. enables to make enables to make 90-degree turns. 90-degree turns.

It is easy to remove a It is easy toflap washable remove by hand.a washable flap by hand.


washing witheasily water. The flap can be removed easily for The flap can be removed for washing with washing water. with water.

It is easy to remove a washable flap byishand. It easy to


Easy Maintenance Easy Maintenance and Cleaning Easy Maintenance Easy Maintenance and Cleaning The flap can be removed easily for and Cleaning washing with and water. The flapCleaning can be removed easily for

Dimensions: mm Dimensions: mm

* Adjust the suspension bolt length so that the gap from the lower ceiling surface becomes 30 mm or more (18 mm or more from the lower surface of the body) as shown in the figure. When the suspension bolt length is long, it hits the ceiling panel and installation is not possible. * Adjust the suspension bolt the length so that the fromsothe lower surface becomes mm orbecomes more (18 30 mmmm or or more from lower surface thelower surface of the * Adjust suspension boltgap length that the ceiling gap from the lower ceiling30surface more (18the mm or more fromofthe 4 HP 5 HP body) as shown in the figure. When6the suspension bolt the length is long, itbolt hitslength the ceiling panel andthe installation is not possible. is long, it hits ceiling panel and installation is not possible. body) as shown inHP the figure. When suspension Indoor Unit S-60PU1R5A S-71PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-125PU1R5A S-125PU1R5 A S-140PU1R5A S-140PU1R5A Capacity 2.5 HP 3 HP 4 HP 5 HP 6 HP Model Name Outdoor Unit U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A Indoor Unit S-60PU1R5A S-71PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-125PU1R5A S-125PU1R5 A S-140PU1R5A S-140PU1R5A Capacity 2.5 HP 3 HP 4 HP 5 HP 6 HP Capacity 2.5 HP 3 HP CZ-KPU21 4 HP CZ-KPU21 5 HP CZ-KPU21 6 HP CZ-KPU21 PANEL CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 Model Name Outdoor Unit U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A Indoor Unit S-60PU1R5A S-71PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-125PU1R5A S-125PU1R5 A S-140PU1R5A S-140PU1R5A Indoor Unit S-60PU1R5A S-71PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-100PU1R5A S-125PU1R5A S-125PU1R5 A S-140PU1R5A S-140PU1R5A Phase/Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz PANEL CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 Power Model source Name Outdoor Unit U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A Model Name OutdoorVUnit U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A 230V 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V | Phase/Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz PANEL CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 PANEL CZ-KPU21 CZ-KPU21 Power source 6.0 (2.5 - 8.0) 7.1 (2.5 - 8.2) 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) CZ-KPU21 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) CZ-KPU21 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) CZ-KPU21 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) CZ-KPU21 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) CZ-KPU21 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) CZ-KPU21 kW V - 8.5) 230V 8.0 240V 230V 11.2 240V 230V 11.2 240V 400V | 415V 230V 14.0 240V 400V 16.0 415V 230V 16.0 240V 400V | 415V | | | | | | 7.0 (2.0 (2.0 9.0) (4.1 14.0) (4.1 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) (4.1 16.0) (4.1 18.0) (4.1 18.0) Phase/Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 1 phase, 3 phase, 3 phase, 1 phase, 3 phase, Phase/Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz 50Hz 1 phase, 50Hz 50Hz 3 phase, 50Hz Cooling capacity Power source Power source 6.0 (2.5 - 8.0) 7.1 (2.5 - 8.2) 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) Heating capacity 20,500 (8,500 42,700 V 230V V 230V 24,200 240V| (8,500 230V 34,100 240V| (11,300 230V 34,100 240V| (11,300 400V | 415V 230V 42,700 240V| (11,300 400V 47,800 415V| (11,300 230V 47,800 240V| (11,300 400V | 415V 240V - 27,300) 230V 240V - 28,000) 230V 240V - 42,700) 400V 415V - 42,700) 230V | (11,300 240V - 47,800) 400V 415V - 47,800) 230V 240V - 52,900) 400V 415V - 52,900) kW | | | | | | | BTU/h 7.0 (2.0 - 8.5) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) Cooling capacity 23,900 27,300 (6,800 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) (14,000 - 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) 6.0 (2.5 8.0) 7.1 (2.5 - 8.2) 10.0 (3.3 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 47,800 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 14.0) 14.0 (3.3 15.5) 14.0 (3.3 - 15.5) 6.0 (2.5(6,800 - 8.0)- 29,000) 7.1- (2.5 - 8.2)- 30,700) 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 10.0- (3.3 - 12.5) 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) 12.5- (3.3 - 14.0) 14.0- (3.3 - 15.5) 14.0- (3.3 - 15.5) Heating capacity kW kW 20,5003.94 (8,500 - 27,300) 24,2004.20 (8,500 - 28,000) 34,1004.20 (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 42,7003.60 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,7003.25 (11,300 - 47,800) 47,8003.25 (11,300 - 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 - 52,900) 4.05 : 3.87 : 4.00 :(4.1 4.31 4.31 4.00 4.00 3.70 3.70 EER : COP W/W 7.0 (2.0 8.5) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 14.0) 16.0) 16.0) 18.0) 7.0 (2.0 - 8.5) 8.0- (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 11.2- :(4.1 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 3.60 14.0 :(4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 14.0- :(4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0- :(4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 16.0- :(4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) BTU/h Cooling capacity Cooling capacity Cooling : Heating 23,900 (6,800 - 29,000) 27,300 (6,800 - 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 -ECONAVI 61,400) sensor High-spec wired Heating capacity Total power input Heating capacity Cooling : Heating kW 1.48 : 1.81 : 2.00 : 2.60 : 2.60 3.47 : 3.50 : 3.50 : 4.33 : 4.33 20,500 (8,500 - 27,300) 24,200 (8,500 - 28,000) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 42,700 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 - 47,800) 47,800 (11,300 - 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 - 52,900) 20,5001.80 (8,500 - 27,300) 24,2002.38 (8,500 - 28,000) 34,1002.38 (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 42,7003.47 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,7004.31 (11,300 - 47,800) 47,8004.31 (11,300 - 52,900) 47,800 (11,300 -CZ-CENSC1 52,900) remote controller BTU/h 4.05 : 3.87 3.94 : 4.00 4.20 : 4.31 4.20 : 4.31 3.60 : 4.00 3.60 : 4.00 3.25 : 3.70 3.25 : 3.70 EER : COP CoolingBTU/h : Heating W/W 23,900 (6,800 29,000) 27,300 (6,800 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 47,800) 47,800 (14,000 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 61,400) 23,900 (6,800 29,000) 27,300 (6,800 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 47,800) 47,800 (14,000 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 61,400) High-spec wired ECONAVI sensor CZ-RTC3 Indoor Unit Total power input Cooling : Heating kW 1.48 : 1.81 1.80 : 2.00 2.38 : 2.60 2.38 : 2.60 3.47 : 3.50 3.47 : 3.50 4.31 : 4.33 4.31 : 4.33 remote controller CZ-CENSC1 4.05 :3.94 3.87::0.32 3.94 :4.20 4.00::0.65 4.20 :4.20 4.31::0.65 4.20 : 4.31 3.60 :3.60 4.00::0.73 3.60 :3.25 4.00::0.80 3.25 :3.25 3.70::0.80 3.25 : 3.70 4.05 3.87| 0.30 : 0.29 4.00| 0.32 : 0.31 4.31| 0.71 : 0.64 4.31| 0.71 : 0.64 3.60 4.00| 0.73 : 0.73 4.00| 0.73 : 0.73 3.70| 0.87 : 0.79 3.70| 0.87 : 0.79 EER : COP EER : COP Cooling Current Cooling :: Heating Heating CoolingW/W A: Heating 0.31 W/W ::0.30 0.33 0.71 0.71 0.76 ::0.73 0.76 0.89 0.89 High-spec wired ECONAVI sensor ECONAVI sensor High-spec wired CZ-RTC3 Indoor Unit Total power input Cooling : Heating kW Total power input Cooling : Heating kW 1.48 : 1.81 1.80 : 2.00 2.38 : 2.60 2.38 : 2.60 3.47 : 3.50 3.47 : 3.50 4.31 : 4.33 4.31 : 4.33 1.48 : 1.81 1.80 : 2.00 2.38 : 2.60 2.38 : 2.60 3.47 : 3.50 3.47 : 3.50 4.31 : 4.33 4.31 : 4.33 remote controller remote controller CZ-CENSC1 CZ-CENSC1 Dimensions H×W×D Indoor mm 256 × 840 × 840 256 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 Current Cooling : Heating A 0.31 : 0.30 | 0.30 : 0.29 0.33 : 0.32 | 0.32 : 0.31 0.71 : 0.65 | 0.71 : 0.64 0.71 : 0.65 | 0.71 : 0.64 0.76 : 0.73 | 0.73 : 0.73 0.76 : 0.73 | 0.73 : 0.73 0.89 : 0.80 | 0.87 : 0.79 0.89 : 0.80 | 0.87 : 0.79 CZ-RTC5 CZ-RTC3 Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Panel mm 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 Dimensions H×W×D Indoor mm 256 × 840 × 840 256 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 319 × 840 × 840 Current Cooling : Heating A Current Cooling : Heating A 0.31 : 0.30 0.30 : 0.29 0.33 : 0.32 0.32 : 0.31 0.71 : 0.65 0.71 : 0.64 0.71 : 0.65 0.71 : 0.64 0.76 : 0.73 0.73 : 0.73 0.76 : 0.73 0.73 : 0.73 0.89 : 0.80 0.87 : 0.79 0.89 : 0.80 0.87 : 0.79 0.31 : 0.30 0.30 : 0.29 0.33 : 0.32 0.32 : 0.31 0.71 : 0.65 0.71 : 0.64 0.71 : 0.65 0.71 : 0.64 0.76 : 0.73 0.73 : 0.73 0.76 : 0.73 0.73 : 0.73 0.89 : 0.80 0.87 : 0.79 0.89 : 0.80 0.87 : 0.79 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Net weight Indoor kg 24 24 27 27 27 27 27 27 Panel mm 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 Dimensions HDimensions ×W×D Indoor mm 256 mm × 840 × 840 256 ×4 256 319 319 319 × 840 × 840 319 ×4 319 319 319 H×W×D Indoor kg 840××840 840× 840 256 ×4 840××840 840× 840 319 ×4 840××840 840× 840 319 × 840 × 8404 840××840 840× 840 319 ×4 840××840 840× 840 319 ×4 840××840 840× 840 319 × 840 × 840 Panel 4 Net weight Indoor kg 24 24 27 27 27 27 27 27 Panel : Heating Panel L/s mm 33.5mm 950 x 950 33.5 x366 33.5 33.5 33.5 33.5:x583 950 x 950 33.5 x583 33.5 33.5 33.5 950:x366 x950 950x 950 33.5 x550 950:x550 x950 950x 950 33.5 x550 950:x550 x950 950x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950583 950:x583 x950 950x 950 33.5 x600 950:x600 x950 950x 950 33.5 x600 950:x600 x950 950x 950 33.5 x 950 x 950 Air volume Cooling 350 :x350 Panel kg 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Net weight Indoor 24 27 Net weight kg / 28 : 36 / 31 24 Timer remote controller Wireless remote controller Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Indoor kg dB(A) 36 / 31 / 28 24 37 / 31 / 28 : 37 / 31 24 / 28 27 44 / 38 / 32 : 44 / 38 27 / 32 27 44 / 38 / 32 : 44 / 38 27 / 32 45 / 39 / 33 : 45 / 39 27 / 33 27 45 / 39 / 33 : 45 / 39 27 / 33 27 46 / 40 / 34 : 46 / 40 27 / 34 27 46 / 40 / 34 : 46 / 40 27 / 34 Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s 350 : 350 366 : 366 550 : 550 550 : 550 583 : 583 583 : 583 600 : 600 600 : 600 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWSU2N Panel 4 4 kg / 45 : 53 / 48 4/ 45 4 Sound power level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Panel kg dB(A) 53 / 48 54 / 48 / 45 : 54 / 48 4/ 45 4 62 / 55 / 49 : 62 / 55 4/ 49 4 62 / 55 / 49 : 62 / 55 4/ 49 63 / 56 / 50 : 63 / 56 4/ 50 4 63 / 56 / 50 : 63 / 56 4/ 50 4 64 / 57 / 51 : 64 / 57 4/ 51 4 64 / 57 / 51 : 64 / 57 4/ 51 Timer remote controller Wireless remote controller Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 36 / 31 / 28 : 36 / 31 / 28 37 / 31 / 28 : 37 / 31 / 28 44 / 38 / 32 : 44 / 38 / 32 44 / 38 / 32 : 44 / 38 / 32 45 / 39 / 33 : 45 / 39 / 33 45 / 39 / 33 : 45 / 39 / 33 46 / 40 / 34 : 46 / 40 / 34 46 / 40 / 34 : 46 / 40 / 34 Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s 350 : 350 366 : 366 550 : 550 550 : 550 583 : 583 583 : 583 600 : 600 600 : 600 Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s 350 : 350 366 : 366 550 : 550 550 : 550 583 : 583 583 : 583 600 : 600 600 : 600 Number of fan speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWSU2N Sound power level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 53 / 48 / 45 : 53 / 48 / 45 54 / 48 / 45 : 54 / 48 / 45 62 / 55 / 49 : 62 / 55 / 49 62 / 55 / 49 : 62 / 55 / 49 63 / 56 / 50 : 63 / 56 / 50 63 / 56 / 50 : 63 / 56 / 50 64 / 57 / 51 : 64 / 57 / 51 64 / 57 / 51 : 64Timer / 57 / remote 51 controller Timer remote controller Wireless remote controller Wireless remote controller Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 36 / 31 / 28 : 36 / 31 36 / 28 / 31 37 / / 28 31 : / 36 28 / : 31 37 / / 28 31 37 / 28 / 31 44 / / 28 38 : / 37 32 / : 31 44 / / 28 38 44 / 32 / 38 44 / / 32 38 : / 44 32 / : 38 44 / / 32 38 44 / 32 / 38 / 32 : 44 / 45 38 / / 39 32 / 33 : 45 / 39 45 / 33 / 39 45 / / 33 39 : / 45 33 / : 39 45 / / 33 39 45 / 33 / 39 46 / / 33 40 : / 45 34 / : 39 46 / / 33 40 46 / 34 / 40 46 / / 34 40 : / 46 34 / : 40 46 / / 34 40 46 / 34 / 40 / 34 : 46 / 40 / 34 Drain pipe size mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWSU2N CZ-RWSU2N Number of fan speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Sound power levelCooling (H/M/L): Heating CoolingdB(A) : Heating dB(A) 55//56 49/ 50 : 63 / 56 63 Sound power 53 / 48 / 45 : 53 / 48 53 / 45/ 4854/ /4548: /5345/ :4854/ /4548 54 / 45/ 4862/ /4555: /5449/ :4862/ /4555 62 / 49/ 5562/ /4955: /6249/ :5562/ /4955 62 / 49/ 55 / 49 : 62 /63 / 50/ 5663/ /5056: /6350/ :5663/ /5056 63 / 50/ 5664/ /5057: /6351/ :5664/ /5057 64 / 51/ 5764/ /5157: /6451/ :5764/ /5157 64 / 51/ 57 / 51 : 64 / 57 / 51 Outdoor Unitlevel (H/M/L) Drain pipe size mm VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 VP-25 Number of fan speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Number of fan speed 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Current Cooling : Heating A 6.90 : 8.20 | 6.70 : 7.95 8.10 : 9.00 | 7.90 : 8.70 10.3 : 11.4 | 9.90 : 11.0 3.50 : 3.85 | 3.40 : 3.75 15.3 : 15.4 | 14.8 : 14.9 5.15 : 5.20 | 5.00 : 5.05 19.0 : 19.2 | 18.4 : 18.6 6.45 : 6.50 | 6.20 : 6.25 Outdoor Unit Drain pipe size mm VP-25 VP-25 Dimensions HDrain × W pipe × D size mm 996 mm × 940 × 340 VP-25VP-25 996 × 940 × 340 VP-25VP-25 1,416 × 940 × 340 VP-25VP-25 1,416 × 940 × 340 VP-25 1,416 × 940 × 340 VP-25VP-25 1,416 × 940 × 340 VP-25VP-25 1,416 × 940 × 340 VP-25VP-25 1,416 × 940 × 340 VP-25 Current Cooling : Heating A 6.90 : 8.20 | 6.70 : 7.95 8.10 : 9.00 | 7.90 : 8.70 10.3 : 11.4 | 9.90 : 11.0 3.50 : 3.85 | 3.40 : 3.75 15.3 : 15.4 | 14.8 : 14.9 5.15 : 5.20 | 5.00 : 5.05 19.0 : 19.2 | 18.4 : 18.6 6.45 : 6.50 | 6.20 : 6.25 Outdoor Unit Outdoor Net weightUnit kg 68 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 Dimensions H×W×D mm 996 × 940 × 340 996 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 Current Cooling : Heating A Current Cooling : Heating A 6.90 : 8.20 6.70 : 7.95 8.10 : 9.00 7.90 : 8.70 10.3 : 11.4 9.90 : 11.0 3.50 : 3.85 3.40 : 3.75 15.3 : 15.4 14.8 : 14.9 5.15 : 5.20 5.00 : 5.05 19.0 : 19.2 18.4 : 18.6 6.45 : 6.50 | 6.20 : 6.25 6.90 : 8.20 6.70 : 7.95 8.10 : 9.00 7.90 : 8.70 10.3 : 11.4 9.90 : 11.0 3.50 : 3.85 3.40 : 3.75 15.3 : 15.4 14.8 : 14.9 5.15 : 5.20 5.00 : 5.05 19.0 : 19.2 18.4 : 18.6 6.45 : 6.50 6.20 : 6.25 | | | | | | | | | Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s 1,000 : 1,000 1,000| : 1,000 1,833| : 1,583 1,833| : 1,583 2,166 : 1,833 2,166| : 1,833 2,250| : 2,000 2,250| : 2,000 Wireless remote controller Simplified remote controller Net weight kg 68 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 Dimensions HDimensions × W × mode) D mm 996(46) × 940 340 996 ×48 996 ××940 340 996 ×52 1,416 940 × 340 1,41652 1,416 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 340 1,41653 1,416 × 340 1,41654 1,416 × 340 1,41654 1,416 × 340 1,416 × 940 × CZ-RWSK2 H × W :×Heating D mm 940 940 ××:340 × 940 340 × 940 340 × 940 340 × 940 340 340 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 Sound pressure level (Silent Cooling dB(A) 48 : 50×(48) (46) :340 50×(48) (50) 52 (50) (50)×:×940 52 (50) 53 (51)×: 940 53 (51) (51)×:×940 53 (51) (52)×:×940 55 (53) (52)×:×940 55 (53) Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s 1,000 : 1,000 1,000 : 1,000 1,833 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 2,166 : 1,833 2,166 : 1,833 2,250 : 2,000 2,250 : 2,000 Wireless remote controller Simplified remote controller Net weight kg 68 (63) 69 (63) : 67 (65) 98 (67) : 69 (67) 98 (67) : 69 (67) 98 (68) : 70 (68) 98 (68) : 70 (68) 98 (69) : 71 (69) 98 (69) : 71 (69) Net weight kg : 67 (65) 68 65 69 69 98 69 98 98 70 98 71 98 71 98 Sound power level (Silent mode) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 65 70 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 Sound pressure level (Silent mode) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 48 (46) : 50 (48) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 53 (51) : 53 (51) 54 (52) : 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) Air volume Cooling : Heating Coolingm L/s 1,000 1,000 :/ 1,000 1,833 :/ 1,583 1,833 :/ 1,583 2,166 :/ 1,833 2,166 :/ 1,833 2,250 :/ 2,000 2,250 :/ 2,000 : Heating L/s:/ 1,000 1,000Ø9.52 : 1,000 1,000Ø9.52 : 1,000 1,833Ø9.52 : 1,583 1,833 : 1,583 Ø9.52 2,166Ø9.52 : 1,833 2,166Ø9.52 : 1,833 2,250Ø9.52 : 2,000 2,250 : 2,000 Wireless remote controller Wireless remote controller Simplified remote controller Simplified remote controller Piping connections Air volume Ø9.52 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Ø15.88 Sound power level (Silent mode) Cooling : Heating dB(A) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 69 (67) : 69 (67) 69 (67) : 69 (67) 70 (68) : 70 (68) 70 (68) : 70 (68) 71 (69) : 71 (69) 71 (69) : 71 (69) CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RE2C2 Sound pressure levelSound (Silentpressure mode) level Cooling : Heating dB(A) 48- (46) : 50 (48) 48-: (46) : 50 (48) 52-: (50) : 52 (50) 52-: (50) : 52 (50) 53- (51) 53-: (51) : 53 (51) 54-: (52) : 55 (53) 54-: (52) : 55 (53) (Silent mode) Coolingm : Heating dB(A) 48 (46) 50 (48) 48 (46) 50 (48) 52 (50) 52 (50) 52 (50) : 52 (50) 5 53 (51) 53 (51) 53 (51) 53 (51) 54 (52) 55 (53) 54 (52) : 55 (53) Pipe length min. - max. 5 50 5 50 5 75 5 75 75 : 53 (51) 5 75 5 75 5 75 Piping connections m Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Sound power level (Silent mode) :mode) Heating dB(A) 65 (63) : 67 (65) 65: (63) : 67 (65) 69: (67) : 69 (67) 69: (67) : 69 (67) 70 (68) 70: (68) : 70 (68) 71: (69) : 71 (69) 71: (69) : 71 (69) Sound powerlower, levelCooling (Silent : Heating dB(A) 65 (63) 67 65 (63) 67 69 (67) 69 69 (67) : 69 (67) 15, 70 (68) 70 70 (68) 70 71 (69) 71 71 (69) : 71 (69) Elevation difference (OU located OU located higher)Coolingm 15, 30 15, 30 (65) 15, 30 (65) 15, 30 (67) 30 : 70 (68) 15, 30 (68) 15, 30 (68) 15, 30 (69) Pipe length min. - max. m 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 30 Ø9.5230 / Ø15.88 Ø9.5230 / Ø15.88 Ø9.5230 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Piping connections m Ø9.52 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Piping connections m / Ø15.88 Ø9.5230 / Ø15.88 Ø9.5230 / Ø15.88 Ø9.5230 / Ø15.88 Maximum chargeless length m 30 Elevation difference (OU located lower, OU located higher) m 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 Pipe length min. max. m 5 50 5 50 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 Pipe length min. max. m 5 50 5 50 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 75 5 75 Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount g R410A 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410A 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) - 75 Maximum chargeless length m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 difference (OUlocated located lower, OU located higher) 15, Elevation (OU located lower, OU higher) m 15, Operationdifference ranges Elevation Cooling : Heating ˚C -15 30 -m46 : -20 - 24 15, 3015, -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 3015, -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 3015, -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 30 -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 3015, -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 3015, -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 3015, -15 30 - 46 : -20 - 24 15, 30 Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount g R410A 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410A 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) Maximum 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 Maximum chargeless length chargeless length m 30 m 30 Operation ranges Cooling : Heating ˚C -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount g 2,000, 50 (g/m)R410AR410A Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount g R410A 50 (g/m)R410AR410A 50 (g/m)R410AR410A 50 (g/m)R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m)R410AR410A 50 (g/m)R410AR410A 50 (g/m)R410AR410A 50 (g/m)R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) 2,000,2,350, 50 (g/m) 2,350,3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400,3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400,3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400,3,400, 50 (g/m) 3,400,3,400, 50 (g/m) Operation ranges

Operation ranges Cooling : Heating

Cooling˚C : Heating

Optional Controller Optional Controller Optional Controller Optional Controller

-15 -˚C46 : -20 - 24 -15 - -15 46 :- -20 46 :- -20 46 :- -20 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 -15 - -15 46 :- -20 46 :- -20 46 :- -20 46 :--20 24 - 24 -15 - -15 46 :--20 24 - 24 -15 - -15 46 :--20 24 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24 46 :--20 24 - 24 -15 - -15 46 :--20 24 - 24 -15 - -15 46 :--20 24 - 24 -15 - 46 : -20 - 24


30 30

31 31


Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Ceiling Mounted Mounted Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted

Indoor Indoor Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Unit Unit Indoor Indoor Unit Unit

Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling Mounted Mounted Mounted Mounted Ceiling Ceiling Mounted Mounted

Providing Providing outstanding Providing outstanding Providing outstanding energy-saving outstanding energy-saving energy-saving performance energy-saving performance performance and performance and and and Providing Providing outstanding energy-saving energy-saving performance performance comfortable, comfortable, comfortable, long-distance comfortable, long-distance long-distance airoutstanding flow long-distance distribution, air air flow flow distribution, distribution, air it’s flow distribution, it’s it’sand it’s and comfortable, comfortable, long-distance long-distance air flow distribution, air flow distribution, it’s recommended recommended recommended for stores recommended forand for stores stores schools. and forand stores schools. schools. and schools. it’s ECONAVI ECONAVI ECONAVI ready ECONAVI ready ready ready recommended recommended for stores forand stores schools. and schools. ECONAVI ECONAVI ready ready S-60PT2R5A S-60PT2R5A S-60PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A S-60PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A

S-60PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A S-60PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A

S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A

Compact Compact Looking, Compact Looking, Compact Stylish, Looking, Stylish, Looking, Stylish, Stylish, One-Motion One-Motion One-Motion Design One-Motion Design Design DesignStylish, Compact Compact Looking, Looking, Stylish, One-Motion One-Motion Design Design With its streamlined, WithWith its streamlined, its one-motion streamlined, With its one-motion form, streamlined, one-motion the unit form, looks one-motion form, the unit the unit looks form, looks the unit looks

Comfortable, Comfortable, Comfortable, Long-Distance Comfortable, Long-Distance Long-Distance Long-Distance Air FlowAir Distribution Air Flow Flow Distribution Air Distribution Flow Distribution Comfortable, Comfortable, Long-Distance Long-Distance Air Flow Air Distribution Flow Distribution The shape of The the The shape outlet shape ofhas the of The been outlet theshape outlet optimized hasofhas been thebeen tooutlet optimized optimized has been to tooptimized to

thin and compact thin thin and when and compact compact installed thin when and for when compact installed a neat installed for when aone-motion for neat installed a neat for a neat With its streamlined, With its streamlined, one-motion form, the unit form, looks the unit looks appearanceappearance in any appearance room. any appearance in any room. room. in any when room. thin and in compact thin and when compact installed for ainstalled neat for a neat When not operating, When When notthe not operating, louver operating, When closes the not louver the operating, toin louver provide closes closes the an tolouver provide to provide closes an an to provide an appearance appearance in any room. any room. elegant lookelegant while elegant keeping look look while the elegant while keeping unitkeeping clean. look the while unit the keeping unit clean. clean. theprovide unit clean. When not operating, When not the operating, louver closes the louver to closes anto provide an

provide long-distance provide provide airlong-distance flow provide distribution. airlong-distance flow air flow distribution. distribution. airhas flowbeen distribution. The long-distance shape of The the shape outlet of has the been outlet optimized tooptimized to Even in deep Even spaces, Even in deep inairdeep flow spaces, Even spaces, reaches inairdeep flow air every flow spaces, reaches corner reaches air every flow every corner reaches cornerevery corner provide long-distance provide long-distance air flow distribution. air flow distribution. for exceptionally for exceptionally for comfortable exceptionally for comfortable air exceptionally conditioning. comfortable air conditioning. comfortable air conditioning. air conditioning. Even in deep Even spaces, in deep air flow spaces, reaches air flow every reaches cornerevery corner for exceptionally for exceptionally comfortable comfortable air conditioning. air conditioning.

Ceiling height Ceiling Ceiling height height Ceiling height

4.3m* 4.3 4.3 m*m* 4.3m* 4.3m* 4.3m*

elegant lookelegant while keeping look while the keeping unit clean. the unit clean.

Ceiling height Ceiling height

Energy-Saving Energy-Saving Energy-Saving Technology Energy-Saving Technology Technology Technology Top Class Top Energy Top Class Class Saving Energy Top Energy Class Saving Saving Energy Saving Delivering Delivering Delivering Top-Class Delivering Top-Class Top-Class Efficiency Top-Class EffiEffi ciency ciency Efficiency Energy-Saving Energy-Saving Technology Technology Top Class Top Energy ClassSaving Energy Saving Delivering Delivering Top-Class Top-Class Effi ciency Effi ciency OptimizationOptimization of Optimization the shapeofofOptimization the of theshape the casing shape ofand of the ofthe fan casing theshape assures casing and ofand fan the bigger assures fan casing air assures flow and bigger and fan bigger air assures higher flow air flow efficiency. and bigger and higher air higher flow efficiency. efficiency. and higher efficiency.

Air flow distanceAir flow Air distance flow distanceAir flow distance

* *13m* 13m*13 13 mm 13m*13m* Air flow distanceAir flow distance

Energy-saving Energy-saving performance Energy-saving performance Energy-saving isoftop performance is inofof top performance the isthe top class industry. class in of the is inthe top industry. the class industry. in thefan industry. Optimization Optimization theclass shape the shape casing and fan casing assures and bigger assures air flow bigger and air higher flowefficiency. and higher efficiency.

* Results are based * Results * Results on specifi are based are c based testing * Results on specifi on conditions specifi are c based testing c testing on conditions specifi conditions c testing conditions

Energy-saving Energy-saving performanceperformance is top class in is top the industry. class in the industry.

* Results are based * Results on specifi are based c testing on specifi conditions c testing conditions

New DC fan New motor New DC DC fan fan motor New motor DC fan motor Large Diagonal Large Large Air Diagonal Diagonal Flow Large Fan Air Air Diagonal Flow Flow FanFan Air Flow Fan New DC fan New motor DC fan motor Large Diagonal Large Air Diagonal Flow Fan Air Flow Fan

DC DC DC DC motormotor motorDC motor DC motormotor

32 32




Air flow distance Air flAir ow fldistance ow distance Air flow distance High Ceiling Setting HighHigh Ceiling Ceiling Setting Setting High Ceiling Setting flow distance 112 112140 112 140 112 160140 160140 160 High Ceiling Setting High Ceiling Setting

*Setting by remote control *Setting*Setting by remote by remote controlcontrol *Setting by remote Air flcontrol ow distance Air


*Setting by remote control *Setting by remote control

4.3m4.3m12m 4.3m

Fan diameter

φ 147.5

Fan diameter Fan diameter




112140 13m 12m 13m 13m

140 160 13m 13m 13m

160 13m

12m 13m

13m 13m


Fan diameter

φ 147.5 φ 147.5

φ 147.5

φ 147.5

φ 147.5

Fan diameter

112 4.3m12m 13m 12m

Fan diameter


33 33 33

Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted

Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Indoor Indoor Unit Unit

Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted Ceiling Mounted

Model Name

Power Model source Name

Power source

Power Coolingsource capacity : Heating capacity Cooling capacity : Heating capacity Cooling capacity :Cooling capacity : EER : COP Heating capacity Heating capacity Total power input EER : COP

34 34

Operation ranges Operation ranges



9 96 686 (Gas tubing)

70 (Liquid tubing)

96 6 86 (Gas tubing) 690 (Right drain position)


4HP S-100PT2R5A


Indoor Unit

Outdoor Unit

S-60PT2R5A 2.5HP

U-60PE1R5A 2.5HP S-71PT2R5A 3HP

U-71PE1R5A 3HP S-100PT2R5A 4HP

U-100PE1R5A 4HP S-100PT2R5A


Outdoor Unit Indoor Unit

Indoor Unit

Phase/Hz U-60PE1R5A S-60PT2R5A

1 Phase/ 50Hz U-71PE1R5A S-60PT2R5A S-71PT2R5A

1 Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3-Phase/ 50Hz U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A S-71PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A

Outdoor Unit

Phase/Hz Outdoor Unit

V 1 Phase/ 50Hz U-60PE1R5A

Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating ˚C


216 216

1 8


Over 250

9 3 4

3 4 3 4




S-125PT2R5A 6HP



S-125PT2R5A 5HP

U-125PE1R5A 5HP S-125PT2R5A

U-125PE1R8A S-140PT2R5A 6HP

U-140PE1R5A 6HP S-140PT2R5A


Phase/ 50Hz 3-Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 50Hz 3-Phase/ 50Hz U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A S-125PT2R5A 1 S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A


1 8


80 186 Service space Over on wall surface 80 186Tubing hole 80 position 186 250



(Figure shows view from front) Tubing hole position on wall surface Service space (Figure shows view from front) Tubing hole position on wall surface Tubing hole position on wall surface (Figure shows view from front) (Figure shows view from front)




1 8



96 6986 (Gas tubing)

70 (Liquid96 tubing) 6 86 (Gas tubing) 690 (Right drain position) 70 (Liquid tubing) 86 86 (Gas tubing) 90 (Gas (Right drain position) 4 tubing) 3 70 (Liquid tubing) 70 (Liquid tubing) 90 (Right drain position) 90 (Right drain position)


Service space



131 193 235


1 8

131 193 235

690 690

131 131 193 193 235 235

73 114 114

114 73


265 190 265 190 (Suspension (Suspension bolt pitch) bolt pitch) 4

15 15

70 (Liquid tubing) 86 (Gas tubing) 904(Gas (Righttubing) drain position) 3 86 70 (Liquid tubing) 70 (Liquid tubing) 90 (Right drain position) 90 (Right drain position)

S-71PT2R5A 4HP

kW BTU/h

Approx. 2° 2° Approx.



V kW

Over 250 Over 250space 1590 Service

Service space

90 2 (Left drain position) 90 2 (Closed with rubber 2 stopper (Left drain position)at time of shipment.) 90 rubber stopper 90 (Closed with (Left drain position)(Left drain position) at time of shipment.) (Closed with rubber(Closed stopperwith rubber stopper at time of shipment.) at time of shipment.)

S-60PT2R5A 3HP

V Phase/Hz

Air intake Service space




Indoor Unit


Indoor Units:S-100PT2R5A Indoor Units:S-125PT2R5A Indoor Units: S-100PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-100PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-125PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A S-140PT2R5A

176 176




216 216

9 3 4


176 176



Air intake

Indoor Units:



Service space

Air intake


Service space


Air discharge

216 216


Tubing hole position on wall surface (Figure shows view from front) Tubing hole position on wall surface Service space (Figure shows view from front) Tubing hole position on wall surface Tubing hole position on wall surface (Figure shows view from front) (Figure shows view from front)





80 186 Service space Over 80 186 250


Air intakeService space

Over 250 Over 250 1275 Service space




Over 250 Air Over discharge Air intake 250 Service space 1590 Air Over Over Air discharge discharge 250 250 1590 Service space


Minimum 500mm Minimum 500mm



1541 (Suspension bolt pitch) 1541 (Suspension bolt pitch) 1584 1541 1541 (Suspension (Suspension bolt pitch) 1584bolt pitch)



Over 250

1 8






1 8

Approx. 2°Approx. 2°



Minimum Minimum 500mm 500mm

1 8



131 193 235


131 193 235


1 8


7 7




73 114 114




Air Over discharge Air intake 250 1275 Service space Air OverAir Over discharge discharge 250 250 1275 Service space

Cooling : Heating BTU/h W/W Indoor Unit Total Cooling : Heating kW EER :power COP input EER : COP W/W Cooling : Heating Indoor Unitinput Current Total power kW Total power input Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating Dimensions Current Cooling : Heating H × W × DA Indoor Unit Indoor Unit Net weight Dimensions H × W ×: D mm Current Cooling Heating Cooling : Heating A Current Air volume Cooling : Heating Net weight Dimensions H×W×D mm Dimensions H × W × Dkg External static pressure Air volume Cooling : Heating L/s Net weight Net weight kg Sound pressure level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating External static pressure Pa Air volume Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating L/s Air volume Sound power level (H/M/L) Sound level (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) Externalpressure static pressure Pa External static pressure Number of fan speed Sound pressure power level (H/M/L) Cooling Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) Sound level (H/M/L) Cooling dB(A) Sound pressure level (H/M/L):: Heating Drain pipe size Number of fanlevel speed Sound power (H/M/L) Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) Sound power level (H/M/L) Outdoor Unit Drain pipe size mm Number of fan speed Number of fan speed Current Cooling : Heating Outdoor Drain pipeUnit size Drain pipe size mm Dimensions Current Cooling : Heating H × W × DA Outdoor Unit Outdoor Unit Net weight Dimensions H × W ×: D mm Current Cooling Heating Cooling : Heating A Current Air volume Cooling : Heating Net weight Dimensions H×W×D mm Dimensions H × W × Dkg Sound pressure levelCooling : Heating Cooling : Heating Air volume L/s Net weight kg Net weight Sound power level Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating Sound pressure level dB(A) Air volume Air volume Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating L/s Piping connections Cooling : Heating Liquid/GasdB(A) Sound pressure power level Sound level dB(A) Sound pressure levelCooling : Heating Cooling : Heating Pipe length min. - max. Piping connections m Sound power levelSound power level Liquid/Gas Cooling : Heating Cooling : Heating dB(A) Elevation difference min. (OU located OU located Pipe length - max. lower, m higher) Piping connections Liquid/Gas Liquid/Gasm Piping connections Maximum chargeless length Elevation difference (OU located lower, OU located higher) m Pipe length min. - max. m Pipe length min. - max. Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount m Maximumdifference chargeless length Elevation difference OU located Elevation (OU located lower,(OU OUlocated locatedlower, higher) m higher) Operation rangesgas amount Cooling : Heating Refrigerant at shipping, Additional g Maximum chargeless length Maximum chargeless length m Operation ranges : Heating Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gasCooling amount g Refrigerant at shipping, Additional gas amount ˚C


S-71PT2R5A S-60PT2R5AS-60PT2R5A S-71PT2R5AS-71PT2R5A

131 131 193 193 235 235


Over 250


Power source

Indoor Units:S-60PT2R5A Indoor Units:S-71PT2R5A Indoor Units: S-60PT2R5A



Capacity Model Name

Indoor Units:

4 Air discharge

90 (Left drain position) 90 2(Closed with rubber 2 stopper 3 (Left drain position)at time of shipment.) 90 rubber stopper 90 (Closed with 3 (Left drain position)(Left drain position) at time of shipment.) (Closed with rubber(Closed stopperwith rubber stopper at time of shipment.) at time of shipment.)

Model Name Capacity


1226 (Suspension bolt pitch)





1226 (Suspension bolt pitch) 1269 1226 1226 (Suspension bolt pitch) (Suspension 1269bolt pitch)

4 4





114 73

265 190 265 190 (Suspension (Suspension bolt pitch) bolt pitch)

265 265 190 190 (Suspension (Suspension bolt pitch) bolt pitch)

Air intake




1269 Minimum 500mm Minimum 500mm

Air intake


Approx. 2°Approx. 2°


Minimum Minimum 500mm 500mm

15 15

Approx. 2° 2° Approx.




61 73


Left drain position 4 Refrigerant gas tubing (ø15.88mm, flare connection) 1(inside Drain port VP20ø26mm, (inside diameter ø26mm, drain hose supplied) Drain port VP20 diameter drain hose supplied) Refrigerant liquid (ø9.52mm, flare connection) 5 tubing Left side drain hose outlet port (cutout) Left drain position Left drain position Refrigerant gas 2 (ø15.88mm, connection) 6tubing Tubing hole on wallflare surface (ø100mm) 3 tRefrigerant R efriside gerandrain t liquhose id uboutlet ing (ø9port .5liquid 2m m,tubing flare c(ø9.52mm, onnection) flare connection) Left (cutout) 7 Upper side tubing port 4tuRefrigerant gas R efrigerhole ant gon as wall binsurface g (ø15.8 8mmtubing , flare (ø15.88mm, connection) flare connection) Tubing 8 Right side (ø100mm) drain hose outlet port (cutout) 5 Left side drain hose outlet port (cutout) Left side drain hose outlet port (cutout) Upper side tubing port 9 Wireless remote controller receiver installation location 6hose Tubing hole(ø100mm) on (cutout) wall surface (ø100mm) Tubing holedrain on wall surface Right side outlet port 7controller Upper tubinginstallation port Upper side tubing port side Wireless remote receiver location Rightoutlet side port drain(cutout) hose outlet port (cutout) Right side drain8hose Wireless remote receiver installation location Wireless remote9controller receivercontroller installation location


2 1 3 2 4 3 5 4 6 5 7 6 8 7 9 8 9




265 265 190 190 (Suspension (Suspension bolt pitch) bolt pitch)

Dimensions Dimensions 1 Drain port VP20 (inside diameter ø26mm, drain hose supplied) 2 Left drain position Dimensions 1 Drain port VP20Dimensions diameter drain hose supplied) 3(inside Refrigerant liquidø26mm, tubing (ø9.52mm, flare connection)


Optional Controller Optional Controller Optional Optional ControllerController

230V | 240V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 230V | 240V 400V | 415V 1 Phase/ 50Hz U-71PE1R5A 1 Phase/ 50Hz U-100PE1R5A 3-Phase/ 50Hz U-100PE1R8A 1 Phase/ 50Hz U-125PE1R5A 3-Phase/ 50Hz U-125PE1R8A 1 Phase/ 50Hz U-140PE1R5A 3-Phase/ 50Hz U-140PE1R8A U-60PE1R5A U-71PE1R5A U-100PE1R5A U-100PE1R8A U-125PE1R5A U-125PE1R8A U-140PE1R5A U-140PE1R8A 6.0 (2.51 - 50Hz 7.1)| 240V 7.1 (2.51 - 50Hz 8.0)| 240V 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 10.0 (3.3 -50Hz 12.5) 1 (3.3 - 14.0) 12.5 (3.3 -50Hz 14.0) (3.3 - 15.0) 14.0 (3.3 -50Hz 15.0) 230V 230V 230V 400V 230V 400V 230V 400V | 415V50Hz 3-Phase/ | 240V50Hz 112.5 | 415V50Hz 3-Phase/ | 240V50Hz 114.0 | 415V50Hz 3-Phase/ 1 Phase/ Phase/Hz 50Hz 1 Phase/ Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ 3-Phase/ 50Hz Phase/ Phase/ 3-Phase/ 50Hz 1 Phase/ Phase/ 3-Phase/ 50Hz kW| 240V 7.0 (2.0 - 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 6.0 - 7.1) 7.1 - 8.0) 10.0 - 12.5) 230V | 240V 10.0 - 12.5) 400V | 415V 12.5 - 14.0) 230V | 240V 12.5 - 14.0) 400V | 415V 14.0 - 15.0) 230V | 240V 14.0 - 15.0) 400V | 415V V (2.5 230V 230V(2.5 240V 230V (3.3 240V 400V (3.3 415V 230V (3.3 240V 400V (3.3 415V 230V (3.3 240V 400V (3.3 415V 230V | 240V 230V | 240V | 240V | | | | | | | 20,500 (8,500 - 24,200) 24,200 (8,500 - 27,300) - 42,700) - 47,800) - 47,800) - 51,200) 7.0BTU/h (2.0 - 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 - 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 34,100 (11,300 11.2 (4.1 - 14.0) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 42,700 (11,300 14.0 (4.1 - 16.0) 42,700 (11,300 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 47,800 (11,300 16.0 (4.1 - 18.0) 47,800 (11,300 - 51,200) 23,900 - 27,300) 27,300 - 30,700) (14,000 - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) (14,000 - 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) 6.0 (2.5 - 7.1) 7.1 (2.5 - 8.0) 10.0 - 12.5) 38,200 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) 10.0 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) 47,800 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) 12.5 14.0 (3.3 - 15.0) 14.0 14.0 (3.3 - 15.0) 14.0 6.0 (2.5(6,800 - 7.1) 7.1 (2.5(6,800 - 8.0)(3.3 10.0 (3.3 - 12.5) (3.3 - 12.5) 12.5 (3.3 - 14.0) (3.3 - 14.0) (3.3 - 15.0) (3.3 - 15.0) kW (8,500 - 24,200) 20,500 24,200 (8,500 - 27,300) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 42,700 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 - 47,800) 47,800 (11,300 - 51,200) 47,800 (11,300 - 51,200) 7.0 (2.0 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) 16.0 (4.1 18.0) 16.0 (4.1 18.0) 7.0 (2.0 8.0) 8.0 (2.0 9.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 11.2 (4.1 14.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) 14.0 (4.1 16.0) 16.0 (4.1 18.0) 16.0 :(4.1 4.03 : 4.02 3.68 : 4.15 3.95 : 4.31 3.95 : 4.31 3.35 : 3.99 3.35 : 3.99 3.01 : 3.67 3.01 3.67- 18.0) W/W(6,800 - 27,300) 23,900 27,300 (6,800 - 30,700) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) High-spec wired ECONAVI sensor 20,500 (8,500 - 24,200) 24,200- (8,500 34,100- (11,300 34,100 -(11,300 42,700 (11,300 - 47,800) 42,700 -(11,300 47,800 -(11,300 47,800 -(11,300 20,500 (8,500 24,200)- 27,300) 24,200 (8,500 27,300) - 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 42,700)- 42,700) 34,100 (11,300 - 42,700) 42,700 (11,300 47,800)- 47,800) 42,700 (11,300 47,800)- 51,200) 47,800 (11,300 51,200)- 51,200) 47,800 (11,300 - 51,200) remote controller CZ-CENSC1 kW: 4.02 1.49 : 1.74 1.93 : 1.93 2.53 : 2.60 2.53 : 2.60 3.73 : 3.51 3.73 : 3.51 4.65 : 4.36 4.65 : 4.36 BTU/h 4.03 3.68 : -4.15 3.95 : -4.31 3.95 : 4.31 3.35 : 3.99 3.35 : 3.99 3.01 : 3.67 3.01 : 3.67 23,900 (6,800 - 27,300) 27,300 (6,800 38,200 (14,000 38,200 47,800 (14,000 - 54,600) 47,800 54,600 54,600 23,900 (6,800 27,300)- 30,700) 27,300 (6,800 30,700) - 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 -(14,000 47,800)- 47,800) 38,200 (14,000 - 47,800) 47,800 (14,000 -(14,000 54,600)- 54,600) 47,800 (14,000 -(14,000 54,600)- 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 -(14,000 61,400)- 61,400) 54,600 (14,000 - 61,400) High-spec wired CZ-RTC3 ECONAVI sensor remote controller CZ-CENSC1 1.49 :: 1.74 1.93 2.53 2.53 3.73 3.73 4.65 4.65 4.03 : 4.02 3.68 : 4.15 3.95 : 4.31 3.95 : 4.31 3.35 : 3.99 3.35 : 3.99 3.01 : 3.67 3.01 : 3.67 4.03 4.02 3.68 :: 1.93 4.15 3.95 :: 2.60 4.31 3.95 :: 2.60 4.31 3.35 :: 3.51 3.99 3.35 :: 3.51 3.99 3.01 :: 4.36 3.67 3.01 :: 4.36 3.67 W/W High-spec wired High-spec wired ECONAVI sensor ECONAVI sensor CZ-RTC3 0.41 : 0.41 | 0.40 : 0.40 0.44 : 0.44 | 0.43 : 0.43 0.67 : 0.67 | 0.65 : 0.65 0.67 : 0.67 | 0.65 : 0.65 0.86 : 0.86 | 0.83 : 0.83 0.86 : 0.86 | 0.83 : 0.83 0.91 : 0.91 | 0.88 : 0.88 0.91 : 0.91 | 0.88 : 0.88 A remote controller remote controller CZ-CENSC1 CZ-CENSC1 1.49 1.93 : 1.93 2.53 : 2.60 2.53 : 2.60 3.73 : 3.51 3.73 : 3.51 4.65 : 4.36 4.65 : 4.36 kW: 1.74 1.49 : 1.74 1.93 : 1.93 2.53 : 2.60 2.53 : 2.60 3.73 : 3.51 3.73 : 3.51 4.65 : 4.36 4.65 : 4.36 mm CZ-RTC5 CZ-RTC3 0.41 : 0.41 | 0.40 : 235×1,275×690 0.40 0.44 : 0.44 | 0.43 : 235×1,275×690 0.43 0.67 : 0.67 | 0.65 : 235×1,590×690 0.65 0.67 : 0.67 | 0.65 : 235×1,590×690 0.65 0.86 : 0.86 | 0.83 : 235×1,590×690 0.83 0.86 : 0.86 | 0.83 : 235×1,590×690 0.83 0.91 : 0.91 | 0.88 : 235×1,590×690 0.88 0.91 : 0.91 | 0.88 : 235×1,590×690 0.88 kg 33 33 40 40 40 40 40 40 235×1,275×690 235×1,275×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 : 0.40 0.44 : 0.44 0.43 : 0.43 0.67 : 0.67 0.65 : 0.65 0.67 : 0.67 0.65 : 0.65 0.86 : 0.86 0.83 : 0.83 0.86 : 0.86 0.83 : 0.83 0.91 : 0.91 0.88 : 0.88 0.91 : 0.91 0.88 : 0.88 0.41 0.40 : 0.41 0.44| 0.40 : 0.44 0.43 : 0.43 0.67 : 0.67 0.65 : 0.65 0.67 : 0.67 0.65 : 0.65 0.86 : 0.86 0.83 : 0.83 0.86 : 0.86 0.83 : 0.83 0.91 : 0.91 0.88 : 0.88 0.91 : 0.91 0.88 : 0.88 A : 0.41 | 0.40 : 0.41 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | L/s 333 : 33333 350 : 35040 500 : 50040 500 : 500 566 : 56640 566 : 56640 583 : 58340 583 : 583 33 40 235×1,275×690 235×1,275×690 235×1,275×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 235×1,590×690 mm 235×1,275×690 Pa 333 350 500 500 566 566 583 583 33 33 40 40 40 40 40 40 33kg: 333 33 : 350 40 : 500 40 : 500 40 : 566 40 : 566 40 : 583 40 : 583 38 / 34 /-30 : 38 / 34 / 30 39 / 35 /-31 : 39 / 35 / 31 42 / 37 /-35 : 42 / 37 / 35 42 / 37 / 35 : 42 / 37- / 35 46 / 40 /-36 : 46 / 40 / 36 46 / 40 /-36 : 46 / 40 / 36 47 / 41 /-37 : 47 / 41 / 37 47 / 41 / 37 : 47 / 41 / 37 dB(A) -333 : 333 566 : 566 : 566 L/s 333 : 333350 : 350 350 : 350500 : 500 500 : 500500 : 500 500 : 500 566 : 566566 566 : 566583 : 583 583 : 583583 : 583 583 : 583 Timer remote controller Wireless remote controller dB(A) 56 / 52 / 48 : 56 / 52 / 48 57 // 31 53 /42 49 : 57 / 53 / 49 60 // 35 55 /42 53 : 60 / 55 / 53 60 // 35 55 / 53 : 60 / 5546/ 53 64 / 58 / 54 : 64 / 58 / 54 64 // 36 58 /47 54 : 64 / 58 / 54 65 // 37 59 /47 55 : 65 / 59 / 55 65 // 37 59 / 55 : 65 / 59 / 55 / 34 / 30 : 38 / 34 -38Pa - / 37 / 35 : 42 / 37 - / 37 / 35 : 42 / 37 - / 40 / 36 : 46 / 40 - / 41 / 37 : 47 / 41 - / 41 / 37 : 47 / 41 - / 30 -39 / 35 / 31 : 39 / 35 - / 36 -46 / 40 / 36 : 46 / 40 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWST3N 3 / 48 57 / 53 / 49 : 57 / 53 3 / 49 60 / 55 / 53 : 60 / 55 3 / 53 60 / 55 / 53 : 60 / 55 3 / 53 3 / 54 64 / 58 / 54 : 64 / 58 3 / 54 65 / 59 / 55 : 65 / 59 3 / 55 65 / 59 / 55 : 65 / 59 3 / 55 Timer remote controller Wireless remote controller 56 / 52 / 48 : 56 / 52 64 / 58 / 54 : 64 / 58 38 // 30 34 /39 30/ :35 38/ /31 34: /39 30/ 35 39 // 31 35 /42 31/ :37 39/ /35 35: /42 31/ 37 42 // 35 37 /42 35/ :37 42/ /35 37: /42 35/ 37 42 // 35 37 / 35 : 42 / 3746/ 35 46 // 36 40 /46 36/ :40 46/ /36 40: /46 36/ 40 46 // 36 40 /47 36/ :41 46/ /37 40: /47 36/ 41 47 // 37 41 /47 37/ :41 47/ /37 41: /47 37/ 41 47 // 37 41 / 37 : 47 / 41 / 37 38dB(A) / 34 / 30 : 38 / 34 / 40 / 36 : 46 / 40 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWST3N mm VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 3 Timer Wireless remote controller Timer remote controller Wireless remote controller 56dB(A) / 52 / 48 : 56 / 52 / 58 / 54 : 64 / 58 56 // 48 52 /357 48/ :53 56/ /49 52: /57 48/ 53 57 // 49 53 /360 49/ :55 57/ /53 53: /60 49/ 55 60 // 53 55 /360 53/ :55 60/ /53 55: /60 53/ 55 60 // 53 55 / 53 : 60 / 55364/ 53 64 // 54 58 /364 54/ :58 64/ /54 58: /64 54/ 58 64 // 54 58 /365 54/ :59 64/ /55 58: /65 54/ 59 65 // 55 59 /365 55/ :59 65/ /55 59: /65 55/ 59 65 // 55 59 / 55 : 65 / 59 / 55remote controller CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWST3N CZ-RTC4 CZ-RWST3N VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 6.90 : 7.80 | 6.70 : 7.60 8.70 : 8.60 | 8.40 : 8.30 11.1 : 11.4 | 10.6 : 11.0 3.75 : 3.85 | 3.65 : 3.75 16.4 : 15.4 | 15.8 : 14.9 5.55 : 5.20 | 5.35 : 5.05 20.5 : 19.2 | 19.8 : 18.5 6.95 : 6.50 | 6.70 : 6.25 A mm VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 VP-20 mm × 340 × 340 940 ×: 3.85 340 | 3.65 : 1,416 940 ×: 5.20 340 | 5.35 : 1,416 940 ×: 19.2 340 | 19.8 : 1,416 940 ×: 6.50 340 | 6.70 : 1,416 6.90 : 7.80 | 6.70 : 996 7.60× 940 8.70 : 8.60 | 8.40 : 996 8.30× 940 11.1 : 11.4 | 10.6 : 1,416 11.0 × 3.75 3.75 × 940 × 340 16.4 : 15.4 | 15.8 : 1,416 14.9 × 5.55 5.05 × 20.5 18.5 × 6.95 6.25 × 940 × 340

kg× 940 × 340 68 996 996 ×: 8.60 940: 7.60 ×| 8.40 340 : 69 1,416 940 × 340: 98 1,416 940 × 340: 98 1,416 940| 15.8 × 340: 98 1,416 940 × 340: 98 1,416 940 × 340: 98 1,416 940 × 340: 98 8.70 : 8.30 11.1 : 11.0 3.75 : 3.85 | 3.65 : 3.75 16.4 : 14.9 5.55 : 5.05 20.5 : 18.5 6.95 6.90 7.60 : 7.80 8.70| 6.70 8.30 : 8.60 11.1| 8.40 :× 11.4 11.0 : 11.4 3.75| 10.6 :× 3.85 16.4 : × 15.4 14.9 : 15.4 5.55| 15.8 :× 5.20 5.05 : 5.20 20.5| 5.35 :× 19.2 18.5 : 19.2 6.95| 19.8 :× 6.50 6.25 : 6.50 | 6.70 : 6.25 A : 7.80 | 6.70 : 6.90 | 10.6 | 3.65 | 5.35 | 19.8 | 6.70 L/s 1,000: 1,000 1,000: 1,000 1,833: 1,583 1,833: 1,583 2,166: 1,833 2,166: 1,833 2,250: 2,000 2,250: 2,000 68 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 996 × 940 × 340 996 × 940 996× ×340 940 × 340 996 × 940 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 1,416 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 1,416 × 1,416 940 × 340 1,416 × 1,416 940 × 340 1,416 × 1,416 940 × 340 1,416 × 940 × 340 mm × 340 940 × ×340 940 × ×340 940 × ×340 940 × ×340 Wireless remote controller Simplified remote controller dB(A) 48 : 50 1,000: 1,000 48 : 50 1,833: 1,583 52 : 52 1,833: 1,583 52 : 52 53 : 53 2,166: 1,833 53 : 53 2,250: 2,000 54 : 55 2,250: 2,000 54 : 55 1,000: 2,166: 1,833 68kg 1,000 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 68 69 98 98 98 98 98 98 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 dB(A) 65 : 67 48 : 50 65 : 67 52 : 52 69 : 69 52 : 52 69 : 69 70 : 70 53 : 53 70 : 70 54 : 55 71 : 71 54 : 55 71 : 71 Wireless remote controller Simplified remote controller 48 : 50 53 : 53 L/s 1,000 1,000: 1,000 1,000: 1,000 1,833: 1,583 1,833: 1,583 2,166: 1,833 2,166: 1,833 2,250: 2,000 2,250: 2,000 1,000: 1,000: 1,000 1,833: 1,583 1,833: 1,583 2,166: 1,833 2,166: 1,833 2,250: 2,000 2,250: 2,000 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 m Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 65 :: 67 70 Wireless remote controller Simplified remote Simplified controller remote controller Wireless remote controller 48dB(A) 50 48 :: 67 50 52 :: 69 52 52 :: 69 52 53 :: 70 53 53 :: 70 53 54 :: 71 55 54 :: 71 55 48 : 50 65 48 : 50 69 52 : 52 69 52 : 52 53 : 53 70 53 : 53 71 54 : 55 71 54 : 55 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 m / Ø15.88 5 - 50 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 5 - 50 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 5 - 75 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 65dB(A) : 67 70 : 70/ Ø15.88 70 : 70 Ø9.52 70 : 70/ Ø15.88 70 : 70 Ø9.52 71 : 71/ Ø15.88 71 : 71 Ø9.52 71 : 71/ Ø15.88 71 : 71 65 : 67 65 : 67 65 : 67 69 : 69 69 : 69 69 : 69 69 : 69 15, 30 5 - 50 15, 30 5 - 75 15, 30 5 - 75 15, 30 30 5 - 75 15, 30 5 - 75 15, 30 5 - 75 15, 30 5 -m 5 - 75 / Ø15.88 15, m50 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 Ø9.52 / Ø15.88 m30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 15, 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 5 -m50 5 - 75 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 50 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 5 - 75 g R410A 2,000, 50 (g/m) R410A 2,350, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) 30 30 15, 30 30 15, 30 30 15, 30 30 15, 30 15, 30 30 15, 30 30 15, 30 30 15, 30 15,m30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 15, 30 ˚C 2,000, 50 (g/m) -15 to 46R410A : -20 to 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46R410A : -20 to 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46R410A : -20 to 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46 : -20 to 24R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) -15 to 46R410A : -20 to 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46R410A : -20 to 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46R410A : -20 to 24 50 (g/m) -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 R410A 2,350, 3,400, 3,400, 3,400, 3,400, 3,400, 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 -15 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to50 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to50 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to50 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to50 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to50 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 -15 to50 46 : -2050 to (g/m) 24 R410A 2,000, R410A 2,350, R410A 3,400, R410A 3,400, R410A 3,400, R410A 3,400, R410A 3,400, R410A 3,400, g to 46 R410A 2,000, (g/m) R410A 2,350, (g/m) R410A 3,400, (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) R410A 3,400, (g/m) R410A 3,400, (g/m) R410A 3,400, (g/m) R410A 3,400, 50 (g/m) -15 to 46-15 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46-15 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46-15 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24-15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46-15 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46-15 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46-15 : -20 to 24 -15 to 46 : -20 to 24 -15˚Cto 46 : -20 to 24 to 46 : -20 to 24 to 46 : -20 to 24 to 46 : -20 to 24 to 46 : -20 to 24 to 46 : -20 to 24 to 46 : -20 to 24

35 34





Utilises ECONAVI Sensor and Control Program technologies to detect where energy is normally wasted and selfadjusts cooling power to reduce energy waste.

A wide variety of control options to meet the requirements of different applications.

• Activity detection • Absence detection




High-spec operation

Normal operation

Operation from anywhere in Quick and easy operation the room



Daily and weekly program

Operation with various function Only ON/OFF operation from from center station center station

Simplified load distribution ratio (LDR) for each tenant Touch screen panel

BMS System PC Base

P-AIMS Basic Software

Connection with 3rd Party Controller Seri-Para I/O unit for outdoor unit

External appearance CZ-CAPDC2 High-spec Wired Remote Controller

Timer Remote Controller Wireless Remote Controller Simplified Remote Controller Schedule Timer (Wired)

Type, model name

CZ-CSWKC2 System Controller

ON/OFF Controller

Intelligent Controller




ECONAVI on/off control

● ●

● ●

● —

● —

— —

— —

— —

— —

Number of indoor units which can be controlled

1 group, 8 units

1 group, 8 units

1 group, 8 units

1 group, 8 units

64 groups, max. 64 units

64 groups, max. 64 units

16 groups, max. 64 units

64 units x 4 links, max. 256 units

Use limitations

· Up to 2 controllers can · Up to 2 controllers can be connected per be connected per group (When using group (When using p to 2 controllers can be · Up to 2 controllers can be ECONAVI sensor, only ECONAVI sensor, only · U connected per group. one remote controller one remote controller is connected per group. is possible to connect possible to connect at at indoor unit) indoor unit)

· Required power supply from the system controller · When there is no system controller, connection is possible to the T10 terminal of an indoor unit.

· Up to 10 controllers, can be · Up to 8 controllers (4 main connected to one system. units + 4 sub units) · A communication adaptor · Main unit/sub unit (1 main can be connected to one (CZ-CFUNC2) must be unit + 1 sub unit) connection system. installed for three or more is possible. se without remote controller links. · Use without remote controller · U is impossible. is possible.

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

— — — — — — ●

Built-in thermostat

Function ON/OFF Mode setting Fan speed setting Temperature setting Air flow direction Permit/Prohibit switching Weekly program

● ● ● ● ● — ●

● ● ● ● ● — —

● ● ● ● ● — —





● ● ● ● ●¹ ● —

● — — — — ● —

● ● ● ● ●¹ ● ●

Interface adaptor Optional software


CZ-CSWAC2 for Load distribution CZ-CSWWC2 for Web application CZ-CSWGC2 for Object layout display CZ-CSWBC2 for BACnet software interface *PC required (field supply)

Web Interface Systems

Seri-Para I/O unit for each indoor unit


Communication Adaptor CZ-CFUNC2

LonWorks Interface

CZ-CWEBC2 *PC required (field supply) CZ-CLNC2

1. Setting is not possible when a remote control unit is present. (Use the remote controller for setting.) All specifications subject to change without notice.



Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers

IndividualIndividual Control Systems Control Systems Individual Control Systems Individual Individual Individual Control Control Systems Control Systems Systems Control contents

Part name, model No. Quantity Control contents Part name, model No. Standard Control High-spec wiredPart remote controller 1 unit each Standard Control High-spec Control contents name, model No. wired remote controller • Control of the various operations of theofindoor unit by CZ-RTC3 • Control the various operations of the indoor unit by CZ-RTC3 Standard Control High-spec wired remote controller wired or wireless remote controller. Timer remote controller Control contents Part name, model No. Control contents Control contents Part name, model No. Part name, model No. Quantity wired oroperations wireless remote Timer remote controller • Control various of the controller. indoor unit by CZ-RTC3 • Cooling or heating modeofofthe the outdoor is decided bythe CZ-RTC4 •Standard Cooling or unit heating mode of outdoor unit is decided by CZ-RTC4 Standard Control Standard Control Control High-spec wired remote controller High-spec wired remote controller High-spec wired remote controller 1 unit each wired wireless remote controller. Timer remote controller the first priority of the or remote controller. Simplified remote controller the first priority of the remote controller. Simplified remote controller C o n t r o l o f t h e v a r i o u s o p e r a t i o n s o f t h e i n d o o r u n i t b y • Control of the ••various operations • Control of the of indoor the various unit by operations of the indoor unit by CZ-RTC5 CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 Cooling or heating mode of the outdoor unit isCZ-RE2C2 decided by CZ-RTC4 • Switching between remote controller sensor and body • wired Switching between remote controller bodyremote CZ-RE2C2 wired orpriority wireless remote controller. wired or wirelessthe remote controller. orremote wireless remote controller. Timer controller Timer sensor remoteand controller Timer remote controller first of the controller. Simplified remote controller sensor is possible. Wireless remote controller sensor Wireless remote controller Coomode ling orofbetween hthe e•aCooling tinoutdoor gm oisdorepossible. ofcontroller thisedecided ou tdosensor orof unthe it and isCZ-RTC4 debody cidedunit by is decided • Cooling or heating unit heating mode by outdoor by CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 •• Switching remote CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 thethe first of first the remote the first priority of remote controller. the priority controller. of the remote controller. Simplified remote controller Simplified remote controller Simplified remote controller / CZ-RWST3N sensor ispriority possible. Wireless remote controller • S w i t c h i n g b e t w e e n r e m o t e c o n t r o l l e r s e n s o r a n d b o d y •(1)Switching between remote controller • Switching sensor between and body remote controller sensor and body CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RE2C2 Group control High-spec wiredCZ-RWSU2N remote controller /CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N (1) Group control High-spec wired remote controller sensoronis all possible. is possible. is possible. controller Wireless controllerremote Wireless remote controller • sensor Batch remote control indoor CZ-RTC3 1 unit • sensor Batchunits. remote control on all indoor units. remoteWireless CZ-RTC3 (1)indoor Groupcells control High-spec wired remote controller CZ-RWSU2N /CZ-RWSU2N CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N • Operation of all in the same mode. Timer remote controller • Operation of all indoor cells in the same mode. Timer remote /controller • Batch remote control on all indoor units. CZ-RTC3 • Up to 8 units can be connected. CZ-RTC4 to 8 control units besame connected. CZ-RTC4 Group control (1) Group control•(1)Operation Group wiredHigh-spec remote controller High-spec wired remote controller wired remote controller of•(1) allUp indoor cells can in the mode.High-spec Timer remote controller • The sensor is the body sensor, and thermostat ON/OFF Simplified remote controller The sensor the body and thermostat ON/OFF Simplified remote controller Batctoh on reunits m contbe runits. olremote on ais ll in doo r uon nitsensor, sall . indoor • Batch remote ••control allotindoor ••e can Batch control units. CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC5 1 unit connected. CZ-RTC4 setting in regardUp to the8temperature set by the remote CZ-RE2C2 setting regard to temperature set by thecontroller remote CZ-RE2C2 on ofis lthe l indbody oorincsensor, emode. llsall in indoor th e the sathermostat m e min odthe eTimer . ON/OFF • Operation of all indoor in •athe Operation same of cells same mode. •• O persensor aticells remote Timer remote controller Timer remote controller The and Simplified remote controller controller is possible for each indoor unit. Wireless remote controller controller is possible for each indoor unit. Wireless remote controller • Up to 8 units can •U pbetoconnected. 8inunregard its• cUp antoto bethe 8co units nneccan ted.be connected. CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 setting temperature set by theCZ-RTC4 remote CZ-RE2C2 / CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 • The sensor is •the body sensor, ON/OFF T hbody e sensensor, soisr ipossible s• tThe hand e bsensor othermostat dfor y seach enissthe orindoor , aON/OFF nd thunit. ermostaand t ONthermostat /OFF remote Simplified Simplified controller remote Simplified controller remote controller / CZ-RWST3N controller Wireless remote controller in regard setting to control the in temperature regard setting to the set in temperature regard by the remote to the set temperature by the remote set by the remote CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RE2C2 (2)setting Main/sub remote Main or sub As required CZ-RWSU2N /CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RWSC3 (2) Main/sub remote control Main or sub / CZ-RWST3N is possible for each indoor controller unit. is possible forunit. each indoor unit.remote controller is possible for each indoor Wireless controller remote Wireless controller remote • controller Max 2 remote controllers per (Main remote High-spec wiredWireless remote controller • indoor Max control 2 unit. remote controllers per indoor unit. (Main remote High-spec wired controller remote controller (2) Main/sub remote Main or sub / CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSU2N/ CZ-RWST3N /CZ-RWSU2N CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N controller can be connected) controller can be connected) CZ-RWSU2N CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 • Max last 2 remote controllers per indoor unit. (Main remote High-spec wired remote controller • The button pressed has •priority. Timer remote controller button pressedcontrol last has priority. Timeror remote (2) Main/sub remote (2) Main/sub controlcan remote (2)The Main/sub controlremote Main or sub sub controller Main or sub Main As required be connected) CZ-RTC3 • Timer setting is controller possible even with the sub remote CZ-RTC4 Timer setting remote CZ-RTC4 • Max 2 remote••controllers Max unit. (Main controllers remote Max button 2 remper opressed t••eindoor contr2olast lremote lershas p eis rpriority. inpossible dremote oor uneven itper . (Mindoor awith in rethe munit. otsub e (Main High-spec wired remote controller High-spec wired remote controller High-spec wired remote controller Timer remote controller controller. WhenThe using ECONAVI sensor, only one remote Simplified remote controller controller. When using ECONAVI sensor, only one remote Simplified remote controller controller can •becontroller connected) can iscontroller bepossible connected) can bewith connected) CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC3 CZ-RTC5 Timer even the sub remote CZ-RTC4 controller is possible tosetting connect at indoor unit. CZ-RE2C2 possible at indoor unit.controller CZ-RE2C2 • The button pressed •T he b last uttohas nWhen p•priority. recontroller The ssusing edbutton lasECONAVI t is hapressed s priorsensor, itylast .to connect has priority. Timer remote Timer remote controller Timer remote controller controller. only one remote controller Wireless remoteSimplified controller remote Wireless remote controller • Timer setting is •T possible i m e r s e t even t i n g • i s Timer with p o s the s setting i b l e sub e v e remote is n possible w i t h t h e s even u b r e with m o t e the sub remote CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 CZ-RTC4 controller is possible to connect at indoor unit.CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RE2C2 / CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 controller. Whencontroller. using ECONAVI When controller. using sensor, ECONAVI When only one using sensor, remote ECONAVI only one sensor, remote only one remote Simplified remote controller Simplified remote controller / CZ-RWST3N Simplified remote controller Wireless remote controller controller is possible to connect controller at indoor is unit. possible to connect at indoor unit. CZ-RE2C2 controller is possible to connect at indoor unit.CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RWSU2N /CZ-RE2C2 CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N Wireless remoteWireless controllerremote Wireless remote controller controller CZ-RWSU2N / CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWSU2N/ CZ-RWST3N /CZ-RWSU2N CZ-RWSC3 / CZ-RWST3N


Quantity Quantity

1 unit each

1 unit each Quantity


1 unit each

1 unit each

1 unit 1 unit 1 unit

1 unit

As required As required As required

As required

High-spec wired remotewired controller (CZ-RTC3) High-spec remote controller (CZ-RTC3) High-spec wired remote controller (CZ-RTC3) High-spec High-spec wired High-spec remote wired remote wired controller remote controller (CZ-RTC3) controller (CZ-RTC5) (CZ-RTC3) Basic Operation

Basic Operation

• IndividualBasic LouverOperation Control (LockLouver individual flap for • Individual Control (Lock individual flap for • Individual Louver Control (Lock individual flap for 4-way cassette) Basic Operation Basic Operation Basic Operation 4-way cassette) cassette) ON/ OFF•4-way timer • Individual Louver Control • Individual (Lock Louver individual Control flap for (Lock individual Individual Louver Control (Lock individual flap for flap for ON/ OFF timer • ON/ OFF • Weekly Timer 4-way cassette) 4-way cassette) 4-way cassette) • timer Weekly Timer Weekly Timer Filter OFF information* • ON/ • timer ON/ timer •timer ON/ OFF Filter OFF information* Filter information* Outing function • Weekly Timer • Weekly Timer • Weekly Timer Outing function Outing function Quietinformation* operation mode* • Filter • Filter • Filter information* Quietinformation* operation mode* Quiet operation mode* Power consumption monitor* • Outing function • Outing function • Outing function Power consumption monitor* Dimensions Dimensions Power consumption monitor* Energyoperation saving • Quiet mode* • Quiet operation mode* • Quiet operation mode* Energy saving H 120 x W 120 x x W 120 x Dimensions H 120 Energy consumption saving D 16 mm Initial settings • Power consumption • Power monitor* consumption • Power monitor* monitor* D x16 mm Initial settings H 120 x W 120 Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions D 16 mm Initial settings Ventilation • Energy saving • Energy saving • Energy saving Ventilation H 120 x W 120 H x 120 x W 120 H x120 x W 120 x Ventilation D 16 mm D 16 mm D 16 mm • Initial settings • Initial settings • Initial settings Energy Saving Energy Saving Maintenance Function • Ventilation• Ventilation • Ventilation Maintenance Function • ECONAVIEnergy on/ off* Saving • ECONAVI on/ off* Maintenance Function • Outdoor unit error data • Outdoor unit error data •Energy ECONAVI on/ off*Saving • Temperature Auto Saving Return Energy Saving Energy • Temperature Auto Return • Outdoor error data Function • Service Contact address Maintenance Function Maintenance Maintenance Function •unit Service Contact address • on/ Temperature Temperature Setting Range • ECONAVI ECONAVI off* • ECONAVI on/Auto off* Return on/Setting off* Range Temperature Service address RC setting mode • Outdoor unit error data •Contact Outdoor unit error data • Outdoor unit data RC error setting mode • Temperature Setting Range Auto Shutoff • Temperature Auto Return • Temperature Auto Return Auto Return Auto Shutoff RC setting mode Test RunContact • Service address •Contact Service Contact address • Service address Test Run Auto Shutoff Schedule•peak cut • Temperature Temperature Setting • Temperature Range Settingpeak Range Setting Schedule cut Range Test Run• RC Sensor Information • RC setting mode setting mode • RC setting mode Sensor Information • Schedule peak Shutoff cutoff timer Repeat off timer Shutoff • Auto Shutoff Auto • Auto Repeat Sensor Service • Test Runcheck • Test Runcheck • Test RunInformation Service Repeat timercut peak cut • Schedule•peak Schedule cutoff • Schedule peak Service Simple/ Information Detailed Settings • Sensor •check Sensor • Sensor Information Simple/ Information Detailed Settings • Repeat off • Repeat timer off • Repeat timer off timer Simple/ •check Detailed Settings Auto address • Service check Service check • Service Auto address Auto *•Depending model,address some menus cannot used.Settings Simple/onDetailed Settings Simple/ Detailed •theSimple/ Detailed Settings *• Depending on thebe model, some menus cannot be used. *•Depending on model, some menus cannot be used. • Auto address • the Auto address Auto address * Depending on *the model, some * Depending menus cannot on thebe model, used.cannot some menus cannot be used. be used. Depending on the model, some menus

Timer remoteTimer controller (CZ-RTC4) remote controller (CZ-RTC4) Timer remote controller (CZ-RTC4) Timer Timer remote controller (CZ-RTC4) Timer remote controller remote (CZ-RTC4) controller (CZ-RTC4) Weekly Programme Function Weekly Programme Function Remote controller

Main controller Sub Remote

Remote controller

Main Main Main


Sub Main



Sub Sub

Standard (2) Main/sub Group control Standard (2) Main/sub Remote controller Remote Main controller Sub Main Main Main Sub Main(1) Group Remote controller Sub (1) Main Sub Sub control Sub control remote control control Standard (2) Main/sub remote control (1) Group control control remote control Standard Main/sub (2)Group Main/sub control(1) Group control (1) Group control Standard (2)Standard (2) Main/sub (1) control remote control control remote controlremote control control

Weekly Programme Function • A maximum of 6 settings/day andof 426 settings/week • A maximum settings/day and 42 settings/week • A maximum of 6 settings/day 42 settings/week can be programmed. Weekly Programme Function Weekly Programme Weekly Function Programme can be programmed.andFunction can besettings/day programmed. •A maximum of 6 settings/day and 42 settings/week • A maximum of 6 • A maximum andof426 settings/week settings/day and 42 settings/week Outing can be programmed. can be Function programmed. can be programmed. Outing Function Outing Function • This function can prevent the roomcan temperature • This function prevent the room temperature • Thisor function can prevent room temperature from dropping rising when the occupants are out Outing Function Outing Function Outing Function from dropping orthe rising when the occupants are out from dropping or rising when the occupants out for a function long•time. This function can prevent the room temperature • This can prevent • This function the room can temperature prevent the roomare temperature for a long time. for aorlong time. from dropping or rising when the when occupants are out are out from dropping rising from when dropping the occupants or rising are out the occupants Sleeping for a long time. for a long Function time. for a long Function time. Sleeping Sleeping Function • This function controls the room temperature forroom temperature for • This function controls the Dimensions Dimensions •Function This function controls the room temperature for comfortable sleeping. Sleeping Function Sleeping Sleeping Function comfortable sleeping. H 120 x W 120 x D 20 mm H 120 x W 120 x D 20 mm Dimensions comfortable sleeping. • This function controls the room temperature for • This function controls • This the function room temperature controls the for room temperature for H 120 x W 120 x D 20 mm Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Max. 8 indoor units can be controlled from comfortable sleeping. comfortable sleeping. comfortable sleeping. Basic remote controller ON/OFF Max. 8 indoor units can be controlled from Basic remote controller ON/OFF H 120 x W 120 H xD 120 20xmm W 120 H x120 D 20 xW mm 120 x D 20 mm Max. 8 indoor units can be controlled from one remote controller controller ON/OFF • OperationBasic mode remote changeover one remote controller • Operation mode changeover one remote controller Max. 8 indoor units can be controlled from Max. 8 indoor units Max. can 8 indoor be controlled units can from be controlled from •Basic Operation mode changeover (Cooling, Heating, Dry, Auto, Fan). remote controller ON/OFF Basic remote controller Basic remote ON/OFF controller ON/OFF (Cooling, Heating, Dry, Auto, Fan). Remote control by main remote controller one remote controller one remote controller one remote controller (Cooling, Dry, Auto, Fan). Temperature setting • mode Operation mode changeover • Operation changeover • Heating, Operation mode changeover Remote control by main remote controller Temperature setting Remote and control main remote controller anddeg). sub controller is possible Temperature setting (Cooling/Dry: 18-30Dry, deg Heating: 16-30 deg). (Cooling, Heating, Dry, Auto, Fan). (Cooling, •Heating, (Cooling, Auto, Fan). Heating, Auto, Fan).16-30 subby controller is possible (Cooling/Dry: 18-30Dry, deg Heating: and sub controller is possible Remote control by main remote controller Remote control by Remote main remote control controller by main remote controller 18-30 deg Heating: 16-30 deg). Fan speed setting H/ M/ L and Auto. • (Cooling/Dry: Temperature setting • Temperature setting • Temperature setting Fan speed setting H/ M/ L and Auto. Max. 2 remote controllers (main remote controller and and sub controller is possible and sub controller and is possible sub controller is possible • (Cooling/Dry: Fan18-30 speed setting H/ M/ L and Auto. • (Cooling/Dry: Air flow direction adjustment. 18-30 deg Heating: 16-30 deg). deg (Cooling/Dry: Heating: 16-30 18-30 deg). deg Heating: 16-30 deg). Max. 2 remote controllers (main remote controller and • Air flow direction adjustment. Max. 2 remote controllers (main and unit. can besub installed for one indoor unit. controller • on/ Air flow adjustment. ECONAVI off* Fan speed setting H/on/ M/off* L and Auto. • Fan speed setting H/ •direction Fan M/ speed L and Auto. setting H/ M/ L and Auto.sub controller) controller) can be remote installed for one indoor ECONAVI sub controller) can be installed for one indoor unit. 2 remote controllers (main remote controller and 2 remote controllers Max. (main 2 remote remote controllers controller (main and remote controller and • ECONAVI on/flow off*adjustment. *Max. Depending on Max. the model, some menus cannot be used. Air flowadjustment. • Air flow direction •direction Air direction adjustment. * Depending on the model, some menus cannot be used. sub controller) can be installed for one indoor unit. sub controller) can be sub installed controller) for one can indoor be installed unit. for one indoor unit. * Depending on the model, some menus cannot be used. Time Function hours real time clock • on/ ECONAVI on/ off* • ECONAVI off*24•Time ECONAVI on/ off* Function 24 hours real time clock Time 24 hours real time clock * Depending on the model, some * Depending menus cannot on the be model, used. some menus cannot be used. * Depending on the model, some menus cannot be used. • Day of the weekFunction indicator. • Day of the week indicator. •Time Day of the week indicator. Function 24 hours timereal clock Time Function 24 Time hours Function real time 24real clock hours time clock • Day the week indicator. • Day of the weekofindicator. • Day of the week indicator.





38 38

39 39

Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers

Wireless remote controller Wireless Wireless remote remote controller controller Wireless Wireless remote Wireless remote controller remote controller controller

SystemSystem controller (CZ-64ESMC2) System controller controller (CZ-64ESMC2) (CZ-64ESMC2) SystemSystem controller System controller (CZ-64ESMC2) controller (CZ-64ESMC2) (CZ-64ESMC2) • A control corresponding to the useto the useto the use • Amode control •A mode control corresponding mode corresponding condition can be selected from 10 patterns can becorresponding selected can from selected 10 the patterns from 10 the patterns • A control • condition Amode control corresponding • condition A mode control mode tobe the corresponding useto useto use conditioncondition can be selected condition can be from selected can10 bepatterns from selected 10 patterns from 10 patterns

Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions 160 x W 160 x D 21x+W69160 x D160 160 21 x+ W 69160 x D 21 + 69 (embedding mm) dimension Dimensions dimension Dimensions Dimensions (embedding (embedding mm) dimension mm) 160 x W 160 x D 160 21x+W69160 x D160 21 x+ W 69160 x D 21 + 69 (embedding dimension (embedding mm) dimension (embedding mm) dimension mm) Power supply: AC 220 supply: to 240 VAC Power Power 220 to supply: 240 VAC 220 to 240 V A : Operation mode: Centralmode: mode mode: or remote control mode I/O part: RemoteI/O input A : Operation Acontrol : Operation Central control Central mode or control remote mode control or remote mode control mode part:(effective RemoteI/O input part: (effective Remote input (effective voltage: DC 24AC V): All ON/All OFF Power supply: Power 220 supply: toDC 240 VAC Power 220 to supply: 24024 VAC 220 tocan 240OFF V selected can be voltage: 24 V): voltage: All ON/All DC OFF V):selected All ON/All be can be selected A : Operation mode: A : Operation Central mode: A control : Operation Central mode mode: or control remote Central mode control or control remote mode mode control or remote mode control mode Remote I/O part: output Remote(voltage-free I/O input part:(effective Remote(voltage-free I/O input part: (effective Remote input (effective Remote output Remote output (voltage-free Central control mode: control The system is used as centralised Central Central mode:controller control The system mode: controller The system is used controller as centralised is used as centralised contact): All ON/All OFF (external voltage: DC 24 V): voltage: All ON/All DC 24 OFF V): voltage: All ON/All DC 24 OFF All ON/All can beV):selected canOFF be selected can be selected contact): All ON/All contact): OFF (external All ON/All OFF (external control(voltage-free device.control (Setting from control a(Setting remote controller can from be prohibited device. device. from a(Setting remote controller a remote can be controller prohibited can be prohibited Power DCsupply 30 V, within Remotesupply outputwithin (voltage-free Remote output (voltage-free Remote output Power Power DCsupply 30 V, within DC 30 V, Central control Central mode: control The system Central mode:controller control The system mode: is used controller The as centralised system is used controller as centralised is used as centralised by prohibiting local operationlocal from the system controller.) max 1 A) All ON/All contact): contact): OFF All ON/All contact): OFF All ON/All OFF (external by prohibiting by prohibiting operation local from operation the system from controller.) the system controller.) max 1 A)(external max 1 A)(external control device. control (Setting device. from control a (Setting remote device. from controller a (Setting remote can from controller be prohibited a remote can be controller prohibited can be prohibited Total length : 1DC km Powerwiring supply within Power supply 30 length V, within Power supply 30 V, within V, Total wiring Total : 1DC wiring km length :control 1DC km30 Remote mode: The system is used as asystem remote Remote control Remote mode:controller control The system mode: controller The is used controller as a remote is used as a remote local prohibiting operationlocal by from prohibiting operation the system local from controller.) operation the system from controller.) the system controller.) max 1 A) max 1 A) max 1 A) by prohibiting by controller. (Setting from the system controller can be prohibited by (Setting controller. from the (Setting system from controller the system can be controller prohibited canby be prohibited by Total wiring length Total : 1wiring km length Total : 1 wiring km Remote length :control 1 kmcontroller. Remote mode: control The system Remote mode:controller control The system mode: is used controller The as asystem remote is used controller as a remote is used as a remote

Remote control main remote and subcontroller controller is sub controller Remoteby control Remote bycontrol maincontroller remote by maincontroller remote and sub controller and is is possible possible possible Remote control Remoteby control Remote main remote bycontrol maincontroller remote by maincontroller and remote subcontroller controller and sub controller and is sub controller is is •possible Max. 2 remote (main remote controller and sub controller) be sub installed •possible Max.controllers 2 remote •possible Max.controllers 2 remote (main controllers remote (main controller remote and controller sub can controller) and can controller) be installed can be installed for one indoor unit. for one indoor for one unit. indoor unit. • Max. 2 remote • Max. controllers 2 remote • Max. controllers (main 2 remote remote (main controllers controller remote (main and controller sub remote controller) and controller sub can controller) and be sub installed can controller) be installed can be installed for one indoor for one unit.indoor for one unit.indoor unit. For 4-Way cassette type CZ-RWSU2N For 4-Way cassette type CZ-RWSU2N

When CZ-RWSC3 is used, wireless possible for all When CZ-RWSC3 When CZ-RWSC3 is used, control wireless is used,becomes control wirelessbecomes control becomes possible for possible all for all For 4-Way indoor units cassette type indoor units indoor units When CZ-RWSC3 When CZ-RWSC3 When is used, CZ-RWSC3 wireless is used, control wireless is used,becomes control wirelessbecomes possible control becomes possible for all for possible all for all For 4-Way CZ-RWSU2N separate receiver is set up inisa set different control fromcontrol thatroom, room also type a •indoor When separate •indoor When receiver aunits separate receiver up in room, is a different set up inroom, a different fromcontrol that room fromalso that room also indoor acassette units units

For 4-Way cassette type For 4-Way CZ-RWSU2N • When cassette type CZ-RWSU2N

CZ-RWSU2N becomes becomes becomes possible. • When a separate •possible. When areceiver separate •possible. When is set receiver a separate up inisa set different receiver up in room, is a different set up control inroom, a different fromcontrol thatroom, room fromcontrol also that room fromalso that room also • Automatic operation by means of the emergency operation is possible even • Automatic • operation Automatic by operation means ofbythe means emergency of the button emergency operation button operation is possible button even is possible even becomes possible. becomes possible. becomes possible. when the•remote controller has been lost or the batteries have been exhausted. when the remote when the controller remote has controller been lost hasorof been the batteries lost or the batteries beenis exhausted. have beeneven • Automatic operation Automatic •by operation Automatic means of by operation the means emergency of by the means emergency operation the button emergency operation ishave possible button operation even possible button is exhausted. possible even when the remote when the controller remote whenhas the controller been remote lost has controller orbeen the batteries lost hasorbeen thehave batteries lostbeen or the have exhausted. batteries been exhausted. have been exhausted.

In addition, there are otherare functions such as functions temperature setting, In addition, In addition, there there other are functions other such as temperature such as temperature setting, setting, operation switching, wind direction/fan speed setting, etc operation operation switching, switching, wind direction/fan wind direction/fan speed setting, speed etc setting, etc setting, In addition, In addition, there are In addition, there otherare functions there other are functions such other as functions temperature such as temperature such setting, as temperature setting, operationoperation switching, operation switching, wind direction/fan switching, wind direction/fan wind speed direction/fan setting, speedetc setting, speedetc setting, etc Ventilation independent operation is possible Ventilation Ventilation independent independent operation operation is possible is possible When commercial ventilation fans orindependent heat-exchange ventilation fans have been When commercial When commercial ventilation fans ventilation heat-exchange fans or heat-exchange ventilation fans ventilation have been fans have been Ventilation Ventilation independent Ventilation independent operation operation is or possible operation is possible is possible

installed, they cancommercial be operated with remote control (interlocked operation with installed, they installed, cancommercial be they operated can be with operated remote with control remote (interlocked control (interlocked operation operation thebeenwith the When commercial When ventilation When fans ventilation or this heat-exchange fans ventilation or this heat-exchange fans ventilation or this heat-exchange fans ventilation have been fans ventilation havethe been fanswith have indoor unit or independent ventilation ON/OFF). indoor unit or indoor independent unit or independent ventilation ON/OFF). ventilation ON/OFF). installed, they installed, can bethey operated installed, can bewith they operated this can remote bewith operated this control remote with (interlocked this control remote (interlocked operation control with (interlocked operation the with operation the with the For all indoor units or independent unit indoor independent ventilation unit or independent ON/OFF). ventilation ON/OFF). ventilation ON/OFF). Forindoor all indoor unit units Forindoor all indoor units or CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 For all indoor units For all indoor units For all indoor units CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3 CZ-RWSK2 + CZ-RWSC3

prohibiting local operationlocal from another local central controlcentral unit.) prohibiting prohibiting operation fromoperation another from another control central unit.) control unit.) controller. (Setting controller. from the (Setting system controller. from controller the (Setting system can from controller be the prohibited system can by be controller prohibited canby be prohibited by prohibiting local prohibiting operationlocal from prohibiting operation another local central fromoperation another controlcentral unit.) from another control central unit.) control unit.) B : Controlled Bunit number mode: All mode or zone 1, 2, 3, 4 : Controlled unit B : Controlled number mode: unit number All mode mode: or zone All mode 1, 2, 3,or4zone 1, 2, 3, 4 mode can be mode selected can be selected mode can be selected IndividualIndividual control is possible for Controlled Bunit : Controlled number mode: unit B : Controlled number All mode mode: unit or zone number All mode 1, 2,mode: 3, or4zone All mode 1, 2, 3,or4zone 1, 2, 3, 4 Individual control iscontrol possible is for possible forBAll:mode: All, zone, or group unitmode: can be All mode: All, zone, All or group All,selected. zone, unit can or group be selected. unit can be selected. can be mode selected can be selected mode can be selected max 64 groups, indoor units. max 6464 groups, max 6464 groups, units. units. Zone 1, 2, 3, 4Zone mode: Setting is possible the indoor units Individual Individual control is Individual control possible isindoor control possible for 64 isindoor for possible formode 1, 2, 3, 4Zone mode: 1, Setting 2, 3,only 4 mode: is for possible Setting onlyisfor possible the indoor only units for the indoor units All mode: All, zone, All mode: or group All, zone, All unitmode: can or group be All,selected. zone, unit can or group be selected. unit can be selected. zone 1, 2, 3, 4. 1, 2, 3,oforzone ofor zone 4. 1, 2, 3, or 4. max 64 groups, max 6464 groups, max indoor 6464 groups, units. indoor64 units. indoor units.of Zone 1, 2, 3, 4Zone mode: 1, 2, Setting 3, 4Zone mode: is possible 1, Setting 2, 3,only 4 mode: is for possible the Setting indoor onlyisfor units possible the indoor only units for the indoor units • Control •ofControl 64 indoor units divided into of • Control 64 indoor of 64 units indoor divided units into dividedof into zone 1, 2, 3, ofor zone 4. 1, 2, 3,oforzone 4. 1, 2, 3, or 4.

zones.•of (One zone have up to 16 groups, 4Control zones. 4can zones. zone (One can have zone up can tohave 16 groups, up tointo 16 groups, • 4Control 64 indoor of •(One Control 64 units indoor divided of 64 units indoor into divided units into divided and one group cangroup up group to 8 units.) and one and one can have up can have 8 units.) up 8 units.) 4 zones. (One 4 zones. zone (One 4have can zones. zone have (One can up to have zone 16to groups, up can tohave 16 to groups, up to 16 groups, Connection example Connection example Connection example • and Control possible for ON/OFF, Control is •group Control possible for possible ON/OFF, ON/OFF, one•is group and one can and have one can upis group to have 8operation units.) up cantofor have 8operation units.) up to 8operation units.) A Operation A Operation mode A Operation mode Connection example Connection example example mode speed,fan flow direction (only when mode, speed, fan air speed, flow direction airfor flow (only direction when (only when CentralConnection • mode, Controlfan •ismode, Control possible is •air for Control possible ON/OFF, isfor possible operation ON/OFF, operation ON/OFF, operation controlCentral mode Remote control mode control mode control Remote controlRemote mode A Operation mode ACentral Operation mode Amode Operation modecontrol mode used a without remote controller), used a remote without controller), aoperation remote controller), operation operation mode,without fanused mode, speed, fan air mode, speed, flow direction fan airspeed, flow (only direction air when flow (only direction when (only when All central control centralcontrol control All central control controlAll Central mode Remote Central mode control control Remote mode mode control Remote mode All mode Central All remote control All mode All mode All remote controlAll remotecontrol control mode monitoring, alarm monitoring, ventilation, Example 1 monitoring, monitoring, alarm monitoring, alarm monitoring, ventilation, ventilation, used without used a without remote used controller), a remote without controller), aoperation remote controller), operation operation Example 1 Example 1 All central control All central controlAll central control All mode All1mode All mode All remote control All remote controlAll remote control remote controller local operation prohibition, remote remote controller local operation local operation prohibition, prohibition, Zone 1 Zone central control monitoring, monitoring, alarmcontroller monitoring, monitoring, alarm monitoring, ventilation, alarm monitoring, ventilation, ventilation, Example 11 Example 1Zone 1controlcontrol Zone ZoneZone 1 central 1 control Zone 1 central 1Example remote Zone 1 remote control Zone 1 remote control mode Example 2 mode Example mode 2 Example 2 B prohibition, etc. B B etc. etc. remote controller remote controller local remote operation controller local operation prohibition, local operation prohibition, 1 Zone Zone 1 central 1 control ZoneZone 1 central 1 control Zone 1 central control Controlled Zone Zone 1 remote Zone 1 remote control Zone 1 remote control Controlled Controlled Zone 2 2Example remote 2control control mode Example mode 22 Example mode Zone Zone2Zone 2 Zone 2 remote control Zone 2 remote control unit Zone 2unit control B B Bcentral etc. etc. etc. unit Zone 2 central control Zone 2 central control mode mode modeExample 3 Example 3 Example 3 Individual Individual Central 1 Central 1 Central 3 Central 3

For ceiling mounted type mounted For ceiling For ceiling type mounted type CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWST3N For ceiling mounted For ceiling type mounted For ceiling type mounted type CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWST3N CZ-RWST3N

Simplified remote controller (CZ-RE2C2) Simplified Simplified remote remote controller controller (CZ-RE2C2) (CZ-RE2C2) Simplified Simplified remote Simplified remote controller remote controller (CZ-RE2C2) controller (CZ-RE2C2) (CZ-RE2C2)

A remoteA controller with simple and basic operation remoteAcontroller remote controller withfunctions simple withfunctions simple functions and basic and operation basic operation A remoteA controller remoteAcontroller remote with simple controller withfunctions simple withfunctions simple and basic functions and operation basic and operation basic operation

Dimensions H 120 x W 70 Dimensions H 120 x W 70

• Suitable for open rooms or hotels detailed are not required. • Suitable for • Suitable open rooms for where open or hotels rooms where or functions hotels detailed where functions detailed are functions not required. are not required. mode setting, wind velocity switching, •operation ON/OFF, operation • ON/OFF, mode operation switching, mode temperature switching, temperature setting, wind setting, velocity wind switching, velocity switching, •• ON/OFF, Suitable for Suitable open rooms for Suitable open orswitching, hotels rooms for where open ortemperature hotels rooms detailed where or functions hotels detailed where are functions not detailed required. are functions not required. are not required. wind direction alarm display, and remote controller self-diagnosis can bewind windsetting, direction wind setting, direction alarm setting, display, alarm and display, remote and controller remote self-diagnosis controller self-diagnosis can be switching, can be • ON/OFF, •operation ON/OFF, mode operation • ON/OFF, switching, mode operation temperature switching, mode temperature switching, setting, wind temperature setting, velocity wind switching, setting, velocity switching, velocity performed. performed. performed. wind direction windsetting, direction wind alarm setting, direction display, alarm and setting, display, remote alarm and controller display, remoteself-diagnosis and controller remoteself-diagnosis controller can be self-diagnosis can be can be • Batch group control up togroup 8 for indoor units. • Batch group •forBatch control up control to 8 indoor for up to units. 8 indoor units. performed. performed. performed. •• Remote control bygroup main remote controller and sub controller possible with a • Remote control •forRemote by control remote by controller remote controller subis controller and subis controller possible with is possible a with a Batch group Batch control Batch up control togroup 8main for indoor up control to units. 8main indoor for up to units. 8and indoor units. simplifiedcontrol orcontroller acontrol wired remote controller (up toremote two units). simplified simplified remote orcontroller amain wired remote orcontroller aand wired controller (up controller tois two (up towith • Remote •remote Remote bycontroller main control •remote Remote remote by main controller remote by and controller sub remote controller sub iscontroller possible and sub with controller possible aunits). istwo possible aunits).with a Dimensions simplified remote simplified controller remote simplified orcontroller a wired remoteremote orcontroller a wired controller remote or a wired (up controller toremote two units). (up controller to two units). (up to two units).

Dimensions xHD120 17 mm x W 70 x H D 120 17 mm x W 70 x D 17 mm Dimensions Dimensions xHD120 17 mm x W 70 x H D 120 17 mm x W 70 x D 17 mm

Central 4 Central 4

number Controlled Controlled Controlled All Individual operations All areIndividual possible also from the remote number number operations are All operations possible also arefrom possible the remote also from the remote Zone 2 Zone 2 Zone Zone 2 2 remote control Zone 2 remote control Zone 2 remote control mode unit unit Zone 2 central control Zone 2 central control Zone 2 central control mode mode Zone Zone 3unit central control controller. However, the contents will changed tobecontents mode mode Example 3 3 central Example 3 Example 3 Zone 3 Zonemode Zone 3 central 3 control control controller. However, controller. thebe contents However, will the changedwill tobe changed to 3 Zone 3Zone remote control number number number Zone 3 remote control Zone 3 remote control All Individual operations All areIndividual operations possible also are All operations from possible the remote also arefrom possible the remote also from the remote mode Example 4 mode Example mode 4 Example 4 the contents ofthe thecontents controller operated last. ofthe thecontents controllerofoperated the controller last. operated last. mode mode mode Zone Zone Zone 3 central 3 control ZoneZone 3 central 3 control Zone 3 central control controller. However, controller. the contents However, controller. will thebe contents However, changed will the tobecontents changedwilltobe changed to 3 Zone 3 remote control Zone 3 remote control Zone 3 remote control The remote cannot beremote used for ON/OFF. Central 1 controller TheCentral remote 1 controller The cannot controller be used cannot for ON/OFF. be used for ON/OFF. Zone 4 4Example remote 4control Example mode 44 Example mode Zone Zone4Zone 4 Zone 4 remote control Zone 4 remote control Zone 4 central control the contents ofthe thecontents controller ofthe operated thecontents controller last. ofoperated the controller last. operated last. mode Zone 4 central control Zone 4 central control mode (All other operations areoperations possible from the remote mode modeExample 5 Example 5 Example 5 (All other (All other are operations possible from are the possible remote from the remote The Central remote 1 controller TheCentral remote cannot 1 controller The beremote used cannot for controller ON/OFF. be used cannot for ON/OFF. be used for ON/OFF. Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone Zone 4 4 remote control Zone 4 remote control Zone 4 remote control controller.) Zone 4 central control Zone 4 central control Zone 4 central control controller.) controller.) mode mode modeExample 5 Example 5 Example 5 (All other operations (All other areoperations possible (All other from are operations possible the remote from are the possible remote from the remote The remote cannot be used forcontroller mode Central 3 controller TheCentral remote 3 controller The remote cannot be used cannot for mode be used for mode controller.) controller.) controller.) change or temperature change. (All other change orsetting temperature change orsetting temperature change.setting (All other change. (All other The Central remote 3 controller TheCentral remote cannot 3 controller The be used remote cannot forcontroller mode be used cannot for mode be used for mode operations areoperations possible from the remote controller.) are operations possible from are the possible remote from controller.) the remote controller.) change or temperature change orsetting temperature change change. orsetting temperature (All other change.setting (All other change. (All other The remote cannot be used forcontroller operation Central 4 controller TheCentral remote 4 controller The remote cannot be used cannot for operation be used for operation operations areoperations possible from are operations possible the remote from are controller.) the possible remote from controller.) the remote controller.) mode change.mode (All other operations are possible from change.mode (All other change. operations (All other are operations possible from are possible from The Central remote 4 controller TheCentral remote cannot 4 controller The be used remote cannot forcontroller operation be used cannot for operation be used for operation the remote controller.) the remote controller.) the remote controller.) mode change.mode (All other change. operations mode (All other change. areoperations possible (All other from are operations possible from are possible from the remote controller.) the remote controller.) the remote controller.)

• Joint use with ause remote an intelligent controller, a schedule timer, etc. is possible • Joint • Joint with acontroller, use remote with a controller, remote controller, an intelligent an intelligent controller, controller, a schedule a schedule timer, etc.timer, is possible etc. is possible • (The Joint use • (The Joint with a use remote • Joint with a controller, use remote with a controller, an remote intelligent controller, an intelligent controller, an intelligent controller, a schedule controller, a schedule timer, etc. a schedule timer, is possible etc. timer, is possible etc. is possible maximum number of connectable system controllers is 10, including other central controllers on the same circuit.) maximum(The number maximum of connectable number ofsystem connectable controllers system is 10, controllers includingis other 10, including central controllers other central on controllers the same circuit.) on the same circuit.)

(In case of joint with a wireless remote controller, are limitations for limitations the control mode. Pleasefor use with mode. (Inuse case of joint (Inuse case with of ajoint wireless use with remote athere wireless controller, remote there controller, are there are for the limitations control mode. theonly control Please use only Please with use only with (The maximum (The number maximum of connectable (The number maximum ofsystem connectable number controllers ofsystem connectable is 10, controllers including system is other 10, controllers including centraliscontrollers other 10, including central oncontrollers the other same central circuit.) on controllers the same circuit.) on the same circuit.) “Individual” and “Central 1”.) “Individual” and “Individual” “Central 1”.) and “Central 1”.) (In case of joint (Inuse case with of joint a wireless (Inuse case with remote of ajoint wireless controller, use with remote athere wireless controller, are limitations remote there controller, are for limitations the control there are for mode. the limitations control Pleasefor mode. use theonly control Please with mode. use only Please with use only with “Central 1”.) and “Individual” “Central 1”.) and 1”.)controller and of main/sub • “Individual” Control and of“Individual” systems without a “Central remote

• Control •ofControl systems of without systemsa without remote a controller remote controller and of main/sub and of main/sub systems (a total of up to 2 units) is possible systems (a systems total of (a up total to 2 of units) up to is 2 possible units) is possible • Control •ofControl systems •ofControl without systems ofawithout systems remote acontroller without remote a controller and remote of main/sub controller and of main/sub and of main/sub systems (a systems total of(a systems up total to 2ofunits) (a uptotal tois2of possible units) up tois2possible units) is possible ConnectionConnection example 2 (POWER SUPPLY FROMSUPPLY THE CENTRAL CONTROLLER) Connection example 2 (POWER example 2 (POWER FROMSUPPLY THE CENTRAL FROM THE CONTROLLER) CENTRAL CONTROLLER) ConnectionConnection example 2 (POWER Connection example SUPPLY 2 (POWER example FROMSUPPLY THE 2 (POWER CENTRAL FROMSUPPLY THE CONTROLLER) CENTRAL FROM THE CONTROLLER) CENTRAL CONTROLLER) Indoor/outdoor operation wire Indoor/outdoor operation wire

Indoor/outdoor operation wire Indoor/outdoor operation wire Schedule timer Schedule timer

Indoor/outdoor operation wire Indoor/outdoor operation wire System Schedule timer controller System Schedule timer controller

Zone 1 Centralised addresses Zone 1 1 to 16 System Schedule Centralised addresses controller timer 1 toSystem 16 Schedule

Zone 1 Centralised addresses Zone 1 1 toSystem 16 Centralised addresses controller 1 toSystem 16

Zone 1 Centralised addresses Zone 1 1 to 16 Centralised addresses 1 to 16

Timer group 1: Centralised addresses Timer 1 to 8 group 1: Centralised addresses 1 to 8

Timer group 1: Centralised addresses Timer group 1: 1 to 8 Centralised addresses 1 to 8

group 2: Timer group Timer 1: Centralised Centralised addresses addresses Timer Timer group 9 1:to 16group 2: 1 to 8 Centralised Centralised addresses addresses 9 to 16 1 to 8

Timer group 2: Centralised addresses Timer group 2: 9 to 16 Centralised addresses 9 to 16

Timer group 2: Centralised addresses Timer group 2: 9 to 16 Centralised addresses 9 to 16

Zone 2 Centralised addresses 17 Zone to 32 2 Centralised addresses 17 to 32

Zone 2 Centralised addresses 17 Zone to 32 2 Centralised addresses 17 to 32

Zone 2 Centralised addresses 17 Zone to 32 2 Centralised addresses 17 to 32

Timer group 3: Centralised addresses Timer group 3: 17 to 24 Centralised addresses 17 to 24

Timer group 3: Centralised addresses Timer group 3: 17 to 24 Centralised addresses 17 to 24

group 4: Timer group Timer 3: Centralised Centralised addresses addresses group 4: Timer group Timer 3: 25 to 32 17 to 24 Centralised Centralised addresses addresses 25 to 32 17 to 24

Timer group 4: Centralised addresses Timer group 4: 25 to 32 Centralised addresses 25 to 32

Timer group 4: Centralised addresses Timer group 4: 25 to 32 Centralised addresses 25 to 32

Zone 3 Centralised addresses 33 Zone to 48 3 Centralised addresses 33 to 48

Zone 3 Centralised addresses 33 Zone to 48 3 Centralised addresses 33 to 48

Zone 3 Centralised addresses 33 Zone to 48 3 Centralised addresses 33 to 48

Timer group 5: Centralised addresses Timer group 5: 33 to 40 Centralised addresses 33 to 40

Timer group 5: Centralised addresses Timer group 5: 33 to 40 Centralised addresses 33 to 40

group 6: Timer group Timer 5: Centralised Centralised addresses addresses Timer group 6: Timer group 41 5: to 48 33 to 40 Centralised Centralised addresses addresses 41 to 48 33 to 40

Timer group 6: Centralised addresses Timer group 6: 41 to 48 Centralised addresses 41 to 48

Timer group 6: Centralised addresses Timer group 6: 41 to 48 Centralised addresses 41 to 48

Zone 4 Centralised addresses 49 Zone to 64 4 Centralised addresses 49 to 64

Zone 4 Centralised addresses 49 Zone to 64 4 Centralised addresses 49 to 64

Zone 4 Centralised addresses 49 Zone to 64 4 Centralised addresses 49 to 64

Timer group 7: Centralised addresses Timer group 7: 49 to 56 Centralised addresses 49 to 56

Timer group 7: Centralised addresses Timer group 7: 49 to 56 Centralised addresses 49 to 56

group 8: Timer group Timer 7: Centralised Centralised addresses addresses Timer group 8: Timer group 57 7: to 64 49 to 56 Centralised Centralised addresses addresses 57 to 64 49 to 56

Timer group 8: Centralised addresses Timer group 8: 57 to 64 Centralised addresses 57 to 64

Timer group 8: Centralised addresses Timer group 8: 57 to 64 Centralised addresses 57 to 64

timer controller










Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers

Centralised Centralised Control Systems Control Systems Centralised Control Systems Centralised Centralised Centralised Control Control Systems Control Systems Systems

ON/OFF controller ON/OFF (CZ-ANC2) controller (CZ-ANC2) ON/OFF controller (CZ-ANC2) ON/OFF ON/OFF controller ON/OFF controller (CZ-ANC2) controller (CZ-ANC2) (CZ-ANC2) • 16 groups of indoor • units 16 can be ofcontrolled. indoor units can be controlled. • 16 groups of groups indoor units can be controlled. •• Collective control and • Collective individual control group and (unit) individual control (unit) control • Collective control and individual group control 16 groups • 16 of indoor groups • units 16 of groups indoor can be units ofcontrolled. indoor can be units controlled. can(unit) begroup controlled. can also be performed. can also be performed. can also be performed. • Collective•control Collective and • Collective control individual and control group individual and (unit)group individual control (unit) group control (unit) control • Up 8 ON/OFF •ON/OFF Up to 8(4controller ON/OFF main, 4 sub) controller can 4be (4sub) main, sub) can be •beUp to 8controller (4 main, can4 be canto also can performed. also be canperformed. also be performed. installed in onetolink system. installed in one 4link installed inUp one system. • Up to 8 ON/OFF • Up 8controller •ON/OFF to link 8(4controller ON/OFF main, sub) controller (4 system. main, can 4be (4sub) main, can4 be sub) can be • The operation status • The can operation be determined status can be determined • The operation status can be installed in installed one link system. ininstalled one linkinsystem. one link determined system. immediately. immediately. immediately. • The operation • The status operation • The can operation status be determined canstatus be determined can be determined

Schedule timer Schedule (CZ-ESWC2) timer (CZ-ESWC2) Schedule timer (CZ-ESWC2) Schedule Schedule timer Schedule (CZ-ESWC2) timer (CZ-ESWC2) timer (CZ-ESWC2) • A function for pausing • A function the timer for pausing in case of the timer in case of • A function for pausing the timer in case of national has been holidays added, and been added, national holidays has added, • A function •holidays A for function pausing • national A function for the pausing timer forbeen pausing the in has case timer of the in and case timer of in and case of timer operation also timer can operation be stopped also for can a be stopped for a timer operation also can be stopped for a national holidays national national has holidays beenholidays has added, beenhas and added, beenand added, and long time long time long time timer operation timer operation also timer can operation be alsostopped canalso be for stopped can a be stopped for a for a long timelong time long time

· By setting· holidays ·orBy operation settingorholidays stop within or operation one withinstop By setting holidays operation stop onewithin one week, the timer can be week, paused the timer just for can that be week. paused just for that one week. week, the timer can be paused just for that week. · By setting· holidays By setting ·orBy holidays operation settingorholidays stop operation within or operation stop one withinstop one within · All timer settings can · All be timer stopped settings with can the be timer stopped with the timer · All timer settings can be stopped with the timer week, the timer week,can thebe week, timer paused can the timer be justpaused for can that bejust week. paused for that just week. for that week. “ON/OFF ·effective” button. “ON/OFF (Return effective” to timer button. to timer “ON/OFF effective” button. (Return to(Return timer All timer can ·settings All betimer stopped can settings be with stopped can the be timer with stopped the timer with the timer Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions· All timer settings H 120 x W 120 H xD 16xmm H x120 xW 120 x D 16 mmisoperation operation made by operation is the made button by again.) pressing the button 120 W 120 D 16 mm ispressing made by pressing the button again.) “ON/OFF effective” “ON/OFF button. “ON/OFF effective” (Return button. effective” to timer (Return button. to(Return timer to timeragain.) Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions H 120 x W 120 H xD 120 16xmm W 120 H x120 D 16 xW mm 120 x D 16 mmisoperation operation made byoperation ispressing made by is the pressing made button bythe again.) pressing buttonthe again.) button


Up to 64 Up groups (max to64 64indoor groups units) (max can 64units) indoor units) can to 64Up groups (max 64 indoor can The power supply for the supply schedule The power is taken for the from schedule one of the timer taken from one of the The power for timer thesupply schedule timer is taken fromisone of the be controlled divided be controlled into 8 timer divided groups into 8 timer groups be controlled divided into 8 timer groups Up to 64 Up groups to 64Up (max groups to64 64indoor (max groups 64 units) (max indoor can 64units) indoor can units) can following.


immediately. immediately. immediately. Note: As operation mode and temperature Note: As operation settings mode are not and possible temperature withnot the settings notthe possible with the Note: As operation mode and temperature settings are possibleare with ON/OFF controller, it mustcontroller, be used ON/OFF together controller, with a itremote must be controller, usedatogether a system with a remote controller, a system ON/OFF it must be used together with remote controller, a system Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions controller etc. controller controller etc. etc. temperature Note: As operation Note: mode As operation and Note: mode As operation and settings temperature mode are not and possible settings temperature are withnot the settings possibleare with notthe possible with the H 121 x W 122 H xD 14x+W52122 H x121 xW 122 x D 14 + 52 121 DON/OFF 14 + 52 controller, ON/OFF it mustcontroller, be used ON/OFF together it must controller, be with used a itremote together must be controller, with usedatogether remote a system controller, with a remote a system controller, a system (embedding dimension mm) dimension (embedding dimension mm) (embedding mm) Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions controller etc. controller etc. controller etc. H 121 x W 122 H xD 121 14x+W52122 H x121 D 14 xW + 52 122 x D 14 + 52 (embedding dimension (embedding mm) dimension (embedding mm)dimension mm) Power supply: AC 220supply: to 240 Power VAC 220 supply: Power to 240AC V 220 to 240 V I/O part: Remote I/O part: voltage: Remote within DC input 24 (effective V): within All ON/OFF voltage: within DC 24 V): All ON/OFF I/O part:input (effective Remote input (effective voltage: DC 24 V): All ON/OFF output (allowable voltage: within output DC 30V (allowable V): within All ON, voltage: within DC 30 V): All ON, Remote output (allowable voltage: DC 30 V): All ON, Power supply: Remote AC Power 220supply: to 240 Power V AC 220 supply: to 240Remote AC V 220 to 240 All All alarmDC All alarm I/O part: Remote I/Oalarm part:input (effective I/O Remote part: voltage: input (effective Remote within input voltage: 24 (effective V): within All ON/OFF voltage: DC 24 V): within All ON/OFF DC 24 V): All ON/OFF Remote output (allowable Remote output voltage: Remote (allowable withinoutput DC voltage: 30(allowable V): within All ON, voltage: DC 30 V): within All ON, DC 30 V): All ON, All alarm All alarm All alarm


powercircuit supply Theboard power for the supply schedule The timer the supply schedule is taken for unit the timer from schedule one isoftaken the timer fromis one taken ofunit the from one of the 1. Control 1. Control ofpower afor nearby circuit indoor board (T10) (power aofnearby indoor (power 1. Control(T10) circuit board (T10) of a nearby indoor unit (power be controlled be controlled divided be controlled into divided 8 timer divided intogroups 8 timer into groups 8 timer The groups following. following. following. • Six program • Six program (Operation/Stop/ operations (Operation/Stop/ supply wiring length: 200m from the length: indoor within unit). 200m fromunit). the indoor unit). • Six operations program operations (Operation/Stop/ supply within wiringsupply length:wiring within 200m from the indoor 1. Control circuit 1. Control board (T10) circuit 1. Control ofboard a nearby circuit (T10) indoor of board a (power nearby unit (T10) (power indoor of a m nearby unit (power indoor unit (power (power 2.supply System wiring controller length: within 100 2. System controller (power supply wiringsupply length:wiring withinlength: 100 mwithin 100 m permission/ Local permission/ prohibition) Local per prohibition) per controller permission/ Local prohibition) per 2. System • Local Six program • Local Six operations program • Local Six program operations (Operation/Stop/ operations (Operation/Stop/ (Operation/Stop/ supply length: supply within wiringsupply 200m length: from within the length: 200m indoor within from unit). the 200m indoor fromunit). the indoor unit). from thewiring indoor unit). from thewiring indoor unit). from the indoor unit). day can be set in day aLocal program can for setone inprohibition) aLocal week program for one week 2. System controller 2. System (power controller 2. supply System (power wiring controller length: supply (power within wiring supply 100 length: m wiring withinlength: 100 mtaken within from 100 m day can be set inbe aLocal program for one week When the power supply for When the schedule the power is taken for the from schedule the the Local permission/ Local permission/ Local permission/ prohibition) per prohibition) per per When the power supply for timer thesupply schedule timer is takentimer fromisthe from circuit the indoor from unit). the fromunit). the indoor unit). control board theindoor control indoor circuit that board indoor ofunit, the unitthat indoor cannot unit, beunit thatcannot indoorbe unit cannot be controlofcircuit boardunit, of the indoor indoor day can be dayset can in day be a program set caninbe a for program setone in a week program for one week for one week When the power When supply the power forWhen the supply schedule the power for timer thesupply schedule is taken for the timer from schedule the is takentimer fromisthe taken from the with other control used using with other the T10 control terminal. devices the T10 terminal. used withdevices other control devices using the T10using terminal. · Only operation stop, · Only remote operation controller or stop, local remote controller local · Onlyor operation or stop, remote controller local used control circuitmode board controland ofcircuit the control indoor board unit, circuit of the that board indoor indoor ofunit, the unit that indoor cannot indoor unit, besettings unit thatcannot indoor be unitpossible cannot be As operation temperature As operation mode are and not temperature possible are not As operation mode andsettings temperature settings are not possible permission or remote permission controller local or remote prohibition, controller local prohibition, withschedule other used control withdevices other used control using with other devices thetogether T10 control using terminal. devices the T10 using terminal. thetogether T10 terminal. permission orremote remote controller local prohibition, withlocal the timer, it must with the be used schedule timer, with it must a remote be used with a remote · Only operation · Only or operation stop, · Only operation or stop, controller remote or stop, local controller remote controller local used with the schedule timer, it must be used together with a remote As operation mode As operation and temperature As mode operation andasettings temperature mode are andnot temperature settings possible are not settings possible are not possible and their respective and their respective are possible. combinations areprohibition, possible. controller, a system controller, controller, an intelligent system controller, etc.an Also, intelligent controller, and their combinations respective combinations areprohibition, possible. controller, a system controller, ancontroller, intelligent controller, etc. Also, etc. Also, permission permission or remote permission controller or remote local or controller remote prohibition, controller local local with schedule timer, the it must withit the be timer, used schedule itfunction, must together be used with itcontrol must atogether remote be used withtogether a remotewith a remote as it the does not with have an schedule address does setting not havetimer, anthe address setting as it does notashave an address setting function, the function, control the control (Operation + local permission, (Operation stop + local + local permission, stopare + local (Operation + local stopare + local and their respective and their combinations respective and theirpermission, respective combinations are possible. combinations possible. possible. controller, controller, controller, a system controller, an controller, ancontroller, intelligent etc.an controller, Also, intelligent etc. controller, Also,for address etc. Also, function ofaasystem system etc.intelligent must ofaasystem system becontroller, used for address must be used functioncontroller of a function system controller etc.controller must beetc. used for address prohibition, local prohibition, permission, etc.) permission, etc.) as it does not as have it does an address notas have it does setting an address not function, havesetting anthe address control function, setting the function, control the control prohibition, local permission, etc.) setting. setting. (Operation (Operation +only local permission, (Operation +only local permission, stop +only local +local local permission, stop + local stop + local setting. function of a system functioncontroller of a function system etc. controller must of a system be used etc.controller must for address beetc. used must for address be used for address · Local prohibition and · Local the combination prohibition and of the the three combination of the three · prohibition, Local prohibition and only the combination of theetc.) three prohibition, only local prohibition, permission, only local permission, etc.) local permission, etc.) setting. setting. setting. items of temperature items setting, of temperature mode change, setting, and mode change, and items of change, · Local prohibition · Local prohibition and ·temperature Local the combination prohibition and setting, the combination and ofmode the thethree combination of the and three of the three operation/stop can be operation/stop set can at time can of the besetting, set atofthe time of operation/stop besetting, setchange, at time items of temperature items of temperature items setting, of the temperature mode mode and change, mode and change, and installation. installation. installation. operation/stop operation/stop can be operation/stop set can at the betime setcan at of the be set timeatofthe time of

installation.installation.installation. ConnectionConnection example 1Connection (POWER SUPPLY FROMSUPPLY 1 THE (POWER INDOOR SUPPLY UNIT) FROM THE INDOOR UNIT) example 1example (POWER FROM THE INDOOR UNIT) ConnectionConnection example 1Connection (POWER example SUPPLY 1example (POWER FROMSUPPLY 1 THE (POWER INDOOR FROM SUPPLY UNIT) THE INDOOR FROM THE UNIT) INDOOR UNIT)

WebWeb Interface Web Interface Systems Systems Interface Systems WebWeb Interface Web Interface Interface Systems Systems Systems Web Interface Web (CZ-CWEBC2) Interface (CZ-CWEBC2) Web Interface (CZ-CWEBC2) Web Interface Web Interface Web (CZ-CWEBC2) Interface (CZ-CWEBC2) (CZ-CWEBC2)

Functions Functions Functions All Units All Units control •Functions Access and operation •Functions Access by Web and operation Web control • All Units•control •Functions Access and operation by Web • by

Alarm Log Alarm Log browserand browser •• Alarm Log browser All Units control All Units ••control All Units control • Access • Access operation •and Access by operation Web and operation by Web •• by Web Mail Sent Mail • Icon display • Icon display ••Log Mail Log Sent • Icon display •• Alarm Log AlarmSent Log •• Alarm LogLog browser browser browser Program set ••50 Program daily timers Timer with settimers 50 daily Language available Language in available English, codesinavailable inSent English, Program Timer set 50 withtimers with Language codes English, •• Mail ••Timer Log Mail Sent Mail Log Sent Logdaily •• Icon display •• codes Icon display •• Icon display 50Portguese, actions each day, 50 50 actions weekly timers day, weekly timers French, German, Italian, French, Portguese, German, Italian, 50 actions each day, 50 weekly timers French,available Italian, Portguese, • Program •Timer Program set •50 Timer Program daily set timers Timer 50each daily with set timers 5050 daily with timers with • Language • codes Language •German, Language codes in available English, codes inavailable English, in English, 50Portguese, weekly timers, 1 holiday 50 weekly timer, timers, 1 holiday timer,timers 5 Spanish German, Spanish 50 weekly timers, 1 holiday timer, 5weekly Spanish 50 actions 50 each actions day, 50 50 each actions weekly day, each timers 505 weekly day, 50 timers French, French, Italian, German, French, Portguese, Italian, German, Portguese, Italian, special day timers, for special each tenant day timers, for each tenant5 • Individual possible • Individual (max. control 64 (max. possible (max. 64 special timers, each Individual control possible 64 50 weekly timers, 50 weekly 1day holiday 50 timers, weekly timer, 1for holiday timers, 5 timer, 1tenant holiday 5 timer, Spanish •control Spanish Spanish • operation Prohibit Remote Control •Remote Prohibit setControl Remote set tenant indoor units) ON/OFF indoor operation units) ON/OFF •64 Prohibit setControl indoor units) ON/OFF operation special day special timers, day for special each timers, tenant day fortimers, each tenant for each • Individual •control Individual possible • Individual control (max. possible control 64 (max. possible 64 (max. IPfan ADDRESS could be IP changed ADDRESS could be via changed via mode, units) set temperature, mode, fan units) set speed, temperature, speed, IP ADDRESS could bevia changed mode, setindoor temperature, fan speed, •• operation Prohibit Remote •• Prohibit Control ••Remote Prohibit set Control Remote setControl set indoor indoor ON/OFF units) operation ON/OFF operation ON/OFF Internet Internet Flap set, Flap alarm set, code timer on/off, code Internet Flapon/off, set, on/off, alarm code •alarm IP ADDRESS • IP ADDRESS could•be IP changed ADDRESS could bevia changed could be via changed via mode, settimer temperature, mode, settimer mode, temperature, fan set speed, temperature, fan speed, fan speed, monitoring, prohibit monitoring, Control prohibit Remote Control Note: It is code recommended install Note: a Itremote is recommended orto install a remote monitoring, prohibit Remote Control Note: It is to recommended to controller install a remote controller or controller or Internet Internet Internet Flap set, Flap set, Remote timer Flap alarm set, on/off, code timer alarm on/off, code alarm (Dimensions: H 248 x W 185 H x(Dimensions: H x248 x Wtimer 185 x on/off, a system controller on sitecontroller to enable a system controller control on if it local site tocontrol enableif local control if it (Dimensions: 248 x W 185 a system onlocal site to enable it • Zone control * control •Remote Zone * • Zone * control D 80 mm) D 80 mm) network experience a problem. network experience a problem. D 80 mm) monitoring, monitoring, prohibit monitoring, prohibit Control Remote prohibit Control Remote Control network problem. Note: It is recommended Note: It isexperience to recommended install Note:a aItremote is recommended to controller install a remote orto install controller a remote or controller or

(Dimensions: H 248 (Dimensions: x W 185 H x(Dimensions: 248 x W 185 H x248 x W *Power 185 x supply*Power supply supply •to*Power Zone • Zone * W control • Zone * control AC 100mm) to 240 VAC 17 AC 100mm) 24017 V (50/60Hz), 17 D 80 D(50/60Hz), 80 DVW80 100mm) to 240 (50/60Hz), Wcontrol


a system controller a system on sitecontroller to enable a system onlocal site controller control to enable on if it local site tocontrol enableif local it control if it network experience network a problem. experience network a problem. experience a problem.

*Power supply *Power supply*Power supply AC 100 to 240 VAC (50/60Hz), 100 to 240 17 AC VW(50/60Hz), 100 to 24017 V (50/60Hz), W 17 W Remote controller Remote controller

Remote controller Remote controller

Schedule Remote timer controller Schedule Remote timer controller

Schedule timer Schedule timer

Schedule timer Schedule timer

Web Interface Interface Easy to set Easy to every room Easy by to setroom to every room by Web Interface Web to set to every by(CZ-CWEBC2) (CZ-CWEBC2) (CZ-CWEBC2) recognizable icon andrecognizable user-friendly iconWeb and user-friendly recognizable icon and user-friendly Interface Interface Web Interface Easy to set Easy to every to set room Easy to every by to setroom to every by(CZ-CWEBC2) room by Web (CZ-CWEBC2) (CZ-CWEBC2) remote control window remote control window remote control window Indoor/outdoor Indoor/outdoor Indoor/outdoor recognizable recognizable icon andrecognizable user-friendly icon and user-friendly icon and user-friendly Link system control wire control wire Link system control wire If any of the indoor units is indoor Ifselected, any ofunits the theis indoor unitsthe is selected, the (non-polar) (non-polar) Ifremote anywindow of the selected, (non-polar) remote control control remote window control window Indoor/outdoor Indoor/outdoor Indoor/outdoor

Link system

remote controlremote window shown remote will control be shown window will bewire Link Link system system Link system control window will beshown control control wire control wire Ifdisplayed any of the If anyunits ofsetting theis indoor Ifselected, any ofunits the the indoor selected, units the is selected, the (non-polar) (non-polar) (non-polar) forindoor detailed modifications. foris detailed setting modifications. displayed fordisplayed detailed setting modifications. LAN (10/100BASE-T) LAN (10/100BASE-T) LAN (10/100BASE-T) remote controlremote window control shown remote window will control be shown window will beshown will be displayed for detailed displayed setting fordisplayed detailed modifications. setting for detailed modifications. setting modifications. LAN (10/100BASE-T) LAN (10/100BASE-T) LAN (10/100BASE-T)

Easy to manage monitor Easy toand manage and monitor Easy and to manage monitor Intranet Intranet each tenanteach use *tenant each use * usetenant * Easy to manage Easy and to manage monitor Easy toand manage monitor and monitor Each indoor unit or tenant Each otherwise indoor all unit the or tenant otherwise all the Intranet Intranet Each indoor unit or tenant otherwise all the each tenanteach use *tenant each usetenant * use * indoor units can be displayed indoor and can be displayed and indoor units can be units displayed and Each indoor unit Each or tenant indoor Each otherwise unit orindoor tenant all unit the otherwise or tenant all otherwise the all the controlled. controlled. controlled. indoor can indoor be displayed unitsbe can indoor and be units displayed can can be and displayed and All unit units statuses Alldisplayed unit also be Allcan unitalso statuses canstatuses alsoon be displayed ondisplayed on controlled. controlled. one screen. controlled. one screen. one screen. All unit statuses Allcan unitalso statuses be Alldisplayed unit canstatuses alsoon be displayed can also be ondisplayed on one screen. one screen. one screen.

Program Timer set Timer Program Program set Timer set

50 daily timers with 50timers actions 50 daily each timers day, 50 witheach 50 actions 50 daily with 50 actions day, 50each day, 50 Program Timer Program set Timer Program set Timer set weekly timers,weekly holidaytimers, timer, weekly 5holiday special timers, dayholiday timer, timer, 5 special day5 special day 50 dailyfor timers 50 with daily 50timers actions 50 with daily each 50 timers day, actions with each 50 actions day, 50each day, 50 timers, each tenant timers, for each50 tenant timers, for each tenant weekly timers,weekly holidaytimers, timer, weekly 5holiday special timers, timer, dayholiday 5 special timer, day5 special day timers, for each timers, tenantfor each timers, tenant for each tenant

Maximum number of connections: Maximum number of connections: Maximum number of connections:

Indoor units: 64 Indoor units: 64 Indoor units: 64 Intranet

Outdoornumber units:Maximum 30 Outdoor units: 30of connections: Outdoor units: 30of connections: Maximum of connections: number Maximum number

Indoor units: 64 Indoor units: 64 Indoor units: 64 Link system (Indoor/outdoor Link system (Indoor/outdoor Intranet Link system (Indoor/outdoor Outdoor units: 30 Outdoor units: 30 wire) units: control wire) : 1 control : 1 30 wire) : control 1 Outdoor

Link system (Indoor/outdoor Link system (Indoor/outdoor Link system (Indoor/outdoor control wire) : 1 control wire) : control 1 wire) : 1

PC (field supply)

PC (field supply)

PC (field supply)

PC (field supply)

PC (field supply)

PC (field supply)









Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers

Intelligent controller (CZ-256ESMC2) Intelligent Intelligent controller controller (CZ-256ESMC2) (CZ-256ESMC2) Intelligent Intelligent controller Intelligent controller (CZ-256ESMC2) controller (CZ-256ESMC2) (CZ-256ESMC2) • Limitation contents for prohibited • Limitation • Limitation contents contents for prohibited for prohibited operation operationoperation • Limitation •means Limitation contents • Limitation contents forof prohibited for contents forofprohibited operation Prohibition means limitation the operationoperation contents Prohibition Prohibition limitation means limitation the operation ofprohibited theoperation operation contents contents from the controller. Itofis the also possible contents to from the remote from the controller. remote controller. Itof isremote also possible Itof islimitation alsooperation topossible tooperation Prohibition Prohibition means limitation means Prohibition limitation the means operation the contents contents change the prohibition items. change the change prohibition the prohibition items. items. from the remote from the controller. remote from the controller. It isremote also possible Itcontroller. is alsotopossible It is also to possible to Touch panel Touch panel

Touch panel Touch panel

change the change prohibition thechange prohibition items. the items. prohibition items. Limitation Limitation contentsLimitation contents contents Touch can be user defined) (Limitations (Limitations can be(Limitations user candefined) be user defined) panel Limitation Limitation contents Limitation contents contents Touch

(Limitations (Limitations can be(Limitations user candefined) be user can defined) be user defined) panel

Individual There is no forofthe Individual There is no limitation There is for no the limitation operation for the oflimitation the operation remote theoperation remote of the remote controller. However, controller. However, controller. theHowever, contents the will be contents changed willthe to becontents changedwill to be changed to Individual Individual There is no limitation Individual There is for no the limitation There operation for is no the of limitation the operation remote forof the theoperation remote of the(Lastremote contents of the controller operated last. the contents the of the contents controller ofthe the operated controller last. operated (Lastlast. (Lastcontroller. However, controller. the However, contents controller. the will priority.) be contents However, changed willthe to becontents changedwill to be changed to pressed pressed priority.) pressed priority.) Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions the the of the contents controller ofthe the operated controller last. of operated (Lastthe controller last. (Lastoperated last. (Last- (All Prohibition 1controller The remote controller cannot be used ON/OFF. Prohibition 1 Prohibition The contents remote 1 controller The remote cannot becontents used cannot for ON/OFF. be used (All for ON/OFF. (Allfor W 280 x D 138 mm H 240 x W 280 H x240 D 138 x Wmm 280 xHD240 138x mm priority.) pressed priority.) pressed priority.) other operations arethe possible 100 240 (50 Hz), power 20 W (separate other operations other are operations possible from are possible the remote from remotefrom the remote Power supply Power AC 100 supply to 240Power AC V (50 100supply Hz), to 240 20 W VAC (50 (separate Hz),to20 power W V(separate supply) supply) power supply)pressed Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions The remote 1 controller Prohibition The remote cannot 1controller The be remote used cannot forcontroller ON/OFF. be usedcannot (All for ON/OFF. be used (Allfor ON/OFF. (All part inON/OFF put (voltage-free contact): AllProhibition ON/OFF 1 Prohibition controller.) I/O240 partx W 280 I/O Remote part in280 putxI/O Remote (voltage-free in put contact): (voltage-free contact): All ON/OFF controller.) controller.) H H x240 D 138 x Wmm H D240 138x mm W 280 xRemote D 138Allmm Remote output (voltage-free All ON, All alarm other operations other operations possible other from areremote possible operations the remote from are the possible remote from the for remote Prohibition 2controller The controller cannot be used ON/OFF, Remote output Remote (voltage-free output (voltage-free All ON, contact): alarm All ON, All (separate alarm Power supply Power AC 100 supply to 240Power AC V (50 100supply Hz), to 240 20contact): W V AC (50 (separate 100 Hz), to 20 240 power W All V (separate (50 supply) Hz), power 20contact): W supply) power supply) Prohibition 2 Prohibition The remote 2 controller The are remote cannot be used cannot for ON/OFF, be used for ON/OFF, (external power supply within DC 30 V, A) (external (external supply power DC supply 30 V, within 0.5 A) DC 30 V, A)contact): I/O part I/ORemote part inpower putI/O Remote (voltage-free part inwithin putcontact): (voltage-free Remote All in ON/OFF put contact): (voltage-free All0.5 ON/OFF All0.5 ON/OFF controller.) controller.) controller.) mode change temperature setting. (All operation mode operation changemode andoperation temperature change and setting. temperature (All and setting. (All Total wiring length: 1 kmAll for each system Total wiring length: Total 1wiring km for length: each 1system km for each system Remote output Remote (voltage-free output contact): (voltage-free Remote output ON, contact): All (voltage-free alarm All ON,contact): All alarm All ON, All alarm Prohibition 2 Prohibition The remote 2 controller Prohibition The are remote cannot 2controller The be used cannot for controller ON/OFF, be used cannot for ON/OFF, be used ON/OFF, other operations are possible from the for remote other operations other operations possible from areremote possible the remote from the remote Only for embedding in the panel Only for embedding Only for in embedding thepower panel in thewithin panelDC (external (external supply power supply (external 30 V, within 0.5 power A) DCsupply 30 V, 0.5 within A) DC 30 V, 0.5 A) operation operation changemode andcontroller.) operation temperature change and mode setting. temperature change (All and setting. temperature (All setting. (All controller.)mode controller.) Total wiring length: Total 1wiring km for length: each Total 1system km wiring for length: each system 1 km for each system other operations other operations possible other from areremote possible operations the remote from are the possible remote from the for remote Prohibition 3controller The controller cannot be used operation Prohibition 3 Prohibition The remote 3 controller The are remote cannot be used cannot for operation be used for operation Only for embedding Only for in embedding the panel Onlyinfor theembedding panel in the panel controller.) controller.) mode change temperature setting. (All other mode changecontroller.) mode and temperature change and setting. temperature (All and other setting. (All other Max(4256 indoor (4 xsystems x 64 3units) • Max 256 • Max indoor 256•units indoor systems units (4 systems xunits 64 units) 64 units) Prohibition Prohibition The remote 3 are controller Prohibition The remote cannot 3controller The be remote used cannot for controller operation be used cannot for operation be used forcontroller.) operation operations are possible from the remote operations operations possible from are possible the remote from controller.) the remote controller.) mode change mode andremote temperature change and mode setting. temperature change (All and other setting. temperature (Alloperation other (Alloperation other Prohibition 4controller The remote controller cannot besetting. used for can be controlled. In case of three or more Prohibition 4 Prohibition The remote 4 controller The cannot be used cannot for operation be used for can be controlled. can be controlled. In case of In three case of or three more or more • Max 256 • Max indoor 256•units indoor Max(4256 systems units indoor (4 systems xunits 64 units) (4 xsystems 64 units)x 64 units) operations are operations possible from are possible operations theother remote from are controller.) the possible from controller.) the remote controller.) mode change. (Allremote other operations are possible from mode change. mode (All other change. operations (All are operations possible from are possible from systems (more than 129 a or more systems systems (more (more units), a units), a units), Prohibition 4 Prohibition The remote remote 4 controller.) controller Prohibition The remote remote cannot 4controller.) controller The beremote remote used cannot for controller operation be usedcannot for operation be used for operation the controller.) can be controlled. can be than controlled. can In129 case bethan controlled. of In129 three case of orInthree more case orofmore three the the mode change. mode (All other change. operations mode (All other change. are operations possible (All other from are possible operations from are possible from communication adapter must communication adapter adapter CZ-CFUNC2 must must systemscommunication systems (more than (more systems 129than units), (more 129a CZ-CFUNC2 units), than 129 a CZ-CFUNC2 units), a the remote controller.) the remote controller.) the remote controller.) Individual

be installed on CZ-CFUNC2 the outside be installed be installed on the outside on the outside communication communication adapter communication adapter CZ-CFUNC2 adapter mustCZ-CFUNC2 must must Linked Linked systemLinked No. 1 system No. 1 system No. 1 Intelligent Intelligent be installed be installed on the be outside on installed the outside on the outside • Operation is as possible batch, in zone Intelligent controller • Operation • Operation is possible is possible as batch, inbatch, zone as in zone controller controller Linked systemLinked No. 1 system No. Linked 1 system No. 1 CZ-256ESMC2 CZ-256ESMC2CZ-256ESMC2 Intelligent Intelligent Intelligent units, inbatch, tenant in group units in• units, tenant inand group in units group units • units, Operation Operation is possible •tenant Operation isinpossible asand is as possible inand batch, zone as in zone batch, in zone controller controller controller CZ-256ESMC2CZ-256ESMC2 CZ-256ESMC2 units, in units, tenantinand units, in group and in tenant inunits group andunits in group units Linked Linked systemLinked No. 2 system No. 2 system No. 2 •tenant ON/OFF, operation mode setting, • ON/OFF, • ON/OFF, operation operation mode setting, mode setting, System signal x 4 System signal System x4 signal x 4 setting, for fan speed setting, Linked systemLinked No. 2 system No. Linked 2 system No. 2 setting, for setting, fan speed for fan setting, speed setting, • temperature ON/OFF, • temperature ON/OFF, operation • temperature operation ON/OFF, mode setting, operation mode setting, mode setting, System signal System x 4 RSsignal x4 System RSsignal 485 x 4 air flow direction setting (when used without RS 485 485 air flow direction air flow direction setting (when setting used (when without used without temperature temperature setting, temperature for setting, fan speed for setting, fansetting, speed for fan setting, speed setting, (Polarity shield wire) (Polarity shield(Polarity wire) shield wire) a remote controller), and remote controller a a controller), remote controller), and remote and controller remote controller RS 485 RS 485 RS 485Linked systemLinked Linked airremote flow direction air flow direction setting air flow(when setting direction used (when setting without used (when without used without No. 3 system No. 3 system No. 3 (Polarity shield (Polarity wire) shield wire) (Polarity shield wire) local operation prohibition (prohibition 1, 2, local operation local operation prohibition prohibition (prohibition (prohibition 1, 2, 1, 2, a remotea controller), remote a controller), remote and remote controller), and controller remote and controller remote controller Linked systemLinked No. 3 system No. Linked 3 system No. 3 3, 4) can be done 3, 4) can 3, be4)done can be done local operation local operation prohibition local operation prohibition (prohibition prohibition (prohibition 1, 2, (prohibition 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4) can3,be4)done can•be 3, 4) done can be done remote controller A system without isCommunication Communication Linked systemLinked • A system • A without system awithout remotea controller remote a controller is is Communication Linked No. 4 system No. 4 system No. 4 adapter adapter adapter possible. Joint use with a remote controller CZ-CFUNC2 possible. possible. Joint use Joint with use a remote with a controller remote controller CZ-CFUNC2 CZ-CFUNC2 Communication Communication Communication • A system • A without system •A awithout system remotea controller without remote a controller remote is controller is is Linked systemLinked No. 4 system No. Linked 4 system No. 4 adapter adapter adapter or acontroller system controller is a also possible or a system or a controller system isuse possible is ause also possible possible. possible. Joint use possible. Joint with aalso remote Joint with controller remote with controller remote controller CZ-CFUNC2 CZ-CFUNC2 System signal x 4 System signal System xCZ-CFUNC2 4 signal x 4 or a system or a controller system or acontroller system is possible controller is alsotimer possible is also possiblesetting System signal System x4 signal x 4 System signal x 4 Use ofalso a schedule andsetting holiday • Use of•aUse schedule of a• schedule timer and timer holiday and setting holiday 4 links canforbethe connected for the indoor/outdoor sample Max.sample 4 linksDisplay can Max. be 4connected links can Max. be for connected the indoor/outdoor indoor/outdoor Display sample Display operation Max.x64 indoor unitsMax. x 4 (256 units) Max. also can be done operation line = operation Max. 64line indoor = Max. units64x indoor 4 line (256= units units) Max. 4 (256 units) also can also be done can be done • Use of•aUse schedule of a• schedule Use timer of and a schedule timer holiday andtimer setting holiday andsetting holiday setting 30 outdoor units x 4 (120 units) 30 outdoor units 30 x outdoor 4 (120 units units) x 4 (120 units) Max. 4 links can Max. be 4 connected links can Max. be for connected the 4 links indoor/outdoor can for be the connected indoor/outdoor for the indoor/outdoor Display sample Display sample Display sample operation line = operation Max. 64line indoor = Max. operation units64x indoor 4 line (256= units units) Max.x64 Max. 4 (256 indoor units) unitsMax. x 4 (256 units) Max. also canalso be done can•be also done can be done Proportional • Proportional • Proportional distribution distribution of the distribution airof the air of the air 30 outdoor units 30 xoutdoor 4 (120 units units)30 x 4outdoor (120 units) units x 4 (120 units) possible. Including energy isenergy possible. is energy possible. Including Including • conditioning Proportional • conditioning Proportional distribution • conditioning Proportional distribution of the distribution air of theisair of the air csv-file export via CF-card (supplementary csv-file export csv-file via export CF-card via CF-card (supplementary (supplementary conditioning conditioning energy conditioning isenergy possible. is energy possible. Including is possible. Including Including Communication accessory) Communication Communication adaptoradaptor adaptor accessory) accessory) csv-file export csv-filevia export csv-file CF-card viaexport CF-card (supplementary via(supplementary CF-card (supplementary (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) Communication Communication Communication adaptoradaptor adaptor accessory) accessory) • accessory) Pulse signal from electric/gas • Pulse signal • Pulseinput signal from input electric/gas frominput electric/gas (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) meter meter meter • consumption Pulse signal • consumption Pulseinput signal • consumption Pulse from input electric/gas signal frominput electric/gas from electric/gas In case of joint useremote with a control wireless remote there control In case of jointInuse case with of ajoint wireless use with remote a wireless control system, there are system, aresystem, there are consumption consumption meter consumption meter meter for only thePlease control mode. Please use only with limitations for the limitations control for mode. thelimitations control Please mode. use with “Permission” use only with and “Permission” and“Permission” and “Prohibition 1”. useremote “Prohibition 1”.“Prohibition 1”. use In case of joint Inuse case with of ajoint wireless In case with remote of a wireless joint control system, with a control wireless there are system, remote there control aresystem, there are limitations for the limitations control for mode. thelimitations control Please mode. use for only thePlease control with “Permission” use mode. only with Please and “Permission” use only with and“Permission” and “Prohibition 1”.“Prohibition 1”. “Prohibition 1”. Web Web Web

application application application Web Web Web application application application

* more Required when more than * Required when * Required more than when 129 indoor than units 129 indoor units 129 indoor units are connected.are connected. are connected. * Required when * Required more than when 129 * more Required indoor than units when 129 indoor more than units 129 indoor units are connected.are connected. are connected.









Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers Controllers

Panasonic Panasonic total Panasonic airtotal conditioning air total conditioning air conditioning management management management systemsystemsystem Panasonic Panasonic total Panasonic airtotal conditioning air total conditioning air management conditioning management management systemsystemsystem


P-AIMSP-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software P-AIMS P-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software CZ-CSWAC2 CZ-CSWAC2 for CZ-CSWAC2 Loadfordistribution Load fordistribution Load distribution CZ-CSWAC2 CZ-CSWAC2 for CZ-CSWAC2 Loadfordistribution Load fordistribution Load distribution

P-AIMSP-AIMS Basic P-AIMS software Basic software Basic / CZ-CSWKC2 software / CZ-CSWKC2 / CZ-CSWKC2 P-AIMS P-AIMS Basic P-AIMS software Basic software Basic /can CZ-CSWKC2 software / CZ-CSWKC2 / CZ-CSWKC2 Up to 1024Up indoor to 1024 units Up indoor to can 1024 be units controlled indoor units be controlled bycan onebe PCcontrolled by one PCby one PC Up to 1024Up indoor to 1024 units Up indoor can to 1024 be units controlled indoor can be units controlled by can onebe PCcontrolled by one PCby one PC

Load distribution Load distribution calculation Load distribution calculation for each calculation tenant for each tenant for each tenant Load distribution Load distribution calculation Load distribution calculation for each tenant calculation for each tenant for each • Air-conditioner • Air-conditioner load distribution • Air-conditioner load ratio distribution isload calculated distribution ratio isfor calculated each ratio unit is calculated fortenant each unit for each unit

Functions of Functions basic software Functions of basic software of basic software Functions of Functions basic software Functions of basic software of basic software

• Standard remote • Standard control •remote Standard for allcontrol indoor remote for units control all indoor forunits all indoor units Many timer • Many schedule timer ••programs Many schedule timer can programs schedule be set on can programs the beunits calender set can on the beunits set calender on the calender • Standard remote Standard control remote Standard for all control indoor remote for units all control indoor for all indoor Detailed information • Detailed display information ••programs Detailed for information alarms display for display alarms for • Many timer Many schedule timer Many schedule timer can programs schedule be set on can programs the becalender setalarms can on the be calender set on the calender CSV file output • CSV with file output alarm •• CSV history, with file alarm operating with history, status. operating history, status. operating status. • Detailed information Detailed display information Detailed for output alarms information display for alarm alarms display for alarms Automatic •data Automatic backup •• Automatic data to history, HDD backup data to history, backup HDDalarm to HDD • CSV file output CSVwith file output alarm CSV with file output alarm operating with status. operating history,status. operating status. • Automatic•data Automatic backup • data Automatic to HDD backup data to HDD backup to HDD

with used energy with used consumption energy with used data energy (m3,consumption data (m3, data (m3,unit kWh). • (tenant) Air-conditioner • (tenant) Air-conditioner load distribution •(tenant) Air-conditioner load ratio distribution isconsumption load calculated distribution ratio iskWh). for calculated each ratio unit is kWh). for calculated each for each unit • (tenant) Calculated • data Calculated stored • Calculated data with is energy CSV stored type with isdata file. stored CSV type with file. CSV(m3, typekWh). file. (m3, kWh). with (tenant) usedis energy with (tenant) used consumption withdata used consumption energy (m3, consumption kWh). data data Data of last • data Data 365 is days ofstored last ••isData 365 stored of days last isdata 365 stored days is stored • Calculated Calculated Calculated data with is CSV stored type with isfile. stored CSV type withfile. CSV type file. • Data of last • Data 365 days of last •isData 365 stored of days lastis365 stored days is stored

P-AIMSP-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software P-AIMS P-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software CZ-CSWWC2 CZ-CSWWC2 CZ-CSWWC2 for Webfor application Web forapplication Web application CZ-CSWWC2 CZ-CSWWC2 CZ-CSWWC2 for Webfor application Webforapplication Web application With 4 upgrade packages With 4 upgrade the With packages 4 upgrade the packages the basic software canbasic be upgraded software can to basic besoftware upgraded can to be upgraded to With 4 upgrade packages With 4 upgrade the packages With 4 upgrade therequirements packages the suit individual requirements suit individual requirements suit individual basic software canbasic be upgraded software can tobasic be software upgradedcan to be upgraded to suit individual requirements suit individual requirements suit individual requirements







Web access Web & control access Web from & access control remote & from control station remote from station remote station Web access Web & control access Web from & control access remote from & control station remote from station remote station • Accessing•P-AIMS Accessing software • Accessing P-AIMS from software P-AIMS remotefrom PC. software remote from PC.remote PC. You can monitor/operate •P-AIMS You cansoftware monitor/operate •• You FSV can systems monitor/operate FSV by systems using FSV Web by systems using Web by PC. using Web • Accessing Accessing P-AIMS Accessing from software remote P-AIMS from PC. software remote from PC. remote Explorer). (Internet Explorer). (Internet Explorer). • browser You can (Internet monitor/operate • browser You can monitor/operate •browser YouFSV can systems monitor/operate FSV by systems using Web FSV bysystems using Web by using Web browser (Internet browser Explorer). (Internet browser Explorer). (Internet Explorer).

The P-AIMSThe is ideal P-AIMS forThe large is P-AIMS ideal areas/buildings for is large idealareas/buildings forsuch largeas areas/buildings shopping such ascenters, shopping such universities as centers, shoppinguniversities centers, universities and P-AIMS office buildings. and officeforbuildings. and buildings. The The is ideal P-AIMS The large is office ideal P-AIMS areas/buildings for large is ideal areas/buildings forsuch largeasareas/buildings shopping such ascenters, shopping suchuniversities ascenters, shopping universities centers, universities Up tooffice eightbuildings. Up Communication tooffice eightbuildings. Up Communication tooffice Adaptors eightbuildings. Communication (C/A) Adaptors can be(C/A) Adaptors connected can be (C/A) to connected acan P-AIMS be connected totoaenable P-AIMS to to a P-AIMS enable to enable and and and control of 1024 control indoor of 1024 control units with of 1024 one units “P-AIMS” indoor withcan one units PC. “P-AIMS” with one “P-AIMS” PC. Up to eight Up Communication to eight Up Communication toindoor Adaptors eight Communication (C/A) Adaptors be (C/A) Adaptors connected can PC. be (C/A) to connected acan P-AIMS be connected totoaenable P-AIMS toto a P-AIMS enable to enable control of 1024 control indoor of 1024 control unitsindoor with of 1024 one units “P-AIMS” indoor with one units PC. “P-AIMS” with onePC. “P-AIMS” PC. User PC User PC

Converter Converter Converter (Field supply) User PC(Field supply) User PC (Field supply) (Polarized) RS485 (Polarized) USB lineConverterRS485 USB(Polarized) lineConverterRS485 USB line Converter (Field supply) User PC(Field supply) User PC (Field supply) RS485 (Polarized) RS485 (Polarized) RS485 (Polarized) USB line USB line USB line Communication Adaptor

Communication Adaptor

Communication Adaptor

Communication Adaptor

Communication Adaptor

Communication Adaptor

PC Environment: PC Environment:PC Environment: Windows 7 Professional Windows (32bit) 7 Professional orWindows(32bit) 7 Professional or (32bit) or PC Environment: PC Environment: PC Environment: Windows XP Professional Windows (32bit) XP Professional Windows XP (32bit) Professional (32bit) Windows Professional Windows (32bit) 7Core™ Professional orCPU: Windows (32bit) 7 Professional or i3-2100(32bit) or CPU: Intel7Core™ CPU: i3-2100 Intel processor i3-2100 Intel Core™ processor processor Windows Windows XP Professional Windows XP Professional (32bit) or higher XP Professional or higher(32bit) or higher (32bit) CPU: Intel Core™ CPU: i3-2100 Intel processor Core™ CPU: i3-2100 Intel processor Core™ i3-2100 processor Memory: 2GB or over Memory: 2GB orMemory: over 2GB or over or higher or higher or higher HDD: 100GB or over HDD: 100GB orHDD: over 100GB or over Memory: 2GB or over Memory: 2GB orMemory: over 2GB or over 100GB over 100GB over 100GB over •HDD: Wiring lengthor(PC~C/A) •HDD: Wiring Max. length 1or(PC~C/A) km •HDD: Wiring length Max.or 1(PC~C/A) km Max. 1 km Max. 8 C/A for 1 system Max. 8 C/A for 1Max. system 8 C/A for 1 system •• Wiring Wiring Max. length 1 for (PC~C/A) km Wiring length Max. 1for (PC~C/A) km Max. km Wiring length length (PC~C/A) for••each Wiring link length from C/A ••Wiring each link length from C/A each link from1 C/A Max. Max. 1 8 km C/A for 1Max. Max. system C/A for 1 system Max. 8 1 C/A km for 1 system Max. 18km • Wiring length for•each Wiring linklength from for C/A • Wiring each link length fromfor C/A each link from C/A Max. 1 km Max. 1 km Max. 1 km

Building A

Building A

Building A

Building A

Building A

Building A

Building B

Building B

Building B

Building B

Building B

Building B

Building D

Building D

Building D

Building D

Building D

Building D

P-AIMSP-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software P-AIMS P-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software CZ-CSWGC2 CZ-CSWGC2 for CZ-CSWGC2 Object for layout Object for display Object layout layout displaydisplay CZ-CSWGC2 CZ-CSWGC2 for CZ-CSWGC2 Object for layout Object forvisually display Object layout display layout display Whole system Whole cansystem be Whole controlled can system be controlled visually can be controlled visually Whole system Whole cansystem beWhole controlled can system be controlled visually can be controlled visually visually • Operating•status Operating monitor • status Operating is available monitor status on is available monitor the layout isonavailable display. the layout on display. the layout display. Object’s layout •status Object’s and indoor layout •• status Object’s and layout indoor location unit’s can indoor location be is checked unit’s can location be aton checked once. canlayout beatchecked once. • Operating Operating monitor Operating isunit’s available monitor status on isand available monitor the layout on display. available the layout display. the display.at once. Each unitlayout can • Each be controlled unit ••can Each be by unit controlled virtual can be remote by controlled virtual controller remote bycan virtual on controller the remote display. controller the display. on at theonce. display. • Object’s Object’s and indoor layout Object’s unit’s and layout indoor location and unit’s can indoor location be checked unit’s location be at checked once. canon beat checked once. Max 4unit layout • Max screens layout ••can are Max screens shown 4by layout at are once. screens shown are at once. shown atcontroller once. • Each can Each be4controlled unit Each be unit controlled virtual can be remote by controlled virtual controller remote by virtual on theremote display. on controller the display. on the display. • Max 4 layout • Max screens 4 layout •are Max screens shown 4 layout at are once. screens shown are at once. shown at once.

P-AIMSP-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software P-AIMS P-AIMS optional P-AIMS optional software optional software software CZ-CSWBC2 CZ-CSWBC2 for CZ-CSWBC2 BACnet for BACnet software for BACnet software interface software interface interface CZ-CSWBC2 CZ-CSWBC2 CZ-CSWBC2 BACnet software for BACnet software interface software interface interface Connectable Connectable to BMSfor Connectable system to BMSfor system toBACnet BMS system Connectable Connectable to BMSConnectable system to BMS system to BMS system • Can communicate • Can communicate with • Can other communicate equipment with other by equipment with BACnet other equipment protocol. by BACnetby protocol. BACnet protocol. FSV communicate systems • FSV cansystems be ••controlled FSV can systems be bycontrolled both can BMS be by controlled and both P-AIMS. BMS both and P-AIMS. BMS and P-AIMS. • Can Can communicate with Can other communicate equipment with other by equipment with BACnet other equipment protocol. bybyBACnet by protocol. BACnet protocol. Max systems 255 indoor • Max 255 indoor can Max be 255 units connected indoor can be units to connected 1by can PC be (that connected tohas 1 PC (that to 1 has PC has • FSV FSV canunits systems be••controlled FSV can systems beby controlled both can BMS be controlled and both P-AIMS. BMS by and both P-AIMS. BMS and(that P-AIMS. & BACnet P-AIMS software). &be255 BACnet basic &be BACnet software). • P-AIMS Max 255basic indoor • P-AIMS Max units 255basic •indoor can Max units connected indoor cansoftware). units to connected 1can PC be (that connected tohas 1 PC (that to has 1 PC (that has P-AIMS basic P-AIMS & BACnet basic P-AIMS software). & BACnet basic software). & BACnet software).









Controllers ControllersControllers Controllers

T10 Terminal T10for Terminal Externalfor Control External Control T10 Terminal for External Control T10 Terminal T10 T10 Terminal for Terminal External for External for Control External Control Control (Digital Connection) (Digital Connection) (Digital Connection) (Digital(Digital Connection) (Digital Connection) Connection)

Serial Interface Serialfor Interface 3rd Party for 3rd Party Serial Interface for 3rd Party Serial Interface Serial Serial Interface for Interface 3rd for Party 3rd for Party 3rd Party External Controller External Controller External Controller External External Controller External Controller Controller

Connecting an FSV indoor Connecting unit to an an FSV indoor unit to an Connecting an FSVdevice indoorisunit to an external device is easy. external easy. external device is easy. The T10 Terminal featured in the T10 featured theto an Connecting an FSV Connecting indoor The Connecting unit an FSV to anTerminal indoor an FSV unit indoor to an in unit The T10ofdevice Terminal featured the of all indoor electronic circuitis board all electronic indoor circuitisinboard external device external easy. external is easy. device easy. electronic circuit board ofdigital allinindoor units enables digital connection units to enables connection The T10 Terminal The featured T10 Terminal The in the T10 featured Terminal featured the in theto units enables digital connection to of all indoor external devices. external devices. electronic circuitelectronic board of all circuit electronic indoor board circuit of allboard indoor external devices. units enables digital unitsconnection enables units digital to enables connection digital connection to to external devices.external devices. external devices.

Example of 3rd party Example BMS of connection 3rd party with BMSCZ-CFUNC2 connection with CZ-CFUNC2 Example of 3rd party BMS connection CZ-CFUNC2 (For the detail pleace (For consult the detail to pleace authorized consult dealer) to with authorized dealer) Example ofExample 3rd party Example of BMS 3rd party of connection 3rd BMS party connection with BMS CZ-CFUNC2 connection with CZ-CFUNC2 with CZ-CFUNC2 (For the detail pleace consult to authorized dealer) (For the detail (Forpleace the(For detail consult thepleace detail to pleace consult authorized consult to authorized dealer) to authorized dealer) dealer)

Functions via communication adaptor [CZ-CFunC2] Functions via communication adaptor [CZ-CFunC2] Functions via communication adaptor [CZ-CFunC2] Unit ON/OFF Unit ON/OFF Unit ON/OFF Mode-change Mode-change Functions via communication Functions adaptor via communication [CZ-CFunC2] Functions via communication adaptor [CZ-CFunC2] adaptor [CZ-CFunC2] Mode-change Room temperature setting temperature setting Unit ON/OFF Unit ON/OFF Room Unit ON/OFF A/C unit settings

A/C unit settings

Room temperature setting Fan speed setting Fan speed setting Mode-change Mode-change Mode-change A/C unit settings Fan speed setting Flap Flap setting Roomsetting temperature setting Room temperature Room setting temperature setting A/C unit settings settingsetting Central control setting Flap Central control setting Fan speed setting Fan speed Fan speed setting A/C unit settingsA/C unit settings Central control setting Filter-sign clear Filter-sign clear Flap setting Flap setting Flap setting

Communication adaptor Communication adaptor Communication adaptor (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) Communication Communication adaptor Communication adaptor adaptor (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2) (CZ-CFUNC2)

clear setting Alarm Alarm Centralreset control setting Filter-sign Central control Centralreset control setting

1. T10 Terminal Specification 1. T10 Terminal (T10:CN061 Specification at indoor (T10:CN061 unit PCB) at indoor unit PCB) 1. T10 Terminal Specification (T10:CN061 at indoor unit PCB) 1 1 • Example of wiring • at Example of wiring T10COM Terminal Specification Terminal T10 Terminal Specification (T10:CN061 Specification (T10:CN061 at indoor (T10:CN061 unit at PCB) indoor unit indoor PCB) unit PCB) •1.Control items: 1.T10 Start/stop •1.Control items: 1. Start/stop input 2 1. 2 1 inputCOM

A/C unit status

• Example of wiring

items: 1. Start/stop input controller prohibit input 3 •2.Control 3 2. input Remote controller prohibit Remote 2 COM 1 1 1 • Example of 1wiring • Example•of Example wiring of 1wiring 4 •3. 4 3. 3 input 2.1.Remote controller prohibit input Start signal output Start signal output • ControlCOM items: 1. Control Start/stop items: • Control Start/stop items: 1. input Start/stop input 2 2 2 COM COM +12V +12V 1 COM 2 COM 2 COM 5 COM 5 4 3. Remote Start outputsignal 3 4. 3 output 3signal signal 4. Alarm output 2. Alarm Remote controller 2. prohibit 2. controller input Remote prohibit controller input prohibit input T10 T10 +12V 3 3 COM 2 6 6 1 1 1 COM (yellow) 5 4 3. Start signal 4 output 4 (yellow) 4. signal output 3. Alarm Start signal 3. Start output signal output +12V T10 +12V +12V 4 3 6 2 COM 2 COM 2 COM 4 COM 5 COM 5 COM 5 (yellow) 4. Alarm signal output 4. Alarm signal 4. Alarm output signal output +12V +12V T10 T10 T10 4 COM 5 COM 5 3 3 3 6 6 6 300msec. 300msec. (yellow) (yellow) (yellow) T10 T10+12V or more or more 6 6 COM 5 4 4 4 (yellow) (yellow) 1-2 (pulse input) 1-2 (pulse 300msec. input) or more +12VT10 +12V +12V COM 5 (yellow) COM 6 COM 5 5 300msec. 300msec. 1-2300msec. (pulse input) T10 T10 T10 or more or more or more 6 6 6 Condition +12 4-5 (output) +12 (yellow) (yellow) (yellow) 300msec.Condition 300msec. 4-5 (pulse (output) 1-2 input) 1-2 (pulse input)1-2 (pulse input) or more or more Condition 1. 1-2 (Pulse input): Unit ON/OFF condition 1. 1-2 switching (Pulse input): with a Unit ON/OFF signal.condition (1 switching with a pulse signal. (1 +12 300msec.pulse 4-5 (output) 1-2pulse (pulse input) 1-2pulse (pulse input) or shortage more signal: shortage status more than 300msec.or signal: more) status more than 300msec.or more) 1. 1-2 (Pulse input): Unit ON/OFF condition switching with a pulse signal. (1 Condition Condition Condition +12 +12 300msec. 300msec.with Remote is permitted.(Normal 2. 2-3 Operation with 2. 2-3 Remote (Static300msec. isinput): permitted.(Normal Open/ Operation Unit condition ON(output) OFFUnit condition ON +12 ON OFF ON (Static input): Open/ 4-5 (output) 4-5 4-5 (output) 1-2pulse (pulse input) shortage status more than 300msec.or or signal: more or more or more more) condition) is prohibited. condition) Close/ controller is prohibited. 1. 1-2 (Pulse Close/ input): Remote Unit 1. ON/OFF 1-2controller (Pulse condition input): 1. 1-2 Unit switching (Pulse ON/OFF input): withcondition aRemote Unit pulse ON/OFF signal. switching condition (1 with aswitching pulse signal. with (1 a pulse signal. (1 2. 2-3 (Static+12 input): Open/ Operation with Remote is permitted.(Normal Unit condition ON OFF ON +12 1-2 (pulse input) 1-2status (pulse input) 1-2 (pulse input) 3. 4-5 (Static output): 12V output during 3. the 4-5 unit (Static ON. output): /shortage No output 12V output at OFF. during the300msec.or unit ON. / No output at OFF. pulse signal: shortage pulse signal: more than shortage pulse 300msec.or signal: status more more) than status 300msec.or more than more) more) 4-5 (output) 4-5 (output) condition) Close/ Remote controller is prohibited. NOTE: The wire length from indoor OFF unitNOTE: to the The Relay wire must length be within from 2.0m.ON unit to the Relay must beoutput): within 2.0m. 4. (Static 12V wheninput): some 4. errors (Static occur output): / No 12V output output at when someRemote errors occur / No output at 2. 5-6 2-3 (Static input): Open/ 2. output 2-3 Operation (Static with 2. 5-6 2-3 Remote Open/ (Static Operation is input): permitted.(Normal Open/ with Remote Operation is with permitted.(Normal is permitted.(Normal Unit condition Unit ONcondition Unit condition ONON OFF ON indoor OFF ON +12 3. 4-5 (Static output): 12V output during the unit ON. / No output at OFF. 4-5 (output) Pulse signal changeable to static with JP Pulse cutting. signal(Refer changeable to JP001) to static with JP cutting. (Refer to JP001)condition) normal. normal. condition) controller Close/ is prohibited. condition) Remote Close/ controller Remote is prohibited. controller is prohibited. NOTE: The wire length from indoor unit to the Relay must be within 2.0m. Close/ Remote 4. 5-6 (Static +12 output): 12V output when some errors occur / No output at +12 +12 3. (Static output): 12V 3. 4-5 output (Static during output): 3. the 4-5 unit 12V (Static ON. output output): /ON No during output 12Vthe output atunit OFF.ON. during / No theoutput unit ON. at OFF. /ON No output at OFF. 4-5 (output) 4-5 (output) 4-5 (output) condition ON OFF Unit condition ON OFF Pulse signal changeable to static with JP cutting. (ReferUnit to 4-5 JP001) normal. NOTE: The wire length NOTE: from indoor The wire unitNOTE: length to the The from Relay wire indoor must length be unitwithin from to the indoor 2.0m. Relayunit must to the be within Relay must beoutput): within 2.0m. 4. 5-62.0m. (Static 12V 4. output 5-6 (Static when output): some 4. 5-612V errors (Static output occur output): when / No12V some output output errors at when occur some / Noerrors output occur at / No output at Unit condition OFF ON Pulse signal changeablePulse to static signal with changeable JP Pulse cutting. signal to(Refer static changeable to with JP001) JPtocutting. static with (Refer JPtocutting. JP001)(Refer to JP001) normal. normal. normal. ON

2. Usage Example2. Usage Example 2. Usage Example Forced OFF control Forced OFF control 2. Usage Example 2. Usage 2. Example Usage Example Forced OFF control •Forced Condition •Forced Condition OFFForced controlOFF control OFF control

Unit condition

UnitON condition OFF Unit condition ON ON



Unit ON/OFF status Filter-sign clear

Alarm resetclear Unit ON/OFF status Filter-sign Filter-sign clear

Operation Alarm resetmode

Unit Operation AlarmON/OFF reset status Alarm resetmode

Setting temperature Unit ON/OFF status

Operation mode Setting temperature Unit ON/OFF status Unit ON/OFF status

Fan speedmode status Operation

Setting temperature speedmode status Operation modeFan Operation

A/C unit status Fan speed status Flap status Flap status Setting temperature Setting temperature Setting temperature A/C Central unit speed status status status control setting Flap Central control setting Fan status Fan speed Fan speed status

A/C unit status

Central control setting Filter-sign A/C Filter-sign unit status A/C unit status Flap statussituation Flap status Flap statussituation situation Correct/incorrect statusFilter-sign Correct/incorrect status Central control setting Central control setting Central control setting Alarm code Filter-sign situation

Correct/incorrect status Alarm code Filter-sign situation Filter-sign situation

code Correct/incorrect statusAlarm Correct/incorrect Correct/incorrect status status Alarm code

Alarm code

Up to 128 indoor units canUp beto connected 128 indoor units can be connected Up to 128 indoor units can be connected to one Communication Adaptor. to one Communication Adaptor. to one Communication Adaptor. Up to 128 indoor Upunits to 128 canUp indoor beto connected 128 unitsindoor can be units connected can be connected to one Communication to one Communication Adaptor. to one Communication Adaptor. Adaptor.

Alarm code


Operation ON/OFF signal Operation output ON/OFF signal output Operation ON/OFF signal output •Operation Condition ON/OFF •Operation Condition Operation signal ON/OFF output ON/OFF signal output signal output

• Operation Condition Condition 1-2 (Static input): Close/ with1-2 Remote (Staticisinput): permitted. Close/(Normal Operation with Remote4-5 is permitted. (Normal (Static output): 12V • output during the 4-5 unit (Static ON /output): No output 12Vatoutput OFF during the unit ON / No output at OFF condition) Open/ Unit is forcibly OFF and condition) RemoteOpen/ controller Unitoperation is forcibly isOFF and Remote controller operation is 1-2 (Static input): Close/ Operation with Remote is permitted. (Normal 4-5 (Static output): 12V output during the unit ON / No output at OFF • Condition • Condition • Condition • Condition • Condition • Condition prohibited. prohibited. • Example of wiring • Example of wiring condition) Open/ Unit is forcibly OFF and Remote controller operation is 1-2 (Static input): Close/ 1-2 Operation (Static input): with1-2 Remote Close/ (StaticOperation isinput): permitted. Close/ with(Normal Remote Operation is with permitted. Remote (Normal is permitted. (Normal 4-5 (Static output): 12V 4-5 output (Static during output): the 4-5 unit 12V (Static ON output /output): No during output 12V the atoutput OFF unit ON during / Nothe output unit ON at OFF / No output at OFF prohibited. • Example of wiring • Example •Unit Example of wiring condition) Open/ of Unitwiring iscondition) forcibly OFF Open/ and condition) Remote is forcibly Open/ controller OFF Unitoperation and is forcibly Remote isOFF controller and Remote operation controller is operation is Relay (Field supply) Relay (Field supply) prohibited. prohibited. prohibited. • Example of wiring • Example•of Example wiring of wiring T10 T10 •Relay Example of wiring Relay (Field supply) (Field supply) Relay (Field supply) (YEL) (YEL) T10 T10 T10 • Example of wiring • Example•of Example wiring of wiring Relay (Field supply) (YEL) (YEL) Relay (Field supply) Relay (Field control supply) Relay (Field supply) Central Central control The contact in the The contact in the (YEL) figure is a state figure is a state T10 T10 T10 T10 where the card(Field is (YEL) Central control Relay (Field supply) Relay (Field supply) Relay supply)The contact in the where the card is (YEL) (YEL) pulled out. pulled out. figure is a state (YEL) T10 (YEL)

Indoor unit control PCB

Indoor unit

NOTE: control The PCB wire length

T10 (YEL)

T10 where the card is (YEL) Central control Central control Central control The contact in the The contact pulled out. in the The contact in the 2 m 2m figure is a state figure is a state figure is a state POWER where the card is POWERwhere the card isunit where the card is Indoor control Indoor unit control Indoor External unit contact External pulled out. pulled out. contact pulled out. 2m PCB PCB control (Card PCBswitch box, etc.: (Card switch box, etc.: POWER Indoor unit control field supply) Indoor unit External contact field supply) 2m 2m 2m PCB control PCB (Card switch box, etc.: POWER POWER field supply) POWER NOTE: unit The wire length Indoor from indoor unitIndoor NOTE: to theunit The Relay wire must length be within from indoor 2.0m unit to the Relay must be within 2.0m Indoor unit control control Indoor unit Indoor External unit contact External contact External contact control Pulse signal to static with JP Pulse cutting. signal(Refer changeable to JP001) to static with JP cutting. (Refer to JP001) from indoor to the The Relay wire must length within from (Card indoor 2.0mswitch unit box, to the Relay must be within changeable 2.0m PCB PCB PCB control PCB unitNOTE: control (Card PCB switch box,be etc.: etc.: (Card switch box, etc.: NOTE: The wire length from indoor unit to the Relay must be within 2.0m field supply) field supply) field supply)

Pulse signal changeable to static with JP cutting. (Refer to JP001) NOTE: The wire length from indoor unit to the Relay must be within 2.0m NOTE: The wire length NOTE: from indoor The wire unitNOTE: length to the The from Relay wire indoor must length be unitwithin from to the indoor 2.0m Relayunit must to the be within Relay 2.0m must be within 2.0m Pulse Pulse to static signal with changeable JP Pulse cutting. signal to(Refer static changeable to with JP001) JPtocutting. static with (Refer JPtocutting. JP001)(Refer to JP001) NOTE: from indoor The wire unitNOTE: length to the The from Relay wire indoor must length be unitwithin from to the indoor 2.0m Relayunit must to the be within Relay 2.0m must be signal within changeable 2.0m 48 The wire length NOTE:


48 48

49 48



ControllersControllers Controllers ControllersControllers Controllers

Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces for External for External for External Interfaces Interfaces Interfaces for External for External for External Control Control (Digital Control (Digital Connection) (Digital Connection) Connection) Control Control (Digital Control (Digital Connection) (Digital Connection) Connection) Seri-Para Seri-Para I /O unit Seri-Para for I /O outdoor unit I /O forunit unit outdoor for (CZ-CAPDC2) outdoor unit (CZ-CAPDC2) unit (CZ-CAPDC2) Seri-Para Seri-Para I /O unit Seri-Para for I /O outdoor unit I /O forunit outdoor (CZ-CAPDC2) for outdoor unit (CZ-CAPDC2) unit (CZ-CAPDC2) Dimensions Power supply Dimensions Input Power supply Input Output Output Wiring length Wiring length

H 80 Dimensions x W 290 x D 260 Dimensions Hmm 80 x W 290 H x D80260 x Wmm 290 x D 260 mm SinglePower phasesupply 110-120/220-240 Power Singlesupply phase V AC 110-120/220-240 Single (50/60phase Hz), 18 110-120/220-240 W V AC (50/60 Hz), V AC 18 (50/60 W Hz), 18 W H 80 Dimensions x W 290 x D 260 Dimensions H mm 80 x W 290 x H D 80 260 x W mm 290 x24 D 260 mm BatchInput operation/Batch Input Batch stop (non-voltage operation/Batch Batchcontact/DC operation/Batch stop (non-voltage V, pulse stop contact/DC (non-voltage signal). Cooling/ 24contact/DC V, pulse signal). 24 V,Cooling/ pulse signal). Cooling/ Single Power phase supply 110-120/220-240 Power Single supply phase V AC 110-120/220-240 Single (50/60 phase Hz), 18 110-120/220-240 W V AC (50/60 Hz), V 18 AC W (50/60 Hz), 181/2 W Heating (non-voltage contact/static Heating (non-voltage signal). Heatingcontact/static Demand (non-voltage 1/2 (non-voltage signal). contact/static Demand contact/ signal). 1/2 (non-voltage Demand contact/ (non-voltage contact/ Batch Input operation/Batch Input Batch stop (non-voltage operation/Batch Batch contact/DC operation/Batch stop (non-voltage 24 V, pulse stop contact/DC signal). (non-voltage Cooling/ 24 V, contact/DC pulse signal). 24 V, Cooling/ pulse signal). Cooling/ static signal) (Local stop static by switching) signal) (Local staticstop signal) by (Local switching) stop by switching) Heating (non-voltage contact/static Heating (non-voltage signal). Heating contact/static Demand (non-voltage (non-voltage signal). contact/static Demand contact/ signal). 1/2Alarm (non-voltage Demand contact/ (non-voltage contact/ Operation Output output (non-voltage Output Operation contact). output Operation (non-voltage Alarm output output1/2 contact). (non-voltage Alarm contact). output output 1/2 static signal) (Local stop static by switching) signal) (Local static stop signal) by contact) switching) (Local stop by switching) (non-voltage contact) (non-voltage contact) (non-voltage Operation Output output (non-voltage Output Operation contact). output Operation (non-voltage Alarm output output contact). (non-voltage Alarm contact). output Alarm output Indoor/Outdoor Wiring length operation Wiring Indoor/Outdoor lines: length Total Indoor/Outdoor length operation 1 km. lines: operation Total length lines: 1 km. Total length 1 km. (non-voltage (non-voltage contact) Digital signal:contact) 100 m or(non-voltage Digital shorter signal:contact) 100 Digital m or signal: shorter 100 m or shorter Indoor/Outdoor Wiring length operation Wiring Indoor/Outdoor lines: length Total length Indoor/Outdoor operation 1 km. lines: operation Total length lines: 1 km. Total length 1 km. Digital signal: 100 m orDigital shorter signal: 100 Digital m orsignal: shorter100 m or shorter

• This unit can •control This unit up•can toThis 4 control outdoor unit can up units. control to 4 outdoor up to 4units. outdoor units. Fromunit thecan centre •control From control the•device, centre From the control mode centre changing device, control mode and device, batch mode and changing batchand batch • This This unit up can •to This 4 control outdoor unit can up units. to control 4 outdoor up to units. 4changing outdoor units. operation/batch stop aredevice, operation/batch possible. are possible. stop are possible. • From the centre • operation/batch From control the •centre From stop control mode the centre changing device, control mode and device, batch changing modeand changing batch and batch • operation/batch Required for demand • operation/batch Required control. • for Required demand control. demand stop are possible. operation/batch stopforare possible. stop control. are possible. • Required for demand • Required control. •for Required demandfor control. demand control.

System example System System exampleexample System example System example System example Seri-para I/O

Seri-para I/O

Seri-para I/O

Central Control Device Central Control Device

Central Central Control Control Device Device

Seri-para I/O Seri-para I/O

Central Central Control Control Device Device

Seri-para I/O

Interface adaptor Interface Interface (CZ-CAPC2) adaptor adaptor (CZ-CAPC2) (CZ-CAPC2) Interface adaptor Interface Interface (CZ-CAPC2) adaptoradaptor (CZ-CAPC2) (CZ-CAPC2) • Control and status • Control monitoring and • Control status is possible and monitoring status for monitoring individual is possible indoor isfor possible individual unit for indoor individual unitindoor unit (or any external electrical any external device any up external to 250 device electrical AC, 10 device toA) 250 by up Vpossible AC, to 250 10 for A) Vindoor AC, by 10unit A) indoor by • Control and status • (or Control monitoring and •(or Control status iselectrical possible and monitoring status forV individual monitoring is up possible indoor is for individual unit individual unit contact signal. contact signal. contact signal. (or any external (or electrical any external device (or any electrical up external to 250 device electrical V AC, up10 to device A) 250 by VupAC, to 250 10 A)V by AC, 10 A) by contact signal. contact signal. contact signal.

System example System System exampleexample System example System example System example

ON/OFF controller ON/OFF controller

ON/OFF controller ON/OFF controller





For example: fan coil unit etc. For Totalexample: heat fan coil unitunit. etc. exchanger Total heat exchanger unit.

ON/OFF controller ON/OFF controller


For example: For example: fan coil unit etc.fan coil unit etc. For example: For example: Total heat Total heat fan coil unitunit. etc.exchanger fan coil unit etc. exchanger unit. Total heat Total heat exchanger unit. exchanger unit.

LonWorksLonWorks Interface LonWorks (CZ-CLNC2) Interface Interface (CZ-CLNC2) (CZ-CLNC2) LonWorksLonWorks Interface LonWorks (CZ-CLNC2) Interface Interface (CZ-CLNC2) (CZ-CLNC2)

• This interface•isThis a communications interface • Thisisinterface a communications converter is a communications for connecting converter for converter connecting for connecting LonWorks to •the LonWorks LonWorks to the ofconverter to FSV. the network ofnetwork FSV. offor FSV. • This interface isThis acontrol communications interface •network This is interface acontrol communications is acontrol communications for connecting converter converter connecting for connecting • From the host connected From the• host From LonWorks, connected the connected basic to control LonWorks, settings to LonWorks, and basic status settings statusand status LonWorks to •the LonWorks control network to LonWorks the control ofhost FSV. to the network of network FSV. ofsettings FSV.basicand monitoring is •possible monitoring for•host monitoring up is possible toconnected 16 isfor possible up toindoor 16 forgroups up units. to 16 ofstatus groups indoor units. ofand indoor units. • From the host connected From the From to LonWorks, thegroups host basic connected toofLonWorks, settings to and LonWorks, basic settings basic settings status and status monitoring is possible monitoring for up monitoring is possible to 16 groups is forpossible upoftoindoor 16forgroups up units. to 16 of indoor groupsunits. of indoor units.

System example System System exampleexample System example System example System example

Seri-Para Seri-Para I/O unit Seri-Para for I/O each unitI/O indoor forunit each unit forindoor each (CZ-CAPBC2) indoor unit (CZ-CAPBC2) unit (CZ-CAPBC2) Seri-Para Seri-Para I/O unitSeri-Para for I/O each unitI/O indoor forunit each unit forindoor each (CZ-CAPBC2) indoor unit (CZ-CAPBC2) unit (CZ-CAPBC2) • Control and status • Control monitoring and • Control status is possible and monitoring status for monitoring individual is possible indoor isfor possible individual unit for indoor individual unitindoor unit (1 group). group). group). • Control and status • (1 Control monitoring and •(1Control status is possible and monitoring status for individual monitoring is possible indoor is forpossible individual unit forindoor individual unit indoor unit • (1 In addition In •and In(1 toaddition stop, operation there to and operation is a stop, digitaland there input stop, isfunction a digital there isinput a digital function input function group). to •operation (1 addition group). group). foraddition air speed for operation air speed and air speed operation operation mode. • In to •and operation In addition and •for In tomode. stop, addition operation there toand and operation is amode. stop, digitalthere and input stop, isfunction a digital there input is a digital function input function • for Temperature •and Temperature • measuring Temperature setting and of setting the measuring indoor andsuction measuring of the indoor of the suction indoor suction air speed setting foroperation airand speed formode. and air speed operation and mode. operation mode. temperature can be performed temperature can from be performed central can be monitoring. performed from central monitoring. central monitoring. • Temperature setting • temperature Temperature and•measuring Temperature setting and of the setting measuring indoor and suction measuring of thefrom indoor of suction the indoor suction • temperature The analog input • The foranalog temperature • The input analog for setting temperature input is for 0be totemperature 10 setting V,central or 0 is to 0setting to 140 10 V, is 0 orto 0 10 to 140 V, or 0 to 140 can temperature be performed temperature can from be performed central can monitoring. performed from from monitoring. central monitoring. Ohm.analog input • The • Ohm. The foranalog temperature •Ohm. The input analog for setting temperature input is 0for totemperature 10 setting V, or 0 is to 0 setting to 140 10 V,isor 00 toto 10140 V, or 0 to 140 • Ohm. Power is supplied • Power fromis•the supplied Power T10 terminal isfrom supplied the ofT10 the from indoor terminal the T10 units. ofterminal the indoor of the units. indoor units. Ohm. Ohm. Separate power • Separate supply also power Separate is possible supply power also (in case isfrom possible ofalso suction is (in possible case of(in suction of suction • Power is supplied Power fromis•the •supplied Power T10 terminal isfrom supplied the ofsupply T10 the indoor terminal the T10 units. of terminal the indoor ofcase units. the indoor units. temperature measuring). temperature measuring). measuring). • Separate power • temperature Separate supply also •power Separate is possible supply power also (in case supply is possible ofalso suction is (inpossible case of suction (in case of suction temperature measuring). temperature temperature measuring).measuring).

System example System System exampleexample System example System example System example Remote station Remote station

Remote station Remote station CZ-CAPBC2

Remote station Remote station CZ-CAPBC2 CZ-CAPBC2

Central control panelCZ-CAPBC2 Central control Central panelCZ-CAPBC2 control panel CZ-CAPBC2 Central control panel Central control panel Central control panel

50 50

50 50

Indoor/outdoor unitIndoor/outdoor Indoor/outdoor unit unit LonWorks Interface LonWorks Interface LonWorks Interface control line control line control line Indoor/outdoor unitIndoor/outdoor Indoor/outdoor unit unit LonWorks Interface LonWorks Interface LonWorks Interface control line control line control line LON










• System Controller • System Controller • SystemLonWorks Controller LonWorks LonWorks Center Control Center Control Center Control communication line communication communication line lineDevice Device Device • System Controller • System Controller • System Controller LonWorks LonWorks LonWorks Center Control Center Control Center Control (field supply) (field supply)(field supply) communication line communication communication line line Device Device Device (field supply) (field supply) (field supply)

Functions Functions Functions Start/stop Functions Functions Functions

Start/stop Start/stop Temp. setting Temp. setting Temp. setting A/C unit A/C unit Start/stop Start/stop Start/stop Settings for each Settings for each Settings for each Operation mode Operation mode Operation mode settings from settings from group of indoor units group of indoor group units of indoor units Temp. setting Temp. setting Temp. setting A/CLonWorks unitfor eachthe A/CLonWorks unit the Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Settings Settings for each Settings forOption each 1 settings Operation mode Operation modeOperation mode settings from communicator settings from communicator group of indoor units group of indoor group units of indoor units Option 2 settings Option 2 settings Option 2 settings the LonWorks the LonWorks Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Settings for all units Settings Emergency for all Settings units stop for all Emergency units stop Emergency stop communicator communicator Option 2 settings Option 2 settings Option 2 settings Start/stop Start/stop Start/stop Settings for all units Settings Emergency for all units Settings stop forEmergency all units stopEmergency stop Temp setting Temp setting Temp setting Start/stop Start/stop Start/stop Operation mode Operation mode Operation mode Temp setting Temp setting Temp setting Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Operation modeOperation mode A/C unit status notifications A/C unit made status to A/C notifications unit status made notifications to mode madeOperation to Option 2 settings Option 2 settings Option 2 settings the LonWorks communicator the LonWorks communicator the LonWorks communicator Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Option 1 settings Alarm status Alarm A/C unit status notifications A/C unit made status to notifications A/C unit status made notifications to made to status Alarm status Option 2 settings Option 2 settings Option 2 settings the LonWorks communicator the LonWorks communicator the LonWorks communicator Indoor units with active Indoor alarms units with Indoor active units alarms with active alarms Alarm status Alarm status Alarm status Room temp. Room temp. Room temp. Indoor units with active Indoor alarms units withIndoor activeunits alarms with active alarms A/C unit status A/C unit statusA/C unit status Room temp. Room temp. Room temp. Transmission intervals Transmission settings intervals Transmission settings intervals settings Configuration properties Configuration properties Configuration properties A/C unit status A/C unit status A/C unit status Minimum time securedMinimum for transmission time Minimum secured for time transmission secured for transmission Transmission intervals Transmission settings intervals Transmission settingsintervals settings Configuration properties Configuration properties Configuration properties Minimum time securedMinimum for transmission time secured Minimum fortime transmission secured for transmission A/C unit settings from A/C unit the LonWorks settings from communicator the LonWorks communicator






Controllers ControllersControllers Controllers

RemoteExternal Controller External Dimensions Remote Controller Dimensions Remote Controller External Dimensions Remote Remote Controller Remote Controller External Controller External Dimensions External Dimensions Dimensions





38 180



180 180 38

79 38

38 79 14


160 148696

160 (6) 148 14







160 148


160 148

115 121


121 121

160 148

(6) (6)


122 (6)








160 148

696 160 148 6



160 148 21


160 (6)148 21














Potbellied hole (4 locations)

Potbellied hole (4 locations) 3 - Ø 30 hole

Potbellied hole (4 locations)

43- -ØØ530 hole hole

4 - Ø 5 hole 3 - Ø 30 hole 4 - Ø 5 hole

Potbellied hole (4 Potbellied hole (4 locations) Potbellied hole (4 locations) 3 - Ø 30 hole 3locations) - Ø 30 hole


4 - Ø 5 hole

4 - Ø 5 hole



115 121 115 121

4 - Ø 5 hole

3 - Ø 30 hole



Magnified view

Magnified view


Detail of the potbellied hole


Detail of the potbellied hole 17


Detail of the potbellied hole

Detail of the potbellied hole Detail of the Detail of the potbellied hole potbellied hole

Magnified view Magnified view

Magnified view Magnified view

70 70




120 120










33.4 5.4

160 148






160 148

160 148 (6)

116.8 116.8

160 69 148 6

5.4 21 (6) 9.4








160 148









4.4 4.4

69 6

116.8 116.8















13 5.4 33.4 13







9.4 148

9.4 (6)

1604 33.5 .4 4.4 148 6


8 16.683.5

116.8 33.5 33.5

6 148

160 4.4



9.4 160 1489.4





160 148


16.6 16.6

33.4 5.4


160 148



9.4 5.4






4.4 83.5 83.5

9.4 9.4

Unit: mm




R5 R 2.5

R 2.5 R(mm) 5


6 6

160 148




Unit: mm





16.7 16.7


83.516.7 120


16.6 83.5 120 33.5



120 120

120 120

70 10




160 148







6 120


160 148


Unit: mm


R 2.5 8




Unit: mm



R 2.5


R5 ø22.2

ø22.2 (mm)






79 38 24.75



Rø22.2 5 R 2.5 (mm) ø22.2 8





24.75 24.75




38 180


24.75 120

24.75 20






120 20 24.75 120







16 120 120


120 16



R 2.5



290 270









290 270


167 167





256 256










290 270












52 52

53 53





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