how does it affect me? Most of the time, people with insomnia are tired during the day and have trouble doing their normal tasks. Other effects of insomnia are:
what causes it?
lack of energy
do I have it? Insomnia is trouble falling or staying asleep—something we all have at some time. If it usually takes you more than 30 minutes to fall asleep or you are up in the middle of the night longer than 30 minutes, you may have insomnia. It can also cause you to wake up too early in the morning. Insomnia can last for one night or many nights. It is more common in women and people over 60 years old. But anyone may have insomnia at some time. If you have trouble sleeping at night, you may be taking naps or going to bed early to make up for lost sleep. Try to stick to your normal sleep routine, and don’t take naps. The more you sleep during the day, the worse your insomnia may get.
trouble concentrating
Insomnia can be caused by:
being irritable Some people can have less than a full night’s sleep and not feel tired the next day. They may not need 8 hours of sleep like most people do.
types of insomnia Insomnia can be: transient (short-term) - a few nights at a time, most often caused by excitement or an illness (like before the first day of school or the flu) intermittent (on and off) - from 1 to 3 weeks, most often caused by high stress (like divorce, death or a stressful job) chronic (long-term) - every night or most nights for more than 4 weeks, often caused by a physical or mental problem. You may have times (flareups) that are worse than others. ©1997–2017 Pritchett & Hull Associates, Inc.
depression drugs, alcohol, smoking anxiety or stress a breathing problem lack of exercise medicine side effects noise or light in the room poor sleep habits too much caffeine shift work jet lag what you eat being too hot o r cold a medical problem (like arthritis, heartburn or back pain)