High Blood Pressure brochure (634)

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High blood pressure The silent killer High blood pressure (hypertension) is sneaky. You can have it and not know it. That’s why it’s called the “silent killer”. Over time, high blood pressure can lead to a stroke, heart attack or kidney failure. But, this doesn’t have to happen to you. Regular blood pressure checks and healthy lifestyle choices are the tools to help you prevent or control high blood pressure. Read on to learn how you can take charge of your health and at least control, or better yet avoid the “silent killer”.

Normal blood pressure

Stages of blood pressure

Effects on blood pressure

Blood pressure (BP) is the force that moving blood puts on your artery walls. As your heart pumps blood out to your body, blood pressure on the arteries is at its highest. The peak pressure is the systolic (sis-toll-ic) pressure.

Blood pressure levels are ranked in stages.* Each stage gives a range of blood pressure readings and tells how it ranks. The stages for adults 18 years and older are:

Your blood pressure is a moving target. It can go up or down depending upon what you are doing, for example:


Systolic pressure Diastolic pressure

Blood pressure is recorded with a set of 2 numbers such as 120/80 (read as 120 over 80). The top number (120) is the systolic pressure. And, the bottom number (80) is the diastolic pressure.


(top number)

(bottom number)

less than And less than 120 80

Pre120 – 139 Or hypertension

80 – 89

Stage 1 140 – 159 Or hypertension

90 – 99

Stage 2 hypertension

Between heartbeats, the arteries are more relaxed. This lets blood flow back into your heart. The more relaxed pressure is the diastolic (dye-a-stol-ic) pressure.


160 or higher


• When you sleep, your blood pressure is often much lower. As you wake up and start moving around, it goes up. • Talking, walking or eating can make your blood pressure go up. • Sudden pain or stress can cause your blood pressure to rise in a few seconds.

100 or more

* Based on guidelines from the JNC7 reports. ( Very low blood pressure readings should be checked by your doctor.)

Your blood pressure How do you measure up? / My blood pressure is now __________ / My blood pressure goal is __________

• Hard exercise or getting excited can also raise your blood pressure. • Smoking and drinking caffeine, within 30 minutes of taking your blood pressure, can also affect your readings. So, when you take your blood pressure, do so after you have rested quietly for at least 5 minutes. This lets your blood pressure get back to what it really is.

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