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Enter our world.

iMe means ‘to be human’. And what does it mean to be human?

Being human is the sum of knowledge attained to contribute to life. It is what remains after reading all, forgetting all.


It is more of a yearning; a yearning for a world to be discovered and created. It is the sum of all of our features. It is passion.

It is having belief in humankind.


It is assuming responsibility for the fate of the world. It is love.

It is building humanism throughout the planet.

It is enriching today, with the past and the future.


It is to know oneself; and to free oneself from prejudices, judgments and lies. Humanity is an intention.

It is how we perceive the “other” and our intention to whether or not to live with the “other”.


What is iMe? iMe is about us. You and me. About people. People who are capable of great things,

but who simultaneously are also fundamentally flawed. It is that dichotomy that is the key to our greatness, our strength.

Our world is not just black and white; it is full of different colours,

contrasts and shades. Technology is different from us in that respect. It is perfect, logically cold, and therefore naturally incompatible with us. iMe is harmony.

iMe brings back the balance between humans and technology.

Never again will technology let you down.

Confronted with it you will never feel hopeless, lost or excluded. From now on you will always be in control.

How did iMe come to be? This is a true story.

iMe was born out of a desire. A desire to be close to the ones we love.

It was a son’s gift to his mother. He was always on the move, working long hours

and travelling all around the world. With each passing year it seemed to him he had spent less and less time with her. She, on the other hand, was disappointed that she

couldn’t see her grandchildren as often as she’d like. Then he realised that a computer might be part of a solution to their problem. If only his mother hadn’t refused to learn to use it.

He decided to ignore her reluctance and not to give up. He began teaching her how to Skype. At first it was very difficult, but the effort that they have both put in the process wasn’t in vain. Slowly she warmed to the idea of using her laptop. Especially when he showed her

how easy it was to video call, to send emails so that she could contact old friends or to bookmark websites, where she could do her online shopping.

From that moment on she called her grandchildren daily, not only to hear their voices

but also to actually see their smiling faces. All thanks to a computer, a machine she dreaded in the past.

She could also accompany her son during his travels. Even when they were separated by thousands of miles they could share stories and have common adventures.

Then that same son had an idea. The world was filled with people just like his mother. He felt he needed to change that. What he required was a team.

A group of individuals willing to help others, just like he had helped her.

People with the right set of skills, patience and knowledge. Private assistants, or guides,

that could always be there for anybody who needed computer help. Even for his mom whenever he wasn’t around. So he created iMe. All it took was some technology. A phone, the Internet and an idea. That’s all. An idea for her and also for all of us. For lawyers, skaters, managers, artists,

journalists, storekeepers, musicians, cooks, pensioners, mothers, fathers, brothers and cousins. An open door to the world of technology.

Simply – iMe.

The iMe mission. The Internet deals in the “now”.

Its vocabulary is devoid of words such as “soon” or “shortly”. At iMe we understand that you have a project to finish, or the need to urgently contact your boss.

We’re not surprised by the fact that you’re working

in the middle of the night, or during a public holiday.

We know everything needs to happen ASAP and by the EOD. It’s just how things work in the 21st century.

We also understand that a computer is no longer a mere work tool.

It’s a gateway to worldwide communications and information transfer. We know that you also use it for reading, gaming, talking to friends and watching your favourite TV series.

We’re here so that you can do just that. Here and now. Without problems.

Every problem… Can’t get in touch with your loved ones because they don’t know how to operate a computer? You know everything there is to know about the web, but sometimes can’t figure out some technical software issue? You live at such a pace that you cannot simply afford to wait for a visit from an IT guy? Or maybe you just work in different places, all around the globe, or you keep strange hours?

...has a solution. If you’ve answered “Yes” to any of the above, or sometimes computers

just infuriate you, that means you should read on carefully from now on.

Because a computer is not only a mere work tool, it is a window to the world, and when it causes problems you can’t look out that window.

Fixing it takes up your precious time, but thanks to iMe you can forget about your past computer related troubles

and fully exploit all the possibilities that modern technology has to offer.

Who are we then? We’re your friend, assistant and guide. We’re your mobile take-us-anywhere service,

an IT Helpdesk, your private Bill Gates. Call us what you wish, it really doesn’t matter. The most important thing is, that we can bring your computer back to life.

And contrary to others we work around the clock. 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Even on weekends, at night or on public holidays. We come from different backgrounds,

have different life stories, but we’re enthusiastic, honest and treat every challenge as an adventure. If you have to send an important email, or can’t resist watching cute kitties on YouTube, or reply to some guy leaving mean comments on a page you like,

and your computer doesn’t work you’re no longer faced with a disaster.

Give us a call. We’ll make it right in a flash.

With us you gain:

Don’t waste it on solving problems that iMe can take care of. We’ll do it quickly and efficiently.

iMe works from any place on earth. Anytime. Day or night.

All you need is Internet access and we will gladly help you. It doesn’t matter, if you’re at home or travelling.

You can also use our services to learn how to exploit technology’s full potential. Never again will you have to ask your neighbour, or unwilling children for their help. Not only will our engineers fix a broken laptop or tablet, they can also teach you how to do it by yourself. With us you gain independence!

iMe - Time. John is an entrepreneur. He owns a construction company that in the past few years has quickly grown in size.

His laptop is the most important part of his business.

It holds all of his company’s secrets and also enables him to contact his clients. “I like my job and that means I sit in front of my laptop day and night. With it I can check the current prices of construction materials,

quickly reach my employees and show clients projects and schematics of things that we are building for them. I use the thing so often

that every once in a while it brakes down. Usually I would call my friend who’s an IT guy, but he always made me wait a couple of hours before he could come. He’s just one guy, right? Then I discovered iMe,

which is brilliant because now, fixing a problem is a matter of moments. And it doesn’t take up any of my precious time!”

iMe - Peace of mind. Elisa is a freelancer. Her clients are located

all around the country, so obviously she travels a lot. “My problem begins with… me. I never start my projects in time, and always do everything at the very last moment.

Once I was finishing a project on a train, travelling in the middle of the night. Then the software I was using stopped working and everything froze. I was afraid to do anything by myself

and with the backup copy lying at home I really had no options.

Happily I’d just bought an iMe starter, so I figured I’d give it a try. It worked like a charm. The engineer explained step by step what I should do to regain control. Following his guidance

I made the software work again,and I could carry on with my project. From that point I decided to buy the iMe subscription.

I can tell you that later it saved me a couple more times…”

iMe - Fulfilment. Catherine is a stay-at-home mom of two beautiful daughters.

She works from home, blogs and does all of her shopping online. “Without the internet I would go mad. I love my kids,

but when you devote so much time and energy to them,

you need that ‘window to the world’. Of course, sometimes things can go wrong. I used to ask my husband for help, but the problem

was he’s not that tech-savvy as he likes to think, and his pride gets

in the way of calling a specialist. The result was, he would lock himself up with my computer in his study, and stay there for hours on end. Not only was I deprived of my machine but also of my other half.

Then I got the iMe subscription. It’s neat because from my husband’s point of view my computer stopped being troublesome. Me on the other hand… I am learning so much with the help of the iMe engineers!

I simply can’t wait till my husband’s computer breaks,

so that I can fix it for him and show him what women are capable of!”

iMe – step by step. BUY iMe, and select the desired subscription option.

SCRATCH OFF the card to get your code

CALL our engineer at +48 22 244 22 20, or connect to the online interface.

ENTER YOUR CODE and tell our engineer about the problem.

WATCH as your computer is fixed by the iMe consultant by using screen share. In the meantime, do whatever you like.

What we can help with. Our engineers can literally handle anything.

Here’s a short list of what we can do for you: Unwanted system file removal: removing excess or wasteful software. E-mail, calendar and Internet connectivity set-up. System debugging: identifying recurring problems in the computer. Data retrieval. Maintenance of all programs that have already been installed. Back-up and cloud set-up. Advising on how to improve the speed and capability of your computer. Helping ensure your data is secure. Computer savoir-faire: the know-how for niche tech programs. Advice in hardware and components shopping: where to shop and what to buy. Advice on Internet navigation and usage: browsers and safety. Home network: setting up printers and external devices or hardware.

Adjust iMe to your needs. To fit any case of computer trouble we provide you with three simple

and affordable solutions, so that you can fully benefit from what iMe has to offer.

• You want to check us out?

See how it all works? Choose the ‘iMe Starter Pack’, a one-time help solution is $10 only. • Your computer crashes a lot?

You have more than one device that needs attention?

In that case get yourself the ‘iMe Trio’. Our engineers will be at your disposal three times for just $20.

• You want full coverage at a knockout price?

Then there’s only one choice. The ‘iMe Unlimited’ subscription.

For only $60 a month you’ll get a year’s worth of our intervention, protection and guidance. Unlimited. 365 days a year, 24/7.

We’re here for you! Don’t waste time and energy on problems that can easily be fixed by our #iMe team.

CALL US @: +48 22 244 22 20

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