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Enter our world.

iMe means ‘to be human’. And what does it mean to be human? Being human is the sum of knowledge attained to contribute to life. It is what remains after reading all, forgetting all. It is more of a yearning; a yearning for a world to be discovered and created. It is the sum of all of our features. It is passion. It is having belief in humankind. It is assuming responsibility for the fate of the world. It is love. It is building humanism throughout the planet. It is enriching today, with the past and the future. It is to know oneself; and to free oneself from prejudices, judgments and lies. Humanity is an intention. It is how we perceive the “other” and our intention to whether or not to live with the “other”.





iMe is about us. You and me. About people. People who are capable of great things, but who simultaneously are also fundamentally flawed. It is that dichotomy that is the key to our greatness, our strength. Our world is not just black and white; it is full of different colours, contrasts and shades. Technology is different from us in that respect. It is perfect, logically cold, and therefore naturally incompatible with us. iMe is harmony. iMe brings back the balance between humans and technology.

Never again will technology let you down. Confronted with it you will never feel hopeless, lost or excluded. From now on you will always be in control.

We’re iMe. We who devote our time to friends and family. For us the glass is always half full. We’re enthusiastic and we have tons of interests and obsessions. We’re artists, skaters, good parents, cool kids, and nice bosses. We’re loyal, honest and bighearted. We come from different backgrounds; are of a different age, we like different things. Some of us listen to classical music, read serious economic magazines and love cars, others prefer rap and modern art, at night they become street artists invading our cities with their interpretation of modern living. Amongst us are the craziest party people, who on weekdays study to become lawyers. We’re busy, but always willing to help others. Old and young. Although different, we have common values, a sort of “spiritual elegance”, similar expectations towards what life can offer and a desire to achieve something great. What binds us together is our wish to make technology friendlier and more understandable. To make sure that iMe works we tested it on ourselves first. And we can guarantee that it does. Come with us. Enter Our World.

This is a true story. iMe was born out of a desire. A desire to be close to the ones we love. It was a son’s gift to his mother. He was always on the move, working long hours and travelling all around the world. With each passing year it seemed to him he had spent less and less time with her. She, on the other hand, was disappointed that she couldn’t see her grandchildren as often as she’d like. Then he realised that a computer might be part of a solution to their problem. If only his mother hadn’t refused to learn to use it. He decided to ignore her reluctance and not to give up. He began teaching her how to Skype. At first it was very difficult, but the effort that they have both put in the process wasn’t in vain. Slowly she warmed to the idea of using her laptop. Especially when he showed her how easy it was to video call, to send emails so that she could contact old friends or to bookmark websites, where she could do her online shopping. From that moment on she called her grandchildren daily, not only to hear their voices but also to actually see their smiling faces. All thanks to a computer, a machine she dreaded in the past. She could also accompany her son during his travels. Even when they were separated by thousands of miles they could share stories and have common adventures.

Then that same son had an idea. The world was filled with people just like his mother. He felt he needed to change that. What he required was a team. A group of individuals willing to help others, just like he had helped her. People with the right set of skills, patience and knowledge. Private assistants, or guides, that could always be there for anybody who needed computer help. Even for his mom whenever he wasn’t around. So he created iMe. All it took was some technology. A phone, the Internet and an idea. That’s all. An idea for her and also for all of us. For lawyers, skaters, managers, artists, journalists, storekeepers, musicians, cooks, pensioners, mothers, fathers, brothers and cousins. An open door to the world of technology.

Simply - iMe

Imagine a world where you are free. There are no boundaries, no limits. Imagine that you can control that world, use it’s potential to the fullest. It’s a reality in which you can work from any place on the planet, where you can connect to your loved ones even if they’re on the other side of the globe. Where though you’ve gone far away, you’re really just around the corner. Simply: a world in which emotional proximity is far more important than a physical one. There is a door that leads to that world. It’s called technology. We open that door by making technology understandable and accessible. We do it for everyone.

It’s a world that we all deserve.

The Internet deals in the “now”. Its vocabulary is devoid of words such as “soon” or “shortly”. At iMe we understand that you have a project to finish, or the need to urgently contact your boss. We’re not surprised by the fact that you’re working in the middle of the night, or during a public holiday. We know everything needs to happen ASAP and by the EOD. It’s just how things work in the 21st century. We also understand that a computer is no longer a mere work tool.

It’s a gateway to worldwide communications and information transfer. We know that you also use it for reading, gaming, talking to friends and watching your favourite TV series. We’re here so that you can do just that.

Here and now. Without problems.

Humanism Freedom Passion

Responsibility Idealism

What do we offer?

Easy Simple Progress Freedom Balance

Problem Wait Impossible Expensive Opprobrium


#iMeworldwide #iMeontour #iMeknows

#enterourworld #iMelife


#iMefamily #iMegram







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