Paniz Farrokhsiar Portfolio

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PORTFOLIO Paniz Farrokhsiar Dec 2017

Table Of Content Research/Build (RB) Research/Build (RB)

Competition (CP) Competition (CP)


2016 FaBRICKate

04 12

FaBRICKate 2016 Comstruct 2015

12 20

Comstruct 2015 Craft

20 28

Craft Cities: Hyperloop LA 2015 Code-structed 2016

Jury and Popular Choice award winner in Architecture+Brick 2A Asia Architecture Award 2017

38 28

Code-structed Room Cities: Hyperloop LA 2016 Leisure 2015

2A Asia Architecture Award 2017

38 42

2015 Leisure Room 2016 Triumph: Reptile


2016 Triumph: Reptile

Architizer A+Awards winner Jury and Popular Choice award winner in Architecture+Brick Architizer A+Awards winner

WA Award Winner 24th Cycle - Winner Jury and People Choice winner in student WA Award ArchTriumph Mention 24th Cycle - Jury and People Choice winner in student Mention of ArchTriumph ArchTriumph Mention Architecture competition

Academic (AC) Academic (AC)

Assistance (AS) Assistance (AS)

Mention of ArchTriumph Architecture competition 48

2015 Final Thesis

48 56

2015 Thesis 2013 Final Studio 4

56 60

4 2013 Studio 3

One of the primer designs for Bus Terminal

60 66 62

2013 Studio 13 2012

One of the primer designs for Bus Terminal


2012 Studio 1

70 66 70 74

2017 ∆Z Workshop

74 90 86

Caai School of Architecture 2017 Code-structed Skins


2017 Code-structed Skins

∆Z Workshop 2017 Caai School of Architecture

FaBRICKate Date: summer 2016 Category: (RB) Pavilion Location: Isfahan-Iran Team: ADAPt Awards: Brief: The FaBRICKate project was a group project on Rhino / Grasshopper / RhinoVault on free-form non tensional structures. It was built in Isfahan, Iran at the CAMA Studio in the summer of 2016. The traditional vault and domes which had been built in Iran and the rest of the world using non-tensional materials such as brick and stone, have been stable due to the special geometry and symmetry of the their plans. The goal of this project was to use the plug-in RhinoVault to design and build a nonsymmetrical stable vault using the block type of materials such as brick. Role: Designer, Researcher, member of fabrication team Developing algorithms in accordance with Design intact and constructibility.



Architectural Concept Form Finding Rhino-Vault The research was about the traditional andvernacularmaterialstoconstructa structuralformatthatis reputedin Iran butinamodernform(thevaults)unlike the traditional systems of symmetry, without a specific geometry, being absolutely in a free-formed shape. The design on this context was based on structure stability, designing the construction details and in the end, building the mock-up in a three month procedure. Rhino Vault was chosen as the main design tool; as it works with two diagrams of Form and Force and bring the horizontal and vertical equilibrium to desired design to shape the final model.

Gathering Data...

Layer 1 Choosing vertical brick laying pattern or Catalan style for this layer Layer 1&2 The laying style for form’s openings in roof

Layer 2 Choosing the diagonal brick laying style

Layer 1&2 Using rectangular bricks to solve the form’s bottom area curvature laying issue

Brick work setup

No Horizontal Equilibrium found

Iterations: 600 Seconds: 13 Maximum Angle Tolerance: 37.73° / 7.5° at Edge: 2813

FaBRICKate - 2016

Layer 1&2 Laying the bricks from the side with the most area to have a stronger grip between the hole membrane

Form finding in RhinoVault

No Horizontal Equilibrium found

Iterations: 600 Seconds: 14 Maximum Angle Tolerance: 29.98° / 7.5° at Edge: 2813

No Horizontal Equilibrium found

Iterations: 600 Seconds: 13 Maximum Angle Tolerance: 20.85° / 7.5° at Edge: 2813.

No Horizontal Equilibrium found

Iterations: 600 Seconds: 13 Maximum Angle Tolerance: 13.46° / 7.5° at Edge: 1149

Horizontal Equilibrium found

Iterations: 49, Seconds: 2 Maximum Angle Tolerance: 6.72° / 7.5° at Edge: 378


Fabrication Method Waffle Case MDF 16mm, MDF 6mm, Steel Rod As framework a waffle structure was used in combination with a grid mesh from steel rods. The waffle structure was divided into two parts, the main waffle which formed the overall shape of the vault and we could pass beneath, and the mini waffle was used to define the form in the parts that had a higher curvature deviation.

Mold Mock -up scale 1/100

Mold Mock -up scale 1/100

FaBRICKate - 2016

The wooden waffle case

Exploded Isometric diagram

Waffle plan

Construction details of the framework

Steel Rods curvature map


Fabrication Method Construction Sequence Karamba Structural Analysis The appropriate time for this layout of bricklaying due to experiences we got is about a time floating between 20 seconds and one minute. The desired binder needs a setting time lower than one minute which is better if it approaches to the average so that each brick keep its stability on the brick beneath it after a while. The secondary setting is checked after 24H so each brick would be able to endure another brick connected to it and do not lose the stability over an impact or a little motion and also there would be no tiny cracks on the mortar. The cement-based mortar quietly have this property; the gypsum mortars stand in the second preference.

Rod bending for the mold

Mold assembling

Brick-laying the first layer

Perspective view

Karamba Structural Analysis

FaBRICKate - 2016

Disassembling the Waffle Case

Wind Stress Analysis

Wind Utilization Analysis

Wind Displacement Analysis

Brick-laying the second layer

Wind Stress Analysis

Wind Utilization Analysis

Wind Displacement Analysis


Technical Drawings General Arrangement Sections and elevations

North elv. B section 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

East elv.

South elv.

West elv.

FaBRICKate - 2016

A Section 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m




Comstruct Date: Aug 2015 Category: (RB)Pavilion Location: Tehran, Iran Contemporary Architects Association Tutor: Mariam Khademi, Mehrad Mahnia, Vahid Eshraghi, Kristjan Plagborg Nielsen, Ramtin Taherian Brief: The ComStruct workshop was a 10 day workshop on Rhino / Grasshopper / Karamba on computational structures as form generators. It was held in Tehran, Iran at the Contemporary Architecture Association of Iran in early August 2015. The goal of the workshop was to use the finite element plug-in Karamba to explore the behaviour of various structural concepts in a digital parametric environment. The work resulted in the design of a pavilion that combined several structural methods made from laser cut aluminium sheets and cable as cables. Role: Enhancing the work flow through utilizing computational system, Karamba. Establishing complex typology rationalisation and panellization methods for double curved shell constructed with planar sheet materials and cable. Member of fabrication team. 12


Architectural Concept Form Finding Structural Analysis/ Karamba The research was about the traditional andvernacularmaterialstoconstructa structuralformatthatis reputedin Iran butinamodernform(thevaults)unlike the traditional systems of symmetry, without a specific geometry, being absolutely in a free-formed shape. The design on this context was based on structure stability, designing the construction details and in the end, building the mock-up in a three month procedure. Rhino Vault was chosen as the main design tool; as it works with two diagrams of Form and Force and bring the horizontal and vertical equilibrium to desired design to shape the final model.

Comstruct - 2015

Structural Analysis

Shell 01/Displacement Analysis

Shell 02/Displacement Analysis

Shell 03/Displacement Analysis

Shell 01/Utilization Analysis

Shell 02/Utilization Analysis

Shell 03/Utilization Analysis

Cantilever 01/Displacement Analysis

Cantilever 02/Displacement Analysis

Cantilever 03/Displacement Analysis

Cantilever 01/Utilization Analysis

Cantilever 02/Utilization Analysis

Cantilever 03/Utilization Analysis


Main Structure system Panellization System Overview Tessellation Typology Rationalization The research was about the traditional andvernacularmaterialstoconstructa structuralformatthatis reputedin Iran butinamodernform(thevaults)unlike the traditional systems of symmetry, without a specific geometry, being absolutely in a free-formed shape. The design on this context was based on structure stability, designing the construction details and in the end, building the mock-up in a three month procedure. Rhino Vault was chosen as the main design tool; as it works with two diagrams of Form and Force and bring the horizontal and vertical equilibrium to desired design to shape the final model.

Panels and Cable joint Detail

Comstruct - 2015

Selected Tessellation Pattern

Panels and Cable joint Detail

Extracted Joints from panel sheets


Secondary Structural System Cable Arrangement configuration Tension/Compression Eliminator

Comstruct - 2015


Technical Drawings Construction Details

Detail Design/Joints, Overlaps & Cable Connections Comstruct - 2015


Technical Drawings General Arrangement Sections and Plan

0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

Section B-B

Section A-A 0 0.1 m

0 1m

0.5 m


1.00 m

10 m

0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

2.00 m

20 m

Comstruct - 2015



Craft Date: Sep 2015 Category: (RB)Pavilion Location: Tehran, Iran Vartan’s House Tutor: Zubin Khabazi, Mehran Davari Brief: Craft, as its name might also refer to, is a program of education, which includes the realization of a one to one scale project with the collaboration of its participants. The main research agenda for 2015 was to find out methods of constructing a free-form surface structure by using composite materials with the use of ‘Flexible Forming’ technique. The design product was provided through a collaborative approach and the fabrication and construction has been done with the same fashion. Role: Developing Math based algorithms as design medium; fabricating multi-curved pavilion with fiber glass as a continuous surface.



Architectural Concept NURBS Based Form Generation Math Based Form Generation Minimal surface was chosen as the best design option; a minimal surface is a surface that is locally areaminimizing, that is each piece has the smallest possible area for a surface spanning the boundary of that piece. This is equivalent to have a mean curvature of zero, i.e. the sum of the principal curvatures at each point is zero. There are different approaches for creating a minimal surface. The usual way to create minimal surfaces in modelling programs is to use existing formulas of pre-defined surfaces like Gyroid and Schwartz. There is another approach which is more sensible for an architect who does not get along with mathematical definitions and prefer to create forms by a predefined geometry. Using these methods we approached a form with desired level of complexity which made challenges on generating all those curvature and seamless fabrication.

Craft - 2015

Form Generation with practical method

Points grid as a domain

Craft pavilion 2015

The cloud points of the equation result

The mesh generated from points

Desired part bounded in a cube


Material Research Activator and Hardner Proportion

Choosing proper material for the project was based on the fabrication of double-curved surfaces that narrowed down our choices to the casting materials. Polyester resins was the material we chose because of the controllability it brings, and also its ability to be combined with layers of fiber glass and reinforcement, which gives desired strength and structural stability


Material Research

Craft - 2015


Form Generation Mathematical Form Generation Design prototypes generated from “Schwartz P surface” : Sin(x³) + Cos(y³) + Cos(z³) + 0

Selected Form

Form Alternative

Craft - 2015


Final Pavilion Sections of the pavilion

Final Pavilion Complexity

Sections of Final Pavilion

Craft - 2015


Construction Detail Waffle Case The design model has been divided into separate pieces to be manageable in size. These pieces then converted into structures to be able to be cut by CNC machines from large sheets of MDF. Each one of these pieces then have been assembled and covered by several pieces of fabric to make the flexible mold. These molds have been cast by fiberglass and resin. After curing process, all these pieces have been assembled and refined.

Waffle Fabrication

Craft - 2015



Hyperloop LA Date: Dec 2016 Category: (RB)Workshop Location: LA, USA Tutor: Stefano Paiocchi (Zaha Hadid Architect) ,Arian Hakimi Nejad (Zaha Hadid Architect) Brief: Code Structed City: Hyperloop LA was a one week design based research on finding topologies for Hyperloop station. Base geometry were simple module of minimal surfaces, with a special potential to create spaces beyond the what we could imagine. By studying the geometry and making modifications to various parameters the hidden potential of the component has been shown. To make a legible combination of the components and modify them all together, adding the same or different variation of the simple component in defined orders. Role: Establishing complex geometries Based on rationalized minimal surface components.



Component Study Bottom-Up Information Processing Geometrical Performance Pre Rationalized Typology/ Scherk II First step was looking for component ability to get modifications. Knowing the diverse reactions of decomposed sections to the modification made it easier to work on it. From simple changes on one or tow segments to complex mixture of several adjustment all together created interesting alternatives that looked a lotdifferentfromthemaincomponent

Decomposition 01 Upper Edge Rotation

Base component

15 degree

30 degree

45 degree







15 degree

45 degree

90 degree

Decomposition 02


Base component Decomposition 01

Upper Edge Rotation, 45 degree

Face adjustment 01 Stretching

Base component

Face adjustment 01

Outer rectangles Rotation

Face adjustment 01

Outer rectangles Rotation, 30 degree

Hyperloop - 2017

Base component


Component Study Geometrical Performance Pre Rationalized Typology/ Scherk II Face adjustment 03 Side Edges Rotation

Base component

15 degree

30 degree

45 degree




Edge adjustment 01

Upper/Lower edges Rotation

Base component Edge adjustment 01

Upper/Lower edges Rotation, 45 degree

Edge adjustment 02

Upper/Lower edges Shrinkage

2/3 a


Base component

1/2 a


1/20 a



Face adjustment 04 Scaling

a Edge adjustment 02

Upper/Lower edges Shrinkage, a/2

Hyperloop - 2017

a Base component


1.5 a

0.5 a

0.5 a

1.5 a



Generating Sub-Systems Growth Systems Morphology Knowing the component as dynamic object which works in anyway we desire led to next phase of work. To make an extension of the components in linear, split And grid orientations. In this arrangements the relation between the base component and its variables cast an important role to create a legitimate geometry. These geometries got modifications afterwards

To configure the typology of component and its variables on we applied them on specified target surfaces such as circle, sphere and rectangle. With editing the isocurves of surfaces the final combination got the abilities of this objects that we could define it with axes of entrance, multiple path through the geometry and many others that demonstrate characteristicofthistopology.Thuswe did lots of experiment on this agenda to improve our ability of control those properties. These properties can be considered as architectural characters. They can be considered as access points the private and public spaces and the relation between those places. Hyperloop - 2017

Rectangular Grid system

Linear Grid system

Triangular Grid system

Morphing on Circular Srf.

Morphing on Rectangular Srf.

Morphing on a cylinder


Feature Growth System Vortex Configuration Surface Treatment/ Perforation In this stage, our experiment was oriented to decrease solidity of our geometry. We wanted to look at the component more than a object and consider it as an architectural figure. Trying to solve the relation ship between the spaces it defines and apply someperforationto make visual effects.

Hyperloop - 2017

PLA 3D Printed Model

Isometric of perforation Model


Selected Typology Circulation Diagrams 3D Printed Model

Pedestrian circulation in upper level

Pods Entrance

Final Project Mock-up, Powder Bed and Inkjet Head 3D Print, steel context, Sc 1/500

Hyperloop - 2017

Pedestrian Entrance


Technical Drawings General arrangement Sections

Section 01 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

Section 02 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

Hyperloop - 2017



Leisure Room Date: Nov 2015 Category: (RB)Professional Interior Design Location: Tehran, Iran Brief: The goal of this work is to seek out and exploit opportunities where modern mathematical and technological tools can be brought to bear on the analysis and synthesis of ornamental designs. In this project thesis specific method of design was used to form a cosy room to be used as a place to relax in, decorated with the Islamic based patterns. Role: Designer and Supervisor Developing parametric 2D Drawings & 3D models Concept of specific room's interior to optimize the manufacturing process, supervising the assembling.

Design Process Pattern Generation

The Islamic patterns have layers of unseen logic, simplicity and aesthetics. This study formed based on finding these features . once its figured out by manipulating those features we could create new method of modern design based on traditional works. Geometric aesthetic is the aim of the study. In this particular figure, pattern formed in a basic rectangular grid with specific features in one module. Two different approach was taken under consideration here: 1. Rectangular grids

Basic Grid

Radial Grid

Rectangular Grid with Differentiation

Leisure Room - 2015

Basic Pattern

Radial Pattern for Ceiling panels

Differentiated Pattern for Wall panels


Design and Details Interior Finish Catalogue

Cream Color

Gold Color Final constructions

Dark Blue Color

CNC Cut MDF 16mm

Final constructions Dark Blue Velvet

Laser Cut Brass

Leisure Room - 2015

Final constructions

LED Light Bar

Final constructions


Reptile-Triumph Date: Nov 2016 Category: (CP)Competition Location: London, UK Team Members: Amir Armani Asl , Paniz Farrokhsiar, Sina Sadeghi, Ali Zolfaghari Brief: Transforming a wall as an initial tile-able piece of architecture to ceiling pushed some boundaries to create a double curved surface, while re-defining a hyper state of architectural element. This new born special quality is infusing the wall, partition, ceiling and floor; they are all merged and faded together. Ornaments can also be fused with the architecture; this is when serving as the main element is their prophecy! Role: Designer Developing concept for London Infusion Pavilion, Developing tessellation pattern and designing construction details

Design Process Form Generation Motif Combining Persian art of muqarnas tiling with Japanese origami folding techniques has created a new level of continues tiling. Since mirror tiling has an effect of puzzling the reflected environment, using convex/concave reflective cells would unify everything together as a collage in an exaggerated way. To add this effect; tiles are meant to be chromized; leading to the distortion of the surroundings. . Stretching, scaling and rotating the surrounding are the tools for these real-time textured tiles! Origami tessellation would follow the free form parent-surface by responding to its curvatures. The flexible connectors would be varying from planner to a fully folded component. This logic would help the texture to tessellate almost every logical free form surface. Pavilion Orientation

Selected Motif

Form Generation

Reptile-Triumph - 2015


Design and Details

a a: 300mm

Panels and Joints


a a


The convex modular tiles would be mass produced by vacuum forming (for instance 2mm PVC) sheets, vacuum over the milled mold. The connecting tiles are meant to be flexible to let the tiling tessellate the minimal surface. To do so; PP (for instance polypropylene 1mm) sheets are proposed to be cut and folded either with a laser cutter or razor stencil pressing (used in boxing industry). Origami double sided textile has a reflecting effect from the outside as an installation pavilion and on the other hand an upside down close up reflection from the inside. The outside stands as an altogether chromic “Rep-Tile�! Inside-out users will be experiencing a twisting textile fabric with an unordinary sense of surface. The concave (from the inside) / convex (from the outside) tiles, visualize an exaggerated distortion of the surroundings and users in a playful way. This is a memorable state to interact with this mind blowing tiling phenomenon.


Base component proportions

Panels and joints detail

Reptile-Triumph - 2015


Technical Drawings General arrangement Elevations

South Elevation 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

North Elevation 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

Reptile-Triumph - 2015


Post-Earthquake Shelter Date: Spring 2015 Category: (AC)Academic Final Thesis Location: Mountainous villages Instructor: Dr. Issa Hojjat Brief: The aim of this project was to design a shelter for places with the least living facilities like mountain villages. The final design is a low cost half prefabricated structure with no need to an expert for assembling; Using the materials found in the site naturally, recycled or easy to find.

Design Process

Form Finding Design Criteria Evaluation Temporary settlements depending on the duration and conditions of residence can take many different forms. There are tree stage of post disaster accommodations in general. Emergency shelter, transitional shelter and the Permanent housing. This project focuses on second stage. There is about few days for building the shelters and people will live in there for several month till their homes get reconstruct. There are some basic consideration as the main criteria for design. These factors are considered as the priority.

Form finding from a simple square to the main design section.

Proportions: •Low level roof, minimum area and plan are the results of the right proportions of the shelter

Simplicity : • Easily transportable components • Little occupancy space

Minimum Space : • Occupy the least possible space, due to the mountainous area and the lack of appropriate levels to set up a shelter

•The proportion of circle section defined with four points of a rectangle’s corners. The length of the rectangle sides are defined by the average man height as they stand and lie, and sit.

Modularity : • Be able to accommodate families with different number of members. Final proportions/ Section of Circle

Post-Earthquake Shelter - 2015

Final form


Construction Details Assembly Process • Placing the wooden beams at specific intervals after flattening the substrate by Gabion

• Placing the required number of modules side by side and connect them on the main parts of the components.

• Installing Two metal tubes on the beams which An open net has previously been placed under with a distance of 2.4 m.

• Propulsion of each module is controlled by its side elements. Two single belt situated diagonally , to harness the driving force at both ends of the unit

• Placing the wooden pallets in between of the beams on the ground as the flooring.

• Installing wooden planks horizontally in regular intervals from each other on structure to strengthen and consolidate it.

• Filling the empty space between pallets beams and earth by a layer of mud. This will thermally insulate the floor and reduce the possibility of vermin into the units.

• A temporary tarpaulin covers the structure and tied to the metal tubes in the base. On the side walls for structural support at the base to a height of 40 cm a stone wall is made controlled by built-in lace. These stones has the role of insulating units in lower levels in addition to support the structure.

• Next step, modules will be opened one by one and to make it stable in this position the holder pipe will be placed in the middle of each side of the module.

• Screwing up the model prepared on the ground to the two pipes on the ground.

Post-Earthquake Shelter - 2015

• To cover the two transverse walls first the wooden walls called Zygaly can be built horizontally on the floor and then installed into their places.


Design Details Joint's Details Interior Proportions

Det. A

Det. B

Det. C

Interior proportions

Post-Earthquake Shelter - 2015

Interior proportions

Interior proportions


Design Details Components and Materials

Tarpaulin cover: Tarpaulins cover layer is formed primarily to make a habitable house in the shortest time. After construction of a number of units an insulating layer will be added on the first cover.

Wooden rods: To make the structure more integrated several wooden rods are installed on main structure. These rods help users to add any object they want in their house, as the rods are wooden and anything can be nailed into.

Designed joints: Connecting the horizontal rods to the main structure requires an interface that has the ability to change the angle, because of a rotational difference in space and parts of belts structure, they make different intersect angles with the horizontal rods. The connecting peace hold rods horizontally by setting the desired angle getting screwed to the main structure. Steel belt 50*5: Two belts attached together in the beginning, the end and the middle.

Pipe: Each module needs a holder steak in to keep it open as it has to be. A pipe that gets crooked in two ends is placed in between the pair of belts in both sides.

Wooden pallet: Flooring, furniture and also walls can be made of low-cost recycled wooden pallets

Wooden beams(cross section 10*10): To maintain a constant distance between two pipes, wooden beams are placed at intervals of one meter on the ground and pipes are installed on the timber.

Gabion: For levelling the ground for the establishment of houses, and preventing the permeation of the surface waters into the shelter, rocks as Gabion is placed as foundation on the ground. This also helps stabilizing the structure and insulating the shelter from the base.

Metal tubes: To stablish the belt structures Two parallel tubes with pre-built holes on them are located at a distance of 2.4 meters from each other on the wooden beams as the base structure. The main structure get screwed to the pipes. Exploded Axo. Diagram

Post-Earthquake Shelter - 2015


Technical Drawings General arrangement Sections and Plan B

Section A 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m


Section B

Plan of Sample Unit for family with 4 members B 0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 0.1 m

0.5 m

1.00 m

2.00 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

0 1m


10 m

20 m

Post-Earthquake Shelter - 2015


Tehran Cultural Center Date: Spring 2013 Category: (AC)Academic Studio Design IV Location: Tehran-Iran Instructor: Heshmat Allah Motadein Brief: The aim of this project was to design a cultural center in one of the Tehran’s most populated areas. This center should have worked both as a place to hold events in scale of city and attract users from all over the town, and a place which people leaving in the neighbourhood enjoy spending their leisure time in.

Design Process Architectural concept Site Location Dynamic space and building is the most important issue for this design. Considering all possibilities of relationships between walls and ceiling which defines inside and outside, this project shaped in a form which plays with this concept and make the spaces more e dynamic. The relationship between void and mass are one of the key points in design. There are functional zones in this building which could work with several yards in different levels, in this way

Base Cube


2 Intersected Side 2 Parallel Side

3 Side

Void to Mass access

W shape

Cultural,Entertainment,Educational zones

Functional Partition

Void and Mass relation

Functional proportions

Mass to Mass Access


Conceptual form based in relations

Final plan Outline

4 Side

Variation of Rotation Sides in a Cube

Tehran Cultural Center - 2013


Design Process Massing Analysis

1. Location in Site


Tehran Cultural Center - 2013




4. Functional proportions



5. Yards access from beneath the building

6. Final product locating


Technical Drawings General arrangement Sections and Plan

1. Restaurant

2. Exebition 3.Cinema 4. Theatre 2. Exebition

5. classroom

6. Office

5. classroom


1. Restaurant

Section 1

2013 - Tehran Cuktural Center


Recycling Karestan Date: Spring 2012 Category: (AC)Academic Studio Design I Location: Tehran-Qom Road, Iran Instructors: Issa Hojjat, Hamidreza Ansari, Mohammad Farzian Brief: A modern presentation of “Iranian Bazar”, in which producing, accommodation and sales are on procedure. The concept façade should have the ability to catch the eye in the high speed. My item of choice for production was recycling sculptures made out of the old cars pieces. The complex was located in one of the intercity roads around Tehran city.

Technical Drawings General arrangement Section and Plan

Plan level +4

Recycling Karestan - 2012

Plan level +8




∆Z Workshop Date: Spring 2017 Category: (AS)Research-Build Workshop Location: Tehran, Iran Conducted by: Edouard Cabay and Rodrigo Aguirre Brief: Architecture is a discipline that forces mathematics to escape the theoretical realm and confront the tangible. With Islamic patterns – as a singular example of the integration of mathematics in design – the application in the world of craft, as ceramic tiles, results in the complex non-hierarchical superficial motives that ornament so many spaces of the Islamic world. Role: Assistant Developing 1-1 and structural implementation

scale model design details, leading the of final design.

Design Process Islamic Pattern Performance

The tile patterns contain a hidden system: a code – or an algorithm – or even a game of simple geometrical operationsofsymmetryandrotations, materially absent, yet strongly perceivable in its form because of its effect as an organisational system. The tiles are placed according to these rules, on either side of an imaginary axis, the axis is not physically constructed; it simply dictates an order as a network of hidden lines. The research sets to challenge the superficiality of a geometric system by giving it depth, addressing its structure capacity and to deploy potentials of inhabitation. Rather than a canopy, a pavilion or a building, the experiment is simply an attempt to construct space, remote from any architectural typology; it can be defined as one of the many inhabitable material expressions resulting in the “three-dimensionalization” and parametrisation of a mathematical system of grids.

∆Z Workshop-2017


Final Design Construction Mock-up

Final constructions

∆Z Workshop-2017

Final Design Mock-up

Final Design Muck-up

Final Design Mock-up

Final Design Muck-up

Final Design Mock-up

Final Design Mock-up


Event-Formation-Studio/CAAI Date: Spring 2017 Category: (AS)Academic Assistance Location: Tehran, Iran Tutor: Farshad Mehdizadeh Brief: Architecture is a discipline that forces mathematics to escape the theoretical realm and confront the tangible. With Islamic patterns – as a singular example of the integration of mathematics in design – the application in the world of craft, as ceramic tiles, results in the complex non-hierarchical superficial motives that ornament so many spaces of the Islamic world. Role: Assistant Tutor Leading students to follow design procedures and design standards as defined by the Design lead, Providing guidance in developing concept design, 2D & 3D drawings and presentation materials and model making

Cubic Hinge By choosing Paper as the material and cut and fold as tow Techniques, this project tried to change the behaviour of paper. During this procedure cube was found as a desired volume as it was possible to be created by paper and has a considerable potential for both growth(joining with the same volume) and providing variation of alternatives. Choosing specific material and techniques led the group to be familiar with Pop-up Technique. ÂŤTraditionally, one-piece pop-ups are intricately cut and folded to create sculptures of great complexity. However< the intricacy of these constructions breaks the card into many small facets.Âť Cut and fold technique for pop-up designs/ Paul Jacson





Folden This project, after working with different tactics, focused on folding and its essential features that the group could work on them. The firs models was simple. It started with same sized linear cuts, and then folding them in specific directions. This study shows how geometry and space can be defined within a planar paper. After creating a cell, group started to practice the cells with each other and how they work together.





Tunnel of Cells Play with full and empty cell on paper give new character to paper and create new behaviour. Non-overlapping increased up cells from own empty space. After studying cell behaviour The next issue was the growth of cells, which according to our law , cut cell Should not fill the empty space And overlap. And according to the law And add scaleThecellsweregrown nexttoeach other . At the end By adding bending technique To whole Plane cells,Added a new dimension To it. So that The nature has changed and evolution cells together is our problem in practice.







‫ ﭘﺲ از ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﻪ و ﺷﻨﺎﺧﺖ آن ﻫﺎ در ﻧﻬﺎﯾﺖ ﺳﻠﻮﻟﯽ ﮐﻪ ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮﯾﻦ‬.‫ﺳﻠﻮل ﻫﺎﯾﯽ ﮐﻪ ﻣﻮرد ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ ﻗﺮار ﮔﺮﻓﺘﻨﺪ‬ .‫وﯾﮋﮔﯽ را داﺷﺖ اﻧﺘﺨﺎب ﮐﺮدﯾﻢ‬

29 Courses ‫ ﭘﺲ از ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﻪ و ﺷﻨﺎﺧﺖ آن ﻫﺎ در ﻧﻬﺎﯾﺖ ﺳﻠﻮﻟﯽ ﮐﻪ ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮﯾﻦ‬.‫ﻣﻮرد ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ ﻗﺮار ﮔﺮﻓﺘﻨﺪ‬Independent ‫ﺳﻠﻮل ﻫﺎﯾﯽ ﮐﻪ‬ Caai School of Architecture

.‫وﯾﮋﮔﯽ را داﺷﺖ اﻧﺘﺨﺎب ﮐﺮدﯾﻢ‬

‫ ﭘﺲ از ﻣﻄﺎﻟﻌﻪ و ﺷﻨﺎﺧﺖ آن ﻫﺎ در ﻧﻬﺎﯾﺖ ﺳﻠﻮﻟﯽ ﮐﻪ ﺑﯿﺸﺘﺮﯾﻦ‬.‫ ﺳﻠﻮل ﻫﺎﯾﯽ ﮐﻪ ﻣﻮرد ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ ﻗﺮار ﮔﺮﻓﺘﻨﺪ‬29 .‫وﯾﮋﮔﯽ را داﺷﺖ اﻧﺘﺨﺎب ﮐﺮدﯾﻢ‬

Independent Courses Caai School of Architecture

29 Independent Courses Caai School of Architecture


‫روﻧﺪ ﺷﮑﻞ ﮔﯿﺮي ﺳﻠﻮل ﺑﺎ ﮐﻤﮏ ﺗﮑﻨﯿﮏ ﺗﺎ و ﺑﺮش‬

30 Independent Courses Caai School of Architecture


‫‪77‬‬ ‫‪Undoable-2017‬‬


‫ﻋﺪم ﻫﻢ ﭘﻮﺷﺎﻧﯽ ﺳﻠﻮل و ﺧﺎﻟﯽ ﻫﺮ ﺳﻠﻮل ﺑﺎ دﯾﮕﺮي ‪.‬‬

‫ﺗﮑﺜﯿﺮ و ﺑﺮرﺳﯽ رﻓﺘﺎر ﺳﻠﻮل ﻫﺎ در ﮐﻨﺎر ﻫﻢ وﺗﺮﮐﯿﺐ ﺳﻠﻮل ﻫﺎ ﺑﺎ ﯾﮑﺪﯾﮕﺮ و اﺿﺎﻓﻪ ﮐﺮدن ﺗﻨﺎﺳﺒﺎت و اﻋﻤﺎل ﻗﺎﻧﻮن‬

‫‪Independent Courses‬‬ ‫‪Caai School of Architecture‬‬


In this project the only limit was the papersheetsasmaterial.Alltechniques were tested in first prototypes to reach different geometries. During this process the behaviour of the paper as sheet material was studied. Eventually, the cut was selected as the main technique to create a cell with ability to Rotate, Shift and Bend to change the axis. In this way it gave us the probability of defining the growth patterns.

a 2a








2/3 b





Twist + Shift






Event-Formation-Studio/CAAI Date: Summer 2017 Category: (AS)Academic Assistantship Location: Tehran, Iran Tutor: Farshad Mehdizadeh Brief: Islam Abad is located in North-West of Tehran. It is bounded to Chamran highway to the east, Yadegar Imam to the north, and Modiriat Bridge to the south. Geographically speaking, the neighbourhood is a valley. In some points its difference in height riches up to 35 meter. In a bigger sight, it is a part of Darakeh valley and the Darakeh river is one of the essential elements of this site. The site’s main problem is its isolated boundaries and its departed life style in cultural, economic, and typological terms. There are over 20 hectares’ wasteland in Islam Abad which departed housing blocks in different zones. This departion and useless wastelands with randomly grown trees, made it a suitable shelter for homeless people to live. Most of these people are addicted to drugs, hence the illegal drug dealing business is another major problem that Islam Abad is dealing with.


EVEN-Knot is project that consider the possibility of recultivating the lands in this valley and bring back life to this abandoned area. Using the half constructed structures on the site and the pedestrian paths the building location has been defined. The target consumer of these lands products are the athletes coming from the Enghelab Complex across the highway.




UnderLine project is about bringing life back to Islam Abad by making the space under the Niayesh Bridge an active milieu as a cultural and entertainment center. Bringing the flow of people from nearby regions . The design formed based on the behaviour of a simple sheet which has been cut and bend to create several levels and the relationship between them.



Code-Structed-Skin Date: Summer 2017 Category: (AS)Academic Assistance Location: Tehran, Iran Tutor: Stefano Paiocchi (Zaha Hadid Architect) , Arian Hakimi Nejad (Zaha Hadid Architect) Brief: The aim of this workshop is to Identify main challenges associated with Origami based form as a potential form finding design system. Origami is a art of paper folding that has come from ancient Japan. Now adays it has gone far beyond the simple models of classic origamis. By definition, origami is a developable surface. Origami enables complex 3D shapes including the approximation of double-curved surfaces Growing technology changed the Understanding of origami, and newly developed computational design made this possible to go further through the boundaries. Role: Assistant Tutor, Coordinating and managing the students with technical aspects such as "computational design skills and fabrication techniques", Steering and mentoring participants, Assisting with the final documentation


Decreasing distances between vertical grids gradually, gave us a difference between the curvature of left and right side. Closer grids caused more curvature on the left. The same thing for horizontal grids at the same time also caused a severe curvature on the head of square.

45 degrees rotation of vertical or horizontal grids caused an Asymmetric change in diagonal grids. This change in one axe gave us a flatter component while rotation of two axes made symmetric diagonal grids and gave us a sharp curvature.

Adding an extra diamond in every cell, gave us an strange component which was easy to fold and easy to make a curvier structures.

Moving intersections of diagonal lines in each cell caused three different patterns. The second one was more like having butterflies in every cells and the third one was an accumulative component as far as became a firm and stable structure.

Code-Structed Skin


Final Design

Code-Structed Skin



Moving the added square upward in horizontal sequence 0 1/2 1

Horizontal axes are being shifted far apart from each other.


0 0/5


Rotating the valley lines from vertical to horizontal.

Mutation: Moving the middle vertex

Code-Structed Skin


Final Design

Code-Structed Skin



Increasing the number of vertical axes caused a noticeable curvature in the pattern itself. So the number of mountains and valleys in an origami pattern has a great impact on its flexibility.

Transition - NO3

Intricacy-NO 1




Target Surface

Vertical axes in the middle of the pattern are being shifted.




Vertical axes are in an increasing order and have remained fixed (s stable)

All axes are fixated while the number of vertices is changing from either one or both sides

Code-Structed Skin


Final Design

Code-Structed Skin


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