Oceanarium ,Goa Thesis 2019

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Submitted by PANKAJ RAI





This is to certify that Architectural Design work and embodied in this entitled “(OCEANARIUM)” was carried out by (PANKAJ RAI) at (ITM SAAD SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE ART AND DESIGN) in partial fulfillment of BACHELOR IN ARCHITECTURE to be awarded by Gujarat Technological University. This work has been carried out under guidance and supervision of a team of Design Thesis mentors and it is upto the satisfaction.


PLACE: Seal of the Institute

Prof. Meena Duttagupta

Associate dean ITM-SAAD

Prof. Kandarp Bhatt

Principal ITM-SAAD

Prof. Babar Yahya

Chairman, Thesis Committee ITM-SAAD


Prof. Meena Duttagupta

Prof. Babar Yahya

Prof. Hiten Chawda

Prof. Prashant Modi

Prof. Kandarp Bhatt

Asso. Prof. Sneha Vadhera

Asso. Prof. Dipali Kulkarni

Asso. Prof. Swara Shah

Asso. Prof. Shilpi Aggarwal

Primary guide External examiner

Name: Name:

Signature: Signature:


Those who helped me along the way.



I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and indebtedness to a humble Guide Asso. Prof. Shilpi Aggarwal whose help, encouragement and constant critics kept my moral high during thesis work. Without her assistance and guidance, it would have been indeed difficult for me to shape up this work. It has been learning experience working under her guidance through the last five months, where she has been immensely patient, supportive, and encouraging. Special thanks toProf. Meena Duttagupta, Prof. Babar Yahya, Prof. Hiten Chawda, Prof. Prashant Modi, Prof. Kandarp Bhatt, Asso. Prof. Dipali Kulkarni, Asso. Prof. Swara Shah, Asso. Prof. Sneha Vadhera, Ar. Anagha Joshi, Ar. Swapna Kothari for extending her support.


My parents Ajay Rai and Usha Rai, nothing would have been possible but for the encouragement and support of them.


I would also like to thank friends for their constant encouragement and support and for always cheering me wherever I felt a bit low. Special thanks to Rakesh Suthar, Piyush Thakur, Subham Paul, Priya Shah, Parthvi Sanghadia.


This report discussed the various design issues and research considerations study throughout the year.

The proposed project is an Oceanarium located at the Miramar beach, Panaji, Goa. The project has been selected keeping in view the need for an aquarium building to attract more tourist and visitors.

Before proceeding with the actual design and plan, an insight is given to the climate conditions and tourism in Goa to give easier and connecting information to the project.

It nearly covers all the major issues and requirements of any aquarium building. It not only contains different kinds and sizes of aquarium displays but also cover the educational, entertainment, fun, and recreational aspects. The building has been designed such that it covers the function as well as aesthetical appearance in an attractive way. It is beautiful mixture of aquarium, display, model, rest area, cafes & restaurant, pool, underwater acrylic tunnel, and apart from the Oceanarium building the project also holds recreational activities such as dolphin performance show.

The proposed Oceanarium will be a pleasant addition to develop the tourism and beauty of Goa, and also fulfills the recreation and entertainment needs of people of India and abroad .














An Oceanarium can be a marine mammal park as well as large scale aquarium presenting an ocean habitat with marine life. An aquarium simulates a water habitat; for instance a river lake or sea; but only the submerged area of these natural habitats. "Establishments where collection of living aquatic animals and plants are exhibited or studied."

An object or place in which aquatic animals, principally fish are kept captive for public or private exhibition. Saltwater aquarium for displaying animals and plant, particularly oceanic, or pelagic, fishes and mammals. It serves as a center for public entertainment and education and scientific study oceanariums are located in coastal areas. The world largest oceanarium, now known as marineland, was completed in 1938 near st. Augustine, fla., u.s

Above are a few dictionary taken definitions of an oceanarium,as far as public oceanariumare concerned they can be defined as "a building used for showing collections of living fish water animals and plants".

Figure 1



The project is about the development of an "oceanarium". As the name indicates, it is related to the under water.


Oceanariums are somehow more difficult to maintain than aquariums. Changes in salinity conditions confound the relationships between temperature, acidity and oxygen levels of an aquatic life support system. Oceanariums however have certain disadvantages, many different species of fishes live in marine environments than in freshwater, so a greater diversity of displays is possible. A saltwater environment permits the holding of large and impressive animals which a person hardly gets to see such as sharks, rays, pirhana's, sea turtles also seagoing mammals such as Dolphins, whales, sea otter, etc.

Many oceanariums make full use of the availability of dolphins and whales that are to be trained. They are trained for special aquatic shows that are to be performed in front of live audience. A number of oceanariums are associated with research or educational programs or universities, biological stations and marine institutes .Arrangements may be reciprocal in that oceanariums can provide facilities for student training or experiments while the academic or research units can contribute specimens and professional advice about the care of marine organisms .In comparison to an aquarium which is made in a small scale it does not have entertainment facilities like an oceanarium has.

An aquarium does not have facilities to nature and take care of mammals like wales or turtles. All aquarium also may or may not be affiliated with a university, also has smaller tank of fresh water fishes and marine waster fishes. Ocenarium is comparatively a better option in every aspect to meet the growing demands of the level of amusement that people expect from such facilites and also the same time educate them.


Public oceanarium serves the purpose of recreation as well as education, or it provides a platform for education through entertainment. Human beings believe in the theory of out of sight out of mind providing a window towards the water world will some, how create a soft comer for the species living there and will motivate us not to harm their habitat.

For researchers and research institutes it provides vast research possibilities, which is not only beneficial for them but also helps provide conversation possibilities for the species.

1.5 NEED:

Living along the coastline brings the inhabitants with close contact to the sea every now and then. Around the world we see development around the coasts small islands countries earn a lot of money from tourism due to this coastal development. The reason is the sea; the beaches are an attraction all around the world people through to beaches during vacations Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand etc. are the finest example of this. They realized the importance of the force of the sea and developed their waterfronts to the international standards.

An Oceanarium is as an essential part of this sea front development as it tells us that how beauty lies within this enigmatic sea. it is in itself a sea enclosed within an edifice. It also helps the research work going on regarding the sea and its creature. Conversation of species is the slogan of the oceanariums around the world. The need for an oceanarium is stressed as it is not just a recreational spot it is a research platform from where extensive researches on flora and fauna is conducted.


India is surrounded by sea on three side and has a large coastline on the southern side in the Arabian sea. Rich in marine life countless marine species. Marine life is one of the most important resource of the country and there is an increasing demand for the development and conservation of our marine wealth. There is no state of art facility available in the country for the appropriate scientific research and awareness. Help develop tourism.


An Oceanarium is a place where you can get to know and see the marine life and all its beautiful and stunning aspects more closely. It includes all the usual and special features to make it successful and attract and amuse visitors. Basically it consist of an underwater aquarium with a unique and thrilling acrylic tunnel. A seafood restaurant that has a large central round water tank.

An aqua museum that displays different species of fishes, invertebrates and also provide history and knowledge about them. So it does not only provide entertainment related to marine life but also covers a wide range of educational aspects and some research the water world

but also seek and learn knowledge. The most entertaining facility is the acrylic tunnel built under water. So it provides the visitor with a unique atmosphere.

Along with these informative aspects, the oceanarium also provides its visitors with recreational facilities like dolphin pool , where dolphin shows are arranged to entertain the visitors. Also has a touch pool where one can touch and feel the harmless creatures. Thus an oceanarium is a place complete in itself, where one can enjoy how it feels being under water without going through the learning process of scuba diving and the fear of oxygen.






Oceanarium basically covers the following threezones of facilities:






For this purpose the oceanarium has an "underwater aquarium" which is the primary factor of this project.

2.1.1 An underwater Aquarium:

 This is not an ordinary aquarium but it provides its visitors with a unique and fascinating environment.

 It comprises of large coral reef tanks and several other glass cases and aquariums to enjoy the sea life, displaying all varieties and species of idishes, reptiles, amphibians, sea plants etc. It also includes a several feet long acrylic tunnel through which one can move around and see the marine world very closely.

2.1.2 Acrylic Tunnel:

 The acrylic tunnel will be a nearly 350 feet long winding path. It will be made of a semi circular acrylic through which the visitors can see the water world and fishes at just a few centimeters distance.

 The acrylic tunnel will be nearly 4 meters high and 2 meters wide. At one side of the tunnel be a conveyor belt or a moving travellator at particular distances. So the visitors can just stand on the belt and go around the tunnel at a desirable slow speed.

Figure 2: Acrylic Tunnel

2.1.3 Constructional Details:

 Just like any other tunnel, the sidewalls are made up of concrete, nearly three feet high. The AC ducts are fixed on the sides and have inlets on it. As the name indicates the tunnel is made up of acrylic glass, a special kind of glass mostly used for display tanks and tunnels nowadays.

 The glass is heated at a certain temperature and is curved as requires . These panels are then fixed over the concrete wall with the help of clamps and sealant glues.

 Each acrylic panel is about one meter in length and is joined with the help of a special marine sealant, or are welded together, or joined with a metal strip tightened by nuts and bolts.

 The thickness of the glass depends upon the volume of the tanks and the water. Handrails are provided at both ends for safety and comfort.


Aquarium Displays:

 The aquarium displays are spread throughout the building in all floors. These aquariums not only contain fishes but also reptiles, invertebrates and amphibians, thus providing a wide variety.

 These are not just the simple usual types of aquarium but are designed with new methods and techniques, thus allowing the aquarium 's viewing acrylic panel to be arranged in different sizes and forms. This gives a break to the continuity of the aquariums and Adds to the interest of visitors.

 Also the circulation area for the visitors is such provided that it does not follow a same route or straight lines, but the interest to move around is enhanced with curved pathways and varying widths of the corridor. This does not only break the continuity but also and saves the visitors from following the same route.

 The aquarium displays have the following galleries: Central Coral Reef Tank:

 At the entrance of the oceanarium is the majestic vertical central coralreef tube, which extends to the other floors of the building as well.

 The magnifying effect of the narrow tube allows visitors to see the distinct features of the fishes as they swim past slowly.

 Beautiful golden and diamond travel lies, tarpon, squirrelfish and rainbow runners can be seen. There are also lots of smaller fishes, which orbit theimpressive central rockwork.

 The vertical tank allows following the fishes to the upper stories to lead the visitors to more exhibits on other levels. Touch Pool:

 Where one can touch and stroke the banded-bamboo shark and feel their roughtextured skin as they glide past one's skin, One can feed blue-spottedstingrays, nodular sea stars, banded-bamboo sharks and porcupine puffers, all harmless creatures.

 Its construction is carried out the same way as that for the turtles. All theharmlesscreaturesarekeptinanormalpool,withdesirable temperature. Visitors especiallykids can touch and feel the skins of the creatures. Fresh Water Section:

 It consists of fishes that thrive whollyin fresh water and which cangrow up to eight feet in length. It does not only have the biggest fish also the most expensive fish in the world .

Figure 3: Coral Reef Tanks
Figure 4:Touch Pool Seashell Display:

 Showcases more than I00 species of seashell from all over the world, in all sizes,shapes and shades, this gallery also consists of large shell models to add an interest and variety.

5:Seasheel Display Invertebrate's Section:

 Within the confines of specially built tanks, one will be able to encounter unusual and peculiar tiny sea creatures, which even keendivers tend to miss.

Figure 6:Invertebrates display An Undersea Garden:

 A garden that is always moving with colorful reef fishes and vividly colored corals. It will have a central coral reef tank with a corridor around it for the visitors to move around it and several other small and large aquariums all displaying thefeatures of the garden

Figure Giant Tank Display:

 It is generally located at the central part of the building in order to attract the visitors.

 To view this gallery ,one has to move through 180˚ tunnel which passes from the middle of the tank to view it from close

 Another ones can also view the gallery from outerside of tank to meet some of the most deadly marine and fresh water animals in the world.

 One can stand face to face with a tank full of different species of shark & Manta Rays.

 Generally the height of this tanks are up to 9 to 12 mts and comparatively larger than others tanks.

Figure 7:Undersea garden
Figure 8:Giant Tank


The Oceanarium also provides the visitors with the educational facilities so that they not only get entertainment but also get useful and interesting knowledge about the underwater world and learn the exciting hidden stories behind them.

The following educational facilities will be provided:

2.2.1 An Aqua Museum:

 A museum that is completely based on marine life providing the necessary entertainment and educational facilities to the visitors. It will have all the species of fishes, crabs, reptiles, amphibians, seaweeds and sea plants etc.

 The museum basically has an awesome and dazzling display of unusual marine animals and some interesting features about them, like sea horse, sea dragons, octopus etc.

 It gives a full informative knowledge about the entire marine life and how it is conserved and utilized .

2.2.2 The Fishing History:

This gallery gives a short introduction about how fishing was started in the early days and how it was carried out in later years.

 It gives a detailed account of the various species of the fishes that were found earlier, coming to the present day.

2.2.3 The Fishery Objects:

This gallery has alots of information and guidelines for the fishermen, and people who have to go fishing. It informs the visitors and interested people completely in order to give then a clear slight of how the fishing should be carried out and what objects, materials, clothing, and even what kind of food is given to the particular specie of fishes to net them.

2.2.4 The Discovery Lab:

 This laboratory is specially designed for visitors information in particular. Here the visitors can get a chance to learn about the behavior of different sea animals and fishes and even get to touch and feel them, and learn about their behavior.

 A small research work is also carried out in here; this lab is open to public as it is just a small part of research laboratory, designed for the visitors to explore the marine creatures.


These facilities include:

2.3.1 Turtle Pond:

One can see turtles up close at the turtle pond, Although turtles are very docile and somewhat shy but they do come up to the water for air and food. One can feed and even take photographs.

 The pond is placed inside the campus is basically just like a normal pool. A real environment is provided to the turtles with the help of artificial rocks, pebbles, seaweeds, plants and corals etc. even sandis provided to make the turtles feel at home. The turtles move around freely and even come up for air.

2.3.2 Crocodile Pond:

 One can see crocodiles up close from a bridge at the crocodile pond or else can see internal view of crocodile activity in the pond through acrylic panel glass from inside of a building as pond remains connected with building next to it for services.

 The pond placed inside the building is basically just like a normal pool. A real environment is provided to the crocodile with the help of artificial rocks, pebbles, seaweeds, plants and corals etc. even sandis provided to make the crocodiles feel at home. The crocodiles move around freely and even come up for air.

Figure 9:Turtle pond

2.3.3 Dolphinarium:

 To have dolphin shows, A place where one can meet and greet the lovely dolphins and even feed them.

 This dolphin pool has a seating area for nearly l00 users at a time and different dolphin shows are carried out at different times. The hall basically consists of a large main pool where the dolphins perform .Other than that another smaller pool is provided where thedolphins actually live but is not visible to the visitors. This smaller pool is linked with the larger main pool with a tunnel in tunnel in between them under the water.

 The dolphins are first kept inside the smaller pool and when the shows start, the irongate at the tunnel is opened and they shift to the main pool for performance. The seats are arranged in step as in auditoriums for the comfort of the visitors to easily watch the show.


 The project "oceanarium" also covers the research side in a small extent. It doesn't have avery big research center of its own but has proper service and administrative sections to completely understand and conserve the marine life. It has the following portions:

 Service floor

 Quarantine areas

 Water containers and pumps system

 Research vessel and laboratories

Figure 10:Dolphinarium

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