3 minute read

10 Directions & Objectives

Eastern Harbour City– the aim is to capitalise and strengthen the existing economic spine and refine the needs more inclined to liveability and sustainability for future. Central River City –the aim is to improve the quality of amenities in the area and conduct further investigation in the sphere of infrastructure taking in consideration the flood prone areas. Western Parkland City –the aim is to make a defined framework for the developments and investments in the area to help it emerge as a successful city. They also aim to work reducing the car's dominant nature in the area and extreme climatic impact(Greater Sydney Commission, 2018).

GSRP in its vision states the aim of the 30minute city which they have envisioned to be followed in the defined three cities by next 40 years. In order to achieve the same, they have clearly structured it as 10 directions which are broadly classified under four themes namely – Infrastructure and Collaboration, Productivity, Liveability and Sustainability.



The plan under this section addresses the importance and need to generate housing and employment in accordance with growth so that it does not impose pressure on infrastructural demands. The unplanned additional development ends up compromising on quality and affects timely provision. This section also states that it is imperative to have a balance of essential services like education and health for the population. GSRP defines when and where the growth across three cities should happen by identifying the Planned precincts and growth areas. In terms of Collaboration, Future Transport 2056 and State Infrastructure Strategy 2018-2038 comes into picture. The plan focuses on collective response from all tiers of government structure which helps in investments tailored to the need avoiding the unprecedented levels of growth.


The plan under this theme is focussed around the quality of life of residents. It is defined by the neighbourhood one resides and what it offers. In order to improve the liveability, GSRP plans to provide housing, employment and services to make people stay in their respective neighbourhoods. It further envisions improving the accessibility to these facilities which strengthens the community as a whole. It takes in account the proportional growth of population and migration, resulting in change of demographics which affects the local needs of people. The overarching vision of GSRP of a 30-minute city becomes a guide for prioritisation of these facilities and investments. It also encompasses the values of community contributing to culture and identity. The plan defines the need of place-based planning, urban design characteristics like streets, better connectivity within and between places, promoting walkability and cycling etc.


Greater Sydney as Australia's global economic gateway is counted amongst the top 20 and in order to embark a stronger footprint, productivity plays a vital part. The area has a strong advantage of Education – being second biggest exporter of higher education, Health – linked by the world class health precincts like Westmead, Randwick and presence of Royal Prince Alfred Hospitals and Tourism – having icons like Sydney Opera House, Sydney Harbour Bridge and World Heritage Area – Blue Mountains. Productivity as a theme is a great booster for the growth of Greater Sydney. This plan also takes into account the need for efficiency of the network of freight and logistics. GSRP’s vision of rebalancing of opportunities in these three cities by the means of a polycentric city is backed by this theme. It explains the disadvantages of monocentric areas and its impact on people. The integral part under this section covers the efficient public transport further strengthening the overarching vision of GSRP – 30minute city. It covers the structure of planning policies required to back the provision of business and services by strong transport connectivity.


This part of the plan caters to the landscape of the city by taking in account of diverse, beautiful features like coastlines, waterways, mountains etc. The aim of the plan is directed towards long

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