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“Little Stones” | #NBFF 2017 Ozcial Selection A.Digioia / 1 day ago
2 Votes A documentary that creates its own art while capturing stories of building female empowerment through artistic expression…
“LITTLE STONES”, winner of the ‘Best Documentary’ award at this years Vail Film Festival, is written and directed by award-winning 韺�lmmaker Sophia Kruz and cinematographer Meena Singh. Making its West Coast Premiere a this month’s Newport Beach Film Festival, “Little Stones” tells the story of four women, from di韞�erent countries, who have created an empowering movement for all women through various forms of artistic expression. Kruz, Singh, and their small crew travel to Senegal, Kenya, Brazil, Germany, India, and the United States to tell these stories. Capturing an intimate look at the lives of these in韺�uential women that have all been able to 韺�nd an art-form to use as the means to spread their message of empowering women from the various ethical, cultural, and social challenges they face. Creating a much needed awareness to the varying levels of sexual bias all women must endure.
Something this 韺�lm was perfectly able to accomplish with its clear passion for the subject. This 韺�lm was informative, inspirational, motivational, and beautifully crafted. Archival footage from around the globe, added with introductions to the four women, and what their inspirations were set the stage, and from there this 韺�lm takes the viewer on an intriguing journey around the world. This 韺�lm from start-to-韺�nish weaves an excellent balance of capturing who these women were inside, what fueled there cause, their passion for art, and how they transformed that into a movement to inspire women, each in their own way. This documentary also shows the positive e韞�ects these women have had to those around them and the lives they have inspired. This detailed, thought-provoking, look at these movements through art will command your attention and are what make this documentary such a valuable tool.
The message of the this documentary is a very important one, with the 韺�lmmakers clearly showing a painstaking e韞�ort to do the research, cover all the angles, with a focus on building the most complete story. The combination results in a very moving, and memorable 韺�lm. The 韺�lmmakers are able to create such a subtle delivery that during the interviews and throughout many various shots, you feel like you are on this journey with them. Not simply watching a documentary, and taking in information. The direction and cinematography were excellent. You don’t feel like you are viewing a crew 韺�lm a documentary, you feel like you are with a small group on a research trip. This creates a seamless balance of how all of the informative material is woven together from these four lives, into one smooth story. Panmela Castro, Fatou Diatta, Sohini Chakraborty and Anna Taylor are four amazing women that are inspiring all women through art. These di韞�erent causes that are all smaller pieces of one larger movement are something that all people, both men and women need to see and become aware of, and “Little Stones” is a great documentary to convey such messages.
O韉�cial Website http://www.littlestones.org Driftseed (Non-Pro韺�t Organization) http://www.driftseed.org
LITTLE STONES Official Trailer