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Argentina, a mining destination inviting investors
Editorial: Nuevos rumbos en la industria minera, y la oportunidad de Argentina // New expectations in the mining industry and the opportunity for Argentina
Argentina, a mining destination inviting investors
“Por el contexto mundial y la demanda para nuevas tecnologías, Argentina tiene una gran oportunidad minera” // “In light of the present world scenario and the demand for new technologies, Argentina faces a great mining opportunity”
Jujuy: productora de carbonato de litio y concentrados de plata, plomo y zinc Alto potencial para nuevos descubrimientos mineros // Jujuy: producer of lithium carbonate and silver, lead and zinc concentrates High potential for new mining discoveries
Catamarca: Pasado, presente, y futuro minero // Catamarca: a mining past, present and future
Salta, tierra de oportunidades: la provincia se posiciona para el desarrollo minero // Salta, a land of opportunities: the province positions itself for mining development
Santa Cruz, sólido avance de proyectos mineros // Santa Cruz, sound progress in mining projects
“Río Negro está activa y goza de la confianza de las empresas que nos conocen” // “Río Negro is in action and enjoying the confidence of the companies that know us”
“Argentina está en proceso de sumarse como miembro del Estándar Internacional de Transparencia en las Industrias Extractivas (EITI)” // “Argentina is in the process to become a member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)”
Mantener las reglas, la base para promover la exploración en la Argentina // Playing by the rules; the main principle to promote exploration in Argentina
“El retraso en la exploración se termina pagando varios años después en el ciclo de producción” // In this industry, reluctance to undertake exploration ends up taking its toll years afterwards during the production cycle
Women Who Rock reunirá la experiencia profesional de la mujer en PDAC 2019 // Women Who Rock will reunite the professional experience of woman in PDAC 2019
Suplemento Especial: Provincia de San Juan
“Los clientes de Sandvik Mining and Rock Technology participan del desarrollo de los productos”
Finning CAT “Soluciones en Tecnología”
“El mercado de la minería en Argentina y en el mundo tiene un especial enfoque en la seguridad y el cuidado del medio ambiente”
Panorama de empresas mineras
Cotización de minerales y metales
Panorama de eventos 2019
“Our province is relying on the development of large copper deposits”
With a governmental vision strongly associated with mining industry promotion, San Juan has been named the best province for investment in the 2018 Fraser Institute Annual Mining Survey The province's Mining Minister Dr Alberto Hensel, said that the province will continue to exercise a proactive role "for the purpose of accelerating exploration investments and accompanying projects from the early stages of their development”
The existing mining potential has to be accompanied by incentives and actions: the approach of the San Juan Mining Chamber
The San Juan Mining Chamber has started a new cycle in its history, continuing with the work carried out by Jaime Bergé, a well known actor in San Juan mining who led the Chamber for more than 26 years According to Lic Mario Hernández, its recently elected president "the greatest challenges in the times we are traversing pivot around sustaining production and managing costs responsibly to preserve employment”