Panorama Community Magazine February 2013

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006 Disaster Strikes in Sheppton by Marolyn Pensock 019 Polka Connection by Carl Simchena 031 Art & Antiques: Kate's Royal Portrait by Dr. Lori 040 Tom McMillen by Rev. Connell McHugh 043 Best Tips for Purchasing a Used Car in 2013 by Tom R. Buff

sections 009 Bridal 018 Dining & Entertainment 024 Legal & Financing 030 Family 042 Automotive 046 Home & Garden 050 Health & Fitness


021 Calendar of Events 022 In the Kitchen with Joan Barbush 038 Puzzles & Trivia 047 Master Gardener by Mary Ann Miller 066 Puzzles & Trivia Answers 066 Advertisers Index

Publisher Lex Sloot Advertising Account Executives Rich Lipinski, Toni Englehart, Gerald Reichert, Tammi Williams, Graphic Design Department Joan Palmer, Design Supervisor Samantha Laskowski, Design Assistant Contributing Writers Marolyn Pensock, Joan Barbush, Larry Ksanznak, Thomas R. Buff, Dr. Lori Rich Lipinski, Rev. Connell McHugh Carl Simchena, Mary Ann Miller Panorama Community Magazine 600 South Polpar Street Hazleton, PA 18201 570-459-1010

General Information Articles & Community Events Graphic Design Department Comments

MARCH 2013 ISSUE Editorial Deadline FEBRUARY 11, 2013 Advertising Deadline FEBRUARY 18, 2013 TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS WITH US CALL 570.459.1010 VOLUME 32, ISSUE 2 All advertising, including photographs, is the property of Panorama PA, Inc. and not that of the advertiser. The advertiser has purchased the right of reproduction only in Panorama Community Magazine and does not have the right to reproduce the ads in any other place or publication. Panorama PA, Inc. reserves its right to exercise its discretion in the selection of advertisements.

4 • Panorama Community Magazine

This issue or any part thereof may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Panorama PA Inc. All rights in letters sent to Panorama Community Magazine will be treated as unconditionally assigned for publication in copyright purposes and as such as subject to a right to edit and comment editorially. Panorama Community Magazine makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information published but can not be held responsible for consequences arising from errors or omissions. Name and contents Š 2013, Panorama PA Inc.

February 2013 • 5

Disaster Strikes in Sheppton The sun rose on a clear, bright morning, burning off any morning hazy. Clearly it was a harbinger of the heat of the day to follow. David Fellin was co-owner of the Fellin Coal Company, one of the few remaining underground mines in the Sheppton-Oneida area. Some accounts have called the mine, independent, some wildcat, nevertheless, it was a small mine producing a living for a small group of miners. David rose early on the morning of August 10, 1963. He wasn’t planning to put in a full day in the mine that day. Davie had planned to get the men started on the work he wanted them to accomplish for the day. It was Louis Bova’s first day on the dayshift. Hank Throne was already a dayshift man. Picture the tracks of the buggy descending the slope into that mine. The electric wires were strung along the timbered walls, marking the way down, deep into the bowels of the earth. Three hundred thirty feet down they rode, to the level where they were to work for the day. They could see the timbers where the walls of the cavern were shored up. History records that Dave and Hank had been working off to one side of the buggy tracks, while Louis worked in the same area, but on the opposite side of the tracks. By eight o’clock in the morning the men had already loaded the buggy and signaled for its’ return to the top. As it returned to the bottom, empty, the men heard it. It was a sound no miner ever wants to hear. The sound, a rolling underground rumble struck fear into their hearts. They saw the start of the disaster. The electricity was still on, though flickering.

by Marolyn Pensock

Rocks, coal, timbers, dust and stones were everywhere as their underground world collapsed around them. The three men ran for safety. According to an account by Hank Throne, Dave and Hank took refuge in a six by six by six foot cavern. Louis was cut off on the other side of the tracks. Louis though he saw a safer spot and ran toward it, never to be seen again. All but two of their tools were lost in the cave-in, along with their lunch boxes. They found a hammer and a hatchet, which would have proved helpful to their survival, except for the fact that the hammer broke early in their attempt to dig themselves out. They just had to sit for hours, against the wall until the rumbling stopped. So, the two men were left with only a hatchet to try to claw their way out of the mine. They knew that the entrance by which they had come into the mine was the only one in and out. Drawing upon their mining experience, Davie and Hank started to shore up the ceiling and walls of their small cavern, making it even smaller; the ceiling even lower. Before long the fuel, carbon, I think, in their helmet lights was exhausted. Pitch black darkness enveloped them. The darkness was as black as the anthracite coal they had come to mine. Their only contact with time, was the fluorescent glow on the hands on Hank’s wrist watch. After a day or two they lost track of the hours of the day and the night. Many times they called out for Louis. Only once did they think they heard him. Could they have heard him? Maybe. Only God knows if they heard him call out to them in the depth of their dark-

6 • Panorama Community Magazine

ness or if it was their imagination. Their cavern was cold, dark and dank. Sewer water seeped into the floor of their capsule. It gives one shivers to think of it. Just think, this day had dawned with the promise of a hot August day. There they were shivering. In the hours they thought of as the nighttime hours, Hank and Davie sat with their legs extended in a v shape with their arms around the man in front. Their heads could rest on the back of the man in front of him. They rotated the position every so often to keep their circulation going. I suppose that after a few days, their beards helped keep their faces warm. They talked. They sang. They prayed. They hallucinated. They worked. Yes, worked at keeping the walls of their capsule shored up with whatever timbers they could find in the darkness. It would be five days before they would realize that their prayers and the prayers of those working feverishly up on top to save them, were in the process of being answered. Another part of the rescue drama was being played out above ground. Word of the mine cave-in spread quickly. I’m supposing, as I could find no mention of a mine siren, that if there was a siren, the sound sent a chill through the hearts of the families of those miners who were in the mine that day. Miners are a close knit group of comrades, no matter which company one worked for, they were and still are, a brotherhood concerned for the safety of each other. Fourteen men from the Sullivan Trail Coal Company of Beaver Meadows, PA , owned by Louis Pagnotti, Sr., worked feverishly to locate the men buried below. Among them was Ronnie J. Sando, who later would write his own version of the rescue and also pen the words and music to a song in tribute to the men buried in that Sheppton mine. The United Mine Workers Union, with offices located in Hazleton, PA, was represented on the site; the Pennsylvania Bureau of Mines men were there too. Entrance could not be gained through the original entrance to the mine because of all the debris, rocks, dirt and most deadly of all, the carbon dioxide gas emanating from the depths of the mine. Most important of all, working around the clock, was Davie’s brother, Joe Fellin. He knew the layout of the mine. After many attempts to locate the men failed. Joe insisted, pleaded really, for a particular spot from which they should drill yet another borehole. The local UMW consulted with the state men who reluctantly gave their permission to drill. This was day six. Keeping vigil were the three wives of the miners, who sat crying, nearby in their lawn chairs while Father Michael Sverchak of nearby Sheppton, consoled and prayed with them. It was a tense moment as the six inch bit of

the drill cut into the earth making the first cut deep into the earth in what was to become the most historic mine rescue to that date in the history of mining in United States. Three hundred thirty feet below confined in their tomb were Davie and Hank. At first they did not hear the six inch drill bit as it slowly churned its’ way toward them. Davie Fellin was to later remark in his interview that the bit almost hit him in the head as it broke through the earth. A microphone on a cord was lowered into that hole. What joy. What wonder. How were the men able to drill in the exact spot when all the other holes they had tried had failed? Personally, I believe there was a power greater than any drill guiding that bit, a power which guided the foot of Joe Fellin as he said, “Drill right here.” I believe it was the power of God. A rescue worker, whose name is lost in history, pressed his ear close to the borehole. He thought he heard the men. Raising his head he demanded complete silence from the crowd. He shouted again. “Davie! Hank! Louis!” They answered, “We’re hear! Here we come! Davie and Hank” He turned to the crowd shouting. They are alive. They are alive. The shout went out. The people rejoiced. They thanked God. Hank Throne recorded that he and Davie cheered, stood up and shook hands and hugged each other. Now the rescue work began

in even greater earnest. The first items to be sent down that six inch borehole were in answer to their request for food, hamburgers, soup and coffee, along with clothes for warmth. An electric line was also dropped from above. The rescue work was far from over. Wider holes had to be drilled to enact the rescue. Another twelve inch borehole attempt aborted when the bit hit a large, hard sulphur ball. Worklights, flashlights, a sleeping bag and a heating pad made the work of shoring up the ceiling and waiting, a bit easier. Nineteen year old Phil Margush, a young chief engineer and part-time newsman for AM station WMBT, Shennadoah, PA was on assignment with his mobile unit to interview the mine rescue workers at the Sheppton mine cave-in site on Sunday. After listening to the workmen talk about the need to communicate with the entombed men, the young man had an idea. After a WW II field telephone which had been dropped down the hole, failed, Phil Margush had his idea. He had been joined by another newsman, Russ Trunzo of WMBT at the site. Using an RCA ‘salt shaker’ microphone, a VM reel to reel tape recorder, which had its’ own preamp, as a monitor and over three hundred feet of borrowed, spliced, extension cords, the men dropped the microphone down the six inch hole. A five inch radio speaker was dropped down for Davie and Hank to hear

the rescuers on top. That soon failed and they resorted to shouting messages down the borehole. After thirty six hours of non stop work young Phil Margush collapsed. He was rushed to Locust Valley Hospital to recover. By the time he returned the next day, three TV networks had arrived along with WAZL, of the Mutual Broadcasting Co. Local radio personalities, Paul Cerullo, the Tito Brothers and others were there also. The ABC radio network was broadcasting the rescue through out the world. Onlookers came to watch and pray both day and night. My brother, Fred Sauer, his wife, Martha and their three month old daughter, Pamela joined the crowd every evening after his shift at the Hazleton Plain Speaker, our local newspaper. The paper, now the Standard Speaker, ran complete coverage during the entire event as did other nearby newspapers. It just so happened that our family was in Vermont on a short vacation. So we listened on the car radio. This was one time that we couldn’t wait to get home to join others watching on television. Young Phil Margush was thought of as a hero in the trade for his remote broadcast idea. The same principal has been used in later mine rescues around the world. The trapped miners worked diligently in their underground cavern, constantly shorcontinued on page 8



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February 2013 • 7

Ask Virginia Jane by Virginia Jane Benyo Happy Valentine’s Day! It is I, Virginia Jane, hostess extraordinaire at Kathleen’s Collectibles. In this month’s column, I’m reminiscing about the golden retrievers in our lives that stole our hearts. Here are some descriptions of famous goldens. See if you can name the show. This show starred a golden retriever named Buddy. His real name was Comet. After this show, he went from TV to emerge as a movie celebrity starring in “Air Bud”. Haven’t seen it? Shame on you and put your tail between your legs. What was the TV show? The golden in this show was called Brandon; that was his real name too. He was named after the then-head of NBC. Brandon was introduced to viewers as a pup (I know, how cute, awwww, and all that; now let’s get back to the topic which is NOT puppies). As the main character grew up, so did the dog. The same golden retriever starred in the show most of his canine life. In what TV show did

Brandon star? This golden retriever was not a star of stage or screen but she was owned by someone very famous. Her name was Liberty; her fancy name was Honor Foxfire Liberty Hume. Liberty “had it made” because she lived in the most well-known House in all of the country! When she had puppies, this famous person kept one of the pups and named it Misty. Who is this famous person? Last but definitely not least is the most well-known golden retriever in the Hazleton area: Gap View Lady Virginia Jane, known as Virginia Jane. She makes appearances on local television shows, and writes monthly columns for Panorama magazine, where she also poses for silly photos. Where does she work? (She doesn’t have her own show YET). On a personal note, if you had the pleasure, luck, or common sense to choose to own a golden retriever, write and tell me about you and your dog. I mean it. It doesn’t have

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8 • Panorama Community Magazine

to be long. Just what made your relationship so special. You can mail it, email it, or drop it off at Kathleen’s Collectibles. C’mon, I know you have stories inside you, now pick up a pen and write about them! P

Disaster Strikes in Sheppton (cont.) by Marolyn Pensock continued from page 7

ing it up. The thought that rescue was so close at hand kept them going. They even broke into song. Among those songs Hank remembered singing was: Oh My Darling Clementine, I remember some of the words: In a cavern, in a canyon, excavating for a mine, Dwelt a miner, forty-niner and his daughter, Clementine. Sort of appropriate wasn’t it? While they were working, the borehole drilling was ongoing up on top. A large seventeen and a half inch drill was sent from a Howard Hughes Company in Texas. It proved to make just the size borehole that was needed to hoist the men to the surface. When the borehole was finished and all was in readiness on Monday evening of August 26th, the rescue operation began and didn’t end until the wee hours of Tuesday morning, August 27th. Hank greased Davies’ shoulders, arms and hips and Davie in turn greased Hank’s shoulders, arms and hips. The workers above sent down helmets, coveralls and harnesses for the men. Davie and Hank climbed into them and replaced their miner’s helmet with a football helmet for the trip upward. Hank Throne was the first man to, very slowly, be pulled to the surface. The fresh air, the lights, the people, all combined to overwhelm him, as he collapsed into a stretcher to be whisked off to the Hazleton General Hospital. Davie Fellin arrived, just as slowly, singing in his deep baritone voice, “She’ll be comin’ around the mountain when she comes.” His stretcher and helicopter were also waiting for him. Many folks in town related to me the fact that they heard the drone of the helicopter as it flew over Hazleton taking the rescued miners to the hospital as their dark journey ended. P

Find Wedding Bliss this Fall (NewsUSA) - Caterers, event halls and wedding planners are gearing up for fall wedding season, one of the busiest times of the year for hopeful couples. Fall guarantees exquisite photo opportunities without the heat of summer -- and the wealth of in-season decorations are beautiful and affordable. In fact, September and October are the most popular and third most popular months for weddings, respectively. If you're planning a fall wedding this season, read on for some helpful tips: 1. Keep warm. Since outdoor fall weddings have the potential to get chilly, keeping your guests

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warm is a must. Offer hot cocoa and homey baskets of soft blankets or cozy shawls. Set up fire pits or outdoor heating stations where guests can shake of the chill. 2. Location, location, location. Select a locale that is known for its fall scenery. For example, as much as it's known for history, Valley Forge and Montgomery County, Pa. is celebrated for its brilliant autumnal hues and stunning landscape -- a picture-perfect place for memorable fall nuptials in a historic area of southeastern Pennsylvania. Named among the top 10 national parks for fall foliage, the 3,500-acreValley Forge National Historical Park offers a perfect fall backdrop. Learn more at 3. Incorporate fall colors into the wedding party wardrobe. Chocolate brown compliments a variety of fall color schemes, and it's flattering for most women. But if brown doesn't suit the plans, burgundy is another great fall shade that makes



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the bridal white pop. 4. Select in-season flowers and decorations. Unless the bride has her heart set on lily of the valley or orchids, there are beautiful in-season flowers to choose from. Dahlias, chrysanthemums, asters, roses, zinnias and sunflowers all create elegant bouquets and floral displays with a lovely hint of fall. Add some crab apples for a playful, non-floral element. 5. Mix and match gourds, pumpkins and squash. Pumpkins can be tacky or a little too reminiscent of Halloween, so class them up by serving pumpkin soup, pumpkin cocktails or tiers of mini pumpkins. Gourds also make eyecatching vases, and all three can be arranged as charming centerpieces.

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10 • Panorama Community Magazine: Winter Bridal Guide

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February 2013 • 11


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12 • Panorama Community Magazine: Winter Bridal Guide

(Family Features) Whether it's an engagement party, bridal shower, the reception or post-wedding brunch, professional event planner Alison Hotchkiss knows a thing or two about creating memorable bridal celebrations. As the founder-owner of Alison Events, and author of "The Destination Wedding Planner: The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Wedding From Afar" (Chronicle Books), she's produced stunning weddings all over the world. Whether you enlist the help of a planner or do it yourself, Alison's tips on entertaining will help you make your bridal celebration picture perfect. • Bubbles add a festive, celebratory note to any bridal celebration. I love Cupcake Prosecco sparkling wine from Italy. It's crisp and refreshing - an affordable alternative to pricey French champagne yet equally delicious. • Food doesn't have to be complicated to be remarkable. To satisfy all guest preferences, I always recommend 3 to 5 appetizers including chicken, beef and fish plus two veggie options (ideally one being vegan or dairy free). • A signature drink is a fun way to welcome guests and get the party off to a great start. The Prosecco Ginger Cocktail is delicious and memorable. I like to serve it in unconventional glassware and garnish with Persian cucumber "swizzle sticks" for even more impact. • A popular alternative to the traditional sit down meal at engagement parties or showers: food stations with a range of different foods offered at each. Pair a different wine with each station to create maximum variety and enjoyment as guests taste and mingle.

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February 2013 • 13

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Make your “I do” Last Forever (NewsUSA) - In between the guest list, the flowers and the perfect three-tier cake, it can be hard to find time to shop for your wedding rings. However, it is important to remember that most of the wedding details are fleeting and gone after a few hours of enjoyment, while your rings are enjoyed forever. So, whether you are having a smaller gathering or a more traditional affair, this important to-do on your event checklist should not be overlooked, especially since your rings mark your commitment to one another and will last a lifetime. Jewelry and style expert Michael O'Connor has a few tips that are sure to help you find matrimonial bliss when it comes to ring selection: • Create a budget. There are many details to consider when planning a wedding that can quickly drain your budget. It is important to set aside money for a lifelong symbol like your wedding bands. Not sure how much to

budget? Consider that in 2006, couples spent an average of $2,079 on wedding bands, according to the CN American Wedding Study. And since the age-old rule for purchasing an engagement ring is to spend two months salary, plan to spend one month's salary for the two wedding bands. Check out the "Budget Calculator" at • Shop together. It is a good idea to shop for rings together. In fact, 80 percent of couples do, which isn't a surprise since your rings, which don't have to match, should reflect your personal styles and tastes. • Plan ahead. Don't wait until the last minute to go shopping for your wedding bands, they're simply too important. Plan to start shopping for your rings six months prior to your "I do's." Not only do you need time to research and shop, but you also need to allot time for custom orders, sizing and engraving. • Invest in quality. Because you want your ring to last a lifetime, it is important to put thought into the quality of metal you choose. Platinum 950 is the most durable precious metal and will last a lifetime. It's 30 times more rare than gold, and for wedding bands set with diamonds, its natural whiteness will ensure the diamonds sparkle and stay secure. It is no wonder that Hollywood's A-list designers such as Tacori, DeBeers, Ritani and Kwiat are all choosing Platinum in their designs. But don't worry, you don't have to be a star to own a Platinum ring. Platinum engagement and wedding rings are available for a wide variety of budgets -; making it an affordable luxury. Some resources that offer popular price points include Lieberfarb, Scott Kay and Blue Nile. "As the ultimate metal, Platinum's unmatched durability and beauty make it a top pick among designers and 81 percent of brides," said Michael O'Connor. For more information, visit and 14 • Panorama Community Magazine: Winter Bridal Guide

Honeymoon Registry a popular option (NAPS)—More and more brides and grooms are discovering a delightful new twist on an old wedding tradition. Bridal registries have long been the way for engaged couples to identify exactly what they need—and want—to start their lives together. Traditionally, young couples who were establishing a home together created a registry chock-full of household items. Nowadays, however, many couples prefer a new registry trend that can help turn the honeymoon they envision into a wellplanned reality. The increasingly popular honeymoon registry lets friends and family help the bride and groom afford a trip to Fiji, the Caribbean or anywhere in the world they dream of going. Instead of purchasing an impersonal set of flatware or risking a duplicate gift, wedding guests can now contribute to unique experiences that can help make a couple’s honeymoon all the more memorable, such as sponsoring a couple’s massage, a sunset cruise, a snorkeling excursion or a helicopter tour. As one bride, Lisa Dexter Johnson, put it: “Our honeymoon in Hawaii was a once-in-a-lifetime trip that we will always cherish. Our friends and family loved the idea of being able to help us create memories that will remind us of them.” The only major honeymoon registry service that also offers full-service, complimentary travel planning is 1-800-Registry. It’s a free online registry that makes it simple to select unforgettable honeymoon gifts. The company will even contribute $200 to get the honeymoon fund started. In addition, couples can make the most of their honeymoon trip with some proper planning:

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• Start early. The sooner you decide where you’re going and where you’re staying, the more likely you are to get what you want at a good price. It will also give you time to arrange for passports and visas—this may take time, especially if a name change is involved. • Go later. Many couples take the time right after their wedding to settle in and unwind and plan to take their honeymoon trip when they have

more time or more money or when the destination is less expensive or less crowded. • Get to know the destination. Check out the weather, the amenities and the costs. You can consult with a 1-800-Registry Honeymoon Specialist for all the destination details. You can create a honeymoon registry, view a registry or learn more at or by calling (800) 256-4920.


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Making Wedding Memories where history was made (NAPS)—As more and more young (and old) couples seek novel wedding sites, there’s been a significant increase in making wedding memories where America’s history was

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made. And one such special place is Valley Forge, in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania…Philadelphia’s biggest and most affluent bedroom. Here, amidst the spectacular backdrop of 3,500-acre Valley Forge National Historical Park, the betrothed flock to Washington Memorial Chapel in search of open dates for exchanging vows. One of southeast Pennsyl-

vania’s most popular and majestic wedding sites, the chapel’s rich decorative elements commemorate George Washington’s life and the nation’s earliest history. It’s also known for its exquisite statuary, wood carvings and soaring stained glass windows. For help with selecting the most spectacular wedding spots and happiest happily-everafter party places, visit

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16 • Panorama Community Magazine: Winter Bridal Guide

Wedding Bands to fit every personality (NewsUSA) - It's one of the toughest decisions for any bride and groom -- and, no, we don't mean where to seat feuding relatives at the wedding reception. We're talking wedding bands, symbols of eternal love, and the most important pieces of jewelry a man and woman will ever own. In the search for the perfect wedding bands, many couples turn to platinum to ensure they are getting the best value for their money. With a bevy of styles and a range of prices -- a platinum band can be purchased starting at $1,000 -- it's easy to find a ring that best suits the bride's personality. "No matter what 'type' you are," says style expert Michael O'Connor, "you're guaranteed of getting the best possible ring for the price because platinum, being naturally white, will not fade or change color, lasting over a lifetime of wear." What's your ring type? Read on: • Down-to-Earth. This no-nonsense bride has been planning her wedding for years -- with the stacks of bridal magazines to prove it -- and knows exactly what she wants. Ring type: Instead of anything too delicate or dainty, look for a heavier, more solid design. A simple platinum band or one with a bezel set diamond ensures a timeless look. • Adventurous. She's a risk-taker who's feeling so daring about her nuptials that she may even have considered eloping. (Well, at least a destination wedding.) Ring type: A dynamic personality requires a stand-out ring, so go for a platinum band set with colored stones or intricate engraving. • Social butterfly. This people-pleaser loves to entertain and wants to ensure that her wedding day

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is special for every single guest. Ring type: A small, discreet gemstone, like a single solitaire, displayed in a flush cut on a platinum band will provide just the right adornment. • Quirky. This bride is looking for ways to inject her and her partner's personalities into every aspect of the wedding day, whether through DIY details or a choreographed first dance. Ring type: A platinum tension setting with an unconventional gemstone creates a unique look. Lastly, wedding bands are important symbols of your lifelong commitment, so even if your band styles don't match, at least look to share the same metal. To learn more, visit


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our newest Wedding & Banquet Facility Celebrations will seat up to 300 guests. Features a private bridal suite, elegant cathedral ceilings and charming stone fireplace.

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Laugh it up with Girl Time (Family Features) Laughter and friendship go hand-in-hand, and according to a recent survey, women across America are looking to inject more laughter into their lives this year. One sure bet, spending more quality time with their girlfriends. The survey, commissioned by Skinny Cow Candy, showed that on average, women are twice as likely to prefer a good laugh with their girlfriends over a new piece of jewelry, a manicure, or even a new pair of shoes. And while a good phone chat with a dear friend goes a long way, 61 percent of women believe that an inperson laugh is better than a virtual one. Read on for some inspiration to create that treasured girlfriend time and start Laughing Out Loud. • Set the stage. Quality girlfriend time can happen anywhere at any time. Getting together for drinks or dinner creates an opportunity for plenty of intimate chatting and laughter for hours on end. Heading to a local movie theater or piling on the couch to watch a comedy favorite is just the ticket for a much-needed belly laugh. • Eliminate distractions. Good girlfriend time means letting your cares slip away. Leave the kids with a sitter, avoid taking calls or texting, and dedicate your time to catching up and sharing a few good laughs. • Add chocolate. According to the Skinny Cow survey, the majority of women think life would be a lot less fun without chocolate, so make sure you have some on hand. Skinny Cow Candy makes the no guilt kind - rich, creamy and delicious; great portion sizes; and low in calories.

Yes, you really can have it all. • Stay within your means. Time spent with the girls need not break the bank. If budget is a concern, choose a restaurant or bar with happy hour specials, or have everyone bring a little something and cook together. Check out interesting events around town, or tie on athletic shoes and enjoy a fun-filled walk in the park. • Say cheese. Don't forget to take photos to capture your laugh-out-loud moments; they make for great memories. Post them on your social media pages and share your good times for years to come. Want to find out how you compare to women across the country on topics such as laughter, chocolate and more? Visit www.facebook. com/TheSkinnyCowUS and find out what the LOL-O-Meter says about you, then share and compare with your girlfriends for a memorable good time.

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18 • Panorama Community Magazine: Dining & Entertainment

Please Call For Reservations

The Polka Connection by Carl Simchena Many local polka fans, including myself, remember listening and dancing to the great music of the New Brass. This group was one of the hottest polka bands in the 1970’s. When fans recall these New Brass apMitch Biskup pearances, they are also sure to remember Mitch Biskup performing with them on bass and lead vocals. He was also the MC for the band. I remember how he kept things moving between songs with his unique commentary and humor. His out-going personality was truly evident at every New Brass event. Michael "Mitch" Biskup born in Montreal Canada. In 1969, he joined The New Brass (then called The Golden Brass). This legendary group soon became one of the top five polka bands in the nation. In 1971, The “Brass” won the IPA Awards for Best LP for "Let The Sunshine In," Best Instrumental Group and Best Single Recording—“Let The Sunshine In Polka”. During his time with The New Brass, Mitch wrote and recorded numerous hit songs for all eight of their albums. The most memorable tunes were the "Flea Fly Polka" and "Strawberries and Raspberries Polka," both of which were based on folk songs from Mitch's childhood in Montreal. These tunes included verses in French, English and Polish. One of Biskup's favorite activities was organizing and hosting tours. Fans from Los Angeles to Quebec City, Canada had the opportunity to travel and enjoy polka music with the New Brass. Over the years, Mitch has performed at every major festival in the country. His fondest memory, however, was his first performance at Polkabration in New London, Connecticut, in 1969. That was when the Golden Brass (i.e. The New Brass) took the polka world by storm with their new sound and driving energy. He now performs only occasionally and spends his spare time spreading the joy of polka music in the eastern part of the country. He has organized and hosted annual New Brass reunions for past members and follow-

ers of the band. In addition, he also pops up as a guest DJ on WMUA for polkathon fund-raisers and serves as master of ceremonies at a number of affairs. Mitch, along with polka great Lenny Gomulka, is a member of the local Polish Christmas Carolers who, annually, spread holiday cheer in and around their hometown. Currently, this group has 18 voices and 11 musicians. They perform in front of local homes and in nursing homes during the Christmas season. Mitch, a retired commercial loan officer, keeps a very busy and active schedule, in his retirement. He owns an organic beef and pork farm. And, while his son runs the business, Mitch is there to make sure that all of the equipment is in good repair. His wife Sharon is a professor at Holyoke College and they have a son Matthew. Mitch and Sharon have been married for 42 years and reside in Ware, Mass. Every polka fan is well aware of Mitch’s contributions to polka music. They are many—from “fronting” one of the hottest polka bands ever to take the stage, to writing great polka music, and promoting polka tours. In 1995, he was recognized for these contributions by being inducted into the IPA Polka Music Hall of Fame. He shares that honor with many notable polka performers, such as Eddie Blazonczyk, Sr., Marion Lush, and Jimmy Sturr. When asked what he misses the most about performing on a regular basis, Mitch, quickly responded, “the people, especially the people in Pennsylvania.” By the way, our band, the POLSKIE SWINGMASTERS, will be appearing at the Tresckow Fire Company in Tresckow, PA on Saturday evening, February 2, starting at 7 p.m. We will be doing variety music as well as polka tunes. Come on out and support the Tresckow Fire Company and have a great time partying with us. Just a reminder, The Swingmasters are available for private parties and engagements. You can call Steve Brill at 570-788-5336 or you can call me at 570429-0859. P

Polka CD of the Month

“Home Is Where The Heart Is” by Lenny Gomulka and the Chicago Push

This is another great polka CD by Lenny. Some of my favorite tunes are “My Best Friend”, “In The Valley”, and “An Old Fashioned Oberek”. There are also two fine instrumentals—“Freddie’s” and “European Café”. In addition, drummer, Dave Raccis does a great vocal impression of Marion Lush on “Yes Sir She’s My Baby / Take Me Baby Polka Medley”. You can order by calling 413-5436856. The mailing address is: Chicago Push Enterprises, 36 Parker Street, Indian Orchard, MA 01151.



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February 2013 • 19

Bowfire a total string experience The Greater Hazleton Concert Series opens the 2013 half of its concert season with the internationally acclaimed musical group, Bowfire. Bowfire is the Total String Experience... Virtuosity in the hands of Masters. The hottest new show to hit the stage is quickly becoming a major international success. It is at once an exceptionally high quality music experience and a fast paced theatrically staged show. Bowfire’s high octane performance will take place at the Hazleton High School Auditorium, 1601 West 23rd Street, on Thursday February 21, 2013. Bowfire has continually proven itself to be a "must see" event everywhere it is presented, with audiences clamoring for more and standing ovations routine. Bowfire presents an "All Star Show" of the finest lineup of fiddle and violin virtuosos ever assembled on one stage. It takes its audiences on a musical journey that moves seamlessly from Jazz, Classical, Bluegrass, Celtic, Rock, Gypsy, World, Texas Swing and Ottawa Valley and Cape Breton styles and mixes in incredible step and tap dancing and a beautiful voice. All of this gets wrapped around a fast paced show with first class production values that include great sound, choreography, dramatic lighting, set design and costumes. The Bowfire company is composed of virtuoso string players who are at the forefront of

their respective styles, combined with equally gifted and respected backup musicians: piano/ keyboards, bass, drums/percussion, guitars and cello. Fiddlers in the company are worldclass step dancers and tap dancers. This avalanche of talent is brought together under the guidance of Creator and Artistic Director, Lenny Solomon and Broadway acclaimed Stage Director, Stafford Arima. Formed in June 2000, Bowfire made its debut performance the following month at Expo 2000 in Hanover, Germany. Audience response was wildly enthusiastic, and the group was subsequently invited to perform on the Governor General's Awards telecast, the Canadian equivalent of the United States' Kennedy Center Honors. The ensemble made its American debut in a series of performances during the summer of 2001 in New York City, and embarked on their first U.S. tour during the 2002 2003 season. In December 2003 Bowfire made its Asian debut with performances in Taiwan. Bowfire has enjoyed many highly successful touring seasons since then and is currently touring North America, with over 100 performance dates scheduled this year. Bowfire is a one of a kind musical and theatrical experience which strings together one show‐stopping hit after another in a fast paced theatrically staged production that is

bound to please its Northeastern Pennsylvania audience. You won’t want to miss this performance at 7:30 PM, Thursday February 21. Tickets for Bowfire are on sale now. For reservations or concert infor-

mation, call Amelia at 788-4864, or Joan at 455-0990. Find more information on The Greater Hazleton Concert Series’ Facebook page. An exciting video preview of Bowfire can be seen on-line at com/watch?v=W60wQIue754. P

New Estée Lauder Pure Color Nail Lacquer Beyond Black and Metal Mania Collections introduce a dramatic palette of intriguing shades, textures and finishes that are the perfect accessory for any look. Available at Estée Lauder Counters and Chalkboard paint from Benjamin Moore is now tintable in any color. For more information, visit


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20 • Panorama Community Magazine: Dining & Entertainment

Wed. & Thurs. 10:30 to 5:30 Fri. & Sat. 10:30 to 6:00 Sun. 12:30 to 4:30

Calendar of Events February 2013 February 1-3 The Pennsylvania Theatre of Performing Arts presents “A Little Princess”. The heartwarming story of a little girl overcoming obstacles to make her own way in the world. Shows: Friday and Saturday, February 1 & 2 at 7pm, Sunday, February 3 at 3pm. All-You-Can-Eat dinner buffet will be available 90 minutes prior to show. Tickets: Show Only—Adults $16, Seniors $14, Child $10; Dinner & Show—Adult $32, Senior $28, Child $20. Call 570-4545451 to reserve seats or purchase tickets online at February 2 Souper Saturday, February 2 from 9am- 3pm at The Shoppes at Meck Knitting Mill, 101 W. Main Street in Schuylkill Haven. Soup cooking contest. Bring a pot of your best homemade soup to our annual tasting contest to kick off Super Bowl Weekend! Let the public decide who is the best cook. For information, call 570385-2700. February 3 A “CUT A THON” will be held at Premier Beauty Salon located in Boscovs at the Laurel Mall in Hazleton on Sunday February 3rd from 1pm to 4 pm. Cost of the Hair Cut is $12. All proceeds will benefit the Greater Hazleton Area American Cancer Society. Premier Beauty Salon is a participant in the ACS wig program as well as the Locks-of-Love Program. For more information, call the salon at 570-455-9561. A great deal for a GREAT cause! February 9 Valentine's Day Dance with DJ OZ, Saturday February 9 from 9pm-1am at Columbia Hose Fire Co No 1, 742 W. Centre Street in Shenandoah. Cover $3.00, ID a must, Must be 21. Bar & kitchen opens at 6pm. Happy hour 6-8pm. For more information call 570-462-9574. February 10 Black Creek United Methodist Church Breakfast, Sunday, February 10 from 11am-1pm. There is no charge, but donations are accepted. Money is then given to those who are in need. We are located at 158 Golf Course Road in Sugarloaf. For more information call 570-3844087. Cinderella's Closet, Monday, February 10 from Noon to 4 pm at Schuylkill Mall, Rt. 61 & I-81

in Frackville. Hosted by Frackville Rotary. February 13 Ash Wednesday Service, Wednesday, February 13, 7pm. Black Creek United Methodist Church, 158 Golf Course Road in Sugarloaf. For more information call 570-384-4087.

ping Specials around town and so much more. Come out for all the winter fun! February 23 Lehighton Area Pool Pals is letting you know to HOLD THE DATE for our CABIN FEVER DANCE, on Saturday, February 23rd at the Orioles Pavilion. Music will be provided by The Doctor - DJ Layne Roberts. Great music, finger food and dancing. Dance contest, you can win a Season Pool Pass for the 2013 Season or a Door Prize of a free Pool Pavilion Rental Party. For more information call Diane at 610-377-5275.

February 14 Downtown Shenandoah Inc Monthly Soup Sale 10 am at its Downtown Center, 16 N. Main Street in Shenandoah. The sales are held the second Thursday of the month into the spring. A variety of soups are available. To order in advance, call 570-462-2060. Proceeds go to- Annual Cherry Festival, Saturday, February ward DSI’s downtown revitalization effort. 23 at Salem United Church of Christ 330 1st Street in Weatherly. Chinese Auction, Food and February 16 Fun! For information, call 570-427-4265. Chicken & Waffle Dinner , Saturday, February Annual Children's Fair, Saturday, February 23 16 from 3-7pm at Black Creek United Methodfrom 10am-3pm at the Columbia Mall, 225 ist Church, 158 Golf Course Road in Sugarloaf. Columbia Mall Drive in Bloomsburg. Many Adults: $9.00, Children 6-10 $4.00, Children 5 hands on activities for children and information & Under, Free. For more information call 570for parents on children's health and welfare. For 384-4087. information, call 570-387-4909 or visit www. Weatherly Lions Club Homemade Soup Sale, Saturday, February 16 at Eurana Park Pavilion. Pick up time 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. Soups available: February 24 Vegetable Beef, Chicken Pot Pie & Cream of American Girl Doll Bingo, Sunday, February 24 Potato. Quart Price - $6.00, Pint Price - $3.00 at the Tremont Fire House . Doors open at 12:30. ORDERS AND MONEY DUE BY MON- Bingo at 2pm. For tickets, call 570-695-3850. DAY, FEBRUARY 11. Order forms available at Borough Office, Weatherly Pharmacy, & T.J.'s To list your Community Event in our One Stop, Second Street Deli or call Teresa at Calendar, please email the event to: 427-4321, Paula at 427-2592, or Chris at 4274028. Benefits Lions Club Charities and Community Projects. February 16 & 17 WinterFest 2013, Saturday, February 16 and Sunday, February 17 Presidents Day Weekend in Jim Thorpe. Presented by the Jim Thorpe Chamber of Commerce. Activities will include Ice and Wood Carvings, Music at the Mauch Chunk Opera House, Civil War Re-Enactment, Famous Jim Thorpe Mug Walk, Shop-

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February 2013 • 21

Directions: Mix all ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Let stand for about 24 hours before serving. You can also add small pieces of carrots if you like.

In the Kitchen

with Joan Barbush

Valentine’s Day is a day to pay tribute to love and loved ones. Its origin probably dates back to an ancient Roman festival called Lupercalia which took place every February 15th. The festival was in honor of Juno, goddess of women and marriage and Pan, the god of nature. Young men and women would choose their partners for the festival by drawing names from a box. They would then exchange gifts of affection and often these courtships would lead to marriage. When the English settlers came to the United States, showing affection to another person in public was against the law. By the 1800’s the tradition of giving Valentines, candies, and flowers had become popular. I still have some of the lovely cards that were given to me by my husband before our marriage and throughout our marriage. I suppose they would be considered collectors’ items. You can show your loved ones you care by preparing a special meal that comes straight from the heart. This special day is approaching fast and is the day for young love, middle aged love, and not so young love. Remember there is nothing better than Valentine surprise with a homemade touch. FOOD FOR THOUGHT A cast iron skillet used to be the leading source of iron in the American diet.

Crab Stuffed Filet Mignon Ingredients: 1/2 cup lump crabmeat, drained 2 tablespoons shredded Parmesan cheese 1 tablespoon chopped green onion 1 teaspoon butter, melted 2 beef tenderloin steaks (6 ounces each) 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper Directions: In a small bowl, combine the crabmeat, cheese, onion and butter. Sprinkle steaks with salt and pepper. Cut

a horizontal slit through each steak to within 1/2 in. of the opposite side, forming a pocket. Fill with 1/2 cup crab mixture. Secure with kitchen string if necessary. Broil 4 in. from the heat for 7-9 minutes on each side or until meat reaches desired doneness (for medium-rare, a thermometer should read 145°; medium, 160°; well-done, 170°). Let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Greek Salad This salad was a favorite of my husband’s co workers from many years ago. Ingredients: 1 head cauliflower (use only the tiny pieces and small stems) 2 cans pitted black olives sliced 1 large jar salad (green) olives 1 garlic clove chopped fine ¼ tsp. basil, parsley, oregano, garlic powder One pack of Good Season’s Italian salad dressing mix (mix according to directions)

22 • Panorama Community Magazine: Dining & Entertainment

Chocolate Lover’s Cake (pictured at left top) Ingredients: Cake: 1/4 cup butter, softened 1-2/3 cups sugar 2 eggs 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce 2-1/4 cups all-purpose flour 2/3 cup baking cocoa 1-1/4 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon baking soda 1-1/4 cups water 1 cup (6 ounces) semisweet chocolate chips Frosting: 1 package (8 ounces) reduced-fat cream cheese 1/3 cup confectioners' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 carton (8 ounces) frozen reduced-fat whipped topping, thawed Topping: 3/4 cup flaked coconut 1/2 cup candy hearts Directions: In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar until crumbly, about 2 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in applesauce. Combine the flour, cocoa, baking powder, salt and baking soda. Add to the butter mixture alternately with water, beating well after each addition. Fold in chips. Pour into a 13-in. x 9-in. baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350° for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack. For frosting, in a bowl, beat cream cheese and confectioners' sugar until smooth. Beat in vanilla. Fold in whipped topping. Frost cake. Refrigerate until serving. Just before serving, sprinkle with coconut and candy. Yield: 24 servings.



The Big Brothers Big Sisters annual Bowl For Kids’ Sake in Hazleton is a Bowlathon run by Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies around the country.


Participate in this Bowling Event at Hazleton Bowl Arena on Saturday March 23rd, 2013 TO HELP NEEDY CHILDREN IN OUR OWN COMMUNITY.

Remember, the target for each Team Member is to ask about 5 to 7 people for $5.00 - $10.00 each, to reach a goal of at least $50.00 per Team Member. (Some Bowlers prefer to be sponsored per pin bowled, but flat amount donations are far easier for all to handle.)

There are many exciting prizes for different amounts of money raised

Call or mail form to:

214 West Walnut Street, Hazleton PA 18201 Phone: 570.455.6742

Fundraisers such as the Bowl For Kids’ Sake allow our programs to continue to grow as they serve children in our area. Our mentors offer one-on-one friendships as responsible, caring adult volunteers. Your participation will allow us to improve the quality and quantity of the services we provide.

A cool T-Shirt and another mystery gift for every individual Bowler who raises $50.00 or more. Chances to win door prizes and Tricky Trays all day long. Free food, beverages and other refreshments. Bowling Shoes will be issued free of charge for those who need them.

Get a group of up to 6 friends together to form a team: Name:



Shirt Size:


(Pick a cool name)


Indicate your preferred Bowling Time: Detach this card, add postage on the reverse side and mail to Big Brothers Big Sisters in Hazleton. Your Team Card will be processed quickly and the Team Captain will receive an envelope from Big Brothers Big Sisters containing the following important information.Your Bowling Time will be confirmed.There will be a Sponsor Form in the envelope for each Team Member. This form helps each participant record the dollar donations from friends, relatives, neighbors, co-workers and businesses.

Or register online at From there, just follow the Hazleton Link and navigate to the registration form!

14, 2013

Team Card February 2013 • 23

Planning for a Happy Marriage of Finances by Stanley B. Warner III, CPA, MBA. Open communication about finances is essential to a successful marriage. Differences over money can shorten the honeymoon, and is one of the leading causes of strife in the first year of marriage. Review this list to consider discussing with your future spouse: • Change beneficiaries. Newlyweds should review all accounts and insurance policies making necessary changes. • Review financial goals. Consider retirement needs as a couple, current plans and new goals including buying a house or starting a family.

• Design a plan for reducing debt. Request individual credit reports and study them with your spouse. • Create a budget and stick with it. Calculate combined income and subtract monthly expenses and debt payments. Use the money left to build an emergency fund. • Create a will or update an existing will. • Review insurance coverage. A new policy may be necessary to combine all of your combined possessions. • Discuss your investment personality with your spouse. If one of you is more aggressive or passive, a balance must be found. While talking about finances might not be your idea of a romantic conversation, you could benefit from the help of a financial Advisor after the excitement of the wedding dies down. An Advisor can help make the “for richer, for poorer” part less intimidating. P Suppose that time is not a quantity but a quality, like the luminescence of the night above the trees just when a rising moon has touched the treeline. —Alan Lightman True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. —George Washington

Specializing in Retirement Income Planning Located on Route 309 in Hometown 707 Claremont Avenue • Tamaqua, PA 18252

570-668-0765 Juliann Longhi* and Stanley B. Warner III*, Registered Representatives *Securities Offered through H.D. Vest Investment Servicessm – Member SIPC *Advisory Services Offered through H.D. Vest Advisory Servicessm Longhi Financial, Inc. is not a registered broker/dealer or independent advisory firm.

24 • Panorama Community Magazine: Legal & Financing

Cohabitation is legally Why you should different than marriage consider splitting your Checking and by Stephen A. Seach, Esq. Savings Accounts The rights between married couples can cisions, a Power of Attorney (NAPS)-Keeping cash at your local bank is probably costing you more than you think. And in today's financial climate, finding safety and growth for your savings is more important than ever. Most banks don't really focus on your savings. Though they're more than happy to accept your deposits, the national average interest rate is only 0.45 percent on savings accounts, which doesn't even keep up with inflation. Banking on Inertia Switching your bank accounts can be a headache. Most people don't realize how many savings options they have, or that their money could earn higher interest elsewhere. But by doing a little homework, consumers can find superior options through Internet banks. Internet Banks Change the Game Today, a growing number of consumers are taking advantage of a variety of interest rates offered by Internet banks and the relative ease of moving cash for savings online. Without the need for brick-and-mortar real estate, these institutions have a lower cost structure, and they can pay you a better interest rate. Internet banks are also insured by the FDIC up to $250,000 per depositor, and they generally charge no fees. Time to Upgrade Your Savings We all know that moving a checking account is a headache, especially when all your other banking services-bill pay, direct deposit, etc. are linked to it. "Our suggestion is to keep your day-to-day cash where it is, but take your long-term savings to an Internet savings partner," explains Raymond J. Quinlan, executive vice president, Banking at CIT Group. "Whether you open a savings account or buy a CD that pays a fixed rate of interest for a set period of time, you'll find both safety and growth. You'll earn better interest and enjoy FDIC protection," he adds. The choice of a CD or a savings account depends on your situation. If you're not sure when you'll need your money, a savings account allows you to make withdrawals without penalty at any time. If you are looking for a longer-term savings vehicle, however, then you'll want a CD's greater return. Evaluate Your Options and Find the Right Savings Partner Breaking up may be hard to do, but when it comes to checking and savings, breaking up is a smart move. So look around. Evaluate your options. And choose a savings partner, not just a bank, to meet your long-term goals.

be very different from the rights of unmarried couples. Certain legal instruments can be prepared and executed to increase the rights of unmarried couples under Pennsylvania law. You have to take the first step, though. Generally, healthcare providers are under a duty of patient confidentiality and only talk to authorized representatives of their patients. This issue is most important when the patient’s condition prevents him or her from making decisions. Most often, the authorized person is someone with a “Power of Attorney.” That means that the patient had previously executed a legal document authorizing another person to receive information and to make decisions for that patient. In the occasions where a healthcare professional can consider input from someone without a Power of Attorney, spouses are number one. Unmarried cohabitants could possibly have input, but usually after adult children, parents, adult siblings and adult grandchildren. So, if you are not married, and want your significant other to have say in your healthcare treatment when you are unable to make de-

can be a very effective way to accomplish this goal. You should consult with a lawyer on this to help you. What happens to the assets of an unmarried person upon death? f there is no will, the assets go to children, parents, siblings (and their children), grandparents, aunts and uncles (and their children and grandchildren), and, finally, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The intestacy laws do not provide for assets to transfer to “significant others.” If you would like your significant other to be included among the beneficiaries of your estate, you should consult with an attorney about preparing a Last Will and Testament that provides for your intentions. These are only some of the steps that unmarried couples can take to effectuate certain intentions. To protect yourself and your loved ones, call the Seach Law Offices at (570)359-3283 for a consultation. We can help you with a Power of Attorney, Will and other legal instruments that are right for your situation. P

THE SEACH LAW OFFICES Stephen A. Seach, Esquire 53 West Foothills Drive Drums, PA 570.359.3283 570.359.3284 fax

Advertise your business in Call us today for more information 570.459.1010 February 2013 • 25

Settlement involving Credit Card Debt Stressing You Out? Facing Foreclosure of Your Home? Mortgage Banks

I may be able to help!

Conveniently located in Weatherly, PA

Practice areas include Bankruptcy, Dept Relief and Business Law The Law Office of Christy M. DeMelfi, PC is a debt relief agency and assists people with filing for backruptcy relief.

by Christy M. DeMelfi, Esq. A settlement was recently reached with five large mortgage lenders (Ally/GMAC, Bank of America, Citi, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo). The settlement is confusing and I want to give everyone basic information about it. The settlement calls for three areas of relief: 1) for homeowners needing loan modifications – servicers will be able to offer loss mitigation options including principal reductions; 2) for homeowners who are current but underwater – servicers will offer refinancing options; 3) for borrowers who lost their homes – cash payments will be distributed. Borrowers should be contacted by their servicer if they are eligible for relief. Keep in mind that the agreement will be executed over a three year period so borrowers may not know immediately if they are eligible for relief. If you believe that you are eligible for a modification or refinance, you can contact the mortgage banks at: Ally/GMAC: 800766-4622; Bank of America: 877-488-7814; Citi: 866-272-4749; JPMorgan Chase: 866372-6901; Wells Fargo: 800-288-3212. The cash payment is only for borrowers whose homes were foreclosed on between January 1, 2008 and December 31, 2011. Do not think you’re going to get a lot of money just because your mortgage servicer is involved in the settlement. Letters notifying people to make a “claim” for the cash payments were sent in the Fall and by the time of publication the deadline for making a claim will have passed. Should you have any concerns about your rights to a cash payment, contact the National Mortgage Settlement Administrator at 1-866-430-8358. P

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26 • Panorama Community Magazine: Legal & Financing

Love, Marriage, Divorce, Death – The Planning by Gordon Bigelow, Esq. Remember to amend your Will after marriage and after the birth of a child, and if your about to be married, or already married, plan for divorce. State law provides that if an individual is married following the execution of a Will and subsequently dies without amending the Will, that the spouse is entitled to receive that share which would pass to a spouse if the decedent died without a Will, intestate. If the Will is drafted after marriage, and leaves nothing to the spouse, a different provision controls which allows the spouse to take an elective share against the decedent’s estate, representing one-third of the value of the probate estate. Issues concerning spouses can also be addressed in prenuptial or postnuptial agreements. Likewise, the laws of the Commonwealth provide for minor children born or adopted after a Will is executed, to the extent that a child shall receive from the property not passing to the surviving spouse, that share which would pass to the child if the decedent had died both unmarried and without a Will, intestate. As one is free to disinherit a child, it is important that you address the specific intent as to minor children

(NAPS)—“Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted” is now available on Blu-ray™ and DVD. Packed with laughs and adventure, DreamWorks Animation SKG, Inc.’s global smash is at bookstores, toy stores, video stores and online at www.madagascar One reason many people rent a condominium for their Hawaii vacation is that there are no surprises at check-in. You get what you reserved—and that includes peace of mind. To learn more, visit www.outrigger. com or call toll free (800) Outrigger (6887444). In 2011, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company (MassMutual) revised its life insurance underwriting guidelines for people who have battled breast cancer. The end result is that more breast cancer survivors than ever before are likely to be eligible for life insurance coverage. To learn more, visit

beneficiaries when meeting with your attorney and drafting the Will. As to divorce, if you fail to execute a new Will following a Divorce, or fail to specifically anticipate the event of the divorce in the drafting of your Will during marriage, the laws of the Commonwealth do provide that if the divorce occurs after the drafting of the Will, that any

• • • •

provision in the Will relating to the former spouse becomes ineffective unless the provisions of the Will appear to actually survive the divorce. The lesson, communicate with your family law and estate planning attorney throughout your lifetime as events occur and your situation changes. P

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February 2013 • 27


Charitable Giving by John J. Beltrami, Financial Advisor Charitable giving may not only give you great personal satisfaction, it can also give you a current income tax deduction, let you avoid capital gains tax, and reduce the amount of taxes your estate may owe when you die. There are many ways to give to charity. You can make gifts during your lifetime or at your death. You can make gifts outright or use a trust. You can name a charity as a beneficiary in your will, or designate a charity as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance policy.

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Making Outright Gifts An outright gift is one that benefits the charity immediately and exclusively. With an outright gift you get an immediate income and gift tax deduction. Just be sure the charity is a qualified charity according to the IRS.

ties. You and your descendants have complete control over which charities receive grants. But, unless you can contribute enough capital to generate funds for grants, the costs and complexities of a private foundation may not be worth it. Tip: One rule of thumb is that you should be Will/Trust Bequests & able to donate enough assets to generate at Beneficiary Designations These gifts are made by including a provi- least $25,000 a year for grants. sion in your will or trust document, or by usCommunity Foundation ing a beneficiary designation form. The charIf you want your dollars to be spent on ity receives the gift at your death, at which improving the quality of life in a particular time your estate can take the income and es- community, consider giving to a community tate tax deductions. foundation. Similar to a private foundation, a community foundation accepts donations Charitable Trusts Another way to make charitable gifts is from many sources, and is overseen by indito create a charitable trust. You can name viduals familiar with the community's parthe charity as the sole beneficiary, or you can ticular needs, and professionals skilled at runname a non-charitable beneficiary as well, ning a charitable organization. splitting the beneficial interest (this is referred Donor-advised Fund to as making a partial charitable gift). The Similar in some respects to a private founmost common types of trusts used to make dation, a donor-advised fund offers an easier partial gifts to charity are the charitable lead way for you to make a significant gift to chartrust and the charitable remainder trust. ity over a long period of time. A donor-advised fund actually refers to an account that Charitable Lead Trust A charitable lead trust pays income to a is held within a charitable organization. The charity for a certain period of years, and then charitable organization is a separate legal enthe trust principal passes back to you, your tity, but your account is not--it is merely a family members, or other heirs. The trust component of the charitable organization is known as a charitable lead trust because that holds the account. Once you transfer the charity gets the first, or lead, interest. A assets to the account, the charitable organicharitable lead trust can be an excellent estate zation becomes the legal owner of the assets planning vehicle if you own assets that you and has ultimate control over them. You can expect will substantially appreciate in value. If only advise--not direct--the charitable orgacreated properly, a charitable lead trust allows nization on how your contributions will be you to keep an asset in the family and still distributed to other charities. The need for charitable donations today is enjoy some tax benefits. great. To learn more about available qualified Charitable Remainder Trust charities and the best method for you to doA charitable remainder trust is the mir- nate, give my office a call at (570) 455-6301. ror image of the charitable lead trust. Trust Visit my website @ income is payable to you, your family mem- for more information and articles of interest. bers, or other heirs for a period of years, then Montgomery Scott LLC Financial Advisors are available the principal goes to your favorite charity. A Janney to discuss the suitability and risks involved with various products charitable remainder trust can be beneficial and strategies presented. We will be happy to provide a prospectus, available, and other information upon request. Please note because it provides you with a stream of cur- when that the information provided includes reference to concepts that rent income--a desirable feature if there won't have legal, accounting and tax implications. It is not to be construed as legal, accounting or tax advice, and is provided as general be enough income from other sources. information to you to assist in understanding the issues discussed. Private Family Foundation A private family foundation is a separate legal entity that can endure for many generations after your death. You create the foundation, then transfer assets to the foundation, which in turn makes grants to public chari-

28 • Panorama Community Magazine: Legal & Financing

Neither Janney Montgomery Scott LLC nor its Financial Advisors (in their capacity as Financial Advisors) give tax, legal, or accounting advice. We would urge you to consult with your own attorney and/or accountant regarding the application of the information contained in this letter to the facts and circumstances of your particular situation. Janney Montgomery Scott LLC, is a full-service investment firm that is a member of the NYSE, the FINRA and SIPC. Prepared by Broadridge Investor Communication Solutions, Inc. Copyright 2012.

Hazleton Senior Center MetroCast launches new, The Hazleton Senior Center is sponsored faster Internet speeds by the Area Agency on Aging for Luzerne/ Wyoming Counties. We are located at 24 East Broad Street in Hazleton and are open to seniors 60 and above. The center is open Monday through Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and can be reached by calling (570) 4591441. The center serves a hot and nutritious lunch daily at 12:00 noon, Monday through Friday. Reservations are required and can be made by calling the center by 1:00 p.m. the day before you plan on attending. We also offer various activities on a daily basis that include games, exercises,nutrition and health info and speakers. The 2013 membership campaign has started and members can pay now pay their dues and new members are always welcome, yearly membership fee is $5.00. Please remember to bring a list of your medications, doctor's info and emergency contact information. February 2013 Calendar of Events: Feb. 1—Popcorn & Movie: The Bishops Wife Feb. 5—BAG LUNCH Lunch pick up starting at 10:30 Feb. 8—Fun Fruit Friday: Fruit Shortcakes w/ Whipped Cream Feb 11—Classic TV: Lone Ranger Feb 12—Hazleton Physical Therapy will be here at 11:30am Feb 14—Valentine's Day Party Feb 15—February Birthday Celebration (lunch not included, you must call for lunch) Feb 18—CLOSED PRESIDENTS DAY Feb 22—Popcorn & Movie: Tin Men Feb 25—Classic TV: Bonanza Feb 28—Brain Teasers Due (get in on a chance to win a prize) The Hazleton Senior Center also helps to provide care packages to "Home Bound" senior members of the community. This year we provided 111 packages, next year the need will probably be greater. That being said we are in need our your assistance to make this endeavor a success. We have started a (Donation of the Month) and the item for February is shampoo, so we are asking members of the center and the community to donate a bottle of shampoo to us. The Hazleton Senior Center is grateful for any and all donations. There is also a need for donations of yarn, the yarn is used to make lap blankets that are included in our Home Bound Packages. We would like to thank you in advance for your consideration. We have BINGO on Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 1:00pm to 3:00pm, if you would like to donate your time and be a senior (60 or older) BINGO caller, come on down, we would love to have you. For more information about the Center, contact Donna Garey at 570- 459-1441.

Berwick, PA (January 14, 2013) – MetroCast Communications, the video, internet and phone provider with offices in Berwick and Pocono, Pennsylvania, has announced a significant speed enhancement for its residential high speed data (HSD) customers. The downstream speed of MetroCast’s High Speed Ultra service has been increased from up to 25 Mbps to up to 35 Mbps.* MetroCast’s High Speed Internet and High Speed Basic offerings also have had speed boosts. “We are pleased that our high-speed data offerings are now even faster, so our customers will enjoy high performance, quick multi-media downloads, smooth video streaming, interactive gaming, and

an outstanding browsing experience,” said MetroCast regional manager Tom Carey. The MetroCast 35 Mbps and 15 Mbps high speed data services are offered at a discount off a la carte rates when they are combined with video and digital phone service in the MetroCast VideoInternet-Phone bundle. For more information, see www.metrocast. com/high_speed_internet.cfm. MetroCast serves more than 16,000 residential and business-class customers in 47 Pennsylvania franchise communities with video, high-speed internet and digital phone service. MetroCast can be reached 24/7/365 toll-free at (800) 633-8578. P

February 2013 • 29

Bad Teeth can lead to Serious Health Issues in your pet by Dr. Kenneth Trippett, West Hazleton Veterinary Hospital Bad teeth are one of the most commonly diagnosed problems in our pets. Since February is National Pet Dental Awareness Month, we are offering 10% off all dental related expenses during February simply by mentioning this ad or bringing the coupon in this magazine. One of the easiest to check and most overlooked aspects of keeping your pet healthy, is a healthy mouth. If you haven't done so recently (and don't feel bad if you haven't, most people don't), pick up a lip and look at your pet's back teeth in a well lit area. Large chunks of brown tartar, red, eroding gums,


This is a BYOB event ( under 21 must be accompanied by a parent) Guitar Workshop—5:00 to 6:00 pm This workshop for beginner to intermediate players. Bring your guitar! Concert—7:00 to 9:00 pm • $7.00 Workshop & Concert—$10.00 Refreshments available from our kitchen

AMERICANA SPRING TEA Sunday, April 21st from 2:00 to 4:00 pm Don’t miss this yearly event!

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and bad breath are all easily recognizable signs of an unhealthy mouth. Most people seems to think, that bad teeth is a problem that is limited to the mouth. Unfortunately, this just isn't true. Bad teeth frequently cause liver trouble, kidney trouble, and heart trouble in animals. I have cured a number of heart mummers in dogs and kidney problems in cats simply by cleaning their teeth and treating with antibiotics. More importantly, bad teeth cause pain in animals the same as they do for people. Dogs and cats are much more tolerant of mouth pain, then we humans. Just because your animal is eating, doesn't mean that everything is O.K. If you notice signs of bad teeth, this is also an indication that your pet is in pain. P

Puffs tissues are not just for runny noses— they’re great for applying and removing makeup, too. They come in Ultra Soft & Strong, Plus Lotion, Basic, Plus Lotion with the Scent of Vicks, and To Go. Learn more at www. Tim Sullivan, the president and CEO of, the world’s largest online family history resource, says his company has made the 1940 Census free to search at It could help you understand who you are and where you came from.

February is National Pet Dental Awareness Month Save

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on all Dental Procedures With this ad. Offer good now thru February 28, 2013. *cannot be combined with other specials or discounts.

45 W. Monroe Ave., West Hazleton 30 • Panorama Community Magazine: Family

Dr. Kenneth Trippett

Art & Antiques: Kate’s Royal Portrait by Dr. Lori The official portrait of HRH The Duchess of Cambridge was unveiled at London’s National Portrait Gallery on January 11, 2013 and is currently on public display there. The portrait was commissioned by the National Portrait Gallery through the Art Fund. The painting was painted by the BP awardwinning artist Paul Emsley (born in 1947 in Glasgow, Scotland) who has also painted such notable figures as President Nelson Mandela and author V. S. Naipaul. Experts are categorizing the painting within the tradition of Italian Renaissance portrait master, Leonardo da Vinci citing a keen ability to capture likeness and the use of dark and light areas to convey drama to the image. Soon other royal portraits will be compared to this painting of the Duchess of Cambridge like the paintings by Hans Holbein of the royal court member of King Henry VIII to more current and famous painting of Princess Diana by American artist, Nelson Shanks. Onlookers the world over—that is anyone with a pair of eyes—have offered their critique of the painting too. Some adjectives that have been used to describe the work of art include dark, unflattering, inconsistent, etc. I think that the way that the artist has captured the Duchess’ trademark flowing long hair and coy yet understated smile is an achievement, aesthetically speaking. Of course, the natural beauty of the Duchess of Cambridge contributes to the success of the

Emsley painting. Some say that the painting shows a more serious side of the Duchess, but I disagree with that assessment. As an art historian, appraiser, and former museum director, I think that the painting shows a youthful royal with a zest for life and a sincere smile that shows her unique understanding of her position. The piece captures her likeness, suggests her vigor, and makes the viewer want to take a second look. The Duchess sat twice for the artist in both May and June 2012. One sitting took place at the artist’s studio and the other in the Duchess’ own surroundings at Kensington Palace. Like most contemporary portrait artists, Emsley produced photographs and worked from them to complete the portrait. The painting was completed after approximately four months of work by the artist. The Duchess’ eyes are attractive, realistic, and bright. An oddly familiar earring emerges from the Duchess’ curled hair which shows a strong resemblance to the famous sapphire and diamond engagement ring that was once owned by the late Princess Diana. The portrait of the Duchess of Cambridge is a bust length portrait which does not show the sitter’s hands so the earring may serve as a remembrance of the family tradition and the famous history of the royal jewels. I think that as with many works of fine art, the earring may serve as a symbol of the legacy of

the royals. This object is a recognizable link to her husband Prince William and his legacy of the royal lineage. Reports indicate that the Duchess wanted to be portrayed naturally, not officially. To include the Duchess with her smile, many who know her say, was a good and obvious choice. Catherine Elizabeth Middleton, now The Duchess of Cambridge, was born in Berkshire and attended Marlborough College. The Duchess studied at the British Institute in Florence before enrolling at the University of St Andrews in Fife. She has a degree in the History of Art. She married Prince William of Wales at Westminster Abbey on April 29, 2011. She holds an honorary position as a Patron of the National Portrait Gallery. HRH The Duchess of Cambridge by Paul Emsley is on display now as part of the Contemporary Collections in the Lerner Galleries of the National Portrait Gallery, London. Judging from the portrait, it looks like it’s good to be Kate. P Ph.D. antiques appraiser, author, and award-winning TV personality, Dr. Lori presents appraisal events nationwide. Dr. Lori is the star appraiser on the hit TV show, Auction Kings on Discovery channel. To learn about your antiques, visit www., or call (888) 431-1010.

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February 2013 • 31

Far Infrared Heat Wraps at Robert Stevens Skin & Spa by Debi Shandrick There are many products in the marketplace making claims to do with weight loss and wellbeing. This makes it difficult to decide what will or will not work and determine whether money will be well spent . We have done a great amount of research on far infared heat, and now carry a treatment for weight loss and wellbeing. The Formostar Far Infrared Body Wrap system has been manufactured in Germany since 1983. It was originally developed for therapeutic purposes to treat people with severe rheumatoid arthritis and joint mobility problems. Subsequently it was discovered that consistent weight loss was being achieved. For weight loss, 10 sessions were recommended with an interval of 2-4 days in between and for joint mobility, five sessions with an interval of 2-3 days. People that lead a very sedentary lifestyle can still achieve great results over a longer period assuming that they exercise adequate control over dietary and other general health factors. However, results will be dependent on each person’s particular make up and physiology. It is physically impossible though for the Formostar to put weight or inches on a person based on the physiological process that takes

place. There are positive benefits associated with menopause and the Formostar. It is reported that hot flashes decrease and energy levels improve. The mood-elevating, tension-relieving effects can help reduce the depression and anxiety that often accompanies menopause and can also promote the loss of abdominal fat. Detoxification: The skin produces cool sweat to regulate the body’s elevated temperature. It also has the ability to transform toxins from lipid-soluble or oilbased into easier to eliminate, water-soluble form. Sweat carries toxins out of the body and flushes them through the pores. Improved Blood Circulation: As the blood flows with the Formostar can increase in volume by twice as much as normal and travels around 3.5 times faster through the body, continued use can eventually provide a permanent improvement n blood circulation and blood pressure. The blood flows into areas that are poorly promoted with blood such as scar tissue and fat that is stored on the outer areas of the body. Pain Management: The Formostar was developed for therapeutic purposes. Because heat is absorbed around 4.5 cm’s below the surface it helps blood vessels dilate (expand), bringing relief and aiding healing of muscle and soft tissue injuries such as sprains, strains, arthritis, muscle spasm and many other mus-

cular-skeletal ailments. Skin Toning: As for Toxin removal. Pores get clogged up with Toxins and other materials, the significant sweating created by using the Formostar can help to unclog pores, improving the condition of the skin, including problems such as acne and psoriasis. General Well-Being: A 50 minute session can help people relieve stress and tension promoting relaxation and a general sense of well being. The formostar actually is an “inside out” heating process, rather than heating blankets etc. that try to heat from the outside in, which is why it is very effective. The combination of the heat, which breaks down fluids and fat, and the improved blood supply, helps to carry away these deposits via the body’s natural sweating and waste disposal processes. When beginning your session you are asked to wear cotton clothes of long sleeves and pants, this is a non invasive treatment, therefore you will not be asked to disrobe. Six bands will be placed around your body, as you relax to a warming sensation and calming music. When finished your treatment you may want to have dry clothes as you will be sweating , although the composition of the sweat means it does not smell. You will feel relaxed and energized for hours afterwards. You will love this treatment! P Debi Shandrick is a Certified Aesthetician and the owner of The Skin Care Center at Robert Stevens Face & Body, 536 Route 93 in Sugarloaf. For more information or to make an appointment, call 570-788-SKIN (7546).

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Here’s to a Pet Heart-Healthy Valentine’s Day! by Jeanie Donahue at The Pet Care Clinic by Dalice Valentine's Day -- a time to think about your heart and the heart of someone you love. Where do you find more love than in the heart of your pet? The heart is like a motor. If one part goes out, it’s not long before it causes another part to fail. So in reality, most actual cases of heart disease are a combination of several problems. The normal heart has a very precise shape. As its shape expands and becomes more rounded, the heart is not able to perform any of its tasks well. In large dogs, cardiomyopathy and mitral valve disease are common. Cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the heart muscle fails. Mitral valve disease, in which leaky heart valves develop, most often occurs in middleaged to older small breeds. In cats, cardiomyopathy is the typical heart condition. One form of the disease, dilated cardiomyopathy, is caused by taurine deficiency and was once very common. Now, thanks to added taurine in cat foods, the condition is rarely seen. Now, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is the most common form of heart disease found in cats. In general, heart failure cannot be prevented, although early diagnosis of the underlying cause can provide an improved quality of life. Some of the symptoms of heart failure are: • Coughing • Shortness of breath • Difficulty breathing • Weight loss • Fatigue Tips to Protect Your Pet's Heart • Help your pet maintain a good body weight. • Feed a high quality diet, which meets your pet's nutritional needs. • Take excellent care of your pet's dental health (bacteria from dirty mouths have been linked to multiple organ diseases). • Fish oil such as salmon oil or EPA oil pro-

vides the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA that can be beneficial for heart disease. These omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and improve cardiac muscle loss, and may help with loss of appetite and arrhythmias. • CoEnzyme Q10 supports the immune system, and has been used successfully to help curb periodontal disease, cardiovascular dis-

ease, hyperthyroidism, and diabetes, among other conditions. CoEnzyme Q10™ increases the energy and exercise tolerance in older animals, giving them renewed health and vigor! Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day and give your pet a hug from all of us here at The Pet Care Clinic! P

February 2013 • 33

17th Annual Chamber seeking businesses to Greater participate in 17th Annual Job Fair Hazleton


Job Seekers needing local jobs, better jobs or career advancement opportunities (FREE to attend for Job Seeker)


Thursday, March 21st, 2013 10:00am to 5:00pm


Best Western Genetti Inn & Suites Route 309, Hazleton

For a complete list of participating employers, vist our calendar of events

The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce is seeking businesses to participate in the 2013 Greater Hazleton Job Fair set for Thursday, March 21st. The job fair will be held at the Best Western Genetti Inn & Suites on Route 309 in Hazleton from 10 am to 5 pm. This one-day event, will provide participating businesses with an informal, yet confidential forum to discuss career opportunities and options with hundreds of individuals from throughout the entire Greater Hazleton Area. Participating employers may accept resumes, offer information about career fields and employment opportunities, conduct interviews, promote your business and also seek for interns, summer employment, full and part time positions. Chamber officials have reported this job fair has been averaging approximately 700 to 900 job seekers for the past several years. The cost for businesses to participate is

$250.00 for Chamber members and $350.00 for non-Chamber members. The price includes an 8’ x 8’ booth space with side and back drops, a 6’ skirted table, two chairs, wastebasket, company identification sign, coffee and donuts in the morning, electric service (if requested) and one lunch ticket. Additional lunch tickets may be purchased for $15.00 each. Any business interested in registering for space at the job fair is asked to contact the Chamber. Registration forms are available on the online calendar of events at or contact the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce at 455-1509 or P

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For more information on the Job Fair, contact Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce 570-455-1509 • Hazleton Careerlink at 570-459-3854


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34 • Panorama Community Magazine: Family

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Chamber recognizes Fellin’s Jewelers The Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce recently recognized one of Downtown Hazleton’s longest-standing members of the community. Fellin’s Jewelers was presented a special Certificate of Achievement for their 90 years of conducting business in Downtown Hazleton. Atty. Elizabeth Maguschak, Chamber Chair, accompanied by Donna Palermo, Chamber President, made the presentation at the business location at 14 E. Broad Street, Downtown Hazleton. She recognized the outstanding contribution that Fellin’s Jewelers has made not only to the Greater Hazleton community but also to the Chamber. Fellin’s joined the Greater Hazleton Chamber of Commerce in 1976 with Celeste Kosko serving on the Chamber’s board of directors from

1982 to 1985. She also served on the Executive Committee from 1993-1995. Mary Celeste Kosko served as a director on the board of the Chamber from 1988 to 1991. Andrea Kosko served as a director on the board from 1999-2002 and on the Executive committee of the Chamber from 2002-2005. Donna Palermo states, “We are extremely proud to be able to recognize such an outstanding business in Downtown Hazleton. It is through their fine products and excellent customer service that they continue to be in business over ninety years.” Palermo continues, “We are equally grateful that Celeste, Mary Celeste, and Andrea have all volunteered many years of service to our Chamber to assist us in serving our member businesses and community at-large.” P

Pictured above: Atty. Elizabeth Maguschak (right), Chamber chair of the board presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Mary Celeste Kosko on their 90th anniversary. Also pictured are (l) Mary Celeste Kosko and Andrea Kosko.

Country Folk February 3rd—Noon-5pm Only Join the Big Game fun at Country Folk! Pick a football at the time of purchase and receive surprise discounts of 25%-50% Off. Discounts apply to “In-Stock” merchandise only. Don’t miss this One Day Sale! Save on everything from Pottery, Prints, Lighting to even Furniture. If it’s “In-Stock” it’s On Sale! SOME RESTRICTIONS APPLY. EXCLUDES PRIOR PURCHASES.

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February 2013 • 35

















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TRIVIA 1. What is the U.S’s windiest city? 2. The highest point in the U.S is? 3. The lowest point in the U.S is? 4. What is the largest city in Alabama?

Answers on page 70 National Monument? 7. America’s first telephone directory was issued in what city? 8. Drury Lane in London is famous for what?

5. Where do the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers meet?

9. What are the three colors on the French flag?

6. In what U.S state will you find Craters of the Moon

10. Which state is ninety percent forest?


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38 • Panorama Community Magazine: Family

We have all the traditional Lenten Favorites you love including Our Famous Original



Puzzle Answers on page 70

Across 1. "Are we there ___?" 4. High-five, e.g. 8. Cracker spread 12. Dermatologist's concern 13. Color quality 14. Holly 15. Sayings of Jesus regarded as authentic although not recorded in the Gospels 16. Set up 18. Different 20. Kind of ticket 21. PC "brain" 22. One of Alcott's "Little Men" 23. Disloyal person who betrays his cause 24. Frames on which clothes are dried 26. Pat 28. Affranchise 29. "Take your hands off me!" 30. Golden Triangle country 31. 1987 Costner role 32. By the fact itself 35. Priestly garb 38. Take into custody 39. Carries on 43. Basic unit of money in Romania 44. Bolted 45. "The English Patient" setting 46. Formerly used by infantrymen

48. Amscrayed 49. Be in session 50. Earthy pigment 51. Martial arts movie genre 54. Authenticated as a notary 56. Independent ruler or chieftain 57. Broadcast 58. Bell the cat 59. Depth charges, in military slang 60. "Darn it all!" 61. Sundae topper, perhaps 62. Atlanta-based station Down 1. Custard-like food made from curdled milk 2. Ashtabula's lake 3. Pendant gem shape 4. Draft holder 5. Red ink amount 6. A chip, maybe 7. ___ green 8. American worker

9. Some 10. People who are tested 11. Impels in an indicated direction 12. Baked entree 15. Nearby 17. Give away 19. Functioned as 23. Kind of computer architecture 25. Auspices 26. Blooper 27. Baker's unit 30. Look angry or sullen 31. Wyle of "ER" 33. Sean Connery, for one 34. Conduct business 35. One who distributes charity 36. Eye disease 37. Active grey titmice of western North America 40. Emerging 41. Kid carriers 42. Debaucher 44. Okla., before 1907 45. Chucklehead 47. "Endymion" poet 48. Isuzu model 51. Alexander, e.g. 52. "Catch!" 53. Arab League member 55. Altar avowal

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February 2013 • 39

Tom McMillen by Rev. Connell A. McHugh If you were told that a particular person was a star college basketball player, became a Rhodes Scholar, and had a fine NBA career followed by a successful political career, I think you would identify the person as Bill Bradley, who fits the description of the characteristics listed. However, a lesser-known, but still excellent, player meets the criteria of the person described and actually viewed the older Bill Bradley as his hero. Tom McMillen, from Mansfield, PA, had a tremendous high school career and is one of the very few high school players to appear on the cover of Sports Illustrated (February 16, 1970). In 1970, McMillen was the most soughtafter player in the country. McMillen had a great high school resume in which he was averaging 46 points a game when he appeared on the Sports Illustrated cover. While still in high school, he was appointed to President Nixon's Commission on Physical Fitness. The legendary coach, Dean Smith, of North Carolina, either visited McMillen personally, or had a representative of the school go to the McMillen house no less than 75 times. Lefty Dreisell, another excellent coach who

came to Maryland after a successful career at Davidson, felt that McMillen could launch Maryland into becoming a national power. Eventually, McMillen chose to pursue his college career at Maryland and averaged nearly 30 points a game for the freshman team when freshmen could not play varsity. McMillen did have an excellent varsity career averaging 20 points and 10 rebounds per game. He is still the highest three-year scorer in the history of Maryland. While Tom McMillen was skinny and lacked leaping ability, Dreisell described him: "Tom could score in so many ways. He had the range to make today's three-point shot, had an effective hook shot in the lane, was a great rebounder, and could run the floor well. He understood the game, was a great passer and good defender." Tom McMillen led Maryland to the NIT title in 1972 and was the tournament's MVP averaging 23 points a game. While McMillen did not score at the rate he did in high school, where he tallied an average of 35.4 points per game, scoring a career total of 3,608 points - the second most in PA boys high school

40 • Panorama Community Magazine

basketball - he, nevertheless, did have the impact of making Maryland a major basketball power. Tom McMillen developed his interest in basketball from his father, Jim, a dentist, and brother, Jay, who was given a scholarship for basketball to Maryland in 1963 and was later drafted by the Lakers. Jay eventually played pro ball in Italy. Tom McMillen was a friendly person, but even as a young man, had high moral principles. He dismissed schools that were involved in illegal recruiting tactics. In high school, McMillen was not only tops in his class, but was the president of the student council, and a faithful altar boy (in all likelihood, the tallest altar boy to ever serve Mass in the Scranton Diocese). In high school, the multi-talented McMillen was sought out by a variety of groups. The Methodists asked him to speak on his Catholic faith; the March of Dimes selected him as a county co-chairman, and McMillen even received an invitation to speak on nutrition despite his slight frame. Tom McMillen was very organized as a young man and even, in high school, wrote out lists to plan his own day. McMillen was shrewd enough to realize that most schools were not interested in him as a person, but only as a basketball player. Coach Lefty Dreisell had a great respect for McMillen and stated that he frequently read The Wall Street Journal and political magazines on basketball road trips. Tom McMillen played for the U.S. Olympic Team in 1972 when they lost the most controversial basketball game in Olympic history to the Soviet Union. Twice, the game clock expired and twice more, time was put on the clock, which led to a highly disputed Soviet victory. The U.S. team refused the silver medals, and they are in Lausanne, Switzerland today. McMillen's dream is that dual gold medals be given to the U.S. and Russian teams and that the U.S. ones be sold to benefit Russian charities. McMillen thought an auction would be the best way to do this. Far worse than the U.S. basketball "loss" was the fact that Palestinian terrorists killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Olympic site. We now know the Palestinians were funded by the Soviets. McMillen looked upon this Palestinian act as the beginning of modern terrorism. This experience would later lead McMillen into founding a security business. Tom McMillen graduated from Maryland in 1974 and then went on a Rhodes Scholarship to Oxford. He played professional ball

in Italy during this year at Oxford. McMillen was selected in the first round of the 1974 draft as the ninth overall NBA pick by the Buffalo Braves. McMillen played for the Braves in the 1975-76 season; the Knicks in the 1976-77 season where he joined his idol, Bill Bradley, who was winding down his career at the time; the Atlanta Hawks from 1977-83; and the Washington Bullets from 1983-86. Tom McMillen was not the prolific scorer in the NBA as he was in high school and college, yet he had a decent eleven-year career. For his career, he averaged 8.1 points and 4 rebounds per game. After his retirement from the NBA, Tom McMillen became a three-term member of the U.S. House of Representatives from 1987-93. He lost a close election when redistricting took place in his territory. Tom McMillen felt that terrorism would come to the U.S. before it actually did with the 1993 World Trade Center incident. After 9/11, McMillen became involved in the homeland security business, especially cybersecurity. He is concerned that a computer code virus could affect such areas as airplane navigation, electricity, access to drinking water and bank accounts, or cause a meltdown at a nuclear

plant. McMillen and Hall of Fame pitching great, Jim Bunning, were featured separately in fivepage articles in Sports Illustrated because they were joining other great athletes Jack Kemp and McMillen's idol, Bill Bradley, on Capitol Hill. Tom McMillen remarked in the article that he had to fight and scrape for everything he ever got. McMillen got a good push from former astronaut, John Glenn, and quickly got appointments on committees he wanted: banking, science, space, and technology. Tom McMillen's favorite saying is, "Don't say it can't be done." McMillen became a millionaire from his security company. He believes that all Americans have the right to an education and to be free from healthcare issues which could bankrupt them. Tom McMillen serves on a couple of boards for Maryland University and still enjoys attending basketball games. McMillen had multiple offers from the Clinton administration and served a four-year term as cochair with Florence Griffith Joyner, "Flo Jo," on the President's Physical Fitness Council. Tom also has served as chairman of President Obama's National Foundation on Physical Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition. McMillen is

highly regarded as a man of intelligence and principle. In my opinion, basketball cards of McMillen are vastly under priced. He appears on a 1977-78 Topps card which costs only $2 in Near Mint condition. McMillen is also present on Star Company cards in their 1984, '85, and '86 issues. The cards are quite cheap, ranging from $2 to $4 - a real bargain for this multi-talented man. I admit that I am fascinated by the life of Tom McMillen. P References: • “If You Want Tom, Easy Does It” by Peter Carey in Sports Illustrated, February 16, 1970. • “Tom McMillen (D., Md.)” by Jack McCallum in Sports Illustrated, February 23, 1987. • “The Career of Maryland’s Tom McMillen” by Jim Sumner in The, March 6, 2009. • “A Bitter Lesson in Terrorism” by Stephen Moore in The Weekend Interview, March 16, 2012. Rev. McHugh can be reached at Good Shepherd Church, Drums at 570-788-3141 or at 570-454-5058, or by his new email address at

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February 2013 • 41

Taking the Scare out of Bad-Weather Driving (NAPSA)-When the weather outside is frightful, a little advance preparation will take the scare out. What To Do A few preventive vehicle maintenance steps can help keep you from being stranded in severe weather: • Check the battery and charging system for optimum performance. Cold weather is hard on batteries. • Clean, flush and put new antifreeze in the cooling system. As a general rule of thumb, this should be done every two years. • Make sure heaters, defrosters and wipers work properly. Consider winter wiper blades and use cold-weather washer fluid. Typically, wiper blades should be replaced every six months. • If you're due for a tune-up, have it done soon. Cold weather magnifies existing problems such as pings, hard starts, sluggish performance and rough idling. • Check the tire tread depth and tire pressure. If you'll be driving in snow and ice, consider

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42 • Panorama Community Magazine: Automotive

An investment of an hour or so to have your vehicle checked will pay off and help make sure your driving experience is less frightful and more delightful.

special tires designed to grip slick roads. During cold weather, check tire pressure weekly. • Check the brakes. The braking system is the vehicle's most important safety component. • Inspect the exhaust system for carbon monoxide leaks, which can be especially dangerous if you'll be driving with the windows closed. • Check to see that exterior and interior lights work and headlights are properly aimed. • Be diligent about changing the oil at recommended intervals as dirty oil can spell trouble. Consider changing to "winter weight" oil. Check the fuel, air and transmission filters at the same time. • Keep the gas tank at least half full at all times to decrease the chances of moisture forming in the gas lines and possibly freezing. • Check the tire pressure of the spare in the trunk. • Stock an emergency kit with an ice scraper and snow brush, jumper cables, flashlight, flares, blanket, extra clothes, candles, matches, bottled water, dry food snacks and needed medication. That's the advice from the experts at the Car Care Council, the source of information for the "Be Car Care Aware" consumer education campaign promoting the benefits of regular vehicle care, maintenance and repair to consumers. Free Guide For a free copy of the council's "Car Care Guide" or for more information, visit www.

Best tips for purchasing a used car in 2013 by Thomas R. Buff The economy has forced us all to cut back in spending in all areas of our lives, but for most people a car is a necessity. Thus more people today are buying used cars then ever before. We depend on our vehicles to get to and from work everyday and to transport out children safely. So if your decision is to purchase a used car, don’t be scared about purchasing a lemon. Here are a few steps that you can take to ensure that you can find a safe and reliable vehicle that you can afford and will also last a long time. • Research - Learn as much as possible about the vehicle of your choice. Be sure that the vehicle has all the safety features, gas mileage, and reliability that you need. There are many websites that will provide you with information about the vehicles history including accident and repair reports. Autocheck and Carfax are two popular websites that will use the cars VIN number in order to provide the vehicles history. Use Consumers Reports website to research safety ratings and reviews of the vehicle you are interested in buying. Check out the value with Kelly Blue Book. This source is one of the most trusted when it comes to providing used or new car values and if you are getting a bargain on your purchase. • Test drive - Test driving a car is the best way to tell not only how the car runs but also if the car is a fit for you. Is the car comfortable? Would it suit you on long trips? Are the gauges and controls conveniently positioned? Make a list of things you would like the car to have before you go on a test drive. On the test drive take the time to simulate the normal conditions of how you drive. Listen for noises and abnormal sounds as you accelerate, corner and hit bumps in the road. Keep an eye on all the gauges for signs of overheating and/or oil pressure problems .Make sure the brakes apply firmly and swiftly. • Ask questions - Ask where or who the seller purchased the vehicle from. If there were many titleholders maybe there is a reason behind it that you should know about. Ask for the service records and/or repair receipts. Maybe there was a recall that was taken care of or updates performed on the vehicle. An owner that keeps receipts for repairs and maintenance obviously kept that car maintained. • Take the vehicle to a technician - If you like how the car drives, and you think it fits your needs, a private party or a car sales lot should not object to you taking the car to your own auto technician for a thorough inspection of the vehicle. This may not be necessary if you buy the car from a dealership. Most dealerships sell certified pre owned vehicles or CPOs that have been put through a vigorous inspection of all safety and

operating systems. These are the cars to look for if you want a safe and reliable vehicle. • Ask about the warranty - Don’t forget to find out how long the warranty period is on the car you are considering purchasing. The warranty period varies if you are buying from a used car lot. Stay away from any vehicle that does not have any warranty whatsoever. Also find out what is covered under the warranty and if there is a deductable. A car you are purchasing may also be covered under the manufactures warranty if it is under the mileage or time limit. This is another area that requires research on your part. As you know car repairs are very expensive so the warranty is one of the most important factors to consider when buying a used or new car. • Comparison shop - The internet has definitely changed how new and used cars are bought and sold. This gives the shopper ample opportunities to compare prices, warranties and reviews on any type of vehicle you wish to compare. Use the internet to your advantage. More and more people are buying used vehicles to save money. Take the stress out of the

equation buy following these simple steps and you will drive away with a vehicle that you will keep you safe, happy, and with a couple extra dollars in your pocket. Happy Motoring. P


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3 Easy Steps to Improved Performance (NAPSA)-A properly maintained vehicle can keep you on the road to safety and savings. It will run more efficiently and extend the life of your vehicle. Even if you don't feel the results from each small im_provement, several together can make a big difference. Here are three to consider: • Oil Forward Thinking. The old adage that "oil is oil" has given way to an increased use in

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synthetic motor oil over conventional. Conventional motor oil can break down quickly, making it harder for your engine's internal parts to move. According to the experts at, "Any step you can do to reduce the friction in your engine will result in better gas mileage and improve fuel economy." Not all synthetic oils are the same. The additives that oil companies mix with their base oil determine its performance. Take premium synthetic motor oil Royal Purple, for example. It combines premium base oils with proprietary additive technologies to create high-performance motor oils that optimize engine performance, increasing fuel efficiency and protecting the engine from wear and corrosion. By using synthetic oil, depending on your driving habits, you can change your oil at 10,000 miles instead of the quick-oil-change standard of 3,000. This saves you money and reduces the amount of used oil put back into the environment. • Spark Matters. Spark plugs aren't commonly thought of when it comes to vehicle maintenance, but they play a critical role in how your car works. Spark plugs ignite the compressed gas that goes into the engine cylinder. The power and efficiency in gasoline engines depends on consistently strong sparks. Spark plugs will still spark after 10,000 miles but because of the weaker spark, the fuel combustion will be incomplete, resulting in reduced power and fuel economy. • Easy Increase. One inexpensive and easy way to increase your vehicle's performance and gas mileage is to use a fuel system cleaner every three months or 3,000 miles. For example, Royal Purple's fuel system cleaner and stabilizer, MaxClean, can clean the fuel injection system to reduce engine buildup and restore fuel economy. Taking the time to care for your car can keep it running more efficiently and improve its performance for longer life on the road.




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44 • Panorama Community Magazine: Automotive



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Good news for homeowners by The Experts at S.J. Kowalski The Residential Federal Energy tax credits which originally expired on December 31, 2011 have been reinstated to include qualifying high-efficiency equipment installed from January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2013. Eligible homeowners may claim a tax credit for a variety of qualified energy efficient retrofit improvements to the HVAC system, insulation, roof, windows and doors or hot water equipment in their primary residence. While the total amount a homeowner may claim for all qualified retrofit measures is $500.00, the amount for each type of retrofit measure or equipment installed is subject to individual caps. There is a lifetime residential energy tax credit limit set at $500.00 going back to January 1, 2005. The IRS will soon release information instructing taxpayers on how to

file a claim. Assuming the requirements are similar to the past, taxpayers will need to file a Form 5695 when they submit their tax forms as well as providing a copy of Manufacturer’s Certification Statement. Please remember that this tax credit only runs through December 31, 2013. We are currently going through hundreds of installation records for the past year and will be sending the necessary certificates to our valued customers within the next few weeks. This tax credit along with existing PPL Utility and Manufacturer’s rebates spell even bigger savings and lower operating costs for years to come. At S.J. Kowalski, Inc. we care about our customers and are always trying to do the best we can for them. Call us today at 455-2600 for more details and to schedule a free consultation and estimate. P

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46 • Panorama Community Magazine: Home & Garden

Master Gardener: “These are a few of my favorite …” by Mary Ann Miller, Master Gardener Something that always marked the end of the holiday season was the arrival of the first seed catalogs of the new year. That welcome arrival signaled my initial planning for the coming growing season. Now many of those catalogs arrive before Christmas, which prompts me to set them aside until time permits their perusal, sometimes in January, always by February. Then I begin the serious work of choosing which varieties of vegetables to plant, especially delicious, mouth-watering, succulent tomatoes! Those who are able to grow tomatoes from seed know the joy of selecting favorite varieties each year. Unlike folks who purchase tomato plants for their garden, we are not limited to whatever varieties can be found at the local garden center. Also, we don’t have to purchase them by the six or nine pack, but can instead plant one or two of several different varieties, providing a wide range of tomato eating and preserving experiences. The choices are highly personal, of course, but I would like to share a few of my favorite varieties. There are two basic types of tomatoes. Determinate varieties are somewhat more compact and produce heavy yields within a relatively short period. Indeterminate tomatoes are more vine-like and continue to grow and to produce fruit throughout the growing season until killed by frost. Heirloom tomatoes are those that have been grown for decades without cross- breeding. They are open-pollinated and indeterminate and come in many varieties. Hybrid tomatoes on the other hand have been crossbred to have specific characteristics, such as resistance to pests or disease, or a particular size, shape, consistency, or color. Many people consider heirlooms more flavorful and therefore tolerate their less perfect appearance and greater susceptibility to disease. In addition, there are tomatoes of various sizes, from cherry and grape tomatoes to the

large beefsteaks. Some are best for making sauce, others for slicing. Some produce earlier in the year, while others store much longer and grace the table into fall. Color can range from the traditional red to yellow, orange, purple, green, and even striped. It is always difficult to choose which of the many varieties to plant, but there are some that I must have each year. Because my soil harbors some tomato pathogens, I plant mostly hybrids for their disease resistance. One of the mainstays in my garden is Celebrity. Although listed as determinate, Celebrity produces heavily throughout the summer in the home garden. Its flavor is outstanding, and the plant itself is exceptionally sturdy and robust. It is also an excellent canning tomato. Big Beef, another favorite, is a large slicer producing abundant tasty and attractive fruit. Brandy Boy is a hybrid boasting heirloom flavor from its Brandywine ancestry. It has the pinkish hue of a Brandywine and is exceptionally tasty, but, unlike other hybrids, its fruit is often irregularly shaped. Some folks call it “that really good, ugly tomato.” I usually plant a few early varieties because we are always so eager for that first summer tomato, but in my experience the term “early” is far from reliable. Most of these tomatoes tend to be smaller and less flavorful than those that mature in mid summer, but some are quite satisfying. The first tomato to ripen in my garden almost every year is Bloody Butcher. The fruit is small and somewhat acidic, but very tasty. Another good early tomato is Wayahead, which produces a very flavorful, medium sized fruit. Fourth of July has sometimes produced nicely early in the season for me, but only once as early as its namesake. It, too, has good flavor for an early variety. Cherry and grape tomatoes frustrate me because I think that they, as such small fruit, should ripen much earlier in the season than they do. However, they are worth waiting for, especially our favorites, Cupid and Juliet. Both of these grape

tomatoes produce prolific fruit with full, rich tomato flavor. Cupid is 1 to 1-1/2 inches in length; Juliet about twice that size. (I call the Juliet a “two-biter.”) Both are exceptionally disease and crack resistant. If you prefer “candy sweet” varieties, look for the Sweet 100 or Super Sweet 100 or Sweet Million varieties of cherry tomatoes. Sungold is an exceptionally tasty cherry tomato that I look forward to planting for the first time this year. Be aware that cherry tomatoes are more likely to crack or split than grape tomatoes. I always plant some paste tomatoes for making sauce. One of my favorites is Viva Italia, a prolific determinate variety resistant to disease. It is very meaty and flavorful. I also like Amish Paste. This large (5 to 7 ounce), indeterminate heirloom variety is tasty for slicing as well as sauce. And, of course, I like to try something new each year. So it’s time to look through those catalogs again to see what looks good! (Questions or comments about this article can be emailed to

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February 2013 • 47

Protect your home from Winter's Chill (Family Features) When the temperatures plumbing and heating systems are functioning leave you with a crisis requiring urgent - and drop, the last thing you need is for your heat- properly. potentially very costly - solutions. ing or plumbing system to act up. Some basic A regular maintenance schedule helps proTo help protect your home during the cold maintenance can help to ensure your home tect you against system or appliance failures that winter months, American Home Shield, one of the nation's leading providers of home warranty services, shares some tips for making sure your heating unit and plumbing system are in good condition to handle extreme temperatures. Now through Feb. 25, 2013 Heating Maintenance: • Check filters every month. Save up to $1,000 on select • Make sure floor vents are not blocked to enstoves, fireplaces and inserts sure clear air flow. • Visually inspect exhaust vent for rust, damage on major brands such as or deterioration. • Be familiar with the manufacturer's mainte-

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nance recommendations for your specific unit. This information is typically available online and in your owner's guide. Plumbing maintenance: • Only flush toilet paper down a toilet. • Maintain water softener according to manufacturer's recommendations. • Water filters and icemaker filters should be changed according to the manufacturer's recommendations. • Avoid using your garbage disposal if you're on a septic system. • Drain sediment from water heater tank according to manufacturer's recommendations. • If you aren't familiar, locate your master valve so you can quickly turn your home's water off if a line breaks. In most homes, the valve is located near the water heater, the clothes washer, or where the water service line enters your home. • Check the hose bibs to clothes washers to ensure they are tightly connected to minimize leaks and overuse of the system. Taking these steps can help keep your home systems in good working order throughout the winter. But not everyone has the time or skills to do the maintenance required. A professional preventative maintenance program can be a time- and money-saver for homeowners. Quality service providers perform a thorough check of your home's systems and appliances to help ensure they are operating efficiently.

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February 2013 • 49

Heat or Ice? by NovaCare Rehabilitation Many people are unsure when to use heat and when to use ice when dealing with an injury, muscle soreness and when suffering chronic conditions such as back and neck pain. Here are some helpful guidelines. Heat is typically used for chronic conditions, mainly to relieve pain, increase circulation, decrease muscle spasm and also to relieve joint and muscle stiffness. Moist heating pads, hot showers and whirlpools are good sources of heat therapy. Individuals should experience comfortable warmth. Make sure you limit each heat application to less than 20 minutes. Ice is typically used to decrease inflammation and swelling immediately following an injury, and can also relieve pain and muscle spasm. An ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel are good sources of cold therapy. Generally cold treatments should last 15-20 mintues. Whether you are using heat or cold therapy, never fall asleep while lying on a heating pad or using an ice pack. Heat and cold therapy should not be used over areas with

diminished sensation. If symptoms are not relieved with the use of heat/ice, consult your physician and contact NovaCare in Hazleton, Plains, or Scranton if physical therapy is needed. NovaCare Rehabilitation’s highly skilled clinical team provides individualized treatment plans to help patients of all ages and abilities heal and return back to work, recreational activities and daily living. P

(NAPSA)-People with diabetes are at a significantly higher risk for developing a number of eye diseases including glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy. That's the word from the American Optometric Association. For more information on eye health, visit (NAPSA)-Celadrin Joint Flexibility & Relief is an all-natural blend of special fatty acids clinically shown to promote joint health, reduce knee discomfort and improve flexibility. Learn more at (NAPSA)-Long-term care insurance can pay for care you need when you need it—whether it’s tomorrow or 20 years from now, said Mutual of Omaha Vice President Brad Buechler. It precludes having to cash in assets earmarked for other uses. Learn more at

50 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

Children’s Dental Health Month by Frank Glushefski, D.M.D. February is Children’s Dental Health month and the time of year during which awareness of the importance of children’s oral health and its role in the overall health and well-being of all children is raised. Actually, the health of your child’s teeth begins during pregnancy. I cannot stress enough the importance of routine dental care and proper nutrition for all women of child-bearing age as both significantly affect a child’s oral health. From the point of a child’s birth, oral health awareness is very important. Wiping your baby’s gums and soft-brushing their teeth as they emerge will reduce the amount of cavity-causing bacteria. Nutrition comes into play in the “toddler stage”. Each of the five food groups should be part of the daily diet. Avoidance of sugary, sticky foods which will cause plaque is also very important. Offer alternatives such as vegetables, fruits, or dairy products. I caution parents concerning the use of juice, formula, or milk during naps or bedtime. This can result in “baby bottle tooth decay” which occurs due to the presence of sugar lying on the teeth for a prolonged period. My suggestion is replacement with water which may actually prove beneficial especially if fluoridation is present. Following are just a few additional tips to further insure your child’s oral health: 1) Consult your municipality to see if your drinking water is fluoridated. If not, and your child is less than two years old, consult your dentist to see if fluoride toothpaste, fluoride tablets, or fluoride varnish are recommended. 2) Begin using fluoride toothpaste when your child is two years of age using a minimal amount. 3) Brush your child’s teeth twice daily especially prior to bedtime until they reach the age of 6 or 7 as a rule. 4) When your child turns 6 or 7, teach and monitor brushing technique for two minutes using a timer. Be sure that after nightly brushing, your child does not eat or drink anything but water. Make it fun and interesting and try to make it into a game if possible or even brush with them. The American Academy of Pediatrics state that “tooth decay is the most common chronic children’s disease in the country”.

Therefore, it is crucial that parents work closely with their dentist to attain optimal oral health from birth throughout childhood. I along with the ADA, highly recommend your child be seen by a dentist upon eruption of a first tooth (or at least prior to their first birthday) to take the fear and uncertainty out of going to the dentist and instill comfort and confidence in your child. This visit will be a checkup for tooth decay and other issues and to demonstrate proper homecare to both the child and parent and identify any potential

oral health problems. Should you follow these helpful hints, your child will find it much easier to chew comfortably and properly, speak more clearly, and smile with the utmost of confidence. I encourage you to not hesitate in contacting my office at 570-443-9892 should I be of any assistance in either beginning or continuing your child’s journey on the road to optimal oral health. Please remember to visit our website at P

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3 locations to serve you: Call to 570.454.8601 schedule your 305 S. Church St., Hazleton 359 S. Mt. Blvd., Mountaintop 570.474.0420 appointment 116 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre 570.823.9585 today. February 2013 • 51

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February 2013 • 53

Caring for Sensitive Teeth and Gums (Family Features) Whether you're taking a sip of your hot morning coffee, or having a bite of a delicious ice cream sundae, nothing is more irritating than having to refrain from savoring your guilty pleasure due to a shooting pain in your teeth. This sensation - known as tooth sensitivity - is triggered by hot, cold, sweet or sour foods and drinks, or by breathing in cold air. The pain can be sharp and sudden, and shoot deep into the nerve endings of your teeth. The discomfort you're feeling is an indication that the dentin in your teeth is exposed. When the dentin loses its protective covering, heat, cold and acidic or sticky foods stimulate the nerves and cells inside the tooth, causing hypersensitivity and discomfort. The sensation felt in these circumstances

is uncomfortable, however once you understand what causes the sensitivity; there are simple ways to ease the pain. What causes tooth sensitivity? • Brushing too hard - Over time, brushing too strenuously or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down enamel and cause the dentin to be exposed. • Recession of the gums - When the gums move away from a tooth and the root surface becomes exposed, teeth become more sensitive. • Teeth and tooth enamel - Cavities and fractured teeth can cause sensitivity, as can worn down tooth enamel and cracked teeth. • Teeth whitening products - Teeth whitening products can be major contributors to sensitive teeth.

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54 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

• Plaque - Teeth become more susceptible to sensitivity when plaque is present on the root surfaces. • Acidic foods and beverages - Regular consumption of foods with a high acid content, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, pickles, and tea, can cause enamel erosion. Sports drinks, energy drinks and colas can also cause a higher risk of cavities and erosion to those who consume them due to their acidity and sugar content. What are some solutions? • Maintain oral hygiene - Proper oral hygiene is the key to preventing the pain associated with sensitive teeth and receding gums. Follow proper brushing and flossing techniques to thoroughly clean all parts of your teeth and mouth. • Use a sensitive toothbrush - ARM & HAMMER™Spinbrush™ Pro Sensitive is the first battery-powered toothbrush specifically designed for sensitive teeth and gums. Exclusive "Soft Flex Bristles" are longer and more flexible to access hard to reach areas for a thorough clean and the "Gum Guard" is a specially designed motor for a gentler clean. The Pro Sensitive toothbrush provides a great option for sensitive teeth and gums, at a sensible price. • Use a sensitive toothpaste - ARM & HAMMER™Sensitive Toothpaste helps reduce painful tooth sensitivity and is 40 percent more gentle to exposed roots versus a leading sensitive whitening toothpaste. It is clinically proven safe and effective to use every day for a clean, white, healthy smile. Adopting good oral hygiene habits and selecting products that can help prevent the pain associated with tooth sensitivity, will allow you to indulge in that cup of coffee or ice cream sundae without discomfort in your teeth or gums. Learn more about products to help with sensitivity at www.armandhammer. com and

Tips for Whiter Teeth and a Brighter Smile (Family Features) Are you proud of your smile? Or do stains on your teeth keep you from smiling as much as you'd like? According to an American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry (AACD) survey, 99.7 percent of adults feel that a smile is an important social asset. Yet, when asked what they'd like to improve most about their smiles, the most common response was to have whiter and brighter teeth. Teeth whitening procedures and products have become a rapidly growing business. A separate survey conducted by the AACD in 2011, found that 91 percent of cosmetic dentists said that they performed whitening procedures on their patients. And 32 percent said they expected that number to increase in 2012. Although getting teeth whitened by a professional may be popular, it can also be expensive. The good news is there are many affordable and convenient alternatives that will help you achieve a bright, white smile. • Start with a checkup. A professional cleaning and mouth exam is your first step to whiter teeth. Make sure you get any cavities treated and talk to your dentist about which whitening methods you should use. Bleaching isn't for everyone and your dentist will help determine if you're a good candidate. • Watch what you eat. Darker foods and beverages can stain your teeth. Limit your exposure to coffee, tea, red wine, colas, and dark foods like beets and berries. When drinking beverages that stain, use a straw to help minimize discoloration. Lastly, brush or rinse as soon as you can after eating or drinking staincausing foods. • Practice good oral hygiene. Brush at least two times a day, and floss at least once a day. • Use a whitening toothpaste. These products contain polishing or chemical agents that help remove surface stains. Toothpastes such as the new line of ARM & HAMMER(r) toothpaste with Stain Defense(tm) are specially formulated to gently remove plaque and surface stains with baking soda, while targeting tough stains with peroxide. The new Stain Defense(tm) technology also helps prevent new stains from setting. Learn more at

• Achieving a healthy, white smile is easy to do if you follow these tips. Overall, it is important to watch what you eat and drink, and make sure to keep your teeth and mouth clean. By practicing good oral

hygiene you can achieve a smile of which you can be proud.

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February 2013 • 55

Top 10 Tech Tips for a Healthier Heart (Family Features) The message that a healthy lifestyle helps protect your heart isn't new. If you'd like to do more to take care of your heart, here are 10 ways technology can make that easier. 1. Stop Smoking. Apps such as Smoke Reducer for Android, and iQuit for iPhone can help you wean off tobacco. You can also use the Firefox add-on Quitomzilla, which shows you how

much money you save by not smoking, the number of cigarettes not smoked, and the overall time since your last smoke. 2. Stay Within a Healthy Weight Range. Make it easier to monitor your weight-loss progress with the iHealth Wireless Scale. You can track your weight over time, and see results in relation to daily activity, time of day, diet, exercise, and more. The scale lets you set a milestone and

share your results with doctors, fitness buddies and family. The free companion iHealth Scale app works with iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. Learn more at 3. Limit Alcohol and Caffeine. Keep track of how much you're drinking with the DrinkControl or Alcohol Monitor apps for iPhone, or the SoberApp for Android. They estimate your blood alcohol content and let you know whether or not you should drive. To monitor your caffeine intake, try the Caffeine Zone 2 for iPhone and iPad, or the Caffeine Monitor app for Android. 4. Take Care of Your Teeth. Research suggests that there may be a link between periodontal disease and heart disease. Go online and check the American Dental Association's database at to find oral health care products that have the ADA seal of approval. At the ADA website, you can also watch videos on a variety of oral health care topics. 5. Keep Tabs on Your Blood Pressure. The Mayo Clinic recommends you monitor your blood pressure at home and visit your doctor regularly. With the iHealth Blood Pressure Dock, (, you can accurately measure your blood pressure, track your readings over time, and share that information with healthcare providers, friends and family members. The Dock comes with a blood pressure arm cuff and doubles as a charging station for your iPod touch, iPhone and iPad. The companion iHealth app is available for free. 6. Reduce Stress. Try a portable biofeedback device, like the StressEraser, to help you relax


56 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

by synchronizing your breathing and your heart rate. If having too much on your plate and too many interruptions causes you stress, try Quiet Hours. It lets you shut down your computer's communication apps, like instant messaging, for a specified period of time. 7. Exercise Regularly. The Online Activity Tracker from the American Heart Health Association lets you create a personalized walking plan, log time or distance traveled, plot and save walking routes, and more. Check it out at www. You can also use the AHA Walking Paths app for Android and iPhone. 8. Eat Right. Tracking the foods you consume helps you better understand your caloric and nutritional intake. The Lose It! app for the iPhone allows you to enter and track your meals and snacks, and keep track of your weight loss progress and goals via the app, as well as access your account online. Visit for more information. Offering many of the same capabilities, Android phone users can use the Diet Assistant app at www.dietassistantapp. com. 9. Make Sleep a Priority. Not getting enough sleep can raise your blood pressure and make it more likely you'll have a stroke or heart attack. Learn more about your sleep patterns with a sleep monitor. You can try a headband monitor, such as the Zeo, (, or an armband monitor such as the SleepTracker, ( Each keeps track of your sleep cycle and helps you wake up at the optimal time. 10. Know Your Family History. Knowing your family's medical history can help you identify patterns that might be relevant to your own heart health. There are a number of online tools such as My Family Health Portrait at https:// to help you gather and store that information.

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February 2013 • 57

How to have health knees by Ting Oh, PT Having had 2 knee operations after a sporting injury when I was 17 has made me interested in learning as much as I can about knee pain. In part due to a self-serving desire to not want pain and in part due to the desire to help others as the amount of people with knee pain and knee replacements has been steadily increasing. In recent years, the numbers of knee replacements have increased 8x for people over 65. Understanding how knee pain is caused can help prevent it from happening and help manage it properly pain is present. The knee joint has 3 components, the

We are pleased to announce that renovations are currently underway for the betterment and improvement of our community, residents and family.

tibia, femur and patella. Where they connect, you have cartilage, meniscus and ligaments which cushion the bones, hold them together and allow the joint to move smoothly. When these structures are damaged and start to degenerate, pain happens. This can happen with trauma, repeated stress (such as being overweight), having stiffness preventing proper movement and not having the muscle support they need for the demands you place on them. To have healthy knees, you need to address each area. Weight is a factor and research shows for each pound we lose, we take 3 pounds of weight off our knees. Losing 10 pounds can make a huge difference. Having tight or weak muscles also causes knee pain. In most cases I see, there is some sort of muscle or soft tissue tightness. Most often it is in the outer thigh and this tightness impacts the knee by putting extra stress on the cartilage and by causing it to be out of alignment when it moves. Most people will also have muscle weakness. Studies show

people with knee pain have weakness not only in their knee but in their hip and ankle along with a muscle imbalance in their quadriceps muscle causing the knee cartilage to wear. Identifying and fixing these issues, is key to keeping knee pain at bay. Even if you already have knee pain, it’s never too late to invest the time and energy to looking after you knees. Knee replacements are tough surgeries and investing a little time now can mean being able to live an active life and not having to go through months of pain and hardship after surgery later. Hazleton Physical Therapy are experts on managing and prevention of knee pains. We have successfully helped many people get rid of pain, even after surgery, through a thorough understanding of the knee and expertise with treatment techniques not commonly utilized. To make an appointment to help you knees or for more information please call us 570-501-1808. P

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58 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

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Healthy Prostate Support by Bill Spear, R.Ph., CCN If you’ve been having any unusual symptoms or patterns with urination, particularly with frequency, urgency or hesitance, don’t be shy about talking to your doctor. Bring up the symptoms you’ve been having such as waking up throughout the night to urinate, a weak stream, or going more often than usual. Depending upon the underlying condition, there are a range of treatments available. In the meantime, ensuring adequate levels of essential nutrients such as vitamin C (oranges and peppers), Zinc (pumpkin seeds and oysters), Lycopene (red fruits and veggies, like tomatoes), vitamin D (sunlight) all have beneficial effects on the body’s ability to support prostate health. Nutritional supplements might be right for you too, so be sure to consult your practitioner. Hazle Drugs brand of “Healthy Prostate

Support” is a unique product for Prostate support. Hazle Drugs brand of “Healthy Prostate Support” contains standardized Saw Palmetto, Stinging Nettle and Lycopene along with Pumpkin Seed and Zinc. For more information on maintaining a healthy prostate please contact Certified Clinical Nutritionist, Bill Spear R.Ph, at Hazle Drugs, 1 E. Broad St., Hazleton, Pa. 570-454-2476 Bill Spear, R.Ph., CCN is a Compounding Pharmacist and Certified Clinical Nutritionist. He is available for personal nutritional consultations at Hazle Compounding, Broad & Wyoming Sts., Downtown Hazleton, Pa. 18201 570-454-2958 •

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February 2013 • 59

Simple Exercises can reduce Neck Pain by Dr. Tim Kelly, PT, DPT For every inch that the head moves forward in posture, it increases the weight of the head on the neck by 10 pounds. This forward head posture is one of the most common causes of neck and shoulder pain. According to the the American Journal of Pain Management, posture and function are related in that poor posture is evident in patients with chronic pain, including muscle strain, disc hernia-


• • • • • • •

tions, arthritis, tension headaches, shoulder impingements, disrupted sleep fibromyalgia, myofascial pain syndrome, temporomandibular joint dysfunction and chronic fatigue syndromes. A good physical therapy program that stresses posture awareness and exercise can start reducing the deleterious effects of poor posture. Awareness of the correct neck and

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shoulder posture is the beginning of solution. A great way to start correcting poor neck posture is to start performing frequent posture balancing neck and shoulder exercises throughout the day. Take frequent breaks from stressful, forward functional postures. If you sit for long periods, take frequent breaks, even if only for 30 seconds to get up or do the neck exercises. Pull your head over your shoulders and squeeze the blades of your shoulders together in the back. Your physical therapists will instruct you in a home exercise program to strengthen the scapular stabilizing muscles, neck and shoulder muscles that support a more balanced and natural posture. Call Physical Therapy Specialists to make an appointment with one of our highly skilled therapist to discuss your neck or shoulder pain at any of our convenient locations: Hazleton 459-5787, Conyngham 708-2015, Tamaqua (Hometown) 668-1889. P

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60 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

Featuring articles, tips and ideas for seniors and older adults including: Senior Health & Wellness Tips, Health Insurance advise, Dental & Skin Care Tips, Assisted Living Facilities, Safety for Older Adults, plus much more!

The Gift of Sight by Dr. Alexandra Wasmanski, OD Refractive eye surgery is becoming more and more common place throughout the world. Gone are the days of wearing glasses and/or contacts from grade school to retirement. With all the options available today, the most popular is still LASIK. LASIK stands for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis. This procedure improves vision by changing the shape of the cornea to correct the three main types of refractive problems. For nearsighted people, it will flatten the cornea. For farsighted patients, it will steepen the cornea. And for those with astigmatism, the laser can smooth the cornea’s irregular shape to one that is more spherical. The best candidates for LASIK surgery are those who are with good general and ocular health. Patients should also be at least eighteen years of age. It is important to wait until your eyeglass prescription has stabilized before having the surgery done. That way, an enhancement shouldn’t be necessary a few years down the road.

LASIK has certain advantages over other refractive surgery procedures. First, there is relatively no pain involved. During the surgery, anesthetic drops are used to numb the eye. Afterwards, some patients may feel a mild irritation for a few hours, which quickly resolves. Another benefit is the rapid improvement in vision. Some visual improvement takes place immediately following the completion of the surgery. For most people, satisfactory acuity is achieved by the next day. This allows patients to resume their daily activities 24 hours after surgery. A final perk to LASIK surgery is the quickness of the procedure. It is usually preformed in less than six minutes. There are very little risks associated with LASIK eye surgery. Most commonly, patients experience a temporary dry eye condition. This results when the corneal flap is made. During the first six months following surgery, it is important to use artificial tears to keep the eye moist. This condition is usually

temporary, resolving as the corneal nerves regenerate. Night glare may also initially worsen following LASIK, but again should be self-limiting. Finally, the chance of infection is minimal for this procedure. Patients will be given antibiotic eye drops to use for a short time period following the operation to assure a healthy outcome. When considering refractive eye surgery, it is important to be aware of all your options. The first step is to schedule a comprehensive ocular exam with a well informed eye doctor. The doctor will be able to examine your eyes, assess your ocular health, and determine whether or not you are a good candidate for surgery. Vision is a gift that should last your lifetime. P



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570-453-2020 February 2013 • 61

Snow Shoveling Tips to save your back through the winter months by Anthony Urillo, MPT Winter is here and its time to break out the hats, gloves, snow boots and shovels. Snow shoveling is a job most of us would rather ignore; however, that is usually not an option. Snow shoveling is a repetitive activity that can cause muscle strain to the lower back and shoulders, especially if a person is out of condition and does not lift properly. In fact, back injuries due to snow shoveling can happen to anyone, not just older adults. People between the ages of 20 and SO are generally more likely than older individuals to injure their backs because they may or may not be aware that they are out of condition. Physical therapists are concerned about reducing the number of injuries that may occur from shoveling snow. The following are some tips to keep in mind when shoveling: • DO NOT over exert yourself. It is best to use a steady pace when shoveling. Getting in a hurry can increase your risk of falling and substantially increase the strain on your back





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and cardiovascular system. • Warm-up. Before shoveling begins, take 10 minutes to warm-up by walking or marching in place. Stretch out your arms and legs. Warm muscles work more efficiently and are less likely to be injured, • Maintain good posture. Avoid the tendency to bend forward and lean into the shovel, which can increase low back strain and your risk of falling. instead, push the snow using your hips and legs for power and the upper body for control, Step in the direction in which you are throwing the snow to prevent the lower back from twisting, • Wear good boots that have sufficient tread allowing you to maintain your grasp to the surface beneath you. Sudden slips and loss of balance may lead to severe strains in the lower back. • Choose the right size of shovel. Use a shovel with a shaft that lets you keep your back straight while lifting. • Take frequent breaks when shoveling. Stand up straight and walk around periodically to extend the lower back. • Listen to your body. It is very important to stop if you feel pain or are short of breath. With proper precautions and the correct snow-shoveling technique, injuries to the shoulders and lower back can be avoided. If you or someone you know has back pain, call Modern Therapeutics Inc. at (570453-0252 or (570)- 788-8083. Our therapists have knowledge that promotes optimal function to prevent, identify, assess, correct and alleviate acute or prolonged spine and extremity pain. P

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Bottom row left to right: Nicole Ostroski, PTA, Jeff Platek, MPT Owner, Anthony Urillo, MPT Owner, Haley Fisher, PTA Back row left to right: Tom Plaza, MSPT, Katilin Correale, PTA, Jim Laputka, PTA, Tammy Marushin, MS, OTR/L, Fran Harmonosky, MSPT, Ericka Ondeck, MS, OTR/L

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The Laurels February 2013 Mardi Gras Celebration Mardi Gras, which in French translates to Fat Tuesday, is officially the day before Ash Wednesday, and can occur anytime between February 3rd and March 9th, depending on when Easter is held that particular year. But as the celebrations in America and across the world have grown larger with each passing year, Mardi Gras, is quickly becoming an annual favorite. Laurels residents are planning to indulge in the festivities “New Orleans” style. Our kitchen staff will prepare a traditional Mardi Gras feast while we enjoy lively entertainment by the “Tune Bandits” and show off our Mardi Gras masks and homemade treats. Valentine’s Day Party The Laurels annual Valentine’s Day party will be held on Thursday, February 14th at noon. After our home-made, chef prepared meal; we will enjoy entertainment by Tom Rogo and indulge in some delicious Valentine treats. We will also crown our “Laurels King and Queen”. Voting will begin soon! Check out our website in mid-February for pictures from the party! www.laurels-seniorliving. com/activities Valentine Exchange—Residents will exchange traditional Valentine’s with each other to commemorate the special “Sweetheart” day. Residents will decorate their own Valentine boxes and make (or purchase) cards for the exchange. It will be nice to read all the

special quotes from each other. It is humbling to realize the amazing friends you meet and come to love at the Laurels…friendships for a lifetime. And Valentine’s Day is a great time to let someone know how much you care! If you would like more information regarding our services, please call our administrator at 570-455-7757, to schedule a private tour and complementary lunch, or contact him via email at P “The Laurels Senior Living Community… ”Where Our Family of Residents Come First!”

(NAPSA)-Elevated pressure in the eye is an important risk factor for open-angle glaucoma. Zioptan(tm) (taflu_prost ophthalmic solution) is a prescription eye drop used to help reduce elevated pressure in the eye in patients with open-angle glaucoma (most common form of glaucoma) and ocular hypertension (caused by increased pressure in the eye). For more information, visit www. (NAPSA)-People who are outdoors in cold weather should be aware of the dangers of sudden exertion, such as shoveling snow. Even walking through heavy, wet snow can strain a person's heart. To learn more online, visit www. and

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February 2013 • 63

Post Hospital Care after Pneumonia by Marlin Duncan Even though pneumonia of pneumonia along with is a serious illness for most a cough and rapid, labored individuals contracting the breathing. disease, it can often be sucCare provided in a hoscessfully treated at home. pital usually involves intraSeniors, however, or more venous fluids and antibiotspecifically, those with comics. Hospital staff usually promised immune systems monitor vital signs such as or other health issues, may temperature, pulse, and require hospitalization. Beblood pressure, as well as cause pneumonia causes breathing, to ensure the fluid to be collected in the condition improves under lungs as well as inflammation, seniors can ex- their care. Most bacterial pneumonia responds perience difficulty in breathing. High fever and well to antibiotics. Pneumonia caused by a virus rapid heart rate often accompany the symptoms is not treated with antibiotics as medicine does not kill viral infections. Viral pneumonia usually resolves on its own although a health care provider will likely treat the symptoms. Release from the hospital may be a relief but does not indicate the senior has fully recovered. Pneumonia is particularly taxing on the body, resulting in a feeling of tiredness. It may take a while for the senior to regain strength and feel good again. This home recovery period can be crucial for pneumonia patients. In order to fully recover, it is important to follow the health care provider’s directions. Be aware of your loved one’s body and if you or him or her feel any slight decline, contact your doctor for advice. Some things you can expect during the home recovery period include continuation of an antibiotic and an order by the doctor to keep hydrated. Medicine, including each and every dose, should be taken for as long as it has been prescribed. Failure to do so may allow levels of bacteria to remain, grow and possibly cause a relapse. Drinking plenty of water aids the mucus membranes in the body to remain moist and healthy. If prescribed, a cough expectorant may help clear your loved one’s lungs of excess Joint Replacement: Hip, Knee & Shoulder mucus, but know that this type of medicine requires proper hydration to be effective. Sports Medicine

The senior may be sent home with a nebulizer for breathing treatments. Make sure you, any other caregivers, and the senior, him or herself, are well-trained in using the machine for optimum effectiveness. Additionally, cool mist humidifiers or vaporizers help keep the air moist inside the home and may make breathing easier and ease lingering coughs. Upon coming home, you may be asked to monitor the senior’s heart rate and the number of breaths taken each minute during a state of rest. A higher than normal heart rate and/or excessive breathing may signify a relapse. The senior can expect a cough and general fatigue to last for some time after pneumonia subsides. It is essential for the senior to get ample sleep as well as proper nourishment during this time. If nighttime sleep is interrupted, encourage a nap during the day. Rest helps the body’s healing process just as maintaining a healthy diet can boost the immune system. It is important that the senior not smoke or venture outdoors if there is smoke from a fire in the air as this can hinder the breathing process and cause infection in the lungs. Alcohol consumption should be avoided as it can inhibit the effectiveness of antibiotics. Above all, make sure you and the senior have plenty of help when you need it from family, friends, or other caregivers. Those close to the senior can help monitor progress as well as lend a helping hand around the house. Sometimes, just a little extra tender loving care can provide a much needed boost to becoming well. P For more information on senior living and elder care options, go to www.comfortkeepers/ Each office is independently owned and operated. Marlin Duncan, owner of Comfort Keepers, works professionally with the elderly on issues relating to senior independence. He can be reached in Hazleton at 570-450-0890.

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64 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

s it safe to see a Chiropractor? by John Degenhart, DC In an issue of SELF Magazine there was an article about how chiropractic adjustments to the neck can possibly cause strokes. Several patients asked me what the truth is, and for those of you who saw it, allow me to explain, to calm your fears. First of all, as a child, I used to believe that everything that was printed or published was true. You and I know this is not always true. About every 10 years the same article is published with one goal in mind—to put fear into public that are seeing chiropractors more often than ever before. All the scientific data shows that a chiropractic adjustment does not add any chance at all to a person if they get a stroke or not. Data does show that to adjust a misaligned vertebra at the top of the spine, should be done by a skilled chiropractor who knows

how much or little force to use. There were incidents where non-chiropractic personnel twisted people’s necks and caused damage, and the authors extrapolated that data to include chiropractors. It is safe to see a chiropractor. Don’t be fooled by a negative media campaign. More people see chiropractors now than ever before, and 94% of chiropractic patients rate their experience as “extremely satisfactory” according to objective poll studies. P



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February 2013 • 65

Sharing Love for Yoga at Mystic Power Yoga Studio When you enter the practice room at Mystic Power Yoga Studio, you will undoubtedly encounter a roomful of students that are ready and willing to tell you the myriad of positive ways yoga has made an impact on their lives. The teacher will tell you that if you stay with this practice, you will feel the benefits of it throughout all areas of your life. This is not a ploy, it is not an advertising scheme, and we didn’t all sign a contract to tell new students how much we love yoga. It is the TRUTH. One rewarding aspect of finding a practice that peels away your outer layers, relieves stress, tones and strengthens your body and your mind is sharing it with others. Seeing your friends and loved ones shine a little brighter after taking them to a class or workshop at Mystic Power Yoga is the reward in itself. In February, when we all take a careful look at how we can show the people in our lives how important they are to us, we at Mystic Power Yoga are looking for ways to make sharing even sweeter. We welcome beginner students to our studio for any class on our schedule, but on February 2, 2013, we are holding a workshop to teach The Basics: For the Raw Beginner. The price of this workshop if you come on your own is $20.00,

Is Botox the new Prozac? by Stephen Schleicher, MD

but if you bring a friend, you each save $5! There is no better opportunity to introduce yoga to your friends and family. If not now, WHEN? Everyone knows how great it feels to have the love and support of a loved one in our lives. Imagine the possibilities of funneling that love and support into your yoga practice! To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the studio is having a special partner’s class on February 14, 2013. The price of the class is $12.00, and you can bring a guest for FREE. This is a great and fun way to introduce your family to yoga. We hope to see you and your friends and family at Mystic Power Yoga in the month of February and throughout the coming year! We are always happy to share our passion for this practice and can’t wait to see you on your mat! P


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66 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

This is the title of a feature article recently published in the New York Daily News. Research performed at a cosmetic center in Maryland demonstrated that Botox, by helping to prevent a person from frowning, helps treat not only wrinkles but depression as well. The study involved 84 individuals with severe depression that lasted on average for two years and did not respond well to antidepressants. Following one Botox session nearly 30% of those treated reported an absence of depression. The data was presented at the December meeting of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology and was cited in Time magazine. The lead researcher commented in Time that the primary benefit of Botox in regard to depression may be in helping people to see themselves as happier. I n a related article entitled Lift Your Spirits with a New You in 2013 (published in Health News Digest) mention is made of a survey that concludes: 90 percent of all women want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance. The good news is that the most popular facial enhancing procedures, namely Botox and dermal fillers, are moderately priced and readily performed in a dermatologist’s office. P

Back Pain by Dr. Joseph Bafile Back pain has many causes from “slipped discs” to digestive upset. Often your Doctor of Chiropractic Provider is the best person to identify the cause and its remedy. Examples are: • “Slipped discs” are cushions between the bones of the spine that support weight and stress while giving you strength and flexibility. Nutritional deficiencies can leave the discs unable to retain water to cushion the joint and the disc and surrounding ligaments weak and easily injured. The joint can become unstable and painful. • Poor quality foods, especially poor quality fats can leave your body unable to make its own healthy anti-inflammatory substances. Instead, nutritients are diverted to deal with toxins, irritants and immune challenges, much like arthritis.

• Muscles surrounding the spine provide both support and stress, strength and flexibility. When muscles have inadequate nutritients like proteins, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins, the muscles can become weakened, irritable and inflammed. This results in back pain, often with muscle spasms. • Poor digestive health or kidney stress can send pain into the back much as a “heart attack” can send pain down the arm. Referred pain can be very frustrating to resolve unless the cause is identified and removed. Complex problems such as back pain are best resolved with the help of your Chiropractic Physician who is up to date on the many causes of back pain and the most efficient remedies to get your back into shape again! “Dr. Bafile was able to correct my lower

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back problem, removing my sciatic pain. His treatments enabled me to return to work.” G G. “I wanted to take a moment to let you know how grateful I am that our family found you. I was barely able to walk because of disc problems in my back when I first saw you last year. I believe in miracles, but haven’t experienced very many; but I truly believe I witnessed a miracle in your office. At the first visit, you were able to dramatically relieve the back pain I suffered. Since then, I have enjoyed a greater quality of life and have stayed off the surgeon’s knife, hopefully for good.” M.M. P

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The staff of Family Dermatolgy (left to right): Deena Gower, Veeta Polchin, Janet Stish LPN, Natalie Thorington MSN, CRNP, Dr. Harold Milstein MD, Cindy Petrone, Donna Yannuzzi, Crystal Fehnel, Eddie Stish


AIRPORT ROAD, HAZLETON • 454-2435 February 2013 • 67

Practice proper ergonomics during snow removal by Ammar S. Abbasi, MD, Physiatry/Rehabilitation Medicine, Alliance Medical Group and Chris Danishefsky, COTA, Industrial Rehabilitation Coordinator, Hazleton Health & Wellness Center Winter is officially among us, as we’ve witnessed the first white dusting of the season. While shoveling is a must this time of year in the Northeast, it’s also the source of many back injuries. Improper body mechanics can put excessive stress on the lower back, which may lead to injury.

Low back injuries vary in type and severity, from muscle strains to disc herniations. A study published by Brad Coffiner at Cornell University’s ergonomic department indicated “… when handling heavy snow with a shovel, the L5/S1 disc has been identified as the weakest link in the body segment chain.

68 • Panorama Community Magazine: Health & Fitness

The most severe injuries and pain are likely to occur in the low back region.” Practice these tips during snow removal and you’ll reduce the likelihood of severe injury. • Prevention measures, such as planning the task in advance, can greatly reduce the risk of injury. Warm up for five to ten minutes prior to shoveling. Get your blood circulating by taking a short, brisk walk and gently stretch the large muscle groups. • Use an ergonomic snow shovel. A shovel with a curved handle will decrease the need to bend your back; rather, it will require you to bend your knees slightly with a minimal arch in your back. Remember, removing small amounts of snow more frequently is less strenuous than shoveling a large amount at once. • Pace yourself, drink plenty of water and take appropriate rest periods. • If the snow is deep, then remove a few inches off the top instead of attempting to remove the full depth at once. • When possible, push the snow rather than lift it. When lifting snow, always face toward the direction you are shoveling to avoid twisting. Bend at the hips, not the low back, and push your chest out. Then bend your knees and lift using your leg muscles, keeping your back straight. • Do not extend your arms to throw the snow; rather, walk to the new location to deposit the snow. Last but not least, if possible, opt for a snow blower instead of manual shoveling. If used correctly, a snow blower puts less stress on the lower back than shoveling. Use your legs to push the snow blower, keeping your back straight and bending at the knees. Overall muscle conditioning and fitness also are key components in being able to reduce the likelihood and severity of injury. Often times, the winter months and colder weather decrease people’s level of overall daily activity. Since various forms of exercise occur less often during these months, muscle deconditioning can settle in rather quickly during these times of decreased activity and can predispose people to injury when required to do strenuous tasks, such as snow shoveling. Consistency in an exercise program through-

out the year is very important in maintaining overall muscle tone and conditioning. This should include three to five hours a week of mild to moderate exercise, i.e., walking, biking or using cardiovascular equipment at the gym at low intensity. Also, you should adopt a general exercise program for muscle conditioning three times a week. The focus of the general exercise program should be on body weight resistance exercises that replicate movements usually used throughout everyday life. This includes squats, push-ups, pull ups and planks, which utilize only your body weight as resistance. These exercises not only focus on muscle strengthening, but also involve stabilization of the joints as well as improving balance, which all can play a role in decreasing the likelihood of injury during activity. By implementing the suggestions above, the difficult task of shoveling snow can be done in a safer manner with decreased risk of injury. If you have additional questions or if you need an injury evaluation, please contact the Hazleton Health and Wellness Center at (570) 501-4624. P

(NAPSA)-To encourage those suffering from severe joint pain to talk to their doctor about treatments, Mike "Coach K" Krzyzewski teamed up with DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. to share his ex_perience with osteo_arthritis and hip replacement surgery in the booklet "Had I Known Then," available at (NAPSA) The Dukan Diet's coaching system is a unique, fully personalized, interactive platform. It tracks your daily progress while giving you access to an extensive support base-making dieting easier. Learn more and get your True Weight calculated at www. or call (855) 385-2648. (NAPSA) Reishi mushrooms are used to fight immunosenescence-the loss of immune function that comes with age. The reishi extract mushroom complex delivers powerful compounds and represents the next generation of natural im_mune support. For more information about reishi mushroom ex_ tract, visit or call 1-866748-7542. (NAPSA)-XyliMelts for Dry Mouth uses oral adhering discs to time-release xylitol and oral lubricant while you sleep. It's available at Rite Aid pharmacies starting March 2013 or by calling (877) 672-6541. Further facts are at

February 2013 • 69

A D V E R T I S E R S A.J. Limo..................................................10 Addus Healthcare......................................57 Advance Auto Parts...................................44 Bafile Family Chiropractic.........................67 Bedrock Gardens/Radznel's Outdoor Specialties...CALENDAR Berwick Hospital.........................................3 Bigelow Law Firm, P.C..............................27 Billig-Helms Insurance.............CALENDAR Blakeslee Animal Clinic.............................32 Bonanza Steakhouse..................................19 Boscov's Optical........................................69 Brazzo & Ghosh Orthodontics..................54 Calello's....................................................44 Capriotti's Catering..............BACK COVER Carmen's Country Inn..............................15 Carpetkraft................................................48 Carrato Surgical Associates........................63 Charles S. Snyder Inc................................49 Chaskin's Jewelers.....................................14 Christy M. DeMelfi, Esq...........................26 Comfort Keepers.......................................64 Conyngham Builders.................................46 Country Folk............................................35 CTC Manufacturing.................................31 D'Angelo Dental.......................................54 Degenhart Chiropractic.............................65 Della Croce Dental...................................55 Dr. Frank Glushefski DMD......................51 Dr. Janet Golaszewski, DMD....................51 Dryfoos Insurance.....................................56 Earth& Fire Supply ..................................47 Ed's USA Auto Rentals..............................16

Empire Cleaners........................................16 Evanko Respiratory...................................60 Family Dermatology..................................67 Famous Salon & Spa.................................10 Fellin's Jewelers.........................................35 First Liberty Bank.....................................26 Freeland Event Center...............................12 General Vending.......................................24 Genetti Best Western.................................11 Greater Hazleton Health Alliance . .......5, 68 Griguoli Chiropractic................................57 Harry's U-Pull-It.......................................43 Hazle Drugs..............................................59 Hazle Yellow Cab......................................34 Hazleton Eye Specialist..............................61 Hazleton Physical Therapy........................58 Hazleton Public Transit.............................41 Hazleton YMCA/YWCA..........................57 Heights Terrace Pharmacy.........................65 Hometown Nursing & Rehabilitation.......58 Hope Within Wellness Center...................10 Houck Homes Inc.....................................44 James Maurice Spa....................................16 Janney Montgomery Scott LLC.................28 Jimmy's Quick Lunch...............................21 K. M. Sency Plumbing & Heating............49 Kathleen's Collectibles................................8 KC 123 Dollar Store.................................38 KnightTime Media....................................17 Koch's Farm Service..................................46 Laurel Mall................................................13 Lehigh Tire................................................44




1. Great Falls. Montana 2. Mt. Whitney 3. Death Valley 4. Birmingham 5. St. Louis, Missouri

70 • Panorama Community Magazine

6. Idaho 7. New Haven, Connecticut 8. Theaters 9. Red, White and blue 10. Maine

I N D E X Longhi Financial.......................................24 Luzerne Bank .............................................2 Mahoning Valley Orthopedics...................64 Marchetti's Hardware................................48 McNelis Home Care.................................59 Metrocast Cable........................................29 Miller Auto Body......................................43 Miller-Keystone Blood Center...................62 Modern Therapeutics................................62 Mountain City Nursing & Rehab Center..... 65 Mountain Top Gold & Coin.....................34 Music Master Entertainment DJ Svcs/Bikini Bottoms....12 Mystic Power Yoga....................................66 Nescopeck Fire Company #1.....................15 Northeast Gold & Silver Exchange....CALENDAR Northeast Occupational Medical Alcohol & Drug....59 Nova Care Rehabilitation..........................50 Ovalon Restaurant....................................20 Pamkakes..................................................17 Pantry Quik Gulf/Pantry Quik Beer Store.........7 Pavlick & Boyle Dentistry.........................55 Penny's Transmission Service.....................44 Pet Salon By Dalice..................CALENDAR Physical Therapy Specialts.........................60 Reading Dermatology Associates...............66 Remember When Video............................12 Robert Stevens Face & Body....CALENDAR Ryan's Country Charm ............................31 S & J Photography & Video......................15 S.J. Kowalski...............................................2 Sand Springs Country Club......................17 Schuylkill Country Club...........................14 Scrimager Family Meats............................32 Senape's Bakery . ................................21, 38 Service Electric Cable................................33 Shen Smiles, PC..........................................2 SJM Auto Sales.........................................44 Solution Providers Inc...............................27 Sonic.........................................................71 Standard Drug Store..................................58 Star Cleaners.............................................38 Stoves N Stuff...........................................48 Sudser's Beer To Go/Groceries Plus....CALENDAR Summit Hill Heritage Center....................30 Tarone's Market.......................CALENDAR The Amish Pantry.....................................20 The Kitchen Gallery & Design Center......48 The Laurels Senior Living.........................63 The Lookout House..................................17 The Seach Law Offices..............................25 Top Of The 80's . ...............................16, 18 Treasure Hunt Outlet Store.......................71 Valley Originals.........................................39 Victoria's Candies Inc...............................35 Warner's Central Garage...........................42 Weatherwood Nursing & Rehab Ctr.........67 Wedding Belles Bridal Shoppe...................10 West Hazleton Veterinary Hospital............30 Yocum's Pharmacy....................................63

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