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Bloomington Gold

e Grand Sport is a very rare and special car and will most likely draw people from across the country to come see it.
Be ready forA LOT of Corvettes around town as the Granddaddy of Corvette Shows returns home to celebrate its 50th anniversary.
Bloomington Gold is returning to its hometown of Bloomington/ Normal next month. e show will take place June 10, 11 at Illinois State University and will include parts from when the show was last held in Bloomington in the 1990s.
“Fi y years is a big deal and we wanted to do something/move somewhere that really meant something as special as 50” says Guy Larsen, Bloomington Gold President. “[Special] not just to the history of the event, but to the longtime attendees who have attended Bloomington Gold again and again over the past 50 years,” Larsen continues.
For starters, the 2022 Gold Collection will be held in the Brown Ballroom of the Bone Student Center, the same venue that the Collection was housed in last time it was in Bloomington. When planning the 50th event celebration, this setting was pursued by Guy Larsen for the location of the Gold Collection; the rest of the 2022 Show was formed around this idea! e 2022 Gold Collection will feature a Gold Salute to the Gold Collection with some of the nest cars from past collections as well as some cars that have rarely been seen before. e Gold Collection will kick o with a ticketed event on ursday, June 9 at 6pm. is is when attendees will rst be able to see the rare and beautiful cars being displayed. e 2022 Show will also o er a Road Tour on Saturday night that includes portions of the original Road Tour route. e tour will leave ISU and head to downtown Bloomington before heading out to Lake Bloomington via Historic Route 66. e tour will end in Uptown Normal with a free party for attendees and residents. Anyone with a Corvette or Camaro is invited to register to participate in the road tour and party.
Besides the Bone Student Center, the Show will be housed in Redbird Arena, Horton Field House and the grounds in between the two buildings. is will allow the Show to continue to use an indoor/outdoor venue for the di erent segments of the event such as certi cation judging of Corvettes and Camaros as well as over 100 vendor displays. ere will also be seminars each day with speakers and topics that are unique to Bloomington Gold.
On Friday evening, Bloomington Gold has rented e Normal eater for a public showing of e Quest followed by a Q & A with the documentary’s director/producer, car restorer, current car owner and son of Chip Miller. is will be a unique event for Bloomington Gold attendees and the surrounding community.
Bloomington Gold can trace its roots back to 1973, when a group of Corvette enthusiasts gathered in Bloomington, to display their cars and swap extra parts with one another. ey called it the
Bloomington Corvette Corral, a one-day show. e event now draws 3,000+ Corvettes and 15,000 attendees over two days. e move to Bloomington is expected to be a big draw, not only to car enthusiasts but to the general population as well.
Tickets can be purchased in advanced for the Show as well as for the Gold Gala, Road
Tour and e Quest by going to
BloomingtonGold.com. Tickets will also be on sale at the gates. e show opens at 8am each day and IS OPEN TO THE