1 minute read
Bloomington History Club
Monthly Meeting Monday, June 21
Home of Frank and Angie Hoffman, Bloomington Photos by Justin Hurt
Did you know that Mary Todd Lincoln’s sister, Elizabeth Todd Edwards, did not want her to marry Abraham Lincoln? Mary Todd was merry and social and somewhat of a flirt, whereas Lincoln was uneducated and couldn’t carry on a conversation with a lady. But despite her sister’s objections, Mary did marry Lincoln, giving her sister only a day to prepare for the wedding. Not even enough time to bake a proper cake, so Elizabeth had to serve the wedding guests gingerbread and beer.
These were just some of the little known facts that Mary Disseler, portraying Elizabeth Todd Edwards, shared with the Bloomington History Club. The Bloomington History Club, founded in 1880, meets seven times per year and features historical and other interesting speakers. Angie Hoffman is president of the club, and Mary (Angie’s sister-in-law) travelled from Springfield to entertain the club for their June meeting. For those interested in joining the Bloomington History Club, contact Angie at ahoffman514@hotmail.com
More photos at pantagraph.com/limited
Marlene Gregor Ruth Ann Lipic, Paula Deneen

Lynda Straw, Debra Leighton

Angie and Frank Hoffman

Mary Disseler, Joy Smazj Alice Carriger, Debra Renn, Mary Disseler, Carmen Jones, Bethany Carson