3 minute read
Zane Peterson
from 20 Under 40
by Panta Graph

The Staff and Partners of U-Dogs Congratulates Zane Peterson For His 20 Under 40 Nomination!
University Dogs is OPEN & Ready to Serve You!
We are proud to have you as part of our family and our community.

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Age: 31 Occupation: Real estate professional, Main Place Real Estate. Family: I live in Decatur with my wife, Taylor, and our English bulldog.
Career Highlights and/or accomplishments:
CCIM, bachelor’s degree in fi nance from Millikin University, forming Main Place Real Estate, many unique and exciting real estate opportunities. Community Involvement: Rotary Club, Decatur Club board member, Chamber of Commerce Small Business Council, Tabor School of Business board at Millikin University, city of Decatur Zoning Board of Appeals.
What should the Community do to attract
more young people to the area: There are a lot of great things in the works in Decatur. You can’t beat the cost of living in our area and the great amenities, especially the lake. We need to push more more lakeside development.
What are three things most people don’t know about you:
1. Avid golfer and I was on the golf team at Millikin. 2. I am the co-founder of University Dogs in Decatur. 3. I am recently married to my wife Taylor and we both sell real estate together.
If you were a fi ctional character, who would
you be and why: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle! According to my mother, I always told people I was going to be one when I grew up. What are your three favorite movies: “Caddyshack,” “Forrest Gump” and “Space Jam.”
What would your perfect Saturday be like:
Showing homes to new clients, playing a round of golf, then enjoying a glass of wine on the patio with my wife.
Main Place Real Estate would like to Congratulate all of the 20 Under 40 Winners! hUGe Also, A

You are an asset to your clients, our team and the entire Macon County Community!
to oUr very oWn, Zane Peterson!

Zane Peterson Managing Broker Main Place Real Estate

Our world may be upside down... but our community always comes together for the benefit of all.
Photo: Terry Stoa Graphic Design: Wade Ripple, Trump Direct