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Rotary Rural Urban Night

Wednesday, June, 22 Ropp Jersey Cheese Farm, Normal Photos provided to Limited Ray and Carol Ropp hosted the Normal Rotary Club and their guests enjoyed the sunny evening, the supper and the chance to judge four Lincoln ewes brought by Mike Rader. The featured speaker was Rich Guebert, president of the Illinois Farm Bureau, who describes himself as “a recovering dairyman.” He raises corn, soybeans and wheat at his farm in southern Illinois. Many urban residents of Illinois incorrectly think that most of Illinois farm land is owned by corporations, he said. Most farmland is owned and operated by families. Illinois Farm Bureau has an “adopt-a-legislator” program, which links state lawmakers to downstate farmers for a taste of the ag experience and to exchange ideas.

Bob and Julie Dobski, Dan Kelly, Ken Ropp

Dayna Brown-Nielsen and Adam Nielsen

Surinder Sethi, Heather and Terry Stoa, Arlene Pennie, Nurinder Sethi.
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Rotarians Jack Moody and Hank Campbell study the Lincoln ewes

Ray Ropp

Rich Guebert