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Travel Smart - Situational Fluency and Risk Mitigation Training for the Business Traveler

In today’s economic times, the prototypical bad guy is harder to recognize. Today's threat is not confined to the image of a deranged individual or the drunk guy at the bar. He or she may be the person next door who lost a job, and along with it the capacity to feed the family. He or she may be the seemingly harmless stranger profiling you in the airport, hotel or restaurant or they may be a religious extremist looking to inflict catastrophic harm . Today’s bad guy is calculating motivated and equipped to do harm to the unsuspecting and ill prepared.

Executives are often considered easy targets because often they inadequately prepare to mitigate their own personal safety risks. Situational awareness training, risk mitigation strategies and self-defense training are serious business considerations that executives should make part of their ongoing calendar activities for themselves and their traveling employees. It is not just a nice to do, it is part of our corporate responsibility of duty of care.


Bad guys are honing their criminal element skills every day. In contrast, executives are usually focused on critical issues such as meeting customer demands, driving company initiatives and growing market share. Your life or family’s well being may depend on changing that pyridine. Panther Protection Services helps business executives and traveling employees enhance their protective IQs and self-defense skills key components that are essential to minimizing personal security risks.

We move you beyond mere situational awareness to helping you develop situational fluency, and enhance your risk mitigation procedures, logistical planning and defensive tactics training to better prepare you to handle unforeseen personal security threats. Whether these threats are civil unrest, attempted assault, attempted abduction, active shooters, terroristic activity, improvised explosive device (IED) threats, or enhancing your survival in collapsed building.

Our training is designed to lessen your potential for being targeted and maximizing the opportunity for surviving an assault or civilian mass casualty event. For executives conducting business domestically or abroad, Panther Protection Services is a resource that delivers special coaching with the objective of showing how to mitigate risks or move from harm’s way.

Our defense principles are simple yet effective- which make application easier under stress. They are size, strength and gender neutral. Founded on the tried-and-true elements of traditional martial arts techniques; our training centers on balance disruption, body mechanics and vital strike areas – the highly sensitive parts of the body that are vulnerable no matter the size and strength of the potential attacker.

You are your company’s and your family’s greatest asset. Make an executive decision to enroll or sponsor a ‘Travel Smart’ session today!

Requirements: Jeans, Tee or Sweatshirt, Sweats, Warm Up Suit, Athletic Shoes and a Backpack (if you travel with one).

Additional Considerations: Bring a snack for energy, water, Gatorade etc.

Course length: 8 hours

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