My fu ll nam Alexa e is P ndra aola Q uisata I am si PĂŠr twent ez. y- one I live y ears o in Am ld. bat o s ince 2011 .
in in n r n o r b o b s a s a w II w oonn o t o a t b a b AAmm ooff , , 3 2 3 2 y l y l JJuu 11999922. .
IIstudied studiedatatGirasoles Girasoles kinder kindergarden gardenuntil until first firstgrade grade
nn a a S S aat t e d d ieie oodde d d u u IIsst t nnccisiscc oool.l. FFrraa s sscchho eles l a a SS
le z a z n o G t a I studied ool. I h c s i h z e Suár high m o r f d graduate ca l i t a m e h t ma sc h o o l i n , of 0 1 y l u J , on physicist 201 0 .
My Mysister sisterwas was born bornon on December December17, 17, of of2006 2006
II’’mmsstu tudd ing g eeccoonnoom yyin micicssaat tth TTeecchhn thee nicicaallUU nniviveerrsi ooffAAmm stiyty bbaatoto. .I I’’mmin in th thirirddsse emmeessteter r. .
uis L s ri rn e o h b t fa as w e My H ty. r i o s f sata . He’s i u Q sa sí i u e a l H at s in A years. k r o e w e e r th dH z. n e a r a r he Su teac nzalez . ol Go o h Sc
M Myymmooth theerrisisRRos osaarrioioPPér SShheewwaas éreezz. . sbboorrnnin inAAmmbbaato SShhee’’ssffor to. . ortyty--tw twooyyeeaarrs sooldld. .SShhe isisaasseeccre e retatarryyaannd d s h s e h ewwoorrkkssaat in inth theemmuunnic t icipipaaliltiytyof ofAAlalauussí. í.
M Myyoonnlylyssisi t seterrisisM Meelalannieie QQuuisisaatatassi. i.SShheewwaassb boorrnnin AAmmbbaatoto. S in . Shheeisissseeve vennyyeeaarrss ooldld, ,sstu tuddyyin inggaattth theeSSaann FFrraannccisiscco oddeeSSaalelessS Scchhooool.l.
My b oyfrie nd is Aguil Mari ar. H o e has tw years entyold. H one e was Am b a born to . H in e is stu th e I n d ying a s t it u t o t Super Tecno ior L l贸 g ic o uis A . Ma r t铆nez.
Inththee ist. .In omist onom econ anec IIwwillillbe bean rkfoforrththee work petotowo hope fu fututurereIIho ent.t. go rnmmen vern gove
vveelltoto a tr a to tr e to k e li k ld li IIwwoouuld uucchhaass s s s ie r s t ie n r u t o n c u o r ooth theer c e, RRoommee, ,FFrraanncce, ldldlilikkee u o u w o I w . d I n . a d l n g a EEnngl sstotommssooff u c u e c h t e w th o w n k o toto kn . ooth theerrssppeeoopplele.