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“BREATHE” BEHAVIOURAL PRODUCTION WS1 // Studio Robert Stuart_Smith Paul Clemens Bart Coşku Çinkılıç Eva Magnisali Pavlina Vardoulaki

AADRL WORKSHOP 01 2013/15 ‘BEHAVIORAL PRODUCTION’ PROGRAMME DIRECTOR // Theodore Spyropoulos COURSE MASTER // Robert Stuart-Smith COURSE TUTORS // Dimitrije Dica Tyson Hosmer STUDENTS // Paul Clemens Bart Coşku Çinkılıç Eva Magnisali Pavlina Vardoulaki



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MATTER, ENERGY + FORCE behavioural production will explore the design of event driven material behaviours through the organisation of matter and energy within supple membranes. The first law of thermodynamics states that energy is never lost but rather transformed. We will be developing fabrication strategies that harness energy transference for generative design - by utilising principles such as pre-tensioning in order to arrive at materially computed form finding that not only configures but pre-loads material behaviour. Programmed material organisations of supple materials will be utilised to direct transformations which will in turn drive unique movements and affects in time through negotiations of force and feedback. Matter and energy will be considered inseparable and strategically organised into design proposals - that offer a wide range of time based visual and material affects. DESIGN BRIEF Participants will work in teams on the design and production of a lighting installation. The installation size, format and scenario will be determined by each team and may be a single object or a field of objects. The proposal should transform in time and make use of passive or active actuation where its movements and lighting affects are intrinsic to its material formation. We will be looking for rich poly-scalar material order that provides exciting and detailed affects! design methodology The workshop will be undertaken through computational simulations and material experiments that will both be catalogued and critically evaluated for design potentials. These will inform the production of a final installation. Use of Arduino micro-processors, computer programming, and robotics equipment such as electric motors, flex sensors, light and proximity sensors, led lighting will enable controlled and timed behaviours to be developed and integrated into materially fabricated supple membranes. obtained knowledge + skills During the workshop participants will develop an understanding of how they can design programmed relationships between matter, energy and force. They will be introduced to and undertake: • maya scripting for computational simulation of material behaviours • use of robotics for sensing, motion and programmed lighting • laser cutter, cnc milling, casting, pre-tensioning techniques for fabrication • an understanding of how to develop qualitative designed affects through design research experimentation

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01_ RESEARCH AGENDA // From Research to Fabrication RESEARCH TECHNIQUE PHASE 1 _Decomposition of the problem/objective to its simple parameters _Tests on constraints and motion/light transmission requirements _Representation models _Catalogue _Evaluation of the results _Recognition of the tentative paths PHASE 2 _Composition of the evaluated results Main goal of the research realized during this workshop was the investigation of the ways in which matter, energy and force can be combined in order to generate specific, partially controlled behavioural material effects. More precisely, we experimented on the relationship between frame and skin, piano wires and silicone, aiming to explore the movement facilitations that the latter implies. Pattern was used as a behavioural template, as a tool to generate a functional network. The final outcome was a result of a wide research on material properties and energy storing techniques, and was rather a representation of an equilibrium state concerning material and energy relationship, than a design of a particular form. Key parameters of the research agenda were the relationship of rigid and soft parts, the positive and negative space of interlocking forms and the transmission of energy and light through the design of a lighting installation.

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_Focus on a specific concept _Tests on form variations _Tests on material properties and behaviour _Catalogue _Evaluation and optimization of the component _Formation of the final lighting installation

01_Ma ter ial

R ela

oft/Rigid nS tio 02_Int

erlo ck in



iss ion

e Sp a ce

03_T r an sm

ve/Positiv g a ti


gy/Light E n er

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1.1_ MATERIAL BEHAVIOUR // Stress Evaluation

Tension Highpoint

Tension Highpoint

Tension Highpoint

Tension Highpoint





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1.2_ RESEARCH AGENDA // from research to fabrication

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02_ INITIAL RESEARCH The initial research mainly focused on tests on the relationship between the energy stored in looping piano wires and the soft surface of lycra fabric, treated as a simulation of the main properties of soft silicone. Different tension patterns were generated, linked to different arching and looping positions of the wires. The creation of tension by altering shapes and topological configurations of the wire frames, enabled the exploration of energy storage within the lycra. Stress evaluation was carried out through force diagrams, in order to estimate the different behavioural effects that small topological changes of the wire configuration can generate. Having as a main concern the ways in which energy can be preloaded in the material, various tests on the inner resistance of the wires and the lycra were realized in order to aquire a consious knowledge of the underlaying order of this force negotiation.

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// Pattern Catalogue v1 01


LEGEND scoring cut

// clustering logic.


01_array of units. state: stable activation: binar / monodirected

02_looping of units state: semi-stable activation: continuous / monodirected

03_deconstruction of units state: instable activation: continuous / omnidirected





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2D Patterning

Application of Force

Multiple Constellations

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// 2 Unit Cluster

2D Patterning

Application of Force

Multiple Constellations

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2.3_ AGGREGATION STUDIES // 3 Unit Cluster

2D Patterning

Application of Force

Multiple Constellations

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// 4 Unit Cluster

2D Patterning

Application of Force

Multiple Constellations

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2.5_ NETWORKED ITERATION // Iterative Path 01

Rotational Movement Application of Force

Fixed Connection

Flexible Connection

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// Iterative Path 02

Transmission of Light

Axis of Movement 01

Flexible Connection

Rotational Movement

Axis of Movement 02

Fixed Connection

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The second phase of the design reserch process focused on the generation of a 3 dimensional shape through folding and looping of a 2 dimensional pattern. Lighting effects, the implementation of movement and the actuation factor were taken into consideration since the first step of the reaserch, thus had a significant role in the final design’s materialization. The main concept of this part of experimentation was the creation of a continuous loop, composed by one single component, duplicated and interlocked within itself. The boundaries and shape of this component that would fit into the loop had to be constantly optimized in order to reach the desired form and material qualities. Signifcant parameters of the research on material behaviour of the component were: _proportions of rigid vs. soft parts _wire configuration _soft extension outside the wire boundaries _flexibility of the component, linked to silicone quality and stiffness _silicone patterns A significant outcome of this research process was the awareness aquired about how small changes of these parameters affect the overall result and the behaviour of the unit. For instance, by giving different directions and rigidity to the patterns designed on the soft extension of each component’s part, would change the levels of how closed the system can get, as well as the movement of the unit. In that way, through material experimentation, control over the form was achieved and the final design derived from the fabrication process.

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final prototype


first iteration



second iteration


first formfinding

// Pattern Catalogue v2 LEGEND

scoring cut

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3.3_ FOLDING BEHAVIOUR // Negative & Positive Space

In order to understand better the underlaying order of the structural part of the continuous loop and the components that composed it, a wide range of testings were realized, using different materials. More specifically, studies on positive and negative space were carried out, using paper, wire and silicone models. Some of the factors that were tested during this phase of the research were: _scale _rotation of the components parts _length of the components parts _fixing points of the two components _relationship and proportion between structural and soft parts The results of this form exploration led to the final configuration of the unit’s component.

Initial Sketch

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3.2_ PATTERN CATALOGUE // Materially Computed Formfinding

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CHANGES -twisted wire pattern -addition of soft extension -scoring of the mold ďƒ pattern on the silicone ADVANTAGES -creation of a 3d shape relatively closed when two components interlock -acquisition of moving qualities due to the division of the pattern in two parts-soft and rigid -acquisition of lighting qualities due to scoring DISADVANTAGES -overall form not controlled through material organization -not completely closed 3d form

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CHANGES -addition of rigid silicone pattern -different scoring pattern -addition of rigid silicone base ADVANTAGES -improved light qualities -better control of the base -additional rigidity due to the introduction of the silicone pattern DISADVANTAGES -uncontrolled soft extension -limited effect of the linear rigid silicone pattern

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CHANGES -differentiation of the rigid silicone pattern shape offset -addition of rigid silicone line in the silicone pocket -different scoring pattern -different rigid base pattern ADVANTAGES -acquisition of higher rigidity of the component’s parts -better control of the soft extension -better light qualities -acquisition of base’s control DISADVANTAGES -3d form less closed  the rigid silicone line is opposed to the direction needed

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CHANGES -division of the soft extension in 3 pockets -different wire configuration ADVANTAGES -interesting light properties due to the complexity of the pattern DISADVANTAGES -over-controlled soft part -3d form less closed -the component tends to become 2d again

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3.4_ SURFACE TREATMENT // 2D Pre-Conditioning of 3D Behavior

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04_ FABRICATION // Casting Mold Procedure MATERIAL USED FOR THE FABRICATION PROCESS: _mdf 3mm molds fixed on polypropylene sheets in order to achieve different levels of transluscency and light qualities of the final component _soft liquid silicone No 13 _piano wires 0.6mm diameter _silicone tubes to embed the piano wire _polypropylene components embedded in the silicone for reinforcement of the connection points

TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE PROCEDURE: _Lasercut of the mdf mold parts _Fixing of the mdf parts on the polypropylene sheet _Embedding the piano wire in the silicone tube _Placing the wire in the mold _Placing the polypropylene connection components in the mold _Cast silicone _Wait for 8-12 hours for silicone to dry completely _Uncast page 36 TERM 1 2013|14 WS01 // Studio_Robert Stuart-Smith

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4.2_ FABRICATION DETAILING// Material Treatment & Differentiation STR UC TU RA L








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05_ INSTALLATION & ASSEMBLY // Unit Assembly Each unit is composed by two identical components, separatedly casted and fixed together on specific edges, so as to interlock and create a closed geometrical shape. The connection edge is a significant parameter of the final behaviour of the unit, as its length defines how closed or open the system is, as well as how limited the movement of the final installation parts gets. The lighting factor is introduced by stitching electroluminescent wire across the board of the lower component. In this way, the continuoys loop that generated the final design concept is highlighted. The two components in each unit are also connected at their base in a twisted triangular way, where force is applied through mechanical servo motors that pull the connection strings. The units are fixed on a wooden board through a system of threaded rods and wooden components. Servo motors, arduino breadboards and connection wires are placed above the board. Arduino proximity sensors that activate the movement of the installation are placed at the bottom part of each hanging unit.

Fixpoint Wire to Wheel

TURNIGY S8166 Servo Motor

Radius // 7cm Fishing Wire connected to Component

Pull Length // 18cm Installation Base

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05_ FABRICATION // Installation Assembly

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06_ ACTUATION // Movement & Sensoric #include <Servo.h> // use 3 5 6 9 10 11 for light // use 2 4 7 8 12 for servos Servo s0; // create servo object to control a servo // maximum of eight servo objects int se0 = 0; int mid0; int mad0; int clo0; int adclo0; int moves= 4; int se1 = 1; int mid1; int mad1; int clo1; int adclo1; int base= 550; const int el0= 3; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); s0.attach(2); // attaches the servo on pin 9 pinMode(el0, OUTPUT); clo0=analogRead(se0); mid0=clo0-20; mad0=clo0; clo1=analogRead(se1); mid1=clo1-20; mad1=clo1; s0.writeMicroseconds(500); } void loop() {//mid max sensor adjustment clo0=analogRead(se0); if(mid0>clo0){ mid0=clo0; } if(mad0<clo0){ mad0=clo0; } clo1=analogRead(se1); if(mid1>clo1){ mid1=clo1; } if(mad1<clo1){ mad1=clo1; } //mapping sensor readings

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adclo0 = map ( clo0, mid0,mad0,0,10); adclo1 = map ( clo1, mid1,mad1,0,10); Serial.println(adclo0); Serial.println(adclo1); /// when you are far while(adclo0<=3) { //read and map sensors //mid max sensor adjustment clo0=analogRead(se0); if(mid0>clo0){ mid0=clo0; } if(mad0<clo0){ mad0=clo0; } clo1=analogRead(se1); if(mid1>clo1){ mid1=clo1; } if(mad1<clo1){ mad1=clo1; } //mapping sensor readings adclo0 = map ( clo0, mid0,mad0,1,10); adclo1 = map ( clo1, mid1,mad1,1,10); Serial.println(adclo0); Serial.println(adclo1); //for loop starting point s0.writeMicroseconds(base); int bi = map ( base, 400 , 1300, 10, 220); //Serial.println(bi); analogWrite(el0,bi); base=base+moves; if (base>1300) {moves=-moves; } if (base<500) {moves=-moves; } delay(10); }//while 1 is ended here // while 2 starts here while(adclo0>3&& adclo0<8) { //read and map sensors //mid max sensor adjustment clo0=analogRead(se0); if(mid0>clo0){ mid0=clo0; } if(mad0<clo0){ mad0=clo0; }

clo1=analogRead(se1); if(mid1>clo1){ mid1=clo1; } if(mad1<clo1){ mad1=clo1; } //mapping sensor readings adclo0 = map ( clo0, mid0,mad0,1,10); adclo1 = map ( clo1, mid1,mad1,1,10); Serial.println(adclo0); Serial.println(adclo1); //for loop starting point int s0m = map ( clo0, mid0,mad0,500,2500); s0.writeMicroseconds(s0m); Serial.println(s0m); int bi = map ( clo0, mid0,mad0,0,400); if( bi>255) {bi=255;} //Serial.println(bi); analogWrite(el0,bi); delay(100); }//while 2 is ended here // while 3 when you get two close while(adclo0>=8) { //read and map sensors //mid max sensor adjustment clo0=analogRead(se0); if(mid0>clo0){ mid0=clo0; } if(mad0<clo0){ mad0=clo0; } clo1=analogRead(se1); if(mid1>clo1){ mid1=clo1; } if(mad1<clo1){ mad1=clo1; } //mapping sensor readings adclo0 = map ( clo0, mid0,mad0,1,10); adclo1 = map ( clo1, mid1,mad1,1,10); Serial.println(adclo0); Serial.println(adclo1); //for loop starting point s0.writeMicroseconds(2500); analogWrite(el0,255); delay (50); analogWrite(el0,0); delay(10); }//while 3 is ended here }

“Breathe” preforms like a group of living creatures. A light installation designed to integrate an Arduino Uno micro-controller that utilizes five objects that can sense theır surroundıng, with five infra-red proximity sensors (SHARP GP2Y0A21YK) whıch allow ıt to sense motion between 10 cm to 80 cm underneath and uses “Turning S8166M” servos to control the objects motion. Proximity sensors sends voltage to Arduino between 0 to 3.2 according to distance. The Arduino translates voltage to integers and controls the light brightness and motion of servos. There are three states of behavior: “breathing” as an inherent behavior - The installation is shrinking and expanding with the fading in and fading out of the light. “Interaction” as a responsive behavior - according to the distance from the user the creature will expand and shrink with the lights fading in and fading out respectively. The third state “reaction” – shrinks to the maximum and pulsates at a high frequency.

STUDENTS // Paul Clemens Bart Coşku Çinkılıç Eva Magnisali Pavlina Vardoulaki page 51

07_ DIGITAL SIMULATION // Geometry Evaluation DIGITAL SIMULATION AS A TOOL OF FORM OPTIMIZATION: _Transformation of the 2dimensional pattern into a 3dimensional shape through folding, rotating and twisting of the components parts _Optimization of the geometrical features in order to form a closed shape _Testing on the fixing points of the physical model through the creation of a nCloth and the addition/deduction of dynamic constraints _Testing on the friction levels of the digital model in order to silulate silicone’s behaviour _Testing on topological features,such as wire configurations/rigid silicone “paths” by the creation of alternative continuous string constraints _Digital simulation of the energy and matter relationship

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STUDENTS // Paul Clemens Bart Coşku Çinkılıç Eva Magnisali Pavlina Vardoulaki

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