Ralph Allwood Choral Course Brochure 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班宣传册

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YK Pao School 上海包玉刚实验学校

Ralph Allwood Choral Course from the Director of Eton Choral Courses

拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班 由伊顿公学合唱班创办人执教

Monday 27 July – Sunday 2 August 2015 2015年7月27日(周一)至 8月2日(周日)

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YK Pao School Ralph Allwood Choral Course 上海包玉刚实验学校 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班

Introduction 简介

YK Pao School is delighted to host the first Ralph Allwood Choral Course in China, under the direction of the renowned choral musician and Director of Eton Choral Courses, Dr Ralph Allwood. As one of the leading Choir Directors in the UK, Ralph Allwood had trained many of the leading choristers in the UK.

包玉刚实验学校有幸主办拉尔夫·奥伍德 合唱班在中国的首期课程,该课程将由伊 顿公学合唱班创办人拉尔夫·奥伍德博士 和另一位有声望的合唱音乐家共同执教。 作为英国主要合唱团总监中的一员,拉尔 夫·奥伍德先生在英国已经培训了很多合 唱团主唱歌手。

Ralph Allwood, MBE, former Director of Music at Eton College and founder of the Eton Choral Courses, the Junior Choral Courses and the Rodolfus Choir, together with Martyn Ford, Head of Performing Arts at Lambrook School in Berkshire, will be leading a Choral Course at YK Pao School.

The culmination of the course is the final concert, which will combine a major work from the choral repertoire and lighter music. During the week the young people will work hard at a range of music, both with the sectional tutors and as a whole group. This year students will work on and perform a major choral work, such as Fauré Requiem, songs from West Side Story and an array of other fun music. Free time is equally important and a wide range of activities is organised every afternoon, with a strong emphasis on fun. The Ralph Allwood Choral Course is open to all, irrespective of school. The course will be held at the Changning campus of YK Pao School under the musical direction of Ralph Allwood and Martyn Ford.

The Ralph Allwood Choral Course offers unique opportunities to children aged 8 -15 to experience choral singing at a very high level. Ralph Allwood will be bringing seven experienced members of staff from the English Choral scene. The course staff are all singers, and the young people are joined by altos, tenors and basses to enable them to sing some of the great choral repertoire alongside good music written for their higher voices. The proof of the success of the courses held so far in the United Kingdom lies in the very high proportion of participants who have returned year after year, many of them bringing with them younger brothers and sisters. 拉尔夫·奥伍德先生将与马丁·福德先生一起在包玉刚实 验学校带队执教拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班。马丁·福德先生 现任英国伯克郡Lambrook学校的表演艺术总监。拉尔夫· 奥伍德先生是英帝国勋章获得者,伊顿公学前音乐总监, 曾创办伊顿公学合唱团、Rodolfus合唱团以及少年合唱班。 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班为8到15岁的孩子提供绝佳的机会, 可以学习顶尖水平的合唱。拉尔夫·奥伍德先生将带领7位 富有经验的来自英国合唱班的课程教师。课程教师均为歌 唱者,同时加入的年轻学员中有女低音、男高音和低音歌 唱者,使合唱班能够演唱一些适合高音域的著名合唱 曲目。大部分参与者不仅自己每年持续参加,还会带着弟 弟妹妹一起报名申请。因此,拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班迄今 为止在英国取得了巨大的成功。

Please note – the ability to sight read is not an entry requirement – that’s one of the things that we teach during the course! 合唱班最激动人心的部分是最后的汇报演出,孩子们将表 演轻音乐曲目,以及排练的名曲中的某一首曲子。在合唱 班期间,孩子们将努力排练一系列合唱曲目,既有音域 指导,也有整体指导。今年学生们将练习并演唱大型合唱 作品,如《安魂曲》,以及电影《西区故事》中的曲目和其 他有意思的曲目。自由活动时间也很重要,所以每天下午 都会组织各种有趣的活动。合唱班面向所有符合年龄条件 的歌唱者,不考虑报名者的学校背景。这个课程都将包玉 刚实验学校长宁校区举行,由拉尔夫·奥伍德先生和 马丁·福德先生任音乐总监。 请注意:报名者不要求识读五线谱,这会是我们授课内容 的一部分。

YK Pao School Ralph Allwood Choral Course 上海包玉刚实验学校 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班

The Programme 课程

This year the repertoire will include: – A major choral work, like Fauré Requiem – Numbers from Leonard Bernstein’s musical “West Side Story” – Short works by Schubert, Schumann and Mendelssohn

本次合唱班练习曲目: – 大型合唱作品,如《安魂曲》 – 伦纳德·伯恩斯坦的音乐剧《西区故事》中的曲目 – 舒伯特,舒曼,门德尔松的短作品


A note from Director, Ralph Allwood, MBE “Since I founded the courses in 1980 there have been 140 week long courses, nowDate: known asXXX the Eton Choral Courses and the Junior Choral Courses. But I am particularly excited about this one, because it is the first to be exported from the UK. The emphasis is on first class music sung to the highest standard. It is my experience this is what produces the most fulfilled enjoyment in the participants, and this is why so many come back time after time. It opens their minds to possibilities unrealised before, they make wonderful new friends and they love working hard at such good music. For our first course in Shanghai, Martyn Ford and I have chosen some beautiful, funny and exciting secular pieces. Hard musical work is interspersed with games and sports to make a complete week of enjoyment, discovery and fulfilment.” – Ralph Allwood, MBE

“1980年我开始创办合唱班,迄今为止已开设了140周的 课程,现在主要有伊顿公学合唱团和少年合唱班两个项 目。我个人更青睐少年合唱班,因为这是第一个在英国 之外发展的合唱班,重点在于培养孩子们用最高水准演 唱一流的音乐作品。孩子们在这里获得了最高成就感的 快乐,这也正是许多参与者每年都再回来报名的原因。 这样的经历让他们实现了曾经不可能实现的思维开拓, 交到了很棒的新朋友,他们也都很愿意努力练习,演唱 好的作品。这次是我们第一次将合唱班开设在上海, 马丁和我选择了《安魂曲》和其他一些美妙而且有趣的 不朽名作。严格排练的同时,还会有游戏和运动项目, 让我们的活动充满探索与发现的乐趣,让孩子们在欢笑 中成长。” —英帝国勋章获得者,拉尔夫·奥伍德

YK Pao School Ralph Allwood Choral Course 上海包玉刚实验学校 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班

Information for Parents 课程详情

Course Details – For singers aged 8 – 15 – Course Dates: Monday 27 July to Sunday 2 August 2015 – Course to be held at YK Pao School, Changning Campus – The course is run in ENGLISH and begins at 08:00 each day, finishing at 18:00 – Please apply to Kevin Zhang Email camp-music@ykpaoschool.cn Tel(021)61671999-1-8109

课程详情 – – – – –

报名者年龄为8-15岁 时间:2015年7月27日(周一)至 8月2日(周日) 地点位于包玉刚实验学校长宁校区 全英文授课从每天上午08:00开始至下午18:00结束 请通过邮箱: camp-music@ykpaoschool.cn 或 电话:(021)61671999-1-8109 申请

YK Pao School Ralph Allwood Choral Course 上海包玉刚实验学校 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班

Information for Young Singers 报名者参考信息

Is it for me? The Ralph Allwood Choral Course is open to anyone aged between 8 and 15. Between 60 and 70 children are selected to attend, divided roughly equally between boys and girls. If you are a boy and your voice is on the change or has changed then please still apply – you will be more than welcome and there will be special tuition available for you. What happens in this course? The course lasts for a week and the day starts at 08:00 finishing at 18:00. As well as rehearsals there will games in the afternoons. You will have the chance to make many new friends. At mealtimes we all eat together, staff included. Our members of staff are led by the two Musical Directors – Ralph Allwood and Martyn Ford. The pastoral team is made up of very experienced singers who are there to look after you. 我可以参加吗? 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班面向所有8-15岁的学生。参加的学 生会从60至70名孩子中挑选出来,并按照男女性别平均分 配。如果你是男生,正处在变声期或者已经变声,你可以 申请特别报名费用,我们热情期待你的加入。 合唱班的具体内容是什么? 课程将持续一周,早上8点开始,晚上18点结束。 上午排练,下午是游戏环节。你将有机会交到很多 新朋友。所有人,包括老师,一起吃午餐。上课的各位 老师都是非常有经验的歌唱家,由两位音乐总监—— 拉尔夫·奥伍德先生和马丁·福德先生统一管理。

During the week we will work hard covering a range of music – from sacred to secular and from serious to light. We will sing with the sectional tutors and as a whole group. Everything comes together for the final concert which your parents and families are invited to attend. The concert is made up of two parts – in the first half you will perform the lighter music you have prepared, and in the second half one of the major pieces from the choral repertoire. We also know that free time is vitally important and so a range of activities are organised every afternoon. The Ralph Allwood Choral Course not only provides you with unique vocal training and choral experience but a fantastically fun week proven by the number of children who are keen to return year after year.

课程期间,我们将分音域练习、整体练习各种曲目,宗教 的或世俗的,严肃的或轻快的,包罗万象。一切准备就绪 后,你们的父母和其他亲人将被邀请参加最后的汇报 演出。演出分为两部分,第一部分是表演已经准备好的轻 音乐曲目,第二部分是选择一首排练过的合唱名曲进行 表演。 我们知道,自由时间也是很重要的,所以每天下午都有一 系列的活动。拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班不仅为你提供独特的 声乐训练,合唱体验,还会给你带来趣味非凡的一周。相 信你也会像曾经参加过的孩子那样迫不及待期待下一年的 到来。

YK Pao School Ralph Allwood Choral Course 上海包玉刚实验学校 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班

Faculty Introduction 音乐总监介绍

Ralph Allwood 拉尔夫 奥伍德

Ralph Allwood MBE was for 26 years Director of Music at Eton College and is now a freelance choral director. He is the Director of the Eton Choral Courses, which he founded in 1980. Seven thousand 16 to 20 year olds have been students on courses over the last thirty-five years. He co-founded the Junior Choral Courses in 2011, and is now planning courses in Shanghai, Melbourne and Greenwich, Connecticut. The Rodolfus choir, made up of the best singers from the courses, has been described as ‘unspeakably beautiful' by Gramophone. It has produced over 20 CDs. Ralph is a founder and conductor of Inner Voices, a choir made up of singers from state schools in London. He is Director of Music at the Old Royal Naval College in Greenwich with its Choral Scholars from Trinity Laban. He has conducted choirs for 40 live broadcasts for BBC Radio 3, was a judge on BBC 2's The Choir and has written much music heard worldwide on radio and television. Ralph adjudicates the Llangollen Eisteddfod and the Cork International Choral Competition. He is a Fellow Commoner and Assistant Director of Music at Queens’ College, Cambridge, and an Honorary Fellow of University College, Durham. He is Choral Advisor to Novello, Wellington College and Trinity College, Oxford. He teaches at Trinity Laban Conservatoire, Westminster Under School and at his old school, Tiffin. In 2012 Ralph was awarded a Doctorate of Music by Aberdeen University. He was made MBE in the 2012 New Year's Honours list.

英帝国勋章获得者拉尔夫·奥伍德先生在伊顿公学担任音 乐总监长达26年,目前是一位自由职业的合唱团总监。 他在1980年创办了伊顿公学合唱班,是伊顿公学合唱班总 监。在过去的35年中,有7000名16至20岁的学员成为了伊 顿公学合唱班学生。在2011年,拉尔夫·奥伍德先生联合 创办了少年合唱班,目前正计划在上海,墨尔本,美国康 涅狄格州的格林威治开设课程。由来自合唱班中最好的演 唱者组成的Rodolfus合唱班被留声机杂志描述为“说不出的 美妙”,已被制作了20多张CD。 Inner Voices是一支由来自伦敦公立学校的演唱者组成的合 唱班,拉尔夫是Inner Voices的创办者和指挥家。他还是格 林威治旧皇家海军学院的音乐总监,与来自三一拉邦艺术 学院的合唱学者一起工作。拉尔夫为BBC电台3频道指挥了 40场直播,曾是BBC2频道合唱班的评判,已抒写了好多音 乐作品,通过电台和电视节目而闻名于世。 拉尔夫担任Llangollen Eisteddofod和Cork国际合唱大赛的评 判。他是剑桥皇家学院的音乐总监助理和研究员, 也是杜伦大学的荣誉学者。而且还是Novello,惠灵顿学院和 牛津三一学院的合唱指导老师。同时,执教于三一拉邦艺 术学院,Westminster Under School,以及他的母校Tiffin。 在2012年,拉尔夫被阿伯丁大学授予音乐博士学位。 并且,他被列入2012新年荣誉名单中,获得英帝国勋章。

YK Pao School Ralph Allwood Choral Course 上海包玉刚实验学校 拉尔夫·奥伍德合唱班

Faculty Introduction 音乐总监介绍

Martyn Ford 马丁·福德

Martyn Ford is Head of Performing Arts at Lambrook School. He has many years experience as a choir trainer, as Musical Director of the IAPS Choral Courses and of the Berkshire Boys’ Choir. He has particular expertise working with the age-group for whom the Junior Choral Course is designed. His understanding of children of this age and the particular requirements of their young voices enables him to conduct energetic, entertaining rehearsals and produce performances of a consistently high standard. As well as coaching consort-group singing and sight-reading on the Eton Choral Courses for the last twenty years, Martyn conducts the Morland Choristers’ Camp each year and has worked as Musical Director and vocal coach for the National Youth Music Theatre.

马丁·福德先生现任Lambrook学校表演艺术总监。多年来担 任合唱团培训老师,经验丰富。作为IAPS合唱团以及伯克郡 男声合唱团的音乐总监,马丁·福德先生与少年合唱班招收 的孩子相处融洽,教学方面经验丰富。马丁·福德先生基于 自己对8-15岁的孩子的理解,以及对他们稚嫩声音的特别培 训,能够组织精彩的、有意思的排练活动,并且使合唱团自 始至终保持高水准的演出。在过去的20年里,马丁·福德先 生在伊顿公学合唱团指导歌唱者、教识五线谱的同时,每年 还会担任Morland Choristers夏令营活动的音乐总监以及英国 国家青年音乐剧院的声乐教练。

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