Summer camp press week4

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Summer Camp Press Week 4 July 2013

A Fun and unforgettable Summer Experience This year, YK Pao School Summer Camp invited all student who are 9 years and older to spend a night in our Songjiang campus. Students of different cultural backgrounds and age groups from Putonghua Summer Camp and Activity Camp had the chance to befriend and interact with one another. For some students, this was the first time they left their parents to spend a night boarding in a new environment. Therefore, it was a great opportunity for them to be independent and train their self-managing ability. Our School bus took the students to our Secondary School campus in Songjiang on Friday afternoon. The Songjiang campus is 70,000m2 with a modern-style design featuring a state-of-the-art facility designed by an experienced architecture designer from Singapore. Some Pavilions from the 2010 Shanghai World Expo donated many reusable items such as pots and plants and decorative wall tiles and other materials to our Secondary School campus. After watching A Deer of Nine Colors, a Chinese animated film, students went to the outdoor soccer pitch to exercise and play in a series of fun and interactive games. Once they returned to the dormitory, they dropped into each other’s rooms to talk and get to know one another. Some of them also competed against one another in friendly chess games. The students shared a fun and unforgettable evening, and friendships were built. The next day was cultural day, and students continued their fun journey in Songjiang. Students created clay artworks, designed drawings on paper gourd, and played Chinese Jackstraws with their peers. They also explored the myth and essence of Chinese Kung Fu by practicing hands-on techniques with our Martial Arts coach. We sincerely hope the cultural voyage to Songjiang provided a fun and unforgettable Summer Camp experience for the students that participated this year.

Putonghua Summer Camp

C Chhiinneessee ccllaassss:: Students learned the vowels (a、o、e) in Chinese pinyin pronunciation, and learned how to sing the” Four Season Song”, “Chinese Number Song”, and the “Body Song” in Chinese. They also learned how to say the months, and how to say the names of various winter clothing and apparel in Chinese. They also learned about the legend and custom of traditional Chinese holidays such as Laba Festival, The Autumn Festival, and Dragon Festival. Students also attempted using Chinese characters to create Chinese-themed red lanterns.

M Maatthh ccllaassss:: Students used numbers to make finger puppets, and happily performed the Numbers Dance using their fingers. They also learned how to use triangles to assemble small animals.

A Arrtt C Cllaassss:: Students learned the art of Chinese paper cutting by drawing the shape of the flowers on the red paper, and then using scissors to cut out the holes between the lines. They also learned the basics of Chinese calligraphy, and how to properly hold and write with a brush pen. They practiced various strokes including “Diǎn” (dot), “Heng” (Horizontal rightward stroke), “Piě” (throw away leftward stroke with slight curve), and “Nà” (press down stroke) to write the Chinese character “Fortune” (吉). Some of the students also learned how to make Color-lined Zongzi (Sticky rice dumplings), how to draw designs on canvas bags, and how to make moon cakes.

D Drraam maa ccllaassss:: Some of the classes had students create gourds using paper and crayons, and performed the story of the Calabash Brothers (Huluwa). The other classes focused on rehearsing the Three Beatings of the White Bone Demon, a famous story from Journey to the West.

IInntteerraaccttiivvee ccllaassss:: Our students interacted with the children from Activities Camp to play games and build LEGO together.

M Muussiicc ccllaassss:: Students tried playing Guzheng, a traditional and mystical ancient Chinese instrument, and were enticed by the sound created by the strings.

SSppoorrttss aaccttiivviittiieess:: Relay race, dodge ball, and swimming are some of the students’ favorite sports.

Excursion V Viissiittiinngg tthhee S Shhaanngghhaaii S Scciieennccee aanndd T Teecchhnnoollooggyy M Muusseeuum m To most children and young adults, the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum is known as the playground for Science. During their visit, students watched the film The Last Reef, with the state-of-the-art IMAX theatre screen and surround sound system, students felt as if they were part of the story. When the giant shark appeared, the girls in the front row had to cover their eyes because the 3D effect simply looked “too real”. Later, students visited Animal World and Spiders Exhibition. The students had a blast seeing all the lifelike animal models, and had goose-bumps touring the exciting but thrilling world of the Spiders.

Special Events T Thhee E Enndd ooff C Caam mpp P Peerrffoorrm maannccee This past Friday marked the last day of the 2013 YK Pao School Summer Camp, and the students from the Putonghua Summer Camp participated in a series of performances that showcased what they have learned over the 2-week programme. The event also reflected the hard work and effort invested by all the teachers and coaches from the camp. It was also an excellent opportunity to thank the parents for their continuous support as they watched their children put on a fun and entertaining show.

Activities Camp EEnngglliisshh C Cllaassss Dear parents, Our English program has had wonderful success with almost all students from 5 years old and up, knowing their basic phonics, many knowing their phonic blends and some being able to complete all of the standard phonics systems. Many students have also raised their reading levels significantly in the short amount of time here at the Summer school. I would like to remind everyone that they will have access to until September and this is a great resource to help your child continue progressing at a rapid pace. Students have also been practicing speaking English and following instructions and this has helped them with their listening and speaking skills. We will all be sad to see your children go but I think they will all have fond memories from their time at YK Pao School's activity camp!

SSppoorrttss A Accttiivviittiieess In soccer class, kids have been trained in some fundamental skills such as dribbling, shooting, passing, and game strategies. In the last 10-15 minutes, they play soccer game divided by 2 groups. Tennis session gives many kids a bit challenge, especially for some kids who haven’t played tennis before. Coaches teach them how to hold a tennis racquet and name of position in English. Many kids start to love playing tennis. Swimming class’s aim is to provide a safe and fun session. Our swimming coach Johnson organizes many fun water games. Even for some kids who had no swimming experience, enjoyed playing the fun games.

During the fun game session kids played a lot of interesting games in the gym. Coaches use different kinds of equipment in order to make this sessions more fun! For most games the kids needed to cooperate with their classmates, so they can learn the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship!

LLEEG GO OC Cllaassss Our Summer Camp LEGO classes offered a variety of themes for each age group. For the 5-6 years old age group, the class focused on the theme of “Life and Technology”, where students learned how to build Single wheel barrow, electric fan, swivel chairs, four wheel drive vehicles, and studied the turning mechanism on what makes a car turn. For the 6-7 years old age group, the class focused on the theme of “The Machine World”, where students learned the mechanical principles behind water heater, light switch, pile driver, and also built complex machineries. For the 7-8 years old age group, the class focused on the theme of “Space Expedition” where students built aliens, detectors, space battleships and return capsules. For the 8-9 years old age group, the class focused on the theme of “Energy World” where students studied different types of physical energy such as kinetic energy, potential energy, inertia, and learned how to build brake systems, gravity cars, wind-powered sail cars, and fast cars that reduced friction. For the 9 years old and up age group, the class focused on the “fundamentals of Robotics”, where students learned about the principles behind NXT, motors, different kinds of transducer and sensor, simple programming knowledge, and built related robots and complex machines.

Intensive English Camp This week marked the final week of our Intensive English Camp, and the programme perfectly embodied the saying, “times flies when you’re having fun”. Under the teachers’ guidance during the past four weeks, students participated in Spelling Bee competitions, debates, World Scholars Cup, and other fun and exciting learning activities. The classes stimulated and inspired students to learn by providing them with an environment where they can communicate and learn through fun games and exciting competitions.

We held a concluding ceremony on Thursday where students showcased what they have learned through an English speech and debate contest and Spelling Bee.

FFrroom m tthhee ppaarreennttss “The Intensive English Camp offered a variety of courses that were both philosophical and educational. The life coaching programme introduced a very innovative western concept by encouraging these young adults to think about the meaning of life, and inspiring them to explore their passion and interests. Teachers showed the students all the different possibilities, and encouraged them to fulfill their curiosities by taking the initiatives to learn and explore. This is the true essence of a successful education. By learning all the different subject disciplines including history, mathematics, science, drama, and debate in English, students acquired new knowledge, and were able express their imagination freely in a supportive environment. “10 Years from Now” and “My Top 3 University Choices” were some of their essay topics that allowed students to evaluate their interests and set their goals. Spelling Bee provided a chance for students to learn and memorize new vocabularies and experience the power of teamwork. In addition, many of the teaching assistants were very patient and supportive in giving students encouragements to be confident and express themselves. My child Ming Yuan wrote in his ‘10 Years from Now’

essay that ‘My parents will be over 50 years old in ten years, so I must work hard in order to provide them with a comfortable living when they retire’. I was really moved by his writing.” ---The Mother of Zhou Ming Yuan

“The Summer Camp curriculum was very efficient and scientific as it cleverly combined learning with fun activities to stimulate students’ curiosity and inspire them to search for the answer. This was a wonderful approach because it effectively enhanced their language ability while avoiding the pressure by allowing them to enjoy the learning process. We always had a nice chat about the camp every day during dinner. I often asked if she had fun, what she had learned, and if she had made any new friends at the camp, etc. I was pleased because her responses were always positive, and she was eager to return to the camp the next day. When she first enrolled in the programme, she couldn’t fully understand the contents but she wasn’t intimidated. She actually took the initiative and conducted research and studied vocabularies using bilingual dictionary. The Summer Camp was very successful in guiding students to discover their interests: The ‘Life Coaching’ programme was a class about big topics, but students were always excited about every topic and theme; Spelling Bee and Debate competition helped students learn how to play by the rules while training their ability to improvise in different situations; Science class offered students a completely new perspective on the world. And of course, sports activities will always be one of their favorite subjects… As the camp comes to a close, I want to say a big ‘thank you’ to all the teachers from the YK Pao School Summer Camp for their patience and inspiration. My child is not a enrolled student at YK Pao School, so initially she wasn’t accustomed to a total English-speaking environment. However, the school immediately offered an after-class study session where teachers worked one-on-one with the student and brought them up to speed by reviewing what they have learned in class as well as preparing them for future lessons. As a result, my child didn’t feel left out or discouraged, and she really enjoyed the Intensive English Camp this past four weeks. I’m very grateful this summer because this Summer Camp provided my child with a good start as she prepares to attend a new secondary school after the summer.” ---The Mother of Zhao Yiwen

FFrroom m tthhee ssttuuddeennttss “The most important thing I have learned was how to communicate with other people. The first day I came here I was very shy, and I didn’t talk a lot. But now when I see my teachers, I will say ‘hello’ to them, and now I have the courage to say the things I want to say. I think I really made a big progress. On the first day when we had our Placement test, I remember Brandon asked me a question, he asked ‘what are you good at in English? Are you good at writing, reading, speaking or listening?’ I answered ‘listening’ then he said ‘I wish you can be good at all four areas’ I smiled. And now I’m on my way there! ” ——Jessy Ji

“In the last three weeks, I’m getting smarter and smarter and smarter and smarter, all because of the good teachers.” ——Bryan

IInntteennssiivvee E Enngglliisshh C Caam mpp C Clloossiinngg C Ceerreem moonnyy S Sppeeeecchh Headmaster Wu Zijian

Dear students, teachers and parents of the Intensive English Camp, Good Afternoon! First of all, on behalf of the founders, Mrs Anna Sohmen, Mrs Tan Fuyun and Mr Philip Sohmen, I would like to extend our warm congratulations on the successful conclusion of the Intensive English Camp! This camp is characterized by its programme of differentiated courses of diversification, innovation and exploration, and the cheerful cooperation between students and teachers. Dear students, in the last four weeks, under the scorching sun, you actively participated in the programme in high spirit and made great progress in English, by which the teachers are deeply impressed. The teachers of YK Pao School and those from other schools and the volunteers from overseas universities contributed greatly to the camp. Not only did they enrich your knowledge, they also broaden your horizon. Let us applaud them for their efforts! All the courses were taught in English and designed according to students’ needs in the form of small classes teaching. In the morning, the English courses worked on improving your vocabulary in an effort to make you a better listener, speaker and reader of English. In the afternoon, the courses, maths, science and humanities, to name just a few, consolidated what you have learnt and helped you to better prepare for the next semester. Moreover, the camp has also invited a couple of guest speakers who generously shared their experiences, learning strategies and career plans. GB Shaw once said, ‘If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.’ In the English camp, you interacted with a new group of teachers and classmates. I am sure you’ve made lots of new friends. Through them, you can harvest many new ideas. Friendship is a lifelong treasure. I hope you keep in touch with all your new friends and encourage each other to study and make progress together. Dear students, you shall not stop exploring the sea of knowledge with the conclusion of the camp. I hope that you have high expectations of yourself and practice English on a daily base through reading and writing as often as you can. The organization of the camp owes much to the colleagues of Student Affair Office and Student Life Office. They have contributed greatly and worked hard to ensure the programme work smoothly. Let us give them a big round of applause and say thank you. Now, let us enjoy the programmes that were well-prepared by the students. I wish you all a very happy and meaningful summer holiday! Thank you!

Overseas Camp R Rhhooddee IIssllaanndd S Suum mm meerr C Caam mpp In the third week of our Summer Camp, students stayed with their home-stay family, and experienced cultural immersion in America through daily interaction and communication. This week’s academic programme focused on the American civil war and the study of energetics where students participated in different case studies and poster designs. The afternoon activities continued to be fun and engaging. In art class, students learned the techniques behind simplified drawing by using shapes and lines to create pictures, canvas drawing, and abstract watercolor. In speech class, students studied some of the greatest speeches in history, and collaborated with local American students on projects such as simulated court case studies, reading exercises, and practice the skills to ask open-ended questions, analyze and share their knowledge. All the students got a great view of the city from the rooftop of the St. George’s School Church on Friday. It is one of the oldest historical buildings in the city. On the weekend, students went to do different activities with their host families including attending baseball games, Polo matches, music concerts, picnics, surfing, shopping, and tried different local cuisines. It was indeed a great chance for students to learn the local culture and heritage.

C Caalliiffoorrnniiaa S Suum mm meerr C Caam mpp This weekend, we went to San Francisco and visited some of the most famous landmarks in northern California. We took the Duck Tour, which was a tour ride on a hybrid vehicle that drove on land around the city and sailed in the water along the bay. Our students rode through San Francisco's Italian neighborhoods and Chinatown, and learned about the turf war that went on between the two groups. The architectural buildings and other historical landmarks around the city like the Cable Cars of San Francisco that operated along century-old routes and Lombard Drive made the tour very fascinating. To top off their Duck Tour, the

students each had an opportunity to "drive" the Duck when it sailed along the bay. Many students were now confident they could drive their own boat! After a quick lunch break, we cruised to Alcatraz Island, also known as "The Rock" or the "Island-Of-No-Escape". Each student received an audio tour of the history of the penitentiary. We learned about the everyday operations activities of the cell house and what a home to the many notorious criminals of all time means. The students were especially curious about some of the terrifying escape attempts. Finally, our students got a taste of San Francisco's traffic. We were stuck in SF for over an hour, only to move a block due to the Giant's game getting out. Overall, we had a terrific time!

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