Architectural Portfolio

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D i p l o m a A r c h i t e c t E n g i n e e r -AUTH M A r c h G A D - U C L U p d a t e d N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 4

INDEX Curriculum vitae Fibro.City ·carbon fibre weaving with robotic arms _MArch Graduate Architectural Design - UCL Pools in Thermaikos ·water in water _architectural proposal·office work Re-designing the square ·Eleutheria Square _Technical Camper of Greece ·Competition ·office work Glass Tank ·isolation pavillion _AthensHeartDesignAward Pharmacy ·Competition Es.Cave · Escaping in Contemporary Caves _Unversity Project · Thesis P.arch de Ninove · upgrading Brussels _ University Project Office Building · Integration & Transformation _University Project Spa & Hotel Unit · Seashore Suburbs _ University Project Photography _Personal Interest Graphic Design _Contests

Extended Curriculum Vitae Contact details +44 (0) 77 83 77 66 46 aikaterini.papadimitriou 17 Argyll Mansions, Hammersmith Road, W14 8QG WORKING EXPERIENCE 2012-present Freelance Architect 2014 RoboFold - Volunteer at fabrication process 2014 Finnish Institute of Technology - Volunteer at ViewPoint VIP Launching event -London 2013 Nikiforidis-Cuomo Architects - working as an assistant architect 2013 Tutor Assistant: Urban Environments in Transition,Arch Workshop “CITY AND DESIRES: spatial representations” 2012 Open House Thessaloniki 2012. 3-day architectural guiding, volunteer 2011-2012 Greek Organization of Communication (OTE) , Telesales and customer service department EDUCATION 2013 - 2014 2006 - 2012 2011 2003-2006

UCL, The Bartlett, MArch Graduate Architectural Design - Distinction Aristotle University of Thessaloniki School of Architecture - Very Good UCL- Faculté d’ architecture, d’ingénierie architecturale, d’urbanisme (LOCI)Site Architecture Saint-Luc Bruxelles (erasmus Scholar) High School Degree - 4th Lyceum of Ioannina

LANGUAGE SKILLS Greek Native speaker English IELTS 7.5 German Zentrale Mittelstufenprüfung Spanish Intermedio Espanol COMPUTER SKILLS Autodesk Software : 3Ds Max Design, AutoCAD , Maya, Softimage, Revit( elementary) Bentley : Microstation (elementary) Graphisoft Software : ArchiCAD Processing Adobe Software Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. Premiere ECDL Progress Certificate, ECDL Core Certificate

RESEARCH -ASSESSMENTS 2014 Fibro.City - Carbon fibre weaving with robotic arm Supervisor : Alisa Andrasek -Daghan Cam 2014 Aesthetic values through generative processes in the architecture world. Supervisor : David Andreen - Alisa Andrasek 2012 Interaction in Architecture· Responsive Environments. Supervisor : Axarli Kleio 2012 Thesis Project ‘Aurora Borealis Arctic Observatory’, Rovaniemi, Finland. Supervisor : Papakostas George DISTINCTIONS 2014 Peter Cook Prize, The Bartlett, UCL 2014 Project at China Design Centre of London UK Chinese Student Design Show 2014 2012 EsCave.Escaping in contemporary caves -Barcelona European Landscape Biennial, International Exhibition University Projects 2012 EsCave.Escaping in contemporary caves -Archmedium Architectural contest,OBA12,Northern Lights Observatory Shortlisted out of 600 projects 2012 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Educational Trip Us, sponsored by Bodosakis Foundation and Sunlight Company, after Panhellenic copmetition. 2005 EUROSCOLA program, Youth European parliament conference, selected after panhellenic competition. 2004 Hellenic Mathematical Society. Got‘Thalis’ mathematical competition and qualification to ‘Euklidis’

WORKSHOPS- LECTURES 2014 PLEXUS 15 - The bartlett , lecturing about Fibro.City Project 2013 Enterviews on Crisis - Thessaloniki, AUTH-Hyperwerk-FH Johaneum 2013 Questioning Crisis - Basel, Hyperwerk-AUTH 2012 Ecoweek 2012 Thessaloniki – Urban Innovation and Green Design 2009 Re-approaching a bench for Kethea – Ithaki rehabilitation center PERSONAL TIME 2013 Athens Heart Design Award 2013 2013 Iconic Pharmacy Store 2013 IASSARS Logo contest 2013 Documentary Festival of Thessaloniki Poster Contest 2012-present Co-Founder of CoMvoS: Cooperation and Motivation of Students - 2012 Photography Contest organized by BEST Thessaloniki. Theme: Urban Landscapes 2010- 2013 Volunteer at the organization of the Cycling Carnival at Thessaloniki 2010 Theatrical Group of AUTH Polytechnical University of Thessaloniki, scripting, play and scenography 2009-present Member of Sfina - 2006 Driving License /B Photography, Theater, Reading, Traveling Cycling, Tennis, Skiing References available upon request: Andrasek Alisa | Nikiforidis Prodromos | Papakostas George | Axarli Kleio


carbon fibre weaving with robotic arm MArch Thesis Project 2014 Program | Realizing algorithmic representations with robotic technologies Partners | Castro Esteban , Komar Marcin, Yao Yilin Tutors

| Andrasek Alisa, Cam Daghan

.Winners of the Peter Cook Award for outstanding work .Participation in exhibition at the China Design Centre of London

Fibrocity is a project held during the MArch Graduate Architectural Design, a master program of UCL - The Bartelett during the year 2013-2014. Fibro.City is a project based on fibrous formations in architectural scale, relying on the use of carbon fibres. This material guarantees high performance through discreteness, and we strongly believe that it could apply to the construction industry need using the most extravagant and up-to-date technologies. We are curating the design, and the fabrication methods, creating a new language of expressing architecture, by having in mind structural elements. Reconfiguring these parameters, we achieve high resolution results, unique and aesthetically advanced. We have the opportunity to explore and define the architectural future, and we enhance this chance by reconfiguring the potentials of the materiality of the structure. We program the behaviour of our structure, and up to a point we are touching the chance to create optimizing algorithms on the design itself and the structural ability of the project. Algorithms that read the environment and read themselves, anchoring point configurations and weaving agents cooperate for the connection of the simulation to the fabrication process in situ, consisting the components of our synthesis. The fabrication is a robotic matter, since no human intervention is needed after the design process, through the algorithms that we develop and ABB robotic arms.

Initial research for fibre properties Reality and simulations

Stigmergy | Fibrous formations two dimentional algorythm

Stigmergy | Fibrous formations three dimentional algorythm

Reading information simulations

Simulating Physics and understanding their algorythmic functions - prototypes and simulations

Creating an architectural element , using our discrete language | Column prototype

Algorythmic Structural Evaluation | Column prototype

Sample model | Column prototype

Spacial Arrangements | Simulating formations , evaluating results | Developing rendering techniques

Rendering Investigation Through Simulations Design | Texture | Architectural Fabric

MicroPavillion Design From Simulations to Fabrication - B-Pro Exhibition 2014 final prototype

point formation

neighbouring conditions

deformation conditions

stick formation


polygonized surface

MicroPavillion Design Diagramms of fabrication | panelizations | robotic weaving



Connetors to other segments

Component System

Spatial Layout

Division of components

Robot Setup

Structural continuity

Fabrication Process Preparation of the Exhibition Piece

Pools of Thessaloniki water in water Professional Work 2013 Place

| Thessaloniki ‘s sea front, Greece

Program | Public pools in the sea Office

| Nikiforidis Prodromos, Cuomo Bernar

.Published at local press ‘Epiloges Magazine’ .

This project is a proposal from the Office of Nikiforidis – Cuomo in order to upgrade the living conditions of Thessaloniki through architectural synthesis. The visualization and further process of the idea was held by Aikaterini Papadimitriou. Thessaloniki is a place by the sea where one can enjoy the water and the sun. These days due to the industrialization of the city and the water contamination no one can swim at Thermaikos gulf anymore. However summer in Greece is really hot and the need of the people for a pleasant and cooling break becomes a necessity. Less and less have the opportunity, because of the economical crisis, to leave the city for the weekend, while the temperature is growing. The solution seemed to be just in front of our eyes, if only the water was suitable and safe! And here came along the idea of pools in the sea. Creating something that could remind of the pre-existing situation of the piers. Creating something impressive and functional, in a controlled area, respecting the open horizon, a continuity of the paving, maintaining the calmness of the environment. The materials used, metal, wood and glass are of the same quality as the newly reconstucted seaside , mentioning that it is also a work of the same architects. The peripheral deck can be used as a sunbathing or resting area, providing at the same time a new perspective to the city. Elegant and classy salmost like being on a yacht, an intervention like this could become a global attraction.

Eleutherias Square

re-designing the void Professional Work Anthens Heart Design Competition 2013 Place

| Eleutherias Square, Thessaloniki, Greece

Program | Designing a public square, emphasizing to people Office

| Nikiforidis Prodromos, Cuomo Bernar

.Exhibited as printed panels at the City Hall of Thessaloniki, Greece

The result of an open call competition of the Technical Chamber of Thessaloniki on redesign the public space in crisis produced this project The constant need of public spaces should be transformed into an interesting transition and passage giving new perspectives to the citizens. The square is shaped as a flexible landscape, a public ground offered to the people for various and different uses. The synthesis includes three basic elements: a continuous, green and relief natural ground, a system of paths organized by a rhombus pattern and the use of a second upper level as alternative rooms with exquisite view. The square is organized as a changeable “urban theatre�, a flexible and remarkable public space on the seafront that implies the entrance to the city. The synthetic principle of the square seeks to the creation of a flexible space of flows and stops, a space where the pedestrian might simply cross or explore, stand, sit, and observe from various points of view. The square constitutes a continuous ground for stops and recreation, offering alternative sub-regions, either protected or exposed to the fascinating sea view, in a continuous alternation of choices and explorations. The project aims in upgrading the image of the city and quality city life by returning the usable public space to the pedestrians. It becomes a remarkable square that implies the entrance to the city making the public space a catalyst to reinforce the commercial and entrepreneurial character of the city centre.

Glass Tank

isolation box Professional Work Anthens Heart Design Competition 2013 Place

| Athens Heart Mall, Peireus 180

Program | Isolation Pavillion 5m2 .Shortilisted .Exhibited as printed panels at Athens Heart Mall

The proposal includes a box, reference to a glass tank as a relaxation and isolation tank. Alterability, flexibility and reuse of the construction using the edge of technology. A cubic morphology aiming to emphasize the materiality of the construction and its uniqueness. A basic volume causing intimate feelings, leaving the observer unaffected to the structure, and free to focus on the interaction. A switchable glass box making it possible for the user to control its opacity. Indoors one finds a wooden table, based in glass surfaces and two designer’s seats. The furniture is possible to be removed or replaced by young creators’ projects, fact that turns the Glass Tank into an exhibition aerea. Playing with the opacity, when on zero, projection areas are created peripheral and inside the cube. The outside can be handled by the mall’s management group projecting offers, news, art, videos or advertisements. The inside converts to projecting area projecting the preferences of the user. An interactive cube, juggling among art, advertisement, high technology and unexpected results providing a brand new perspective and functionality surprising the user, suprassing the norms, making privacy a live fact in a crowded place. Pharmacy iconic pharmacy Professional Work Online Competition 2013 Place

| Thessaloniki, Greece

Program | Pharmacy 50m2, fulfils license constrains .Published at .Shotilisted 6/70

This project is a product of a contest held by the site likeart. gr. The task was to create a drugstore that would complete the restrictions in order to get a license, implementing innovative design and technology. The minimalist design, the absence of the unnecessary presence of products, superior materials and innovative equipment systems are governing the character of Pharmacy. The customer enters the space, as extension of the external environment, improved at its design,which deals with the ability to accommodate the customer to be served by the pharmacist or a computer aided system. One by inserting data, selects the desired product or drug. If an official perspriction must be held, the customer inserts the given code and through a suitable networked database his data is checked and the product is delivered. The customer has the option to use the electronic screen, ATM technology which can be found at the facade of the store and can receive the product through a closed piping system, known as ‘Pneumatic Tubes’. This is a shop using cutting edge technology in order to serve better the customers. The store is designed with special aesthetics, refraining from conventional, being an attraction. It can be the pharmacy in times of crisis and increased demands.


escaping in contemporary caves Thesis Project - AUTH 2012 Place

| Rovaniemi, Finland

Program | Green lights observatory & small scale hotel Partner

| Kapsalis Dimitrios


| Papakostas George

.Shortlisted at OBA ArchMedium Competition 2012 .2012 Barcelona European Landscape Biennial, International University Exhibition

The project is situated on a hill at northern Finland where the aurora borealis effect is visible for 200 days per year. We aim in developing a new landmark for the city which will host educational and recreational facilities, stimulating the human primitive instincts, producing experiences and redefining the relation between man and nature through a contemporary architectural approach. Northern lights, ice, rocks and branches, typical figures of Finnish landscape, inspired our designing process. The spacial analysis and relief produce data which, combined in a voronoi diagram, create a route map which sprawls in the forest indicating paths to and from the observatory through walks passing by points of interest. Exterior materiality alternates among concrete, wood, water and existing vegetation by the metal grid lines. These lines evolve into a shell arising from the ground, creating an artificial ‘transparent’ high tech hill which offers a 360 degree perspective of the environment. At the same time it is the outer ‘shell cave’ of the project articulating interior - exterior and a linear representation of the aurora borealis effect. The reflecting ability of glass re-creates the scenery by projecting the environment and integrates the project in its context. Simulation of stone-like prisms penetrating the earth, transparent as fragments of ice forms the main volume· the underground ‘earth cave’, and the level zero ‘crystal cave’. An illusive sphere, exists when the northern lights cover the lappish atmosphere with incidentally diversing limits forming the ‘air cave’. In the caves someone can find an observatory, a small planetary , a restaurant , lodging services and a Finnish sauna.

P.Arch de Ninove

upgrating Brussels’ areas Erasmus MAster Project Thesis 2011 Place

| Port de Ninove·Northern Center of Brussels

Program | Redesign & Revive an underestimated area Tutors

| Christophe Gillis, Christine Fontaine, Abdelmajid Boulaioun

Given an underestimated city space we are called to design what is expected to be more wanted in that area by its habitants. It is a place on the central ring of the Brussels city, not far from important monuments, with the Canal and a hard the elevation between the water and the level where the people act and interact. Despite the importance and historic significance that this aerea carries, the lack of an organized public space for all ages and interest is more than obvious in addition to the chaotic circulation situation. We desided to create a park, in order to give back to the place the life and tension that has been lost through the years. It would give a note of relaxation to that ‘crossroad’ and also please the citizens. Intense relief, the canal and the old railway traces are turning into the principal inspirational facts. The main idea is to attract people from Brussels due to functions and events happening in specially designed places. We implementa a small theater, an open air exhibition area inbetween deck pavement, self caring planting space, a small marina, a climbing wall, a riverside path, excersising spots and one basketball and tennis court all free to be used by everyone. The two old railway buildings will accommondate childrens free time center and storage room. The citizens will have the opportunity to care for their own plants and take advantage of them strengthening the relations between them and the public space by also setting them actively responsible for the park. Last but not least, local artists of the area will be able to host their art work at the open air exhibition place, same for the children’s creations in the day care station . This plan and design -that depend on their people- attract the interest of the society.

Office Building

The architecture of Integration and Transformation University Project 2011 Place

| Thessaloniki

Program | Office Building,6 stories & School Unit Tutors

| Sakelaridou Eirini, Anastasios Kotsiopoulos

We were called to develop a project of an office building and small commercial center consisting of 7 floors and underground parking place. At the given area was a primary school with a small park which we had to be reconsidered. The surrounding buildings have the best view towards the city. Our design is taking into account this fact, trying not to block their perspectives. By choosing a ribbon concept coming out of the ground, the narrow part is against the buildings and implemeting the building at the upper edge of our working area. At the ground floor we give an open character so we place a double height lobby which controls the movements of the buildings visitors. There is also place for open exhibitions, hosting works of the architectural firm placed in the building or even by young local artists and a cafe. One has the opportunity to exhibit at the exterior at the specially designed area giving the small square an attractive character. At the 1st floor is hosted a gym and a childcare area so not only the employers but also the clients to use them. From the 2nd to the 6th floor are the office places. Each floor has its own director’s office, conference room and resting area. On the 7th floor one can find a restaurant with overall view of the city which everyone and not only the employers can visit. At the minus one level one can find a small commercial center. This level is not totally underground since there is created a yard at its entrance. One can reach it with the staircase from one side, or by using the mild relief which expants untill the park on 0 level aside to the area. There someone can find a resting place, ruuning water used to enhance the microclimate and the school entrance. The school comes from the building ribbon and gets finally into the ground anchoring the building to the site, being at the same time together and seperated from the public.

Spa and Hotel Unit

Architecture at the sea - shore suburbs University Project 2011 Place

| Thessaloniki

Program | Hotel, Restaurant, Spa & Yacht Marina Tutors

| Eduard Castro, Anastasios Tellios

Given an underestimated city space we are called to design what is expected to be more wanted in that area by its habitants. It is a place on the central ring of the Brussels city, not far from important monuments, with the Canal and a hard the elevation between the water and the level where the people act and interact. Despite the importance and historic significance that this aerea carries, the lack of an organized public space for all ages and interest is more than obvious in addition to the chaotic circulation situation. We desided to create a park, in order to give back to the place the life and tension that has been lost through the years. It would give a note of relaxation to that ‘crossroad’ and also please the citizens. Intense relief, the canal and the old railway traces are turning into the principal inspirational facts. The main idea is to attract people from Brussels due to functions and events happening in specially designed places. We implementa a small theater, an open air exhibition area inbetween deck pavement, self caring planting space, a small marina, a climbing wall, a riverside path, excersising spots and one basketball and tennis court all free to be used by everyone. The two old railway buildings will accommondate childrens free time center and storage room. The citizens will have the opportunity to care for their own plants and take advantage of them strengthening the relations between them and the public space by also setting them actively responsible for the park. Last but not least, local artists of the area will be able to host their art work at the open air exhibition place, same for the children’s creations in the day care station . This plan and design -that depend on their people- attract the interest of the society.

Lobby Area Sketches & renders Architectural & Structural DEvelopment

Hotel Room Cuts | Floor Plan Sketches andRenders: Corridor | Room Apsect

Spa Area View | Cut | Floor Plan Sketcehes and Renders : lighting construction


Expression · Light · context personal Files 2008 - 2014 Place

| World wide

Program | Photography

“What i like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.” Karl Lagerfeld Light, Volume, Feelings, Atmosphere, a Beginning and an End. One can express what is hard to say, one can remenber, recall, keep, imagine, design, destroy, hope, expect, analyze, see, understand, dream, forget, through, explain, hurt, laught, predict. All by a photograph taken by one, capturing a moment once, recorded for ever. This is a selection of works for contests // for friends // reminding scenes, creating ambitions, describing the odd. Taken through the world where life happens. Amateur photography and intense feelings mix with the ambition of maintenance. Exploring the boundaries lighting scenes reveal the hidden. One is free to translate anything, to imagine everything, to creat an individual truth. Architecture is a way for someone to scenografy ones’ life, photography is a way to capture it. Both let the observer experience minding the real or the sureal context.


Small scale contests personal Files 2008 - 2014 Place

| World wide

Program | Graphic Design

Fibro.City Realized Project

Thank You

Portfolio University Projects & Professional Work 2011-2014 Place

| Thessaloniki,Rovaniemi, Brussels,London Program | Portfolio

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