Ensure Nutrition Drink - Digital Strategy Campaign

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DIGITAL STRATEGY CAMPAIGN Corinne Pavlicko, Jennifer Cornwell, Bin Lian, Olivia Song

S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications Syracuse University, 2015



Inspiration can strike in the most unexpected places. Our team found it during an interview with Dr. Sarah Short, a Syracuse University nutrition professor and expert. Our objective for the interview was to get her unique perspective on the nutrition lifestyle and needs of the Baby Boomer generation. After sharing many valuable insights with us, the conversation took an unexpected, awe-inspiring turn. Professor Short told us a story about how she turned nutrition into a series of unforgettable, multimedia events. She wanted her students to be excited about nutrition. Her strategy was to stimulate enthusiasm and interest through outlandish teaching methods because nutrition was perceived as ‘deadly dull’. If painting the formula for cholesterol in fluorescent colors on her leg or popping out of a cake while riding on a motorcycle would rivet her students to their seats, Dr. Short did it. She even filled her classrooms with waves of raspberry incense, bombarded the corners with flickering, multi-colored strobe lights, and had several movie projectors running simultaneously during a lecture on fad diets. Even more intriguing, was her inspiration for her “happenings” (what she called the multimedia events). Her creative ideas sparked from the breadth of technology available in her electronic auditorium. Dr. Short created a fun, exciting, and effective way to use this technology to help students remember and use the information for the rest of their lives.

“I was teaching them, they were enjoying it, and they were learning.”


Dr. Short used technology to create meaningful experiences and tell stories in unforgettable ways. She inspired the type of experiences we want to create for Ensure, so that it can tell its story, inspire people to share their stories, and lead them through their journey to a healthier life.

Connect Through



(Discover Purpose)

To develop a fully integrated digital program for Ensure, we used Sapient Nitro’s Storyscaping model. We have created a world of multi-dimensional experiences, not just ads and websites, for Ensure to build more effective, emotional connections with consumers. We want to inspire and enable people to actively participate in the brand’s story that will lead to share values and experiences. The foundational elements that make up the Storyscape include the brand’s purpose, its positioning, consumer emotional desires and behaviors, and how Ensure will become a part of the consumer’s journey.



(Finds Desires)


Connect Through





The Organizing idea sits at the core of the Storyscape, and is a creative expression of the brand’s purpose. We have also created an experience space that plots out the potential opportunities and touch points for Ensure to engage with its audience. Through this approach, we aspire to create believers who will make Ensure a part of their story and want to share it with others.



Our team started by immersing ourselves into the history of the brand and how Ensure has evolved over time. Then we studied its digital presence, analyzed its current consumer base, and the category in which it operates­­– the foundation for the brand’s purpose. .

Ensure competes in the meal replacement industry. It’s a $3.2 billion industry and has been rapidly growing, 5.9% annually, from 2009 to 2014. The industry consists of about 400 businesses; however, there are four major players—Abbott Laboratories (8.6%), Herbalife Ltd. (8.3%), CytoSport Inc. (6.3%) and Unilever USA (5.9%). Products are divided into three major categories: powdered products (27.1%), ready-to-drink shakes (30.5%) and edible bars (42.4%). Due to a growing number of smaller businesses making up 70% of competition—competition in the meal replacement industry is high. Meal replacements have growing in popularity due to a variety of reasons. Americans are growing increasingly concerned with weight loss and nutrition. Meal replacements have the opportunity to play a role in the ‘healthy eating index.’ Taking advantage of America’s need for on-the-go healthier options is a key factor in growing the meal replacement industry. Consumer’s disposable income is also continuing to grow. As consumers research weight loss options, they may opt for more expensive plans; however, meal replacements may become a viable option for those on a budget. This is a huge opportunity for meal replacement products. Convenience and the healthy eating indexes are the perfect combination for this industry. Knowing that the meal replacements

are healthy options in addition to purchasing convenient products will allow for huge opportunities for growth in the meal replacement industry. This increase in interest is important in overcoming the struggles of rising industry costs. Prices of milk and soy products have continued to increase; however, the past few years have had little effect on the industry. Ready-to-drink shakes make up the second largest product segment (30.5%). Shakes are more convenient than competing powder versions —making them slightly more popular. Typically, these products are high-protein, low-fat, and use whey or soy protein. Generally the whey versions are low in lactose, however some consumers may not be able to consume them due to lactose-intolerance—hence the increase in soy ingredients. Companies that produce ready-to-drink shakes have produced them in a wide variety of flavors, making them more appealing to a wider audience. While the industry is made up of a few large companies, such as Abbott Laboratories or Unilever, market share concentration is still particularly low. Unilever has actually seen a decline in market share as the Slim Fast brand begins to deteriorate. Private-label brands have more opportunities to be sold at discount prices­—making them a competitor against more expensive name brands.




Through past and current advertising campaigns, Ensure communicates that its products provide an everyday way to take charge of your health. The company created an animated character of the product, along with fruits and vegetables to illustrate how the brand supports a healthy lifestyle. The brand can be perceived as a product for the sick and elderly, but this commercial spot speaks to a younger audience with a positive and energetic tone of voice. Ensure spends most of its advertising dollars through TV advertising, but also uses the following advertising channels and promotions: • • • • • •

Ensure does not have a Twitter account, but it owns a Facebook page with 4,105 followers. Ensure’s Facebook page is where most of the conversation happens between Ensure and their consumers. It provides a place for consumers to share comments and leave questions that are answered by Ensure representatives.

Ensure Active Blogger Program

Ensure has partnered with bloggers to write sponsored posts for Baby Boomer generation-focused blogs. The blogs focus on a variety of health topics including: diet, heart health and exercise supplements.

Online Banner Advertisements (Ensure.com & WebMd) Google Paid search SEO - Organic Search Paid Digital - Flash and Facebook Advertisements Print - Health magazines, AARP, Reader’s Digest Healthy Matters - Exclusive members-only benefits/rewards

Simply Measured Data During our primary research, we asked respondents to watch the “Nutrition In Charge” TV spot and share their overall impressions and feelings towards it. The results show that consumers aren’t really sure how they feel about the commercial. Their feelings fall mostly in the middle of the spectrum, which shows there is room for improvement. Our goal is to create a digital campaign that will result in off-the-chart scores for exciting, impactful, and memorable interactions to create a meaningful connection between Ensure and its target audience.

Simply measured is a real-time social media analytics tool that provides Facebook page analytics about performance and engagement in the last two weeks. The top time of day for comments on Ensure’s Facebook page occurs between 6:00 AM7:00 AM. These results show the best time to connect with consumers and monitor their conversations. Photos are the most engaging type of content.

Common Facebook Keywords:

‘ensure’, ‘drinking ensure’, ‘active high’, ‘product’, ‘lbs’, ‘protein’, ‘cancer’.



We were able to access estimates of site data for Ensure.com using Alexa—an analytics tool which measures and estimates site traffic based on the browsing behavior of Internet users. The majority of the site viewers are females browsing from their homes in the United States.

Ensure currently uses multiple keywords for search ads. We’ve gathered some of these keywords through the Alexa program based on what’s most relevant.

Traffic Sources: Based on Alexa, 31.90% of Ensure’s site traffic come from search engines, and Google is the top site visited immediately before Ensure.

Where Do Visitors Go Next?: Google.com and Coupons.com are the top sites visited after the website. This leads us to believe that users may have intent to purchase and are looking for discounts.


Alexa estimated a bounce rate of 44.3% and the page-views per visit averages at 2.1. Users spend an estimated 2 minutes and 17 seconds per visit.

BRAND PURPOSE What is the brand currently doing?

Currently, Ensure holds a good reputation for its effectiveness as supplemental nutrition in the health field.

What are the consumers currently thinking?

Our current consumers are concerned with “eating healthy” and “balanced nutrition and energy”. With all the food fads and hype these days, it’s hard to know what’s best – and it is hard to follow through.


Apart from attracting new users—helping current users understand that they can continue to use Ensure in their everyday life is another challenge the brand faces.



Ensure combines the right amount of nutritious calories for more energy and strength to support the daily activities of their consumers—while making a significant,positive impact on their overall wellness.


COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Boost is Ensure’s number one competitor in the market. They also compete with smaller, private labels, however Boost is the biggest concern for Ensure in the current marketplace.


Boost has a similar lineup of products as Ensure. The products either function as a meal replacement or supplemental drink. There are subtle differences between Ensure and Boost on the source of nutritional supplement. Compared to Ensure, Boost provides 10 less Calories, but 1 more gram of protein. Boost offers more vitamin C, E, D, K, B-6 and B-12, but Boost doesn’t contain any omega-3 fatty acids.


Boost positions the brand as “diet-oriented” and embodies less “medical identity” than Ensure. Due to the strategic difference, Boost is able to snatch younger boomers from Ensure. Boost has a slight price advantage over Ensure as well.


Boost takes their attempts to own the “nutrition influencer role”. Many of their commercials are about a “dietitian’s” or a “nutritionist’s” stories with his/her family. In this light, Boost wants to be more “emotionally appealing”, whereas Ensure’s past advertising focuses on more practical and nutritional benefits.

PRODUCT POSITIONING Ensure has the opportunity to become the brand that makes nutrition exciting for consumers. A long, wellestablished history in the health sciences industry provides a wealth of knowledge that can be interesting and useful to consumers.


“EXCITING NUTRITION” Ensure will lead the change for Baby Boomers with exciting nutrition. Right now, baby boomers are pursuing a healthier, longer life, and Ensure is seeking to provide balanced nutrition that will help them accomplish this. Ensure will refuel the confidence, energy and vitality in its audience that will prepare them for the next exciting chapter in their lives.

KEY TERM RESEARCH Transition Period

Sandwich Generation

Current situation:

Current situation:

People who are undergoing or just underwent the phase of retirement in their lives. Mostly, they are experiencing major changes financially and psychologically.


More than half of baby boomers who are not yet retired say they expect to “live very comfortably” (26%) or to be able to “meet expenses with a little left over” (29%) once they retire. IRA’s and 401(k)’s will be their biggest source of retirement income. Baby boomers are satisfied with their family life. Ninein-ten baby boomers say they are very (72%) or somewhat (18%) satisfied with their family life.


• The new retirement “turning point.” • While 76% of baby boomers intend to keep working and earning in retirement, on average they expect to “retire” from their current job/career at around age 64, and then launch into an entirely new job or career. • Baby boomers reject a life of either full-time leisure or full-time work. • When asked about their ideal work arrangement in retirement, the most common choices among baby boomers in the survey would be to: - Repeatedly “cycle” between periods of work and leisure (42%) - Have part-time work (16%) - Start their own business (13%) - Work full time (6%) - Only 17% of the baby boomers in the survey reported that they hope to never work for pay again. •The transformation of the “me” generation into the “we” generation: The “me” generation has grown up — now with deep concerns for the well-being of their children, their parents and their communities. Baby boomers are now 10 times more likely to “put others first” (43%) than “put themselves first” (4%).

Sandwich generation refers to those who have a living parent age 65 or older and are either raising a child under age 18 or supporting a grown child With an aging population and a generation of young adults struggling to achieve financial independence, the burdens and responsibilities of middle-aged Americans are increasing. Nearly half (47%) of adults in their 40s and 50s have a parent age 65 or older and are either raising a young child or financially supporting a grown child (age 18 or older). And about one-in-seven middle-aged adults (15%) is providing financial support to both an aging parent and a child.


• Most are in the baby boomer generation • 71% of this group is ages 40 to 59. An additional 19% are younger than 40 and 10% are age 60 or older • More affluent • Those with annual household incomes of $100,000 or more, are more likely than less affluent adults to be in the sandwich generation • Often pressed for time • Among those with a parent age 65 or older and a dependent child, 31% say they always feel rushed even to do the things they have to do


Nutrition, Sports Nutrition, Food Science, Minerals, Biochemistry, Education As an expert on nutrition study Professor Short not only shared her inspiring story, she also gave us a lot of professional and practical advice concerning baby boomers’ nutrition needs, product position, store placement, etc. She pointed out that Ensure should move out of the pharmacy area in stores, instead, they need to be placed along with products that are more “nutritious” rather than “medicinal”. She also liked Ensure being used as a supplement or vitamin, a “one a day” drink which would answer baby boomers’ nutrition needs. A convenient, effective nutrition shake has huge market potential for baby boomers that are working past 60 or actively engaging in other hobbies/activities.

Professor Jane Uzcategui

Department of Public Health, Food Studies and Nutrition Professor Jane Uzcategui brought up the psychological side of the brand. She asked how well Ensure could serve their target audiences who are “active, busy, and social”? Content-wise, she suggested several topics that were relevant amongst baby boomers: “quick food note”, “anti-aging”, “community efforts”, “weight issue” etc.

Professor Janet Wilmoth

Department of Aging, Migration and Living Arrangements, Social Support, Health Status Professor Janet Wilmoth provided plenty of emotional and psychological insights of baby boomers. She stated that the youth inspiration for the baby boomer generation is “Stay Engaged”, and as they aged up, their enthusiasm for “Stay Engaged” remained if not increased. She thought we needed to re-frame our target by living condition, commitment to family, lifestyle, etc. We should keep these variances in baby boomers in mind and adjust our strategy to the differences. She introduced us to the term “sandwich generation” and “transition period” and explained how each of these play a role in boomers lifestyles.

ETHNOGRAPHY Place: Kelley’s Restaurant. Location: Syracuse Date: 4/17/2015 Kelley’s Restaurant is a well-known gathering venue for locals in an older demographic. The setting of the restaurant was very “old people oriented”, it appeared to be a casual country cabin. TV screens were playing games such as golf, baseball, etc.—all commonly enjoyed by an older demographic. Additionally, the restaurant came up with an original mobile app as a loyalty reward program: customers sign up for the app and get a discount, then they will earn points for each visit. We sat to observe their leisure activities and digital behaviors in the restaurant. When we got there, we saw flocks of people in the baby boomer age range around the bar, drinking and chatting. Some of them were just off work, and some chose to go there to enjoy their Friday night and socialize in couples or small groups. From our observation, we found out our target people were heavy mobile users. They were checking their phones as they ate and socialized. We also inquired about the rewards program and were told it is heavily used by the restaurants regulars. After our 2-hour observation, we were impressed that how active and dynamic our target consumers are in terms of leisure and how they are able to connect themselves to others and the digital space

SOCIAL LISTENING Through listening to people’s comments on the Ensure Facebook pages and sifting through Twitter conversations, we found that many people drink Ensure to recover from surgeries or sickness and Ensure plays an important role in maintaining or regaining weight. Many Ensure drinkers consume several bottles in a daily pace, so they would appreciate coupons to reduce their spending.

KEY INSIGHTS THE SANDWICH GENERATION Boomers are being pulled in many directions because both their grown children and parents rely on them for emotional support. They are time-crunched and must co-prioritize their own health and that of their loved ones. EMBRACING THE NEXT CHAPTER Retired-aged Boomers that are transitioning into the next chapter of their lives are more health conscious than ever before. They are actively engaged in forging new paths that hold unique opportunities for meaning and a sense of excitement.

Consumers talk about flavors and recipes during conversations about Ensure, often indicating a need for ‘meal replacement’. Ensure drinkers seek recipes to enhance their consuming experiences. They like to drink Ensure as a ‘meal replacement’, because of Ensure’s convenience and great flavor.

VIRTUAL FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH We shouldn’t underestimate the technology skills of Boomers. They are embracing technology as a way to defy growing old, validate their youthful self-image, and stay socially connected with others.

LIFESTYLE PERSONAS AGELESS BOOMERS Ageless Boomers are uninterested in a life of full-time leisure—retirement is a time for entering new ventures in life. They are aware of their changing health needs as they age, but they want to better understand how to live a healthy lifestyle. They often turn to defensive health methods. Desires—they want: • To discover new ways to maintain a healthy diet • A meal replacement to support their active, on-the-go lifestyle • To preserve what they hold dearest—their youth and health • I want to keep doing the things I love as I get older • To lose weight (75%) Attitudes: • Being healthy means having a regular exercise routine (42%) • Being healthy means living longer (31%) • I always try to eat healthy foods (55%) • I actively seek information about nutrition and a healthy diet (54%)



Trusting Patients often face obstacles that prevent them from following healthy diets. They experience reductions in metabolism rate and changes in physiology that significantly affect their nutritional needs. Majority of trusting patients are watching their diet for cholesterol levels (50%), fat intake (32%), and hypertension (32%).

Caregivers face challenges from being the sandwich generation—tasked with taking care of their parents, children, and themselves. Since they are pressed for time, it’s difficult for them to take care of their own health needs as well as those of their parents. Caregivers have a major influence on the nutrition lifestyle and habits of their loved ones.

Desires—they want: • To understand their illness and how to recover • The right combination of calories and nutrients • To gather health information from my doctor (71%)

Desires—they want: • To make effective use of my time and energy • To gather health information from my doctor (71%) • To lose weight (91%)

Attitudes: • Simple, easy to prepare foods are my favorites (54%) • I always try to eat healthy foods (58%) • I actively seek information about nutrition and a healthy diet (71%) • I believe that vitamins and other nutrients make a difference (54%)

Attitudes: • Simple, easy to prepare foods are my favorites (43%) • I believe that vitamins and other nutrients make a difference (54%) • I try to cook my meals more than 5 times a week (79%)


(50-59 years old) Communication is central in the lives of a Connection Craver and their mobile phone is a bridge to their social world allowing them to keep upto-date with important friends and social events. New gadgets enhance their lives to a large extent, but there is still room for them to expand their usage. They are willing to learn and incorporate new technology into their lives. 21-30 hours spent online per week Devices used to connect to the internet: 1. Smartphones (78%), 2. Laptop (73%), 3. Tablet (60%), 4. Desktop Computer (56%) Mostly uses Internet at home and work • Open to engaging with brands over mobile • Makes Online Purchases (87%) Books, Tech/Electronics, Clothing, Home Decor, Household Goods, Travel Expenses • Uses Coupons for Online Purchases (63%) • Frequently comments on friends’ photos/posts

INFO-GATHERERS (60-70 years old) Cell phones are playing an increasingly important role in the lives of Info-Gatherers, but they still focus heavily on the device’s primary functions as opposed to advanced features. They can be intimidated by the amount of info they think is needed to get on board with social media. 11-20 hours spent online per week Devices used to connect to the internet: 1. Laptop Computer (64%) 2. Smartphone (63%) 3. Tablet (57%) 4. Desktop Computer (53%) Mostly uses Internet at home • Makes Online Purchases (87%) Books, Clothing, Home Decor, Household Goods, Travel Expenses, Music Downloads, Tech/Electronics • Uses Coupons for Online Purchases (57%) • Occasionally comments on friends’ photos/posts - Receive/Browse Content - Inactive • Hesitant to engage with brands over social media NAVIGATORS (55-65 years old)

They have the skills to navigate a sea of information sources and prioritize their searches—wasting no time on the web. Navigators enjoy shopping online, participating in online chat communities, and also use technology to stay in touch with their loved ones. 6-10 hours spent online per week Devices used to connect to the internet: 1. Smartphones (86%), 2. Laptop (71%), 3. Tablet (57%), 4. Desktop Computer (57%) Mostly uses Internet at home • Makes Online Purchases (87%) Books, Tech/Electronics, Clothing, Medication, Household Goods, Collectables • Majority DO NOT use coupons for Online Purchases (69%) • Occasionally comments on friends’ photos/posts

DIGITAL PERSONAS Technology Skill-Level




Activities on Mobile Phone (Ranked Most to Least)

Attitudes about Technology

Uses of the Internet

Favorite Social Media

Attitudes Toward Social Media

1. Email 2. Personal Research 3. News 4. Shopping 5. Banking 6. Chat Communities 7. Work Research

Facebook (Heavy) Pinterest LinkedIn Twitter Google+ Instagram (Light)

• “I want to see what

1. Email 2. News 3. Personal Research 4. Shopping 5. Banking 6. Work Research 7. Chat Communities

Facebook (Heavy) Pinterest Google+ Linkedin (Light)

1. Email 2. News 3. Personal Research 4. Chat Communities 5. Shopping 6. Banking 7. Work Research

Facebook (Heavy) Google+ Pinterest Linkedin Twitter (Light)

Very satisfied -“I can do everything I want to do”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Send/Receive Email Send/Receive Texts Take Photos Send/Receive Photos Social Networking General Internet Usage Purchase Products/ Services 8. Play music 9. Play Videos 10. Play Games

“I couldn’t live a day without my smartphone!”

Somewhat satisfied - “I can do most things I want to do”

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

“New technology is making my life different, not necessarily more stressful“

Somewhat satisfied - “I can do most things I want to do”

Send/Receive Texts Send/Receive Photos Take Photos General Internet Usage Send/Receive Emails Social Networking Play music Purchase Products/ Services 9. Play Games 10. Play Videos 11. Banking 1. Send/Receive Texts 2. Take Photos 3. Send/Receive Photos 4. Send/Receive Emails 5. Social Networking 6. General Internet Usage 7. Purchase Products/ Services 8. Play music 9. Play Videos 10. Play Games

“Technology as Toys”

“Technology as Tools”

“Technology plays an important role in caring for my family.” “I use technology to stay in touch with my loved ones.”

my friends and family are doing” • “I don’t trust product info I get from social media” • “I pay attention to ratings and reviews posted online by others” • “I am more likely to purchase products recommended by friends”

• “I want to keep up

with what is happening in my community” • “I want to better connect with the people I used to know” • “I pay attention to ratings and reviews posted online by others” • “I don’t trust product info I get from social media”

• “I want to see what

my friends and family are doing” • “I want to learn about new products and services” • “I want to keep up with what is happening in my community”





Consumer Discovery Create Visibility & Recognition


“Just Looking” Experiences & Info

1. Social Ads

1. Visit related 2. Friends drinking websites and blogs 2. Search out key it and posting on terms social websites 3. In-store display 4. Peer and professional recommendation


• They value “being healthy” and “positive lifestyle”. • They want to maintain healthy

ACTIVE CONSIDERATION Earn Preference & Purchase Intent

1. Check out websites to compare the products/costs. 2. Participate in related online discussions. 3. Seek for advices from influencers. 4. Clip coupon/ discount



Buy Time Convert Decision to Purchase

1. Online order 2. Purchase in stores

CONSUMPTION RELATIONSHIP Does it deliver on the promise?

Encourage Re-Purchase Form Bond

1. Was the delivery and order satisfying? 2. “Did I like it?” 3. “Did it work?”

1. Get a discount on your next order 2. Receive newsletters 3. Download the App 4. Join a loyalty program 5. Sign up for membership

• They start (or continue) exercising at this stage of life. • They are trying to continue or condition, through working out and healthier adopt a healthier lifestyle. • They engage in peer diet. • They view their digital tools as “toys” conversation, and seek for experts’ opinion for health and wellness.• They actively participate in online behaviors.



Word of Mouth Get Them Talking

1. Get discounts for liking/ sharing, etc. 2. Post their stories and they are shared by friends and the corporate website 3. Spread good words about product in his/ her circle; become an “influencer” for others 4. Loyalty program


Consumer Discovery Create Visibility & Recognition

1.Paid-search Ads 2.Doctor’s/ nutritionist’s Recommendation


“Just Looking” Experiences & Info

1. Visit related websites for information 2. Search out key terms

ACTIVE CONSIDERATION Earn Preference & Purchase Intent

1. Check out website to compare products/costs 2. Clip coupon/ discount 3. Go to the doctor for details



They love to create content on their own digital space • They stay involved and active online for fun • They would like to be invited and involved in brand digital campaigns as long as they find it interesting. • They stay connected to Internet both when at home and work.

recover from illness, surgery, etc. • They treat the Internet as a tool to gather information they need.

• They rely on the Internet for information •

• They need extra calories and calcium to



Buy Time Convert Decision to Purchase

1. Online order. 2. Purchase in stores.

CONSUMPTION RELATIONSHIP Does it deliver on the promise?

Encourage Re-Purchase Form Bond

1. Was the delivery and order satisfying? 2. “Did I like it?” 3. “Did it work?”

1. Get a discount on your next order. 2.Join a loyalty program. 3.Sign up for membership 4.Receive newsletters

• They start to face and overcome multiple health problems. • They consult with professionals to improve their health condition and habits. • Their major online activities include reading news, checking mails, online shopping.• They are inactive in social network and in receiving/browsing content



Word of Mouth Get Them Talking

1. Recommend it to other patients. 2. Loyalty program offers benefits for friends’ purchases

• They spend a good amount of time on the Internet. • But their online activities mainly refer to reading news and checking emails They trust online peer comments more than brand Ads. • They aren’t receptive to direct digital marketing unless it provides incentives. • The devices that they use most are laptop computers. • Most are online at home



Consumer Discovery Create Visibility & Recognition

1.Targeted website Ads 2.Doctor’s/ nutritionist’s recommendation 3.Peer/ community’s recommendation 4.Personal discovery



“Just Looking” Experiences & Info

1. Visit related websites for information 2. Search out key terms

• “I need an effective nutrition supplement for my parents.” • “I need to watch over my own health conditions, too” • “I need better time management to take care of my parents and myself at the same time.” • They think Internet is an important tool for caring for their families

ACTIVE CONSIDERATION Earn Preference & Purchase Intent

1. Check out websites to compare the products/costs 2. Ask their friend and family for information.



Buy Time Convert Decision to Purchase

1. Online order. 2. Purchase in stores.

CONSUMPTION RELATIONSHIP Does it deliver on the promise?

Encourage Re-Purchase Form Bond

1. Was the delivery and order satisfying? 2. “Did I like it?” 3. “Did it work?”

1. Receive newsletters 2. Download the App.

• They take care of their aging relative. • Sometimes they need to consult with doctors or nutritionists for health issues concerning their families. • Sometimes they go online to study health and nutrition information for their families and friends. • They use Internet to stay in touch with their loved ones.


Word of Mouth Get Them Talking

1. Give high rates and good reviews online; 2. Recommend it via social media and chatting communities


an active statement that defines what a brand must do to change consumer behavior. It inspires the type of experiences that are created through the storyscape.



• They spend limited time on the Internet • The devices they use most are smart phones. • They are not very active in digital social space. • They mostly use Internet at home • They enjoy purchasing online • They are quite “immune” to digital marketing that provides coupons





The organizing idea is the accumulation of all of the previous pillars. Built on brand purpose, product positioning, consumer insights and journey’s, it provides the structure for Ensure as they begin to navigate and execute in the experience space. With a great organizing idea, Ensure can create worlds of experiences for their brand that benefit the consumer.

REIGNITE FOR WELLNESS -organizes -delivers brand purpose -uses exciting brand tone & style -inspires experiences -seeks participation with & for people -activates behavior


TOUCH POINT MATRIX There are endless possible touch points to connect with consumers along their decision journey.

Personal Experiences High Engagement Events Loyalty Program

Personal Blog Twitter




Print Quick Interactions

Social Ad Linkedin

Search PR

Pinterest Display


Native Ads

Billboard Mass-Market High Reach


Newsletter Subscriber

Company App

Facebook Page YouTube


Long Term Interactions

We wanted to create a way to better understand which touch points were most valuable when creating the experience space. First, we made a list of all possible and opportunistic touch points. Then we plotted them based on the following criteria: “High Engagement vs. High Reach” on the vertical axis and “Quick Interactions vs. Long-Term Interactions” on the horizontal axis. We were then able to determine the priority of these touch points to make strategic decisions to achieve goals and objectives for Ensure. We want to focus on the touch points in the top right-hand corner because they are the ones that can create value and build relationships with consumers. The strategy will be to start with digital interactions in the bottom left quadrant and work our way to the end of the consumer journey, with more personal interactions.


Once our possible touch points have been mapped they need to be better understood. The ultimate goal is to determine the priority of your channels and touch points based on effectiveness in achieving your goals or objectives. By tagging them as we have below, we can define the role each touch point plays in relation to each other and by depth and type of engagement.

SIGNPOSTS: They resemble traditional ads, and always

lead somewhere else, they must intrigue and entice a person to engage with the brand and encourage an experience. They serve to build awareness and drive acquisition and ultimately direct people to even greater engagement.

ROUNDABOUTS: Places where a customer or prospect may cross through during their journey. Places where they seek out information or inspiration related to brand world.

SIGNPOST Search TV Display Ads PR Print Billboard

ROUNDABOUTS Personal Blogs Social Ads Pinterest Twitter LinkedIn Forum YouTube

TOWN CENTERS: Places where people congregate and where things happen — centers of commerce. That is where the bulk of brand resources should be focused when we are creating memorable and immersive experiences that sell. DESTINATIONS: Places of deep and valuable engagement that enable active participation. They are similar to town centers, except they don’t have a form of transaction. The role is to build engagement through conversation, shared content, gaming, or other ways. The important part is that it must always connect to other destinations and/or town centers.

TOWN CENTERS E-commerce In-store

DESTINATION Mobile-App Website Loyalty Program Email Newsletter Facebook Events

CONTENT STRATEGY OBJECTIVES: 1. Establish Ensure as a thought leader by proving its ability to separate the good from the bad sources of valuable nutrition information. 2. Humanize the brand to make customers feel like there is a face behind the company’s logo. CONTENT STRATEGY: Curate an informative, inspirational online guide that leads the target audience through their journey to live longer, healthier lives.

DIGITAL PLATFORM STRATEGY OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand consumer’s world and craft ways in which Ensure can be invited into it 2. Create digital interactions where each connection inspires engagement with another DIGITAL PLATFORM STRATEGY: Build experiences that support interactive, personalized content to engage the audience across touch points within their digital space.

THE CREATIVE INITIATIVE WHAT’S THE CHANGE WE WANT TO LEAD? Establish Ensure as an impactful source of nutrition to help people live a longer, healthier life and build nutrition habits.

SINGLE-MINDED PROPOSITION: Ensure is a complete, valuable source of nutrition that will make a big impact on your journey to a healthy lifestyle.

WHO ARE WE TALKING TO? Ageless Boomers Trusting Patients Caregivers

CREATIVE MANDATORIES: Show ways to compare the complete nutrition of Ensure to consumer’s daily diet Provide taste appeal by showing variety of flavors

REASONS TO BELIEVE: Right combination of nutritious calories (not empty ones) for more energy and strength Provides total nutrition (complete and balanced); #1 Doctor Recommended

TONE OF VOICE: Exciting, Powerful, Purposeful

THE BIG IDEA No more drastic changes to your diet. Sometimes all it takes is a simple solution.

Ensure will be the mentor that provides you with simple substitutions to build healthy eating habits for life. INTRODUCING THE SHAKE SWAP Ensure will encourage you to swap out meals in your diet for the complete nutrition of Ensure. The brand will host Swap-Offs, where it competes in a side-by-side battle against an unhealthy meal, Ensure being declared the winner—a smarter, more nutritious choice. As people get used to the swap, it will become second nature to them and they will reach for the better option without even thinking about it. The brand will become an inspiring leader in the nutrition world who will make an impact on the consumer’s journey by helping them live a longer, healthier life.

TV SPOT According to our research and survey Baby boomers rank TV higher than most other entertainment means. Traditionally, Ensure is a TVheavy brand. We thus would like to recommend a video commercial. This video will feature our branded “Swap Team”. The “Team” will appear and “break out” into random people’s house. Their mission is to open the fridges and swap all the unhealthy food for Ensure drinks. This will be produced into TV commercials as well as online viral videos. Hopefully they will grab consumers’ attention, as well as create buzz and initiate discussion on the Internet.


Search plays an important role in our consumer’s journey as it is after the first introduction to the product while they use search engines to research or accomplish other task. To illustrate how search ads play an important role in Ensure’s digital campaign we will take you through a possible journey as an ageless boomer. After seeing Ensure’s TV spot introducing the Swap Team, our ageless boomer is interested in learning more. Already familiar with search engines from much personal use, the ageless boomer then goes to Google to find out more and they search the term ‘Swap Team’. A paid search ad will show up first and ask if they’d like to meet the Swap Team. This ad would direct them to our Daily Swap page where they are introduced to the team and the other tools offered.

ENSURE KEYWORD OPPORTUNITIES Healthy Swaps Swap Team Meal Swaps Snack Swaps Nutrition Articles Health Articles Lifestyle Articles Ensures Insure

Ensure Plus Ensure Drink Ensure Powder Ensure Nutrition Fitness Article Protein Powder Protein Drink Nutritional Shakes Complete Nutrition Better Nutrition


We have re-organized and re-vamped the Ensure website to include exciting, inspirational, and meaningful content and visuals to support the organizing idea, Reignite for Wellness. Our goal is to provide an interactive experience that will show people more of Ensure’s fun, energetic brand personality and its commitment to be an impactful source of nutrition. In addition, we have included a log-in for exclusive access to the Ensure Active Nutrition Network, so that consumers will have a reason to return to the site everyday. In our survey, the audience shared that Facebook is the one social network they could not live without. Connection Cravers will now be able to check real-time Facebook updates right from the site’s homepage.

ENSURE ACTIVE NUTRITION NETWORK We have developed an online digital platform where people can find reliable, inspiring nutrition information, as well as make connections with the brand and other users who are on a journey to live a longer, healthier life too. The Ensure Active Nutrition Network will play a key role in delivering Ensure’s brand promise to make a big difference in the health and wellness of its audience. As a mentor that guides them towards simple substitutions to build healthy habits or life, Ensure will need a place for authentic, personal interactions to take place. The Ensure Active Nutrition Network will make it easier for consumers to gain access to exclusive, member-only content and connect with experts in the nutrition world. This network will also include The Daily Swap, recipes, live-chats, and a health library with articles and videos. The platform will also be integrated with the Swap-Off mobile application.

SOCIAL MEDIA, BLOGS, EMAIL INTRODUCING THE DAILY SWAP The Daily Swap will be the title of Ensure’s email newsletter, blog, Facebook page and Pinterest board. It will be the theme and creative expression of the idea of making simple substitutions in your diet by swapping it for an Ensure. Executions will include a daily, hand-picked swap-off between an unhealthy choice, and a nutritious one. It’s a fun, exciting, new way of building habits for your diet, which will resonate and inspire meaningful experience with our audience. The email newsletter will be distributed to people who sign up for the Ensure Active Nutrition Network and the blog will be featured on the company’s website, inside of the mobile app, and in the exclusive network. Ensure will also create a Daily Swap hashtag and post the Swap-offs on its Twitter feed. In addition to creating the Daily Swap, Ensure will curate content from nutrition experts, trusted doctors, and trending health topics that are relevant to the motivations and interests of the target audience.





We asked our target audience which features, if available to them, would be the most helpful when trying to start or maintain a nutritious diet. The top-ranked feature was a mobile application, so we set out on a mission to create a new, exciting, interactive experience where they could have diet-tracking at their fingertips. The Ensure Swap-Off App is not your typical diet tracker. It’s a way to shake up your diet, and practice swapping unhealthy meals with Ensure. You will be able to scan or enter a food item and compare its nutritional content, side-by-side, to the complete nutrition of Ensure. In addition, you can enter two different food choices, to help you make meal decisions throughout the day, and build healthy habits to carry with you the rest of your life. The app will be integrated with the online Ensure Active Nutrition Network, allowing users to create or sign into their account profile, and have access to The Daily Swap—a daily Swap-Off pairing powered by Ensure. Most importantly, the Swap-Off feature provides both utility and entertainment.






Through our research, we have found that the Baby Boomer generation is actually quite savvy. Although they aren’t always the first adopters of new technology, they will quickly adapt and learn new technology that validates their youthful image, will make their lives simpler, or help them take care of their loved ones. We found that this generation is online shopping at a rate that exceeded our expectations. 93% of survey respondents said they shop online, and learned about those products and services through websites and Google searches (54%). As a part of the experience space, Ensure will offer its customers instant online delivery through an Ensure Amazon Dash Button. This digital experience is perfect for the Caregiver who may be taking care of a Trusting Patient and needs Ensure delivered quickly to the home. This execution also fulfills the psychological needs of:

For heavy Ensure users, people who are drinking 1-2 bottles per day, this button fulfills users’ daily needs, and feeds the psychosocial need of belonging. The branded button stays within the household and the Ensure brand becomes a part of a routine. This will build trust and remind or reassure existing customers that Ensure helps them navigate their healthy lifestyle. Although there is no ‘visible’ or ‘physical’ community space in this engagement, the constant presence of Ensure in the household makes a consumer feel that they are a part of the brand community.


The Ensure Dash Button can build consumer confidence because of its ease-of-use and the instant gratification of Ensure being delivered to your home when you need it. Baby boomers will feel more tech-savvy because they have a “cutting edge” device in their home that is easy to use. Building their confidence with technology may lead to more engagement with the brand at digital touch points. He or she will have the confidence to share their new ‘tech-savvy’ skills with their friends and family.

EMPOWER KEY INFLUENCERS Our team identified key influencers that are nutrition experts, with a large following, and are also

passionate about leading people through a journey to live a healthier life. As creators of the most shareable and valuable types of content, Ensure can reach out to key influencers to amplify the social conversation. Developing relationships with the following list of influencers and successfully integrating them into Ensure’s experience space can make Ensure the Experts. Ensure should start by reaching out to Mitzi Dulan, to review and publish content for Ensure. Mitzi is a nationally recognized nutrition and wellness expert who has inspired millions to lose weight and get fit. Mitzi’s owns over 19.5K Twitter followers and over 3.7 million Pinterest followers. She has a loyal fan base that comments and shares her posts through their own social media networks.

Another influential content creator in the nutrition world is Barbara Grufferman. She is currently making videos on the AARP channel and has a large following both on YouTube and on Twitter. If Ensure can build a relationship and engage in a dialogue with Barbara, she can help create awareness and capture more of Ensure’s audience. Her video content has the potential to attract and educate the target audience about how to make smart-nutritious decisions. In addition, Ensure has the opportunity to connect and engage with influential content creators, like Dr. Joel Fuhrman. Joel is a certified family physician with specializations in preventing and reversing disease through nutrition. He runs a website where he posts health articles and many other useful resources. He also has a large following on Twitter, audiences that could be shared with Ensure. Taking the time to see which health professionals are producing reliable, sharable health based content could help Ensure build a resource library and a wider audience base for messaging. Key influencers are crucial in developing content that is inspiring as our consumers navigate their journey to a healthier self.




Measurement & Optimization

EMAIL: CTR; Open Rate; Subscribers Growth; MOBILE: App Downloads; App CTR; Analytics; Time Spent; SEARCH: Rank - SEO; Clicks; Are they searching key terms we bought?; WEBSITE: Search traffic; Site traffic; Bounce rate; Platform SOCIAL: Analytics; Listening; Engagement; Follower number; Share of voice; Sentiment; Social ads; E-COMMERCE: Sales; CPA; Source of sales; Repeat sales; Attract

Engage & Retain


Customer Acquisition

Customer Engagement

Conversation Optimization

Ageless Boomer Trusting Patient Caregiver

“Swap Team” Search Engine Optimization Display Advertising Content Distribution



Influencer Engagement Content Strategy Social Media Mobile Marketing Online Community Email Newsletter


Multivariate Testing Mobile App Optimization Website Optimization Personalization & Education

Web Analytics Usability User Experience Campaign Tracking Site Performance Benchmarking Online Survey

Website / App Development Design Ensure Active Nutrition Network Development/Design Database Management Social Media Facebook Twitter Pinterest TV Spot Paid Search Ads Email Newsletter E-commerce/Amazon Dash Button Key Influencer Partnerships

$550,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $200,000 $100,000 $90,000 $400,000 $400,000 $50,000 $500,000 $100,000

EST. TOTAL $3.86 M



Connect Through


(Discover Purpose)

(Finds Desires)




+ (Defines Product)


(Shows Needs)

Connect Through





• Sarah Short. “Professional and Practical Advice concerning Baby Boomers.” Personal interview. 19 Feb. 2015. • Jane Uzcategui. “psychological side of the brand.” Personal interview. 19 Feb. 2015. • Janet Wilmoth. “emotional and psychological insights of baby boomers” Personal interview. 04 Mar. 2015. • Cori, Jen, Bin, Olivia. “Online Survey About Baby Boomers.” 03.22.2015. • “Ensure Nutrition Shakes and Healthy Drinks – Ensure.” Ensure Nutrition Shakes and Healthy Drinks – Ensure. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. • “Boost - Walmart.com.” Walmart.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. • Jill Corleone. “Boost vs. Ensure.” LIVESTRONG.COM. N.p., 18 Dec. 2013. Web. <http://www.livestrong.com/ article/103239-boost-vs.-ensure/>. • Lifestyle of Bany Boomers - US - 2011 December. Mintel Report • “Dr. Joel Fuhrman Improves Health - Lose Weight Naturally | Reverse Diabetes | Prevent Heart Disease and Cancer | Lower Cholesterol.” Dr. • Joel Fuhrman Improves Health - Lose Weight Naturally | Reverse Diabetes | Prevent Heart Disease and Cancer | Lower Cholesterol. N.p., 21 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 Apr. 2015. • “Amazon Dash Button - Official Site - Request an Invitation.” Introducing Amazon Dash Button. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Apr. 2015.

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