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Solving Problems in APA Style Format

This week assignment required to solve three problems derived from our text book in a mathematical essay APA style format. First am going to start by solving all three problems and later putting in words explaining the steps used in solving the problems including all mathematical and describe how and why this is applicable to my everyday life. The first part of the problem request to rewrite the expression (P dollars is invested at annual interest rate r for 1 year. If the interest is compounded Semiannually, then the polynomial P (1+r/2)2 represents the value of the investment after1 year. And to also Evaluate the polynomial resulting from step 1 using P = $200 and r = 10%, and P = $5670 and r = 3.5% 1. First let me start with the first part of the question, which is rewriting the expression without parentheses. I am using the FOIL method by multiply the pairs: front, outside, inside, etc. P(1+r/2) ^2 The original expression P(1+r/2)*(1+r/2) A squared quantity multiplies itself


P(1+r/2+r/2+r^2/2 The expression after FOIL was carried out P(1+r+r^2/4) Like terms are combined with r/2 + r/2 = r P+Pr+Pr^2/4 The P is distributed across the trinomial Usually traditional polynomials are in descending order of the variable r, but I notice that this one is in ascending order with the highest exponent in the last term instead of the first term. Now I can evaluate the first expression by plugging in P = $200 and r 10% = 0.1 interest rate as in decimal P+Pr+Pr2/4 the

Hey Marquitta, I really enjoyed reading your post. I agree with you when you say that poverty is looked upon as the lowest part of life because it is. Society today is so caught up on their lives, and how they can get ahead, that they forget about the forgotten. The forgotten could be that neighbor who needs food, to the homeless man you see every day on your way to work, or that side of town that is living in poverty. Ilove how you state that Mike experience showed what it truly means to rely on God, and that is so true. Most of the time, people only rely on God doing the bad times, but we should always rely on him doing the good, and the bad times.

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Most universities in the world use a style manual to establish the rules that should be applied for writing documents or publishing research studies on different disciplines. The purpose of these style manuals is to ensure consistency standardizing the writing style, and additionally, to make easier the task of locating references, citations, and bibliographies, for the reader. Some of the most used style manuals for academic papers are MLA, Chicago, Harvard, Turabian and APA. APA style is a widely used standard, developed by social and behavioral scientist from American Psychologist Association to standardize scientificwriting.

APA style (2010) establishes basic rules about manuscript format and defines mechanical details as typeface,...show more content... A cover page must use at the beginning. Include a page header at the top of every page, containing the running head and the page number. The running head is an abbreviated title in all uppercase letters, flush with the left margin. Page numbering begins with the title page flush with the right margin. The abbreviated title appears with the label Running head only on the title page and without this label on subsequent pages. After the cover page we should include an Abstract page, which is a brief summary of your paper, will usually refer to the purpose, the methodology, and the highlights of the research. Other sections of the papers structure are the Introduction, Method, Results, Discussion, References and Appendices. Reference list must begin on a new page, with the word References centered at the top. All entries in your reference list are double–spaced with hanging indentation.

APA style (2010) uses the author–date system for citing references in the text of your paper. Each reference cited in the text will appear alphabetically in your reference list. In addition to the author and the date, direct quotations must also include the page number. You need to cite both names every time you refer to a work by two authors. If the reference has three, four, or five authors, you must cite all authors the first time they are referred to. From then all, use only the surname

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1. I think that having formatting standards such as APA is very necessary and useful for a clear communication. When we use an editorial style, we remove the distraction of puzzling over the correct punctuation for a reference or the proper form for numbers in text. An author writing for a publication must follow the rules established by the publisher to avoid inconsistencies among journal articles or book chapters. For example, without rules of style, three different manuscripts might use sub–categories, subcategories, and Subcategories in one issue of a journal or book. Although the meaning of the word is the same (in this case, subcategories is APA Style), such variations in style may distract or confuse the reader. To sum up the need for a consistent style becomes more apparent when complex material is presented, such as tables or statistics.

2. There are advantages and disadvantages in using an APA style.

Let's start with benefits: One major advantage of the APA writing style is that it encourages direct exposition of your research and emphasizes your original ideas being reported. This precision is complemented by a straightforward manuscript structure that includes a title page, abstract, body, reference list and, if applicable, appendices. Also, APA citations include a brief reference in the body of your text paired with a fullcitation in your reference list. Citations within the text should list last name of the author and that author's publication date, followed by a page number if the citation involves a direct quotation. In addition, the APA writing and citation style ensures you are giving adequate credit to others for prior work and allows the reader to easily track your references. What is more adopting the APA writing style guarantees that both the structure of your paper and the format of your citations are consistent throughout. The clarity of your writing along with a precise citation format works to establish your credibility, and it reflects the extent of your research.

On the other side the drawbacks in using such a style are: Firstly, the APA manual has a rule for just about every aspect of writing. You will find instructions for the technical aspects of constructing a paper, Get more content

First of all I would like to thank you for the time and hard work you put in this semester to teach my classmates and me. This semester I learned a lot in your class such as APA style writing, how to write different format essays and Bloom's Taxonomy. In your course I not only lesrned how to become a better learner but also a better person. I still remember how nervous I was feeling the first day of class. This was my first semester attending college, which made me feel worse. Since the first day I came into your class I was expecting this course to help me improve my writting skills in English. I consider spelling to be my greatest weakness in writing because my first language is Spanish and I have a lot of trouble learning English. In this letter I will let you know what I learned and how I have met the programs standards of focus, development and clarity because I have practice APA style, writting assays and using Bloom's Toxonomy

When I was in my senior year of high school, I learned a little about writing in APA style. In your course I learned that I was making some mistakes when I thought I was using APA style the correct way. Something that I considered to be very helpful for me was getting the help from the librarian on how to use APA style using different kind of sources such as books, newspapers and vedios.The yellow sheet he gave us in his presentation was allot of help throughout the semester because I would always use it when It was time to do writing assignments. Learning how to properly use Apa style was very helpful for me becuse now I apply those skills on my assignments and I do a better job than befor. Now I feel way more comfortable and confident while writting. Before learning the proper way of using APA style I was always unsure If I was giving credit to the sources I was using. I'm planning on applying this writing skill in and out of class to have a clear and smooth writing when It gets to give credit to sources.

Throughout the semester we practice literature by writing several essays such as diagnostic, narrative, current event and common exit essay. In all these four essays the two that I found to be the hardest ones was the narrative and the current even. I consider the narrative

Updated 11/01/2011 Running head: APA FORMAT EXAMPLE A maximum of 50 characters 1 How to Do that Annoying APA Format Stuff: A Brief Overview of the 6th Edition Scott W. Plunkett California State University, Northridge Noh Wahnelse and I. M. N. Oyed University of Invisible Students Authors' names should appear in order of their contribution to the manuscript. Author Note Scott W. Plunkett, Department of Psychology, California State University Northridge. Noh Wahnelse, Department of Paranormal Experiences and Life Events, University of Invisible Students. I. M. N. Oyed, Department of Anger Management, University of Invisible Students. Special thanks to Bill White in the Management Department at Liberty University for suggestions...show more content...

Woo hoo! What a bonus! Margins and Fonts 4 Margins and fonts. The top, bottom, left, and right margins should be one inch. Use 12point font. You should use a conservative, serif font type (e.g., Times New Roman, Cambria). By the way, serif font means that each letter has a little ledge to stand on. Sans (i.e., without) serif fonts (e.g., Helvetica, Calibri, and Arial) should not be used (except in tables and figures) because they are more difficult to read and increase eyestrain (bummer!). Do not use script fonts because some are just annoying (e.g., Braggadocia) while others are hard to take serious (e.g., Comic Sans). Paragraphs and Spacing Paragraphs should be indented 5–7 spaces or 1/2 inch. Make sure your indent is consistent throughout the whole paper. The best way to do this is to use the tab key on your computer. All 'sub–sub' (Hey, I got to say it again) headings should be indented the same as other paragraphs.

APA FORMAT EXAMPLE Citations and the Reference Section If a document you cite has only one or two authors, then cite it like so (Knowitall & Allknowing, 2002; Urkel, 1998). Notice that I used a semi–colon to separate the two different citations. Also, the citations are in alphabetical order within the parentheses (i.e., "Knowitall & 5 Allknowing" came before "Urkel"). If there are three to five authors, then cite all the authors and date (Letterman, Leno, O'Brian, & Plunkett, 2005). If you use the same source cite again that has

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I seem to be having issues grasping the APA style format. Thanks to the instructors advice, and utilizing the student success center, I am seem to have a better understanding of this task. I understand it is very important to cite your sources to avoid possible plagiarism, and to cite those soruces properly usins the APA format. I hope I did that successful. Best wishes to everyone on thier essays.

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The Purpose and Importance of APA in Academic Research and Writing

Students and researchers use the APA style and formatting in academic writing, as defined by the American Psychological Association. These guidelines bring uniformity and standardization to such scholarly writings as student essays, research papers, and journal articles. By setting the foundation

for The Benefits of Formatting with APA

Using the APAwriting style in academic writing allows the author to present material in a widely recognized and accepted format, therefore the basic presentation of the research is not controversial or confusing, and the reader can focus on the content rather than the format of the presentation. (in–text citation) For example, the use of 1–inch margins on each side of the page, double–spacing, and a sans–serif twelve (12) point ...show more content...

As a researcher, the APA style helps to build credibility. By properly citing research references and displaying an understanding of the development of ideas, a researcher gives credit to original owner of intellectual property. This is not only the ethical thing to do, it documents the development of ideas. By using proper APA guidelines for in–text citations, referenced materials are acknowledged immediately. The full reference citations at the end of the article or paper allow the reader to easily find the referenced resources and understand the author's ideas in the context of the current knowledge within the field (Hicks, 2006). This ability of readers to follow the development of an idea, or to refer back to an original concept, is essential in an academic setting. Presenting the information in clear, uncluttered sentences convey both meaning and focus. The aim of APA writing style is to eliminate unnecessary wordiness, passive voice, poor grammar, and The formal tone associated with academic writing demonstrates the ability of the writer to distill an idea or argument down to the most precise Get

Examples Of APA Style

APA STYLE: The term APA Stands for "American Psychological Association" APA style is a format for academic documents such as journal articles and books. It is modified in the style guide of the American Psychological Association (APA), titled the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. The APA states that the guidelines were developed to assist reading comprehension in the social and behavioral sciences, for clarity of communication. APA style is widely used, either entirely or with modifications, by hundreds of other scientific journals which includes all business, medical and other public health journal and in many textbooks and in academia for papers written in classes. APA considers one of the major style regimes for such work. EXPLANATION OF APA STYLE GUIDELINES: Here are some of the APA Style Guidelines which help us in...show more content...

The Title of the article should summarize the paper's main idea and identify the variables under discussion and it shows the relationship between them. The Running head is a shortened version of the article's full title and it is used to help readers for identifying the titles of published articles. Even if our paper is not intended for publication, our paper should still have a running head. The Author note should appear on printed articles and identifies each author's department and institution affiliation and any other changes in affiliation, contains acknowledgements and any financial support received. It also provides contact information. An author note is optional for students in writing class papers, thesis etc. The Abstract is a brief summary of the paper. It allows the readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the article. The Introduction presents the problem that the paper addresses. It introduces the main sources and problems of the

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