Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses What are my personal strengths and weaknesses? When I think about this question, the first thing that comes to mind is a job interview. I, like most people, find this simple question to be the most stressful moment of any interview. I want to give an answer that is imaginative but does not give the interviewer a bad impression of myself. In this paper, I will describe my strengths and weaknesses as I would to a job interviewer. I will give specific examples of my strengths and place a positive spin on my weaknesses. When deciding which strengths you want describe to an interviewer, you should make a list, choose three to five of those strengths that match the job posting, and give specific more content...
I also do this so that I can learn from that teammate how to see the big picture so that I can improve myself. Also, I have never been confident with my grammar skills throughout my life. Some of the most frustrating moments in both my educational or professional career have been times when I was given a writing assignment with vague criteria. I have wasted many hours writing and rewriting an assignment because I did not feel I had the ability to produce anything worth reading. Like any skill, the only way to improve one's grammar skills is to practice as much as possible and to get as much input as you can. So whenever I do an assignment, I will always have coworkers, classmates, friends, or family members look it over to see if they can see something I missed. Recently, I have also been using the University of Phoenix's Center for Writing Excellence to help me sharpen my grammar skills. My last weakness that I will discuss is my interpersonal skills. I would not say that I have poor interpersonal skills in general; I just tend to lack confidence when dealing with new people. I tend to be quiet around new people and have miscommunications when I do speak with people for the first time. Interpersonal skills, like any skills, will only improve with practice and feed back. One nice aspect of my current position is that it requires me to speak with new people on a daily basis to accomplish my job
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I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines that are important. A personal more content...
I am certain that because of my strengths, I am good at what I do however; I do have weaknesses that I have to overcome and improve. My personal weakness at work is lack of leadership. Currently I am in a position in which I do not possess the title of management. As a result, I basically feel that I do not have to show leadership or take initiative to take on the responsibilities of a manager when in reality, I am not. One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have confidence that what you?re talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it. My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or
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My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
Personal Strengths And Weaknesses
Personal strengths and challenges are always present in our lives. We have to realize the importance of our strengths and weaknesses as it can help us to become better individuals. Strengths or positive skills and abilities can help us to achieve our goals in life. Recognizing our weaknesses or negativity in life will help us to be more productive. In my 3 decades of working, I can say that every time I faced some challenges, it became my biggest strengths resulting into my personal growth and improvement.
I consider myself a well organized individual as I always have this steno notebook where I write all my "to dos" on a daily basis and prioritize what is more important to the least one. With this, it help me accomplish more content...
He is so compassionate and kind to us. We are like a family here and we are even happy working with him. I had 3 priest before him, but he is the only one who followed and gave the compensation package based on the Archdiocesan salary schedule. He said that we will have to work hard in order to give the right pay the staff deserve to get. In an office however, employees and supervisors have to act on a professional way and "family feelings" should be set aside to achieve thegoal. It would be good however if the supervisor put a little "personal touch" but it will depend on the attitude of employees. There are employees always pretending that they are busy and have a lot of works, the supervisor however cannot see or he might doesn't want to see this kind of attitude. Already discussed the matter but it's like he did not give any attention to address the problems. But I will not stop talking with him until such time he would see the real situation when he gives favor to other employees. One more challenge are the repairs of our facilities. Our buildings are too old and because of that, we have this list of projects, from the top priority to the least priority project. It is sad however that the repairs are dependent on the fundraising we conducts every year and on the contributions from our benefactors and parishioners. Sometimes, we cannot avoid but to ask some help from the Archdiocese if the repairs are badly Get more content
Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknessesto me are areas where we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me share with you my strengths and weaknesses and see how they effect my everyday being. Lets begin with my personal strengths. To me these are areas where I think I excel and have the most experience. Being an effective communicator is one of the best traits that I think more content... Therefore, my team player ability is truly a strong point for me as well. Lastly, time management has to also be a strength for me. While being a full time wife, full time mother, full time employee, and full time student something has to give! Time management is a skill that I learned by trial and error. It is a strength that took a lot of time to acquire but I finally got it down, as if I had a choice with such a busy schedule. Time management and being able to balance all of the activities that I have in my life, and ensuring that I meet the demands of each full time committment that I have has been an easy transition for me since I have mastered managing my time. Having balance not only means that I meet all of my demands but that I have a peace of mind as well. I have the satisfaction and one less stress when my time has been managed properly and everyone is happy. Now the not so strong points in my world. My personal weaknesses are those areas that I work hard everyday to master so that they can also be applied to everyday living in a positive way. The first weakness that I would like to discuss would be my lack of business savvy. I love the corporate environment and the great growth potential that corporate america has to offer. But, I get easily discouraged because I feel that I lack the corporate etiquette that is
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Essay about Personal
Strengths and Weaknesses
Personal Strengths
Upon receiving a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the Haskayne School of Business (HSB), I aspire to graduate with marks of excellence. Through constant perseverance, I aim to increase my communication skills to make me an excellent team player and become a reliable leader. As a result, I will have a vast network of business contacts. I have a variety of strengths which include being a hard worker, being determined, showing commitment, being a quick thinker and being adaptable to any situation. These strengths constantly push me towards success. Hard work and determination allow me to expand my boundaries and attain my goals. In the past, I have used these strengths to complete the toughest course I took in high school with an average of 90%. Moreover, my high levels of commitment to any activity that I participate in is also an asset. In fact, I have been privileged to mentor younger children at my temple, dedicating 2 hours to them every Sunday. When faced with problems, being a quick thinker, allows me to think critically and solve issues with efficiency. Adaptability more content... These improvements include, having anxiety, lack of confidence, procrastination, having poor vocabulary skills, and lastly, I attempt to please everyone in a group setting. Firstly, when I am in front of a large audience I tend to forget certain aspects of my presentation. This leads to a lack of confidence. I also procrastinate with assignments and miss the details of the task as I am rushed to complete all aspects of it before the deadline. In addition, a lack in confidence of my abilities leads to doubt within myself. Therefore, I go to a group of peers to assist me in completing my assignments. In a group setting, I feel the need to please everyone. This only leads to more conflict within the group and as a result, things worsen. Lastly, due to my poor vocabulary skills, I struggle to write
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
A reason that this country works well is that everyone has diverse abilities which can contribute to everyday life. Some people let those abilities shine at work, in their personal life or both. As people have their strengths, they also have their weaknesses. There is a problem to improve those weaknesses when the weakness is not identified. Once the weak point is identified it needs to be resolved. A plan of action for improvement helps in solving the situation. In this paper, I will identify abilities and skills that I possess that contribute positively in my work environment, in my personal life, and in my learning team. I will also identify personal areas that need improvement, and outline a plan more content... Acquiring a better understanding of these qualities will help me get closer to graduating and obtaining my Bachelor's of Business Management. Professionally, I have the ability to track different projects at different times. The ability to track different projects simultaneously has been very helpful when trying to work on a deadline. Many employers describe it as "multi–tasking". Everyday has the potential for drastic workplace or school environment change. Working on different types of assignments weekly has taught me to adapt my skills in a variety of different work situations.
Another of my stronger qualities is my physical ability. I have always been in touch with that side of myself. I figure if I can't pull my own weight, I will be useless. Being a Marine makes me concentrate on that aspect day in and day out. We often have competitions of various things just to keep it interesting. I really can't imagine myself without physical training. The last quality that enhances my personality is structured organization. I provide strength and confidence to my peers and team members in times of unpredicted situations. I try to remain calm, so I can provide direction. A team needs a person they can look up to for guidance and support for work or school issues. Since I will be working with teams throughout this program at the University of Phoenix Online, this would be one
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personal strengths Essay
Personal Strengths Analysis
Growing up in a society and environment that always focused on the weaknesses one had and the things one lacked, I never really did take time to think about my strengths. It did not seem to matter. The priority was to improve weaknesses and not strengths. However, in order to decide a major and essentially, a potential career choice, I had to, for once, consider my strengths and what I excelled at rather than lacked at. After taking time to think and consider the past memories and scenarios in which my strengths that consisted of harmony, responsibility, relator, individualization, and restorative might have appeared, I realized that these strengths have been used before. I know that I will definitely use these strengths and can improve more content...
Many of the questions in my decision of choosing a major would probably revolve around whether or not I find this subject interesting and will I be able to study this subject for four years without getting bored. Will this major work well my strengths? How will it improve my strengths and how can I use strengths in this major? My strengths would definitely push me to be responsible with my decisions and timing in choosing a major, but also help me to find a major that fits my personality and strengths that would seek common ground, solve problems, develop relationships, observe different people, and
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Personal Strengths
Yoga? I'm Down, Dog Under all normal circumstances, a field full of children lying motionless in a field would be cause for alarm, however this particular scene occurred under the best circumstances. On a balmy October day in 2010, a group of girls reclined blissfully in Savasana beneath a whispering willow tree as the last cotton wood tufts drifted in the breeze. I'd been going to the Boys & Girls Club every day afterschool for about a month. One afternoon, a volunteer guided a group through a basic yoga class. Although it was probably only 30 minutes in length, it would serve as the catalyst for one of the most important chapters in my life. Little did I know it would eventually lead to my yoga teacher certification and beyond! Following my first post–yoga–bliss, I became hooked. The afterschool leader, Sarah, could place her full palm on the ground while I could barely touch my toes. She inspired me; she was an adult who truly inhabited her body. As a freshman, I began attending classes at a local yoga studio. They were a disaster at first. I felt totally lost in the fast–paced environment. I didn't more content...
Not in every aspect of life, but as a service to others through sharing personal strengths. Although generally a confident person, I experienced many normal aspects of youth such as insecurities, and the tendency to follow adults. This was a challenge I faced (and conquered) during my teacher training. I was by far the youngest of the class. Who was I to guide a seasoned and wise 60–year–old? Everything "clicked" when I realized my youth and inexperience did not diminish my value as a teacher. I walked into my final evaluation with nervous butterflies and a chant in my head of "you've got this!" After all, the wise yogi knows they have unimaginable potential for growth, while a foolish yogi assumes they are an expert. Growth, not perfection has become my highest goal in
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I am going to write about my personal strengths and weaknesses. I would like to start out by going over my personal strengths. Then I will go over some of my personal weaknesses. Finally I will compose a plan of action to take to improve on my weaknesses. I am an honest person. I tell people what I am thinking and how I feel. Even if they don't like what I have to say. Being honest has helped me become closer to the people I care about most. It has also helped me in my professional career. I will tell my boss what's on mymind. He considers me a straight shooter and often asks my advice on work related topics. I also think being honest with myself has helped me a great deal. I don't let negative thoughts control my actions. I more content...
I believe that life is 90 percent effort and 10 percent what you know. I know some people that are very smart but are too lazy to live up to their true potential.
Discipline is very important to me. Without it I wouldn't be enjoying many of the things I have. My discipline keeps me on track with work and school. Although I'm still adjusting to my new schedule, the discipline I have allows me to do what needs to be done, and do it on time. I think discipline is a very important strength to have when I'm working full time and going to school.
Integrity is having a steadfast adherence to a strict moral value. I was raised to know the difference between right and wrong. I stick to these values I was taught when I was younger. I believe I have strong moral values. I try to apply these moral values in everything I do. I believe this helps me be a better person. I also think it helps me stay on the right track and be a better friend.
Personal weaknesses I find at times I have motivation issues. I usually have this problem if things aren't going the way I've envisioned. I have been having a motivation problem at work lately. My boss has been telling me for the last 8 months he's been going to give me a pay raise. I haven't seen the raise yet due to some financial reasons with the company. I know it's not right but this has made me feel unmotivated at times. I realize it's not fair to the company to be unmotivated. I'm not being fair to myself either Get
Personal Strengths And Weaknesses Essay
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Personal Strengths
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats Strengths Introverted: I am considered to be an introverted person. I mostly prefer to spend time alone than with others or in groups. However I love to work with other people. Working with other people can allows me to learn new things, but most of all I live to think. Thinking not only requires me to develop deeper thoughts by reflecting internally but it requires me to listen to others when they speak. This may allow me to come off quite in most cases but really it offers me more room to think critically. Creative: Being creative is a valid way I have learned to express my emotions, experiences, trials and tribulations. My creativity has allowed me to share my inner thoughts and feelings with the people around me in a way that has allowed them to understand who I truly am. I have used my creativity to help people see different perspectives on certain issues and problems that may not be more content... Being open–minded creates opportunity and freedom. When I am open–minded I am able to let go of the control of my actions and thoughts. I am able to experience change and make mistakes. Making mistakes leaves room for improvement and wisdom. Most importantly I am able to see things in life from different perspectives other than my own. Weaknesses Lack of Confidence: Over time I have constantly struggled with having confidence in myself. I am learning that having confidence can make you feel better about yourself and I'm learning that I perform much better when I have confidence. I have all the tools it takes to be successful I just have to remember the importance of confidence despite my downfalls. Improvement: I am constantly learning ways I can be confident in myself and one of the most important things I have to remind myself is that mistakes are okay and everyone makes them. Continuing to trust myself is one the main ways I can learn to have
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
What are my personal strengths and weaknesses? When I think about this question, the first thing that comes to mind is a job interview. I, like most people, find this simple question to be the most stressful moment of any interview. I want to give an answer that is imaginative but does not give the interviewer a bad impression of myself. In this paper, I will describe my strengths and weaknesses as I would to a job interviewer. I will give specific examples of my strengths and place a positive spin on my weaknesses.
When deciding which strengths you want describe to an interviewer, you should make a list, choose three to five of those strengths that match the job posting, and give specific examples more content...
The best way to handle describing your weaknesses to a job interviewer is to minimize the possible negative of the weakness and emphasize the positive. One way of doing this is to select a trait and come up with a solution to overcome your weakness (Martin, 2005). My personal weaknesses are that I tend to be a detail–oriented person, that I do not have confidence in my grammar skills, and that my interpersonal skills are not as refined as I would like them to be.
When working on any project, I am a detail–oriented person who can get hung up on the specific particulars of the project. This also goes back to my time in the Air Force when I was instilled with a duty to pay close attention to detail. The big picture was something that someone else took care of. Unfortunately, this trait followed me into the civilian sector and causes me to have a hard time seeing how the different parts of a project fit together to form the big picture. To counterbalance this, I always make it a point to have someone on my team who can see how everything fits together to make the big picture I do this so that the team will succeed in their current project. I also do this so that I can learn from that teammate how to see the big picture so that I can improve myself.
Also, I have never been confident with my grammar skills throughout my life. Some of the most frustrating moments in both my
Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
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Personal Strengths and weaknesses Writing about my personal strengths is a challenging task that requires me to focus on the strong points that make up my character. While, however; speaking on my weaknesses, tend not to be such a problematical task. Trying not to speak in such a modest way about oneself, yet present an encouraging outlook on my strengths, require me to examine what skills makeup the positive force that drives my everyday being. However, to attack my weaknesses, is to challenge myself to take control over the areas that require some redefining of certain skills in order to achieve ultimate success in life. My life is not defined by weaknesses, but more so the makeup of my personal strengths. While I may lack more content...
495).You are the company you keep. If you constantly mingle with those associated with known questionable activity, your will also be perceived as such. Consequently, if the company you keep are more resourceful with their time, and more positively significant in your well–being, this is sure to have a greater influence as well as a positive outlook and structure of yourself. Instead of attempting to tackle life's obstacles, and business alone, I must work to interact with a more diverse group while attempting to reframe from any negative influences. Lastly, in an attempt to overcome my weaknesses, I must learn to focus clearly on the tasks at hand. I realize that when I feel something is repetitive, or non–amusing, I become less interested. My thoughts begin to wonder, and I loose focus. This can be a problem, because I then to lose some information that was attempting to be conveyed to me. My lack of focus can be at minimal if I always concentrate the message on an open–minded level, as a new venture, rather than to feel that it information is of little help to me because I may have, or not, heard the input before hand. I must learn to sincerely give my undivided attention in an effort to fully understand the material that is be conveyed. Speaking on my personal strengths is to speak on my loyal and giving disposition. I believe
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
Personal Strengths Analysis
Personal strengths are attributes that come naturally and easy to yourself. When I think of my own personal strengths I think of determination, leadership, and passion. When I become determined, the stubborn inside my head becomes triggered. I become almost obsessive of completing whatever task perfectly and come up with almost a blueprint on how to finish it. For example, I became determined on becoming this years band captain. I pushed myself beyond my limits and I made sure Mr. Oubre was watching. I would make sure the effort I put into the marching band was returned. I perfected my music and marching despite the obstacle I had last semester, that obstacle being I did not have band class because of schedule conflicts. I held high expectations and responsibility within myself and the section I was looking over. Another example would be something smaller than gaining a title in marching band, such as cleaning my room. A typical teenager would probably just pick up whatever is on their floor, maybe even vacuum. The determination to do all or nothing will set in. The floors more content... I like to believe that most of them can apply to myself when I am thrown into a setting that requires a leader. Some leadership qualities I feel that applies to me are: enthusiasm, confidence, communication, and accountability. My personality in a classroom setting is often reserved and silent, so it surprises me how much I change when I am put into a leadership position. This year when doing interviews to have a leadership position in marching band, we were asked "Which three leaders have changed your life and why?". When this question was asked, many people surprisingly said my name. They said I have a confident aura that demands attention, I have an enthusiastic attitude that spreads to people surrounding me, I never hesitate to ask for help or if anyone else needed help, and I also held myself accountable for
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
While many people tend to listen to family, friends, or co–workers about their own strengths and weaknesses, it will often come down to the individual's own personal assessment of themselves as to what improvements or adjustments one must make. As with any subject, there are pro's and con's, or in this case strengths and weaknesses, in each and every one of us. Unfortunately, only a few care to relish on the weaknesses, and instead focus only on their strengths.
When I think of strengths or weaknesses, I often try to think of weaknesses first. I am not a negative person nor am I always thinking of the worst possible scenario, but rather more content...
Unfortunately, I am still learning to become a "multitasker" but do believe that I am working on achieving it. A secondweakness of mine is that once a solution is found, I tend to completely remove myself from the issue without properly following through to ensure the solution actually resolved the original issue. Often I give an individual an answer to his question and then thank him for asking it before that individual has a chance to ask a follow on question. This weakness can also relate to home and of course while being involved on any working team.
I am sure there are more weaknesses of mine, but would like to share some strengths that I believe I possess. While I realize many people may have better organization skills, I feel that is a strength of mine. While at work, I often get to work very early as to organize my day, and to help others prepare for the issues that may arise throughout the day. I am often called upon when a person must give a presentation to a group and is not yet ready to present any material. I will then look through the individuals material and decide how exactly he should present it, and in what order. Another strength I believe I have is the ability to quickly resolve issues between individuals. In many occurrences at work, issues on an aircraft will become personal and often people will be offended by another individuals actions or words. I have been told I am a Get
Personal Strengths Essay examples
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknesses to me are areas where we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me share with you my strengths and weaknesses and see how they effect my everyday being. Lets begin with my personal strengths. To me these are areas where I think I excel and have the most experience. Being an effective communicator is one of the best traits that I think a person can carry. more content...
I love the corporate environment and the great growth potential that corporate america has to offer. But, I get easily discouraged because I feel that I lack the corporate etiquette that is needed to be successful. I am hoping that through my business management course work and through experience that I can learn what it takes to be a successful creative business woman. Next, I feel that one of my weaker points is being an effective listener. If the material or even the person that I am talking to starts to lose my interests then somehow I begin to block them out and it is not a trait that I am proud of. I have tried several times to really focus on what a person is saying to me if it is not interesting or if it doesn't pertain or affect me at that time and it is really hard. Even when a person is really talking about something that is important to them if I am pre–occupied or if I know that there isn't anything that I can do to help I have a hard time focusing on what they are saying. I have decent listening skills when it comes to serious issues or things that affect me, but I always want to be an "all around" good listener and not what I like to call a "selfish listener". Lastly, I want to get better at excepting other peoples way of doing things. In my work world and school world accepting others ways of handling situtations has not really been a strong point for me but it hasn't been weak enough to cause a problem
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Personal Strengths
Part one of the career research assignments we were to choose three personal strengthens that I would bring to the work force and I choose that I am perseverant, team oriented and have youth supervisory skills. I choose that I am perseverant because after all the things that life has thrown my way I still have managed to stay on the right path and not succumb to my environment. This would be beneficial to an employer because I will not stop until I have met the goal that I am trying to obtain. To me it does not matter if the goal has many obstacles in the way, if it needs or has to be done I will get it done. Also I selected that I am team oriented; being basketball player for of my life I have learned the skills of being part of a team. Through
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Personal Strengths Analysis
My greatest personal strengths include a strong work ethic, endurance, and empathy towards others. As a section leader, I would use my strong work ethic to lead by example and to ensure that the section remains in order and ready to carry out rehearsals and performances, as well keeping uniforms and instruments maintained.Another of my personal strengths that will aid in the leading of my section is the ability to endure through long and difficult rehearsals. I could provide inspiration to the first year members to press on even when they feel like giving up and to remained focused and not lose their composure. Finally, I feel that my empathy towards others is one of my strongest trait which would allow me to be mindful of section members who
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My Personal Strengths and Weaknesses
I believe that life is a learning experience and being able to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses can help us become better individuals in anything we choose to do, whether it is positive abilities and skills that can help achieve our goals or negative personal areas that need improvement. Knowing yourself and what you can do, can help you recognize and overcome your weaknesses. One of my greatest strengths at work that I have recognized would have to be my ability to be a well–organized individual. I tend to write what I have to do down on paper and prioritize what is more important to least important. In doing this, it helps me organize and accomplish my work and meet deadlines more content...
One of my weaknesses at home is time management. This is a weakness that I have had to struggle with since my daughter was born. It is hard for me to try to juggle being a full time single parent, working a full time job and attending school full time. I always feel that there is never enough time to accomplish my tasks whether it is household chores, work related or assignments for school. Most importantly I have to make sure that I am readily available for my child at all times. In a Learning team, presentation skills are very important. I would have to say that Presentation Skills would be one of my personal weaknesses in the Learning team. It is difficult for me at times to stand up in front of a room full of people and present a project or conduct some sort of meeting. In order to do so, you have to have confidence that what you're talking about is accurate and the motivation to actually get up do it. My biggest fear of a presentation would be tripping and falling on my face or saying things that the audience can not understand. I recognize all of my strengths and weaknesses and I do acknowledge the fact that my personal weaknesses need improvement in all areas of my personal and professional environment.
Identifying your personal strengths and weaknesses will allow you to learn in most types of situations whether it be your career or personal life. Making an effort to improve your weaknesses, will make you more aware and give
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Personal Strengths and Weaknesses Essay
Personal Strengths: SWOT Analysis
According to the Strengths Finder survey my five greatest strengths are Positivity, Achiever, Connectedness, Strategic and Relator. Based on my personal strengths as Positivity, I have an enthusiasm that is contagious (Gallup, 2000, 2006–2012). This saying that I am a very upbeat person who can get others excited about what they are going to do (Gallup, 2000, 2006–2012). I have often been told, where did you get all of that energy? People really enjoy my presence. I think very highly of myself and of others when I gingerly juggle my job or studies. Life is good when you begin loving whatever it is that you do and giving 100% when you are engaged in something. I love spending quality time with my family members, coworkers, teammates, more content...
When I managed, I utilized every department as much as needed. This gives them a sense of purpose. It really makes them feel important, and they begin to see things from a different angle. This will also look good for them based upon their annual review. As the employer develops training for the employees, employees abilities will start to really pick up on the strengths; I believe positive results will begin to show through the first week of operations. The employee's attitude will change; they will become motivated, with enthusiasm and will enjoy coming to work. I believe some of the potential benefits of having a strength– based organization are happy employees, better productivity, employee retention and profitability according to Gallup Inc. Organizations will have a chance of providing the best services and products based on employee's strengths and talents. I believe once employees are aware of their strengths, they have the chance to utilize their strengths six times, and are more likely to be more actively involved in their occupational role rather than those that do not recognize strengths (Gallup, 2000, Get more content
Personal Strengths
I am applying for section leader because, I feel I can give back to the program. This program has grown me as a person exponentially. My personal strengths are that I have endured allot. Being in scouts has taught me there are 2 parts to being in a group. First you are a follower, you grow as an individual and learn new skills. The second part is being a leader, to now take what you have learned over the course of time and show it, and teach others . I feel as if I have grown as an individual following others, that I can now take the next step into the leading aspect of an organization. 2. Attitude, the mind set in band is a bad one for most. We always expect so much from ourselves, and make each other miserable. Instead more content...
Like leaving a legacy, the program will live with you as an experience your whole life, and will change you as a person. As the program changes you, you change the program, it may be for better or worse, but that's up to you to decide. Even when you no longer can not be part of the Golden Ram marching, you still can come and support the band and keep in touch with members. No matter where you are in the organization, this program doesn't leave you. The inspiration for this motto is from a guy that is in his mid 80s, I call him Frank the baker, he's worked at the summer camp I work at for 30 years and he bakes fresh bread. Once a day for the whole camp, and one day I went into the kitchen and Frank was talking about how in scouts when you turn 18 you're now an adult. Most people consider this the term "aging out", but Frank said that the biggest load of crap he's ever heard, There's no such thing as "aging out "you only move on to a different part of scouting. And he said you never outgrow scouts. You just move on to a different part. First you followed, then you lead, and then you guide, once you're 18 all you do is guide where you're hands off and in for the ride. Frank showed me that day that every program or organization I'm in I'll never outgrow it, because what I do while in that organization. Shapes those who come after me, and then what I do after shows those to come what to do afterward there done the Get more content