Personal Academic Goals Essay
Personal Academic Goals
Life is a continual learning process, which requires a strong method to develop better ways of apprenticeship. Personally, being able to obtain a higher education gives me an opportunity to be better in many ways. Everyone should have any personal goals in life in order to survive, prosper and succeed in every journey that life gives. As for me, being a University of Phoenix student, I hope to achieve all of my goals on which I have been trying to pursue and obtain through the years. They are goals that I believe I need to have to be a successful member of the society, and through attending the university I also hope to gain a more positive image of myself, build my personal growth, along with achieving more content...
As for my employer, my leaders have every intention to encourage me to align my personal life, which is school, with my professional life. Also, encountering new people will provide me with the opportunity to improve myself as well as to help others with their improvement. By taking advantage of my employers Tuition Assistance Program I believe that both my employer and I will benefit from my continued education. Bachelors of Science in Business concentrated in Information systems through the University of Phoenix will open me a new world of successfulness, and I feel that school and my employer will help me to be able accomplish my goals. Meeting new people at every class will allow me to have the opportunity to expand my horizons.
In addition, moving on into new learning adversities will also open new doorways in the world of competitiveness, and also will challenge me to get to another stage of my life. Looking for new areas of personal development being backed up by a title and away from getting some extra digits in my paycheck will help me to strengthen my values and criteria toward this challenging world. Also, one objective I have set is to be a teacher. Recently, I discovered that sharing my knowledge is something I would love to do once I am a realized person. That would be a pleasant way to share something to this society.
Any personal
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Examples Of Academic Integrity
Academic integrity: Academic integrity is a moral concept that ensures that you are honest in your academic endeavors. It involves understanding what constitutes as plagiarism and cheating, as well as being aware of copyright laws and how they apply to you. Academic dishonesty is the opposite of academic integrity. It is a commitment to not engage in or tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation, or deception. – Simon Fraser University Policy S10.01 Plagiarism, cheating, impersonation, and duplicate submission are examples of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is submitting or presenting another's work or ideas as your own or use without crediting the source, such as buying an essay online, incorrectly citing works or improperly paraphrasing words, research, or ideas that belong to other authors. It more content...
Fairness can result in equality, and equality is giving all individuals their fair share. Equality is defined as the quality of being the same in quantity, value, or status. In relation to academic integrity, equality is the state of having a balanced academic standing among individuals in an institution despite differences in education, race, religion, sex, social and economic status, and culture. If refers to providing every individual the same opportunities to improve his rank or condition in life without expecting that the results would also be equal. It provides the same compensation and benefits to students and professors with the same academic standing. Fairness is defined as the quality of having an unbiased and impartial disposition. It is the characteristic of being just to everyone, of treating them without discrimination or partiality. It is the absence of Get
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Developing Strong Academic Study Skills
Developing strong academic study skills in Higher Education is arguably the most important area of learning and development a student can cultivate, in order to achieve academic success. The skills that are acquired, the learning techniques that a student refines and life learning experiences are all going to develop into long–term career prospects and future career enhancement. Some of the key areas for development and discussion in this essay will include note taking/essay writing, critical thinking and analysing questions and reflective thinking skills. A major area for development and improvement revolves around effective note taking and essay planning/writing. As a Higher Education student you will be required to plan and produce countless essays in relation to the course you are studying, and a key point of reference to help with this would come from "The Guide to Learning and Study Skills for Higher Education and at Work" who give the following advice and tips: 'Identify the purpose of the essay and who the audience (reader) is and what is required for both – structure your work and develop your arguments/main points – proof read your work and improve language, spelling, punctuation, grammar and style – review what you did and use feedback to improve your essay writing for the future' (Bingham, R. and Drew, S. 2012 The guide to learning and study skills: For higher Education and at work). With regards to effective note taking in Higher Education, a key starting point
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My Academic Experience
Week 9: My Academic Experience
Fatimah M. Myers
April 13, 2013
University of Phoenix
Instructor – Annette Kubalanza
Outline – My Academic Experience
1. The Value of Completing a Degree in Higher Education
2. Plans for My Academic and Career Future
3. Reflections of Topics in Class A. Time and StressManagement B. University Resources C. Critical Thinking
THE VALUE OF COMPLETING A DEGREE INHIGHER EDUCATIONAmerican society values higher education. College provides many opportunities for developing a variety of social networks, both formal and informal. Obtaining a college degree will be such a valuable more content...
Having a Bachelor's, in addition to my years of experience, makes me eligible to be promoted to an Operations Manager, or a Director at my current job. I can also be a Billing Manager at a hospital. All of which are careers I am interested in. The final plan in my academic future is to earn my Master's Degree in Social Work. After completion of my Master's, I can pursue the career of my dreams, a Hospice Social Worker.
I have learned so much in this class to prepare me for a successful college experience. There were some topics that caught my attention more than others. Such as, time and stress management, University resources, and critical thinking.
Time and Stress Management
How I manage time is a reflection of what I value. Managing my time corresponds to how successful I will be in college and throughout life. Knowing and setting priorities to meet goals, carrying out plans, taking control of time, and staying focused are some events that are involved with time management. For many of us, balancing school with work and family is the greatest challenge involved with prioritizing. Good advance planning will help in meeting these challenges. Staying focused is usually difficult, especially for first–year students. Staying focused entails remembering and dedicating to the most important purpose for being in college. Sacrificing unnecessary commitments and keeping my
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I have changed a lot over the last two years. Relationships and attitudes have come and gone. However, I have always enjoyed learning. The pursuit of knowledge continues to be important to me and I feel like I have learned a lot in my college experience so far. My academic journey has shaped the way I look at myself, my moral understandings, and my view of happiness. In recent years, I have come to the conclusion that I am most definitely a creator. I enjoyed making items inhigh school and earlier, but I have realized in college that it is an essential part of who I am. Furthermore, to be a good creator, one must be a good critic. In my Honors seminars and other courses, we have read and analyzed many great works. The knowledge more content...
Nothing can be perfect, but I strive for all of my works to be the closest it can get. I know now for sure that I am creator and it is what I always want to be. I believe I have become a better person over the last two years. Or, at least, as good as I will get. I have a lot more respect for other people than I used to. Before, I only surrounded myself with people that I thought would be useful later. It seems so horrible now. I went to a very large high school. People came in and out of my life at a rapid pace. There were several people at my graduation that I had not seen in years. I thought they literally dropped off the face of the Earth or just moved. There was little need to be a good person to people, because you would often never see them again. Here, I no longer have that luxury. I mean, that is good. It is now necessary to have a good relationship with people. I think it has certainly helped to have a group of classmates every year who have a common goal. Another conclusion I have drawn from my last few years is that every person has a moral obligation to be as knowledgeable as possible. My biggest pet peeve is stupid people who think they are smart. We are in the shape we are in today because of these people. I wish people would just admit when they do not know something. I do. I would never be seen entering a conversation about molecular biology and acting like an expert. I
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My Reflection Of My Academic Journey In College
Education is ingrained in our lives; we are as a society born to learn. The ability to reflect on this habitual learning is what separates an honors mindset from the average. Reflection occurs continuously and effortlessly, as though peering into a looking glass. I reflect in order to increase my potential as a learner and become an honors student. Evaluating my past, present, and future education ultimately will unlock my fullest potential for true academic reflection.
My past education experience, defined as, elementary through high school, was filled with opportunities of growth and promises of success. From elementary to middle school, I was led by a spark to learn. I wanted to accomplish many tasks, wanted to learn as much and as deeply as I could, I wanted to succeed with hard work. At this age level, I was displaying a growth mindset, and many key characteristics of Angela Maiers' habitudes. The most prominent example of this display was my eighth–grade year as it was the first time I ever truly struggled academically in my life. I was in my eight–grade math class with Mr. Pfitzner, at the time the bane of my existence, and I did not understand a thing. It seemed like all my hard work was for nothing, that I would never be able to overcome this obstacle. For a moment, I was able to see how easily a slip from a growth mindset to a fixed mindset could be. As I slowly slipped into the fixed mindset, I remember asking myself if this is how I want to learn. This challenge
Essay On Academic
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Optometry is the perfect fit that blends my professional goals, my interests in science, and healthcare with individual strengths of compassion, relational service, and leadership. It is affirming when passion meets purpose, and for me, the optometry profession is just that. My passion in life is to serve others and to improve their health and well–being, while my purpose is to reach my full potential as a medical provider. My inspiration to pursue a career in optometry arises from a combination of my natural strengths, my life experiences, and my triumphs over life's hardships. As a teen, I had the opportunity to volunteer on a summer mission trip that focused on serving the homeless population in San Francisco. Stricken by poverty and drug addictions the Tenderloin District was unlike anything I had ever seen. Instead of passing judgment or feeling intimidated, I chose to serve these people with compassion and respect. What I experienced during this time was transformational and helped to direct me on a pathway towards service. Service to the community has always been a significant part of my purpose in life. I have committed time to the youth and athletics as an athletic supervisor for the City of Ellensburg, a youth baseball and basketball coach, and summer camp counselor. more content... I hope to utilize my skills as an optometrist and leader to serve the local community and give back to those in need. My current gap year has been essential in my development as a future health care provider, hopeful optometrist, and engaged community member. I have diversified my training at Kittitas Valley's Open Door Health Clinic where I have gained exposure working with a patient population that does not have access to the traditional health care system. I look forward to continuing my volunteer service both as a board member and hands on Get
College Essay Examples
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The Importance Of Academics
Academics 3.1 Importance of Academics Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. It is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it. Academics are important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes we value. Adults who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, have more employment opportunities than those with less education and earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on social assistance, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are more active as citizens and charitable volunteers and are healthier and happier. Academics are important because working people will need higher levels of education to tackle the technologically demanding occupations of the future. 3.2 Various disciplines offered at BITS Goa
B.E. Computer Science Engineering B.E. Electrical & Electronics Engineering B.E. Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering B.E. Electronics & Communication Engineering B.E. Mechanical Engineering B.E. Chemical Engineering 2) For M.Sc we have the following courses offered:–Biological Sciences Chemistry Economics Mathematics Physics 3) For PhD we have the following courses offered:– Full Time PhD Part Time PhD Faculty development scheme Ph D aspirant scheme 3.3 Other Opportunity Current Get more content
For B.E. we have the following courses offered:–
Academic Dismissal Sample
I am writing to appeal my academic dismissal from Lloyd L. Gregory School of Pharmacy, Palm Beach Atlantic University. I was very surprised and distressed to receive an email from the dean of academics Dr. Dana Brown on Tuesday (12/13/2016) this week informing me of my dismissal which was based on the about the Student Success Committee's decision. I would like to plead you to reinstate me for next semester. I admitted that I had a very difficult time last semester and my grades really suffered as a result of it. I am not trying to make excuses for my poor performance in respiratory course but I would like to explain the circumstances I thought could have led to that, which I should have handled properly rather than allowing my academics last semester to be affected. I knew that as a pharmacy student on modified track, registering for therapeutics courses even though with lesser credit hours in the fall semester required a lot of me. I have medical history of Pulmonary Embolism on both my right and left lungs which made me to be on Coumadin for life, also I had the medical history of more content...
During the fall semester, I have low INRs less than 2 as well as high INRs greater than 3.5, but I decided to study harder for the all the courses I was taking against all the odds from my health and stress. I became anti–social by being disconnected with friends and families likewise in my engagements with some life groups I am in the church I attend in west palm beach because of my striving to be best in my academics this last fall semester (since the bible said in James
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Reflection Paper On Academic Integrity
Prior to completing the Academic Integrity Program, I thought academic integrity was as simple "not cheating." I considered it a policy solely implemented to ensure that students learned the material. To me, cheating was mostly plagiarism, or trying to pass off someone else's work as your own. It was not until I completed the program that I began to understand the long–term effects of cheating on the peers, the professor, and the institution. Now, I understand that cheating affects not just me, but also the other students in my courses and the university's reputation. I also understand the reasoning behind the university's strict policies regarding academic integrity violations, as they are in place to protect the student, the classmates, more content...
I have also learned how to focus in on what exactly I have questions on, instead of not understanding where to even begin looking for issues and becoming overwhelmed. These practices have yielded success and project completion, and I will continue to do assignments in this fashion in my future Computer Science courses. There were some behaviors defined in the program that I was surprised to find academically dishonest. This is mostly because some of these behaviors had never occurred to me. This includes all the lab–related behaviors, such as dry lab data, trimming data, cooking data, ecology tampering, and carelessness. Dry lab data is reporting data for samples that have not been analyzed. Trimming data is cutting out the outliers from data that would "skew" your analyses, while cooking data is creating fabricated, new data to fit your analyses. Ecology tampering is intentionally changing environments between experimental groups to yield the results that you want. Carelessness is not paying close attention to something – calculations, lab procedures, etc. – and inadvertently reporting inaccurate results. All the behaviors described are academically dishonest because students have the same responsibilities as professionally–trained scientists since they are now within the same realm of science. Reporting inaccurate lab/research data can
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Competition. This word varies in connotation. To some, it symbolizes joy, triumph, and self–satisfaction, while for others the word represents worthlessness and failure. Since an early age, kids are taught about competition through games and sports. Kids develop skills like sportsmanship, integrity and fair play. Competition is like water in a sieve. To argue that competition does not exist is like saying that water is not leaking from a sieve when only one hole is clogged. Competition is everywhere. In today's society, there has been a lot of controversy over academic competition in school. Many see academic competition has a looming rain cloud that hangs over the students who excel differently, and cannot find success in the standard school system. They see competition as emphasis on arbitrary performance. Yet, competition is not all that bad. Competition is what helps us learn and grow as people. If students did not know the difference between a win or lose, then how would they know where to improve? Academic competition gets a negativeconnotation, but in reality, it has an overall positive impact. In a recent article, it was discussed how students are experiencing an overwhelming amount of stress from competition. Students, tired and sleep deprived, dread school not because of the workload, but because of the academic competition. "While I understand that competition is an important motivator to many students, I believe that our mental wellness would be significantly
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Argumentative Essay On Academic Competition
This most recent semester at Saint Joseph's University was not the best for me personally and academically. I struggled academically this semester due to a few personal incidents in my life as well as my own reaction to the slightest bit of failure. A week before fall break, both of my cousins were in a severe car accident in delaware. I found out right before an english quiz and went after i took the quiz. Over that friday and the weekend proceeding it, I was helping my aunt and uncle with anything they needed while they waited in the hospital. Two days later I found out one of my two cousins that were in that car accident passed away. The funeral arrangements were set during the weekend before fall break. That time and the week after were very tough emotionally for me and I was able to talk about it to my therapist near campus but it affected me for quite some time afterwards. After then a couple of my grades came back from after fall break that were very poor. This was due to my own complacent attitude beforehand and afterwards I panicked. I did not react properly to my own slight failures in the academic realm and with that my personal care fell apart as well. Around the middle of November, I went to Lakenau Medical center because I was passing a kidney stone. I was not taking care of myself physically and it affected my academic performance. I was not able to dig myself out of my academic "hole" by the time finals came around and that leads us to where I am right now,
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On Academic Performance
Academic Tone Examples
The tone of a paper is often the reflection of how a writer feels about the subject they're telling an audience about. Academic tone is a formal way of writing and uses the third person perspective. In third person perspective you should never use personal pronouns and try to rarely ever use the word "you." Academic tone also requires that one does not use slang words, jargon, or abbreviations in theirwriting. It is intended to be serious and informative to the audience. An example of this is when someone writes a letter to hisschool's principal about improvements that should be made to school events. This person wants to sound formal and well–mannered rather than informal and ill–mannered, and they also want their approach to be respectful
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Reflection Of A Reflection On Academic Skills
When the word reflection is mentioned, the first thought is a mirror like image of yourself. This is to define your own perception of the good and bad quality within yourself. Taking action of the weaknesses and developing my skills to improve myself around everyone, (Stadter, 2015). Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988), a framework for students to resolve problems in assignments, step by step, I will reflect on my own problems, (UK Essays, 2013). My previous goal was to study in a university and now that I have accomplished that goal, my next goal is to complete the course with a good grade. But the reality of achieving the Foundation Degree is a much harder concept than what I first thought, having a writer 's more content...
Implementing Dewey 's theory in to my assignment, assisting my understanding on how to support ideas with evidence such as deciding whether I have included all the information needed, the author/publisher or whether I have referenced continuously throughout the assignments. When previously writing assignments I need to consider how well it was written, learning from the mistakes, understanding the feedbacks and setting out times to do better next time (Percival 2006). While referencing is a struggle for me to use, Kell and Vogl (2010) stated that overcoming referencing can be done by reading different books, journals and articles of interest. After analyzing the problem, I realised I try to be a perfectionist, causing a hindrance in producing assignments. I need to start believing in myself a lot more and be more inspired, as Percival, (2006) has mentioned that "being too sensitive will block your progress", by doing time–bound goals and starting the assignment rather than thinking about the end product. Percival (2006),has also stated putting our energy into the solution rather than the problem will be an advantage to our mindset. Realisation of putting a pen to the paper to start, a draft can be perfected as time goes on, mending the structure to the standard required till the
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Writing is a very helpful skill for most of the people who want to achieve success in their life. Improving your writing skills is very helpful before entering the university. Students are facing a lot of issues in their university because they are being asked to write academic essays, or scientific papers, and they did not have the expected skills to write what is being asked from them. On the other hand, those who have studied APA, and MLA in their high school, or by self–learning, are more likely to get high scores in their universities academic essays than those who did not. Those who have studied academic writing are having a big chance to achieve their goals in their university life because most of the courses in the university more content...
My point of weakness is that I always go off topic, and I think most of the students do that in the beginning of their academic papers practices. It is not easy to stay on topic. However, I have learned some techniques that made me able to stay on topic, and I would like to mention them to students to avoid making my mistakes. First, students could make an outline before writing their final draft, and submit it. This has helped me so much in organizing my paper, and making it easy for me follow up with the points that I want to talk about without going off topic. Second, students should have a strong thesis statement, and restating it in each paragraph. By restating your thesis statement, you are not only making the reader following up with your points, but you are also making your thesis statement stronger because it has been mentioned in many paragraphs with different examples. Lastly, students should use transition words in theiressay. Transition words helps the reader to progress from one idea to the next. Therefore, students should learn how to write academic essays, and take it more seriously because it could improve their Get more content
Strengths And Weaknesses Of Academic Writing
Reflection On Academic Reading
Reading is one of my favorite pastimes. I am a tuned–in Reader, and I appreciate well written biographies. Enjoyable reading takes my mind off school work and relaxes me. I enjoy academic reading as well, but sometimes it is intense and requires much concentration. Moreover, I am a tuned in reader when it comes to academic subject's such as; psychology, nutrition, health and history. Every spare moment I have; I pick up a book or magazine, and get carried away, by the text. I visualize the story and its' characters as if, the story is taking place right next to me. Furthermore, I predict the outcomes of the stories and pose questions in my mind about the characters. I enjoy reading biographies about famous people like Charles Dickens and Anne Frank. Additionally, I enjoy reading short stories and magazines such as; Binah, Ami, and Mishpachah. I am fascinated by the astounding articles in the Ami. For example, the article about a "Journey to North Korea", makes me feel as if I had experienced it myself. Academic reading gives me a sense of accomplishment and joy. Generally, I am a tuned in reader, when it comes to reading information. When I am reading, I analyze and visualize the ideas of the passage. When I stop and think of what I am reading, it enhances my level of comprehension. My appreciation is also increased, to understand and learn new information. Furthermore, I enjoy taking my academic reading to a different level, by discussing and asking questions to my
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Examples Of Academic Integrity
Perhaps a student's first experience with Academic Integrity is early in elementary school when the teacher says, "Keep your eyes to yourself and cover your work." Here at Appalachian State University (ASU), upon admission, students take a pledge on their honor. Students pledge against lying in any manner. Additionally, cheating and stealing are unacceptable. Lying, cheating, or stealing cannot be the vehicle for gaining an academic advantage. Also, students pledge to oppose every instance of academic dishonesty. Therefore, the University provides a "user–friendly" ten–part outline explaining definitions, administration, violations, sanctions, appeals and goals of the Academic Integrity Code (AIC). The Academic Integrity Code at ASU will Get
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Examples Of Academic Reflection
During the whole process of designing the IMC plan for HP Sprocket in this semester, I have earned valuable experience about teamwork, and I have learned lessons not only from class, but also from the whole working process. First of all, I have to admit that this group is one of the best groups I've ever had, I used to think that only failed experience helps people learn and grow. However, this time in a well–organised group, I found that I was wrong, positive experience contributes as well. This essay will reflect what I have learned, and it will be mainly divided into two parts: academic reflection and experiential reflection.
Academic Reflection
In an IMC plan, separate segment needs to cooperate with each other through organisational communications in order to ensure that audiences can receive a same key message from different channels (Ots and Nyilasy 2015, 134–135). Personally, I feel it is perfectly understandable as a first–time IMC practitioner. In this group work, because we do not have much time to discuss the "BigIdea" at the very beginning, we decided to divide the work first and then combine them together to find out the "Big Idea". However, I found that I cannot come up with useful strategies without effectively communicating with my teammates about our goal for this plan. After we have finished our first draft and uploaded it to Google Drive, we all agreed that this is a weak plan, because the messages we try to deliver in each piece do not have much in common.
As Percy (2013, 2–3) pointed out, both the key and the goal of IMC planning are "to deliver a consistent message". This made me think we might be wrong at the aiming stage. In this scenario, assigning work without figuring out the requirement of an IMC plan is the problem of our group, and I need to learn that figuring out the main requirements and setting a clear goal are essential steps for innovative projects like an IMC plan. Because they can improve both individual's task performance and group's working efficiency (Hoegl and Parboteeah 2003, 4). There may have certain groups that can perform well without cooperating tightly, like a calculation group, but IMC group is definitely not one of them. Which reminds me that in the
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My Academic Journey
Not everyone who attends college takes advantage of the scholastic opportunities available as students. One reason might be because they have not yet aquired the academic confidence or perceive education as a priority. Looking back at my adolescence, both of these perspectives were displayed through my behavior. Nonetheless, the past eight years of my life illustrate major growth and development as an individual, a family member, a co–worker, and a student–a journey which led me to this moment. Literally, this very moment! I now possess the academic confidence to present an analysis of my life's history and academic objectives to a committee of scholars/professionals, which is unquestionably a significant achievement. Thus, more content...
I recognize all the tools the Navy bestowed upon me. The military provided me with an array of valuable life skills, such as–but not limited to–leadership/followership, organizational, communication, and team building skills, which I effectively deployed as a sailor. My intensive application of these skills eventually led me to being ranked at the top of my peers, and then to assume the rank of Petty Officer Third Class, which required me to take on various leadership roles on board both a Naval Destroyer and an Amphibious Assault Ship. The development and application of my leadership tactics and strategies earned me a Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal for superior performance of duty, which emphasized my growth as a leader. Many of the tools from that life experience transitioned smoothly into the scholarly setting. I have effectively utilized many of those tools during my pursuit towards completing my educational and career objectives, and I will continue to apply those tools during my educational pursuit towards creating a well rounded academic profile. Following my active–duty–enlistment in the military, I developed a list of educational objectives. In addition, I instantly executed my Veterans Affairs educational benefits, which allowed me to establish both long and short term educational objectives. Though amendments were made during my educational journey, my academic path has always pointed in the same
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