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Prime Lens Essay
If portrait photography is your niche, then a prime portrait lens is essential! The ideal focal length for portraiture is 85mm. This will allow you to take half–length portraits from a comfortable distance. Although portraits can be successfully taken with a kit lens, prime lenses offer superior image quality compared to zoom lenses.
Since a prime lens is generally faster, this will reduce distortion and vignetting. Distortion is a deformation of the photo, like when there is a noticeable curving or when features of a person or object are disproportionate. A Vignette Effect, sometimes known as light fall–off, is when the outer edges of a photo are darker in comparison to its center. Sometimes this effect is intentional, to create a dramatic...show more content... Mainly, a filter can save your lens from becoming damaged. It would be far more cost effective if a filter were to become scratched than your lens! In addition, filters can be indispensable for enhancing color, reducing reflection, and capturing images in less than perfect lighting conditions.
Filters come in two different types: round or square. Round filters screw directly onto the DSLR camera's lens thread. Round filters are the most common type as they can fit onto any lens that it matches in size. Round filters are more convenient because there is little set up. You just screw it onto the lens, and you are ready to go! A square filter also attaches to the camera lens, but in a different manner. A card slot holder is first threaded onto the lens front. Then the square filter is fitted into a slot on the filter holder. Multiple slots allow for stacking filters and creating unique effects. The set–up, however, takes effort and a tripod is often necessary to successfully pull off shots.
Here are some of the most popular filters, and why you should consider investing in