How To Write A Critical Lens Essay

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In the process of writing, regardless of the form it takes, thesis or narrative for example, the purpose of the piece has several lenses that shape how the reader perceives the material. Of the less important lenses that shape the piece, mood, word choice, and rhetoric are only a few. These elements of the work, while minimal in a relative sense, accomplish the same as other, more important components, they influence how the reader perceives the material, how it is understood. If one is to effectively convey the message of the piece, one must first look at how the any reader perceives any text. This idea of how the reader perceives is a culmination of all the devices employed by the author. The idea is for the author to craft an more content...

This idea of crafting a mask in literature is an old concept, though rarely discussed directly as it can even be seen in Corinthians where, as discussed by Stephan Joubert, Paul acts as, " encoded author...", that can be typified also as, "...the 'ideal portrait' which the real author entertains to his flesh–and–blood readers" (Joubert). This concept of an author for an author is another concept that must be taken into account when the mask is discussed. Where Killingsworth suggests that the author crafts, "...the mask of the author...", he also crafts, "...a mask for the audience..." (Killingsworth 34–35), Joubert argues that the mask of the reader is simply a result of the authors own mask as, "...a potential reader is expected to play in order to actualize the text..." (Joubert) reacting only to the text and crafting their own mask. While the reader also has a mask in Joubert's theory, it is a reaction to the text, rather than them slipping into one of the authors design, the author only being able to influence their mask from an external and past, perspective. I implore both students and faculty to focus on these points throughout a work, as they will show the reader the perspective that the author is crafting. Weather to use this mask is up to the reader's discretion, though from an analytical view, being bias only harms the process. Regardless, it remains important that the student not only identify but act upon these

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Critical Lens

When analyzing 1984 through a critical lens, a reader may be able to look through the historical lens to understand what was happening in the world around the author and how it influenced their writing. There are quite a few things that helped Orwell write this masterpiece of a novel, and a lot of it can stem back to the historical period as to which 1984 was written. 1984 is a novel that is placed in the future where propaganda is the main theme. 1984 was written during World War II was taking place, therefore greatly impacted the writing and material that was used in 1984. Orwell wrote this book as sort of a warning to make sure that another Hitler would not come into power. Orwell, in an essay titled, "Why I Write," he had stated more content...

1984 has all types of fiction: science fiction, social science fiction, political fiction, and dystopian fiction. Two of the biggest and most apparent types of fiction in this novel is dystopian and political fiction. The whole novel is set in this dystopian world where the government controls most all things that the people think, say, or do. They are all forced to use a whole new vocabulary in order to cut down on the citizens saying things against the government. Not only that but the government is referred to as Big Brother, and branching off of Big Brother are the Ministries of Truth, Love, Plenty, and Peace. They control education, maintaining the laws and keeping order to the people, and they control what is allowed to be seen as far as media and fine

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Critical Lens In 1984

Critical Lens Essay Format.

Directions: The critical lens is a formulaic essay that consists of 4–6 paragraphs and explores two works of literature and two literary elements from each work of literature. Use the format below to help you write your essay using Homer's epic poem The Odyssey and Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game".

Introduction Paragraph:

Copy the quotation exactly as it appears and include the author (1 sentence) "Henry Ward Beecher once said, "Greatness lies not in being strong, but in the right using of strength."

Own words. Put the quotation in your own words. (2–3 sentences) "This quotation means that..."

Agree or disagree with the quotation as you have interpreted more content...

"One major theme in Homer's The Odyssey is ______________...." (Explain this literary element in 4–5 sentences using specific text–based support)

Tie it back to the quotation. "This proves the quotation is true because..." (2–3 sentences)

Body Paragraph #2 (literary element #2 from the 1st work of literature):

Transition statement: "Another literary element from The Odyssey that proves the quotation is true is _________________." (literary element #2 from work of literature #1– use literary elements such as theme, conflict, and characterization) (1 sentence)

Lens Layout Essay

Name the literary element you will use and define it. (1 sentence) "Conflict is a struggle between two opposing forces that is important to the plot."

Show this element in the first story you will talk about. "A major conflict in Homer's The Odyssey is ____________________..." (Explain this literary element in 4–5 sentences using specific text–based support)

Tie it back to the quotation. "This proves the quotation is true because..." (2–3 sentences)

Body Paragraph #3 (literary element #1 from the 2nd work of literature):

Transition statement: "Throughout ______________ (the second work of literature), _______________ (the author) uses many literary elements to help connect the ______________(genre) to the critical lens. Two examples are ______ and ________." (list two literary

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Prime Lens Essay

If portrait photography is your niche, then a prime portrait lens is essential! The ideal focal length for portraiture is 85mm. This will allow you to take half–length portraits from a comfortable distance. Although portraits can be successfully taken with a kit lens, prime lenses offer superior image quality compared to zoom lenses.

Since a prime lens is generally faster, this will reduce distortion and vignetting. Distortion is a deformation of the photo, like when there is a noticeable curving or when features of a person or object are disproportionate. A Vignette Effect, sometimes known as light fall–off, is when the outer edges of a photo are darker in comparison to its center. Sometimes this effect is intentional, to create a more content... Mainly, a filter can save your lens from becoming damaged. It would be far more cost effective if a filter were to become scratched than your lens! In addition, filters can be indispensable for enhancing color, reducing reflection, and capturing images in less than perfect lighting conditions.

Filters come in two different types: round or square. Round filters screw directly onto the DSLR camera's lens thread. Round filters are the most common type as they can fit onto any lens that it matches in size. Round filters are more convenient because there is little set up. You just screw it onto the lens, and you are ready to go! A square filter also attaches to the camera lens, but in a different manner. A card slot holder is first threaded onto the lens front. Then the square filter is fitted into a slot on the filter holder. Multiple slots allow for stacking filters and creating unique effects. The set–up, however, takes effort and a tripod is often necessary to successfully pull off shots.

Here are some of the most popular filters, and why you should consider investing in

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A Critical Reflection

The critical reflection

Secondly, one of the ways to find any solution to avoid the loss of at least 200000 jobs in Australia is with a critical reflection. The Gibbs model has provided an easy tool to analyse in simple steps a philosophical and practical cycle, to develop a strategic solution to solve and maintain enterprises in health. In comparison with the Stephenson critical reflection framework, Gibbs brings a rapid solution, being a pragmatic approach building the knowledge through past and present events. The tools, as well as, description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan and again the Gibbs'cycle is repeated (Jasper, 2013)

The Holden company and why not others companies, could have used this more content... Why? Other companies all over the world face crisis and then rise again. General Motors, have decided to close this branch, instead of maintain it. Does not General Motors aware that one of the countries with more development in the world is attracting population and new customers? Is the Holden factory closing forever?

The Allen Consulting Group (ACG) have prepared a research in regards to this, and they conclude that the automotive manufacturing in Australia have lost the opportunity to export more or at least get in balance the competitors. Furthermore, the ACG explains that it is coming a new generation of cars, the 'green time', electrical cars, and the Australian Government are providing assistance in this program. However the research shows that the transition between petrol to electrical, could be gradual and nor to produce an automotive factory strake until the green cars will come.(AIG –2013)

Evaluation: What was good and/or bad about the experience?

The 'good' side of this experience could be the lack of need of economic assistance by the government. Australia is one of the last countries in provide assistance in the Automotive Industry. The savings are almost 7.1 billion with the closure of the car factories, and more than 200.000 jobs losen. (Bianca Barbaro, John Spoehr and NIEIR–2014).

Source obtained from The Allen Consulting Group (ACG) (2013). However, the bad side represents a negative annual shock of

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There are many benefits to viewing social media platforms through a critical lens. There are many controversial topics being discussed on social media and if one simply accepts everything they read or see to be correct it can significantly effect a user's morality. Things like tabloidization happen on social media platforms that make users believe the scandals or political issues are worse than what they really are. It is good to have a solid grasp in your own beliefs and stay grounded in what you know to be true to view social media in a critical way.

Individuals utilizing social media must also realize that the purpose of some social media platforms is to make money. With this being said, there are many advertisements that target out users

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Critical Lens Social Media

Britanee Gugel "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly", was once said by Antoine De Saint–Exupery. This is an accurate quote to live by and refer to daily since following your instincts is usually the best decision for yourself. It leads you to do exactly what you want to do, instead of anyone getting to your mindset. This quote can also be shown in literature–characters go through hardships within there own minds. But when a third party expresses their own opinion of the problem then the character becomes confused and eventually withdrawled from what they really want. Accordingly, two works of literature that best show how following your heart(mind) is the better decision would be Tennesse Williams play The more content... Even though Elizabeth knew something was going on she didnt admit to the court. John could give her no signals on behalf of him being turned around, unable to tell her it's okay if she admits it. Even after this took place many more lives were sacrificed, until Proctor was presented with an opportunity to save his life. Danforth demanded him to sign an agreement stating that he was compacted with the Devil. At this time, Elizabeth was prenate and had a family back home. So Proctor had to make a wise decision– to be with his famiy and his name be ruined, or to die with the name he was destined to be. Johns true being took over him, he saw "rightly" and didnt let Danforth win over his heart. He remained entitled with his "goodness" and was then hung in front of all the Salem community. His name was in tact and he died as a hero, with his name and sole in the right place. To conclude, both Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller showed the readers that it takes true being to pull out the "right" parts of your heart. John Proctor and Tom wingfield expierinced the hardships of being true to thereselves and making the right decisions. Characters or not, this quote once said by Antoine can relate to real life also– since both Miller and Williams are the writers they brought out their own hearts on paper to show

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Critical Lens Essay

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