Attention Getter: Are you tired of being of gaining weight or just feeling sluggish all the time? Do you have health issues? Well exercising can give you good health and psychological advantages.
Central Idea: I want to persuade my audience that when you decide to exercise it helps you majorly with your health and you life. With that being said lack of exercise is harmful. Just do yourself and your body a favor and exercise.
[Transition] to body of speech: I want to let you know today that everyone here today needs to exercise. Even though everyone here knows that exercise is good for you but in reality how many of you are actually getting physical? Body
Main Point 1: Being inactive can cause health issues. Sub–point a.: more content... Science shows that you do not need to do hard core exercise to reduce your risk of a early death. Even doing less that that 150 I mentioned earlier still puts you at a lower risk of dying early. *A person being physically active for at least 7 hours a week have a 40% lower risk of dying early than those who were active less than 30 minutes a week. (Division of Nutrition and Obesity, June, 2015)
[TRANSITION] into conclusion
If none of those health benefits impressed you, well keep in mind you will look great also.
Attention Material: None of us want to die early or none of us want those unwanted pounds we put on.
Summary: Being inactive is not good for our health. *You want to avoid getting CAD andheart disease, and you want to live a long healthy life *It doesn't take a lot of your time to exercise at least be active 30 minutes a day. *Being physical will increase your chance of living longer
Overview: We should all at least try and get into the habit of exercising. If you were to start exercising today remember it give us not just a better physical state but mental as well. Living for a very long time is a great
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Exercise Persuasive Speech
It has been said that life can never be carried out and truly lived to its fullest unless there has been some sort of suffering and pain. Mistakes are to be learned from, and a hard past can only result in a stronger present. Though many might find themselves alone in their misery the truth is they are not, everyone has struggles. We all have our ups and downs, but it is how we react to them that truly matters. Life is life and no matter what, giving up on lifelong dreams and aspirations because of a few bumps in the road should never be an option.
"It isn't where you come from; it's where your going that counts," stated a very wise woman by the name of Ella Fitzgerald. This may be hard to believe but even people with great success more content...
At an early age, Fantasia was a victim of rape and divorce. She pursued a music career in her small town of North Carolina but found that she just did not stand out from among the other teens. With low self–esteem, it was not long before Fantasia fell into the wrong crowd and found herself a seventeen–year–old, pregnant, illiterate, high school drop out. Fantasia faced a lot of criticism when she was considered for America's idol, but she did not let that bother her and continued on to become an idol for those who like her have come from a hard background. Like Helen Keller once said, "No Pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars or sailed to an unchartered land." Fantasia Barrino has proven that "life is not a Fairy Tale" but you can sure make it one.
It is not just celebrities that can overcome a troubled past and live up to their potential it is also people just like us. Who knows, the big shot lawyer next door could have been the one bullied in school and told time and time again that he was not good enough. It is all about strength and perseverance, believe despite the odds and what others say. To find success in the outside world you must first find it in yourself. In Ella Fitzgerald's own words, "Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go
Essay on Never Giving
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Purpose: To persuade my audience to minimize their phone usage. Thesis: Stay in the present moment, don't let yourself believe you're going to forget a memory because you didn't document it through social media. Claim: Policy Organizational Pattern: Problem–Solution I. Introduction A. Attention Getter: Four Years of your life is wasted to what's sitting inside all of your pockets right now; your cellphone. The average person spends roughly 90 minutes a day playing on their phone, whether it's checking emails, Snapchatting or scrolling through your Twitter feed. According to The we unlock our phones at least 110 times per day! We've become almost dependent on these devices over time, and it needs to stop. We rely on our phones everyday to wake us up for school and to know the time of day. B. Relevance: We live in a world of ever changing technology. Products are always getting upgraded every year and everyone wants the biggest and newest thing on the market. It's hard to not get caught up in all the buzz of things. We feel almost "naked" without our phones; our attachment to them is overwhelming. Without them we feel as though we're missing out on what's happening in the world. Our heads are always down; our thumbs are always swiping up and down on our newsfeed. We're living a life that is more involved in someone else's social media accounts than our own. C. Credibility: As a student at this university I've realized every person on the quad has their heads Get
Persuasive Speech On Social Media Essay
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Title of Speech: Mental Health Speaker Role/ Audience: Advocate the importance of addressing mental health in schools. Thesis: Mental health is one of the largest problems students face on a daily basis, and in order to best help them, we need to implement serious and frequent discussions about mental health.
INTRO: Attention Getting Device: Every year, about 42.5 million American adults (or 18.2 percent of the total adult population in the United States) suffers from some mental illness, enduring conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, statistics reveal. ( Purpose/Thesis: To persuade you all the importance of including mental health awareness in schools. Credibility: I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. Because I was not aware of what I had for so long and I did not have any help, I suffered and so did multiple aspects of my academic career. Justification: "The answer, based on the prevalence of mental illness globally, is stunning: 8 million people die each year due to mental illness. That is, 8 million deaths could be averted if people with mental illness were to die at the same rate as the general population." (NIMH) Preview of Main Points: Today I will show you the dangers of not explicitly discussing mental health in school, what students will gain from discussing mental health, and inform you what you can do to make this happen. Transition: First, let us discuss the danger of not including mental health in students' education.
BODY: Need: According to, approximately 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 (21.4%) experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life. For children aged 8–15, the estimate is 13%. Research has found that about 90% of individuals who die by suicide experience a mental illness. Social anxiety affects about 15 million individuals across America, most cases start around the age of 13. They often suffer anxiety, difficulty focusing and social challenges. Half of them drop out of high school, in part because many schools don't manage to meet their needs. ( Although mental health illnesses affects so many kids aged 6–17, a least Get more content
I catch fish with hooks! However, I'm talking about a different type of hook in this paper. I often notice advertisers effectively using various techniques to persuade people to buy their products. I decided to do some research on which two hooks work the best in advertisements. The two persuasive techniques which I have found to work the best for advertisers are repetition and alliteration. First, advertisers use repetition to persuade people to buy their products. Basically, repetition creates emphasis on a phrase or word. For example, if I went up to my mom and said " can I go to the movies tonight? Please, please, please, please, please," I'm using repetition to persuade her to let me go. I have seen repetition in an ad where three Coke bottles are next to each other all with the word Coke on the front of them. This visual is very effective as it more content...
Rhetorical question is a question that doesn't need an answer. For example, in an ad a woman is holding a scale that has the words "wanna lose weight?" on it. These words provoke your thoughts making you realize that you need to lose weight and buy the product. Altogether, rhetorical question works exceptionally well in this ad. Throughout this paper, we have viewed a few different persuasive techniques. We even discussed an alternate claim, rhetorical question. Although rhetorical question may work well in some ads, alliteration and repetition are still much better. As I remind you that alliteration tied for second in a survey on which hook is easiest to understand, and repetition tied for first in a survey on which ad is the most effective overall, it is clear that repetition and alliteration are the two best persuasive techniques that advertisers could possibly
Do Hooks Use Persuasive
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Planning Your Vacation
Imagine getting away from the monotony of your everyday life. You can lie on the beach sipping a cool drink miles away from your worries of getting a paper done or helping a customer at work. You can be on top of a mountain overlooking beautiful lands that are different from your own backyard. Half of the class has taken a vacation less than five times in their lifetimes, but let's face that most of those probably included those little family vacations to Disneyland. But, all of you said that you planned to travel someday. So, why not do it sooner than later? One of the reasons for not traveling that many of you put is not having time because of school or work. Also, one of your major concerns more content...
1. Since you are more likely to be outdoors, even if you are not hiking, you will be breathing more deeply and oxygenating your blood
2. You will also probably be more active as you will be involved in more activities and doing more walking than in your normal routine.
3. Lastly, you might eat better because you will probably eat at more restaurants instead of fast food or the less diverse micro waved leftovers.
(TRANSITION: Next, I will show you how to plan a trip, even for the tightest budgets or time frames)
II. There are many ways to get the best deals and deals that fit a strict schedule.
A. Susan Breslow Sardon, a travel guide author, suggests certain months to go on a trip because off seasons provide the cheapest airfares andhotel rates.
1. January is the best time for New York and Washington DC, even though it will be a bit early to see the cherry blossoms.
2. Ireland is better to go to in February, as is the closer to home, Dallas, TX.
3. March is great for Italy, Spain, and another close one, Los Angeles.
4. April is the best time to sit on the beach in Jamaica.
5. Of course there are more for each month.
B. For the best deals that fit strict times, there are websites that can help you.
1. The one that pops up the most for frequent travelers, and even on Rick Steves website is
Speech to Persuade for Travel Essay
2. Also, you can do your own comparisons with the well advertised ones like,,, and
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Persuasive Essay About Aliens
For many years, numerous people have pretended aliens are not real, well I am here today to prove their theory wrong. Hundreds among thousands of people from all over the world have seen, and even made contact with extraterrestrial life. Will you be next or have you already? They are horrifying stories that come up often with extraterrestrials. Are they fake or your worst nightmare? ВЁSightings within 500 feet are subclassified as various types of ВЁclose encountersВЁ( Hynek 41.) There have been over 104,947 sightings in a decade. There was a sighting back in the 1600s when John Winthrop had unusual writing in his diary about a ВЁgreat light in the nighttime sky"( Hynek 32.) On September 19, 1976, people in Tehran, Iran saw anunidentified flying object around twelve am. Systems started to fail when the unidentified flying object was twenty miles away. Most sightings have been reported in Roswell, New Mexico. In the year 1947, a balloon was seen crashing into the land of a nearby ranch near Roswell, New Mexico but theories say otherwise. Multiple accusations have been arguing about it, but, the real mystery, if it was just a United States Air Force balloon then why did they try to cover it up?
In White Mountains, Arizona 1975 a man, Travis, went to work with his buddies to cut down trees. It was a typical day, he and Dallas fought a little bit and then took a lunch break. When they finished loading all the extra limbs in the back of the truck, they left for home. On their
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"I didn't study for the test. Do you think you could send me a picture of the answers" This one single line has been heard in schools everywhere. The pressure on students to get good grades leaves a negative effect on students. The pressure starts while they are young and builds up as students get older. Students can only take so much pressure until they go through a burn out. This is what often leads to some students dropping out of high school. The pressure that is put on students to get good grades often leads to depression, anger, and cheating.
Cheating is a method that is commonly used when students want to receive a good grade on a test. They often resort to cheating because it is highly effective and their effort is no* more content...
Students of all ages will do almost anything to get the highest grade possible.
The pressure that is put on by parents also leads to a lot of stress. "Pressure for good grades often lead to high stress and cheating" the title of the Stanford News articles. The article mentions how students tend to try and find loopholes in the education system. High school is a prime example of pressure put on students to get good grades. High school students are typically concerned with their GPA, ACT's, SAT's. Not to mention college admissions and many other variables. "Pressure by parents and schools to achieve top scores have created stress levels among students–beginning as early as elementary school– that are so high, that some educators regard it as a health epidemic". (Palmer 1) This quote is from Denise Clark, the author of the famously known book, 'Doing School'. In her lecture, she shows how these pressures can overwhelm the students.
Secondly, Pressure that is put on students to get good grades commonly leads to sadness or even depression. Students often procrastinate and eventually they become overwhelmed. When students become overwhelmed, they often start to think that things are falling apart or they fall into depression. Depression can lead to more stress. Students may become depressed or sad when they get a bad grade. This causes the students to turn to cheating in order to receive a better one. Finally, after all the
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Well, first off, Mcdonalds is a well popular fast food restaurant that has boomed over the years. While the past years, there's been a well popular fast food restaurant that many people are beginning to enjoy. They have many things similar while all that's happening, they have lots of things one has that is overwhelming the competition. Mcdonalds is a way better and more efficient fast food restaurant. Mcdonald's have extra things that will satisfy all ages. The most innovated item that McDonalds offer is the happy meal. The kids get off of school and the first thing one will ask his parents is can they go get a happy meal. The toys that McDonalds give are just lesser versions of what you can buy in a toy store. Wendy's menu is a plain more content...
Most of McDonald's new products from its Fish McBites to a new offering of chicken wings, fell flat. Wendy's, on the other hand, put all its chips in a few products, most notably the pretzel bun, which were a huge hit. At the end of the day, success in fast food is going to be primarily about anticipating what will resonate with your customers. Which McDonalds have failed to do the passed months. McDonalds been around for a long time – since 1955, in fact. This has given them plenty of time to get good at what they do and to build up a reputation. They are family–friendly.McDonald's is a place where you can bring your noisy, messy, little kids. I think this also fosters customer loyalty. Kids who have happy experiences at McDonald's will come back as adults because of those memories. So this is the way McDonalds have been killing the competition. This is why McDonalds are perferred more than Wendy's and why they have been booming longer than Wendy's. Which is also my perferred their, and also the reason why many highschool kids want to work while they are in school and it helps them make money. Mcdonalds is perferred over Wendy's and has been over
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Persuasive Essay On Mcdonalds
Persuasive Essay On Truck Drivers
Truck drivers are essential to this country's economy. Truck driving is one of the only ways that this country has found to transport most of the goods we produce. There are many flaws in the other ways we transport goods. As the demand for supply goes up the demand for truck drivers will go up as well. Driving a tractor– trailer or a semi– trailer is a great career because of the job outlook, the work environment, and the benefits and compensation.
Driving a truck can be a great way to make a living without a college degree. Truck driving is one to the most rapid growing occupations. The Commercial Vehicle Training Association states that, "Thetruck driver occupation is listed as an occupation with the most growth by the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. (Commercial Vehicle Training Association)" This is very good for people who are trying to get into this occupation. This means that anyone that passes all the requirements is basically guaranteed a job. The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration says, "The Administration operates a program to improve safety performance and remove high–risk carriers from the Nation's highways. (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)" Programs like this exist to help make the roads as safe as possible for everyone. Without these programs there would be hundreds of careless and unsafe drivers on the road. In closing, many programs have been setup to keep all other drivers and the company's materials safe.
Truck driving is very demanding because of the long periods spent away from home and the constant driving for a long time. Also some drivers have to load and unload their cargo. The ATA states that, "Working as a long–haul truck driver is a major lifestyle choice because these drivers can be away from home for days or weeks at a time. They spend much of this time alone. (American Trucking Association)" These truck driver's lives are not easy. They spend most of their time on the road and alone and most of the time when they reach their destination, they have to unload what is in the trailer. The NAPFTDS says that, "All graduates must be able to demonstrate that they meet federal, state, and local standards as required for professional truck
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They Matter For decades black Americans have been treated as animals, looked at as if they are monsters, and killed like bugs. Actions like Police brutality and racism is what caused Black Lives Matter. The creation of the Black Lives Matter was a response by the black community to give a voice to black Americans affected by the increase of wrongful deaths due to the law enforcements and vigilantes across the country. This has been going on for so long that it seems like we are stuck in the past. For years, even decades black Americans have had to live the struggle of being equal. Even when things are going good and we think we finally have the same rights, something happened to change that. It is time to shed a light on the real purpose of Black Lives Matter and why they are important to today's society. Alicia Garza, Patrisse Cullors, and Opal Tometi created a movement centered towards black Americans which later turned into Black Live Matter. Those three leaders came together in 2013 after the Trayvon Martin case that devastated the black community. Black Live Matter, also known as BLM, became an organization that has a mission to give power and a voice to violence inflicted on Black communities. So many black injustices went unnoticed and ignored, but this group will not stand to let that happen again. Injustice to the black community is what causes so many protests and movements that make the Black Lives Matter organization stronger than ever. . The BLM
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Persuasive Essay On Black Lives Matter
Information is one of the most powerful tools in the world, even going so far as to make or break countries. There is a constant effort to censor information that puts people or countries in a negative light. This makes the citizens of those countries blind to the truths of the government turning them into sheep. The people shouldn't be sheep because we need them to shape the future. This bill has the sole purpose of loosening internet censorship because it eliminates free will, causes people to have a dangerous amount of patriotism and ultimately makes the internet a more dangerous place than it is. Censorship of the internet keeps people from important knowledge thereby believing that everything on the internet is true. A study was conducted to look into a handful of billionaires who run tech companies in 24 hours and found "more than 137 examples of Silicon Valley companies brazenly banning users, censoring content and manipulating search results to undermine the democratization of information on the web." (PR Newswire). The people with money abuse internet censorship in order to further their own agenda with the support of the greedy. They completely ignore that the internet is supposed to be a resource for everyone. Internet censorship makes countries rot because "When you have strict censorship of the internet, young students cannot receive a full education. Their view of the world is imbalanced. There can be no true discussion of the issues." (Ai WeiWei). The Futures of countries become full of ignorance to the reality of the world. The only truly successful internet censorship is China's system and while it is impressive to maintain it "China employs 2 million to monitor websites" (YaleGlobal Online). This is an unreasonable amount to employ for any country, while feasible for the US it would cost us one of the biggest resources in the world. This lack of free will causes citizens to have an unhealthy amount of patriotism because of the lack of any knowledge of major screw ups as a country. Citizens show a disturbing amount of patriotism which, while patriotism is good, too much is not caused by people not knowing the bads of their country. China, again as an example, have pushed censorship to the Get more content
Persuasive Essay On Internet Censorship
Have you ever wanted to just shred up your homework or throw it out the window and have no consequences? Kids are assigned daily homework from the time they start kindergarten at the ripe young age of five. Is it really necessary? Does it even help better learning or even higher test scores? The amount of homework we do wastes time, money, paper, and trees because it's practically the exact same thing we did in class that day. Homework causes kid's and teen's frustration, tiredness, little time for other activities and possibly even a loss of interest in their education. It also keeps everyone up; it has kids and teens staying up until they finish it, the parents trying to help them and the teachers grading it. So, I think that homework more content...
Sometimes our parents have no time to help us because they have their jobs. Then if we can't get any help it's going to be either a late grade or an F because we can't get a good grade without a complete assignment. Our parents could also have a goodnight sleep without having to worry about us failing their classes because of homework. Teachers will also gain out of no homework because they don't have to deal with grading messy handwriting and awful grammar. They don't have to stay up however long it takes just to grade all the papers their students. It's especially hard for middle school teachers and up because there are so many kids and so many different classes. Teachers can go anywhere they want if their lesson plan is finished for the next day if there is no homework. They won't have to deal with angry kids, teens and yelling at them if they're failing school because of homework. Homework is keeping everyone up.
It is also very frustrating hearing your assignment is due tomorrow because then we don't get to do the things that we had planned for that day. For example, this essay I typed kept me up until I finished it. Waking up is the worst part. We get up feeling wimpy and restless. Sometimes were not even strong enough to eat breakfast, which is the most important meal of the day. Also
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Why There Should Be No Homework Essay
One of the most important aspects of my life right now is my job. This has been shown by accomplishing many of the goals that you had set for me. I have been listening attentively to whatever you could tell me and respect your authority. I have never been late at work; working six days in a week, regardless of how busy we get I have always managed to keep the work in a balance and keep my internal customers satisfied. You could always give instructions to me on a new job and let me find away out to it. Once a specific task is given to me I accomplish it to make sure I make customers happy. When you tell me to do something specifically, I make sure that I get to it as soon as I have time in my hand.
I have never argued with you about more content...
With the globe recession going around almost every company, country and government is preaching about cost saving under costmanagement initiative. As you remember that you directed us to go on the cost saving as we are doing our jobs, you might wish to be reminded that I have been the best employee for the past two years on managing cost within my section. This simply shows that I am within what you directed us to do. Some of the strategies that have helped me are; The system that I am now using to issue the personal protective equipment PPE to the workers, that no one will get a new PPE before bring the old one. This helps the workers to take care of the issued PPE and since I return the old one so the is no room for them to cheat me. Apart from them taking care of the PPE, I also make sure that spare parts are never drown from the stores before I check the one to be replaced and verify that it is indeed worthy to be changed. As regards to the tools I tell the maintenance team to be responsible for the lost property, this gives a good sense of responsibility on tools. During breakdowns I have been very innovative to work the breakdown out and have them done
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Freedom of speech is the right to speak your beliefs without risk of punishment, guaranteed by the First Amendment. This right raises some controversy though, on whether or not this right should be limited due to the fact that some might take advantage of their freedom of speech and use it to offend or insult a person or group. Freedom of speech should be protected to both advance and defend out honor.
Our freedom of speech is an honor to have and it should not be taken for granted. Our society is based off of our freedom to speak our beliefs, and sometimes –more often than not– our beliefs contradict the beliefs of another. "Protecting this right [freedom of speech] respects the moral dignity of individuals as reasonable beings with their own ideas, beliefs, and values." (Ruger, 5) We cannot silence those that offend others with their beliefs, as they are expressing themselves and have the right to be heard of. An environmentalist for example, believes that we should release less carbon dioxide into the air, while a growing business might believe that the amount of greenhouse gases is fine. Neither of them nor their beliefs are wrong, and we should not silence the business because they think differently and we believe them to be wrong. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and to express them accordingly. "It's always easier to defend someone's right to say something with which you agree. But in a free society, you also have a duty to defend speech with which you
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Persuasive Essay On Freedom Of Speech
Argumentative Essay On Poverty
When I agreed to help my mother's friend move into her new home in Parramore, Orlando, I was not prepared for what I was about to witness. While my mother was helping her friend move into the home, she was so scared of the car being robbed that she forced me to watch over it. In this neighborhood, every other home was either dilapidated or abandoned. Rundown buildings were seen on every corner, and children walked the streets without supervision. And even worse, a gentleman was starving to the point where he offered me drugs in exchange for food. I did not take the drugs, but instead, I walked him to the nearest gas station and bought him a sandwich and drink. I came back from the gas station and went home with my mother; I was not only astonished by this issue, but I was entirely speechless. Poverty and lack of opportunity is a grueling disease that has been plaguing lower–income areas of Orlando and South Florida for far too long. In these areas where resources and civil aid aren't abundant, the way we view this issue and our range of knowledge is also fueling what keeps these areas in a consistent bind. What keeps poverty as a persistent issue is our negative preconceived notions towards impoverished areas and our lack of awareness and knowledge upon the issue, but there is always a small solution that can manifest into a greater movement towards change. As FIU students who commute or live on campus, you see the areas that are struggling every day and we have the
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Although it is a Constitutional right, freedom of speech has been a widely debated topic since its establishment in 1791. It seems that the idea of "freedom of speech" really stands for "saying what you want as long as it doesn't offend anyone". Free speech is an important foundation of our country, and should especially be welcomed in higher education. Censorship undermines the ideals of a liberal education and free society because it does not prepare students to deal with diversity, it discourages discussion of other ideas and opinions, and restricts the right of Americans to express themselves freely. As college students enter the real world, they will be presented with diversity on a daily basis, so it is important for individuals to be comfortable with the idea. The life of a college student is a direct lead into life as an adult, meaning that if students are not introduced to the ideas of diversity and various opinions, they will not be prepared for the future. It is difficult to find two people who have the same ideas on every topic they are presented with; therefore, exposure to ideas of others in college will benefit students immensely. Not only will they be more open to the ideas of others, but they will also gain insight into a wider range of opinions, possibly causing them to change their own. It is important for individuals to look at situations from as many different viewpoints as possible in order to obtain all information and avoid biases. Young adults are very impressionable, meaning that they tend to follow beliefs of the people they are close to, or opinions they are commonly exposed to. If students are only exposed to common beliefs, they may never change their opinion to one that they potentially agree with more because it is not discussed for fear of offending others. If the voices of students are muted, it would not be possible to learn from peers on campus and overall better oneself. Many college students begin their independence as soon as they enter campus, generating their own opinions on matters with no influence from their parents. Without free discussion on campus, students are limited and unable to express themselves. Many college campuses demonstrate that students can express
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Persuasive Speech On Freedom Of Speech
Persuasive Essay: Legalizing Marijuana
Leah Prado
Eng Comp 1
Sunday March 29th
Paper 3: Persuasive
"Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana"
Advantages of Legalizing Marijuana
Marijuana use is on the rise, especially among teenagers and young adults. With the recent laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana , many stand divided when it comes to this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana is by far the most commonly used illegal drug. Statistics show that over 70 million Americans have tried Marijuana and over 20 million smoked it last year. So it is safe to assume that although marijuana use may decrease in the years to come, more content...
The main idea behind legalizing drugs is it's medical advantages. Marijuana is said to have many uses as healing drug. Marijuana being used as medicine has been studied for many years. In many cultures it is used as medicine and stems back many generations. The first recorded use of marijuana as medicine was in China. It has been said that in Pen Tsao Ching during the first or second century, boiled hemp compound was used as an anesthetic for surgical patients. The compound is said to have many uses including, clearing the blood, cooling temperature, clearing fluxes, undoing rheumatism and discharging pus from patients. China isn't the only country to use this drug in early times it was introduced in Southeast Asia in the sixteenth century. Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam are said to have current uses of marijuana for medicine. In Cambodia they have an enormous list of uses, including, treating malaria, reliving asthma, calming the nerves, regulating the heart and treating paralysis. In Thailand, it's used in folk medicine as well as in the official medical reports. In folk medicine, people dry the leaves and then boil them to treat migraines and dizzy spells.
Marijuana has survived the passing of time and still helps the sick today. The advanced stages of treatment for patients with Cancer, AIDS and
other diseases often include, terrible nausea, vomiting, and different types of pain. Patients have reported much relief from Get more
Persuasive Essay On Charter Schools
Open to all children, free of tuition, and does not have special entrance requirements, charter schools believe that children should have the opportunity to achieve at a high level. When creating charter schools, they focused on a desire to create greater flexibility for innovation within public education. It was hoped that successful innovations could be adapted to benefit public education more broadly. (NEA, 2017). Charter schools also, foster partnership between parents, teachers, and students in hopes of creating an environment in which parents can be more involved, teachers are allowed to innovate, and students are provided with structure they need to learn. Unlike public schools, charter schools believe that smaller class sizes are important to student learning. According to Homeschooling "Pros and Cons of Charter Schools" article, "Rather than having a student attend a public school where students will be one among thirty to thirty–five other pupils, charter school students will be one of twelve, sometimes fifteen other students" (2017). In a classroom with many students, a teacher may not have the ability to spend sufficient quality time one–on–one with every student . This may result in teachers having more of a challenge in motivating each student and encouraging students individually. The teacher may not have the time to recognize each student's particular challenges, passions, and talents (Homeschooling, 2017 ). In addition, according to EF Academy's "10
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If there is one thing Americans know a lot about its diets. Everything from Weight watchers to Atkins and everything in between has been promoted on televisions, in bestselling books and now advertised all over social media. Each one claiming to be the answer to weight loss, lifelong health and even making claims of reversing disease. Unfortunately even with this inundation, Americans are larger than ever. It's confusing. Who is right, who is wrong? What can be believed? What can the average person actually attain and stick to? The government even has a say in what people should be eating. The food pyramid and more recently MyPlate have been attempts to steer people towards health. Unfortunately, they have been steering people in the wrong direction. A low fat highcarbohydrate diet has been promoted extensively for many years, but it has left Americans fatter than ever So what is the answer? It surprises some and frustrates others, but a high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate diet is the way to go. This way of eating is commonly referred to as the ketogenic diet or keto. The ketogenic way of eating is the best diet because it promotes safe, healthy weight management including appetite control, reduces inflammation and high blood sugars, and supports brain health. Many people are familiar with a low carbohydrate diet and the keto diet falls within those parameters, but it has some distinct additions which are considered paramount to its
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On Ketogenic Diet