Should Cannabis Be Legalized
The discussion whether cannabis, best known as weed, should be legalized or not is endless. Some people say it should be only for medicinal purposes while others say for recreational purposes. Others argue that it should be banned for any reason. There are endless arguments in favor and against the consumption of marihuana all over the world. Many countries have legalized the use for medicine as well as recreational. I personally haven't try smoking weed and never will, but I am in favor of legalization. I think that people like to do things that are not legal or that involve taking risks. They like what is prohibited. In the 20th century, when alcohol was banned, there were thousands of alcohol bars, illegal trafficking and violence. As
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Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
How can marijuana be illegal when it could help so many people who suffer and are in need of help for medical reasons, such as cancer, AIDs, and people who suffer from depression? Can you imagine having a natural way of helping the sick and not using it? Marijuana should be legalized because it would help symptoms for certain medical conditions and would create jobs. Marijuana has been around the world for thousands of years. The mystical Chinese emperor Shen Neng, introduced the uses of pharmaceutical marijuana ( Earlywine ). Medical marijuana started in China then it moved to Rome for elderly use ( Earlywine ). After Rome start using marijuana for medical reason, the news got out about a new medication and it spread throughout the world (Earlywine ). The ancient Chinese founder of surgery, Hua T'o combined marijuana with alcohol to make an anesthetic, that was used for women giving birth (Earlywine). In 1942 medical marijuana was removed from U.S. pharmacopeia, because it was believed to be harmful ( Joy ). In 1970s, marijuana was illegal and was a controlled substances act ( Joy ). Marijuana would create so many jobs and the unemployed rate would drop. In Colorado marijuana create 10,000 jobs and the unemployed rate is 6 percent, which is the lowest it has been since the recession started ( Sarich ). That is an additional 10,000 people in a labor force out working, instead of collecting unemployment. That is good for everyone. Marijuana would also bring money to the
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Marijuana, weed, hashish, pot, it goes by many names. Many people argue that it should be legalize because it's no better than alcohol and cigarettes. Although these claims holds some truth, marijuana is still a dangerous drug and adding one more problematic drug into the mix will not improve America's health and safety issues. Although marijuana has its medical benefits, using it for recreational purposes is dangerous for both us and our society. There are countless debates whether marijuana should be legalized for creational use or if it should remain illegal. Marijuana has been legalized in some states for medical use such as pain caused by cancer, glaucoma and nerve pain. In a survey I conducted in a class of 27 students, 15 more content...
Many people claim that there is no known case of people dying due to marijuana. This is a half truth since it's not the marijuana itself that kills; it's its side effects. Marijuana causes lung and throat cancer much like cigarettes. As a matter of fact, marijuana is worse for the lungs, since it contains three times as much tar as cigarettes and it's usually smoked without a filter. They also claim there is not nearly as much crime due to marijuana use compared alcohol. This is also true but for one simple reason. Alcohol is legal and more easily accessible than marijuana. It's the fact that marijuana is illegal that is keeping these numbers so low. Legalizing marijuana would be like adding fuel to a fire. If marijuana were to be legalized these number are sure to increase. Marijuana also has similar effects on the brain as alcohol. Some effects of marijuana are sleepiness, slowed reaction time, memory problems, impaired judgment and motor coordination. Obviously handling any type of heavy machinery such as car is highly dangerous, which is why marijuana is a contributor to car accidents. Even worse, being on the effects of both alcohol and marijuana increases the risk of car accidents greatly. Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive. Research showed that up to 9% of marijuana user became addicted and that number is doubled if the user started using at a young age. In addition, the withdrawal symptoms are very similar to most other drugs. Some Get more content
Essay examples
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
Should We Say Yes To Cannabis?
The legalization of marijuana in the United States for medicinal and recreational use has been a highly debated topic in recent years. Communities across the country are sometimes equally divided on whether cannabis legalization should occur in any capacity, whether it is useful medicinally or used recreationally. The matter of choosing a side has a variety of working components to consider and is not easily definable in some instances. Cannabis use as a medicinal herb has been well documented across the centuries. For example, in ancient China, the plant was cultivated and used in medicinal teas. Centuries later, cannabis is still proving itself as useful to combat side effects of treating more invasive diseases such as cancer.
Those in favor of legalization are sometimes viewed in a negative light. These proponents of legalization do so with the intent to bring relief to those suffering who have exhausted the options that conventional medicine has to offer. Decriminalizing the plant completely would remove all the nonviolent offenders from the already, overcrowded prisons that the United States boasts from coast to coast. Businesses created in the new industry and a new consumer base would give a revitalizing jolt to state economies. Those opposed to the legalization are more content...
Those for the legalization are screaming for freedom from prosecution of using or possessing a substance that's been less harmful than tobacco or alcohol. On the other side, the naysayers are trying to prevent the drug from diluting the presently deteriorating academic success of our nations school aged children. One thing can be agreed upon though, while marijuana may be good for those who choose to use it medicinally and are extremely ill, as long as the ones who are in most danger from its adverse effects should be well protected from a preventable
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Essay On Should Cannabis Be Legalized
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
Against Legalizing–Rough draft Currently in the United States, there is a debate, whether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor 's recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana should not be legalized because it decreases one 's motor skills, it is a gateway drug, furthermore, it negatively affects the minority population. First thing 's first, some,some critics believe that marijuana has various practical uses;however, with insufficient studies done these cannot be proved. If marijuana was legalized people believe that the government would have total control over it, thus overdosing or mixing it would be next to impossible. This can be true, but there is nothing to prove that the drug would disappear from streets. The likelihood of that is actually pretty low since the age restriction would probably be 21, and most users are teenagers. Critics believe that when marijuana is legalized crime would be reduced. One can argue about that and at the end there will always be underage smokers who will want marijuana. All the claims made by pro–marijuana critics do not have enough
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Marijuana was treated as drug and was forbade to use in the past. However, people's mind has changed. They believe that legalization of marijuana can bring many benefits. Therefore, recreational marijuana was legalized in four states including Washington, Colorado, Oregon and Alaska in the US. In fact, legalization of marijuana will brings many problems. In my essay, firstly I will talk about the health, usage, suicide problems brought by the legalization, secondly I will mention the counter–arguments of economic interest and black market. My thesis is that marijuana should not be legalized in the US.
Firstly, marijuana is harmful to human's health. Marijuana cannot be legalized as alcohol because it is much more addictive. According to more content...
After the legalization, selling and buying cannabis involve taxes. Just like cigarette, high tax rate has to be paid by customers. As the demand of marijuana is large, legalization can generate a large amount of tax revenue. In 2015, Colorado collected almost $70 million in marijuana taxes which nearly double the $42 million collected from alcohol taxes. ( Basu) It really proves that marijuana industry can enrich the reverse of the government. At the same time, legalization will increase public costs. In 2005, for every $1 collected in taxes on alcohol and tobacco, almost $14 was spent to repair the vast social damages caused by their use. (The Financial Cost)Legalization raises using rate and social damages. Social damages means compensation of health and education. Marijuana brings physical and mental effects to users. More people smoke cannabis, more people suffer from those diseases. Thus, medicine and medical service are needed. Government have to increase the health expenditure to cue those drug users and maintain the health standard of citizens. Talking about education, it is essential after the legalization. Legalization encourage people to take marijuana and lower the attention to the harmful effects. It is important to teach children and teenagers that people should not smoke it even though it is legal. Expenditure of education increases. Despite increase in tax revenue, legalization also raises the financial cost. Government should not only focus on economic benefits but ignore the side Get
Essay On Why Marijuana Should Not Be Legalized
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Legalizing Marijuana
Many different web pages and read over the information that they provided and this is what is found. The debit for this topic is all over the place some say we should some say we should not legalize marijuana. The three main topics that will going to go more into depth with are the medical benefits, monetary benefits and the renewable benefits. But first, let a bit about marijuana, so other names for it is weed, herb, pot, grass, bud, ganja, Mary Jane to name a few. Marijuana can be used in many forms; it can be smoked in a pipe or like cigarettes, brewed into to a tea, or bake into foods. The main psychoactive (mind–altering) chemical in marijuana, responsible for most of the intoxicating effects sought by more content...
Democrats and the house said that they would sign a budget for the next few day but they needed to vote before they would keep the government open any longer. The people who was for this bill decided to protest on the hill to try to persuade them. This article surprised me I did not know thing want this far with a protest and all, I'm glad it did.
Medically they have tested the property's of tumors in mice and it made the tumor smaller just in 10 days could you image if smoking a joint once a week for 18 week in your our home could get rid of the tumor you have; doesn't that sound so much better then the many trips to the hospital for chemotherapy and throwing up and discomfort form that. Now the result with lung cancer and if marijuana cause it like smoking cigarettes are on both sides. For mostly the people who are able to you medical marijuana use it in tea, also known as cannabis oil or baked into cookies brownies or other baked goods. No one can make up there mind because on most people who smoke weed only smokes a few times a week while cigarette smokers, smoke ten or more daily. They really need to do more study on it for medical use.
The monetary benefits the states and the US government could get after taxes the sale of the marijuana taxes and licensing fee for the business owner and the saving for stopping the fight against of keeping it off the streets plus the fine
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
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Weed, bud, ganja, chronic, dro, herbs, grass, trees, pot, reefer; these are all names of the one drug that causes so much dispute, marijuana. Loved by so many, and hated by the law. It's a two sided argument which everyone has their own opinion on. Is there any specific reason why weed should be illegal, or is the government just making money from catching people with it? Is there any real medical purpose for marijuana, or is it just a gateway drug for kids? These are the questions everyone should know the answers to. Whose side are you on?
First, when trying to decide what you think about the legalization of marijuana, you need to stop to listen, and actually understand where each side of the argument is coming more content...
Marijuana just relaxes you and is just something to make you feel better; it does not make people act stupid. Young people that get caught with marijuana ruin their record and often get stuck in the system with no way out except to continue living lives of crime instead of turning their lives around." The people all for the legalization of marijuana might say something like that, but like every argument, there are always two sides. The people against the legalization of marijuana and that are fighting for marijuana to remain legal, argue, "Marijuana is a gateway drug and it leads to the use of harder, more serious drugs, and marijuana is often the cause of drug addiction. There would more people driving high on weed, which would result in more accidents and traffic offenses, especially among the youth. The drug marijuana is just not right and it was not made to be smoked by humans or used to get high. If marijuana is legal, then there is more likely a chance that kids will start using it at a younger age because it will be easier to obtain. Marijuana is just unhealthy, and physically, not good for your body. It doesn't serve a great or accepted medical purpose. With marijuana illegal, the country can keep all the drug users and criminals off of the streets." These are some of the arguments that some people fight for against the legalization of
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be Legalized? Essay
Should Marijuana
Marijuana in Society
Cannabis, formally known as marijuana is a drug obtained from the tops, stems and leaves of the hemp plant cannabis. The drug is one of the most commonly used drugs in the world. Only substances like caffeine, nicotine and alcohol are used more ("Marijuana" 1). In the U. S. where some use it to feel "high" or get an escape from reality. The drug is referred to in many ways; weed, grass, pot, and or reefer are some common names used to describe the drug ("Marijuana" 1). Like most drugs, marijuana has a very long history. People have been using the plant around the world for thousands of years. The oldest record of the marijuana plant dates back to 2727 B. C. in China where the plant was used as a medical herb for treating conditions like rheumatism, gout, malaria and even absent–mindedness ("Cannabis, Coca, & Poopy: Nature's Addictive Plants" 1). Slowly, the plant started spreading around the world. By 1545, cannabis was starting to appear throughout the western worlds. Being introduced to South America by the Spanish to be used as fiber. The crop also had many other common uses around the world. In North America, cannabis was often used to make paper, ropes, clothing and other materials ("The Origins of Cannabis" 1). Today, buying and or selling marijuana for common use has become a major problem. This is mainly because marijuana as we know it has completely lost its purpose. It is no longer needed as a crop for making robe, paper or fiber. It is Get more content
Should Marijuana Be Legalized?
Many think weed should be legalized in all states. Some may disagree. The factors saying it should be legalized outway the factors saying it should not. Some say it may be unhealthy, while others saying it is fine; making this a controversial topic. The ninth amendment states "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." saying their is nothing in the constitution saying weed cannot be legalized. To start off, many people think weed should not be legal. One reason some may say it is not safe to legalize weed is public safety. "Marijuana use, like the use of alcohol, can cause impairment in the user. This means if a person is driving whilst under the influence, they may be more prone to having a collision and potentially harming a pedestrian or fellow road user." (10 Reasons Marijuana Should Remain Illegal). Also, some think the use or marijuana will lower the quality of life. " more content...
"In addition to easing stress, cannabis decreases anxiety and helps you relax. That's why pot smokers, for the most part, are happy people. In this day and age, staying grounded is necessary. A little weed is all you need to help you find inner peace and tranquility." (Sanger, Brittney. "10 Legit Reasons Why Weed Should Be Legalized Right Now."). This shows that smoking marijuana helps relieve stress, making you feel better, and more relaxed. Making weed legal will help many people with this factor. "There are over 100 peer–reviewed studies that can confirm that cannabis kills cancer cells in more ways than one, from halting metastasis to triggering cell suicide." (Sanger, Brittney. "10 Legit Reasons Why Weed Should Be Legalized Right Now."). This shows that by smoking pot, it can help kill cancer cells. On the other hand, cigarettes can cause cancer. This is another reason why weed is healthier than
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Should Weed Be Legalized Essay
Since before the 1900's, the United States has been battling with a seemingly unending debate. Should marijuana, otherwise known as 'weed', be legalized in the states? While most politicians say that legalizing marijuana would only be used as a 'stepping–stone' to more dangerous drugs like heroin or cocaine, it is my opinion to strongly disagree with this statement. Marijuana use can have medical pluses, yielding California's decision to legalize marijuana for healing purposes. With the right regulations, marijuana should be fully legalized in theUnited States. Marijuana's purpose is served to most as one of life's pleasures. In most cases it causes temporary memory loss, loss of bodily motor skills, slurred speech, sleepiness, more content...
Though all of these factors must be considered, one must also think about the reasons why legal weed could improve the quality of life. For various sicknesses, weed can act like morphine in dulling out reality and 'Zenning' a patient out until they reach a certain numbness. In TIME magazine, Andrew Ferguson states that "marijuana is addictive for 10% of regular users–making it less addictive than alcohol (15%) and much less addictive than cigarettes (32%), which are, they point out, perfectly legal." The main problem the government has with marijuana is the fact that the side effects directly hinder normal functioning, preventing people to make logical decisions and suffering from impaired judgment. However, does alcohol not do the same thing? Alcohol is 5% more addictive than marijuana and most vehicle accidents are directly involved with them. It's all about the responsibility of the smoker. If the feds are worried about the misuse of the drug they could set aside specific places where the drug could be smoked and have people test their ability to function normally before they go out driving or leave the area. This would also decrease the number of drug dealers illegally dealing because citizens could easier get it from the government. This could help lower prices and at the same time lower crime rates from people not stealing it or trying to commit a crime to get the money to buy the weed. Instead Get more content
Essay Legalize Weed: Yes or No?
He smokes Marijuana. Not because he uses it for medical reasons but because he enjoys using it. Suddenly one of his loved ones passes away. He has had them by his side his whole life, and unlike him, his loved one never smoked marijuana. What happened to this person he kept so close to his heart? Could he have been the reason they're gone? People who are using recreational marijuana are not just damaging themselves but damaging others around them. Now that the states legalized recreational marijuana everybody is paying the consequences. Recreational marijuana should be made illegal in all states. Recreational marijuana is harming people around us. "Marijuana's active ingredient can show up in tests even for nonsmokers, if they've had concentrated exposure more content...
According to The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services "Despite 70 years of criminal prohibition, marijuana still remains widely popular among Americans, with over 102 million Americans (41 percent of the U.S. population) having used it during their lifetimes, 26 million (10 percent) having used it in the past year, and over 15 million (6 percent) admitting that they use it regularly." who is using it more? And how does that harm the common good?People now have the green light to use Marijuana. People are abusing this drug. According The American College of Pediatricians "Marijuana use in Colorado was 55% above the national average among teens and young adults, and confirms legalization resulted in increased use."Recreational Marijuana needs to be illegal because people are abusing it. However other americans have have a different perspective about recreational marijuana. Most American believe that Recreational marijuana should be illegal."A new survey finds that 53% favor the legal use of marijuana." Was stated by Pew Research Center. Now that it is legal it is the Americans individual rights that they can use
Should Recreational Marijuana Be Legalized
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Ever since marijuana's introduction to the United States of America in 1611, controversy of the use and legalization of the claimed–to–be Schedule I drug spread around the nation. While few selective states currently allow marijuana's production and distribution, the remaining states still skepticize the harmlessness and usefulness of this particular drug; therefore, it remains illegal in the majority of the nation. The government officials and citizens of the opposing states believe the drug creates a threat to citizens due to its "overly–harmful" effects mentally and physically and offers no alternate purposes but creating troublesome addicts hazardous to society; however, they are rather misinformed about marijuana's abilities. more content...
About thirty years into the nearer future, Americans rediscovered marijuana as a result of the notorious alcohol prohibition of the 1920s when "people looking for oblivion from their own troubles turned to a new way of getting high." Consequently and realistically, America can only blame itself for marijuana's recreational popularity, seeing as "from 1850 to 1945, the ... plant was listed in theUnited States Pharmacopoeia." Almost a decade after the alcohol prohibition ended is when marijuana was first perceived "as a dangerous, addictive, 'gateway drug'" by the United States Federal Bureau of Narcotics. Then, "in 1970, the Controlled Substances Act was passed ... [which] classified marijuana, [alongside Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)] and heroin, as a Schedule I drug, meaning that [the drug] had a high risk of abuse [with] no acceptable medicinal use." Within the following decade, "marijuana use in the United States declined," then once again escalating among youth in the nineties. Meanwhile in modern–day India, people are still practicing marijuana medicinally, and exploring what advantages the "dangerous" drug has to offer (Chapter 2: The History of Marijuana 18–31). Being classified as a Schedule I drug, Americans often associate marijuana with violence, psychotic
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Why Marijuana Should Be Legalised There is no denying that the drug problem in our country today has reached epidemic proportions. The problem has gotten so out of hand that many options are being considered to control and/or solve it. Ending the drug war may not seem to be the best answer at first, but the so–called "war on drugs" has actually accomplished very little. Different options need to be considered. Legalization is an option that hasn't gotten much of a chance, but should be given one. It is my position that marijuana should be legalized. Although many people feel that the legalization of marijuana would result in an increase in the amount of crime and drug abuse, I contend more content...
The legalization of marijuana would be a boom to the economy. Duringprohibition, alcohol was still sold and used, but people were doing it illegally. The 21st amendment repealed prohibition, and alcohol taxes were increased. The same thing should happen with pot. Marijuana could be heavily taxed to increase our country's revenue. Moreover, major companies operating under strict government regulations would legally produce marijuana, resulting in a higher quality product free of poisons and other adulterants. Making marijuana legal would greatly reduce the vast amount of money spent on drug law enforcement every year. Drug dealers and users seem to constantly be one step ahead of the authorities, anyway. If one drug lord is caught, for instance, another one turns up somewhere else to take his place. We cannot win. For example: "In 1990, well over 10 billion dollars was spent on drug enforcement alone. Drugs accounted for more than 40 percent of all felony indictments in our nation's courts in 1992. This figure is quadruple what it was in 1985. Forty percent of the people in federal prison are drug law violators". One can only imagine what this figure would be like today. Too much money is wasted on a cause that there seems to be no end to." In 1989, a Republican county executive of Mercer County, NJ estimated that it would
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Should Be Legalised Essay
Why Marijuana
Marijuana is a hot–button topic these days. While the plant has many supporters wishing to legalize its use, other people demonize it as a gateway drug to harder substances such as meth and heroin. Here, we debunk seven of the most common misconceptions surrounding marijuana. Check it out for yourself below!
Number Seven: It's a Gateway to Harder Drugs
Many people allege that smoking weed will make you want to try harder drugs. While this is entirely possible, it rarely happens. Cannabis doesn't have the addictive properties that a lot of harder drugs have; while there is a positive correlation between marijuana use and the use of harder drugs, this may be attributed to hard drug users also choosing to smoke marijuana, not marijuana more content... Thanks to the antiquated war on drugs, it has remained demonized, criminalized, and largely misunderstood. While more and more people are fighting to disprove these misunderstandings, it remains a huge issue today.
Number Three: Legalizing it Will Cause More Kids to Smoke
Despite the fact that's it illegal, it's actually relatively easy to acquire weed, especially among the young community. Legalizing it might make it more widely available, but it won't change the ability of someone who wants to smoke being able to get his or her hands on the stuff.
Number Two: It's Legal in Holland and Portugal
While Amsterdam is nearly synonymous with cannabis, it's not actually legal there! The Dutch government never formally legalized marijuana, although they don't actively enforce laws against possession of it. Portugal has decriminalized all drugs, but it hasn't legalized them.
Number One: It Causes Cancer
On Why Weed Should Not Be Legalized
Many people believe that the act of smoking weed could cause lung cancer. However, while marijuana smoke does contain carcinogens, even the heaviest smokers probably don't consume enough to cause cancer. One study found no association between smoking weed and lung cancer. Thanks for Get more content
Should Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay
To begin with, a cannabis law was passed by the Virginia gathering in the pivotal year of its establishing indeed, 1619. It constrained each agriculturist to develop pot since hemp was viewed as deliberately imperative. Nobody has ever kicked the bucket of a marijuana overdose. You may think having a lot of THC in your framework will kill you, yet you are incorrect. As far back as marijuana has been known to humankind, not one single record of death from overdose has been registered. Then again, in 2010, 38,329 individuals died from medication overdoses. 60% of those were identified with doctor–prescribed medications. In that same year, 25,692 people passed on from liquor–related causes. Around 40% of Americans as of now have confessed to utilizing weed (Sznitman). Most surveys on Americans and their marijuana use float around the 40% stamp for having attempted pot in any event once. This is contrasted with the 16% of Americans who have tried cocaine, which is clearly a substantially lower rate. Weed is turning out to be increasingly pervasive consistently in spite of being less addictive than espresso. There 's a reason people are feeling more secure and more reliable attempting the medication, which leads us to our next point. Marijuana is much more secure as of now than legitimized drugs (Jacques). In any case, there are cons to this contention also, which express that there is a dull side to the legitimization of marijuana as well. First addictive nature marijuana
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Should Marijuana Be Decriminalized?
Since the dawn of our civilization there has been a prevalent undertone of drug utilization. Whether an antibiotic, tonic, stimulant, analgesic, anesthetic, opiate, anti–depressant or painkiller; drugs, whether medical or non–medical, have found themselves in the spotlight of our culture and in our societies. Our widespread multi–culture of drugs has become a nuance to the very backbone of our moralistic values as a county, as a population and as people. Specifically speaking, marijuana has become a thorn in the side of our culture. Debates on the legalization of this street drug have amplified as of late and have been an interest of both smokers and non–smokers. Either way, marijuana although more content...
The conception of having a justice system ruled by the general publics' integrity or particularly lack thereof, is an ideal that frightens me deeply. Drugs are illicit, for this to be the case we have to postulate there is logical and vigorous reasoning abaft this. First, I believe it is not only the government's mandate to bulwark their people from such things, but is withal in their best interest to keep their population away from this harm. I believe this is a case where the government does have the right to interfere with the situation. Why do I believe it will be in their interest? This is simple, the more drug addicts the higher healthcare costs, the more impuissant the work force will become and the perpetuated internationally perceived taboo of a now legalized drug market will just increase. The law on illicit drugs is a general preventive measure, it debilitates individuals from the utilization of drugs whether it's a gateway drug like marijuana or Class A drugs such asheroin or cocaine. This law acts like a cautioning to individuals. They realize that drugs will cause noteworthy damage, larger part, to their health and to the individuals encompassing them. Drug use causes mental, physical and social damage. Despite weed having a notoriety for being a non–problematic substance, and actually being so called advantageous in the setting of
Essay about Should Marijuana Legalized?
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Marijuana is a green or brown mix of preserved, crushed leaves from the marijuana plant. A psychoactive drug, marijuana contains fifty–percent more tar than tobacco. Smoking the harmful plant can damage the brain, lungs, and the male reproductive system and may escalate the effects of epilepsy and psychosis (Kahler, 1988). Within campus colleges and universities, there are a lot of students who are using marijuana recreationally. Long–term marijuana use can induce negative effects on short–term memory, concentration, attention span, motivation, and problem solving, which clearly interfere with learning. Tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient in marijuana, can reinforce dependence on thedrug and on other addictive drugs (Joffe & more content...
Currently, possession of less than 30 grams of marijuana is often dealt with through a fine. However, this penalty will heighten as premiers and chiefs are in favor of zero tolerance, early enforcement, and early diversion and rehabilitation. Associations are concerned about any attempts to allow the medicinal use of the drug (King, 1999). We should be eliminating any thoughts of this drug being available. The second reason that the government should not legalize marijuana is that doing so will send the message that is okay to use other psychoactive drugs. Legalizing marijuana could result in advertising of this drug to adolescents. A study was conducted during 2003 showing that roughly 48 percent of twelfth graders reported using alcohol in the past thirty days and 24 percent reported smoking cigarettes in the past thirty days. Household access to illicit substances is coupled with a greater risk of marijuana use among both younger and older adolescents. This is often coupled with parental drug use which sends the message that it is okay to use psychoactive drugs (Joffe & Yancy, 2004, p. e636). The general idea is that we, as people, shouldn't be making it easier for our children to get drugs. Thus far, it is shown that there is a struggle to educate the youth to avoid the use of psychoactive drugs. However, certain organizations, such as DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education), have made solid efforts to Get
Be Legalized
about Marijuana Should Not
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The legalization of marijuana has been an ongoing debate throughout the years for a number of different reasons. People all over the world have their own opinions on what the government should do whether it is legalizing it or keeping it illegal. People favor the legalization of marijuana because it increases revenue, medical benefits, and if the government were to distribute the marijuana it is guaranteed to be a safe product and not something that is laced with other drugs or harmful products. Others are against it because it is a gateway drug, it can be addictive, it can be harmful to your health (19 Primary Pros and Cons of Legalizing Weed). Marijuana was first brought to the United States in 1545. It wasn't until the 1920s when more content... Now, some people believe that the legalization of weed could be revenue generator in the form of new taxes applied to its sale and distribution. For instance, in Colorado, analysts recommend that taxing the drug could raise millions of dollars each year. Another pro is personal freedom, By limiting the use of marijuana, we are intruding on personal freedom. Even if the drug is shown to have harmful effects, it is still the right of every individual to decide what harms him or not. Smoking weed is generally considered as a "victimless crime", where only the user is at risk of experiencing the effects. However, morality could not be legislated when people disagree about what is considered "moral". Loss of Business for Drug Dealers (Including Terrorists) is another pro, Due to the absence of competition and high street prices, they are making enormous sums of money. But through legalization, there will be open competition and lower prices, so drug cartels, which might include terrorists, would lose some or even all of their business. Medical Benefits for Cancer Patients is also a big pro that is often talked about. As previously mentioned, marijuana brings about a number of medical benefits. However, the most notable of them all is the treatment of patients who are undergoing chemotherapy. This is the reason why certain states, such as California, have implemented initiatives for the legalization of the drug for medicinal purposes (Primary Pros And
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I think weed should be legal because people with pain problems need to smoke weed to feel better. It's more of a pain distracter than a pain killer. It changes your mood and other factors that can take your mind off the pain. It can also help with many diseases such as glaucoma and even slow the spread of cancer! Weed should also be legal because it helps people in ways that things that aren't marijuana can't help with such as slows the spread of cancer, decreasing anxiety and slows the progression of Alzheimer's. One of the main reasons people don't want weed to be legal everywhere is because it affects your mental health and makes you lazy. Which is true but it also can help with a lot of mental illnesses that you can't treat otherwise, more content...
In denver when weed was made legal in one year they sold 2.4 billin dollars in marijuana. Which means less poverty and more job opportunities as well. And more money for infrastructure. Another good reason that weed should be legal is that it can help people get off worse stuff like people quitting alcoholism or tobacco for weed which doesn't harm your lungs as much as something like cigarettes do. It also makes people happy and elevated mood. Which is one of the big reasons people want it to be legal is because they want to feel better. Lots of people who have had major problems with alcoholism have turned to weed as a substitution which is the same for smoking and sometimes even harder drugs like meth or heroin. In conclusion weed should be legal because it does more good than bad and people are afraid to try new things like gay marriage. Weed is not a bad thing to have because it will make more people happy then it will make people sad. And the pro's outweigh the cons in this situation. And even if they were to continue to keep it illegal people would still find a way to
Argumentative Essay: Should Weed Be Legalized?
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