This condition is called atherosclerosis and the fatty material is called atheroma. In time, your arteries may become so narrow that they cannot deliver enough oxygen–rich blood to your heart. The pain and discomfort you may feel as a result is called angina.
If a piece of atheroma breaks off it may cause a blood clot (blockage) to form. If it blocks your coronary artery and cuts off the supply of oxygen–rich blood to your heart muscle, your heart may become permanently damaged. This is known as a heart attack. Find out more about how your heart works Risk factors for coronary heart disease A risk factor is something that that increases your likelihood of getting a disease. There are several factors that can increase the risk of developing CHD. The main ones more content...
Even though you can't change all your risk factors, there is plenty you can do to reduce your risk and help to protect your heart. CHD diagnosis and risk assessment You can have a free NHS health check to assess your risk of coronary heart disease if: You're between 40 and 74 years old and live in England
You're between 40 and 64 and live in Scotland
You live in Northern Ireland (where this is known as a cardiac risk factor assessment)
Free NHS health checks to assess your risk of CHD are not currently offered in Wales, but you can still discuss any concerns with your GP or another healthcare professional. The health check usually takes place at your GP surgery. Your healthcare professional will check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels and talk to you about your lifestyle. Based on the results, they will give you practical advice about keeping your heart healthy. I've got a heart problem already, is there any treatment? Your doctor will discuss treatment options with you, depending on the type of heart problem that you have. These may vary from taking medication, to having surgery or a medical
Risk Of
Heart Disease
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Causes Of Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is very prevalent in the United States. It has caused serous illness and death within my family. It is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States. I feel that people should be informed about the disease because there are certain things that one can do to reduce the risks of getting it. Although genetics contribute to a person's risk, this should not be used as an excuse, but more as a motivator to live a heart healthy lifestyle. CHD is a disease in which a waxy substance called plaque builds up inside ones coronary arteries. Coronary arteries supply oxygen filled blood to the heart muscle. The thickened walls of the arteries slow down blood flow and make the heart have to work harder to get blood to the places it's needed throughout the body. Most times the symptoms of CHD are very noticeable, but in some cases one can have the disease and not even know it. Symptoms of CHD include: chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, and general more content...
It all depends on how severe the disease is. It is important for one to have regular health exams to help detect early signs of CHD, especially if it runs in the family. It is important to have cholesterol checked at a young age if this has been a problem for relatives. Many times doctors prescribe medication to treat high cholesterol if a person can't reduce it through a lower fat diet and exercise, since it is a known contributor to the CHD. Doctors also look for diabetes and high blood pressure since these can also be contributors. There are many surgeries that can be done to treat CHD once it's been diagnosed. These include: stent placement, minimally invasive heart surgery, and bypass Get
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Heart disease
What is heart disease?
Heart disease or Cardiovascular disease is an abnormal function of the heart or blood vessels. It can cause an increase in risk for heart attack, heart failure, sudden death, stroke and cardiac rhythm problems, thus resulting in decreased quality of life and decreased life expectancy. The causes of cardiovascular disease range from structural defects, to infection, inflammation, environment and genetics. In order to help prevent cardiovascular disease one must adopt a healthy lifestyle and avoid smoking, fattening foods and stress. Heart disease is a serious problem not only in the United States but also in many other countries around the world.
Every 33 seconds, a person dies more content...
How often should I take my blood pressure?
If you are just starting to monitor your blood pressure you might begin by taking it twice a day for a week or two, then cut back to a couple of times a week.
How common is heart disease?
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), in 2010 heart disease will cost the United States $316.4 billion. This total includes the cost of healthcare services, medications and lost productivity. Cardiovascular disease (includes heart disease and stroke) claims more lives each year than the next four leading causes of death combined, which are cancer, chronic lower respiratory diseases, accidents and diabetes. Many steps, however, can be taken towards heart disease prevention, like regular health screening.
Heart Disease Essay
Most importantly, heredity and gender also cause people to have Cardiovascular Diseases. Men have very higher risks to have heart disease than women, but after women reach the age of 65 they have about same risks as men do. You have gotten lots of traits from your parents. Due to that, there are more chances to get a heart disease from your parents if your parents have heart disease than someone who doesn't have anybody with heart disease in his family history. Older age also leads having heart disease. About 4 of every 5 deaths are caused by heart disease in people older than
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Cardiovascular Disease: Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a type of cardiovascular disease that may be referred to by several other names such as: coronary artery disease, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, or simply heart disease, and is a pathological condition where plaque (a waxy substance) has accumulated over time in the coronary arteries and has built up to the point where it reduces oxygenated blood flow to the heart (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2016). CHD is responsible for the highest mortality rate of any disease in the United States and takes its deadly toll on approximately 370,000 individuals every year (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, 2016). The mechanism to blame for the high death rate from this disease is a heart attack; more content...
In the case of CHD, one study has characterized the majority of very susceptible individuals as being the ones who have issues with several of the following risk factors: elevated low–density lipoprotein cholesterol levels, stress, lack of meaningful physical activity, being overweight, high blood–sugar levels, and high blood pressure (Castelli, 1984). Further, it is important to note that interventional trials have determined that; although decreasing a risk factor typically lowers the incidence rate of CHD, caution must be exercised in risk management to avoid exasperating one risk by while managing another (Castelli, 1984), which may be challenging due to the number of interrelated contributing risks. The next progression is the stage of subclinical disease; where pathological disease now exists, however, the individual is unaware of this occurrence (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012a). The pathology of coronary atherosclerosis reportedly happens early in life and by puberty, it has been reported that most children have early signs of endothelial lipid retention (Fuster, Badimon, L., Badimon, & Cheseboro, 1992). Therefore, clinical evidence of sclerosis has probably occurred in nearly everyone by this time, but is asymptomatic and unbeknownst to Get more content
Coronary Heart Disease Case Study
1. Use your textbook to define and describe coronary heart disease (CHD).
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) it is also know as Coronary Artery Disease. It happens when the blood vessels delivering to the heart develop blockage or are narrowed by plaque, which reduces the flow of the blood, oxygen and nutrients supplied to the heart. If this happens the person starts to feel chest pain (also known as angina pectoris) and then it lead to the person to have a heart attack. It is known to be the main factor to cause cardiac arrest and it can be fatal unless the heart is restarted in minutes.
2. Use the following website to calculate Sara's lifetime risk for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD): /ascvd–risk–estimator/
a. Sara's lifetime risk is: 39%
b. How would her risk change if she had no risk factors? 39% I was shocked that her lifetime risk stayed the same and that it did not change a bit.
3. What are Sara's 3 risk factors for heart disease? Explain how each factor influences risk.
The more content...
The factors are as follow: I currently have type 2 diabetes, which plays a big factor in heart disease. Secondly, my mother and grandpa have and had type 1 diabetes that is another factor. Lastly, exercise habits is another factor that are making me a high risk, I have never been a person who does exercising, but I need to change that in order to reduce the risk of heart disease. Currently, I am following a diet that is helping me reduce my glucose level in the blood and one of those changes is that I stopped drinking soda for the past year and a half. I never thought that I could stop drinking soda, but I did. By me making this change in by diet has helped me to reduce my blood glucose tremendously. I know there are more changes that I need to do in order to live a healthy life, but I have been making a good progress towards a healthy
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Heart Disease And Coronary Disease
Coronary artery disease (CAD) is a condition where the coronary artery is narrowed by fatty plaque that restricts the flow of blood to the cardiac tissues. When too little blood reaches the cardiac cells, the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients. Eventually, the cardiac cells die and leave permanent tissue damage. On the other hand, if blood flow is totally blocked and the cardiac tissues are deprived of oxygen and nutrients, a heart attack ensues.
Patients with coronary artery disease experience chest pain on exertion and during emotional stress but gets better with rest.
Coronary artery disease also contributes to hypertension, which may lead to heart failure.
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Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease. It is a general term for both heart attack and angina. Many people suffer from it and 500,000 Americans die from it each year. It is much more common in older people and in males. However, women tend to be older and sicker when they are first treated for a heart attack.
Coronary heart disease occurs when some of the arteries that carry blood to the heart muscle become narrowed with fatty deposits. In this condition fatty deposits called plaque, composed of cholesterol (see later) and fats, build up on the inner wall of the coronary arteries. When arteries are narrowed, the heart is not fully supplied with more content...
Major Risks of Coronary Heart Disease =====================================
В· Increasing Age About 80 percent of people who die from coronary heart disease are aged 65 or older.
* Heredity Children with parents who have heart disease are more likely to develop it themselves.
* Cigarette and tobacco smokers' risk of developing heart disease is twice that of non–smokers. Smokers who have a heart attack are more likely to die within an hour of the heart attack than non–smokers. Studies have shown that after five years of giving up smoking, the risk of developing heart disease is the same as for someone who never smoked!!!
* High blood pressure increases the workload of the heart causing it to enlarge and weaken over time.
* The risk of coronary heart disease increases as blood cholesterol levels increase. This is considered the major cause of heart disease, the one some people are most worried about.
Coronary Heart Disease Essay
Cholesterol is produced in the liver, the adrenal glands and reproductive organs. The liver produces about 80% of the cholesterol in your body.
Cholesterol is a natural and necessary component of your body cells
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Cholesterol ===========
Coronary heart disease is when the arteries that supply your heart and other parts of your body with oxygen–rich blood are narrowed by the gradual build–up of fatty materials known as cholesterol within the artery walls. This condition is referred to as atherosclerosis and the fatty material that is deposited in the arteries is called an atheroma. These fatty deposits that line the artery walls can lead to the clogging of arteries which might result in blood clotting. This, in turn, can lead to a heart attack if one of the arteries leading to the heart is clogged as the blood flow of oxygen–rich blood is cut off to the heart causing the cells in the heart to die from the lack of oxygen.
There are many different factors that can lead to an increased chance of you getting heart disease, such as; cigarette smoking, lack of physical activities or exercise, type 2 diabetes, a family history of the disease, hypertension, obesity and the type of food eaten in your more content...
There are two types of cholesterol that you find in your body, one of which is low density which lipoprotein 'LDL' and high–density lipoprotein 'HDL'. The LDL is the negative cholesterol which can lead to plaque forming on the arteries which result on the arteries clogging up. The HDL is the good cholesterol in the body as this helps remove cholesterol making it harder for the arteries to clog up and helping to lower your chance of getting coronary and other diseases. The LDL is, therefore, one of the leading factors and most dangerous which can cause coronary heart disease. There is also another factor that generates to this and it's called cholesterol, this is where your LDL cholesterol is a lot higher than the average person due to you gaining it genetically from a family Get
Essay On Coronary Heart Disease
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Pathophysiology Of Coronary Heart Disease Essay
Pathophysiology: Coronary Heart Disease
The coronary arteries supply oxygenated blood to the heart muscle. Plaque is a substance that can clog these arteries and cause a condition called atherosclerosis. The buildup of plaque can occur over many years which can ultimately lead to coronary heart disease (CHD). Plaque can harden and cause the arteries to become narrowed. This reduces the flow of oxygenated blood. Plaque may also burst and a blood clot may form causing a blockage of blood flow to the heart. In result to the blockage angina or a myocardium infarction can occur. Factors such as smoking, high levels of cholesterol in the blood, high blood pressure, diabetes, and blood vessel inflammation can cause CHD. Controlling these risk factors can help prevent the disease. One of the biggest factors that can help prevent coronary heart disease is lifestyle changes. These changes include eating a healthy diet which consists of low sodium, no added sugars, no solid fats, and no refined grains. Also being physically active, quitting smoking, knowing your family history, lose weight if obese, and if these changes are not sufficient medications may be prescribed to help. There are many signs and symptoms of CHD. Some of these symptoms include:
Angina (pressure or squeezing in chest)
Shortness of breath (causes heart failure)
Heart attack
Arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat)
As the severity of plaque builds up the signs and symptoms may vary. Emotional stress can flare
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Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease occurs when the coronary arteries become partially blocked from, cholesterol and fat, circulating in the blood. This causes a build up inside the walls of the arteries. This only occurs if the levels of fat and cholesterol are extremely high in the blood that there is a greater chance that it will be deposited onto the artery walls. If the arteries become completely blocked, the patient will have a myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack. A heart attack can cause permanent damage to the heart muscle, and can sometimes be fatal if immediate treatment is not given. There are other contributing factors other than fatty deposits which more content...
To prove the idea that coronary heart disease can be self inflicted by obesity is if you follow a healthy diet. It improves the ratio of high density lipoproteins to low density lipoproteins cholesterol (3). From doing this cholesterol levels can reduce by 5 to 10%; on average by reducing 1% of cholesterol in the blood will reduce double the risk of heart disease(4), due to more oxygen being able to be transported to muscles in the heart so it is never starved. Not only does obesity increase fat levels in the blood it increases hydrostatic pressure within the arteries (5). When your blood pressure is too high, the arteries become scarred, hardened and less elastic; this is known as atherosclerosis (6). From this we can judge that obesity is one risk factor caused by upbringing which makes heart disease a more likely illness for someone.
In addition, smoking is another activity which is self inflicted that increases the likelihood of getting coronary heart disease. The exposure to the fumes produced from the smoke cause free radicals (homolytic fission: bond breaks evenly leaving two reactive radicals) (1). These radicals promote the growth of plaque inside arteries causing atherosclerosis. Consequently, this problem starves the Get
Essay on Coronary Heart Disease
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Prevention and Treatments of Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease is caused by the narrowing of the coronary arteries, which feed the heart. All muscles need a constant supply of oxygen and nutrients, therefore so does the heart since it to is a muscle. The heart gets these nutrients and oxygen by the blood carried to it by the coronary arteries. However, when the coronary arteries get clogged by fat deposits and cholesterol, the coronary arteries become narrower, this process is called atherosclerosis, and therefore not enough blood gets supplied to the heart and results in coronary heart disease (CHD). There are different forms of CHD which can occur. If the heart does not receive more content...
To lower cholesterol, one can do other things as well, such as taking medication to reduce cholesterol levels but this is only recommended to higher risk patients. In a person who has CHD, their diet should only consist of 60g of fat intake a day.
Smoking is a major factor of CHD; non–smokers are less likely to develop CHD, and since 19% of CHD deaths being related to smoking, this proves that smoking a greatly contributory factor of CHD. This is because of reasons such as smoking causes the build up of excess fat in the arteries causing the heart to pump harder and if the requirement of the body is higher then what the heart can produce then this can lead to major heart problems and CHD. Cession of smoking is the best way to reduce risk of attaining CHD, but now days with cigarettes becoming such a commercial and wide spread product, it has become a lot more common in today's world. To help more people stop or cut down would be to offer help to those people who would like to quit because by doing so, many people may be saved from the dangers of coronary heart disease.
Another major factor of CHD is associated diseases. If we are able to conquer these other associated diseases such as
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The Main Cause Of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
Coronary heart disease: It is the condition when the arteries are not able to deliver enough oxygenated blood to the heart because of the blockade or the interruption of the arteries' walls by fatty material that have been build up over the years. This condition is called arteriosclerosis
The main cause for arteriosclerosis is the lifestyle and the nature of the nutrition. It is usually diagnosed after a risk assessment and some further tests. The CHD is one of the most common reasons for death in the United kingdom and it's spreading worldwide. About 1 in 6 men and die from CHD.
Usually, chest pain is the main symptom for CHD ,heart attack , and heart failure. But some people don't experience any symptoms before CHD is diagnosed. more content... decrease the volume of simple carbohydrates (foods containing white flour such as bread, as well as white rice, pasta, sugar, and potatoes) in the diet.
2..Decrease or eliminate the intake of foods containing animal fats (beef, lamb, and pork) in the diet .
3.Use free quantities of olive oil or peanut oil in the diet.
4.Eat free quantities of fruits and vegetables each a rate of 6 to 9 servings of fruits and/or vegetables daily.
5.Take seafood as the main source of protein in the diet.
6.Bean curd products such as tofu are highly recommended sources of protein and complex carbohydrate.
7.Ingest only modest quantities of foods containing sugar or corn syrup, because this can lead to rapid rises in blood sugar with a resultant vigorous pancreatic insulin response resulting in appetite stimulation.
8.Advocate for daily exercise for 40 or more minutes per day. Aerobic exercise such as walking, jogging, swimming, rowing, etc. are ideal..
9.Decreasing dietary saturated fat and cholesterol.
10.Increasing dietary fiber. Soluble fiber, as is found in oats, barley, and beans, is particularly helpful in this
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Coronary Heart Disease Coronary Heart Disease also known as CHD is a problem which happens inside your coronary arteries. This substance (called plaque or plank) had a waxy feel and can block or shorten the amount of blood that travels to your heart muscles. This can cause heart failure or angina (discomfort or pain on your chest). High Blood Pressure High blood pressure is where the blood pushes against your arteries walls while the heart pumps blood and overtime if you are overweight you have a greater chance of damaging those walls. Stroke This happens when plaque builds up in your arteries and it can break causing a blood clot to form. If this blood clot is too close to your brain, it can block off oxygen and blood that goes to your brain
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Coronary Heart Disease Essay
In today's world, there is a rise in the US population adopting unhealthy lifestyles that lead to cardiovascular disease (CVD).1, 2 Stroke and coronary heart disease are the two leading health conditions and leading cause of death in established countries. However, these two types of cardiovascular disease have identifiable risk factors that can be modified to reduce the risk of developing CVD.3 Additionally, due to an increase in the prevalence of obesity, primary prevention for CVD is catching the attention of many healthcare professionals.1, 2 Continuous support from providers regarding CVD prevention is necessary to increase low–risk behaviors in individuals that are especially at risk for CVD.1 It has been reported that more content...
They address risk factors and educate patients on ways to modify these factors. Exercise programs, physical therapy, and nutrition counseling are resources that can be recommended. To increase the likelihood of patient participation in such programs, clinicians must be encouraging and assist patients with ways to overcome external barriers that keep patients from participating.8 Primary providers can discuss and identify barriers and lifestyle influences which can be changed to reduce a patient's high–risk behaviors and participation in necessary programs.6 One study established an ABC's guide as an easy way for clinicians to remember the major points of CVD risk factors that need to be addressed during each patient's visit. Beginning with A, the clinician should assess the patient's risk factors and consider antiplatelet
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Nt1310 Exercise 1.1
Coronary Heart Disease
Coronary heart disease remains the most common cause of death in the United Kingdom. A statistic from the American Heart Association is that heart disease claims a life every 24 seconds. [] Another is that it is the largest single cause of premature death in the United Kingdom, responsible for 180 000 deaths annually. [] Some cases are related to family history, but in my opinion the majority of cases are self–inflicted i.e. they are related to diet and lifestyle and I intend to investigate the factors that contribute towards the development of Coronary Heart Disease.
Coronary Heart Disease is caused by the narrowing of more content...
Cholesterol is another contributory factor towards atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is carried in the blood by specific proteins, which direct its metabolism. In particular Coronary Heart Disease is linked to low density lipoproteins (LDLs) which carries 70% of blood cholesterol. A high level of LDL cholesterol in the blood [especially if oxidised] can lead to deposits in the arteries, which cause narrowing. High density lipoproteins (HDLs) on the other hand are beneficial as it transports cholesterol from places where there is too much to the liver where it can be disposed of.
Much attention has been focused on the correlation between a high intake and the incidence of Coronary Heart Disease. Overweight and obese people are the most likely to be at risk especially those who have extra weight around there middle which is 'apple shaped' as opposed to those who have much of their weight around their hips and thighs, these people are said to be 'pear–shaped'.
A factor corresponding to obesity is the role of exercise. Many people in the UK lead very inactive lifestyles – few people have physically active jobs or do significant amounts of exercise out of work. [] Therefore, any form of exercise is encouraged to increase energy output, as well as reducing energy output obtained from the diet.
High Blood Pressure, or Hypertension, has been related to
Essay on Coronary Heart
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Some 7 million Americans suffer from coronary heart disease (CHD), the most common form of heart disease. This type of heart disease is caused by a narrowing of the coronary arteries that feed the heart.
CHD is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. Each year, more than 500,000 Americans die of heart attacks caused by CHD. Many of these deaths could be prevented because CHD is related to certain aspects of lifestyle. Risk factors for CHD include high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, smoking, obesity, and physical inactivity all of which can be controlled. Although medical treatments forheart disease have come a long way, controlling risk factors remains the key to preventing illness and death more content...
Arteriosclerosis usually occurs when a person has high levels of cholesterol, a fat–like substance, in the blood. Cholesterol and fat, circulating in the blood, build up on the walls of the arteries. The buildup narrows the arteries and can slow or block the flow of blood. When the level of cholesterol in the blood is high, there is a greater chance that it will be deposited onto the artery walls. This process begins in most people during childhood and the teenage years, and worsens, as they get older.
In addition to high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and smoking also contribute to CHD. On the average, each of these doubles your chance of developing heart disease. Therefore, a person who has all three risk factors is eight times more likely to develop heart disease than someone who has none. Obesity and physical inactivity are other factors that can lead to CHD. Overweight increases the likelihood of developing high blood cholesterol and high blood pressure, and physical inactivity increases the risk of heart attack. Regular exercise, good nutrition, and smoking cessation are key to controlling the risk factors for CHD.
Essay on Coronary Heart Disease CHD
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Coronary Heart Disease
According to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI), Coronary heart disease is a cardiovascular disease caused by a cholesterol substance termed plaque, accumulating within the coronary arteries, which is where oxygen–rich blood is delivered to the heart. Progressively, the flow of oxygen to the heart will suffer if hardened plaque begins to narrow the coronary arteries. Furthermore, blood clots could occur upon the surface of plaque if it ruptures. Large blood clots will incapacitate blood flow through the coronary arteries. As a result, angina or a heart attack may follow plaque–blocked oxygen–rich blood flow. The NHLBI refers to CHD as a progressive disease where a destabilised heart can lead to conditions such as heart more content...
The 'social gradient of health' is a collective phenomenon, a term portraying those who are wealthy and finely educated as the healthiest in society. Presumably, people with a higher income appreciate the importance of healthy life choices and behaviours. Additionally, they have the ability to attain all of their basic needs and pursuits in life plus the best healthcare and nutrition. 'The social gradient of health' is evident through analysis of physical inactivity between both low and high socio–economic groups. The AIHW's data coincides, "people who live in areas of most socio–economic disadvantage are less likely to be physically active. In 2007–08, 66% of people living in areas of most disadvantage did not undertake healthy levels of physical activity compared with 54% of people living in the least disadvantaged areas". Habitual smoking further exhibits 'the social gradient of health'; the AIHW's statistics confirm this. "In the lowest socio–economic areas in Australia, daily tobacco smoking rates among people aged 14 and over were around 25% in 2010, twice the rate among people living in the highest socioeconomic
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Heart disease is conditions which include blood clots, diseased vessels, and structural complications. In the United States alone, this deadly disease claims up to 610,000 lives every year– that's one in every four Americans! The most common type of heart disease is Coronary Artery Disease. This is a condition where plaque builds up in the patient's arteries that supply the oxygen rich blood to your heart. Over time, as the plaque starts to build up the arteries can often rupture which can cause blood clotting. Symptoms of this condition can include chest pains, shortness of breath, nausea, rapid or irregular heartbeats, cold sweats, indigestion, and pain in areas of your body such as your arms, shoulders, the back of your neck, jaw, more content...
Most patients are prescribed aspirin, nitrates, zebeta, and clopidogrel. Side effects to these medications may include memory loss, fatigue, depression, cough, headaches, vivid dreams, nausea, and sweating. Those who suffer from a more severe form of Coronary Artery Disease normally have to proceed with Beating Heart Surgery or Arrested Heart Surgery. Along with taking medications and getting surgery you will also need to be ready to adjust to a new lifestyle. Having Coronary Artery Disease means you will now need to be cautious of the foods you eat, you must maintain a heart healthy diet, you have to manage your stress, and you must exercise often. Heart disease is a very serious condition which can affect our society very negatively. Many people who suffer from heart disease are depressed, feel restricted, are fearful of the future, feel divided from others, and are embarrassed of the scars left from surgery. Although there is medication and surgeries to help patients cope with their condition, there is no actual cure for heart disease so it is very important for us to educate others about the disease. We must further expand our studies and really understand heart disease so we can find a
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Essay On Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease Heart
Heart disease can take many forms. The form of heart disease I am focusing on is coronary disease. Different arteries supply different areas of the heart with oxygenated blood. If one or more of these arteries become narrowed or clogged as a result of coronary artery disease, or atherscelorosis the artery cannot fully supply the part of the heart it is responsible for. The heart is an effectivepump only when good blood supply is maintained to all heart muscles. If an artery becomes so clogged that blood cannot flow through it, the result is chest pain which could progress to a heart attack, or myocardial infarction (MI). "Myocardial" is a medical term that means "having to do more content... When a blockage occurs, heart cells use stored energy for pumping. By–products, such as lactic acid, build up and are not removed efficiently because of the blocked blood flow that caused the problem initially. Waste product build up is thought to be the cause of pain. The pain may be similar to the pain experienced when you overwork your muscles, which is also due to lactic acid buildup. The heart cells can rely on stored energy only for a short time before the cells become damaged permanently. This temporary injury is called ischemia. Permanent damage is called infarction or tissue death.
There are two types of angina associated with coronary artery disease: stable and unstable. Whereas stable angina has a predictable pattern that occurs over time, unstable angina is different from the patient's usual pattern of chest pain. Typical symptoms of angina include a variety of sensations. For example, angina may involve only mild, vague discomfort that is not really perceived as pain but as more an ache. Or it may be a severe, intense, crushing pain in the center of the chest. The location of pain may differ, however, pain is usually felt beneath the breastbone. In addition to chest pain, there may be associated pain that radiates to the arms, shoulders, neck, jaw, or back. Patients are often pale, Get more content
Essay about Heart
Coronary Artery Disease, also known as CAD, is the most common form of heart disease. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Coronary Artery Disease obstructs the blood flow in vessels that provides blood to the heart which is caused by the buildup of plaque on the artery walls. (Rogers, 2011, p.87) (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Plaque is a yellow substance that consists of fat substances, like cholesterol, and narrows or clogs the arteries which prevents blood flow. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Plaque can build up in any artery but usually favors large and medium sized arteries. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009)
Symptoms of Coronary Artery Disease include shortness of breath, pain, dizziness, angina, heart more content... (Mayo Clinic, 2013) Some surgical procedures used to treat CAD are angioplasty and coronary artery bypass surgery. (Mayo Clinic, 2013) The angioplasty surgery is when your doctor inserts a catheter to the blockage in the artery and threads the wire through the narrowed arteries. (Opening blocked coronary arteries: New questions about the old answer, nd., p.2) Once the balloon is in place, at the sight of the blockage, the balloon inflates which causes the plaque to crack and the artery to become free from blockage. (Opening blocked coronary arteries: New questions about the old answer, nd., p.2) The other surgical opinion for CAD is coronary artery bypass surgery is a procedure done by a doctor using a graft. (Mayo Clinic, 2013) The doctor will construct a graft to direct the blood flow around the blockage using existing blood vessels in the body. (Mayo Clinic, 2013) Due to the fact that this procedure requires open heart surgery, it is usually used for patients with several partial or full blockages. (Mayo Clinic, 2013)
Coronary Artery Disease can be prevented by controlling your blood pressure, diabetes and blood cholesterol. (Heart and Stroke Foundation, 2009) Other ways to lower your risk of developing CAD is by eating healthy foods low in fat, being active, not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, lessen the stress you
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Coronary Artery Disease Essay