Plagiarism: A Paraphrasing Analysis
Plagiarism is something that is custom to me now. However, if I were to choose which one that I struggled with the most, it would have to be the paraphrasing. Paraphrasing is when you put an author's important words and/or ideas and make them into your own (Bethel University, 2015). The APA basics could also need some improvement. By using proper APA, it can help you avoid plagiarism. There is one main purpose of APA and that is to give proper credit to the main sources where the information is coming from (Bethel University, 2014). The reference sheet is another thing that I sometimes have difficulty in. "Any source that you cite in the text of your essay will have a matching reference that gives more information about the source" (Bethel University, 2014, p. 5).
I plan to avoid the paraphrasing plagiarism by following more content... (2014). Orientation to online learning [Video]. Retrieved from Bethel University. (2014). Orientation to online learning. Retrieved from
Alicia, Paraphrasing is something that I have a lot of difficulty with. I have trouble trying to return and change the words into my own to make them sound sophisticated enough. Hopefully this course will ease my mind a little about paraphrasing. The example that was used in the reading is more of a paraphrasing that I do rather than the adequate one. Utilizing the information from all five units should sustain the worries I have about plagiarism.
Alan, I use to find that direct quotes where harder on me, but from taking class after class, direct quotes have become accustomed to me. Along with everyone else, the paraphrasing is one that I continuously struggle with. So far my APA is in good condition, may not be the best, but it still remains good enough to get by. As we dig deeper into this course and along with your others courses, I hope that it will bring a sense of closure for you with direct
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Avoiding plagiarism is very important in college if you do not want to receive an F in the course. I believe that paraphrasing will be the most difficult one to avoid. Although students don't try to plagiarize it happens unintentionally. "To summarize or paraphrase, put the author's ideas completely into your owns instead of creating some odd combination of the text's original wording and your own" (Ridley, 2017, p. 9). I also believe direct quotes would be a bit difficult because some people forgot to add quotations around direct quotes. I plan to avoid plagiarizing by using some of the tips provide in Academic integrity section. One of which was to use quotations when direct quoting a source word for word (Bethel, 2015). I will also need more content...
(2016). Unit 3: Library, APA Formatting & Writing. Retrieved from /default.aspx?SectionID=4913&tabid=154#3 Bethel University. (2015). Academic Integrity: Understanding and Avoiding plagiarism Retrieved from /public/Resources/Academic_Integrity/story.html
I believe slowing down when you write your essays will most definitely help you. I am one of those students that type quickly and makes unnecessary mistakes. I believe my issue is paraphrasing my essay wrong as well. However, when you're paraphrasing it's putting the text into your own words. In addition to this, you can reread the guidelines in the online library before your submission. This is one step I plan to take to help myself.
I understand exactly where you are coming from when you mentioned it's hard to paraphrase. I am not good in summarizing without using the others original text. However, one thing I suggest if you wish to paraphrase is to shorten the text. You should take out the key ideas and paraphrase those into your own words. This method works better for me along with using Purdue owl. If you need more information on paraphrasing visit
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Why Is Avoiding Plagiarism Important In College
Originally I wouldn't have thought that incorrect paraphrasing would be the hardest type of plagiarism for me to avoid, but for me it is more difficult to paraphrase than to use direct quotes. To paraphrase is to "put the author's ideas completely into your own words instead of creating some odd combination of the text's original wording and your own" (Ridley, 2016, p, 7). I have to admit when I first heard this in our attend section, it made me wonder whether or not I was paraphrasing correctly. It is more of second guessing myself, since I am still learning more about the subject of writing with every lesson. This week's reading refers to incorrect paraphrasing as "inadequate paraphrasing" or "plagiaphrasing" (Bethel University, 2016, p.
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Appropriate Plagiarism For
Patchwork Paraphrasing
Plagiarism occursn when a person is taking another persons ideas or a writters language and calls it there own work without creaditing the other person. If caught plagiaris it can cause many issues for the person, these issues include trust, Legal, Academic, Social and Ethics & Integrity issues. There are ways of avioding plagiarism which are quoting, paraharsing and summarising. There are 6 different types of plagiarism and its important for everyone to know what they are. Deliberate Paraphraisng, doesn't need much of an explanation as it says what it means in its name. Patchwork Paraphrasing, is taking what you've read and bascially patched them together. Bluffing, is reading a particualr text and taking what you've read and re–writting
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Quoting, Paraphrasing
By Dana Driscoll And Brizee
Homework 002 – Paraphrasing & Quotations The article, "Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing" by Dana Driscoll and Allen Brizee clarifies and explains what quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing are and their differences. Driscoll and Brizee explain the importance of quoting, paraphrasing, and summering and how they can be integrated into any text to properly give credit to the original owners of the text that it being quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. When using someone else's text or ideas, citing their work can be done either by quoting their words exactly, paraphrasing their words, or summering their text. To quote someone else's words, the quote must be identical to the original, word for word, must be within quotation marks, and
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How to Avoid Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a growing problem in universities (Matheson & Starr 2013) and becoming too common in the scientific world (Ober et al. 2012). Hence it is important for students as well as researchers to know how to avoid plagiarism. Before discussing the ways to avoid plagiarism, this paper discusses the definition, the types and reasons for plagiarism. "Copying' or "borrowing" someone else's words or ideas may perhaps be the more inoffensive way of explaining plagiarism. However, these two terms may deliver a connotation that plagiarism is not much of a serious offense. Whether the act of plagiarising is intentional or unintentional, it is considered as a fraud. In an academic setting plagiarism may even more content... There are surely many other ways of avoiding plagiarism but there are five simple rules suggested by Ober et al. (2012).
Rule 1: Do not copy It is not a good practice to simply copy what is found in other people's work, books or even your own writing. If you have to do so, do it properly by copying it with quotation marks and appropriate citation. In addition to this, it is good to have a proper time management in which you would have enough time to cite your sources properly.
Rule 2: Write in your own words Paraphrasing means putting someone else's ideas into your own words but care must be taken as changing a few words and rearranging the original sentence is still considered as "copying". Hence, though paraphrasing is commonly suggested as one of the ways to avoid plagiarism it is much better to avoid paraphrasing and rather use your own original "voice".
Rule 3: When in doubt, cite This is one of the ways to avoid plagiarism but it should not be done excessively. Otherwise you would end up with excessive citation in your piece of writing and lack of writing in your own words. This is an indication for you to consider rewriting the paper.
Rule 4: Don't recycle images, figures, tables or text from one of your previously published papers without citing This is the case of self–plagiarising when you republish a figure from earlier publication but fail to cite the original and obtain
Essay on How to Avoid Plagiarism
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Paraphrasing: Pro or Against Plagiarism?
Paraphrasing is the process when we read someone's ideas or statements and then re–write it in our own words, while the same time we have to be careful to keep the original meaning. According to J. Brianna who says that academic writing leads the writers to taking the information from the essential passage to their own words can influence their effective opinion and credible work. There are almost few or no quotations at all in a paraphrased text. It is because paraphrasing reflects the understanding of a person rather than the writer who has presented the original work. However, some people believe that to use the directquotation is more helpful than paraphrasing because it can be a powerful more content...
When write an essay, students may notice that paraphrasing will establish their credibility and also the effectiveness of making an argument based on their understanding. Paraphrasing is credible, thorough re–statement from the original passage when we make it in our own words. Because when paraphrasing a complicated passage, it will helps the students to establish the trust with the reader. If a student directly quotes a difficult passage without analysis it or further explanation, it appears that she or he does not understand the idea. Furthermore, it will increase student's effectiveness in making argument. When we have ability to paraphrase the passage properly without interrupting the essential meaning of the text then using our own words, it will be understood by the reader because they can easily catch the purpose of our writing. One result of a study related to paraphrasing strategy who conducted by Choy and Lee (2012) which to increase students' writing achievement, shows that paraphrasing strategy instruction improves students' academic writing. Contrarily, direct quotation helps to give credible writing which shows the actual language used by the author of the source with evidence. It provides the original claim of the author to show to the reader or audience what exactly the author says so there is no suspicion or misinterpretation on the author's
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Pros And Cons Of Paraphrasing Essay
This semester has brought me a lot of growth in my writing so far. Paraphrasing is one way to use a text in your own writing without directly quoting source material. Revision also is an essential; of writing. A thesis statement is focused and not too broad. These three topics in my class has brought me through this semester with a lot of growth and positive vibes of my writing. Becoming a better writer I have learned that a writer must have something to Anytime you are taking information from a source that is not your own, you need to say. Having a clear, and valid main point or idea is an essential element of effective writing. specify where you got that information. Paraphrasing can let the audience, instructor, or group of more content...
A more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea. Paraphrasing is a valuable skill.
It helps you control the temptation to quote too much. The mental process required for successful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original. Revision is an essential part of writing. Adding, deleting, and moving material is integral to the writing process. Writers keep rewriting until their message is clear to readers. There is always a voice in writing, even when there isn't distinctive writing results from being able to "hear" the writers voice or personality in the word choices and sentences the writer uses.
A writer must support claims and assertions. Not only must you have something relevant to say, but you must also be able to back up what you say. Purpose determines form, style, and organization in writing. Every kind of text is governed by general expectations regarding its form, which helps it fulfill its purpose in given context. Writing is a social activity. Writers share drafts, they write specific audiences, and they draw on socially constructed conventions to accomplish their Get more content
Becoming A Writer: Paraphrasing Analysis
Rogerian person–centered counseling is a unique psychological intervention, largely because the counselor does not maintain the same boundaries as other counselors do in connection with traditional counseling interventions. (Kirschenbaum & Jourdan, 2005). Other approaches presume a hierarchical counselor–client relationship and a directive role for the counselor. In Rogerian counseling, the counselor participates in exchanges but in a non–directive role. The strategy of Rogerian counseling, in part, is based on reflecting and paraphrasing, designed to establish a dynamic in which the client feels sufficiently accepted. In that regard, the counselor tries to communicate unconditional acceptance so that the client can communicate without any concern about that the counselor thinks of him or worrying about the counselor's approval (Kirschenbaum & Jourdan, 2005). Instead of merely listening, analyzing, and raising issues, the Rogerian counselor uses reflecting and paraphrasing to establish an interpersonal bond and the requisite level of trust between client and practitioner by participating in a substantive bi–directional conversation based on the topics and issues raised by the client (Shanks–Glauser & Bozarth, 2001). That is a departure from traditional approaches to counseling but it is an essential component of Rogerian person–centered counseling. Ideally, the Rogerian counselor would employ active listening
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Within academic writing it is advised that a combination of both direct and indirect quotes (paraphrasing) are used. Often it is better to paraphrase what an author has said as opposed to using lengthy direct quotations. But what does it mean 'to paraphrase'? According to the MacMillan English Dictionary (MacMillan, 2012:online), to paraphrase is "to express what someone else has said or written using different words, especially in order to make it shorter or clearer." When you paraphrase another author's writing you rewrite their argument using your own words, phrasing and interpreting it in your own way.
How to paraphrase change the vocabulary
reorganise the structure of the more content...
The nurse manager, nurse clinician, and clinical nurse specialist, as the designated experts, do not take patient assignments. The resource nurse is not only a caregiver but a resource to the other caregivers. Within the staff nurses there is also a hierarchy of seniority. Their job is to give assigned patients all their nursing care.
Why this is plagiarism
Notice that the writer has not only "borrowed" Chase's material (the results of her research) with no acknowledgment, but has also largely maintained the author's method of expression and sentence structure. The phrases in red are directly copied from the source or changed only slightly in form.
Even if the student–writer had acknowledged Chase as the source of the content, the language of the passage would be considered plagiarized
Tips on Paraphrasing
because no quotation marks indicate the phrases that come directly from Chase. And if quotation marks did appear around all these phrases, this paragraph would be so cluttered that it would be unreadable.
2. A Patchwork Paraphrase
Chase (1995) describes how nurses in a critical care unit function in a hierarchy that places designated experts at the top and the least senior staff nurses at the bottom. The experts – the nurse manager, nurse clinician, and clinical nurse specialist– are not involved directly in patient care. The staff nurses, in contrast, are assigned to patients and
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What is the difference between quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing?
What type of citation is required for each? Why is properly citing sources important?
What are the possible consequences of improperly citing references?
In most writing the content and ideas are not always your own. There for it is important to give credit to the original source of your writing. You can do this by quoting, paraphrasing or summarizing the original text in which you obtained the ideas for your writing. Properly citing you're source is necessary when using one of these three ways of incorporation. Failing to cite the original text is a dishonest writing technique and can result in discipline. Quoting is one way to give thoughts more content...
Paraphrasing can be described as using another's ideas and putting it in your own words. Often a shorter version still including most details. When summarizing you are taking a lot of information from a source using the main ideas and putting in less words , by leaving out more of the detail. To properly cite a source you must follow one of several formats. Purdue online writing lab says(1995–2018) APA format is the most common in U.S social science. There are two citations that must be made, an in text reference and a reference page at the end of your work that includes all resources. In text citing needs to include the author and year of publication, when quoting work also include the page number of the quote. An additional page at the end of your work titled references must include all sources. This should have the title and or website of the text, the author and publication year as well. Always put the authors last name first and in the case that there is more than one author out then in alphabetical order. It is important to do your research to properly cite the sources to give credit to the original author and avoid
Quoting Paraphrasing Vs Summarizing
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Examples Of Paraphrasing
Paraphrasing Paraphrasing is a technique wherein the students paraphrase the original information that the learners got. Rewriting the text in own style or in own understanding. In paraphrasing, the students are changing or using different words without changing the original meaning of the text. A paraphrase words should be easy to understand that the original text itself. A paraphrase should clarify the original, but be written clearly in own words. Paraphrase and summaries ideas Writingout sentences word for word is probably even less useful than just highlighting sentences with a marker. Sure, they will be times you need write things word for word (use quotation marks when you do this!) but better understanding will come through putting things in your own words. Not sure how to do this? Say the key points in your own words out loud and then write them down. Finish by checking your paraphrase is clear and accurate. (Melbourne, 2010) Paraphrasing, somewhat different from retelling and summarizing, helps students monitor the learners' understanding and incorporate more content... In your assignments the lecturers expect more than copied (plagiarised) pages from the text books and journals. They expect you to demonstrate an understanding of the major ideas/concepts and important issues in the discipline. By paraphrasing and summarizing you can develop and demonstrate your understanding and interpretation of a text. Paraphrasing presents a spoken, written or visual text, keeping the same meaning, but using different words. Paraphrasing is used with short sections of text such as phrases and sentences and may result in a longer, rather than shorter, version of the original. It offers an alternative to using direct quotations and assists greatly with incorporating source material in your assignments. Compare the following text and its paraphrase. (Peters,
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Journal 2: Paraphrasing
The essay "How to Say Nothing in 500 Words" is a semi humorous description of writing an essay for class and the pitfalls that can occur. The purpose of this essay to illustrate through example how to write an essay on assigned topics. (Connell (2013)) The author uses concrete language to illustrate his examples of the types of writing students should avoid in creating college essays. Mr. Roberts illustrates the techniques awriter can use to create a paper that is interesting to an instructor while writing on a topic that the student does not have a strong opinion on. He touches on procrastination and choosing a position, but he best exemplifies this in his explanation of excess padding. He shows how using excess
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2 Paraphrasing
Paraphrasing A Career Coach
Paraphrasing a quote from Peggy Klaus, Author, and Career Coach, "Technical skills may get you the interview, but soft skills will make or break your career". In the short time that I've been with Bethel, I have gained some valuable "soft" skills that I have already been able to apply to my professional career.
Although this is only my second module, it has already yielded a plethora of knowledge that has enhanced my skill set. As a result, I have abetter understanding of essay structure, how to better utilize resources, and how to implement time management strategies. By having these tools in my arsenal, I am confident moving forward in my future classes. Get
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The type of plagiarism that is the hardest for me to avoid is paraphrasing. "Paraphrasing allows you to put the author's ideas into your own words" (Bethel University, 2015). I find myself using more of the author's words because I am afraid that I will change the meaning if I use my own. The best way for me to avoid this type of plagiarism is to simply compare what I write to the original and to be sure that I am not summarizing the information. The difference between writing a summary and paraphrasing is the amount of detail that is included; a paraphrase is not as concise as a summary (Bethel University, 2014). References
Bethel University. (2014). Orientation to learning Unit 3. Retrieved from httpd:// Bethel University. (2015). Academic integrity: Understanding and avoiding plagiarism. Retrieved more content... I believe that students should start learning about this before high school simply because it is so easy to commit plagiarism accidently. It should be a part of the basics of learning how to write an essay. Also I agree with you that proper citation can be a little challenging sometimes, especially when there is not an author. I use Microsoft Word to help with references and citations.
Re: Re: Unit 3 Discuss , from Merriweather, David Deondre, posted Dec 20 2015 6:45PM
Larry, I also have a problem when it comes to paraphrasing. It is very simple to commit plagiarism when we try to paraphrase some else's work. I also have to start taking notes when reading sources. Taking notes will help me cut down on plagiarism because as I take them, I can paraphrase the information as I go along. Summarizing is also something that I was confused about. After this week's unit, I understand that summarizing quickly states everything that the source is about rather than only a piece of
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Paraphrasing And Summarizing In Intellipath
Upon doing the Determine Your Knowledge portion of the Intellipath assignment the most compelling subject area was the 8 step change model. The process demonstrated by Kotter is a powerful tool that can be utilized by an organization to promote a successful transformation. The third step held the greatest reverence. Creating a vision is critical in any business endeavor. The areas that I excelled in were Change Leadership and The 8 Step Change Model. Transition Models was an area that needed improvement. The most compelling subject area of management fundamentals was Paraphrasing and Summarizing in Intellipath. I'm a new student to CTU and there are so many new aspects that I'm learning here. Paraphrasing is one of my weaker skills so any
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Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing
Research papers (research essays) must include information from sources. This is called synthesizing or integrating your sources. There are three ways to incorporate information from other sources into your paper: quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing. Good research papers should include at least quoting and paraphrasing and preferably also summarizing. The method you choose depends on which is the best way to make the point you are trying to make in using that particular information from the source. It is very important to remember that even if you are not using the exact words of the author as when you paraphrase or summarize, you must give a source citation. Every sentence with information from more content...
Quotations should only be used in paraphrases when there are special words or wording that cannot be paraphrased. Because the same information that the author provided is being used, a paraphrase is often as long as the original source. Since paraphrases are information from a source, every sentence with paraphrased information must cite the source even if exact words are not quoted. Even through a sentence with paraphrased information must cite the source, any exact words from the source must be in quotation marks. Failing to use quotation marks on exact words is plagiarism even if the sentence give credit to the source. Proper notetaking while doing research will help avoid plagiarism. Notes should include quotation marks around any exact words taken from sources.
Another problem students may have with paraphrasing is that the language used in the paraphrase should be an accurate accounting of the source's ideas. Good paraphrasing doesn't just capture the ideas of the source. They don't include your own opinions or omit important information. Just like in a quotation, be sure to either introduce the source at the beginning of your paraphrase or cite the source at the end of the sentence so that the reader knows these are not your ideas, but ideas from your Get more content
In colloquial language plagiarism is the concept of stealing someone's piece of work or someone's idea. It is clear that plagiarising is unjust and immoral, however now a days it is becoming more difficult to come up with original ideas as the media allows students to have open access to all information and the producer or author must be very careful to not use somebody else's work unintentionally and claim it as theirs. It is important to educate students about plagiarism as it can carry major consequences. The concept of plagiarism with reference to policy will be outlined and also the steps helping students and authors to avoid plagiarism in this assignment.
In it's simplest meaning plagiarism is the attempt of claiming somebody else' more content...
These are: Copying, presenting a mixture of their own and somebody else's ideas and paraphrasing another individuals work without acknowledging their source. Copying is considered plagiarising when taking another authors work, that includes taking another students work. Copying is regarded as plagiarising regardless if the person got permission or not, because they are still claiming somebody else's work as their own. Presenting a mixture of their own and somebody else's work in most definitely considered as plagiarising. As the person is using another persons work without acknowledging their source and claiming that work as their own, even if the copied percent of their work is minimal the individual can still be convinced of plagiarism.
Paraphrasing another individuals work without acknowledging the author or publishing company is also classified as plagiarism. This includes web sites. As thestudent is gaining information on a topic they are writing about without giving credit to the original author. In addition there are certain levels of plagiarism. For example cheating or patchwork writing. The first is done on purpose however the second is usually done unconsciously by an inexperienced student or their lack of understanding of academic conventions. The third level of plagiarising is when a student is trying to take bits of work from a number of publications and form an unsatisfactory whole. What
Essay On Plagiarism
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Plagiarism And Paraphrasing
Plagiarism and paraphrasing essay.
Naifish Maredia
HIST 1302: The united states after 1877
September 23, 2017
Plagiarism and paraphrasing
Maredia, Naifish (204017560)
HIST 1302
Tuesday / 12.30 pm
23rd September
Plagiarism is a one of the most serious concerns in any academic institution. In many institutions, Plagiarism is considered a very serious offense. Plagiarism can be of various forms. For instance, taking credits for others effort, cheating in an assignment that requires individual efforts etc. It can be a very easy matter to explain but also can be very difficult to dodge.
I consider Plagiarism to be very unethical and I think anyone who does plagiarism will most likely fail in his career at any given point. Plagiarism is a type of cheating used in all types of mediums and copying of ideas and using as their own There are different types of plagiarism and all are serious violations of academic honesty. These are some types of plagiarism such as Direct plagiarism, self–plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism and accidental plagiarism. these types of plagiarism are mostly found in today's educational system. Students must learn to always avoid any type of plagiarism either its intentional or unintentional.
Direct plagiarism is the word–for–word transcription of a section of someone else's work, without attribution and without quotes. The ponder plagiarism of someone else's work is untrustworthy, scholastically dishonest, and grounds for
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Mrs. Holt, I learned that any information you gather from a paper, book, or website you need to cite it. There should be a in–text citation, along with your references on a separate page.
In-Text Paraphrasing
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Am I correct on the Get more content
we are paraphrasing something it needs to be cited so everyone is aware that it is taken