V For Vendetta Essay

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Of the many symbolic masks, the Guy Fawkes mask stands out as one of the most effective, often being used as a "masked identity" in order to make profound statements. Not only does this secret identity create more attention to the "masked one" but it also diverts attention to the cause rather than the identity. Literally using a mask, Fawkes was the main influence of the character "V", in James McTeigue's, V For Vendetta. V's connections and motivations to Guy Fawkes, his attempt to justify himself as a terrorist, and V's concealment of his true identity, collectively define the message that V conveys to his audience: to break parliament and take control of their own country. Guy Fawkes' actions act as a dominant influence in V's life,...show more content...

In stating this, V was greatly influenced by Guy Fawkes, but he was not just doing it for rebellion. V's past had a great deal to do with why he tries to overthrow the Norsefire, but he is also motivated by the people, in whom he believed he would help them take the country into their own hands and rise up against their own government. We see this as the people proceed towards the parliament building in Guy Fawkes masks, completely ignoring the army standing in their way, and watch the celebration of the parliament building being destroyed. This scene demonstrates the influence that V makes, somewhat separating himself from Guy Fawkes. Guy Fawkes never attains the collective support from the people, but V successfully turns the people against their government, helping them realize that the only way to stop the chaos is by doing something about it; in this case, rising up against their own government. V blows up populated buildings, he murders heartlessly, and even manages to torture the closest person to him, Evey, until she views the world as he does. Although V's actions are done in spite of the greater good, being the only one bold enough to take on the Norsefire, by definition, V is still a terrorist. He is guilty of all these actions, but V is still viewed as the "good guy." A terrorist wants all others to believe in the same way that they think, just as V did with his idea. The question

Essay on V For Vendetta
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Tarunpreet Singh Ms. Redd English 12 24 October,2017 Shenanigans of the government In the world that we live in right now, anything is possible and that is for the good and the bad. Like represented in the novel, "1984" by George Orwell, the party used technology to make a whole new society that goes by the rules of the party, which just means that anything that the party does is justifiable because they are the ones making the rules and anybody who doesn't obey them gets "vaporized". Another example of the government controlling the people and invading their rights for the benefit of the government is the movie "V for Vendetta" directed by James McTeigue in 2006. After reading "1984" and "V for Vendetta", some might wonder if our...show more content...

Another type of surveillance was that the part used children,"With those children, he thought, that wretched woman must lead a life of terror. Another year, two years, and they would be watching her night and day for symptoms of unorthodoxy. Nearly all children nowadays were horrible. What was worst of all was that by means of such organizations as the Spies they were systematically turned into ungovernable little savages, and yet this produced in them no tendency whatever to rebel against the discipline of the Party. On the contrary, they adored the Party and everything connected with it"(24,Orwell). This quote shows that the party used children to spy on their parents and other individuals. The children have been brainwashed since they were born, this is another tactic the party used to make sure that it stays in power because if they can move the youth to their side, the whole nation will follow. We might not know it but our government might just be looking through our electronics and keep an eye on us. Technology is good for us but it has been exploited in so many different negative ways that it would be better if we did not have electronics because we would still have our privacy. "V for Vendetta" uses similar tactics as us and "1984" to keep a close eye on the people of the nation. In the movie, they used cameras, telescreens, taped phones, fingermen,etc. as surveillance tools to Get

V For Vendetta Essay
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As natives of the United States we don't generally concur with the choices our government implements. Though, we have figured out how to be content with our structure in view of its enduring history. Nonetheless, it is captivating to picture a masked man, which soon we'll recognize as V, dismantling to take matters into his own hands the built up yet degenerate government, with expectations of a fresh start for the citizens. In the film V for Vendetta, V's activity delineates the historical backdrop of Guy Fawkes' impenetrable thought, which will eventually benefit the citizens. In 1605, Guy Fawkes got to be known as London's schemer in a plot to explode the Parliament. Guy Fawkes' reacted to England official Protestant religion with his "Gunpowder...show more content...

The thinking behind V's choice to supply the populace of the city with the masks was to bring about turmoil amongst the administration authorities and demonstrate to them just how unethical their structure truly was. Throughout the confusion, V realized that the administration authorities had the privilege to implement the most extreme punishment on the individuals who decided to wear the cover, which was violence with fatal weapons. This all worked to support V protest on the grounds that it uncovered to the citizens just how the administration wanted to keep them under strict ward. A case, that shows that the administration didn't have its citizen's needs in mind, was the point at which the cop purposefully killed the young lady on the bridge. The cop attempted to legitimize shooting the young lady by demonstrating his identification and letting everyone know that he was a cop. The officer assumed that since he had power that everyone would listen and save his life, but then started thinking back to how dysfunctional the administration was. Ultimately, the citizens decided that the time for change was now. V's benevolent demonstrations to actualize the thoughts of Guy Fawkes would in time lead to the demolishment of the old government, with expectations of a superior Get more content

V For Vendetta Essay

V for Vendetta History has a tendency to repeat itself. One of humanity's most popular ways of getting its point across is through violence. When words are no longer enough to argue a point, human casualties not only directly solve the problem, but symbolically send a message to all those affected as well. Just as the American colonies fought against the British for Freedom when their voice was no longer heard, and just as the Islamic extremists used terrorism to send an evil message to America, both V and Chancellor Sutler used violence to gain a voice in a world of chaos. In the film V for Vendetta the viewer is welcomed to a dystopia in which the government not only controls its citizens, but removes their privacy, civil...show more content...

These actions were all peaceful, although V did find it necessary to directly take hold of the source of the countries disguised turmoil. His murders and assassinations of the people responsible sent not another message of fear, but a message of true hope, and a change for the better. Although both V's and Sutler's intentions of harm and hope were total opposites, it's hard to deny the fact that their actions were similar. While V targets the government and Chancellor Sutler destroys the nation's security, both use violence to let those uninformed hear what couldn't be heard before. Many argue that two wrongs don't make a right, and killing for killing is unethical. So in order to fully understand the plot of the movie, you have to take a front seat to the hypocrisy of it all, and understand that whatever force is exerted, another force of equal value is created. It's the balancing act of life. V may have disrupted the ideals that we as humans are given to believe, but he was only fighting the fight that was inevitably going to be fought. The movie not only gives us a glimpse to the potential evil and manipulative people of the world, but also helps us to understand that sometimes violence is necessary. When actions are so terrible, so negative, and so extreme that people lose sight of right and wrong, and learn to accept the unacceptable, death is the only real verdict for some. V let England know that people

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Essay about Dystopian Society, V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta is one of the famous graphic novels in England which was written by Alan Moore and David Lloyd in 1988. Many people debated after they had read this book about V's actions –the main character and they keep debating it until now. Some people say that his actions are not justifiable. He is really a terrorist, not a hero as people think. He killed many people, even though, he forced Evey in the terrible situation, that is to make her become a prisoner. However, contrary to them, a lot of people else give their opinions that his actions are wholly justifiable. He helps people escape the bad things, helps them find freedom in the bad living and makes Evey becomes stronger day by day. To prove that V is a hero or really a terrorist,...show more content...

Firstly, although he lives in the terrible society with his "disgusting" government, it doesn't mean destroying and bombing city are accepted. For example, in the issue eight, he plays a song in a high place to see whole the city as he waits for something will happen. That is, he looks forward to the explode of Jordan Tower. He blown it up. His quote "governments should be afraid of their people" is proved by his terrorist actions, is that shows people he is a free person, no unbound by anyone, helps people find their real freedom. His quote is also a call to riot, together resisting their government. There are all the things that a terrorist does. Secondly, he arranged and made Evey in the terrible situation in issue seven. There is no doubt that the reason made Evey became a prisoner was because of V. She neglected in a street; her lover died; finally, she became a prisoner and had to suffer a terrible life in a jail. Using violence to make people become stronger is unaccepted in any cases. Even so, V threaten Evey's life and made she thought and accepted about her death. While it is true that Evey became stronger after she was free, but it is not the right way to Get more content

V For Vendetta Evey A Hero

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." V for Vendetta is an action packed thriller that involves lots of intense scenes and follows a great storyline. This film does an awesome job of keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout. This movie is great in showing that the people are powerful and can be in charge, if they put their minds to it. The story line follows a corrupt Britain lead by a fascist government who is in complete control over its people. During an attack, Evey Hammond is rescued by a man in a Guy Fawkes mask who goes by the name of V. V is a man who has way to much experience and background with the British government that he finally realizes enough is enough. He

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V For Vendetta Thesis

Many have pondered with a tinge of sadness on the ephemerality of existence. A man may die, civilizations prosper and decline, but ideas endure without death. They are trampled upon for a time, "yet seldom do they fail of their seed, and that will lie in the dust and rot to spring up again in times unlooked–for" (Tolkien, 294). The power of idea is seen throughout media and literature. Both 1984, a dystopian novel written by George Orwell, and the film V for Vendetta portray a world besieged by poverty, warfare, and totalitarianism. Amongst the turmoil and destruction, V emerges victorious while Winston Smith succumbs to the Oceanian hegemony. Both V and the Party of 1984 succeed– V in the ousting of the government while the latter in its...show more content...

Furthermore, V says to Mr. Creedy, "Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bullet proof" (V for Vendetta). V's endurance of the gunfire is a metaphor for the immortality of belief. Similarly, in 1984, the image of Big Brother pervades throughout Oceania. If V represents anarchy and freedom, Big Brother is an impenetrable fortress against Goldstein and his sinister accomplices. Though his existence is dubitable, the emotional hysteria that is evoked upon seeing his image is paramount to the perpetuation of the Party's control. Winston's reaction to the portrait of Big Brother clearly demonstrates the power of his image, "White always mates, he thought with a sort of cloudy mysticism. Did it not symbolize the eternal, unvarying triumph of Good over Evil? The huge face gazed back at him, full of calm power. White always mates" (Orwell, 289). After his transformation, Winston instinctively sees Big Brother as "good" and "perpetually triumphant". Big Brother symbolizes the omnipotence and omnipresence of the Party – so long as he persists as a powerful symbol in society, the reign of the Party would never falter. V and the Party recognize that an influential idea can cause an individual to act against human nature – the instinctive will to survive and to avoid pain and suffering. To demonstrate, in V for

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Similarities Between V For Vendetta And

Is V a hero for fighting what he deemed to be freedom or a villain for killing a lot of people? It's possible he's a tiny bit of both. V has a villainous mindset, but one could deem his intentions as heroic. Seeing him as either or, depends on different points of views. There is a fine line between hero and villain. "Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell."

The title character by V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd is more of a hero than a villain. Indeed, he acts like a villain but his ultimate goal is to overthrow a corrupt government. Through his vicious pursuit for revenge he is emancipating England from the clutches of fascism which proves he is both a villain and hero. His villainous nature allows him to be willing to sacrifice innocent lives to complete his mission to remove fascism from England which makes him heroic. He offers the general population an opportunity to beat their apprehension and commend a day with him by exploding the parliament building. Gradually individuals start to understand that this event may really happen. They understand that they have been deprived of free will and that they are going to get the opportunity to be free once again. V vowed to blow up parliament and had the country's support. The people of England were set free, and V was their hero. On page 188 in the book, a girl is seen spray painting the government's poster with V's symbol on

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Media publications are a great expression of human trends and ideas. Weather movies or music, they all have a societal impact and at least allude to trends of sociology theorists. This is abundantly true in the film V for vendetta. There is a preexisting novel which also made an impact in that culture and it followed the same trends, but the film is being used because of its greater relevance to the modern era of America. The film depicts a post–apocalyptic world that has symbolism and story lines that run with modern events. These depictions can be more readily understood within the scope of Max Weber's sociological insight and theory more specifically about his understanding on the modern world and it bureaucratization.

Understanding V...show more content...

While he highlights a lot of positives, he also saw a lot of issues within bureaucracy. Webers' bureaucracy is a bottom line model that values calculable decision making over all else. Within this model are the people, or parts, that can be replaced if they cause a decrease in productivity. The issue becomes that the rationalized view of bureaucratic systems is unable to see individuals and respond to individual needs. There is a format and if someone does not fit in, or if they begin to fall behind, there is no understanding or support. His argument is that the bureaucratization of our world has made it depersonalized.

V for Vendetta is set in the future in England and it depicts the events following a major world war, terrorist attacks and large amounts of degradation within the nation and world. The government that is in power is at first shown as the standard postindustrial government that uses media to inform the people, and in most cases, spread their form of propaganda. The government prides itself in being efficient, in maintain control and the safety of its citizens. The film slowly shows how the government took power and how its use of power resembles a model like Weber's. To take power, there had to be a party that could seize power, this is where the bottom line focus came in. The seizing power used fear, but they use of terrorist attacks committed by

V For Vendetta Analysis
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1984/ V for Vendetta Literary analysis In 1984 written by George Orwell and V for Vendetta directed by James McTeigue. In both forms of government from the two there is language manipulated to control the human society's behavior. This goes especially for 1984... Such things as "Big brother is watching you" in 1984 this automatically tells you that the government controls you and all the people except you are a thought police. V is a masked man who run the streets killing leaders of Norsefire, a fascist political party ruling the United Kingdom. He does this in order to end this system.

V for Vendetta is similar to 1984 in many ways... Some of the noticeable similarities are, the very strict political system and government, dealing with...show more content...

A popular saying, "BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU" is a slogan that keeps Oceania under control. You must follow the beliefs of the leaders or you will disappear. Being rebellious will get you there and suspicious movement or acts of rebel will leave you dead. "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and ignorance is strength." The goal of ingsoc was to have complete control over the society's brain, keep them brainwashed and make them think that through war there is peace. The fascist government in V for Vendetta was much like that of Oceania. The people had curfews and everything they were ever told, ever saw on the news or read in the paper was all a lie. The government had it's own history to write out, their own agenda for lack of a better word. They knew what they wanted people to believe and they would broadcast that, there is no real truth in their media, it was all a scripted, revised to fit their stories, to make the people follow their rules, to trust them and to keep the government in good standing. Like the way they said V exploding the parliament building was a planned demolition with unplanned fireworks. When in reality it was "V" trying to take down the building hoping it would follow with a fall of the government. "People shouldn't be ahead of the government, the government should be ahead of the Get more content

V For Vendetta And 1984 Comparison Essay

V For Vendetta Response Analysis

V for Vendetta Response Analysis Essay

In the film V for Vendetta, directed by James McTeigue, the viewer 's early impression of Evey is that she is powerless ladylike and a terrified character, who is caught by her dread of the legislature. Notwithstanding, the viewer 's impression of Evey is tested all through the film through visual procedures, for example, ensemble, exchange and altering. She turns into a much more grounded, more intrepid character. In the start of V for Vendetta, Evey is depicted as a ladylike character. However this is challenged as the film advances she turns out to be less ladylike. This is appeared through the strategy of costume. For instance toward the begin of the film we see her putting on cosmetics, doing her hair and wearing a dress. Toward the end of the film however she wears pants and a shirt, no cosmetics and no hair (because of V shaving it off, yet she keeps it along these lines). The director has done this to demonstrate the viewer the significance of advancement and to propose that society ought to be less conceited and ought to concentrate on issues greater than themselves. This issue is the dread of the legislature. Evey is being utilized as a representative of the society, in light of the fact that does Evey change as well as society changes to end up distinctly less dreadful of the government and to not give them a chance to control them. This is seen at the very end of the film when the general population of London continue Get

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Seminar Assignment– V for Vendetta 2a) Describe the differences between the fascist Norsefire government's and V's anarchist view of a "healthy country." How do Norsefire and V define the role of the government and the role of the citizen differently? The chaos and fury of the violence of the post–apocalyptic Britain initiated the radically right–winged Norsefire regime: fascists that united with the surviving big companies and businesses, giving them the appearance of wealth and stability. Yet, even if the Norsefire regime did agreeably bring order back to the country, there was a price to pay: ethnic and racial minorities like Black people, Indians, and Pakistanis were gathered and place in concentration...show more content...

This occurs just before buildings are about to explode. People are amazed by the beauty of the music and it is as though they come alive. It seems that the citizens snap out of their brainwashed life when they hear the music blasting in the streets. They even find the explosion amazing instead of tragic. This technique used by V enables him to capture the citizens' attention and pull them away from the grip that Norsefire has on them. It also ridicules the destruction of buildings that were of value to the Norsefire government. 2c) Why do you think that the Norsefire government has censored and banned certain types of books, art objects, films, and popular songs from the past? Censoring and banning items is generally associated with dictatorship. The Norsefire government uses censorship to promote a flattering image of themselves and to remove any information that goes against them. They do this to control their people. Norsefire uses these dictatorship techniques for their own benefit. It restrains the opposition, broadcasting only a particular point of view. Individual liberty is severely cut short by censoring and banning certain elements from the past. Censorship changed the society from being open to now being a closed one. It resembles a totalitarian society. It is used to control the actions and thoughts of the citizens, to make the public into an obedient, thoughtless crowd who does not even see that there is anything

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V for Vendetta Analysis Essay

Evey Character Analysis Throughout the graphic novel V for Vendetta, Evey Hammond, one of the main characters of the story, undergoes many changes. At the beginning of the novel, Evey is a sixteen–year–old girl doing what she can to survive on her own under the Norsefire regime, but by the end of the novel, she is intent on creating a new and better world. Most of the changes Evey experiences in the story are brought about by the things V causes her to experience, he doesn't directly tell her much but instead leads her in her learning so she can come to her own conclusions and grow as a person. The biggest change Evey experiences in the novel is when V kidnaps and tortures her while pretending to be a government agent as well as giving her the note from Valerie that he received while in a similar situation. V does this to Evey to make her stronger and only lets her go when she refuses to give up her integrity. V speaks of the two faces of anarchy, saying there is both a creator and a destroyer, from the novel we can see that V is the destroyer and he sees Evey as the one to become the creator, after which time the destroyer is needed no more. We see towards the end of the novel after that only after V, the destroyer, dies can the creator, Evey, take over. At the start of V for Vendetta, Evey accidentally propositions a Fingerman, the Fingerman and some of his cronies trap her and intend to rape her before V comes to her rescue. After V saves her, he takes Evey to watch Get

Evey In V For Vendetta
Character Analysis Of
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During class, we focused on three events, which not only impacts history but also influences the setting and story of the graphic novel V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. The three events focused on in class include Guy Fawkes' Day, Fascism, and medical experiments. Currently, this event is celebrated on the fifth of November by burning a dummy of Fawkes.

Guy Fawkes' Day tells the story of the failed assassination of King James. Catholics are upset because of King James' intolerance towards Catholics. So, thirteen Catholics strategize a plan to plow up parliament. Fawkes is in charge of the explosion, but he is caught, tortured, and educated and the plan ultimately fails. This event contributes to our understanding of the novel,

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V For Vendetta

Close Viewing Essay:

In the film V for Vendetta, the director, James McTeigue transport the viewers into a dystopian future where England is under tyrannical rule. McTeigue uses a range of film techniques such as Cinematography and dialogue to help illustrate the themes and messages of hope of a better future. This was seen in the two scenes the Domino effect and the marching scene. In the first scene the Domino effect Cinematography was used effectively to help portray the idea and theme of hope for a better future. The film then cuts to several other flashback scenes with Detective Finch narrating in the background and V continuing to place Dominos when finally the camera does a low angle shot of V's finger knocking over the dominos to start the chain of domino's falling. The camera does a bird's eye view of dominos falling while cutting to scenes of chaos and riots against the oppressive government, when finally the dominos stop falling leaving only one piece left standing which the camera does a mid–angle shot of V inspecting the domino. The director uses cinematography in the domino effect scene to show how each domino was an event which leads to the downfall of the government. McTeigue does this by using a long shot on the chancellor to show how oppressive and powerful he is and a bird's eye view of...show more content... However the first scene McTeigue uses cinematography to show chaos and in the second scene he uses cinematography to show unity. This helps show the idea of hope for a better future as in the second scene we see a close up shot of the domino that didn't fall over in the first scene when V knocks the dominos over, on the counter of the lever in the second scene. This helps represent to the audience that the final domino will not fall from V's hands but from someone else who will live that future as pulling the lever will blow up

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V For Vendetta Essay

V. The man behind the mask, the father figure, and the killer is now gone but he never revealed a face of full heroism or villainy features. Being a hero, vigilante, or villain helps enhance the view on a specific character. In the comic book, "V for Vendetta", the character V constructs events in the story that describe neither heroism or villainy features, which helps creates the thought of him becoming a vigilante. With the idea of V being a vigilante, it helps highlight the event of V holding Evey in jail and him helping the citizens escape Norsefire. However, many people do believe that V is either ahero or a villain. Throughout the story, V explores the idea that he may be a villain through the events of him holding Evey in "jail". While...show more content...

A vigilante can occasionally be described through multiple faces. Given that, V specifies in the story that the government, is an anarchy it helps describe what he is trying to avenge. He then states that he believes an anarchy "wears two faces, both creator and destroyer." (248/1) By suggesting this he may be comparing the government to himself wearing different faces. His multiple faces represent that he never consists of just one type of characteristic but of many features created by a vigilante. In the comic book, V's discusses with Evey his thoughts of the government and states that he believes it "is chaos" (195/7). Since V's character believes that there is something wrong but also wants to help is clearly classified as a vigilante. Source A states that "fictional vigilantes directly inspire real vigilantes" (paragraph 2) proposing that V is the fictional vigilante that is inspiring Evey throughout the story to becoming the real vigilante once he is gone. With this in mind, it also becomes clear that V knew his harsh and brutal actions against Norsefire where to benefit him by creating a similar character to take his place once he leaves. The actions taken by V throughout the story give the reader a clear view of his vigilante

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Examples Of Heroism In V For Vendetta

Theme Of V For Vendetta

In the graphic comic "V for Vendetta", V is a masked anarchist fighting for justice by attacking the government and the people who have done him wrong in the past. He lures the fascist party out of the shadows and encourages citizens to take charge and change their way of life. This novel reveals many controversial themes: anarchy, revenge, power of symbols and freedom, the factors that make up a great comic. The sources I found were very reliable and easy to understand although it did take me awhile to find them. After two days of looking for sources I found one that provided a summary of the comic, quotes, themes and character analysis. I read the comic on a website which had a variety of many others. It was very helpful but I needed more information and a better understanding of the story so I came across litcharts.com. It was basically the only website I used to get all the information for my essay. After an hour of researching I decided to write my paper over the themes of V for Vendetta, which were plenty enough to write a five page essay. Litcharts gave me quotes from each theme found in the comic and the page number. Although I am only using two sources I am confident of the information I have gathered for this essay. V for Vendetta takes place in England, mid 1990s and illustrates flashbacks to the 1980s. The government is taking over life for the citizens and things are not going to change. A radio station is broadcasting nonstop with one voice the people can

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The story "V For Vendetta" was a comic written by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. It was about a gentlemen that was a prisoner in a concentration camp. He had a vendetta against the workers of the camps. Right before the parliament building was blown up V saved a girl named Evey Hammond from the fingermen of parliament that were going to beat and rape her. He saved her and told her that it was him that blew the building up. He took her to his home and let her stay there while he went to attacked other members of parliament on the train. He took the voice of the radio, the fate, and his dolls that the fate collected and blew the dolls up and devastated him into a trance. The country then went into a shock to hear that the voice on the radio was

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V For Vendetta

"V for Vendetta" is a movie about freedom, about human struggle against the state, the government of the sacrifice of a symbol. V for Vendetta was born from the successful combination of a sudden, seemingly incongruous things: out of the comic's conventions and the anti–globalization pathos. I think this movie is a combination of the of Lewis Carroll's abstract absurdity and George Orwell's totalitarian nightmare. Alice meets with Hitler. Evey dressed up and went out on a date, but instead of rabbit hole, she found the black "funnel". Once the British had already made a movie "It Happened Here," an alternative fantasy on the theme of the Nazi's occupation of England – now the enemy did not come from outside but from the inside. In the near future, England is living under a power of tyrant, neurotic clown with flabby face. Supreme Chancellor autocratically governed the country. Bishops are concerned about the moral health of the nation. People are constantly live in fear of external threat after the tragic virus attacks a few years ago. Every person sentenced to death if he keeps a Koran. Same thing for the "unnatural" sex. There was nothing else to be executed for;...show more content...

We constantly observe jerky, nightmarish flashbacks as if these flashbacks returned erased memory of the country. It all started very casually, very recognizable to anyone who lives at the beginning of the XXI century, no matter where in England or Russia. The anti–terrorist hysteria. Fear of "others." The terrorist attack that occurred at the right time and in the right place; As a result of "Islamists" chemical attack thousands of people got killed. The first victims were children in provincial schools. They didn't know that what killed them was poison that escaped from a secret government lab. Following the wave of patriotism, a strong–looking leader with shaking hands comes to power to protect his

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Essay On V For Vendetta

The film "V for Vendetta" directed by James McTeigue is set in Britain london . The director's purpose in making this film is to explore the idea of dystopian where people live in terror and extremely bad conditions to live with and totalitarianism where people are in absolute control by the state or a governing branch of a highly centralized institution. This idea has links to the theme of fascism and criticism where people are controlled by government which is led by a dictator. The director successfully explores this idea throughout the scene. In this scene where V gives his revolutionary speech the director uses five different aspects to make this scene more important in the film. These five techniques that are used to make a good impression...show more content...

The dialogue used throughout the scene was powerful and strong an example of this was when v was giving his revolutionary speech the words in his speech were strong especially when he says this ВЁwhile the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation, words will always retain their power. Words offer the means to meaning, and for those who will listen, the enunciation of truth. And the truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there? Cruelty and injustice, intolerance and oppression.ВЁ! The audiences in the film listening to the broadcast were affected by this powerful words that there stopped what their were doing in their daily life and stopped to listen what V had to say. The directors purpose was to get a message across to the audiences that people will stand up with you if you are going against what's not right such as in the movie when officer Finch let Evey release the train because he know what the government was doing was not right

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V For Vendetta

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