Creative Spaces Vol. 3 Sneak Peek

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Vol. 3


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Display until August 18, 2014


Clever DIY Storage, Organization, and Décor Projects

Vol. 3

Editor’s Note : : 7






DIY DÉCOR : : 115


: : 123


Cr eati ve Spaces Vol . 3


P aper Craft s & Scr a p b o o king kin g


“It makes me smile whenever “Give yourself permission

I walk past it.”

to enjoy the challenge

–Haeley Giambalvo

and embrace the space.” –Becky Olsen

Editor's Note

“My space allows me to be me, express myself, and just be “It’s a space to get my creative juices flowing.”

comfortable in my own skin.” –Stephenie Hamen

–Kelli Mullins

To some, a creative space is all about the feeling it evokes. Others have a purpose, like sharing time with family and crafty friends or conceiving the next great “I had so much fun designing and putting together this happy space.” –Lina Darnell

idea for a blog post. Oftentimes, it’s the thrill of the chase in designing and decorating a functional room with beloved treasures that’s most appealing. But no matter how large, small, organized, eclectic, soothing, vibrant, functional, or funky your space is, the most important part is that it’s yours and reflects your personality and needs. In addition to the Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking magazine

“It’s sort of an old, highly

editorial office (turn the page and take a peek!), you’ll

organized mercantile, but

find 25 additional spaces belonging to DIY bloggers,

with a punch of color.”

paper crafters and scrapbookers, and companies that

–Cathe Holden

produce many of your favorite crafting products. So savor the details, make your list of ideas, and embrace your creative space.

“It’s still a family space, and my kids are always painting or drawing here.” –Beckie Farrant

Jennifer Schaerer Editor-in-chief

Cr eati ve Spaces Vol . 3


P aper Craft s & Scr a p b o o kin g


Storage Solution Guide Quickly find ideas on the pages listed below for organizing your favorite supplies using this easy-to-follow guide.

Crafting Supplies Adhesive: Die-cutting Machine: Dies: Embellishments: Embossing Powders: Ink: Paint: Patterned Paper/ Cardstock: Pencils/Pens/Markers/ Handheld Tools: Punches: Scissors: Spray Ink: Stamps: Washi Tape: Wrapping Paper:

38, 52 51, 61, 74 71 9, 18, 19, 25, 30, 37, 43, 45, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 62, 65, 69, 72, 73, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85, 87, 95, 100, 103, 108, 109, 111, 124, 128, 130 51 9, 51, 61, 111 23, 26, 31, 38, 45, 53, 112 17, 19, 26, 30, 43, 50, 51, 53, 59, 63, 65, 68, 73, 79, 80, 90, 128, 130 9, 14, 16, 25, 32, 39, 45, 48, 50, 51, 54, 56, 59, 61, 75, 80, 97, 108, 125, 130 19, 52, 55, 62, 76, 78, 85, 91, 108 14, 16, 23, 25, 32, 35, 45, 56, 69, 97, 108, 112 58, 111, 128 51, 60, 76, 84 25, 42, 45, 55, 71, 81, 85, 94, 97, 124, 124 9, 18, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 42, 45

Textiles Fabric: Sewing Machine: Thread: Twine/Jute/Yarn: Ribbon:

11, 31, 45, 53, 67, 83, 84, 98, 113 32, 40, 70, 72, 84 39, 45, 58, 70, 84 23, 25, 40, 42, 45, 54, 70, 76, 113 9, 19, 23, 39, 43, 54, 55, 62, 63, 65, 76, 82, 86, 111, 124, 130

Other Albums/Journals: Books/Magazines: Photos: Layout/Project Display:


P a pe r C r a f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . com

77, 79, 87, 91 17, 71 35, 126 18, 22, 27, 28, 33, 34, 41, 44, 45, 48, 49, 50, 53, 54, 55, 56, 58, 61, 64, 66, 67, 70, 74, 75, 77, 80, 83, 92, 94, 97, 98, 100

DIY BLOGGER SPACES These well-known crafty bloggers provide a feast for your DIY senses. Enjoy this look into their creative spaces for inspiration, ideas, and incentive to make it yourself.

Cr eati ve Spaces Vol . 3


P aper Craft s & Scra p b o o kin g


name: Cathe Holden city/state: Petaluma, CA blog:

“My “M y st stud udio ud io sty tyle l has alw le way ys be been en a bitt les esss de deli l ca li cate te and a bit mor ore e ma asc scul u in ul ne. It’s It ’ss sor o t of an ol old, d, hig ighl hly hl y or orga gani ga n ze ni zed d me merc rcan rc anti an tile ti le e, bu butt wi with th a pun unch ch of co olo lor. r. I’m ma b t ob bi obse sess se ssed ss ed wit ith h vi v nt ntag ag ge, e fun unky ky (bu butt mo most st alw lway ayss fu ay func ncti nc tion ti onal on al)) fi al f nd nds, s, and n you ou’l ’lll see se e my stu tudi dio di o re real ally al ly ref efle lect le ctss th ct that at.” at .””

Cathe designed these rustic aprons for class attendees to wear. The wings were made by Kirsten Goebel, a local artist, using reclaimed cedar shingles.

Photographer: Sam Breach,


P a pe r C r a f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . com

name: Lina Darnell city/state: Fresno, CA blog:

“ had so mu “I much ch fun n des e ig gni n ng and put utti ting ti ng tog oget ethe et herr th he this is hap is appy py spa pace ce.. I tr ce try y to do so some meth me t in th ing g cr crea eati ea tive ti ve eve very ry day and thi h s is a spa pace ce tha hatt in insp spir sp ires ires e me. My advi ad vice vi ce is to tak ake e th the e ti time me to cr crea eate ea te a spa pace ce tha hatt in insp spir sp i es you ir ou. Yo You u ca an de defi fiinite ni tely te ly do it on a sm smal alll bu al budg dget dg et.. Ge et Gett cr crea eati ea t ve and use thi ti hing ngss yo ng you u al alre read re ady ad y ha have ve to orga or g niize ga ze!” !”

Lina's space is proof that you can use found items to create the perfect crafting desk. This rescued headboard mounted on bookcases along with an added slab door takes on the look of a built-in cabinet with paint, molding, and pegboard.

Small decorative plates are perfect storage for messy paints and glues.

The blue zebra paper on the bookshelves ties together the color and pattern theme of the space.

Photographer: Scott Clark,


P ape r C r a f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . com

name: Jen Hadfield city/state: Sandy, UT blog:

“Hav “H a e yo av ou ev ever er fal alle len le n in lov o e wi with th a hou ouse se? se ? I fe fell ll in lo ove witth th his lit i tl tle e co cott ttag tt ag ge just ju st aro oun und d th the e co corn rner rn er fro rom m my hom ome. e It ha e. hass be been en so fu fun n to wor ork k on o it— t—tr t—tr t yi y ng to res e to tore re it to wha hatt it onc nce e wa was, s may s, aybe be eve ven n a li litt tttle bet ette terr th te than a it on an nce ce was as.” .”

Welcome to Jen Hadfield’s craft cottage. Built in 1905, this charming cottage has undergone a loving renovation by crafty Jen herself. No details were missed, from wood plank walls and high ceilings to repurposed furniture and a crisp white, yellow, and gray color combination throughout the entire home.

As the eyes are windows to the soul, so can the door and entryway be for your craft room or in this case, home. Set the stage with a cohesive look both inside and outside the room. Photographer: Symoni Johnson,


P a pe r C ra f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . com

PAPER CRAFTER SPACES For these creative souls, playing with paper to make cards and scrapbooks is a passion like none other. Take a peek at the ways they stay organized and ready for the next project.

Cr eati ve Spaces Vol . 3


P aper Craft s & Scrap b o o kin g


name: Jen Gallacher city/state: Spanish Fork, UT blog:

“My “M y da dad d iss an in inte teri te rior ri or des esig igne ig nerr wh ne who o lo love vess ju ve junk nkin nk ing in g as muc uch h as I do.. He' e'ss th the e one on e th hat tau augh ghtt me to su gh s rr rrou ound ou nd mys ysel elff wi el with th bea aut utif iful if ul thi hing ngs, ng s, and the gre reen en sh hel elvi ving vi ng uni nitt wa w s a gi gift ft fro rom m hi him. m. He an and d I of ofte ten te n vi visi sitt vi si vint ntag nt age ag e st stor ores or es and anti an tiqu ti q e sh qu s ops op ps to t fin ind d ne new w ittem emss to put in my hom ome. e.””

Mix inspiring items for a display that you enjoy, such as family photos, a mini cloche, and rubber stamps.

Don’t feel like you have to fill up every inch of available space. Keep your favorites in plain sight and store the rest.

Ph tog Pho tograp rapher rap he : Symo her ymoni n Joh ni Jo nso on, rre res essstu es stu sst tud tu diiio dio .c co c om om


P ape r C ra f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . co m

name: Stephenie Hamen city/state: Sun Prairie, WI blog:

“My “M y sp spac ac ce al allo lows lo ws me to t be me me,, ex expr p esss my pr myse self se lff, an and d ju ustt be co comf mfor mf o ta or t bl ble e in my ow wn sk skin in n. Cr Crea ea ati ting ng is no nott on only ly fun and rew ewar ardi ar ding di ng for me, e but at ti t me m s itt is th the e best be st the hera rapy ra py I can do. o Whe hen n I ha have v mom ve omen e ts of un en unce cert ce rttai a nt nty, y I rea y, ead d my misssi sion on stat st atem at em men e t an and d kn know ow tha hatt be bein ing in g tr true ue e to my myse self se lff and to th the e ar artt I am mak akin ing in g at the mome mo ment me nt is al alll th that at mat atte ters te rs.. It doe rs oesn sn’t sn ’t hav ave e to be go good od;; it jus od ustt ha hass to be ho hone nest ne st.” st .”

Being the only girl in a house of boys, Stephenie knew she wanted a pretty yet artistic and bright space that fits her personality. As a content marketing manager for Fiskars, the space had to be functional with areas for all the different types of crafting and art she creates. Also an admitted dabbler, effective storage was very important along with proper surfaces and room for her boys to hang out.

Photog Pho tograp tog ra her rap her:: Symo Symo ym ni Joh Johnso nso son, n, ressstu n, udio .co com m


P a pe r C r a f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . com

name: Michelle Hill city/state: Carlsbad, CA blog: and

“I alw lway ayss te ay tell ll peo eopl p e to pl t jus ustt be beco come co me you ur fa fami mily mi ly y arc rchi hivi hi vist vi st.. St st Star artt on the ar kitc ki tche tc hen he n ta tabl b e if nee bl eed d be be,, an and d th then en you can mov ove e on fro rom m th ther ere! er e!”” e!

Since Sin ce she co consi nsider nsi derss hers der hers erself er elf a ver very y orga orga ganiz niz ized ed d person per son,, Mich son Mich ichell elle ell e knew knew sh she e want want anted ed a “hom home” e e” for ev every erythi ery thing thi ng to mak make e clea clea leanup nup ea easy sy and fa fast. st.

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P ape r C r a f ts a nd S cra p b ook ing . com

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Paper Crafts & Scrapbooking magazine brings you the best in paper crafting—the he latest trends, newest techniques, and brandandnew tips—all in an easy-to-read, digital format arriving every month! In each issue, you’ll ďŹ nd: s .EW 0ROJECTS AND )DEAS s 3TAMP )T 4ECHNIQUES s %XPERT ADVICE FROM OUR 'O TO 'ALS AND -/2% D -/2%




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