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Change of Classes, Substitution and Dropping of Subject

 No student shall be registered later than the date specified in the

Academic calendar, except under reasonable and justifiable circumstances to be determined by the Dean concerned who then makes his recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, but not to exceed six (6) class hours.  A PAP student may be allowed to cross-register in another school, with the prior approval of the Dean and the Registrar, if the subject is not offered in PAP.  No cross enrollee from another institution shall be admitted without a written permit from the registrar. The Permit shall state the total number of units for which the student is registered and the subject/s that he/she is authorized to take in the school.



 Transfer to another class may be allowed only with the approval of the

College Dean concerned, who shall advise the Registrar's Office for proper recording.  No substitution shall be allowed for major and mandated subjects prescribed in the curriculum in which the student has failed, except when, in the opinion of the College Dean, the proposed substitute subject is substantively similar in subject matter to the required subject.

Substitution of subjects may be approved in any one of the following cases:

- A curriculum has been superseded by a new one and the substitution tends to bring the old curriculum in line with the new one. However, in case, of curricular revision, the student follows the curriculum he/she was enrolled in while in the first year. - There is conflict of schedule between required subjects. - The required subject is not offered.

Petition for substitution of subjects should:

Be within the same department if possible; or the proposed substitute must be allied to the one being substituted.

Contain the same number of units.

Be recommended by the Teacher adviser and approved by the Dean.

Be submitted to the office of the Dean during the registration period or before the opening of classes.

Be acted upon by the College Dean/Director concerned. In case the petition is disapproved, the student may appeal to the VP Academic

Affairs, who will give the final decision.

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