7 minute read
Vision, Mission Statement, Goals, Core Values
from Student Handbook
by papnagacebu
The Professional Academy of the Philippines envisions: highly competent and ethically-driven individuals whose strengths are drawn from academic excellence and enhanced skills; whose weaknesses are developed through professionalism; a leading educational institution in innovation through research for the achievement of personal and organizational goals; an empowered community through motivation, inspiration and care.
The Professional Academy of the Philippines is fully committed to provide the best and most advanced academic programs; state-ofthe-art facilities; research-oriented environment; and relevant and sustainable community extension programs that will lead to the holistic transformation of the individual, organization and the society.
G1. Upgraded, Relevant, Quality Curriculum G2. Innovative Instructional Methodologies G3. Complete, Modernized & Scientific Facilities G4. Adherence to Research Culture G5. Relevant Community Projects in Partnership with Stakeholders G6. Continuous Improvement of Services Geared towards Community Empowerment.
Integrity, Service, Merit, and reflective thought and action. Involve our community in sustaining and safeguarding our environment. Interact through honest, respectful and open communication. Acknowledge and celebrate our differences and encourage empathy, compassion, understanding and respect for human dignity.
Succeed collectively as well as individually, achieving our personal best in all aspects of school life.
Maintain a healthy balance in the time devoted to work, rest and recreation. Live our lives positively, joyfully and ethically. From these powerful words, we derive our School-wide Learning.
The College of Computer Studies envisions itself as the dominant provider of quality IT-based education; a training ground that prepares students to become world-class IT professionals who are potential leaders and job providers in an IT-enabled nation; and as a responsive environment that enriches and enhances research and community service.
The College of Computer Studies is committed to: continuously instill timely knowledge and expertise through providing quality Information Technology education; embark in lifelong learning to attune to the continuous innovation in the IT industry in order to adapt to the changing demands of the global market; continually seek, introduce and utilize emerging technologies to be able to advance a discipline that promotes academic excellence and professionalism; engage in research and skills development programs that generate new knowledge applications for effective practice of the IT profession; and, facilitate activities that uplift the social and economic status of the graduates and the community with emphasis on utilization and application of computer technologies and attainment of global competitiveness.
Goal1: Relevant, Innovative, and High Quality Information Technology Education Goal2: Enhanced Professional Competence of the IT Faculty Goal3: Adoption of Technology-Enabled Processes Goal4: Information Literacy and Workforce Preparedness Goal5: Advanced Technological Innovations Goal6: Frontiers of Computer Research and Development Goal7: Sustainable Community Extension Programs Goal8: Globally Competitive IT Professionals
Core Values
I – Innovation (Innovatus)
We encourage creative and critical thinking in the development of technology services and solutions.
C – Collaboration (Collaborare)
We believe in working together, participating, sharing, staying involved, and consensus building.
T – Transformation (Transformatio)
We envision a transformed world where the society is given the opportunity to redefine the way individuals conduct their everyday lives through information technology.
The PAP Criminology Forensic Investigation and Law Enforcement Academy envisions being a Center of Excellence that provides the most advanced and innovative instructions to holistically develop and empower the students in Criminal Justice System become academic, research, and community service oriented.
The PAP Criminology Forensic Investigation and Law Enforcement Academy shall produce competent Criminologists with scientific knowledge and skills in the field of Law Enforcement and Criminalistics and be fully committed to a sustainable community extension program and enrich with research-oriented environment to ensure global excellence.
Goals and Objectives
1. Develop students’ technical and scientific skills through research and training pertaining to forensic science. 2. Apply the values of leadership, integrity, accountability, responsibility, and with courtesy while serving the community. 3. Promote professionalism in the practice of criminology. 4. Initiate work profieciency and creativity in community-based services.
Core Values
C – courtesy R – responsibility I – integrity M – management E – excellence S – service
A model learner-centered institution where relevant knowledge and skills are developed enthusiastically and exceedingly improving through research work and extension service in response to the needs of the global community.
To ensure quality instruction, research and community extension services for the total development of practicing professionalism and in meeting the demands of the local, national, and global communities.
Goals and Objectives
The College of Education aims to: 1. prepare prospective teachers who are competent and confident in handling different subject areas in the secondary schools; 2. equip and process the knowledge and basic skills to conduct research work and extension service as well as to opportunities to develop selfconfidence and reliance as part of their training in the teaching profession; 3. guide the students to become advocate of high moral integrity and values among Filipinos; 4. recognize and value the nature needs and problem of the teachinglearning environment through curricular development, information and communication technology; and 5. contribute to the national, regional, and local efforts of building and supplying competent teachers capable of responding to the demands of the country.
Core Values
Anchored on the vision that serves as a cornerstone in building a strong foundation, we collectively commit to our core values of: INTEGRITY – a strong sense of ethics based on an appreciation of every person that leads one to act with honor and respect. EXCELLENCE – steadily working on ensuring superior quality in all fields of interest; smartly practicing academic freedom to enhance academic offerings and promote thinking and creative problem solving; new innovations in teaching; thoughtful research and relevant extension services to the community. STUDENT FOCUS – support the professional and personal growth of all students by promoting lifelong learning and leadership development. ETHICS and DIGNITY – committed to the highest standards of honesty, fairness, respect, and professional activity. SOLIDARITY – a sense of unity with all persons who strive for the common good marked with trust, respect for the needs and competencies of those we work with and for.
The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management envisions to cultivate students to become high caliber professionals through quality education, hospitality, and service, preparing them to thrive in and contribute to an ever changing global society with a responsive environment that enriches and enhances research and community service.
The School of Hospitality and Tourism Management prepares students to become successful professionals within a global society with a responsive environment that enriches and enhances research by providing studentcentered teaching that emphasizes on innovative, engaging, and challenging coursework; student-industry cooperative experiences; industrial government and academic partnerships for immediate career success.
In pursuing its vision and mission, the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management is guided by the following goals: 1. Enhance faculty’s academic and industrial expertise that provides students with an educational experience reinforced with application-based learning;
2. Provide students with relevant hands-on experience coupled with broad education and awareness of skills and attitude to prepare them for responsible leadership roles in the hospitality industry; 3. Develop employability skills through the use of competent programs and activities to become hospitality professionals with outstanding skills; 4. Develop sustainable community extension programs. 5. Enrich and enhance research activities among students and faculty.
Core Values
H – hospitality O – optimism T – tenacity E – excellence L – leadership
The Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering degree program envisions to produce graduates who possess a strong technical background as well as analytical , critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills that enable them to excel as professionals; contributing to a variety of engineering roles within the various fields of electrical engineering and the high-tech industry; and becoming responsible members of the community.
We aim to provide a comprehensive program of instruction that will enable graduates to obtain the knowledge and skills necessary for gainful employment and continued advancement in the field of electrical engineering.
Goals and Objectives
The College of Engineering program specific outcomes for graduates include: a) Professional Skills Utilize the knowledge of electrical engineering in collaboration with power systems and power generation in innovative, dynamic and challenging environment, as well as for research-based teamwork.