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Welcome To the Home of Pangea Publications. Alchemy is the craft that makes you transform, its repetition makes knowledge new. Images are anarchic by nature because they are always subject to interpretation, never the same image is the image, never the same action is the action, never the same route has an ending. PANGEA PUBLICATIONS AN ARCHIVE / GALLERY / STUDIES IN THE FORMS OF DIGITAL BOOKS In the computer screen, there is this sense, this emotion, that it is different than in the original drawing. You can navigate its surface, discover details, recognize the source of construction, and see the impact of the pencil or brush, leaving a scar on the paper. It is like seeing the work with a microscope, communication is more direct and personal, images are entering your personal space, not a public one. MYSTIFARIAN - THE ONE WHO CREATE MYTHS / LEGENDS / FABLE / FAIRY TALE / SAGA / PARABLE / ALLEGORY / IDEALIZED CONCEPTIONS / AND GIVE LIES AND TRUTHS TO FICTION