==== ==== Click here to discover how to Learn Violin Fast: http://www.learnviolinfast.com ==== ====
If you've been interested in the violin for some time, you probably feel pretty intimidated by it. I mean most of us get our experience of the violin listening to classical music. We probably think of Mozart or Beethoven. But regardless of where you are right now, I'd like to show you how to learn violin. I want to show you how to learn violin so that it is not intimidating or difficult. And why should I show you how to play the violin? Because I've been playing the violin or fiddle for a little while now and I've used some of the best teach yourself violin programs out there. So my experience I think will help. So my first order of business is to make sure that you get over the intimidation. Think of the violin as a fiddle if that helps. They are pretty much the same instrument for all intents and purposes. The word fiddle is more about a style of playing than the instrument. Think of all those really fun and upbeat Irish pub songs and you'll be eager to learn to play the fiddle. Relax and take a deep breath and realise that playing the violin is no harder than learning to play something like the guitar. Let's get to it with my 3 secrets on how to learn violin easily. The first thing you need to do is find a violin or fiddle to play with. This is how to choose violin that will get you started. Find a good used instrument from the bargain finder or Craigslist or somewhere like that. Getting a violin to practice with shouldn't cost you more than $100 to $300. You don't want a high end one to start with because if you find that you just don't enjoy the violin then you'll be able to sell your second hand instrument for about what you paid for it. The next thing you need to do in learning to play the violin is to find a good teacher. I would suggest that you meet with around 3 violin teachers to get a feel for someone you like. Their credentials at this point as you're just starting out are not that important. What is important is how the two of you get along. So look for a violin teacher who you like and who you think would teach you in a style you'd enjoy. My last tip on how to learn violin is of course to practice. This is probably the most important aspect of becoming good at anything. In the beginning, just set a timer for 15 minutes, but do that every day and within a few months, you will be playing some fiddle music. I'd also recommend that you get a home study program to help you, especially as you get a little more comfortable with the musical instrument. Learning to play the violin at home can really expedite your learning. There you have it friends. 3 secrets to making the most out of your violin learning. I told you how to learn violin would be easy. But you're going to have to pay a bit of money and you're going to have to put in the sweat equity. But you can do it, if you practice both the violin and your patience.
I've been playing violin for a while now and I found a great program that helped me quickly get better. Check it out at teach yourself violin and find your muse!