lactose free foods

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==== ==== Click here to discover the solution for Lactose Intolerance: ==== ====

A person is intolerant to lactose when his body finds it difficult to digest milks sugars from dairy products. This is because the digestive system does not have enough lactase to break down the sugars into simpler components. The results are abdominal pains and even diarrhea. The only to avoid the abdominal problems caused by lactase deficiency that leads to lactose intolerance is to get your supply of milk and dairy products lactose free. Lactose-free formulas are made from cow's milk and thus contain cow's milk protein but they are refined to remove the lactose content and replace it with a different carbohydrate. But remember that lactose-free formulas derived from cow's milk do not work for babies who are allergic to milk. It is best for use instead as an alternative for babies who are lactose intolerant. Different lactose-free formulas. When you decide which type of formula you want for your baby, it pays to understand what makes each type different. For example, infant formulas contain different classifications of sugar and protein. Many of the regular iron-fortified infant formulas are made with lactose and protein derived from cow's milk. Infants that don't breastfeed exclusively should be given this kind of milk. If your children are those that don't tolerate lactose or protein from cow's milk, you have an option of soy formulas which are also lactose-free and sources of protein from soya beans. There are also basic formulas that are lactose-free and are made with hydrolysate proteins. These are easy to digest for infants with protein allergies. Forms of formulas. When choosing a formula, you will also have to decide if you would like to buy your formula as a powder or concentrated liquid, which you will have to mix, or a ready-to-feed or ready-to-use formula. In general, ready to feed formula, while more convenient, are more expensive. Powder formula is usually the least expensive. You can also buy some brands of formula as single-serve powder packets, which are premeasured to make a 4-ounce bottle for each preparation. If you have a family history of food allergies or formula intolerance, you might choose to start your baby off with a soy or elemental formula if you do not want to breastfeed. Lactose free formulas are made without lactose, but do have cow's milk proteins in them. Infants are not usually thought to be born with a lactose intolerance, so these formulas are usually not needed.

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